TPW :: Volume #8

#705: With old friend

First killed this liao!” “先杀了此獠!” Mo Lin Hui in the eye a cold glow flashes, the sinking sound is saying, and swoops with Mo Huchong simultaneously, offers a sacrifice to act Magical Treasure, attacked toward the Black Demon Clan man. 莫吝悔目中冷芒一闪,沉声说着,和万虎从和同时飞扑而出,祭出手法宝,朝着黑魔族男子攻了过去。 The Black Demon Clan man actually does not fear, head both sides head big mouth, two jet black demon fire blowout, in Magical Treasure with the hand together, compose the crowded offensive, blocked two people of Magical Treasure. 黑魔族男子却是丝毫不惧,头颅两侧的脑袋大口一张,两股漆黑魔火喷出,与手中法宝一起,组成密集的攻势,拦住了二人的法宝 Four people battled again in one, in midair assorted Magical Treasure rays of light flew randomly, trembled void greatly, rumble made noise. 四人再次激战在了一处,半空中各色法宝光芒乱飞,虚空巨颤,隆隆作响。 Black Demon Clan man strength not necessarily is higher than Shui Fengyue three people of many, but his height body is extravagant, the Three-Headed and Six-Arms Demon Qi demon fire is changeable, and under can contamination Magical Treasure, the Shui Fengyue three people be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, the contraction offensive, fights to a draw with this person gradually. 黑魔族男子实力未必高出水封月三人多少,但是他身高体阔,三头六臂魔气魔火变化多端,且能污秽法宝,水封月三人投鼠忌器下,渐渐收缩攻势,和此人打成平手。 When Shi Mu and Zhao Jian hit act greatly, the corner of the eye split vision sees the situation of another side regiment, a brow wrinkle. 石牧赵戬大打出手之余,眼角余光看到另一边战团的情况,眉头一皱。 This Black Demon Clan man is the enemy is the friend has not for the present may know, but it can block three people after all temporarily, is only under the direction of this Mo Lin Hui, three people as if found the countermeasure gradually, a time long time, the victory and defeat cannot know especially. 黑魔族男子是敌是友暂未可知,但其毕竟能暂时挡住三人,只是在这莫吝悔的指挥下,三人似乎渐渐找到了应对之策,时间一久,胜负尤未可知。 If Originating Dust Sect these three people beat the Black Demon Clan man, his situation was also bad, but he is unwilling gives up treasure in altar. 若是离尘宗这三人击败了黑魔族男子,他的情况也就糟糕了,可他又不甘心就此放弃祭坛中的宝物 His heart gets off one's main subject, the displayed exceedingly high stick law presents some flaws immediately. 他心有旁骛,施展的通天棍法立刻出现了些许破绽。 Zhao Jian vision one bright, naturally cannot let off such heaven-sent opportunity, behind rays of light suddenly a hold, condenses giant apes and monkeys shadow, the imposing manner of sending out promotes one section immediately suddenly. 赵戬目光一亮,自然不会放过此等天赐良机,身后光芒蓦然一盛,凝聚成一头巨大猿猴虚影,散发出的气势立刻陡然提升一截。 In his hand the long halberd poisonous snake spits the letter/believes to puncture, impressively one say/way stick shadow that penetrated Shi Mu, quickly ruthlessly to the Shi Mu chest. 他手中长戟毒蛇吐信般刺出,赫然一下穿透了石牧的道道棍影,以迅雷不及掩耳之势狠狠扎向石牧胸口。 On Shi Mu face one startled, body suddenly in a flash, across several distances, danger dangerous dodge this thorn. 石牧脸上一惊,身体猛然一晃,横掠数步距离,险之又险的躲开这一刺。 Just stood firm the figure, his shouts out, in hand Ruyi Supreme Iron Stick golden light greatly hold, suddenly high and low dance, innumerable say/way golden color stick shadow dense and numerous appeared before the body. 刚刚稳住身形,他大喝一声,手中如意镔铁棍金光大盛,蓦然上下狂舞,无数道金色棍影密密麻麻的在身前浮现而出。 In the sound, the big piece white air current appears air-splitting, fuses with the golden stick shadow rapidly, innumerable golden giant beast shadow appears, almost floods a surrounding area dozens zhang (3.33 m) range all. 嗤嗤破空声中,大片白色气流浮现而出,和金色棍影迅速融合,无数金色巨兽虚影出现,几乎将方圆数十丈范围尽数充斥。 Shi Mu both hands grip tightly the long stick, the horizontal pole proceeds to shake suddenly. 石牧双手紧握长棍,骤然横棍往前一震。 Hundred beasts shake the fear!” “百兽震惶!” Roar roar! 吼吼! The sound of innumerable giant beast fierce howling spreads in this flash suddenly, just like hundreds and thousands of giant beasts also roars, the acoustic shock hundred li (0.5 km), tremble void crazily, several want to collapse. 无数巨兽猛啸之声在这一瞬间猛然传出,恍如成百上千头巨兽同时咆哮,声震百里,虚空狂颤,几欲崩溃。 the next moment, innumerable golden giant beast shadow gathers a huge golden mighty current, the imposing manner wave of wells up crazily toward Zhao Jian. 下一刻,无数金色巨兽虚影汇聚成一股巨大金色洪流,气势如潮的朝着赵戬狂涌过去。 In Zhao Jian heart one cold, behind Giant Ape shadow rays of light puts greatly, instantaneous clear ten times, in the hand on the long halberd appeared the big piece pure white flame, is to the Yang fire. 赵戬心中一凛,身后巨猿虚影光芒大放,瞬间清晰了十倍,手中长戟上浮现出大片纯白色火焰,正是至阳之火。 His long halberd wields like lightning, the big piece white hot wave whirls around to gush out, just like one to flaming white flame dragon-like, flies toward the beast group. 他长戟闪电般一挥,大片白色火浪翻卷涌出,犹如一条炽白焰龙般,朝着兽群飞去。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! both sides hit ruthlessly in one, has a series of fulmination bangs, dazzling rays of light covered the surrounding area number hundred zhang (333 m) range. 双方狠狠撞在一处,发出一连串的爆鸣巨响,刺目的光芒笼罩了方圆数百丈范围。 At this moment, the Shi Mu look flashes, the arm moves, a shadow departs from his sleeve, is his Clone, the body wears a green cloak, is that invisible cloak, submerged the ground like lightning, vanishes does not see. 就在此刻,石牧眼神一闪,手臂一动,一道黑影从他袖中飞出,正是他的分身,身上穿着一件绿色披风,正是那件隐形披风,闪电般没入了地面,消失不见。 Another side, in the Black Demon Clan man brow wrinkle of Shui Fengyue three people of fierce struggles, is looking toward Shi Mu two people of here, in the eye appears doubts. 另一边,正在和水封月三人激斗的黑魔族男子眉头一皱,朝着石牧二人这里看了过来,眼中浮现出一丝疑惑。 In a moment ago, him felt Demon Qi, although flashes passes, but should not misread. 就在刚才,他感觉到了一丝魔气,虽然只是一闪即逝,但应该不会看错。 He is just about to investigate carefully, in the Shi Mu hand the golden long stick wields, the golden beast tide is being thundered departs the part, is sweeping across toward the Shui Fengyue three people of institutes. 他正要仔细探查一下,石牧手中金色长棍一挥,金色兽潮在轰鸣中飞出部分,朝着水封月三人所在席卷过来。 The innumerable giant beast shadow sound of footsteps rumble makes noise, the land also shivers. 无数巨兽虚影脚步声隆隆作响,大地也为之颤抖。 Shui Fengyue three people of complexion change, hurried stops. 水封月三人脸色大变,急忙施法阻拦。 The Black Demon Clan man can ignore the investigation immediately, flutters behind to draw back, the hand being possessed by a demon treasure projects several black light beams, similarly raids to three people. 黑魔族男子顿时顾不得探查,飘身后退,手中魔宝射出数道黑色光柱,同样袭向三人。 Bottom at this moment, the one side really Kun altar/jar suddenly spreads a clear sound, as if anything bursts. 就在此刻,一旁真坤坛底部忽的传出一声清脆声响,似乎什么东西破裂开来。 The Earth Attribute fluctuation that the next moment, the altar/jar bottom sends out vanishes without the trace. 下一刻,坛底散发出的土属性波动消失无踪。 Shi Mu figure in a flash, the next moment across to altar nearby. 石牧身形一晃,下一刻横掠到了法坛附近。 The altar ground shadow flashes, a thing emitted from the ground, flew into his within the body. 法坛地面黑影一闪,一个东西从地面冒出,飞入了他的体内。 Leaves behind treasure!” Zhao Jian complexion changes, angrily roars, body gray light hold, then must clash greatly toward Shi Mu. “将宝物留下!”赵戬脸色一变,怒吼一声,身上灰光大盛,便要朝着石牧冲过来。 Shui Fengyue and other people are also the surface present scowls, will take an action. 水封月等三人也是面现怒容,正要有所行动。 Under at this moment, the real Kun altar/jar spreads one to thunder again, this sound is much louder, the entire ground also shivered fiercely. 就在此刻,真坤坛下方再次传出一声轰鸣,这次声音大得多,整个地面也为之剧烈颤抖了一下。 Everyone is surprised. 所有人为之一惊。 The altar surrounding ground splits suddenly, dozens thick black pillars emit from the ground instantaneously, above covers entirely innumerably black ** the mark, formed a giant incomparable circle formation. 法坛周围地面猛然裂开,数十根粗大黑色柱子从地面瞬间冒出,上面布满无数黑**纹,形成了一个巨大无比的圆阵。 Shi Mu and Zhao Jian, are the Black Demon Clan man and Originating Dust Sect, places in the circle formation coverage scope that the black pillar forms all. 无论是石牧赵戬,还是黑魔族男子及离尘宗三人,尽数都身处黑色柱子形成的圆阵覆盖范围之内。 On the black pillar buzzes, big piece black light appears, forms a giant black light cover like lightning, covered the people in inside. 黑色柱子上嗡嗡作响,大片黑光浮现而出,闪电般形成一个巨大黑色光罩,将众人笼罩在了里面。 This is anything!” “这是什么!” Zhao Jian and the others in heart greatly cold, the Black Demon Clan man slightly is calm, the vision has swept on the surrounding black pillar, in the eye flashes through one to understand clearly. 赵戬等人心中大凛,黑魔族男子则略显镇定,目光在周围的黑色柱子上扫过,眼中闪过一丝了然。 In the black light cover, demon marks appear baseless, each other interweaves, shortly will form huge black law formation. 黑色光罩之中,一道道魔纹凭空浮现,彼此交织,顷刻间形成了一个巨大黑色法阵 Zhao Jian complexion moves, as if saw anything, the body gray light puts greatly, cannot attend to chasing down Shi Mu, turns around to fly toward outside. 赵戬面色一动,似乎看出了什么,身上灰光大放,顾不得追杀石牧,转身朝着外面飞去。 The Shui Fengyue three people see with own eyes the Zhao Jian action, impressed adds the defense guard/shield in the body in abundance, simultaneously the figure flashes to escape continually toward Formation. 水封月三人眼见赵戬举动,也都纷纷在身外施加防御护罩,同时身形连闪着朝阵法之外逃去。 The Shi Mu back water and fire pair of wings fans, is wanting to flee here, in the meantime, several Demon Qi from all around howl is flying to shoot, but, and twined like lightning on his body. 石牧背后水火双翼扇动,也正欲逃离此处,就在此时,数道魔气从四周呼啸着飞射而至,并闪电般缠绕在了他的身上。 This Demon Qi is seemingly frail, but is competitive, is stubbornly in-situ his fetter. 魔气看起来单薄,但是韧性十足,将他死死束缚在原地。 His complexion big change, the eye split vision sees that Black Demon Clan man is also same, the whole body was covered by innumerable Demon Qi, the meaning that but the Black Demon Clan man actually struggles slightly does not have. 脸色大变,眼睛余光看到那黑魔族男子也是一样,全身被无数魔气覆盖,不过黑魔族男子却丝毫挣扎的意思也没有。 At this moment, huge black law formation rays of light puts greatly, thick black light shoots up to the sky together, a moment later dissipates, Shi Mu and Black Demon Clan in man already law formation vanishes without the trace. 就在此刻,巨大黑色法阵光芒大放,一道粗大黑光冲天而起,片刻之后才消散开来,法阵中的石牧黑魔族男子已经消失无踪。 After two people lose the trail, entire Demon Qi great formation also stops revolving gradually, after the moment, all around then restores the original design, compared with pre-war, but really in Kun altar/jar was short of that pure incomparable Earth Attribute fluctuation. 二人失去踪迹后,整座魔气大阵也渐渐停止运转,片刻后四周便恢复原样,与战前相比,只是真坤坛中少了那股精纯无比的土属性波动。 Beyond the law formation range, Zhao Jian complexion is ugly, the fist grips tightly, but stemming from discrete, has not met the appoximate Kun altar/jar. 法阵范围外,赵戬脸色难看无比,拳头紧握,但出于谨慎,并没有接近真坤坛。 The Shui Fengyue three people look at one mutually, although the eye belt/bring is unwilling, but similarly no one goes forward. 水封月三人互望一眼,虽眼带不甘,但同样没人上前。 ...... …… Shi Mu only thinks that at present a dark space tumbles fiercely, the duckweed in his whole person as if huge vortex, could not control the body, can only drift with the current. 石牧只觉眼前一片黝黑的空间剧烈翻滚,他整个人仿佛巨大漩涡中的浮萍,根本掌控不了身体,只能随波逐流。 The strength of huge tearing pulls ruthlessly on him, transmits the rending severe pain, even by tyrannical of his body, actually somewhat cannot withstand, in the mouth spouted several blood one after another. 巨大的撕扯之力狠狠拉扯在他身上,传来撕心裂肺般的剧痛,即便以他身体之强横,竟然也有些承受不住,口中接连喷出了几口鲜血。 Is good is not long because of this process time, quick, the front presents together white light, a huge suction swallowed his body. 好在这个过程时间不长,很快,前方出现一道白光,一股巨大吸力将他的身体吞噬了进去。 Shi Mu at present one bright, appears in a giant stone chamber. 石牧眼前一亮,出现在一个巨大石室之中。 His body staggers, almost throws down on the ground, was good sinks because of his, stood firm the body. 他身体一个踉跄,差点摔倒在地上,好在他脚下一沉,稳住了身体。 His nearby not far away, the void fluctuation same place, that Black Demon Clan man body also appears, body in a flash, came to a stop the body. 他旁边不远处,虚空波动一起,那个黑魔族男子身体也浮现而出,身体一晃,也站稳了身体。 Where is here?” Shi Mu looks toward the surroundings. “这里是什么地方?”石牧朝着周围看去。 Two people are standing in more than a ten zhang (3.33 m) stage at this moment, looks at the shape to seem like altar, the under foot has innumerable Black Rune, composes one greatly *, should be teleportation law formation, at this moment also glittering light black split vision. 二人此刻正站在一个十余丈大小的高台上,看形状似乎是一个祭坛,脚下有无数黑色符文,组成一个巨*阵,应该是一个传送法阵,此刻还闪烁着淡淡黑色余光。 Around altar, wrong, if has to is setting up more than ten with thick black stone pillar, rune that the surface marking are numerous and diverse difficult to be bright, on teleportation law formation with altar each other is connected. 祭坛周围,错若有致的树立着十余跟粗大的黑色石柱,表面刻画着一圈圈繁杂难明的符文,和祭坛上的传送法阵彼此相连。 The surroundings is a very big stone chamber, presents the black all over the body, the top of the head is the apex arch, the surroundings except for altar, other are empty, anything does not have. 周围是一个很大的石室,通体呈现出黑色,头顶是尖顶拱形,周围除了祭坛,其他都是空荡荡的,什么也没有。 Declining of stone chamber filled a thick dust, thus it can be seen, here leaves uncultivated for a long time, should have no one to come to here in a long time. 石室之中落满了一层厚厚的灰尘,由此可见,这里荒废已久,应该有相当长一段时间没有人来过这里了。 Shi Mu looked at several toward the surroundings, complexion suddenly changes. 石牧朝着周围看了几眼,脸色忽的一变。 In the air is flooding very rich Demon Qi unexpectedly, Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth, although also has, but rarely. 空气之中竟然充斥着很浓郁的魔气,天地灵气虽然也有,但是很少。 Here should be Black Demon Star Territory.” Side that Black Demon Clan man says suddenly. “这里应该是黑魔星域吧。”旁边那个黑魔族男子忽的开口说道。 Actually are you who?” A Shi Mu brow wrinkle, looks to that person, the sinking sound asks. “你究竟是谁?”石牧眉头一皱,看向那人,沉声问道。 The Black Demon Clan man smiled one pale, without reply, but on him rays of light glittering, black ** mark suddenly collects slowly. 黑魔族男子淡笑了一声,没有回答,不过他身上光芒闪烁,黑**纹忽的缓缓敛去。 Three-Headed and Six-Arms changes the body also to relieve quickly, that person of also recovered the average man size, was actually one seems like the quite refined youth, the vision was straight, the facial expression was gentle, with just fierce changed the body feeling to be completely different. 三头六臂的变身也很快解除,那人的身体也恢复到了常人大小,却是一个看起来颇为斯文的青年,目光端正,神情平和,和刚刚狰狞的变身感觉完全不同。 Relieved changed the body, the aura that this person lent was weaken rapidly, falls the Heaven Rank Middle Stage level. 解除了变身,此人散发出的气息迅速减弱,掉落到了天位中期的层次。 You are...... Feng Li!” Shi Mu's complexion is startled. “你是……冯离!”石牧面色一惊。 Hehe, is Feng, Brother Shi, is really disappears for a long time, has not thought that will bump into you here!” On the Feng Li face shows the smile. “呵呵,正是冯某,石兄,真是许久不见了,没想到会在这里碰到你!”冯离脸上露出笑容。 Brother Feng !” Shi Mu sees the old friend, in expression also reveals several points of happiness. 冯兄,久违了!”石牧见到故人,神色中也露出几分高兴。 Then, this person is own fellow villager, was few friends. 说起来,此人是自己的同乡,也算是为数不多的朋友了。 Now another region meets, baseless were naturally many for several points to be intimate with. 如今他乡相遇,自然凭空多了几分亲近。 His brow wrinkle suddenly, coughed several. 他眉头忽的一皱,咳嗽了几声。 „Were you injured?” Feng Li asked. “你受伤了?”冯离问道。 Might as well, in the teleportation process, was just torn by the strength of space.” Shi Mu shakes the head, said. “无妨,刚刚在传送过程中,被空间之力撕扯了一下。”石牧摇了摇头,说道。 Just Feng Li said that here is Black Demon Star Territory, spanned star territory teleportation, was really enormous to the body burden, was also injured by he such tyrannical body unexpectedly. 刚刚冯离说这里是黑魔星域,跨越星域传送,对身体负担果然极大,以他这样强横的身体竟然也受伤。 Feng Li can just like the safe/without matter unexpectedly, making him quite curious. 只是冯离竟能恍如无事,让他颇为好奇。 He does not have the thoughts to go into seriously, revolves silently the Nine Revolution Profound Law wooden strength. 他也没有心思深究,默默运转起九转玄功的木之力。 In within the body pure wooden strength spreads to the place of injury, receives it to injure the azure light circulation, recovers fast. 体内精纯的木之力散布到受伤之处,所受之伤青光流转,飞快复原起来。 Right, how did you turn into the Black Demon Clan person? Also attended the Kunlun ruins trial?” Shi Mu therapy, while asked.( To be continued.) “对了,你怎么变成了黑魔族人?还参加昆仑废墟试炼?”石牧一边疗伤,一边问道。(未完待续。)
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