TPW :: Volume #3

#226: Rises the immortal auction

A month later. 一个多月后。 At this time is the noontime, the hot sun overhead, clear sky bluish green Xi, the blue sky. 此时正值午时,烈日当头,晴空碧洗,万里无云。 A piece occupies a land area of dozens mu Forest to distribute by the zhang (3.33 m) permits Kuan major road, the luxuriant growth of leaves and branches, haunches a coolness. 一片占地数十亩的树林分布在丈许宽的官道两侧,枝繁叶茂,撑起一片阴凉。 Stops by the luxurious horse-drawn vehicles of two pure white handsome horse towing near left side Forest, a groom of grey clothes is feeding the water and fodder to two white horses. 一辆由两匹纯白俊马拖曳的豪华马车停在左侧树林边,一身灰衣的马夫正在给两匹白马喂水和草料。 Around the carriage, more than 20 people, or stand or sit, protects to be one of them faintly the carriage, during the looks full is vigilant the color. 马车周围,还有二十多人,或站或坐,隐隐将马车护在其中,眼神间满是警惕之色。 The these person has the bloodstain mostly, but the wound located already to be wrapped up, at this time in threes and twos, is eating the dry rations, while sat on the ground rests. 这些人身上大都带着血迹,不过伤口处已经被包扎了起来,此时正三两成群,一边吃着干粮,一边坐在地上休憩。 To the big tree of carriage not far away , a tall black garment youth, two surround in the chest front, leans on eyes closed on tree trunk maintains mental tranquility, behind is shouldering two alternately with the long shape weapon that the black cloth wraps. 离马车不远处的一棵大树下,一个身材高大的黑衫青年,正两手环抱在胸前,倚靠在树干闭目养神,身后交叉背负着两件用黑布包裹的长形兵器。 Youth Shi Mu. 青年正是石牧 However at this time his shoulder is completely empty, Parrot Cai'er is not at its side. 不过此时他肩头空空如也,鹦鹉彩儿并不在其身边。 In the meantime, an appearance handsome 30 -year-old a man, walked to Shi Mu from another tree. 就在此时,一个面目俊朗的三十多岁男子,从另一棵树下向石牧走了过来。 This person of pale blue long gown, the straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards bright eye, forehead is entangling silver cotton tape, a blood-color long hair smooth along hanging, very optional hanging loose in behind, quite the feeling of somewhat handsome handsome man. 此人一身月白长袍,剑眉朗目,额头缠着一根银色布带,一头血色长发光滑顺垂而下,很随意的披散在身后,颇有几分翩翩美男子之感。 Brother Liu, can you know us to leave Tian Yu City now far also?” Shi Mu hears the sound of footsteps, opens eyes, asked. 柳兄,你可知我们现在离天虞城还有多远?”石牧听到脚步声,睁开双眼,如此问道。 Roughly in January/one month distance.” “还有约莫一月路程吧。” The handsome man is saying, arrives to the tree of Shi Mu not far away, similarly by tree trunk, asked: 俊朗男子说着,走到离石牧不远处的一棵树下,同样靠在树干上,问道: Right, Brother Shi has Xiantian cultivation base young, this time goes to Tian Yu City, is it possible that is attended the rise immortal grand ceremony?” “对了,石兄年纪轻轻就已有先天修为,此次前往天虞城,莫非是去参加升仙大典的吧?” Brother Liu chatted. May not have such Immortal Destiny below. Travels for pleasure, grows in experience.” Shi Mu shakes the head. 柳兄说笑了。在下可没此等仙缘。只是去游历一番,长长见识而已。”石牧摇了摇头。 That Brother Shi looks like with is the same below, to rise the immortal auction comes.” Liu An said. “那石兄看来是和在下一样,是为升仙拍卖会而来的了。”柳岸道。 Rises the immortal auction?” Shi Mu stares. “升仙拍卖会?”石牧一愣。 „. Doesn't Brother Shi know this matter?” “哦。难道石兄不知道此事吗?” Hope hears Qixiang.” “愿闻其详。” Actually in this is not what secret. Because each rises the immortal grand ceremony to converge the entire Eastern Continent most talent disciple to participate, in addition many people catch up to observe and emulate. Naturally accomplished the day of Yu Doucheng 30 years a time unprecedented grand occasion. Heavenly Wu Merchant Association takes the land mountain dynasty's first chamber of commerce, is hitting rises the immortal by the head, is rising the immortal congress to hold a large rising immortal auction each time in the first half of the year. It is said at this auction, thing that so long as you want to obtain, may buy in inside. A little, this rise immortal auction does not receive the silver coins paper money, only receives Spirit Stone.” The handsome man said with a smile. “其实在这也不算什么秘密。由于每一届升仙大典都会云集整个东洲大陆大半的天才弟子参加,此外还有不少人赶来观摩。自然造就了天虞都城三十年一次的空前盛况。天吴商会作为陆山王朝第一商会,便打着升仙的由头,在每次升仙大会前半年举办一次规模盛大的升仙拍卖会。据说在这场拍卖会上,只要你想得到的东西,都有可能在里面买到。只是有一点,这升仙拍卖会不收银两银票,只收灵石。”俊朗男子笑道。 So that's how it is, thank you Brother Liu considers.” Shi Mu listened to the words of handsome man. In the heart also some meanings move. 原来如此,多谢柳兄相告。”石牧听了俊朗男子的话。心中也有些意动。 He also wants to ask anything again, at this moment, that side the luxurious carriage transmits a tumult. 他还想再问些什么,就在这时,豪华马车那边传来一阵骚动。 Two people go following the prestige, see only the horse vehicle door to open, a well-dressed 12 or 13-year-old young boy goes down from the vehicle, later under an appearance dignified middle-aged person supports by the arm, walks toward Shi Mu and handsome male two people. 二人循声望去,只见马车门已打开,一个衣着华丽的十二三岁小男孩从车上走下,随后在一个面相威严的中年人搀扶下,朝石牧及俊朗男子二人走来。 This dignified middle-aged person aura is vast, impressively is also Xiantian Warrior, is this caravan leader. 这威严中年人身上的气息浩瀚,赫然也是一名先天武者,同时也是这支车队的首领。 In comparison, the young boy appears emaciated is tinier. The figure did not say emaciated, complexion slightly is also pale, the facial expression looks somewhat shy. But in the vision actually conceals a stubbornness. 与之相比,小男孩则显得孱弱渺小许多。身形瘦弱不说,脸色也略显苍白,神情看起来有些腼腆。但目光中却隐含一丝倔强。 Shi Mu and handsome man saw that stood the body. 石牧和俊朗男子见状,站直了身体。 Two chivalrous people, our Hong Young Master insist on being probable personally to two expressions of gratitude!” After the dignified middle-aged person supports by the arm the youngster to arrive in front of the Shi Mu two people stands firm, said that if the sound the mighty bell, the air/Qi is full. “两位义士,我们洪少爷执意要亲自向两位道谢!”威严中年人搀着少年走到石牧二人面前站定后,说道,声若洪钟,中气十足。 The Shi Mu two people are startled, looked at young boy one eyes, said, this is the first time that two people saw it from the carriage. 石牧二人一怔,不由多看了小男孩一眼,说起来,这还是两人第一次见其从马车上来。 Other day caravan was attacked. The thank you two benefactors lent a hand in emergency, rescued a Hong Er life. Two benefactors. Please be done obeisance by Hong Er.” The emaciated young boy insists on supporting by the arm of breaking away middle-aged person, insisted to Shi Mu and handsome man good a big ritual. “日前车队遇袭。多谢两位恩公拔刀相助,救了洪儿一命。两位恩公。请受洪儿一拜。”瘦弱的小男孩执意挣开中年人的搀扶,坚持向石牧和俊朗男子行了个大礼。 Where words Hong Young Master spoke. On the same day as a result of circumstance, is our fates.” The handsome male right hand moves gently, supported the emaciated young boy, shows a faint smile to say. “洪公子说哪里话。当日因缘际会,也是我们的缘分。”俊朗男子右手轻轻一动,就扶住了瘦弱小男孩,微微一笑道。 „The slight effort, Hong Young Master does not need so.” Shi Mu shows a faint smile similarly. “举手之劳,洪公子不必如此。”石牧同样微微一笑。 The emaciated young boy also said after two grateful words, physical strength is somewhat weak, therefore under supporting by the arm of dignified middle-aged person, returned to the carriage again. 瘦弱的小男孩又说了两句感激的话后,体力似有些不支,于是在威严中年人的搀扶下,再次返回到了马车里。 Sees this Hong Young Master, could not bear think of childhood below.” After the young boy walks, the handsome man muttered. “看到这位洪公子,在下忍不住想到了小时候的自己。”小男孩走后,俊朗男子喃喃自语了一声。 Heard this word, Shi Mu sized up his up and down. 听闻此言,石牧不由上下打量了他一下。 He is not really able this elegant bearing handsome man, emaciated young boy who walks the important person to support by the arm to contact at present with that. 他实在无法将眼前这位风度翩翩的美男子,跟那位走路都要人搀扶的瘦弱小男孩联系起来。 Mentioned with this handsome man as well as young boy and the others the bitter experiences, was really a chance encounter. 说起与这俊朗男子以及小男孩等人的遭遇,着实是一桩巧遇。 Before previous day, when he passed by narrow rugged valley lands, encounters caravan that this young boy was. 就在前一日前,当他路过一片狭窄崎岖的谷地时,遭遇了这小男孩所在的车队 At that time caravan was encountering more than 20 people of black clothes wearing a mask to attack, in the investor impressively four Xiantian powerhouses, other are also Late Stage Houtian above strength. 当时车队正遭遇二十余名黑衣蒙面之人袭击,围攻者中赫然有四名先天强者,其余也都是后天后期以上的实力 In spoken language that since the middle-aged person scolded, disclosed that they should be Tian Yu City quite have the person of status. 从中年人呵斥的言语中,透露出他们应该是天虞城颇有身份之人。 The person of black clothes wearing a mask but besieges actually ignores, launches one after another ice cold offensive, the goal as if is that carriage. 但围攻的黑衣蒙面之人却置若罔闻,发起一波又一波凌冽攻势,目标似乎便是那辆马车。 That dignified middle-aged person brings to resist hand/subordinate at risk of life, although his strength is tyrannical, but a caravan side obviously was still at a disadvantage. 那名威严中年人带着手下拼死抵挡,虽然他实力强横,但车队一方仍明显处于下风。 In the crisis moment, that handsome man does not know that from where moves sideways, but presently, and without delay joins a caravan side, tied down an opposite party Xiantian powerhouse, the situation immediately greatly slow. 就在危机关头,那名俊朗男子不知从何处闪身而现,并二话不说的加入车队一方,缠住了对方一名先天强者,局势顿时大缓。 After Shi Mu slightly one hesitates, releases for flight Cai'er, oneself also drew a sword to join the regiment, similarly to an opposite party Xiantian powerhouse. 石牧略一犹豫后,将彩儿放飞,自己同样拔刀加入了战团,同样对上了对方一名先天强者。 Had joining of Shi Mu and handsome man, a caravan side is in the upper hand quickly, wearing a mask black-clothed person of attack, after throwing down several Houtian Warrior corpses, finally drew back. 有了石牧和俊朗男子的加入,车队一方很快就占了上风,来袭的蒙面黑衣人,在丢下数具后天武者尸体后,终于退了开去。 Afterward the dignified middle-aged person proposed the handsome man and Shi Mu are the guards, escorts caravan to go to the request of Tian Yu City, and permits at generous reward. 随后威严中年人提出了俊朗男子及石牧二人为护卫,护送车队前往天虞城的请求,并许以丰厚报酬。 The handsome man said oneself go the same way exactly, complied, Shi Mu slightly hesitates, has not rejected. 俊朗男子称自己恰好同路,一口就答应了下来,石牧略一沉吟,也没有拒绝。 From now on Shi Mu will become one in caravan, in later the understood handsome man named Liu An. 自此石牧就成为了车队中的一员,也在随后知道了俊朗男子名叫柳岸 In the meantime, disturbance, pulled back the reality from the recollection Shi Mu. 就在此时,一阵吵杂声,将石牧从回忆中拉回了现实。 He looks up, originally caravan has arranged clothes, prepared again. 他抬头一看,原来车队已整装完毕,准备重新出发了。 ...... …… Several days later some night, the dark cloud obstructed moon/month, in the world a piece silent dark. 数日后的某个夜里,乌云遮月,天地间一片寂静黑暗。 The luxurious carriage stopped near a wilderness, periphery tent distribution that more than ten sizes varied, becomes many things around a center certainly carriage surrounding in. 豪华马车停在了一片旷野边,十几个大小不一的帐蓬分布周围,成众星捧月之势将马车包围其中。 At this time besides two standing night watch people, the people of entire caravan has been in the deep sleep. 此时除了两名守夜之人外,整个车队之人大都已处于沉睡之中。 In the meantime, in a caravan edge common tent, Shi Mu turns over/stands up to sit up, spills openings in the tent external bracing, the figure moves, silent dived to some direction. 就在此时,车队边缘一个不起眼的帐蓬中,石牧翻身坐起,在帐蓬外拉开一个口子,身形一动,就无声无息的向某个方向潜了过去。 After the quarter of an hour, he appeared near a river bank. 一刻钟后,他出现在了一处河岸边。 At this time cloud open/start moonrise, moonlight light title deed on the face of Shi Mu. 此时云开月出,月光淡淡地照在石牧的脸上。 His figure like electricity, rapid searched the riverside surrounding grove, all not exceptionally. 他身形如电,迅速的将河边周围的树丛搜索了一遍,一切都没有异常。 At this time he stood in the riverside open area, both hands formed hand seals, in the mouth mumbles. 这时他才站在河边空地,双手掐诀,口中中念念有词来。 Since previous time he uses the fresh flower to trade Yan Luo that green flower, Yan Luo then did not pay attention to his summon, this makes Shi Mu quite depressed. 自从上次他用鲜花换走了烟罗的那朵绿花后,烟罗便一直不理睬他的召唤,这让石牧颇为郁闷。 Shortly after this time, the incantation sound gets up, before its, not far away emits black air/Qi suddenly. 这一次,咒语声响起不久,其身前不远处突然冒出一股黑气。 The Shi Mu great happiness, this is the prelude that Yan Luo will soon be summoned. 石牧大喜,这正是烟罗即将被召唤出来的前奏。 It seems like Yan Luo is willing to forgive itself finally. 看来烟罗终于肯原谅自己了。 Quick, the skeleton form that grasps the bone spear/gun appeared from the black mist, the figure moves, walked. 很快,一个手持骨枪的骷髅身影从黑色雾气中浮现了出来,身形一动,就走了出来。 But the next instance, unexpected happened! 但下一个瞬间,出人意料的一幕发生了! Yan Luo figure fuzzy, suddenly is vanishing same place does not see. 烟罗身形一个模糊下,突然在原地消失不见。 Has not waited for Shi Mu to respond, by not far away grove the black air/Qi flashes suddenly, Yan Luo appears baseless, in the hand on the bone spear/gun the white light circulation, changes into together the misty white spear/gun shadow, gripped to the grove suddenly somewhere. 还没等石牧反应过来,不远处树丛旁突然黑气一闪,烟罗凭空浮现而出,手中骨枪上白光流转,化为一道白蒙蒙枪影,猛然向树丛中某处扎了过去。 Together Silver Sword light prompt jumps out from the grove, happen to blocked the attack of Yan Luo. 一道银色剑光及时的从树丛中窜出,正好挡住了烟罗的攻击。 Clang a loud sound! “铿”的一声巨响! Silver white two light flashed extinguish, Yan Luo figure. 银白两种光芒一闪即灭,烟罗的身形顿了一下。 Brother Shi, is I!” A familiar sound sound. 石兄,是我!”一个熟悉的声音响了起来。 Simultaneously a white person's shadow jumps out from the grove like lightning, after several flash, arrived at Shi Mu not far away. 同时一道白色人影如闪电般从树丛中窜出,几个闪动后,就到了石牧不远处。 At this moment, person's shadow black air/Qi flashes, a bone white long rifle sling dozens afterimage were puncturing, the sharp sound air-splitting such as the evil spirit smiles sharp, appalling. 就在这时,人影身旁一道黑气一闪,一根骨白色长枪带着数十道残影刺了出来,尖利的破空声如厉鬼尖笑般,令人毛骨悚然。 The white person's shadow figure is nimble and resourceful, but shook several to shake, avoided Yan Luo all attacks, then figure another fuzziness, appeared in front of Shi Mu. 白色人影身形灵动,只是晃了几晃,就避开了烟罗所有的攻击,然后身形再一个模糊,就出现在石牧面前。 Just appeared Yan Luo of figure, body white light flashed, must pursue again. 刚刚现出身形的烟罗,身上白光一闪,就要再次追击。 Shi Mu sees that sent an order with Divine Sense hastily, stopped it. 石牧见状,连忙用神识发了一道命令,将其阻拦了下来。 Yan Luo looks stops in Shi Mu front white person's shadow, after the eye soul fire glittering, but immediately a figure revolution, the whole body black air/Qi binds, vanishes to disappear again baseless. 烟罗看着停在石牧面前的白色人影,眼中魂火一阵闪烁后,但随即身形一转,周身黑气一裹,就再次凭空消失不见了。 Shi Mu sees that in the heart smiles bitterly, but is quick his vision to stay on front Liu An, said: 石牧见状,心中苦笑一声,但很快他的目光就停留在面前的柳岸身上,说道: Brother Liu, is it possible that you in track below?” 柳兄,莫非你在跟踪在下?” Brother Shi must misunderstand not, cannot fall asleep in the next evening, comes out to transfer one revolution to ventilate to the riverside. Without thinking of actually chance encounter Brother Shi, just wants to come to greet here, who thinks that Brother Shi Soul Pet is so fierce, act almost let come a big cropper below.” Liu An shakes the head, said. 石兄莫要误会,在下晚上睡不着,就出来到河边转一转透透气。没想到却在这里巧遇石兄,刚想过来打个招呼,谁想到石兄灵宠这么厉害,一出手就差点让在下栽了一个大跟头。”柳岸摇了摇头,道。 So that's how it is.” Shi Mu said. 原来如此。”石牧道。 Hehe, Brother Shi not only martial arts cultivation base is not never expected that weak, unexpectedly is Spirit Master. Then, below also have several Spirit Master friend, later has the opportunity, pouring to introduce that you know , more than many exchange the cultivation attainment. As far as I know, Spirit Master is very rare.” Liu An said with a smile. “呵呵,没想到石兄不仅武道修为不弱,竟还是一名魂师。说起来,在下也有数魂师朋友,以后有机会,倒可以介绍你们认识一下,也好多多交流修炼心得。据我所知,魂师可是十分稀罕的。”柳岸笑道。 Brother Shi felt relieved, this matter will keep secret for you below.” Has not waited for the Shi Mu opens the mouth, Liu An to wink suddenly under the eye toward Shi Mu, lowers the sound to say. 石兄放心,此事在下会为你保密的。”未等石牧开口,柳岸突然朝石牧眨了下眼睛,压低声音说道。 As if saw nature that Shi Mu has not chatted, Liu An looked for immediately by the head, said goodbye to depart. 似乎看出石牧并没有闲聊的性质,柳岸随即找了个由头,告辞离去了。 Shi Mu stands in same place, looks the back that Liu An vanishes gradually, on the face reveals color looking pensive. 石牧站在原地,看着柳岸渐渐消失的背影,脸上露出若有所思之色。 ( To be continued.) (未完待续。)
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