TPW :: Volume #3

#228: Conspires and settles

In Tian Yu City somewhere secluded big dwelling., 天虞城某处僻静的大宅院中。, The construction surface in courtyard looks very obsolete, the paint in many windows and doors big piece flaking, has been accumulating the thick dust everywhere, the ground full is the withered and yellow fallen leaf, seemed like no one to live very for a long time. 院子里的建筑表面看起来十分陈旧,不少门窗上的漆已大片剥落,到处都积着厚厚的灰尘,地面满是枯黄的落叶,看起来似乎很久没人住了。 However from the scale and layout of entire house, as well as in upturned eave arch fine detail in every way possible, here just like one has status rich people's once mansion, especially before the main room/wife, that atmosphere broad Heaven and Earth Limitless fine gold gold/metal signboard, here once master, the status should not be ordinary obviously. 不过从整座宅子的规模和布局,以及飞檐斗拱上精致入微的细节来看,这里俨然是一处颇有身份的大户人家曾经的府邸,特别是正房前那块大气恢弘的“天地无极”鎏金牌匾,可见这里曾经的主人,身份应该不一般。 At this time dusk, the weather will have faded out. 此时黄昏将过,天色渐暗。 Wears the moonlight long gown, forehead is entangling over 30 -year-old handsome men of silver cotton tape, settles down to stand in the garden, both eyes closed, seems feeling anything. 一名身着月色长袍,额头缠着一根银色布带的三十多岁俊朗男子,在庭院中驻足而立,双目闭合,似乎在感受着什么。 This person enters Liu An of city with Shi Mu along with caravan together. 此人正是与石牧一同随车队入城的柳岸 The night breeze blows, blows its blood-color long hair, waves against the wind. 晚风拂面,将其一头血色长发吹起,迎风舞动。 After the moment, Liu An opens eyes tranquilly, the vision like the water, after observed the situation one silently, lifts the step to walk toward some east side side building, and pushes the door to enter directly. 片刻后,柳岸睁开双眼,目光平静如水,默默的环视了一圈后,抬步朝东侧某间厢房走去,并直接推门而入。 In the room is quite spacious, since the middle divides into two, the bed furniture have it all, the arrangement actually does not lose simply refinedly. 屋内颇为宽敞,从中间一分为二,床铺桌椅一应俱全,陈设简单却不失雅致。 Liu An arrives at the inside room directly, puts out a hand to press in some bedhead position, again a spin. 柳岸直接走到里间,伸手在床头某个位置一按,再一旋。 „” A dull thumping sound. “喀嚓”一声闷响。 The behind wall split from the middle suddenly, revealed a dark channel, as if to underground. 身后的墙壁突然从中间裂开,露出了一道黑乎乎的通道,似乎通往地下。 Liu An not hesitant, a figure flower, vanishes in the channel. 柳岸没有犹豫,身形一花,就消失在通道。 The channel is not long, quick, passes dim luminous secret room to appear in him at present. 通道并不长,很快,一间透着昏暗光亮的密室出现在他眼前。 This is several feet surrounding area small-scale secret room, besides middle altar. Without other decorations. 这是一间数丈方圆的小型密室,除了中间一张供桌外。没有其他的装饰。 Under shine of two candle low lights on the altar, can see by secret room. Bargains to sit five person's shadows, motionless. 在供桌上两根蜡烛微弱光线的映照下,可以看到密室两侧。还盘坐着五个人影,一动不动。 These people after Liu An walks. Stood, is actually three males and two females. 这几人在柳岸走进来后。纷纷站了起来,却是三男两女。 Three men, respectively is a tall and powerfully built black clothes red painted-face guy, Fatty of businessman appearance, with a silver short hair youth. 三个男子,分别是一个身材魁梧的黑衣红脸大汉,商贾模样的胖子,和一个银色短发青年。 Two females, are covered with the veil, the stature selects high, another stature is delicate and exquisite, a fiery red clothing. 两名女子,一个蒙着面纱,身材高挑,另一个身材娇小玲珑,一身火红衣衫。 Big Senior Brother!” “大师兄!” Five people toward the Liu An respectful body good a ritual. Said with one voice. 五人朝着柳岸恭身行了一礼。齐声道。 Liu An did not say a word passed through from five people directly, walked toward the secret room central altar, this time he, the body filled with the gloomy and cold aura. 柳岸一言不发的径直从五人面前走过,向密室中央的供桌走去,此时的他,身上充满了阴冷的气息。 On the tribute table is consecrating a black ancestral tablet, above inscribes Eastern Xian heaven four seal characters. 贡桌上供奉着一块黑色灵牌,上面铭刻着“东方冼天”四个篆字。 ping a dull thumping sound. “呯”的一声闷响。 Liu An knelt before the tribute table layer on layer/heavily, twines the silver cotton tape on forehead not to know when had been pulled, reveals center forehead one round like hook blood-color crescent moon. 柳岸在贡桌前重重的跪了下来,缠绕额头上的银色布带不知何时已被扯去,露出额头正中一轮如钩般血色弯月。 Other three male and two female, arrives at Liu An behind, similarly knelt. 其它的三男二女,也纷纷来到柳岸身后,同样跪了下来。 Suddenly. In secret room the atmosphere becomes depressed. 一时间。密室内气氛变得沉闷起来。 Teacher, although Martial Uncle he did not agree, but I came.” “师尊,虽然师叔他不同意,但我还是来了。” This time, I will make them pay the price.” “这一次,我会让他们付出代价的。” At the appointed time the Luo heaven ghost king revisits the world. Makes the blood of these talents sprinkle Tian Yu City, with their souls, offers condolences your soul in heaven!” Liu An is saying before the ancestral tablet. Immediately knocked three heads layer on layer/heavily. “到时罗天鬼王重临人间。就让这些天才们的鲜血洒满天虞城,用他们的灵魂,来吊唁您在天之灵!”柳岸在灵牌前如此说着。随即重重地磕了三个头。 Founder, rests!” “教主,安息吧!” The behind. Other five people also kowtow with Liu An together, on each face is with deep veneration facial expression. 身后。其余五人也随着柳岸一同磕头,每个人脸上都是一副肃然神情。 ...... …… Is the night. City west Tian Yu City. 是夜。天虞城城西。 Top the hundred zhang (333 m) high hill, in a palace construction, a scale hugest golden color palace is quite striking. 百丈高的小山顶部,一片宫殿建筑中,一座规模最为庞大的金色宫殿颇为醒目。 This palace was covered by seven colors mist during the daytime, at night, then golden light puts greatly, various places in the city, can see that in the dim light of night ascends, but golden flowing light. 此殿白天被一层七色云气所笼罩,到了晚上,则金光大放,在城中各处,都可以见到夜色中升腾而起的金色流光。 Here passes Celestial Church to teach at a punishment that Tian Yu City supposes. 这里正是通天仙教天虞城所设的一处分教。 Passes Celestial Church to take the land mountain dynasty the national religion, is equipped with minute/share to teach in each city, but teaches at the Tian Yu City minute/share without doubt is biggest, holds the rise immortal grand ceremony is. 天仙教作为陆山王朝的国教,在各个城池都设有分教,而在天虞城的分教无疑是最大的一处,也是举办升仙大典的所在。 Teaches Main Altar as for the immortal that the founder is at actually where, actually has wide divided opinions. 至于教主所在的仙教总坛究竟在何处,却是众说纷纭。 Some people said that in be continuous ten thousand li (0.5 km) three azure mountain range, some people said that the punishment of Tian Yu City teaches is Main Altar is actually, even some people said that Main Altar above baseless float islands. 有人说是在绵延万里的三青山脉之中,有人说天虞城的这处分教其实就是总坛所在,甚至有人说,总坛是在一处凭空悬浮的岛屿之上。 But is a little certain, that is whenever on the eve of grand ceremony, the immortal will teach the founder to arrive at Tian Yu City, personally will preside over the grand ceremony. 但有一点可以肯定的,那就是每当大典前夕,仙教教主都会来到天虞城,亲自主持大典。 At this time in some side hall in golden palace. 此时金色宫殿的某间偏殿中。 Wears the blue Eight Trigrams (gossip) saying that the old man of clothing/taking, sits well above the seat of honor. 一名身着蓝色八卦道服的老者,端坐主座之上。 Old men young-looking elderly, is in high spirits, an appearance of features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality, quite several branch out the meaning of dust. 老者鹤发童颜,精神矍铄,一副仙风道骨的模样,颇有几分出尘之意。 The right hand side, a figure is emaciated, the complexion pale young boy sits on the chair, among facial expressions as if somewhat cramped feeling. 其右手侧,一名身形瘦弱,面色苍白的小男孩坐在椅上,神情间似乎有几分局促之感。 Another side, is standing an appearance dignified middle-aged person, impressively that team leaders Xiantian in Shi Mu one group of caravan, but also changed a blue Eight Trigrams (gossip) Daoist robe at this time. 另一边,站着一名面相威严的中年人,赫然正是石牧一行车队里的那名先天领队,只是此时也换上了一身蓝色八卦道袍。 Hong Er, the these year you suffered hardships. Your beforehand bitter experience, this place also heard, but to Tian Yu City, you considered in own family/home is the same, does not need to restrict. For these days and you rested well, seven in the future, you can see your ancestor, Zhu Chen bell Exalted Immortal.” Yielding to age benign countenance said/tunnel. “洪儿,这些年你受苦了。你以前的遭遇,本座也听说了一些,不过到了天虞城,你就当是在自己家里一样,不用拘束。这几天你且好好休息,七日后,你就可以见到你的先祖,朱辰钟上仙了。”道服老者慈眉善目地道。 The young boy has not spoken, clever nod. 小男孩没有说话,乖巧的点了点头。 Yielding to age also said after several, then called two young Daoist Priest, supported by the arm the young boy to draw back. 道服老者又说了几句后,便叫来两名年轻道士,搀扶小男孩退了下去。 Sends people to pass on to land Shanren, Hong Er is the Immortal descendant, must appropriately place...... seals as the prince of a different surname.” After the young boy leaves, said that yielding to age turns the head to tell dignified middle-aged humanity. “派人转告陆善仁,洪儿乃仙人后裔,须妥善安置……就封为异姓王爷吧。”待小男孩离开后,道服老者转头吩咐威严中年人道。 Respectfully follows the founder decree!” The dignified middle-aged person respectful body said. “谨遵教主旨意!”威严中年人恭身道。 ...... …… The time passed several days in an instant. 时间转眼间过了数日。 On a spacious azure stone street say/way of Tian Yu City western city district, a grey robe young men strolls, on the shoulder is stopping first prize feather Parrot, curious sizes up toward the surroundings. 天虞城西城区的一条宽敞青石街道上,一个灰袍青年男子缓步而行,肩膀上停着一头彩羽鹦鹉,正好奇的朝着周围打量不已。 The youth naturally are Shi Mu. 青年自然便是石牧 Here is passing Ma Great Dao of Tian Yu City western city district, is in the city one of the liveliest streets, above the street the stream of people Sichuan stream, various roadside types of large-scale stores, the restaurant is everywhere. 这里是天虞城西城区的通玛大道,是城中最繁华的街道之一,街道之上人流川溪,路边各种大型商铺,酒楼比比皆是。 This time Shi Mu actually has no time to appreciate the street view, the brow slightly pressed, seems considering anything. 只是此时的石牧却无暇欣赏街景,眉头微蹙,似乎在考虑着什么。 Shi Tou (stone). Walked a morning, may die of exhaustion me. Might as well rest in front!” Cai'er called out suddenly. 石头。都走了一个上午了,可累死俺了。不如在前面休息一下吧!”彩儿忽然叫道。 „Do you have to pass through?” “你有走过么?” Shi Mu hears word, putting out a hand shot a skull of Parrot. But looks up toward front. 石牧闻言,伸手弹了一下鹦鹉的脑壳。但还是抬头往前面看去。 There has a striking tall building, the entrance hall is broad, the decoration is luxurious, just like a restaurant. 那里有一座醒目高大建筑,门厅宽广,装饰豪华,俨然是一座大酒楼。 Even on this lively street, this restaurant still appears very outstanding striking. 即便在这条繁华的街道上,这个酒楼也显得非常出众醒目。 The restaurant main entrance is hanging one Tao Ranju the name, has Domain. 酒楼正门悬挂着一个“陶然居”的名字,颇有意境 In the Shi Mu heart moved, was busy at a morning, somewhat was truly exhausted, then took a step. 石牧心中一动,忙了一个上午,确实有些疲累,便迈步走了进去。 The present range returns sometime at noon. It is not dining during, in the restaurant the guest are not quite many. 现在距离中午还有一段时间。不是用餐的当口,酒楼里客人并不太多。 Customer, in requests personally!” The servants see Shi Mu to come, welcomed hastily warmly. “客官,里面请!”店小二见石牧进来,连忙热情的迎了上来。 The Shi Mu shoulder is setting up gigantic color wool Parrot, although dresses up somewhat strangely, the unruly air/Qi that but has an imposing appearance makes one not dare to belittle, in addition now various Tian Yu City group of character mixing of good and bad people, let alone brings the bird to go out, leads a fierce tiger on the street is nothing unusual. 石牧肩头立着一只硕大的彩毛鹦鹉,虽然打扮有些怪异,不过一副气宇轩昂的桀骜之气让人不敢小觑,加上现在天虞城各路人物龙蛇混杂,别说带鸟出门,就是带着一只猛虎在街上走的都不足为奇。 Shi Mu under the direction of servant. Fineness that quite on of two buildings, here arranged, between table and table with screen, bonsai great distance. Very quiet. 石牧在店小二的指引下。上了二楼的雅间,这里布置的颇为精致,桌子和桌子之间用屏风,盆栽相隔。很是清静。 Although the entire two buildings only set out more than ten tables, but does not seem crowded. 整个二楼虽然仅摆了十几张桌子,但是丝毫不显得拥挤。 A building guest are not many, two buildings actually sat 45 tables of guests. 一楼客人不多,二楼却坐了四五桌客人。 Comes one cup of green tea. Comes several plates of desserts.” Shi Mu sat on a seat, said. “来一杯清茶。来几盘点心。”石牧在一个位子上坐了下来,说道。 I must eat the nut.” Cai'er called out. “俺要吃坚果。”彩儿叫道。 Servant surprise looks at Cai'er. Is surprised for the Cai'er spirit wisdom. 店小二诧异的看着彩儿。为彩儿的灵智感到惊讶。 Dessert comes several points of nut fruits.” Shi Mu said. “点心就来几分坚果类的吧。”石牧说道。 The servants comply hastily, surprise looked at Cai'er one. Then draws back. 店小二连忙答应,又诧异的看了彩儿一眼。这才退下。 A moment later, carried several plates of fine nut dessert and pot fragrant green tea. 片刻之后,端了几盘精致的坚果点心和一壶芬芳的清茶。 Shi Mu hit to enjoy several two money conveniently, then made it draw back. 石牧随手打赏了几两银子,便让其退下了。 Cai'er in high spirits is tasting the dessert, once in a while drinks green tea, quite moistens actually. 彩儿兴高采烈的品尝着点心,间或喝一口清茶,倒是颇为滋润。 Shi Mu does not have Cai'er such relaxed free and unfettered, on the face duplicate/restores to envelop color of the hesitation. 石牧就没有彩儿这么轻松逍遥,脸上复又笼上一丝沉吟之色。 For these days the time, he ran in the city several in post house that rose the immortal congress inquired, was actually returns unproductive, harvested slightly. 这几天时间,他跑了城中几处升仙大会的驿馆中打探,却都是徒劳而返,丝毫收获。 However this also no wonder, over a hundred of such post house also in Tian Yu City, looks at least, perhaps 2-3 months are also not necessarily able to look. 不过这也难怪,这样的驿馆在天虞城中起码也有上百个,一个个找下去,恐怕2-3个月也未必能找一遍。 In the Shi Mu heart the thought rotation, was considering whether should find the person to help. 石牧心中念头转动,考虑着是否应该找人帮忙。 At at this moment, a clamoring sound transmitted, interrupted his train of thought. 就在此刻,一阵喧哗声传来,打断了他的思绪。 Haha, by Zhou brother's strength, this time rises the immortal congress naturally to emerge, does not have the slight issue! Below here, must first congratulate Zhou the brother another day to obtain enlightenment ahead of time Immortal Ascension, was the members of the Hanlin Academy.” “哈哈,以周兄的实力,这次升仙大会自然能够脱颖而出,没有丝毫问题的!在下在此,要先提前祝贺周兄他日得道成仙,位列仙班了。” Ge brother was polite, this congress various group of experts converge, is worth mentioning below this end slightly trick. Actually the Yuan spirit real merit of Ge are very famous in the land mountain dynasty, Ge brother is Xiantian Middle Stage Martial Artist, the opportunity of selection may now compared in below big many.” “葛兄客气了,这次大会各路高手云集,在下这点末微伎俩何足挂齿。倒是你们葛家的元灵真功在陆山王朝都很有名气,葛兄如今已是先天中期武者,入选的机会可比在下大的多了。” Where where......” “哪里哪里……” Shi Mu knits the brows to look toward the place of clamoring, from the seat of his not far away on, sits 45 magnificent dress youth, seeming like twenty years old appearance, if just loud chatting of no others, hounds mutually. 石牧皱眉朝着喧哗之处看去,距离他不远处的一个座位上,坐着四五个华服青年,看起来都是二十几岁模样,正若无旁人的高声谈笑,互相追捧。 On these young people are aggressive, has Xiantian cultivation base impressively, looks at clothing is everyone juniors, the status is unusual. 这几个年轻人身上气势逼人,赫然都有先天修为,看身上服饰都是大家子弟,身份非同一般。 The Shi Mu brow tip selected, listens to just dialogue, the these person should be various talent disciples who attended the rise immortal congress. 石牧眉梢一挑,听刚刚的对话,这些人应该都是参加升仙大会的各宗天才弟子。 He looked at one, then took back the vision. 他看了一眼,便收回了目光。 That several aristocratic family juniors continue , if no others , to continue to shoot the breeze, but the topic actually shifted other places gradually. 那几个世家子弟继续若无旁人,继续高谈阔论,不过话题却渐渐转移到了其他地方。 Shentu brother, you may have the time in the afternoon, it is said the Huang store must hold an auction, although the scale is not big, but is also worth visit.” A tall and powerfully built yellow robe youth says, the vision looks to a blue garment youth. “申屠兄,下午你可有时间,据说黄氏商铺要举办一场拍卖会,虽然规模不大,但是也值得去看一看。”一个身材魁梧的黄袍青年开口说道,目光看向一个蓝衫青年。 Several other people also looked. 其他几人也看了过去。 The blue garment youth is well-proportioned, quite somewhat the heroic spirit. 蓝衫青年身材匀称,颇有几分英气。 „, I also something must be done in the afternoon.” The blue garment youth smiles, said. “不了,我下午还有些事情要做。”蓝衫青年神秘一笑,说道。 Shentu brother must go to jasper street there rising immortal congress post house, heard that there came an outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman recently, your days often run toward there.” Another youth said with a smile. “申屠兄是要去碧玉街那里的升仙大会驿馆吧,听说那里最近来了一位绝色美人,你这几日时常往那里跑。”另一个青年笑道。 „, What female is, can make Shentu brother so careful unexpectedly?” The yellow robe tall and strong youth also reveals curious expression.( To be continued.) “哦,是什么样的女子,竟然能让申屠兄如此上心?”黄袍魁梧青年也露出好奇的神色。(未完待续。)
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