TPW :: Volume #3

#225: Trades the flower

In Yan Luo eye soul fire fiercely one bright, looks up to Shi Mu, black air/Qi thick several points, had tornado in the surrounding spatial gas range, in the hand the bone spear/gun held up slowly. 烟罗眼中魂火猛地一亮,抬头看向石牧,身上的黑气浓了几分,在周围的空气带起了一股旋风,手中骨枪缓缓举起。 No rush! This flower gives you to be able, but you must trade with that flower.” Shi Mu is saying, waved and took out that red lotus flower, then refers to the Yan Luo head was leaving the green flower. “别急!这花给你可以,不过你要拿那朵花来换。”石牧说着,挥手又取出了那个红色莲花,然后指了指烟罗脑袋上别着的绿花。 Yan Luo soul fire glittering two, as if somewhat hesitated, but after looking at the lotus flower in Shi Mu hand, how long without considering, then took down the green flower from the head, threw to Shi Mu, simultaneously clamped the hand to seize the red lotus flower. 烟罗魂火闪烁了两下,似乎有些犹豫,但看了看石牧手中的莲花后,没有考虑多久,便从脑袋上取下了绿花,扔给了石牧,同时夹手将红色莲花一把夺了过去。 Shi Mu quickly catches the green flower, the tentacle locates an icy cold feeling , like the beforehand feeling. 石牧急忙接住绿花,触手处一片冰凉感觉,和之前的感觉一样。 In his heart one happy, sizes up the green flower carefully. 他心中一喜,仔细打量起绿花。 When he raised the head again, Yan Luo actually already returns to the Dead Spirit World surface, only several wisps of black air/Qi flutter, but also vanishes quickly. 等他再抬起头,烟罗已经返回死灵界面,只余有几缕黑气飘荡,不过也很快消失。 His corners of the mouth move, sighing, under the heart somewhat is slightly ashamed. 他嘴角动了动,叹了口气,心下微微有些惭愧。 Immediately, Shi Mu shakes the head, abandons the these thought. 随即,石牧摇了摇头,将这些念头抛开。 The land mountain dynasty is close at hand, future difficult, needing under the promotion strength is as soon as possible good. 陆山王朝近在眼前,前途多艰,需要尽快提升下实力才行。 Shi Tou (stone), what thing is this flower?” In the meantime, Cai'er flew, falls on the Shi Mu shoulder. 石头,这花是什么东西?”就在此时,彩儿飞了过来,落在石牧肩头。 Good thing.” “好东西。” Shi Mu has not explained anything to Cai'er, received the meteoric iron black blade and short stick, under arrives around giant stone to be implicated. 石牧没有对彩儿多解释什么,将陨铁黑刀和短棒收了起来,走到旁边一处巨石旁坐下。 I then have the matter to do, the security gave you.” Shi Mu looked at Cai'er one, said “我接下来有事要做,警戒就交给你了。”石牧看了彩儿一眼,说道 Is this troublesome matter.” Cai'er complained one, but spread the wings to fly. “又是这种麻烦的事情。”彩儿抱怨了一句,不过还是展翅飞了起来。 Shi Mu smiles, the vision looks toward the sky. 石牧笑了笑,目光朝着天空望去。 The cloud layer in midair dissipates at this moment gradually, revealed sky bright moon gradually. 半空中的云层此刻渐渐消散开,渐渐露出了天空皎洁的月亮。 moonlight such as washes, nearby ground sprinkled the silver gray. Not far away, straight mountain peak as if huge stone pillar. Straight thrust sky. 月光如洗,将附近的地面上洒满了银灰。不远处,一座笔直的山峰仿佛一个巨大石柱。直刺天空。 Although the mountain peak is not high, but is powerful. 山峰虽然不高,但是气势十足。 This mountain peak, was called little Tianfeng by the native. Pours also quite tallies. 这座山峰,被当地人称之为小天峰。倒也颇为相符。 Shi Mu looked at mountain peak two, then took back the vision. Looks again to the green flower in hand. 石牧看了山峰两眼,便收回了目光。再次看向手中的绿花。 Above the flowers the green light circulation, the liquid seems to be common. 花朵之上绿光流转,仿佛液体一般。 His vision flashes, cast off a flower petal with the finger cautiously. 他目光微闪,用手指小心翼翼的摘掉了一枚花瓣。 The flower petal leaves the green flower, immediately pā tà disrupts, changes into extremely pale azure air current. 花瓣一离开绿花,立刻“啪嗒”一声碎裂开来,化为一股极淡的青色气流。 Shi Mu palm light flashed, Magic Power passes the body, wraps the azure air current. 石牧手掌光芒一闪,法力透体而出,将青色气流包裹住。 Bumps into Magic Power, the azure air current immediately whiz. Integrated. 一碰到法力,青色气流立刻“嗖”的一下。融入了其中。 Shi Mu hurried eyes closed, stimulates to movement the Divine Sense guidance, attracts the income body Magic Power, immediately a Yin cold air class/flow loafed in its meridians, finally integrated in his Dantian. 石牧急忙闭目,催动神识引导,将法力吸收入体,顿时一股阴寒气流在其经脉中游荡了一圈,最后融入了他的丹田之中。 A moment later, he opens the eye, in the eye flashes through a happy expression. 片刻之后,他睁开眼睛,眼中闪过一丝喜色。 If its expects, within the body Magic Power promoted a big truncation, has achieved Spirit Accumulating Technique seventh middle level unexpectedly. 如其所料,体内法力增进了一大截,竟已达到了蕴神术第七层中阶了。 Shi Mu deeply inspires, puts down homocentric excited. Also took off a green flower petal. 石牧深吸一口气,平复心中兴奋。又摘下了一个绿色花瓣。 ...... …… The Dead Spirit World surface, the sky gloomy does not have forever up. 死灵界面,天空永远阴沉无光。 A foot have several hundred zhang (333 m) high jet black mountain peak nearby basin center, appears baseless a black air/Qi. Then the Yan Luo form appears, the head is inserting that red lotus flower. 一座足有数百丈高的漆黑山峰附近一处盆地中央,凭空浮现道道黑气。接着烟罗身影从中浮现而出,头上插着那朵红色莲花。 Nearby the basin has a puddle, in the puddle can see the light red material faintly, just like a deep water puddle. 盆地附近有一处水潭,水潭中隐隐能看到淡淡红色物质,俨然是一处冥水水潭。 Fifty wore the bone triumphant skeleton soldier to stand near the puddle, seems admonishing anything, saw Yan Luo to appear, the these skeleton walked in abundance, stood in Yan Luo behind. 五十几具身披骨凯的骷髅战士站在了水潭附近,似乎在警戒什么,看到烟罗出现,这些骷髅纷纷走了过来,站在了烟罗身后 Yan Luo beckons with the hand, these skeletons arrive at the one side immediately. 烟罗摆了摆手,那些骷髅立刻走到一旁。 In puddle nearby open area. Also piled up piles of skeleton skeletons, quantitatively comes to see. Almost more than 100 appearances. 水潭附近的空地上。还堆积了一堆堆骷髅骨骸,从数量上来看。差不多一百多具的样子。 Yan Luo was standing same place the moment, a vision revolution looked to Black Mountain Peak. 烟罗在原地站立了片刻,目光一转的看向了黑色山峰 Above the mountain peak was covered by gray-black mist. Cannot see the summit appearance/portrait from the distant place, but can feel there faint trace serious pressure indistinctly. 山峰之上被一股灰黑色的雾气笼罩。从远处看不到山顶真容,不过隐约能感觉到那里丝丝沉重的威压。 Yan Luo took back the vision quickly, arrives by these skeleton corpses. 烟罗很快收回了目光,走到那些骷髅尸体旁。 In its eye the soul fire flashes fiercely, a soul fire departed from its mouth, integrated in a ground skeleton head. 它眼中魂火剧烈一闪,一点魂火从它口中飞出,融入了地上一具骷髅头颅之中。 In the skull eye in ground that pile of skeleton skeletons, is up green light unexpectedly brightly, then changes into two green soul fires, then the skeleton of ground moves, voluntarily the combination, and will compose a complete skeleton shortly. 地上那堆骷髅骨骸中的头骨眼中,蓦地亮起一点绿光,接着化为两朵绿色魂火,接着地面的骨骸一动,自行组合,并顷刻间组成了一具完整的骷髅。 The skeleton hands and feet moved several, immediately arrived at the one side, stood with that fifty skeleton soldiers. 骷髅手脚动弹了几下,随即走到了一旁,和那五十几个骷髅战士站到了一起。 Yan Luo takes a step to arrive by another pile of skeleton skeletons...... 烟罗则迈步走到另一堆骷髅骨骸旁…… Long time later, is standing skeleton already achieved seventy, but relative, in Yan Luo eye soul fire dim many. 良久之后,站着的骷髅已经达到了七十几具,不过相对的,烟罗眼中魂火黯淡了不少。 It stopped, arrived at the deep water puddle, will jump, body suddenly one stiff. 它停了下来,走到了冥水水潭,正要跳下去,身体忽的一僵。 In the puddle shines upon its appearance at this moment, inserted has withered in head that red lotus flower at this moment completely, changes into a section of gray deadwood thing. 水潭中映照出它此刻的样子,插在头上的那朵红色莲花此刻早已完全枯萎,化为一截灰色枯枝般的东西。 Yan Luo stayed the moment, takes down that section of deadwood. 烟罗呆了片刻,将那一截枯枝取了下来。 It silent roared lowly, stamps the feet fiercely, a soul fire fluctuation. 它无声低吼了一声,猛地跺了跺脚,魂火一阵波动。 A moment later, Yan Luo returned to normal, in the deadwood the hand throws one side, jumped to plunge into the puddle. 片刻之后,烟罗才恢复了平静,将手中枯枝扔到一旁,纵身跳入了水潭之中。 ...... …… After half double-hour, the last green flower petals also change into a cold flow, under the Magic Power guidance of Shi Mu, integrated within the body by it. 半个时辰之后,最后一片绿色花瓣也化为一股冷流,在石牧法力引导下,被其融入体内。 He opens eyes, faintly two rays of light project from its, on the face full is the exciting happy expression. 他睁开双眼,隐隐有两道光芒从其眼中射出,脸上满是兴奋喜色。 Absorbs the entire green flower, his within the body Magic Power already to the ninth peak, from step Star-Rank Warlock, only had the one pace at this moment impressively. 吸收掉整株绿花,他体内法力此刻赫然已经到了第九层巅峰,距离进阶星阶术士,也只有一步之遥了。 His within the body Magic Power must come by foreign object after all, somewhat controls steadily, is not far less than to depend on the Magic Power stability that Moon Swallowing Art must come. 只是,他体内法力毕竟是靠外物得来,有些操控不稳,远不如原先靠吞月式得来的法力稳定。 However this also does not have any, so long as the flower previous some time, Shi Mu can completely grasp these new Magic Power self-confidently quickly. 不过这也没有什么,只要花上一段时间,石牧自信很快能完全掌握这些新增的法力 He deeply breathes, puts down homocentric the excitement, looked up the midair bright moonlight, the intention moved, showed the Moon Swallowing Art posture. 他深深呼吸,平复心中的兴奋,抬头看了看半空的明月,心念一动,摆出了吞月式的姿势。 A moment later, he enters dreamland, the incarnation for White Ape. 片刻之后,他进入梦境,化身为了一头白猿 The midair middle course say/way moonlight lets fall, integrated White Ape within the body. 半空中道道月华垂落下来,融入到了白猿体内。 Shi Mu sized up the past toward the surroundings, suddenly discovered, environment that White Ape placed, before was different. 石牧朝着周围打量过去,蓦然发现,白猿身处的环境,和之前又是不同。 White Ape sits cross-legged to sit above a direct impact horizon mountain peak at this moment, mountain massif dark green azure, seemingly just like huge incomparable smooth stone pillar is all over the body common, goes nonstop to the horizon. 白猿此刻盘膝坐在一座直冲天际的山峰之上,山体通体苍青,看起来恍如一根巨大无比的光滑石柱一般,直通天际。 This mountain peak......” “这个山峰……” Some Shi Mu surprise, this appearance that passes the heavenly mountain peak, actually with that small Tianfeng quite somewhat similarity. 石牧有些诧异,这个通天山峰的模样,倒是和那个小天峰颇有几分相似之处。 Passing heavenly mountain peak nearby world Origin Energy is rich, above the mountain peak grew many trees, the these trees seemingly unusual hugeness, reminding him of these plants in gate of warrior. 天山峰附近天地元气浓郁,山峰之上生长了许多树木,这些树木看起来异乎寻常的巨大,让他想起了勇士之门中的那些植物。 White Ape sits above a peak giant stone at this moment, not far away is many Monster Beast. 白猿此刻坐在峰顶一块巨石之上,不远处是许许多多的妖兽 Wolf, bear, tiger, lion wait/etc...... 狼,熊,虎,狮等等…… At this moment these Monster Beast looks at steadily looks to absorb the moonlight White Ape, among the facial expressions venerates completely. 这些妖兽此刻目不转睛的看着吸纳月华的白猿,神情间满是尊崇。 Several smart, is studying the White Ape posture, showed the Moon Swallowing Art posture, but naturally does not have the moonlight to gather is. 有几个机灵的,学着白猿的姿势,摆出了吞月式的姿势,不过自然没有月华汇聚过来就是。 Passing nearby the heavenly mountain peak is piece of continuous mountain range, but is passing under the heavenly mountain peak highly, the forest above mountain range, seems like a wild primitive feeling. 天山峰附近是一片连绵的山脉,不过高度都在通天山峰之下,山脉之上的森林,看起来一片荒蛮原始的感觉。 Passes heavenly mountain peak not far away, is several is linked to each other volcano, but also is keeping toward the sky blowout billowing black smoke, occasionally has the scarlet magma blowout, has the intermittent stuffy Thunder Clap loud sound. 天山峰不远处,是几座连在一起的火山,还在不停朝着天空喷出滚滚黑烟,偶尔有赤红岩浆喷出,发出阵阵闷雷般的巨响。 The hundred beasts above mountain peak as if become accustomed to regarding nearby volcano already, looked that has not looked at one. 山峰之上的百兽似乎对于附近的火山已经习以为常,看也没有看一眼。 Time points pasts, the White Ape body gathered the moonlight that came to be getting more and more. 时间一点点过去,白猿身上汇聚而来的月华越来越多。 , On White Ape as if covered light silver smog to be the same gradually. 渐渐的,白猿身上仿佛笼罩了一层淡淡银色烟雾一般。 On at this moment, White Ape white light puts suddenly greatly, raises the day to send out an ape to howl. 就在此刻,白猿身上忽然白光大放,扬天发出一声猿啸。 The sound like the billowing wave, goes toward spread in all directions, in the air once appeared the light wave. 声音如同滚滚波浪,朝着四面八方扩散而去,空气中都曾现出淡淡水波。 Nearby hundred beast distance is recent, the giant sound as if steel awl sews in their mind. 附近的百兽距离最近,巨大声音仿佛钢锥钉在它们的脑海之中。 these Monster Beast sent out one piece to wail, holds to lie on the ground. 这些妖兽发出一片哀嚎,抱头趴在了地上。 The White Ape long and loud cry stops suddenly, body white light restraining, gathered its behind, changed into a huge apes and monkeys law, all over the body the white, fully several feet high, seeming like were extremely formidable. 白猿长啸忽然一停,身上白光收敛,汇聚到了它的身后,化为一个巨大的猿猴法相,通体白色,足有十几丈之高,看起来极是威武 law above, grew impressively a pair of white wing, extends, as if the body also wants longer. 法相之上,赫然还生长了一对白色羽翼,伸展开来,似乎比法相身体还要长一些。 White Ape opens eyes, a pair of golden pupil projects two magical skill zhang (3.33 m) golden light. 白猿睁开双眼,一对金色瞳孔射出两道数丈长的金光 The White Ape body stood, sends out a low roar, the back law flashes submerges its within the body, vanishes without the trace. 白猿身体站了起来,发出一声低吼,背后的法相一闪没入它的体内,消失无踪。 Crash-bang! 哗啦! White Ape conducts the back to reappear a pair of white wing, seeming like as if real thing is ordinary. 白猿背上浮现出一对白色羽翼,看起来仿佛真实之物一般。 The wing fans, White Ape flew, as if bird generally free ballooning in sky. 羽翼扇动,白猿飞了起来,仿佛飞鸟一般在天空中自由翱翔。 Numerous Monster Beast above mountain peak sees with own eyes this scenery, in the mouth sends out the exciting beast roar, is prostrating oneself about midair White Ape in abundance. 山峰之上的一众妖兽眼见此景,口中发出兴奋的兽吼,纷纷对着半空白猿拜倒。 White Ape looks at the actions of below hundred beasts, on the face shows the contented facial expression, in the mouth exudes the intermittent roar, as if bluffed and blustered generally nearby passing the heavenly mountain peak paced back and forth several. 白猿看着下方百兽的举动,脸上露出自得的神情,口中发出阵阵吼声,仿佛耀武扬威一般在通天山峰附近徘徊了几圈。 A moment later, White Ape as if showed off enough, no longer paid attention to below Monster Beast, the vision looks toward nearby several volcanos. 片刻之后,白猿似乎炫耀够了,不再理会下方的妖兽,目光朝着附近的几座火山望去。 In the White Ape eye shows a ponder facial expression, a moment later, its wing show/unfolds, flew toward recent volcanic crater, flew into impressively directly. 白猿眼中露出一丝思考般的神情,片刻之后,它翅膀一展,朝着最近的一处火山口飞了过去,赫然直接飞入了其中。 In the Shi Mu heart of White Ape within the body moves, by the thought of White Ape, he can feel the surrounding burning hot and rich Fire Attribute spiritual energy clearly. 白猿体内的石牧心中一动,透过白猿的思维,他能够清楚的感觉到周围的炙热和浓郁的火属性灵气。 A giant magma lake appears in front of White Ape, in the White Ape eye appears the exciting color, conducts the back the both wings to receive, plunged into the magma directly. 一个巨大的岩浆湖泊出现在白猿面前,白猿眼中浮现出兴奋之色,背上双翅一收,径直跳入了岩浆之中。 Shi Mu at present one black, the next moment sobered from dreamland, returned to own body. 石牧眼前一黑,下一刻梦境中清醒了过来,回到了自己的身体。 This moment weather already brightens, the moon western frontier, can only see a shadow. 此刻天色已经变亮,月亮西垂,只能看到一点影子。 Shi Mu facial expression looks at the front, recalled just dreamland situation, the surging emotions is fluctuating. 石牧神情怔怔的看着前方,回忆着刚刚的梦境情况,心潮起伏。 This is the first time that not when cultivation Moon Swallowing Art, saw different dreamland, some as if days have seen the night to think the feeling, but these dreamland actually as if had no special significance, was far less than useful that cultivation Moon Swallowing Art and Sun Swallowing Art dreamland came. 这已不是第一次在修炼吞月式时,看到不同梦境了,似乎有些日有所见夜有所想之感,但这些梦境却似乎并没有什么特别意义,远不如修炼吞月式吸日式梦境来的有用。 After Shi Mu hesitated the moment, shakes the head, ended the senseless ponder, stood, the vision looks toward the Western distant place, in the eye flashes through a complex color. 石牧沉吟了片刻后,摇了摇头,结束了无谓的思考,站了起来,目光朝着西方远处望去,眼中闪过一丝复杂之色。 There Tian Yu City direction.( To be continued.) 那里正是天虞城的方向。(未完待续。)
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