TPW :: Volume #8

#704: Tangled warfare

Prepares to suffer to death!” Zhao Jian sneers, the figure in a flash, in the hand the long halberd the gray light greatly is suddenly bright. “准备受死!”赵戬冷笑一声,身形一晃,手中长戟蓦然间灰光大亮。 In the meantime, in Shi Mu heart fierce urges the law to decide, about the both arms transfer the shining white jet black color suddenly, chaos gray lights spread from his both hands. 就在此时,石牧心中猛的一催法决,左右双臂蓦然转为莹白漆黑之色,一道道混沌灰光从其双手之上蔓延而出。 After these white crystal line contacts these gray lights, silver rays of light gradually the tarnish, breaks. 那些白色晶线接触到那些灰光之后,银色光芒才逐渐变暗,断裂开来。 However Shi Mu both hands just left the fetter, but also works loose without enough time completely, in the Zhao Jian hand the gray light by the long halberd that wrapped has been away from its chest place less than two zhang (3.33 m). 然而石牧双手刚刚脱出束缚,还来不及完全挣脱,赵戬手中被灰光包裹的长戟已距离其心口处不足两丈了。 The Shi Mu during technique secret art pinches again and again, the whole body water blue light glow is greatly bright, water armor appears immediately, protects it. 石牧手中法诀连连掐动,周身水蓝光芒大亮,一层水甲立即浮现而出,将其护住。 Meanwhile, on the blue crystal streamer rays of light flashes, flies to the Shi Mu body side, condenses the Sandaoshui blue ice wall before its one after another. 与此同时,蓝晶幡上光芒闪动,也飞至石牧身侧,在其身前接连凝聚出三道水蓝冰墙。 But in the Shi Mu chest and belly vital part, on the flesh also has misty azure light to flash, appears to make a debut to say the wooden trace. 而在石牧的胸腹要害处,肌肤上也有濛濛青光闪动,浮现出道道木质纹路。 The Shi Mu eye is staring at Zhao Jian stubbornly, saw in its behind gray light to congeal Giant Ape shadow, both hands empty grasps to puncture the long halberd along with Zhao Jian together. 石牧眼睛死死盯着赵戬,就见其身后灰光之中凝出一头巨猿虚影,双手虚握着随赵戬一同将长戟刺了过来。 Bang bang bang “砰砰砰” The sounds of three disruption resound one after another, the long halberd state-of-art gray light flashes, breaks open the water-blue ice wall directly, pricked in Shi Mu chest front water armor. 三道碎裂之声接连响起,长戟尖端灰光闪动,径直破开水蓝冰墙,刺入了石牧胸前的水甲中。 Shi Mu chest front blue color rays of light, like the wave drastic fluctuation, the huge impulse will decompose generally layer upon layer. 石牧胸前蓝色光芒,如同水波一般剧烈波动起来,将巨大的冲击力层层分解开来。 Does to the strength above long halberd to be powerful, and there is a chaos gray light to be auxiliary, water armor cannot resist eventually, also disrupts. 奈何长戟之上的力道过于强大,且有混沌灰光辅助,水甲终究抵挡不住,也随之碎裂开来。 Shi Mu only thinks that a great strength just like moves mountains to well up generally toward the chest, then a severe pain, in the mouth stuffy snort/hum, the body flew upside down to fall. 石牧只觉一股巨力犹如排山倒海一般朝胸口涌来,接着一阵剧痛,口中闷哼一声,身子倒飞着摔了出去。 The chest front front piece broken fragmentation, revealed the dripping with blood chest. 其胸前衣襟破裂成碎片,露出了鲜血淋漓的胸膛。 The Shi Mu corners of the mouth drip the next blood, partly supports the body to stand up from the ground, chest place azure rays of light flashes unceasingly. 石牧嘴角淌下一丝鲜血,半撑着身子从地面上站起,胸膛处青色光芒不断闪动。 Passed the moment, his chest place mobile blood stops quickly, the wound also gradually returned to the original condition. 过了片刻,其胸膛处流动的鲜血很快止住,伤口也逐渐恢复了原状。 „, Your profound merit has cultivated plants the degree hence, that keeps you to be serious!” Zhao Jian looks at the Shi Mu chest front azure light, coldly said. “没想到,你的玄功已修至此种程度,那就更留你不得了!”赵戬看着石牧胸前的青光,冷冷说道。 Shi Mu long exhales the one breath, without the speech, in both eyes shines together bright light. 石牧长呼出一口气,没有说话,双目之中亮起一道精光 the next moment, its whole body shines eye-catching golden light suddenly, the flesh upturns the piece of flake gold scale, behind huge Totem shadow appears, eight snake high holding up the head skulls, are staring at Zhao Jian stubbornly. 下一刻,其周身骤然亮起夺目金光,肌肤之上翻起片片金鳞,身后巨大的图腾虚影浮现而出,八道蛇首高高昂着头颅,死死地盯着赵戬 The strength in within the body Totem boils unceasingly, Shi Mu aura increases layer upon layer, is close to Saint Rank infinitely. 体内图腾之力不断沸腾,石牧身上的气息层层攀升,无限接近于圣阶 Zhao Jian looks at this, the brow is more pressed is tighter, in the hand is gripping tightly the long halberd, the whole body gray light is getting more and more bright. 赵戬看着这一幕,眉头越蹙越紧,手中紧握着长戟,周身灰光越来越亮。 The Shi Mu vision locks Zhao Jian, the figure moves forward, behind eight snake move simultaneously, from goes toward the Zhao Jian tear and bite in all directions. 石牧目光锁定赵戬,身形向前一动,身后八道蛇首同时一动,从四面八方朝着赵戬撕咬而去。 Zhao Jian sees the escape route to be blocked by the Totem snake shadow, does not have the retreat leeway again, steps forward unexpectedly forward, welcomes Shi Mu to face directly on. 赵戬见退路被图腾蛇影封死,再无后退余地,竟然向前跨出,迎着石牧直面而上。 Come good!” “来的好!” Shi Mu shouts out, sonorous a sound, pulled out Ruyi Supreme Iron Stick. 石牧大喝一声,“铿锵”一响,将如意镔铁棍拔了出来。 On the high-quality iron iron rod shines ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) rays of light suddenly, the body of Shi Mu was obstructed to reflect. 镔铁棍上骤然亮起万丈光芒,连带石牧的身子都被遮映进去。 Sees only on the high-quality iron iron rod shining, ten thousand golden glow erupt suddenly, pounds down toward the Zhao Jian overhead. 只见镔铁棍上流光溢彩,万道金芒骤然爆发,朝着赵戬当头砸下。 In the Zhao Jian mouth explodes drinks unceasingly, the behind Giant Ape shadow congealing reality, face upwards to angrily roar, both hands raises, in the hand appears a gray light long halberd, lifts horizontally is defending to go toward that piece of golden light hardly. 赵戬口中爆喝不断,身后巨猿虚影更加凝实,仰天怒吼一声,双手擎起,手中浮现出一杆灰光长戟,横举着朝那片金光硬捍而去。 Bang a loud sound, the trim mountain forest follows to shake fiercely. “轰隆”一声巨响,整片山林都跟着剧烈一震。 Sees only in midair big piece golden color rays of light such as the essence, is surging fiercely, that said that Giant Ape shadow extrudes one group of gray lights, subsequently disrupts. 只见半空中大片金色光芒如化实质,剧烈涌动着,将那道巨猿虚影重新挤压成一团灰光,继而碎裂开来。 The Zhao Jian whole body blood spurted to fly upside down crazily, after breaking by smashing with stone ten several old trees, fell into the mountain forest. 赵戬周身鲜血狂喷着倒飞了出去,在砸断了十数棵古树后,摔入了山林中。 Shi Mu falls from midair, the strength of Totem diverges slowly, body sways. 石牧半空中落下,图腾之力缓缓散去,身子一阵摇晃。 In his hand turns out two top grade Spirit Stone immediately, gripping tightly, rapidly is restoring. 其手中立即翻出两块极品灵石,紧紧握着,快速恢复起来。 At this moment, in the mountain forest shines one group of bright azure rays of light suddenly, all covered a surrounding area ten zhang (3.33 m) range. 就在这时,山林之中突然亮起一团明亮的青色光芒,将方圆十丈的范围全都笼罩了进去。 Shi Mu looks immediately toward that side, sees Zhao Jian of blood float in midair, the whole body is common like wooden, the chest appears somewhere azure cauldron shadow. 石牧立即朝那边望去,就见一身鲜血的赵戬悬浮在半空中,周身如同木质一般,胸口某处浮现出一只青鼎虚影 The boundless old tree within that ten zhang (3.33 m) range vibrates in abundance, azure wooden essence then leave from the average, was only azure in cauldron shadow to well up toward that. 那十丈范围内的苍莽古树纷纷抖动起来,一股股青色的木之精气从中流转而出,朝着那只青鼎虚影中涌了过去。 However in a minute, surges the wooden essence that comes, in the azure cauldron surrounding crazy rotation, formed huge azure vortex, crazier seizes the periphery wooden essence. 不过片刻,涌动而来的木之精气,就在青鼎周围疯狂转动,形成了一道巨大的青色漩涡,更加疯狂的攫取起来周围的木之精气。 By azure light, Shi Mu sees Zhao Jian injury, recovered at the visible speed unexpectedly fast, cannot see the least bit scar again. 透过青光,石牧就看到赵戬身上的伤势,竟然以肉眼可见的速度快速复原了,再也看不到半点伤痕。 But in region that at the same time, that piece of azure light covers, the big piece old tree towering to the skies also transferred the withered and yellow color fast, does not have least bit life-force again. 而与此同时,那片青光覆盖的区域中,大片参天古树也都快速转为了枯黄之色,再无半点生机 As the Zhao Jian figure falls to the ground, the trees within that ten zhang (3.33 m) range, are reduced to ashes. 随着赵戬的身形重新落地,那十丈范围内的树木,一齐化为了灰烬。 Originally profound merit four revolutions of Great Accomplishment can unexpectedly so!” In the Shi Mu heart shocks, muttered. “原来玄功四转大成竟能如此!”石牧心中震惊不已,喃喃自语道。 However in Shi Mu and Zhao Jian fight is inextricably involved, above a not far away open area void fluctuation same place, then big piece rune appears baseless, condenses mysterious teleportation law formation in white rays of light glittering. 然而就在石牧赵戬斗得难分难解之际,不远处一处空地上方的虚空波动一起,接着大片符文凭空浮现,在白色光芒闪烁中凝聚成一个玄奥的传送法阵 Shi Mu and Zhao Jian complexion changes, flutters behind to draw back respectively, the vision stares at that to locate law formation simultaneously. 石牧赵戬脸色一变,各自飘身后退,目光同时盯着那处法阵 Under two people of gazes, in law formation a person's shadow flower, presents high three short four person's shadows all of a sudden. 在二人的注视下,法阵之中人影一花,一下子出现一高三矮四个人影。 Four people are divided into two groups, side is three Originating Dust Sect disciple who wears the purple robe. 四人分成两拨,一边是三个身穿紫袍的离尘宗弟子。 These three people of Shi Mu recognize completely, is actually Mo Lin Hui, Shui Fengyue, the Mo Huchong three Heaven Rank Late Stage disciples. 这三人石牧全部认得,却是莫吝悔,水封月,万虎从三名天位后期弟子。 Another side is a whole body is covering the jet black Demon Qi big form, is actually a Black Demon Clan expert, lent the huge aura, cultivation base reached the Heaven Rank peak impressively. 另一边是一个周身笼罩着漆黑魔气的高大身影,却是一个黑魔族的高手,散发出庞大的气息,修为赫然达到了天位巅峰。 This person best pupil is two zhang (3.33 m), the whole body muscle dragon knot, covers entirely the jet black demon mark, above the shoulder is growing three heads, two small one big, above also covers entirely the demon mark, looks very fierce. 此人身高足有两丈有余,全身肌肉虬结,布满漆黑魔纹,肩膀之上长着三个头颅,两小一大,上面也布满魔纹,看起来很是狰狞。 Under his double rib grows six thick arms, on each arm grasped black light glittering, the demon treasure that Demon Qi winds around, there is a ghost head demon blade, a skeleton short club, at the same time black pennant, a jet black earthen bowl container, purple red two snake lances. 他双肋之下长出六条粗大手臂,每只手臂上抓了一件黑光闪烁,魔气缭绕的魔宝,有一柄鬼头魔刀,一骷髅短棍,一面黑色小旗,一件漆黑钵盂,还有一紫一红两柄蛇矛。 Six demon treasures send out astonishing Demon Qi, obviously is not common treasure. 六件魔宝都散发出惊人魔气,显然都不是寻常宝物 Four people were still being slaughtered the fight by the teleportation previous quarter obviously, at this moment was still maintaining the situation of battle, but after by teleportation to here, has not clarified the situation, calls a halt for the time being, respective retreat. 四人显然在被传送的前一刻还在厮杀搏斗,此刻仍保持着交战的态势,不过被传送到了这里后,没有弄清楚情况,也暂且停手,各自后退 The square person occupies an corner/horn respectively, each other sizes up, for a while has not spoken. 四方人各占一角,彼此打量,一时都没有说话。 Although Shi Mu restored the original appearance, but the body also wears the Originating Dust Sect disciple clothing, caused the Shui Fengyue three people to look at his several eyes, but in the look are for many several points to have doubts at once, obviously did not know Shi Mu. 石牧虽然恢复了本来容貌,但身上还穿着离尘宗弟子服饰,引得水封月三人多看了他几眼,但旋即眼神中便多出几分疑惑,显然并不认识石牧 But quick, four people that just presented then the intense Earth Attribute fluctuation that notices middle altar to spread, in the eye flash through greedy. 但很快,刚出现的四人便注意到了中间祭坛传出的强烈土属性波动,眼中闪过一丝贪婪。 Shi Mu looked at that Black Demon Clan person one eyes, in the eye reveals surprised. 石牧看了那黑魔族人一眼,眼中露出一丝惊讶。 Shui Fengyue, Mo Huchong three people of strength he is very clear, is the outstanding person in Li Fire Temple Heaven Rank disciple, anyone is far from the ordinary Heaven Rank disciple may compare, but this person can by an enemy three, strength, can be inferred unexpectedly. 水封月,万虎从三人的实力他很清楚,都是离火观天位弟子中的佼佼者,任何一人都远非普通天位弟子可比,但这人竟能以一敌三,实力之强,可见一斑。 Line of sight that person felt Shi Mu, looked, on the face was startled slightly. 那人感觉到了石牧的视线,也看了过来,脸上微微一怔。 Is you, Shi Mu!” Person of complexion Black Demon Clan changes, surprised saying. “是你,石牧!”黑魔族之人脸色一变,惊讶的说道。 Who is your excellency?” A Shi Mu brow wrinkle, said. “阁下是谁?”石牧眉头一皱,说道。 He self-examines in Black Demon Clan may the no one of getting to know each other well, but he when seeing at present this person, indeed unclearly somewhat familiar feeling. 他自问在黑魔族中可没有什么相熟之人,不过他在看到眼前这人之时,的确隐然有几分熟悉的感觉。 But in the heart recalled, has no clue for a while. 但心中回想了一遍,却一时没有什么头绪。 Has not waited for that Black Demon Clan man opens the mouth, Zhao Jian sudden finger/refers of Shi Mu, said to the Shui Fengyue three people of clear and resonant voice: Originating Dust Sect three Fellow Daoist , below Zhao Jian, are Su Sheng Daoist passes on the disciple. At present this person is the rebels of my three Holy Land places, colludes with a black demon clan, tries to wipe out in this moment secret realm the disciples of our three Holy Land places, monopolizes this place treasure. Three also please collaborate with Zhao, cuts to kill these two people, so as to avoid this place treasure falls in their hands!” 未等那黑魔族男子开口,赵戬突然一指石牧,对水封月三人朗声说道:“离尘宗的三位道友,在下赵戬,乃是栗升真人亲传弟子。眼前此人乃是我三大圣地的叛徒,和黑魔一族勾结,试图全歼此刻秘境中我们三大圣地的弟子,独占此地宝物。三位还请和赵某联手,将这二人斩杀,免得此地宝物落在他们手中!” Shi Mu heard that the word brow tip selects, on the face reveals one to sneer. 石牧闻言眉梢一挑,脸上露出一丝冷笑。 This Azure Orchid Holy Land Senior Brother, you said that our Originating Dust Sect this disciple colludes with Black Demon Clan, what certificate can have?” Shui Fengyue heard that said complexion changes, two people exchanged a look with the side, opened the mouth to ask with the tone of probe. “这位青兰圣地师兄,你说我们离尘宗这位弟子勾结黑魔族,可有什么凭证?”水封月闻言脸色一变,和身旁两人交换了一下眼神,用试探的语气开口问道。 Although she does not recognize Shi Mu, but Shi Mu wears the Originating Dust Sect clothing, thinks that is disciple disciple who do not recognize, during the spoken languages were many for several points to maintain. 她虽然不认得石牧,但是石牧既身穿离尘宗服饰,以为是自己不认得的门人弟子,言语间多了几分维护。 Water Junior Sister, this person is not my Originating Dust Sect disciple, Originating Dust Sect comes this's 100 people of me to remember completely, inside may not have this person!” Mo Lin Hui says suddenly. “水师妹,此人不是我离尘宗弟子,离尘宗来此的一百人我全部记得,里面可没有此人!”莫吝悔突然开口说道。 What?” Shui Fengyue complexion changes. “什么?”水封月脸色一变。 Who your excellency is, dares to pretend to be my Originating Dust Sect disciple unexpectedly, on you this clothes are Li Fire Temple, is it possible that did you cut to kill my Originating Dust Sect disciple?” The Mo Lin Hui vision like the electricity, is watching intently Shi Mu. “阁下是何人,竟然敢冒充我离尘宗弟子,你身上这套衣服是离火观的吧,莫非你斩杀了我离尘宗的弟子?”莫吝悔目光如电,逼视着石牧 Right, before this person, killed my Azure Orchid Holy Land several disciples, later cut to kill a Originating Dust Sect disciple near a vestige, was a Heaven Rank Early Stage purple eyebrow youth, used purple thunder and lightning flying sword, this matter was I personally sees.” In the Zhao Jian eye the crafty color flashes, said loudly. “没错,此人之前杀了我青兰圣地数名弟子,之后又在一处遗迹附近斩杀了一名离尘宗弟子,是一个天位初期的紫眉青年,使用一柄紫色雷电飞剑,此事是我亲眼所见。”赵戬眼中诡色一闪,大声说道。 Heaven Rank Early Stage purple eyebrow youth, thunder and lightning flying sword? Is the Li Fire Temple thunder twists Junior Brother!” Shui Fengyue wonderful eye of cold Mangda puts. 天位初期的紫眉青年,雷电飞剑?难道是离火观的雷绩师弟!”水封月妙目冷芒大放。 Shi Mu cold snort/hum, so in the situation, he may be a hundred mouths cannot explain it away, is unable to explain anything radically. 石牧冷哼一声,如此情况下,他可算是百口莫辩,也根本无法解释什么。 But sees his both arms to inspire, in the hand Ruyi Supreme Iron Stick golden light puts suddenly greatly, the arm in a flash, the innumerable golden good shades appear, blots out the sky to hit toward Zhao Jian. 但见其双臂一振,手中如意镔铁棍骤然间金光大放,手臂一晃,无数金色棒影浮现而出,铺天盖地朝着赵戬打去。 Zhao Jian sneers, in the hand long halberd gray light greatly hold, punctures again and again, blocked the innumerable good shades. 赵戬冷笑一声,手中长戟灰光大盛,连连刺出,挡住了无数棒影。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! A series of bangs resound, the void miraculous glow flashes continually, often appears cracks shatter. 一连串的巨响响起,虚空中灵光连闪,不时破碎现出一道道裂缝。 The Originating Dust Sect three people look at each other one, the Shui Fengyue figure in a flash, threw toward Shi Mu. 离尘宗三人对视一眼,水封月身形一晃,朝着石牧扑了过来。 Do not be busy, your opponents are I!” “别忙,你们的对手可是我!” The person of that Black Demon Clan actually yes haha laughs, in the hand that black earthen bowl container in a flash, the thick black air/Qi flies to shoot from inside together, blocked before the Shui Fengyue body. 黑魔族之人却是哈哈一声大笑,手中那个黑色钵盂一晃,一道粗大黑气从里面飞射而出,拦在了水封月身前。 Shui Fengyue complexion changes, as if quite dreaded to that black air/Qi, in the hand the movement stops immediately, raises single-handed, front purple light flashes, offers a sacrifice to the purple pennant, the big piece purple thunder and lightning appears, kept off before the black air/Qi.( To be continued.) 水封月脸色一变,似乎对那黑气颇为忌惮,手中动作立刻停了下来,单手一扬,面前紫光一闪,祭出一面紫色小旗,大片紫色雷电浮现而出,挡在了黑气之前。(未完待续。)
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