TPW :: Volume #8

#703: For the first time confrontation

Wang Yu goes out of the front door today rarely, actually in the discovery street wore the person of mask to be getting more and more...... looks like the Chinese fog is more and more serious, really does not know that also many opportunities, can review that evening's everywhere stars glittering nighttime sky scene. Moreover asked the monthly ticket to everyone again, had bill Fellow Daoist , do not hate to throw, but began to refer to the line. 忘语今天难得走出大门,却发现街头上戴口罩的人越来越多……看来中国雾霭是越来越严重了,真不知道还有多少机会,能重温那种晚上漫天星辰闪烁的夜空景象了。另外再向大家求下月票,有票票的道友,不要舍不得投啦,只是动动手指就行了哦。 ........................ …………………… Two Heaven Rank Martial Artist are almost in a flash, then by Zhao Jian, down to Yin strikes to kill to the Yang strength, immediately lets Tao Sheng the complexion big change! 两名天位武者几乎是转瞬之间,便被赵戬以至阴至阳之力击杀,顿时让陶晟面色大变! Zhao Jian walks up, a foot kicks Ice Sculpture crushes, then said to Tao Sheng: Evening spirit earth I already had discovered, reason that without worrying to take, to direct you swallows the bait.” 赵戬走上前去,一脚将冰雕踢得粉碎,而后冲着陶晟说道:“夕灵土我早就已经发现,之所以没有着急取走,就是为了引你们上钩罢了。” Zhao Jian, you are some abilities, but my Tao Sheng is before your cultivation profound merit more than hundred years, must think that not I really feared you.” In Tao Shengmian also reveals a ruthless severe color, said. 赵戬,你是有些能耐,可我陶晟先于你修炼玄功不下百年,莫要以为我真的怕了你。”陶晟面上也露出一丝狠厉之色,说道。 That gives a try.” Saying that Zhao Jian thinks little. “那就来试试看吧。”赵戬不以为意的说道。 It finishes speaking, complexion transfers suddenly coldly, in the hand above the long halberd appears immediately the black and white trace, domineering incomparable aura released immediately. 其话音刚落,面色突然转冷,手中长戟之上顿时浮现出黑白纹路,一股强势无匹的气息立即释放了出来。 Meanwhile, in Tao Shengyan the ferocious color flashes, under the both arms void brace, chest yellow light greatly is at once bright, the whole person raises the zhang (3.33 m) unexpectedly, the corners of the mouth fang elongates one time, the body becomes the black and white color, the aura rises suddenly to the Heaven Rank peak unexpectedly instantaneously directly. 与此同时,陶晟眼中狞色一闪,旋即双臂虚空一撑,胸口黄光大亮下,整个人蓦地拔高丈许,嘴角獠牙伸长一倍,身躯变为黑白之色,气息竟瞬间直接暴涨至天位巅峰。 „......” “嗷……” In Tao Shengkou sends out a noisy wail, in the hand two steel claw pointed weapons, transfers the black and white color, above is twining the misty fog, interlocked is building in one. 陶晟口中发出一声长嚎,手中两道钢爪兵刃,转为黑白之色,其上缠绕着濛濛灰雾,交错着搭在了一起。 Only listens to scoff at a sound. 只听“嗤啦”一声响。 That two steel claws interlock a dance, in midair immediately six giant ash-grey light edges, is interlocking cutting. 那两道钢爪交错一舞,半空之中立即有六道巨大的灰色光刃,交错着切割而来。 The place of gray light way, void in abundance shatter, reveals black crevasses, shines through the gloomy and cold aura. 灰光途径之处,虚空纷纷破碎,露出一道道黑色裂隙,从中透射出阴冷气息。 In Zhao Jian hand long halberd one vertical, the halberd sharp place then concentrates together grey vortex, goes toward that six ash-grey light blade hits directly. 赵戬手中长戟一纵,戟尖处便凝出一道灰色漩涡,径直朝那六道灰色光刃撞击而去。 Bang a sound. “轰”的一声响。 Two gray lights also blast open, immediately swings the big piece mist and dust. 两道灰光同时炸裂,立即荡起大片烟尘。 Sees only in the mist and dust white light to flash, Tao Shenggang the claw wields, puts on suddenly from the mist and dust, the claw point tears toward the Zhao Jian throat place. 只见烟尘之中白光一闪,陶晟钢爪一挥,从烟尘中突然穿出,爪尖朝着赵戬咽喉处撕扯而来。 A Zhao Jian body supine, long halberd selects backward suddenly toward on. 赵戬身子向后一仰,长戟骤然朝上挑去。 Zheng a loud sound! “铮”的一声巨响! Two pointed weapons collide in together, refuses to compromise, in the forests resounds the sound of metal friction immediately made the person of tooth acid. 两道兵刃碰撞在一起,僵持起来,林间立即响起一阵令人牙酸的金属摩擦之声。 Shi Mu hides after the great tree, is looking at Zhao Jian to own back, in the heart impulsive, the double fist gripped tightly subconsciously in one, but a moment later, loosen. 石牧躲在巨树之后,望着赵戬正对着自己的背影,心中一阵冲动,双拳下意识紧握在了一起,不过片刻之后,又松了开来。 The intuition told him, this was not the act best time. 直觉告诉他,这不是出手的最佳时机。 At this moment, on Zhao Jian rays of light greatly is suddenly bright, giant apes and monkeys shadow that is congealed by the gray light appears together suddenly. 就在这时,赵戬身上突然光芒大亮,一道由灰光凝成的巨大猿猴虚影骤然浮现而出。 The imposing manner promotes one section, in the hand the long halberd to open Tao Sheng the steel claw again fiercely, punctures forward suddenly. 其身上气势再度提升一截,手中长戟猛地挑开陶晟的钢爪,向前突刺出去。 Sees only its back apes and monkeys shadow, both hands grasps in void, if also he holds generally forward. 只见其背后的猿猴虚影,双手在虚空中一握,也如他一般向前捅去。 a wind sound/rumor resounds. “呼”的一道风声响起。 On the long halberd in Zhao Jian hand projects together the sturdy gray light fiercely, concentrates the zhang (3.33 m) permits Chang gray light to go into seclusion in midair together, has a huge pressure, abhors toward Tao Sheng shoots to go. 赵戬手中的长戟上猛地射出一道粗壮灰光,在半空中凝成一道丈许长的灰光戟影,带着一股巨大威压,朝着陶晟疾射而去。 Tao Sheng looks the flurried color, in the hand above the steel claw, grey rays of light is rising suddenly before the body grasps, his whole body flesh also changes into the azure fast, becoming is ordinary like the trees. 陶晟面露慌乱之色,手中钢爪之上,灰色光芒暴涨着向身前抓去,其周身肌肤也快速化为青色,变得如同树木一般。 Meanwhile, black fog has entangled from him fast, changed to black scale armor, all protects firmly its whole body strategic point. 与此同时,一道黑雾从他身上快速缠过,化作了一件黑鳞铠甲,将其全身要害全都固护起来。 Only listens to bang a loud sound, the black white light glow blasts open immediately. 只听“轰”的一声巨响,黑白光芒顿时炸裂。 In Tao Shengkou exudes one to shout miserably, his both hands break backward with that two steel claw bends, chest front armor was also broken big hole. 陶晟口中发出一声惨呼,其双手随着那两道钢爪向后弯折断裂开来,胸前的铠甲也被破开了一个大洞 The chest place , the blowout rolls blood mist greatly, subsequently revealed a giant cavity, Gray Qi winds around, sends out to incite the sound. 其心口处“噗”的一下,喷出大团血雾,继而露出了一个巨大的空洞,其中灰气缭绕,发出滋滋声响。 The Shi Mu brow tight wrinkle, sees Tao Sheng the chest front to locate azure light glittering emptily, grows the big piece close azure vine instantaneously, the surrounding muscle is still trying toward to close together. 石牧眉头紧皱,就见陶晟胸前空洞处青光闪烁,瞬间长出大片细密的青色藤蔓,周围的肌肉还在试图朝着一起弥合。 However, under the corrosion of these residual gray lights, that said that azure light then annihilated quickly. 但是,在那些残留灰光的侵蚀下,那道青光很快便湮灭了下去。 „...... Impossible......” Tao Sheng not to back up several steps, both hands covers the chest, but could not stop spring wells up the blood, bang, kneels down finally, in the eye the appearance is rapid. “不……不可能……”陶晟倒退几步,双手捂住胸口,但仍止不住其中汩汩泉涌的鲜血,终于砰的一声,跪倒在地,眼中神采迅速黯淡。 The Shi Mu vision carries over Zhao Jian from Tao Sheng's body, carries over altar from Zhao Jian, frowns. 石牧的目光从陶晟的尸体上移向赵戬,又从赵戬身上移向祭坛,眉头一蹙。 At this moment, a Zhao Jian actually opening the mouth vision revolution, says suddenly: „After black ink pine tree , that watched such long play, should make an appearance?” 就在这时,赵戬却突然开口目光一转,开口说道:“墨松树后那位,看了这么久的戏,也该露面了吧?” The Shi Mu hear, smiles helplessly, body water-blue light flashed, after the water curtain withdraws, after the tree flashes to come, arrives around altar. 石牧听罢,无奈一笑,身上水蓝光芒一闪,将水幕撤去后,从树后闪出身来,走到祭坛跟前。 Hehe, Originating Dust Sect disciple, unexpectedly also cultivation Nine Revolution Profound Law, but I am really accidental.” Zhao Jian shot a look at Shi Mu, sneers was saying. 嘿嘿,离尘宗弟子,居然也修炼九转玄功,可真叫我意外啊。”赵戬瞥了一眼石牧,冷笑着说道。 How do you discover my?” The Shi Mu purple eyebrow selects, somewhat curious asking. “你是怎么发现我的?”石牧紫眉一挑,有些好奇的问道。 Since discovered that you after Nine Revolution Profound Law killed my two same side, I then firmly remembered your aura. In a moment ago with that three people battled, your aura had once had the fluctuation of flash, otherwise I also really might unable to discover you.” Zhao Jian said. “自从发现你以九转玄功杀了我两位同门之后,我便牢牢记住了你的气息。就在刚才与那三人交战时,你的气息曾有过一瞬间的波动,否则我还真有可能发现不了你。”赵戬说道。 So that's how it is.” Shi Mu understands when was he a moment ago wanted to sneak attack, exposed itself. 原来如此。”石牧明白过来,是他刚才想要偷袭时,暴露了自己。 The words, Shi Mu did not plan to say anything at this point again. 话说到这里,石牧也不不打算再多说什么了。 Zhao Jian vision also ice-cold gets down gradually. 赵戬目光也是渐渐冰冷下来。 In vision that two people look at to the opposite party, flashes through together cold light as if by prior agreement. 二人望向对方的目光中,不约而同地闪过一道寒光 the next moment, Zhao Jian rays of light greatly is suddenly bright, the long halberd grips tightly, faces forward, above the halberd body the black and white trace appears immediately. 下一刻,赵戬身上光芒骤然大亮,长戟紧握,朝前一挺,戟身之上黑白纹路立即浮现。 The when first steps forward one step, the under foot step moves out of place, in hand long halberd dance, above halberd body a black white light glow fuzziness, grey rays of light appear. 其当先跨出一步,脚下步伐错动,手中长戟狂舞,戟身之上黑白光芒一阵模糊,一道道灰色光芒浮现而出。 “喝” In the Zhao Ji mouth sonic boom drinks, in the hand the long halberd first is the twitch returns, subsequently punctures suddenly forward suddenly. 赵戟口中一声爆喝,手中长戟先是抽动而回,继而猛然向前突刺出去。 Sees only everywhere to go into seclusion stagnates suddenly, with the Zhao Jian movement, blotted out the sky to well up toward Shi Mu. 只见漫天戟影突然一滞,随着赵戬的动作,铺天盖地朝着石牧涌了过来。 In midair, a world Origin Energy drastic fluctuation, in the everywhere grey shadow, splits several hundred black crevasses. 半空之中,天地元气一阵剧烈波动,漫天灰影之中,裂开数百道黑色裂隙。 The Shi Mu vision flashes again and again, pinches the law to decide single-handed, body water-blue scarlet two rays of light shine simultaneously, in the hand golden light flashes, pleasant wrought iron even/including Gun brings the sheath to appear in the hand. 石牧目光连连闪动,单手一掐法决,身上水蓝赤红两道光芒同时亮起,手中金光一闪,如意镔铁连棍带鞘一齐出现在手中。 His back water and fire pair of wings leaf, opens several feet to the swept back suddenly, blue crystal streamer rays of light one bright, floats before the body. 紧接着,他背后的水火双翼猛然一扇,向后掠开数丈,蓝晶幡光芒一亮,浮在身前。 a sound. “呼”的一声响。 Big piece water blue color rays of light from the blue crystal streamer, concentrates turbulently in midair a high over ten zhang (3.33 m) blue ice wall, keeps off directly before everywhere went into seclusion. 大片水蓝色光芒从蓝晶幡中汹涌而出,在半空中凝出一道高逾十丈的蓝色冰墙,径直挡在了漫天戟影之前。 Bang bang bang “嘭嘭嘭” The sound of innumerable say/way collision resounds one after another, the blue ice wall stopped the moment slightly, then disrupts loudly. 无数道碰撞之声接连响起,蓝色冰墙只是略微阻拦了片刻,便轰然碎裂开来。 However, the front ice wall just a disruption, the golden stick shadow of behind everywhere welcomed, went into seclusion with the grey clashes in one. 然而,前面冰墙刚一碎裂,后面漫天的金色棍影就迎了上来,与灰色戟影对撞在了一起。 Rumble “轰隆隆” Sound of the intermittent thundering resounds one after another, big piece gray light golden glow scatters in all directions the disruption. 一阵阵轰鸣之声接连响起,大片灰光金芒四散碎裂。 That backdrop is similar to the mirror surface that disrupts to be common, presented the black crevice. 那处天幕就如同碎裂开来的镜面一般,出现了道道黑色裂隙。 After long time, returns to normal. 半晌之后,才重新恢复平静。 Shi Mu, unexpectedly is you!” Zhao Jian looks to Ruyi Supreme Iron Stick in Shi Mu hand, in both eyes full is shocks expression, the anger shouts. 石牧,居然是你!”赵戬望向石牧手中的如意镔铁棍,双目之中满是震惊神色,怒喝道。 Hehe, how is I.” Shi Mu smiles not completely indifferently, the natural acknowledgment said. “呵呵,是我又如何。”石牧满不在乎地笑了笑,大方承认道。 Its blue light surges, the figure raises one section suddenly, in the facial features a fuzziness, then restored the original appearance. 紧接着,其身上蓝光涌动,身形突然拔高一截,面容上一阵模糊,而后便恢复了本来的样貌。 You dare to play jokes upon in me......” Zhao Jian complexion gloomy, the tooth fasten to nip, furious say/way. “你竟敢戏耍于我……”赵戬面色阴沉,牙关紧咬,怒不可遏道。 This may be unable to complain about me, may be all the way yourself walks.” Shi Mu said with a smile, Ruyi Supreme Iron Stick in hand actually tightened subconsciously. “这可怨不得我,一路上可都是你自己找上门来的。”石牧笑着说道,手中的如意镔铁棍却下意识地紧了紧。 Good, good, good! Has the skill to mix in Originating Dust Sect unexpectedly and obtains to enter this place the qualifications, I previously really looked down on you but actually. Then, your I am fight for the first time truly, I must have a look but actually, some of your many qualifications and I fight!” The Zhao Jian tooth fastens to nip, said every single word or phrase. “好,好,好!竟有本事混入离尘宗并获得进入此地的资格,我此前倒真是小瞧了你。说起来,你我还是首次真正交手吧,我倒要看看,你到底有多少本钱和我斗!”赵戬牙关紧咬,一字一句说道。 Then, its whole body appears to make a debut a gray light, in the hand about the long halberd rotates, these gray lights by its hauling, were started to twine to go toward the halberd body above. 说罢,其周身浮现出道道灰光,手中长戟左右轮转,那些灰光受其牵引,开始朝着戟身之上缠绕而去。 ...... shouts......” “呼……呼……” Sound of the intermittent howling resounds gradually, the long halberd state-of-art place fog surges fast, congealed unexpectedly tall Yuezhang permits grey vortex, brought intermittent tornado in the mountain forest. 一阵阵呼啸之声渐渐响起,长戟尖端处灰雾快速涌动,竟凝成了一道高约丈许的灰色漩涡,在山林之中带起一阵阵旋风。 Suffers to death!” Zhao Jian shouts out, the long halberd sweeps away. “受死吧!”赵戬大喝一声,长戟横扫而出。 That fog vortex is rotating immediately crazily, takes away as many things as possible toward Shi Mu. 那道灰雾漩涡立即疯狂转动着,朝石牧席卷而去。 The fog vortex week contour say/way black crevice flashes unceasingly, strength of the huge attraction spreads, since the big piece grit leaps from the ground, flies into vortex, was ground the fragment powder. 灰雾漩涡周围道道黑色裂隙不断闪动,一股巨大的吸引之力从中传出,大片沙石从地面腾起,飞入漩涡之中,被研磨成了齑粉。 The place visited, in the mountain forest, snap the sound is unceasing, several hundred zhang (333 m) high old trees towering to the skies, by that were said vortex one volume, breaks, turned into the innumerable detritus. 所过之处,山林之中,“咔嚓”之声不断,数棵百丈高的参天古树,被那道漩涡一卷,纷纷断裂开来,变成了无数碎屑。 A Shi Mu water and fire pair of wings leaf, in the hand the high-quality iron iron rod waves rapidly. 石牧水火双翼一扇,手中镔铁棍飞速舞动起来。 As its movement constantly speeds up, in the sky starts to reappear layer upon layer the stick shadow, bringing golden light to cover to go toward that fog vortex piece by piece. 随着其动作不断加快,天空之中开始浮现出层层棍影,带着片片金光朝着那道灰雾漩涡覆盖而去。 Rumble “轰隆隆” Sound of the stuffy thunder gets up, among the stick shades starts to reveal that makes a debut a electric light, destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth aura spreads. 一阵闷雷之声响起,棍影之间开始显露出道道电光,一股毁天灭地的气息从中蔓延而出。 Impressively Heaven and Earth Limitless! 赫然正是天地无极 A Shi Mu figure revolution, in the hand the long stick raises suddenly high, strikes. 石牧身形骤然一转,手中长棍高高扬起,一击而出。 In midair, ten thousand electric lights about in one, change to together the sturdy incomparable golden light beam instantaneously, shells suddenly under. 半空之中,万道电光瞬间合在一处,化作一道粗壮无比的金色光柱,猛然轰击而下。 Bang a Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering loud sound! “轰隆”一声惊天动地的巨响! The golden light beam pounded into fog vortex suddenly, the big piece mist surged fiercely, the innumerable golden snake electricity scattering in all directions illness/quick shot. 金色光柱骤然砸入了灰雾漩涡中,大片雾气剧烈涌动,无数金色蛇电四散疾射。 Meanwhile, a powerful incomparable air wave toward sweeps across to start in all directions, breaks off all around old tree in abundance, and grinds the powder dust. 与此同时,一股强大无匹的气浪朝四面八方席卷而开,将四周古树纷纷折断,并碾成碎末。 In the world, a grey ignorant/veiled, the eye is invisible! 天地之间,一片灰蒙,目不可视! When the mist dissipates, lightning glow is hidden, in the forest presented one a depth of the zhang (3.33 m) black big hole, the surroundings burned black piece. 当雾气消散,电芒隐没,林中出现了一个深达丈许的黑色大坑,周围焦黑一片。 Shi Mu falls from midair, the foot, will raise the stick to go forward sharp again, suddenly felt that a whole body sluggishness, is unable to move again. 石牧半空中落下,足尖一点,正要再度提棍上前,就突然感到周身一阵迟滞,再也无法动弹。 In his heart one cold, then the vertical eye in discovery not far away Zhao Jian volume, does not know when already opens, bright silver light that puts out, is projecting on oneself. 他心中一凛,接着发现不远处赵戬额上的竖眼,不知何时已经重新睁开,其中吐出的灿烂银光,正投射在自己身上。 Shi Mu heart during technique urge definitely, the whole body leaps the white to flaming the flame immediately, but then in heart in great surprise. 石牧心中法决一催,周身立即腾起白色炽焰,但接着心中大惊。 Oneself are unable to move as before. 自己依旧无法动弹。 The winding becomes the silver in rays of light that the white crystal line of own whole body sparkles now, is burning not to have the break trace to calcining of Yang flame unexpectedly. 缠绕在自己周身的白色晶线如今闪耀的光芒更趋银色,在至阳火焰的煅灼下竟也没有断裂痕迹。 Thus it can be seen, some Zhao Jian this divine ability obviously many striving!( To be continued.) 由此可见,赵戬神通显然有不少精进!(未完待续。)
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