TPW :: Volume #11

#1056: Extinguishes Heaven Emperor

Yan Luo!” 烟罗!” Shi Mu sees the Yan Luo action, is startled slightly, although does not know the goal that she so makes is anything, but he knows, the Yan Luo action must have its profound meaning, deciding is to the matter of his being beneficial. 石牧看到烟罗的举动,微微一怔,虽然不知道她这般做的目的是什么,不过他知道,烟罗的举动必有其深意,定是对他有益之事。 He drinks one lowly, six arms previous gather in the body fiercely, in the hand six large army rays of light hold, then one combines into one greatly, condenses a giant dim yellow sword shadow. 他低喝一声,六只手臂猛地在身前一合,手中六件重兵光芒大盛,然后一下合而为一,凝聚成一道巨大朦胧的黄色剑影。 The fearsome aura fluctuation sends out from the sword shadow, the sword shadow has not moved, surrounding space already starts to collapse. 可怖的气息波动从剑影上散发而出,剑影未动,周围的空间已经开始崩溃。 in Shi Mu's eyes rays of light explodes shoots, brandishes the yellow sword shadow, cuts. 石牧眼中光芒爆射,挥舞黄色剑影,一斩而出。 snap! 咔嚓 The light beam that Kun celestial stems cage comprised of 12 Spirit Treasure sends out, was divided together the slender incomparable crack unexpectedly. 由十二根灵宝组成的坤天乾地笼散发出的光柱,竟被劈出一道纤细无比的裂纹。 Yan Luo sees this, the jade of being without hesitation refers to a point referring, body week silver law formation bright, innumerable silver light swarms fiercely, following this crack, floods into the light beam, covered the body of Shi Mu. 烟罗见此,毫不迟疑的玉指一点指,身周银色法阵猛地一亮,无数银光蜂拥而出,顺着这条裂纹,涌入光柱之中,笼罩住了石牧的身体。 Gave up any idea of!” Sonic boom drinks from below transmits. “休想!”一声爆喝从下面传来。 Di Qun finally restored at this moment, sees with own eyes this scenery, immediately violent anger shouts out, the body such as the electricity shoots, dashes to Yan Luo to go. 帝夋此刻终于恢复了过来,眼见此景,顿时暴怒大喝,身体如电射而出,直扑烟罗而去。 On the Yan Luo face reveals one to sneer, the jade refers to pinching to make the orchid law secret art, body silver light greatly hold. 烟罗脸上露出一丝冷笑,玉指掐做兰花法诀,身上银光大盛。 Her form fuzzily, vanishes fiercely, the Shi Mu form appears in that position suddenly. 她的身影一个模糊,猛地消失,石牧的身影陡然出现在那个位置。 But the place that in the light beam Shi Mu was just , the Yan Luo form emerges out of thin air. 而光柱之中石牧刚刚所在的地方,烟罗的身影凭空出现。 A two people decline changes positions to set unexpectedly. 两人竟然一下调换了位置。 Shi Mu is startled, the whole face is vacant and surprised. 石牧一怔,满脸茫然和惊讶。 Di Qun complexion also changes, the figure that swoops immediately one slow. 帝夋脸色也是大变,飞扑的身形顿时一缓。 Bang a loud sound resounds! “轰”的一声巨响响起! In nearby light beam, Yan Luo replaced the Shi Mu position, is unable to resist the suppression of prisoner's cage by her strength. 旁边的光柱中,烟罗取代了石牧的位置,以她的实力根本无法抵挡囚笼的镇压。 The prisoner's cage falls loudly, the Yan Luo cover below. 囚笼轰然落下,将烟罗罩在了下面。 Assorted principle rune appears from the prisoner's cage, condenses assorted chains, sends out the intense incomparable principle fluctuation, ties up the body of Yan Luo firmly. 各色法则符文从囚笼上浮现而出,凝聚成一道道各色锁链,散发出强烈无比的法则波动,将烟罗的身体牢牢捆住。 Assorted rays of light passes on the chains, Yan Luo is spread the sound by the place that the chains ties up immediately, appears scars, the delicate eyebrows wrinkles. 各色光芒在锁链上流转,烟罗被锁链捆缚的地方顿时传出嗤嗤声响,浮现出一道道伤痕,秀眉皱起。 Yan Luo!” 烟罗!” Shi Mu one startled, knows that the Yan Luo so expression, decides the greatest pain of however withstanding is not being able to explain, but in the heart slightly struggles, has turned the head not to look fiercely, the figure flies to shoot, actually goes toward Di Qun. 石牧一惊,知道烟罗这般表情,定然是承受着无法言喻的莫大痛楚,但心中略一挣扎,猛地转过头不看,身形飞射而出,却是朝着帝夋而去。 Di Qun is swooping to come, to receive potential already toward him at this moment less, two people form will hit shortly in one. 帝夋此刻正朝着他飞扑而来,收势已经不及,两人身影顷刻间撞在了一起。 In the Shi Mu hand the yellow sword shadow cuts loudly, a fearsome sword pressure blots out the sky to fall, covers Di Qun. 石牧手中黄色剑影轰然斩下,一股可怖剑压铺天盖地落下,笼罩住帝夋 The Di Qun complexion big change, shouts out, on 12 arms appears suddenly assorted rays of light, keeps off before the body alternately. 帝夋脸色大变,大喝一声,十二条手臂上陡然浮现出各色光芒,交叉挡在身前。 He wants to summon the framework, but this moment framework changes into the prisoner's cage, surrounded Yan Luo, relieves radically without enough time. 他想要召唤四梁八柱,可是此刻四梁八柱化为囚笼,困住了烟罗,根本来不及解除。 A Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering loud sound! 一声惊天动地巨响! In the Di Qun mouth the blood spurts crazily, 12 arms easily cut off impressively, the yellow great sword cut into his body. 帝夋口中鲜血狂喷,十二条手臂赫然被轻易斩断,黄色巨剑斩入了他的身体。 Bang! The body of Di Qun explodes fiercely, changes into big piece blood mist. 砰!帝夋的身体猛地爆裂开来,化为大片血雾 The Shi Mu body also shakes slightly, that yellow great sword light flashed, dissipates, changes into six large armies. 石牧身体也微微一震,那黄色巨剑光芒一闪,消散开来,重新化为六件重兵。 blood mist tumbles is changing into together the blood-color rainbow, flies to escape to go toward the distant place. 血雾翻滚着化为一道血色长虹,朝着远处飞遁而去。 Di Qun, rests!” 帝夋老贼,休走!” Shi Mu shouts out, a back pair of wings show/unfolds, the whole person disappears instantaneously, the next moment appears before the blood-color rainbow. 石牧大喝一声,背后双翼一展,整个人瞬间消失,下一刻出现在血色长虹之前。 The Shi Mu whole body profound yellow light glow puts greatly, condenses a yellow and black domain, foot have several thousand zhang (3.33 m), loudly however falls, covered the blood-color rainbow in inside. 石牧全身玄黄光芒大放,凝聚成一个玄黄领域,足有数千丈大小,轰然而落,将血色长虹笼罩在了里面。 The blood-color rainbow sinks, in domain impressively heavy incomparable, here center of the earth gravity was bigger than outside did not know many times, even if he, moving were still difficult. 血色长虹一沉,领域之中赫然沉重无比,此处的地心重力比外面大了不知多少倍,即便是他,动弹一下也非常困难。 The blood-color rainbow flashes, condenses the Di Qun human form, has 12 arms as before, but complexion pale. 血色长虹一闪,凝聚成帝夋人形,依旧拥有十二条手臂,但脸色苍白的很。 For successive two times displayed Undying Body, his within the body Origin Energy consumed greatly, True Immortal Body was smaller compared with before. 连续两次施展不死之身,他体内元气大耗,真仙之体比起之前都小了很多。 Even restored the human form, the fearsome gravity in domain still made him act the difficulty. 即便恢复了人形,领域中的可怖重力仍然让他行动困难。 Di Qun complexion is ugly, the tiger roars, 12 principle rays of light blossom in radiant splendor immediately, and goes toward surroundings spread, forms domains that is flooding 12 rays of light. 帝夋脸色难看,虎吼一声,身上十二种法则光芒立刻大放光明,并且朝着周围扩散而去,形成一个充斥着十二种光芒的领域。 Principle rays of light gathered one respectively, changed into 12 big dragons, loafed in the domain. 法则光芒各自汇聚到了一处,化为十二条巨龙,在领域内游荡。 A domain formation, on the Di Qun fearsome gravity vanishes immediately, in his domain actually transmits a strong incomparable pressure, every time expands a point, is quite difficult. 领域一成型,帝夋身上的可怖重力立刻消失,不过他的领域上却传来一股强大无比的压力,每扩张一分,都极为困难。 In his heart the startled anger, in the Shi Mu domain has not contained too many principles, is flooding a serious incomparable strength, so-called strength broken ten thousand laws, even if he wants to break open this domain, still requires the suitable time. 他心中惊怒,石牧的领域之中并没有蕴含太多法则,充斥着一股沉重无比的力道,所谓一力破万法,就算是他想要破开这个领域,也需要相当的时间。 Bang! 轰隆! A loud sound transmits suddenly! 一声巨响突然传来! Di Qun looks up, complexion changes. 帝夋抬头一看,脸色一变。 Sees only the Shi Mu body to revolve unceasingly, six arm dance, send out severe howl who howls, the figure looks almost hazy. 只见石牧身体不断旋转,六条手臂狂舞,发出呼啸的厉啸,身形看起来几乎迷蒙。 The six large armies in his hand, other five besides Heaven Shattering Staff, turn into a yellow and black long stick at this moment impressively all. 他手中的六件重兵,除了翻天棍外的其他五件,此刻赫然尽数变成一根玄黄长棍。 Six long stick Magical Treasure dance, six dazzling incomparable black white light glow send out from six long sticks, in the surrounding area nearly ten thousand li (0.5 km) the Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth fierce tumbling, the world changes color for a while, the thunderclap thunders. 六条长棍法宝狂舞,六道耀眼无比的黑白光芒从六根长棍上散发开来,方圆近万里内天地灵气剧烈翻滚,一时天地变色,雷声轰鸣。 This black white light glow was impure, mixed with the color of light yellow and black. 这黑白光芒并不纯粹,夹杂了淡淡的玄黄之色。 The black white light glow separates suddenly, white light rises, black light drops, a tremendous black and white space takes shape slowly. 白光芒陡然分离,白光上升,黑光下降,一个巨大黑白空间缓缓成型。 All around world Origin Energy one boils, simultaneously strength of the huge principle one arrives to the black and white space. 四周的天地元气一下沸腾而起,同时一股庞大之极的法则之力一下降临到黑白空间之中。 Extinguish Immortal Stick Technique! 正是灭仙棍法 The black white light glow condenses fast, forms black white two huge incomparable Millstone, clamps Di Qun in the middle, slowly revolving. 白光芒飞快凝聚,形成一黑一白两个巨大无比的磨盘,将帝夋夹在中间,缓缓旋转。 Di Qun only felt that a strange strength from also transmits up and down, body one is unable to move. 帝夋只感到一股诡异之力从上下同时传来,身躯就一下无法动弹了。 The huge and depressed sound conveys from huge Millstone, as if stuffy thunder is common, the space rotates the direct distortion with Millstone. 巨大而沉闷声音从巨大磨盘上传来,仿佛闷雷一般,空间随着磨盘转动直接扭曲。 Black and white Millstone also not pure black and white, but mixed with the colors of some yellow and blacks, the aura that but lends was more fearful than dozens times before, lends the endless destruction aura. 黑白磨盘也并非纯粹的黑白,而是夹杂了些许玄黄之色,不过散发出的气息比以前可怕了数十倍,散发出无尽的毁灭气息。 Di Qun complexion in great surprise, in the eye appears for the first time frightened feeling. 帝夋脸色大惊,眼中首次浮现出恐惧的感觉。 Shi Mu at this moment float in midair, complexion with deep veneration, in the mouth mumbled. 石牧此刻悬浮在半空,面色肃然,口中念念有词。 This is the Bai Gong teacher to kill you, spends Extinguish Immortal Stick Technique that the innumerable mental efforts create, can die under this secret technique, you were also not in vain.” In the Shi Mu mouth the incantation stops, cold voice shouted, directed. “这是白公师尊为了杀你,花费无数心力创造出来的灭仙棍法,能死在这一秘术之下,你也算是不枉了。”石牧口中咒语一停,冷声喝道,一指点出。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Black and white Millstone revolves is closing up slowly, goes toward the Di Qun extrusion. 黑白磨盘旋转着缓缓合拢,朝着帝夋挤压而去。 The Shi Mu domain has received, two powerful incomparable pressure, extrude above the Di Qun 12 color domains, 12 color domains immediately immediately drastic fluctuation. 石牧的领域早已收起,两股强大无比的威压,挤压在帝夋的十二色领域之上,十二色领域顿时立刻剧烈波动。 Di Qun opens the mouth suddenly, spouts golden Pill, a side exit|to speak, then rupturing opens, an egg shell shape golden color guard/shield appears immediately, the whole person cover is one of them. 帝夋蓦的张口,喷出一枚金色丹丸,方一出口,便“噗”的一声爆裂而开,一个蛋壳状金色护罩顿时浮现,将整个人罩在其中。 The guard/shield surface, the mysterious rune circulations of innumerable dense and numerous keep, a Di Qun complexion loosen, restored some strength of action unexpectedly. 护罩表面,无数密密麻麻的玄奥符文流转不停,帝夋脸色一松,竟恢复了部分行动之力。 It sleeve without delay moves, several deep green Talisman that sends out astonishing spiritual power to fluctuate flies to shoot, pastes on oneself. 其二话不说的袖子一动,数张散发出惊人灵力波动的深绿色符箓飞射而出,贴在自己身上。 Talisman changes into one group of green mist immediately, flashes submerges within the body. 符箓顿时化为一团绿色雾气,一闪没入体内。 On his face the facial expression restores immediately much, True Immortal Body also one increased much. 他脸上气色立刻恢复不少,真仙之体也一下变大了不少。 the next moment, Di Qun 12 arm simultaneous/uniform Dong, 12 thick incomparable principle rays of light project from the palm, submerges in the domain. 下一刻,帝夋十二只手臂齐动,十二道粗大无比的法则光芒从掌心射出,没入领域之内。 12 color domains immediately one steady. 十二色领域立刻一稳。 In the Di Qun mouth angrily roars again and again, the arm wheel makes together the daoist magic secret art, the domain rumble the revolution, 12 great dragon-like principle rays of light in domain immediately change, the erectness, changes into 12 giant light beams. 帝夋口中怒吼连连,手臂车轮般打出一道道法诀,领域隆隆运转,领域内的十二道巨龙般法则光芒立刻一变,直立而起,化为十二道巨大光柱。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! 12 light beams supported closing up of huge black and white Millstone impressively. 十二道光柱赫然撑住了巨大黑白磨盘的合拢。 Black and white Millstone trembles fiercely, collides with 12 light beams intensely, assorted rays of light jumps toward the surroundings shoots, Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering. 黑白磨盘剧烈震颤,和十二道光柱激烈碰撞,各色光芒朝着周围迸射,惊天动地 Although supported closing up of black and white Millstone, but 12 light beams rock is fiercer, some light beams were bent directly, often jumps projects rays of light. 虽然撑住了黑白磨盘的合拢,不过十二道光柱晃动的更加厉害,有的光柱直接被压弯,不时迸射出一道道光芒 Snort “哼” Shi Mu expression indifferently, in the mouth cold snort/hum, the hand during technique secret art changes, the blood-color flame that simultaneously the body burns flies to shoot suddenly, changes into two blood-color rainbows, integrates in black and white Millstone. 石牧神色漠然,口中冷哼一声,手中法诀一变,同时身上燃烧的血色火焰陡然飞射而出,化为两道血色长虹,融入黑白磨盘中。 Black and white Millstone a rays of light bright, innumerable giant black and white thunder ball jumps to shoot from Millstone immediately, hits toward 12 light beams. 黑白磨盘立刻光芒一亮,无数巨大黑白雷球从磨盘上迸射而出,朝着十二根光柱打去。 At once, everywhere is the lightning ray lightning flash, submerged all, everywhere is fine glow, punctured person eyes severe pain. 一时之间,到处都是雷光电闪,淹没了一切,到处都是一片精芒,刺的人眼睛剧痛。 Di Qun sees this situation, will make anything, but that black and white thunder ball are too really many, direct breakthrough entered in the domain, several hundred explode on his body. 帝夋见此情形,正要做些什么,不过那黑白雷球实在太多,直接突破进了领域之内,数百颗炸在他的身上。 Rumble “轰隆隆” Golden egg shell shape guard/shield surface rays of light of the body surface flashes crazily, but with black and white thunder ball unceasing blasting open, electricity snake dance, the guard/shield is defeated and dispersed finally loudly. 其体表的金色蛋壳状护罩表面光芒狂闪,但随着黑白雷球的不断炸裂,一道道电蛇狂舞,护罩终于轰然溃散。 The Di Qun whole person was also submerged by the black and white electricity snake.. 帝夋整个人也随之被黑白电蛇淹没。。 12 light beams originally then in imminent danger, at this moment was hit by innumerable black and white thunder ball, finally loudly disruption. 十二根光柱原本便岌岌可危,此刻被无数黑白雷球击中,终于轰然碎裂。 Black and white Millstone seizes the chance rumble the oppression, clamps Di Qun in the middle ruthlessly, revolves fiercely. 黑白磨盘趁机隆隆压迫而下,将帝夋狠狠夹在中间,猛地旋转。 No!” In the Di Qun eye full is desperate and unwilling. “不!”帝夋眼中满是绝望和不甘。 Bang, his body explodes directly, changes into everywhere blood mist. “砰”的一声,他的身体直接爆裂开来,化为漫天血雾 blood mist tumbles, inside appears indistinctly the Di Qun appearance, sends out assorted rays of light, tries to flush away toward outside strongly. 血雾翻滚,里面隐约浮现出帝夋的容颜,散发出各色光芒,竭力试图朝着外面冲去。 No! I am Heaven Emperor, is this world is only likely to exceed the person of eternal life, how dead in your ganef hand!” The sad and shrill sound spread from blood mist, filled the hatred and being unwilling. “不!我是天帝,是这世间唯一有望超越永生之人,怎会死在你这个宵小手中!”凄厉声音从血雾中传出,充满了怨毒和不甘。 Black and white Millstone sends out ten thousand rays of light, covers these blood mist, making that it go out inescapably. 黑白磨盘散发出万道光芒,笼罩住那些血雾,使得那其无法逃脱出去。 On the Shi Mu face sneers completely, the hand during technique secret art fluctuates. 石牧脸上满是冷笑,手中法诀变幻。 Black and white Millstone continues brutally to revolve, blood mist was torn again, changes into a smaller pellet. 黑白磨盘继续无情旋转,血雾再次被撕裂开来,化为更加微小的颗粒。 A sad and shrill incomparable pitiful yell spreads from blood mist, but is submerged immediately in rumble the loud sound. 一声凄厉无比的惨叫从血雾中传出,不过立刻被淹没在了隆隆巨响之中。 Black and white Millstone continues to rotate fast, in the endless black white light glow, that blood-color rays of light from the beginning crazy glittering several, but quick rapid incomparably gets down gloomily, was submerged thoroughly. 黑白磨盘继续飞快转动,在无尽的黑白光芒中,那血色光芒一开始疯狂闪烁了几下,不过很快迅疾无比暗淡下去,被彻底淹没。 Shi Mu long shouted the one breath, directs. 石牧长呼了一口气,一指点出。 Black and white Millstone vanishes slowly, is the black and white space, the retrogression, all restored the original design fast. 黑白磨盘缓缓消失,然后是黑白空间,飞快消退,一切恢复了原样。 Was once insufferably arrogant in Heavenly Court, slaughter Kunlun, extinguished Azure Moon Di Qun, in this moment, vanished finally thoroughly, a trace has not stayed behind. 曾经在天庭之中不可一世,屠昆仑,灭沧月帝夋,在这一刻,终于彻底消失,一丝痕迹也没有留下。 ........................ …………………… 【The «Profound World Gate» official cartoon gets online officially!】 Fellow Daoist , " Profound World Gate » official cartoon today first round of already animation homepage version in Tencent animation App and Tencent presents, cartoon quality Wang Yu is really satisfied, turns on the cell phone to click on the Tencent animation to search Profound World Gate: 【《玄界之门》官方漫画正式上线!】各位道友,《玄界之门》官方漫画今天已经在腾讯动漫App及腾讯动漫网页版上首发亮相,漫画质量忘语甚为满意,打开手机点击腾讯动漫就可搜索“玄界之门”吧:
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