TPW :: Volume #11

#1055: Kun celestial stems place

The Shi Mu vision flashes, grins cold smiles, understands clearly in chest/heart regarding the Di Qun movement intention, the single foot lifts, treads fiercely. 石牧目光一闪,咧嘴冷然一笑,对于帝夋的动作意图了然于胸,单脚一抬,猛地一踏。 Bang, the air sends out a giant fulmination! “轰”的一声,空气发出一声巨大爆鸣! The Shi Mu figure flashes vanishes, immediately appears in Di Qun behind, as if the shadow sticks to generally on, does not make it spread out. 石牧身形一闪消失,随即出现在帝夋身后,仿佛影子一般紧贴而上,不让其拉开一点距离。 Six large armies wield, transform make a debut to say afterimage, shells again under. 六件重兵一挥,幻化出道道残影,再次轰击而下。 Damn!” In Di Qun heart angry, but does not have the method, must meet head-on. “该死!”帝夋心中愤然,不过也没有法子,只得迎战。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The continual hugeness thunders crack! 连续的巨大轰鸣炸响! This piece of huge mountain range is hit by the total destruction today, around two huge forms pursues, the place visited, surges void, all change into the fragment powder, the beautiful mountain range turned into stretch of ruins suddenly. 这片庞大山脉今日遭到灭顶之灾,两道巨大身影前后追逐,所过之处,虚空激荡,一切都化为齑粉,原本秀丽的山峦眨眼间变成一片废墟。 Once again after startled day collision loud sound, two forms separate suddenly. 又一次惊天碰撞巨响后,两道身影突然分开。 The Di Qun body first 12 long sticks shake fiercely, a huge great strength passes on by the long stick to its, the whole person flies upside down, in the mouth spouts one group of blood. 帝夋身前十二根长棍猛地一震,一股庞然巨力透过长棍传至其身上,整个人倒飞而出,口中喷出一团鲜血。 His whole person just like the meteor to be together common, one hits beyond more than thousand zhang (3.33 m), in great peak that stands tall and erect such as the cloud. 其整个人犹如一道流星一般,一下撞在千余丈外,一座高耸如云的巨峰上。 The great peak breaks impressively directly, half mountain massif collapses loudly, changes into the innumerable crushed stones. 巨峰赫然直接断裂,半个山体轰然倒塌,化为无数碎石。 Shi Mu figure, an under foot point, if again the electricity departs, in a flash appears sky over Di Qun. 石牧身形一顿,脚下一点,再次如电飞出,一晃出现在帝夋上空。 In his mouth sends out sonic boom to drink, in the body a muscle suddenly drum, then just like the python distortion, each spirit mark suddenly one bright. 他口中发出一声爆喝,身躯上肌肉猛然一鼓,然后恍如蟒蛇般扭曲起来,身上的每一道灵纹都猛然一亮。 In the hand six large armies bloom to soar to the heavens yellow glow simultaneously, intensely bright, then wields suddenly. 手中六件重兵同时绽放出冲天黄芒,耀眼夺目,然后猛然挥下。 The fearsome great strength sends out from six large armies, compared with before again suddenly powerful almost time, was hit shortly, can make into the meat sauce the body of Di Qun. 可怖的巨力从六件重兵上散发而出,比之前再次骤然强大了几乎倍许,眼看被击中,便可将帝夋的身体打成肉酱。 Di Qun has stood firm the figure at this moment, but facing the attack of Shi Mu, in the eye has not been frightened unexpectedly. 帝夋此刻已稳住身形,不过面对石牧的攻击,眼中竟没有丝毫惊惶。 The single-handed finger/refers of forehead, sets upright eye of white light suddenly greatly hold, the thick white electric light flies to shoot together, hits to the Shi Mu middle head. 其单手一指眉心,竖目白光陡然大盛,一道粗大白色电光飞射而出,打向石牧中间的脑袋。 Meanwhile in his hand formed hand seals, the opens the mouth spouts blood essence again, immediately changes into billowing bloody glow, submerged his body. 同时他手中掐诀,张口再次喷出一口精血,立刻化为滚滚血光,淹没了他的身体。 The Shi Mu look flashes, has not moved aside, whatever white light hit his head, in hand with large army rumble bombardment under. 石牧眼神一闪,没有躲闪,任凭白光击中了他的脑袋,手中重兵隆隆轰击而下。 Bang bang! 砰砰! Two bursting sounds simultaneously crack! 两声爆裂声同时炸响! The head of Shi Mu explodes, changes into viscous yellow and black mist. 石牧的脑袋爆裂开来,化为一片粘稠玄黄雾气。 The body of Di Qun also explodes, changes into piece of blood mist, wells up rolling, flies to shoot to go toward the distant place. 帝夋的身体也爆裂开,化为一片血雾,滚滚一涌,朝着远处飞射而去。 A yellow mist slightly tumbling, the head of Shi Mu restores the original design, distant place blood mist wells up, condenses the body of Di Qun, but complexion pale. 黄色雾气微一翻滚,石牧的脑袋恢复原样,远处血雾一涌,凝聚成帝夋的身体,不过脸色苍白的很。 in Shi Mu's eyes flashes through a surprise, has not expected Di Qun also to achieve Undying Body Realm. 石牧眼中闪过一丝诧异,没料到帝夋也达到了不死之身境界 His figure in a flash, changes into the yellow shadow to fly to shoot together, swoops to go toward Di Qun again. 他身形一晃,化为一道黄影飞射而出,再次朝着帝夋飞扑而去。 In his heart clear, Undying Body not really does not die, every displays this Realm one time, needs to consume extremely huge qi and blood and True Qi. 他心中清楚,不死之身并非真的不死,每一次施展此境界,需要消耗极为庞大的气血真气 He can feel, Di Qun is different from him, opens blood sea, qi and blood decides however insufficient, could not display several Undying Body. 他能感觉的到,帝夋并未和他一样,开辟血海,气血定然不足,施展不了几次不死之身 On the Di Qun face appears to smile suddenly craftily, in hand formed hand seals, whole body assorted principle rays of light suddenly greatly hold. 帝夋脸上突然浮现一丝诡笑,手中掐诀,全身各色法则光芒陡然大盛。 Shi Mu sees the Di Qun smile, in the heart fiercely thump, but does not wait for him to make anything. 石牧看到帝夋的笑容,心中猛地咯噔一下,不过不等他做什么。 Buzz! 嗡! A giant light beam dropped from the clouds suddenly, covers the body of Shi Mu. 一股巨大光柱陡然从天而降,笼罩住了石牧的身体。 On the light beam appears various color rune shadow, mysterious incomparable, an indestructible feeling. 光柱上浮现出各种颜色的符文虚影,玄妙无比,给人一种坚不可摧之感。 The Shi Mu body lives , the figure that flies to escape by a great forcing immediately stops immediately. 石牧身体立刻被一股巨力压住,飞遁的身形立刻停了下来。 He somewhat difficult raising the head looks, complexion changes. 他有些艰难的抬头望去,脸色一变。 Di Qun framework, is that 12 long stick Spirit Treasure, does not know when has re-steamed all, and appears in his top of the head. 帝夋的四梁八柱,也就是那十二根长棍灵宝,不知何时已尽数回笼,并出现在他头顶。 This moment 12 long stick each other connects, eight long sticks stand erect, four long sticks treat as the crossbeam, composes a shackles, blooms to soar to the heavens rays of light, condenses this giant light beam. 此刻十二根长棍彼此连接,八根长棍竖立,四根长棍当做横梁,组成一个牢笼,绽放出冲天光芒,凝聚成这道巨大光柱。 This light beam has the strength of enormous trapping restriction, strength of the huge principle, transmits from the shackles continuously. 这光柱具有极大的困禁之力,还有一股庞大的法则之力,源源不断从牢笼上传递而来。 The shackles falls slowly, every time descends points, light beam the strength of trapping restriction is then bigger. 牢笼缓缓落下,每降落一点,光柱的困禁之力便大一些。 After Shi Mu one startled, the facial expression returns to immediately normal, drinks one lowly, the whole body profound yellow light glow puts greatly, struggles furiously. 石牧一惊之后,神情立刻恢复了平静,低喝一声,全身玄黄光芒大放,奋力挣扎。 Hehe, making you taste fierce of this Kun celestial stems cage! So long as were surrounded by this treasure, even if you are true upper boundary Immortal are still inescapable!” Di Qun formed hand seals, in the mouth laughs fast, the tone disdains very much. “呵呵,让你尝尝这坤天乾地笼的厉害!只要被此宝困住,就算你是真正的上界仙人也无法逃脱!”帝夋飞快掐诀,口中哈哈大笑,语气很是不屑。 However his laughter has not fallen, covers the Shi Mu light beam to shiver fiercely. 不过他笑声未落,笼罩住石牧的光柱剧烈颤抖。 In the light beam, the Shi Mu body increases fast, in an instant changes into first ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Giant Ape, struggles furiously. 光柱之中,石牧身躯飞快变大,转眼间化为一头万丈巨猿,奋力挣扎。 Meanwhile his big mouth, puts out one , if there is profound yellow light glow of essence, changes into one group of giant yellow cloud, flies to shoot, supported the shackles, keeping it from continue fall. 同时他大口一张,吐出一道如有实质的玄黄光芒,化为成一团巨大黄云,飞射而出,托住了牢笼,使得其无法继续落下。 Di Qun expression one stiff, in the eye shows the facial expression that does not dare to believe. 帝夋表情一僵,眼中露出不敢置信的神情。 How possibly!” He loudly calls out, in the mouth mumbled. “怎么可能!”他大叫一声,口中念念有词。 On him ten two daoist magic multi-colored sunlight fly to shoot immediately most probably, condenses one group of light balls, sends out the strength of intense incomparable principle, flashes integrates in the shackles in midair. 他身上的十二道法则霞光立刻大半飞射而出,凝聚成一团光球,散发出强烈无比的法则之力,一闪融入半空中的牢笼之中。 Simultaneously Di Qun whole body rays of light glittering, fast formed hand seals. 同时帝夋全身光芒闪烁,飞快掐诀 The midair Kun celestial stems cage shakes fiercely, rays of light shone one time steep, starts to revolve, the strength of turbulent principle shows from the shackles, oppresses that tea cloud to fall slowly. 半空的坤天乾地笼猛地一震,光芒陡亮了一倍,开始旋转起来,汹涌的法则之力从牢笼中透出,压迫着那团黄云缓缓落下。 Shi Mu complexion slightly white, the look stern countenance flashes, in the mouth mumbled fast. 石牧脸色微白,眼神厉色一闪,口中飞快念念有词。 His within the body spreads one sound, as if the sound of mighty waves is common. 他体内传出一阵哗哗声音,仿佛波涛之声一般。 Bang! 轰! On him appears suddenly big piece bloody glow, immediately changes, changes into the big piece blood-color flame, flaming combustion. 他身上突然浮现出大片血光,随即一变,化为大片血色火焰,熊熊燃烧。 Combustion blood essence, the secret technique of stimulation potential! 正是燃烧精血,激发潜能的秘术! Shi Mu double in the eye appears blood-color, a wilder strength erupts from him. 石牧目中浮现出一层血色,一股更加狂暴的力量从他身上爆发开来。 Light beam fiercer shivers, as if immediately then must disrupt, the shackles as if came under the influence, immediately stops falling. 光柱更加剧烈的颤抖起来,似乎马上便要碎裂,牢笼似乎受到了影响,立刻停止下落。 In the Shi Mu mouth exudes one to bellow, six arms brandish. 石牧口中发出一声大吼,六只手臂挥舞起来。 The sword glow stick shadow that are mixing with bloody glow shoots up to the sky, sends out the scary strength to fluctuate, was fiercer than previously, penetrates yellow cloud, shells above the shackles. 一道道夹杂着血光剑芒棍影冲天而起,散发出骇人的力量波动,比先前厉害了许多,穿透黄云,轰击在牢笼之上。 The shackles shivers fiercely, rumble deafening sound. 牢笼剧烈颤抖,隆隆震响。 Di Qun complexion again startled, lifts to pinch the law to decide single-handed fast, will make anything again. 帝夋脸色再惊,单手抬起飞快掐动法决,正要再做什么。 At this moment, his behind shadow flashes, Shi Mu External Body Incarnation appears again. 就在此刻,他身后黑影一闪,石牧身外化身再次出现。 His both hands wield, above flip-flop, ignited two groups of jet black flame, lends the gloomy and cold incomparable aura, void also freezes, pats toward Di Qun behind. 他双手一挥,上面“噼啪”一声,燃起了两团漆黑火焰,散发出阴冷无比的气息,虚空也为之冻结,朝着帝夋身后拍去。 Di Qun seems to have expected this, does not turn around, behind blue light flashes, condenses blue light barrier. 帝夋似乎早已料到这点,并不转身,身后蓝光一闪,凝聚成一道蓝色光幕 The External Body Incarnation double palm bombardment above, black blue two rays of light interweaves glittering, fierce confrontation. 身外化身双掌轰击在上面,黑蓝两种光芒交织闪烁,激烈冲突。 Although blue light barrier is frail, but firm incomparable, above blue light glittering, but does not have the shatter sign. 蓝色光幕虽然单薄,不过坚固无比,上面蓝光闪烁,但丝毫没有破碎的迹象。 Go away!” “滚开!” Di Qun cold snort/hum, the body appears suddenly dazzling golden light. 帝夋冷哼一声,身上陡然浮现出一层刺目金光 Two huge golden Sword Qi from flying to shoot from blue light barrier, incomparably cuts rapidly above External Body Incarnation. 两道巨大金色剑气从蓝色光幕从飞射而出,迅疾无比斩在身外化身之上。 The black person's shadow was cut three sections impressively, was struck to fly toward the distant place. 黑色人影赫然被斩成三截,朝着远处被击飞了出去。 Di Qun contemptuous cold snort/hum, the vision has not left Shi Mu, 12 arm simultaneous/uniform Dong, will make anything. 帝夋轻蔑冷哼,目光始终没有离开石牧,十二只手臂齐动,正要做什么。 At this moment, his body side flashes void, a whole body emerges out of thin air by the person's shadow that green light wraps. 就在此刻,他身侧虚空一闪,一个全身被绿光包裹的人影凭空出现。 The person's shadow revolves turning round fast, said ten million/countless azure flying sword flies to shoot from his body, shoots at Di Qun like rain, rapid incomparable. 人影滴溜溜飞快旋转,千万道青色飞剑从其身上飞射而出,如雨般射向帝夋,迅疾无比。 Senior Brother, but also wants to bring death?” In the Di Qun eye bright light flashes, cold voice shouted. 师兄,还想来送死吗?”帝夋眼中精光一闪,冷声喝道。 The Su Sheng facial features with deep veneration, have not replied the meaning of Di Qun slightly. 栗升面容肃然,丝毫没有回答帝夋的意思。 The Di Qun arm wields, bang in the dull thumping sound sound, body scarlet light glittering, the body week appears a spheroidal red guard/shield, above has flaming red rune, protects the whole body. 帝夋手臂一挥,轰隆闷响声中,身上赤光闪烁,身周浮现出一个球型赤色护罩,上面有一道道火焰状的赤色符文,护住全身。 Bang Bang! 噼噼啪啪 The loud sound that a series of gold/metal Tiejiao strikes, innumerable azure Sword Qi puncture on the flame guard/shield, projects innumerable dazzling spark, the red guard/shield trembles unceasingly, but also is only just like this, not crushed sign. 一连串金铁交击的巨响,无数青色剑气刺在火焰护罩上,射出无数耀眼火星,赤色护罩不断震颤,不过也只是如此而已,没有被击碎的迹象。 Red guard/shield rays of light glittering at the same time, above flame rune also spouts red large flames, hits to Su Sheng. 赤色护罩光芒闪烁的同时,上面的火焰符文也喷出一道道赤色火舌,打向栗升 However the Su Sheng figure is nimble and resourceful, the unceasing fluctuation position, these large flames cannot hit him for a while. 不过栗升身形灵动,不断变幻位置,那些火舌一时没能击中他。 In the Di Qun eye flashes through an anxiety, the person of being in the way appears one after another, delays again, Shi Mu really must work loose, but. 帝夋眼中闪过一丝焦急,碍手碍脚的人一个接一个的出现,再耽搁下去,石牧真的要挣脱而出了。 His clenching teeth suddenly, can ignore the True Qi consumption, in the mouth mumbles, the forehead sets upright eye of white light greatly hold, projects white ray, rapid incomparable hitting to Su Sheng. 他忽的一咬牙,顾不得真气消耗,口中念念有词,眉心竖目白光大盛,射出一道白色光线,迅疾无比的打向栗升 The Su Sheng complexion big change, the figure moves aside toward side fiercely, simultaneously the eye stares fiercely, two translucent corrugated sword shades shoot from inside electricity, suddenly spans the number hundred zhang (333 m) distance, to Di Qun side, and one penetrated that red guard/shield, just like does not have the thing. 栗升脸色大变,身形猛地往旁边躲闪,同时眼睛猛地一瞪,两道半透明的波纹状剑影从里面电射而出,眨眼间跨越数百丈距离,到了帝夋身旁,并且一下穿透了那赤色护罩,恍如无物。 Bang a dull thumping sound transmits from the distant place! “砰”的一声闷响从远处传来! Although Su Sheng moves aside strongly, but cannot evade completely, the right chest was penetrated by the white ray. 栗升虽然竭力躲闪,不过还是没能完全躲过,右胸被白色光线穿透。 His first half body explodes, the skeleton internal organs disruption, the flesh flies horizontally, the right side spot of entire upper part entire vanishes, in the mouth the blood spurts crazily, the body crashes to go toward under. 他的上半个身体爆裂,骨架内脏碎裂,血肉更是横飞,整个上半身的右侧部位整个消失,口中鲜血狂喷,身体朝着下方坠落而去。 Su Sheng by the instance that the white light beam hits, two fuzzy sword shades that he sends out also dodge submerge Di Qun within the body. 栗升被白色光束击中的瞬间,他发出的两道模糊剑影也一闪没入帝夋体内。 Di Qun stuffy snort/hum, both hands grasp the head, in the eye reveal the color of pain. 帝夋闷哼一声,双手抱住头颅,眼中露出痛苦之色。 The state of mind attack of Su Sheng is fierce, although is unable to cause heavy losses in him, lets his state of mind big quake, the severe pain is incomparable, the intelligence presents the flash the blank. 栗升的神魂攻击厉害无比,虽然无法重创于他,也让他神魂大震,剧痛无比,神智出现一瞬间的空白。 Surrounds a Shi Mu light beam rays of light disorder, above innumerable rune one abated, gloomy many. 困住石牧的光柱光芒一阵紊乱,上面的无数符文一下消退了很多,暗淡了不少。 The Shi Mu great happiness, rave, whole body blood-color rays of light brightens again, in the hand six large armies attack fiercely, hits to the light beam. 石牧大喜,狂吼一声,全身血色光芒再次变亮,手中六件重兵猛击而出,打向光柱。 Bang a loud sound! 轰隆一声巨响! The light beam radical distortion shivers, but its tenacious fearfulness, although seems like then must disrupt immediately, but still insisted. 光柱剧烈扭曲颤抖,不过其坚韧的可怕,虽然看起来马上便要碎裂,不过仍然坚持了下来。 Hateful!” Shi Mu angrily roars, the arm dance, is attacking the light beam crazily. “可恶!”石牧怒吼,手臂狂舞,疯狂攻击着光柱。 The light beam twists unceasingly, the above prisoner's cage also trembles, but still had not disrupted. 光柱不断扭曲,上面的囚笼也震颤不已,不过仍然没有碎裂。 At this moment, the Shi Mu body side person's shadow flashes, a silver white form emerges out of thin air, is Yan Luo. 就在此刻,石牧身侧人影一闪,一个银白身影凭空出现,正是烟罗 In her mouth mumbled, the whole body erupted big piece silver rays of light suddenly, inside innumerable rune beat, condensed huge silver law formation instantaneously, covered periphery more than ten li (0.5 km) range. 她口中念念有词,全身陡然爆发出大片银色光芒,里面无数符文跳动,瞬间凝聚成一个巨大银色法阵,笼罩了周围十几里范围。 The giant light beam was also covered by silver great formation, great formation silver rays of light as if there is life to be the same, goes all out to wriggle, extrudes to infiltrate to go toward the light beam. 巨大光柱也被银色大阵笼罩,大阵的银色光芒仿佛有生命一般,拼命蠕动,朝着光柱内挤压渗透而去。 However in that light beam contains strength of the principle, silver great formation rays of light infiltrates unusual is slow. 不过那光柱中蕴含一股股法则之力,银色大阵光芒渗透的非常慢。 Browsing reading address: 浏览阅读地址:
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