TPW :: Volume #3

#227: Tian Yu City

The land mountain dynasty takes on Eastern Continent the most powerful country, occupied in the entire Eastern Continent most central core region, vast in territory, below supposes 31 mansion 108 states. 陆山王朝作为东洲大陆上最为强大的国家,占据了在整个东洲大陆最中央的核心区域,幅员辽阔,下设三十一府一百零八州。 The capital city Tian Yu City, naturally is also the entire land mountain dynasty, and even entire Eastern Continent liveliest city. 其都城天虞城,自然也是整个陆山王朝,乃至整个东洲大陆最繁华的城池。 Entire Tian Yu City occupying land area foot have several ten thousand li (0.5 km) surrounding area, back of the mountain by water, easily defensible, is the Eastern Continent thing connection hub is. 整座天虞城占地足有数万里方圆,背山靠水,易守难攻,是东洲大陆东西交汇的枢纽所在。 The City Wall more than 20 ten feets in height, all over the body by together length one zhang (3.33 m), the azure giant stone penetrating of wide half a Zhang becomes, each just like the steel pouring to be strong, is unable to shake. 城墙高20余丈,通体由一块块长一丈,宽半丈的青色巨石彻成,每一块都犹如钢浇铁铸一般,无法撼动。 So grand City Wall like the body of big dragon, along east and West City Gate to two sides along outstretching, north reaches continuous ten thousand li (0.5 km) three azure mountain range, south to more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) wide jade evil rivers. 如此雄伟的城墙如同巨龙的身体般,沿着东、西城门向两边沿伸开来,北达连绵万里的三青山脉,南连百余丈宽的琅邪江。 On City Wall, the flag flutters, every 50 ten feets, then the tower over a city gate, several fully-armed soldiers guard, is monitoring communication all, does not let off the slight slightest sign of trouble. 城墙上,旗帜招展,每隔50丈,便有一座城楼,数名全副武装的士兵驻守其中,监视着来往的一切,不放过丝毫的风吹草动。 At this time is the morning sun initial rise, the shining sunlight from in the air falls in torrents, pours into the ten thousand area units ocean waves of jade evil river, flood intermittent clear wave light. 此时正值朝阳初升,金灿灿的阳光从空中倾泻而下,注进琅邪江的万顷碧波,泛起阵阵粼粼波光。 Outside great grand eastern City Gate, has formed two several li (0.5 km) long stream of people long lines. 宏大雄伟的东城门外,早已排起了两条数里长的人流长龙。 Has the farmer who selects the firewood, has equitation Martial Artist, at the back of the artisan of wicker basket, there are to sit the merchant...... various people of all forms in carriage has, the noise resounds. 有挑柴的农夫,有骑马的武者,背着箩筐的工匠,也有坐在马车里的商人……形形色色的各种人都有,嘈杂声响成一片。 Perhaps is because rises the period of immortal grand ceremony to be near, questioning of City Gate mouth also becomes even more severe, besides the common soldier of defense, wears the blue Eight Trigrams (gossip) saying that much the person of clothing/taking blends, the these soldier among the these Daoist words and deeds, is respectful. 或许是因为升仙大典之期将近,城门口的盘查也变得愈发严苛,除了守城的兵士外,还有不少身着蓝色八卦道服之人参杂其中,这些士兵对于这些道人言行举止间,恭敬有加。 In the these Daoist hand has at the same time the shining Eight Trigrams (gossip) round mirror, in a flash, will project together light golden light. 这些道人手中持有一面金灿灿的八卦圆镜,一晃之下,就会从中射出一道淡淡金光 Person who each wants through the City Gate mouth, not only need undergo the interrogation inspection of layer upon layer soldier. Also in Eight Trigrams (gossip) round mirror will be illuminated by these golden light of Daoist, can allow to enter a city. 每一个想要通过城门口的人,不仅要经过士兵的层层盘问检查。还会被这些道人用八卦圆镜中的金光照一遍,才可以准许进城。 In the meantime, one line of more than ten people. Is crowding around a luxurious carriage, upward came from the major road in distant place. And drives straight ahead to enter from two length of the queue dragons directly, in direction and surprise of vision both sides people, goes in the City Gate direction. 就在此时,一行十余人。簇拥着一辆豪华马车,从远处的一条官道上行来。并径直从两条排队长龙中间长驱而入,在两侧众人的指指点点和诧异目光中,朝着城门方向而去。 Shi Mu is placing this group of end. 石牧正身处这一行人的末尾。 He walks, while continuously to size up distant place magnificent City Wall, although expression is seemingly tranquil, but the innermost feelings actually somewhat shocked. 他一边走,一边不住打量着远处壮观的城墙,虽然神色看似平静,但内心却有些震撼了。 Tian Yu City was really magnificent! 天虞城实在是太壮观了! Feng City in comparison, cannot say that is the city, even small town somewhat reluctantly. 丰城与之相比,根本就称不上是城,连小镇都有些勉强。 Cai'er stands in his shoulder. Is a anything is more curious appearance extremely, often looks around, but actually unexpected peace. 彩儿站在其肩头。更是一副什么都好奇万分的模样,不时东张西望,不过却出人意料的安静。 Actually if not the Shi Mu advanced warning, threatens its if when entering the city dares to speak at a venture, will be seized to pluck hairs by the defense soldier cooks the soup to work as the food that goes well with wine, what at this time referred to erratically must become boisterously. 其实若非石牧提前警告,威胁其若是在入城时敢乱说话,会被守城士兵抓走拔毛炖汤当下酒菜,此时指不定要聒噪成什么样了。 With Liu An that Shi Mu walks side-by-side, is actually a cloud poor business conditions light appearance, on the face faintly the somewhat absent-minded color, seems thinking what concern. 石牧并肩而行的柳岸,却是一副云淡风轻的模样,脸上隐隐有几分心不在焉之色,似乎在想什么心事。 In Shi Mu and the others were away from City Gate still more than 20 zhang (3.33 m) distances, a seemingly ordinary thin and tall man was gossipped the round mirror one. Immediately is blocked, side is comes up several soldiers, must begin to apprehend rashly. 就在石牧等人距离城门尚有二十余丈距离时,一个看似普通的瘦高男子被八卦圆镜一照后。立刻被拦了下来,旁边更是上来几名士兵,不由分说就要动手捉拿。 I violated anything. Why you must catch me!” Thin and tall man resists, while yelled. “我犯了什么事。你们凭什么要抓我!”瘦高男子一边抵抗,一边大叫道。 In the stream of people of lining up, many people see that on the face also revealed the color of surprise, Shi Mu is captured the attention by it similarly. 排队的人流中,不少人见状,脸上也纷纷露出诧异之色,石牧同样被之吸引了目光。 In the meantime, seems like that the person of defense military officer appearance walked, shouted to the thin and tall man: 就在此时,一名看似守城将领模样之人走了出来,对瘦高男子喝道: Quarrelled anything! Presents the command of immortal teaching, so long as is the person of doubtful heresy, all detains **** the central disk examines. If the rapid repatriation will release people. The principle rather wrong grasps, cannot leak. Defying puts to death!” “吵什么!奉仙教之令,只要是疑似异端之人,一律押****中盘审。若是核实身份自会放人。原则是宁可错抓,不能漏过。违抗者就地诛杀!” Thin and tall male hears word, frightens immediately looks ashen. Does not dare to do again resists slightly, was brought by two soldiers. 瘦高男子闻言,顿时吓得面露土色。不敢再做丝毫抵抗,被两名士兵带了下去。 Actually Shi Mu does not know the heresy in opposite party mouth to refer to anything, but actually looked at that defense military officer one eyes, this person of aura is powerful, just like a Xiantian Early Stage powerhouse. 石牧并不知道对方口中的异端究竟指什么,不过却多看了那名守城将领一眼,此人气息强大,俨然是一名先天初期的强者。 Xiantian Warrior in Da Qi Kingdom, but is honored as National Guardians, which is not existence of keeping aloof, but in capital city Tian Yu City of this land mountain dynasty, a defense military officer has Xiantian cultivation base. 要知道,先天武者大齐国,可是被尊为护国武者,哪一个不是高高在上的存在,而在这陆山王朝的都城天虞城,一名守城将领却都有着先天修为 In comparison, high under stands sees. 两相比较之下,高下立见。 Quick, Shi Mu and other group are away from the City Gate mouth, already less than ten zhang (3.33 m). 很快,石牧等一行人距离城门口,已不足十丈了。 What person, why does not line up from the both sides!” A guarding a gate soldier sees that puts out a hand a finger/refers of caravan direction, scolded loudly. “什么人,缘何不从两侧排队!”一名守门士兵见状,伸手一指车队方向,大声呵斥道。 The person of surrounding several soldier and say/way clothing/taking sees that to be just about to go forward, has walked the dignified middle-aged man one side of carriage, actually moves forward to meet somebody on own initiative, and pulls out a palm of the hand size from the bosom golden token, distant holds up toward that defense military officer. 周围几名士兵和道服之人见状正要上前,一直行走在马车一侧的威严中年男子,却主动迎了上去,并从怀中掏出一块巴掌大小的金色令牌,遥遥的朝着那名守城将领举起。 That defense military officer vision sweeps that golden token, suddenly the complexion big change, hurriedly separates the two sides soldiers, goes forward in big strides, said toward the dignified middle-aged person submissively: 那名守城将领目光一扫那面金色令牌,蓦然面色大变,匆匆分开两边的士兵,大踏步上前,朝威严中年人拱手道: Originally is revering causes the Sir, allows to pass quickly!” “原来是尊使大人,快放行!” The voice falls, the soldiers and change with person of complexion of these Daoist robes guarding a gate, hastily making way path. 话音落下,守门的士兵和与那些道袍之人脸色一变,连忙让开道路。 The quick luxurious carriage under attention of others, passed City Gate directly, Shi Mu and the others naturally also accompanied to enter, had not been interrogated inspects. 很快豪华马车就在旁人的瞩目下,直接通过了城门,石牧等人自然也随行而入,没有受到丝毫盘问检查。 Enters City Gate, first reflects pleasant, is one holds ten horse parallel broad blue stone Great Dao sufficiently, front not far away is an intersection, to lead to three directions, intersection stream of people like shuttle. 一进入城门,首先映入眼中的,就是一条足以容纳十马并行的宽阔青石大道,前方不远处是个十字路口,通向三个方向,路口处人流如梭。 In the meantime, Liu An walked toward the carriage middle-aged person directly, holds the fist in the other hand a ritual to say toward it: 就在此时,柳岸直接向马车旁的中年人走了过去,朝其抱拳一礼道: Land brother, since caravan has arrived in day of Yu safely, at other below also matters, said goodbye in advance.” “陆兄,既然车队已平安抵达天虞,在下还有些其他事,就先行告辞了。” Willow tree chivalrous person, if not anxious, together how might as well enter the mansion to take a short break along with me? Below in Tian Yu City also somewhat thin surface, if there is any difficult matter, perhaps can also lend a hand 12.” The dignified middle-aged man spoke to detain to say. “柳义士,若是不急的话,不如一同随我入府稍事休憩如何?在下在天虞城还有几分薄面,如有什么难事,或许也能帮衬一二。”威严中年男子出言挽留道。 Land brother was polite, really has the important matter below in the body, really remains inconveniently.” The Liu An smile said. “陆兄客气了,在下确有要事在身,实在不便多留。”柳岸微笑道。 The dignified middle-aged person sees the Liu An intention to leave to be really firm, does not detain, put out a brocade sack to give Liu An from the bosom directly. 威严中年人见柳岸去意甚坚,也不挽留,直接从怀中拿出一个锦囊递给了柳岸 After Liu An accepts, turns around to greet with Shi Mu, integrates the communication stream of people rapidly, vanishes in the boundless huge crowd quickly. 柳岸收下后,转身跟石牧打了个招呼,就迅速融入来往人流,很快消失在茫茫人海之中。 Then, Shi Mu also goes forward to say good-bye before leaving to the dignified middle-aged person, the opposite party naturally is also one detains, sees Shi Mu to be determined to walk, similarly paid the reward. 接下来,石牧也上前向威严中年人辞行,对方自然也是一番挽留,见石牧执意要走,同样给付了报酬。 Shi Mu received the brocade sack, the vision sweeps slightly, inside is silver light shining middle level Spirit Talisman and ten preliminary Spirit Stone, in the heart one happy 石牧接过锦囊,目光稍稍一扫,里面是一枚银光灿灿的中阶灵符和十块初阶灵石,心中不由一喜 This Silver Talisman impressively was initially gate of Forbidden Land warrior, the teleport symbol that the fire dancing princess critical juncture gives. 银色符箓赫然就是当初勇士之门禁地,火舞公主危急关头所给的瞬移符。 He puts in the brocade sack the dust vast abstention, goes to right side one street line casually, but the luxurious carriage also surrounded by others , to continue to spread later toward the front street. 他将锦囊放入尘渺戒中,就随便向右侧一条街道行去,而豪华马车也随后在其余人的簇拥下,继续朝着前方街道驰去。 Shi Mu strolls in the street, sized up on this Eastern Continent the liveliest city. 石牧漫步在街头,打量起了这座东洲大陆上最繁华的城市。 In the city is bustling and filled with people everywhere, including many brocade clothes magnificent dress, the caravan contact of luxurious carriage and full and complete cargo such as weaves, the people of the lower classes, the Song of the Rustic Poor of Yinchemaijiang, find at everywhere along the street. 城内到处都是人头攒动,其中有不少锦衣华服者,豪华马车和满载货物的车队往来如织,贩夫走卒,引车卖浆的下里巴人,更是沿街随处可见。 The street two sides are the constructions that rows of height vary, various shops stand in great numbers, the flag streamer one to the end, is not open for business shortly very early in the morning in abundance, starts to gather the customer. 街道两边是一排排高矮不一的建筑,各种店铺林立,旗幡一眼看不到头,一大早就纷纷开张,开始招揽顾客。 The one who makes Shi Mu, can see by far, in the city has many 56, even the big projects of 78 story-high, even can also see distantly city west has a hill that reaches as high as the hundred zhang (333 m), the summit place fog winds around, visibles faintly above scale broad palace group distributions. 更让石牧震憾的是,远远就可以看到,城内有不少五六层,甚至七八层高的大型建筑,甚至还能遥遥看到城西有一座高达百丈的小山,山顶处云雾缭绕,隐约可见一座座规模恢宏的宫殿群分布其上。 The constructions of 34 story-high, in the common city are big, but here is actually sloppy ordinary. 三四层高的建筑,在一般城池中已算是高大,而在这里却是稀松平常。 Why does not know, Shi Mu could not bear remember from leaving wildly, scene that this saw all the way along the way. 不知为何,石牧忍不住想起了自离开蛮荒,这一路上沿途所见到的景象。 The desolate barren land of finding at everywhere, the sparsely inhabited villages and small towns, should spiritual energy rich mountain range become the deathly stillness heavy, the vegetation is on the wane, like the Linshan Town small town, is not infrequent. 随处可见的荒瘠土地,人烟稀少的村镇,本该灵气浓郁的山脉变得死寂沉沉,植被凋零,如同临山镇般的小镇,更是不在少数。 The one who most makes his impression profound is, outside some multi- villages and small towns has the big piece tomb, even exposes the corpse wilderness much **** skeleton. 最让他印象深刻的是,有多村镇外有大片的坟茔,甚至还有不少曝尸荒野的****骸骨。 That all sorts of all, with here vividly formed the striking contrast. 那种种的一切,与这里的繁华形成了鲜明对比。 Shi Tou (stone), we go to that Cuixiang Building to eat meal, Cai'er was starving!” In the meantime, Parrot Cai'er resounds in the ear bank suddenly. 石头,我们去那个翠香楼吃饭吧,彩儿快饿死了!”就在此时,鹦鹉彩儿蓦然在耳畔响起。 Its correct use wing is pointing at a not far away magnificent restaurant, two shine. 它正用翅膀指着不远处一座华丽的酒楼,两眼放光。 If I have not remembered incorrectly, before you enter a city, has eaten many things, waited to say at noon again.” Shi Mu has not paid attention to Cai'er. “若我没记错的话,你进城前就吃过不少东西了吧,等中午再说。”石牧没有理会彩儿 Snort, mean-spirited!” Cai'er flaps the wings, flew furiously. “哼,小气!”彩儿一拍翅膀,气哼哼的飞了出去。 Shi Mu also thinks little, receives the thoughts, starts to pass in and out in inn, stores and other places. 石牧也不以为意,收起心思,开始在一间间客栈、商铺等地进进出出。 In a while, Parrot flew. 没过多久,鹦鹉就飞了回来。 Shi Tou (stone), some that side people in the performance vaudeville, are good to stimulate, we have a look!” Parrot circles in the Shi Mu top of the head, while called out. 石头,那边有人在表演杂耍,好刺激,我们去看看吧!”鹦鹉一边在石牧头顶盘旋,一边哇哇叫道。 Shi Tou (stone), that side seems like some people to sell precious gem, these precious gem are quite attractive!” 石头,那边似乎有人在卖宝石,那些宝石好漂亮啊!” There, Shi Tou (stone) looks quickly, that is anything, as if very fun appearance!” “还有那里,石头快看,那是什么东西,似乎很好玩的样子!” ...... …… In talking incessantly sound that in the Parrot Cai'er almost moment has not stopped, Shi Mu eventually finished in Tian Yu City first day traveling schedule. 鹦鹉彩儿几乎一刻未停的唠叨声中,石牧终于结束了在天虞城的第一天行程。 Before the weather is completely dark, he looked for an inn at will, rented an independent yard, temporarily resided. 在天色尽暗之前,他随意找了一处客栈,租下了一处独立小院,暂住了下来。 News that inquires from today, like this various disciples who Ximen Xue attended the rise immortal grand ceremony, should be arranged in some post houses in various places in the minute/share Putrajaya. 从今天打探到的消息来看,西门雪这样来参加升仙大典的各宗弟子,应该是被安排在分布城中各处的一些驿馆之中。 It is said that the these post house time rises the immortal grand ceremony by the land mountain dynasty for this, especially sets up. 据说,这些驿馆是由陆山王朝为此次升仙大典,专门设立的。 Because Tian Yu City is really big, this kind of post house are also many, so in the situation, must find a person, just like looks for a needle in a haystack general. 由于天虞城实在是太大,此类驿馆又多,如此情况下,要找一个人,犹如大海捞针一般。 However at this time convenes from the demon Yang grand ceremony, about seven months, but hurried back to Qin Heavenly Demon Sect from Tian Yu City, so long as 34 months were enough, in the time was abundant. 不过此时距离魔阳大典召开,还有大约七个多月时间,而从天虞城赶回大秦国天魔宗,只要三四个月就足够了,时间上还算充裕。 In addition, today he also knows from some store Storekeeper mouths, rises the actual beginning time of immortal auction, one month later, and at this congress, will also have the grade not low monster ape blood essence sell. 此外,今天他还从一些商铺掌柜口中得知,升仙拍卖会的确切开始时间,就在一个多月后,且此次大会上,还会有品级不低的妖猿精血出售。 This is at five Shi Mu regarding the Vigorous Demon Ape Secret Art card, without doubt is a big good news. 这对于大力魔猿脱胎决卡在五层的石牧而言,无疑是一个大喜讯。 Therefore he planned that and other auctions start, inquired the Ximen Xue trail.( To be continued.) 所以他打算边等拍卖会开始,边打听西门雪的踪迹。(未完待续。)
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