TPW :: Volume #3

#229: Meeting an old friend far from home

Said, I have seen one time , can truly be called is the appearance moon/month secondary rainbow princess, if Heavenly Immortal, is famous for the beautiful appearance compared with the land mountain dynasty, is not inferior.” Discussed this topic, several people excited. “说起来,我也只是见过一次,啧啧,确实称得上是貌若天仙,比起陆山王朝以美貌著称的月霓公主,也丝毫不逊色。”谈论到这个话题,几人都兴奋了起来。 Shi Mu knits the brows, carries the teacup to toss down, then must set out to go downstairs. 石牧皱了皱眉,端起茶杯一饮而尽,便要起身下楼。 You know that before this female is half a month, Tian Yu City that just arrived, hears from the person of mainland eastern seaside peninsula small lot.” Another sound conveys. “你们知道吗,此女是半月前刚到的天虞城,听说是从大陆东部一个临海半岛小宗之人。”另一个声音传来。 Shi Mu hears this words, the vision flashes, the body sat. 石牧听闻此话,目光一闪,身体又坐了回去。 Shentu brother, so the beautiful woman, does not give me and others to introduce unexpectedly, some you don't want to monopolize inadequately?” The yellow robe tall and strong youth laughs. “申屠兄,如此美人,竟然不给我等介绍,某非你想独享不成?”黄袍魁梧青年大笑。 Ge brother this you have not to know that this female , since arriving at Tian Yu City, then little goes out extremely. It is said this female grain desert, visits the seeks an audience person all not to see, even Shentu brothers were denied entrance several, but also some people had one to her frost Fairy Maiden title.” Another youth said with a smile. “葛兄这你就有所不知了,此女自从来到天虞城后便极少出门。据说此女性格冷漠,登门求见的人一律不见,连申屠兄都吃了几次闭门羹,还有人给她起了一个‘冰霜仙子’的称号。”另一个青年笑道。 Snort! The first several times are I prepare insufficiently, this time I come prepared.” Blue robe youth snort/hum. “哼!前几次是我准备不够,此次我可是有备而来。”蓝袍青年哼了一声。 Saying, among his single-handed contact fingers a ring, in the hand was then having a purple brocade box, opens later is putting a pair of glittering and translucent carving green bracelet, above faint seal carved rune, sends out light cyan rays of light, seems Item Grade not low Magic Tool. 说着,他单手一触指间一枚戒指,手中便多出了一个紫色锦盒,打开之后里面放着一对晶莹剔透的绿色手镯,上面隐隐印刻了符文,散发出淡青色的光芒,似乎还是件品阶不低的法器 „The Shanghai butchers worthily are some ancestor people through rising the immortal congress, flies upwards the Immortal World prestigious family prominent family, is really the family/home situation is big. This pair of jasper bracelet at least also value two middle grade Spirit Stone, to ask for a female favor.” The yellow robe youth tone is somewhat unusual. “申屠家不愧是祖上有人通过升仙大会,飞升仙界的名门望族,真是家大势大。这一对碧玉手镯起码也价值两块中品灵石了吧,就为了讨一个女子欢心。”黄袍青年口气有些异样。 Hehe, in view of this, do we also want to take a look at that mysterious female to be possible today to be good together?” A youth creates a disturbance to say. 嘿嘿,既如此,今天我们也要一起去看看那个神秘女子可好?”一个青年起哄道。 That has your several to grow in experience, walks!” The blue robe youth on the brocade lid, duplicate/restores puts in Storage Ring, when first sets out. “那就带你们几个去长长见识,走!”蓝袍青年将锦盒盖上,复又放入储物戒指,当先起身。 Several people chatted to stand. Walks toward downstairs. 几人说笑着站了起来。朝着楼下走去。 In the Shi Mu heart moved, stood, with. 石牧心中一动,站了起来,跟了上去。 Shi Tou (stone). Did this walk?” Cai'er called out. 石头。这就走了吗?”彩儿叫道。 Shi Mu has not paid attention, the under foot non-stop. In an instant then went to the staircase, Cai'er quickly fluttered to fly, with. 石牧没有理会,脚下不停。转眼间便下了楼梯,彩儿急忙振翅飞了起来,跟了上去。 That several magnificent dress disciples had/left the restaurant, under the blue robe youth's leadership, walks along the street half step. 那几个华服弟子出了酒楼,在蓝袍青年的带领下,沿着街道快步走去。 Shi Mu not near following on the heels, did not transfer several directions, arrives on a secluded street. 石牧不远不近的跟在后面,转了几个方向,来到一处僻静的街道上。 The front several people found that following Shi Mu, stops the footsteps. 前面几人发现后面的石牧,停下脚步。 Hey. What does your boy follow we to make?” Facial features slightly revealed the gloomy youth to walk, harboring evil intentions is sizing up Shi Mu. “喂。你这小子跟着我们做什么?”一个眉眼略显阴沉的青年走了过来,不怀好意的打量着石牧 I just also take this road, has not followed several meanings.” Shi Mu said. “我只是刚好也走这条路而已,没有跟着几位的意思。”石牧说道。 Snort! Do not want to play the fool, you from occupy then to follow on the heels naturally, thinks that we haven't discovered?” The gloomy youth said. “哼!别想装傻,你从天然居出来便一直跟在后面,以为我们没有发现吗?”阴沉青年说道。 Right? I have not really noticed.” Shi Mu continues to play the fool. “是吗?我还真的没有注意到。”石牧继续装傻。 In the gloomy youth eyes flashed through an angry look, the footsteps approached one step. 阴沉青年眼中闪过一丝怒色,脚步逼近了一步。 Does, wants to fight? Ahem, we do not fear you!” Shi Mu has not spoken, Cai'er first yelled on the contrary. “干什么,想要打架?哼哼,我们可不怕你们!”石牧没有说话,彩儿反倒先大叫起来。 Qin brother, rose the immortal congress to approach. The immortal sect has promulgated in the city banned to fight the command, don't multi- causing trouble end, so as to avoid offended the immortal sect.” That blue robe youth vision looks toward the surroundings. Says. “秦兄,升仙大会临近。仙宗已在城中颁布了禁斗令,可别多生事端,免得得罪了仙宗。”那个蓝袍青年目光朝着周围看去。开口说道。 Snort, the boy, calculates that you are in luck!” A gloomy youth vision revolution, vision ice-cold looked at Shi Mu one, turned around. “哼,小子,算你走运!”阴沉青年目光一转,目光冰冷的看了石牧一眼,转身走了回去。 Several people continue to walk toward the front, behind footsteps sound, Shi Mu calmly with. 几人继续朝着前方走去,后面脚步声响起,石牧又若无其事的跟了上来。 Boy! You want to court death!” That gloomy youth gets angry said, several other people of complexion also gloomy get down. “小子!你想找死!”那个阴沉青年怒道,其他几人脸色阴沉下来。 Several continue your road is, has not been keeping off your say/way below.” Shi Mu said. “几位继续走你们的路便是,在下可没挡着你们的道。”石牧说道。 Yes. One side the main road walks upwards respectively, where you manage us toward to go.” Parrot called out. “就是。大路朝天各走一边,你管我们往哪里去。”鹦鹉叫道。 The gloomy youth is angry. The body exudes azure rays of light. 阴沉青年大怒。身上泛起青色光芒 At this moment, a palm according to his shoulder. The gloomy youth facial expression moved, restrains azure light. 就在此刻,一只手掌按在了他的肩膀上。阴沉青年神情一动,收敛起了身上的青光 That blue robe youth deeply looked at Shi Mu one, said: 那个蓝袍青年深深看了石牧一眼,道: I do not know that actually your excellency is, from where, but I must remind your one, but here Tian Yu City, is no one can offend!” “我不知道阁下究竟是什么人,来自哪里,不过我要提醒你一句,这里可是天虞城,可不是什么人都能得罪的!” thank you your excellency reminded.” Shi Mu smiles, said submissively. 多谢阁下提醒。”石牧笑了笑,拱手说道。 Blue robe youth cold snort/hum , to continue to lead the people to walk toward front, whatever Shi Mu follows on the heels. 蓝袍青年冷哼一声,继续带着众人朝着前面走去,任由石牧跟在后面。 After less than half double-hour, before the group arrive at a lonesome and quiet post house gate, before the gate, has two bodies to perforate the person guarding of Celestial Church clothing. 小半个时辰之后,一行人来到一处幽静驿馆门前,门前有两个身穿通天仙教服饰的人看守。 Blue robe youth several people took out the jade sign of fist size from the body, the guard looked at one together, then allowed to pass directly, whatever several people walked. 蓝袍青年几人从身上取出一块拳头大小的玉牌,守卫看了一眼,便直接放行,任由几人走了进去。 This few hero, here is rises the immortal congress post house, the person of having nothing to do can not approach.” A guard puts out a hand to block before the Shi Mu body, said. “这位少侠,此处是升仙大会驿馆,无关之人不得靠近。”一个护卫伸手拦在石牧身前,说道。 Shi Mu hehe smiled, in the hand light flashed, are many two Spirit Stone. 石牧呵呵笑了一下,手中光芒一闪,多出两颗灵石 Two guards look at each other one, in the eye flashes through a greedy color. 两个护卫对视一眼,眼中闪过一丝贪婪之色。 Outside a yard dwelling in post house, blue robe youth and the others gathered in this. 驿馆之内的一处小院住处外,蓝袍青年等人聚集于此。 In the blue robe youth eyes appears a burning hot facial expression, before arriving at the gate, knocks on a door. 蓝袍青年眼中浮现出一丝炙热神情,走到门前,敲了敲门。 Shentu broad today pays a visit the young lady especially, but also please can come sees.” The blue robe youth clear and resonant voice said. “申屠广今日特来拜见小姐,还请能够现身一见。”蓝袍青年朗声说道。 Shentu Young Master, the girl the body has the illness today slightly, several also please return.” An oriole has valley -like the voice to spread from the courtyard. “申屠公子,小女子今日身体稍有不适,几位还请回吧。”一个黄莺出谷般的声音从院子传出。 Ill where doesn't know the young lady body? Slightly passes the medical principles below, the body has various Medicine Pill Spirit Talisman, in the next absolute sincerity intention may the illustrious livelihood, but also asked the young lady do be not so aloof beside.” The blue robe youth says immediately. “不知小姐身体哪里不适?在下略通医理,身上带有各类丹药灵符,在下一片赤诚心意可昭日月,还请小姐不要如此拒人千里之外。”蓝袍青年立刻说道。 In the institute the person as if sighed. 院内之人似乎叹了口气。 Outside the yard sound of footsteps transmits, a form half step walked, is Shi Mu. 小院之外一阵脚步声传来,一个身影快步走了过来,正是石牧 On his face is somewhat unusual, just heard here to talk in the distant place faintly, has not listened unusual is clear, but in the institute the sound gives him a familiar feeling. 他脸上有些异样,刚刚在远处隐隐听到此处对话,没有听的非常清楚,不过院中声音给他一种熟悉的感觉。 „......” In the Shi Mu heart exudes the exciting mood. “难道……”石牧心中泛起激动情绪。 The blue robe youth was just about to say anything, suddenly saw Shi Mu to appear, a brow slightly wrinkle. 蓝袍青年正要在说些什么,突然看到石牧出现,眉头微微一皱。 At this moment, „” one, the yard front door opens suddenly slowly. 就在此刻,“吱呀”一声,小院大门忽然缓缓打开。 The blue robe youth great happiness, cannot attend to Shi Mu excitedly, the vision looks at to opening front door. 蓝袍青年大喜,顾不得石牧,目光激动的看向打开的大门。 He sees inside beautiful woman for the first time, then fell into the deep love. Is individually uncorrectable. 他第一次看到里面的美人儿,便陷入了深深的迷恋。不可自拔。 Since the these day, he has arrived here number of times already not under ten times, however inside person comes on own initiative the first time. How can make him not excited? 这些日子以来,他来到这里的次数已经不下于十次,但是里面的人儿主动现身还是第一次。怎能让他不激动? But saw a young girl of light green clothing to stand in the entrance animated, the facial features like the picture. The jade neck is slender, the slender waist is one moon/month white jade belt/bring, as if Moon Palace Fairy Maiden, lets the meaning of dust the person has to plant cannot look up. 但见一个淡绿衣衫的少女俏生生站在了门口,眉眼如画。玉颈修长,纤细腰肢系着一条月白玉带,仿佛月宫仙子,让人有种不可仰视的出尘之意。 Shi Mu sees the young girl, immediately is startled. 石牧看到少女,顿时一怔。 This female is not Ximen Xue that he guessed, but also is the person of his knowing well, is actually Zhong Xiu this female. 此女并非他原本猜测的西门雪,不过也是他熟识之人,却是钟秀此女。 In Zhong Xiu heart some, helpless with the dislike, the wonderful eye swept toward several youth on. 钟秀心中有些无奈和厌恶,妙目朝着门外几个青年身上扫了一下。 The these person status is unusual. It is not good easily to offend, will seek a excuse to expel them. 这些人身份都非同寻常。倒不好轻易得罪,正要寻个借口将他们赶走。 In the meantime, under her vision glance, pair of beautiful pupil stopping suddenly, fell on a seemingly common grey robe youth at will, cannot move again. 就在此时,她目光随意一瞥下,一双美眸忽的停住,落在了一个看似寻常的灰袍青年身上,再也移不开了。 The blue robe youth vision becomes the burning hot, being too busy goes forward one step, will open the mouth, strikes while the iron is hot, said anything again. 蓝袍青年目光变得炙热,忙不迭的上前一步,正要开口,趁热打铁,再说些什么。 The present beautiful woman actually figure flashes unexpectedly. Changes into together the green shadow, throws toward Shi Mu. 眼前的美人儿却蓦地身形一闪。化为一道绿影,朝石牧扑去。 Big Brother Shi!” 石大哥!” The Shi Mu body previous flower, green person's shadow already has delicate fragrance. Jumped in his bosom. 石牧身前一花,绿色人影已经带着一股幽香。扑进了他的怀中。 Young lady Zhong......” woman hugs to fill with, Shi Mu somewhat feels helpless for a while. 钟姑娘……”软玉温香抱满怀,石牧一时有些不知所措。 This, making all people of presence be startled. 这一幕,让所有在场之人都是大吃一惊。 The blue robe youth facial expression becomes pale one piece instantaneously, in both eyes almost emitted the fire, wicked looks to Shi Mu. 蓝袍青年神情更是瞬间变得铁青一片,双目之中几乎冒出了火,恶狠狠的看向石牧 Bang! 轰! On the blue robe youth emits quiet blue flame, shoots toward all around. 蓝袍青年身上冒出一股幽蓝色的火焰,向着四周射去。 The surrounding others looked at each other, toward retreat several steps, revealed to look at the facial expression of good play. 周围的其他人对视了一下,往后退了几步,都露出看好戏的神情。 Several, in the city banning of present already promulgation fights the command. Here or congress post house, you, if begins to slaughter here. I can only notify, eliminates several qualifications of attending the congress.” A sound resounds. “几位,城中如今已经颁布的禁斗令。此处还是大会驿馆,你们若是在这里动手厮杀。我只能通报上去,剥夺几位参加大会的资格了。”一个声音响起。 Before yard gate, does not know when presents a middle-aged man. The body wears the Celestial Church clothing, the aura that but outside guard gorgeous many of compared with post house, lends is also Xiantian exists. 小院门前不知何时出现一个中年男子。身上穿着通天仙教的服饰,不过比驿馆外的守卫华美的多,散发出的气息也是一个先天存在。 On the blue robe youth face the facial expression fluctuates, a moment later restrained blue flame. 蓝袍青年脸上神情变幻,片刻之后收敛了身上的蓝色火焰。 Zhong Xiu at this moment also complexion crimson let loose Shi Mu, the vision looked at other person of one, pulled up also somewhat is startled Shi Mu of god, entered the yard, closed the front gate. 钟秀此刻也脸色绯红的放开了石牧,目光看了其他人一眼,拉起还有些怔神的石牧,走进了小院,关上了院门。 Snort, we walk!” “哼,我们走!” Blue robe youth complexion is ugly, turns around to walk toward the distant place angrily. 蓝袍青年脸色难看之极,愤然转身朝着远处走去。 Others shrug, must with. 其他人耸了耸肩,只得跟了上去。 Middle-aged man somewhat helpless sighing, looked at yard one of the shutting tightly, turns around to leave. 中年男子有些无奈的叹了口气,看了紧闭的小院一眼,也转身离开。 In the yard, Shi Mu and Zhong Xiu four items look at each other, for a while has not spoken. 小院之中,石牧钟秀四目相视,一时都没有说话。 On the Zhong Xiu face also has the faint trace to blush at this moment, the look microstrip is shy, but was still looking straight ahead Shi Mu. 钟秀脸上此刻还带着丝丝红晕,眼神微带羞涩,不过仍是直视着石牧 Cai'er looked at Shi Mu, looked at Zhong Xiu one, somewhat bored had a yawn, transfers to look toward the yard around. 彩儿看了看石牧,又望了钟秀一眼,有些无聊的打了个哈欠,转首朝着小院周围看去。 In the institute arranges unusual is quiet and beautiful, the left pine, the right is 45 tall bamboos, having 2-3 people are high. 院中布置的非常清幽,左边一棵青松,右边是四五根修竹,有2-3人高。 Cai'er spreading the wings suddenly flew, fell above several tall bamboos. 彩儿忽的展翅飞了起来,落在了几根修竹之上。 The Shi Mu vision looked at one toward Cai'er, the corners of the mouth moved, extracted slowly by Zhong Xiu is shaking the hand. 石牧目光朝着彩儿看了一眼,嘴角动了一下,缓缓抽出了被钟秀握着的手。 In the Zhong Xiu eye pupil flashes through one lightly sorrowful, but then vanishes without the trace immediately, on the face the smile is invariable. 钟秀眼眸中闪过一丝淡淡伤怀,不过立刻便消失无踪,脸上笑容不变。 Big Brother Shi, cannot think, I will bump into you here.” 石大哥,想不到,我会在这里碰到你。” I am also, Young lady Zhong, saw here you also make me quite surprised. Is it possible that you are also attend the rise immortal grand ceremony?” Shi Mu thought of anything suddenly, asked. “我也是,钟姑娘,在这里见到你也让我颇为吃惊。莫非,你也是来参加升仙大典的吗?”石牧忽然想到了什么,如此问道。 The Zhong Xiu look moves slightly, seems considering anything, a moment later performed to smile, said: 钟秀眼神微动,似乎在考虑着什么,片刻之后展演笑了一下,道: Good, rising the immortal congress is a rare good opportunity, although my strength is not much, but does obeisance Stone Gate to have a high opinion, I naturally must try.” “不错,升仙大会是一个难得的良机,我的实力虽然不怎么样,不过多拜石门倚重,我自然要来试一试了。” Has stood outside spoke, forgot to ask Big Brother Shi to sit down to the room.” Saying of some Zhong Xiu apologies, invited the room Shi Mu. “一直站在外面说话了,都忘了请石大哥到屋里坐下。”钟秀有些歉意的说道,将石牧请进了屋子。 In the room decorates except for several seats, other also no. 屋中摆设除了几把座椅,别的也没有什么了。 .................. ……………… Everyone opens the cell phone prestige, click upper right +, the choice increases in the friend to increase the public number, searches Wang Yu or wang- yu ----, Attention public number, but understood timely Wang Yu and «Profound World Gate» novel all update information, join to the Daoism big family in!( To be continued.) 大家开启手机威信,点击右上方“+”号,选择添加朋友中添加公众号,搜索“忘语”或“wang--yu----”,关注公众号,可及时了解忘语和《玄界之门》小说一切更新信息,加入到玄门大家庭中来!(未完待续。)
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