TPW :: Volume #11

#1054: Electric light flint

Looked how you escape from this palm!” “看你如何逃出本座掌心!” Di Qun shouts out, acoustic shock vast clear skies. 帝夋大喝一声,声震万里长空。 Finishes barely the words, on its back golden light puts greatly, appears baseless a pair of great wing, each feather is the golden yellow color, superficial thick golden color electric arc circulations non-stop. 话音未落,其背脊上金光大放,凭空浮现出一对巨翼,每一根羽毛都呈金黄之色,表面一道道粗大金色电弧流转不停。 With a thunderous loud sound, the Di Qun figure vanishes baseless, the next moment already appeared beyond several li (0.5 km), pursued tightly. 随着一声雷鸣巨响,帝夋身形凭空消失,下一刻已经出现在了数里之外,紧追了上去。 Two people situation one exchanges, Shi Mu this time turned into the front person of escaping, Di Qun was in hot pursuit in behind. 两人处境一下互换,石牧这次变成了前方逃跑之人,帝夋则在后面紧追不舍。 Shi Mu melts the Giant Ape cheeks to tie tight, the extreme speed proceeds to speed along, while within the body transports/fortunes the merit to compel the poison full power. 石牧所化巨猿脸颊紧绷,一边极速往前飞驰,一边体内全力运功逼毒。 In Spirit Sea, yellow and black small person that is growing the Shi Mu facial features sits cross-legged to sit, two small hand fast formed hand seals. 灵海之中,一个长着石牧面容的玄黄小人盘膝而坐,两只小手飞快掐诀 Immediately clear icy cold energies depart from the yellow and black small person hand, submerge the whole body to locate meridians respectively, unravels the pursuit inside green poisonous silk. 顿时一道道晶莹冰凉的能量从玄黄小人手中飞出,没入全身各处经脉,将里面的绿色毒丝抽丝剥茧般驱逐出去。 His present within the body fragrant poison , the speed was still greatly affected, quick was pursued near by Di Qun, must display the method resistance unceasingly, and waits for an opportunity to change the direction. 他如今体内香毒仍在,速度大受影响,很快便被帝夋追近,只得不断施展手段抵御,并伺机改变方向。 A person of ape, fight speeds between two thousand zhang (3.33 m) colossi like the lightning, almost in the electric light flint, had then crossed several moves quickly, each move causes all around the void big quake, several want to collapse. 一人一猿,两个千丈大小的庞然大物间的交手速度快如闪电,几乎在电光火石之间,便已过了数招,每一招都引得周遭虚空大震,几欲崩溃。 Several moves cross, the two then pursue again escape, left the Heavenly Court region quickly. 数招一过,二者便再次一追一逃,很快离开了天庭区域。 This, lets disperse the dumbfoundedness that all around Heavenly Court and alliance armies look. 这一幕,让分散四周的天庭和联盟大军都看的目瞪口呆。 Walks! We also pursue to have a look!” “走!我们也追上去看看!” In the Yan Luo beautiful pupil flashes through a dignity, the willow waist turns, the figure changes into together seven color rays of light, rapid incomparably pursues toward the Shi Mu two people. 烟罗美眸中闪过一丝凝重,柳腰一扭,身形化为一道七彩光芒,迅疾无比朝着石牧二人追去。 Su Sheng nods, immediately follows. 栗升点了点头,立刻跟上。 their two people have stopped the application of force destroying ten thousand spirit Daoism great formation, because they discovered, whatever two people use various methods to attack crazily, like the clay ox entering the sea, great formation is actually entirely still in abundance. 他们二人已停止施力破坏万灵玄门大阵,因为他们发现,任凭二人施展各种手段狂攻,却纷纷如泥牛入海般,大阵纹丝不动。 Wastes strength with it in this, might as well keep up with the Shi Mu two people, perhaps can also add on busily some in certain times. 与其在此白费力气,不如跟上石牧二人,在某些时刻或许还能帮上一些忙。 Four people vanished in quickly same place, makes Heavenly Court and alliance that army facial expression the distant place fights intensely is somewhat ignorant however. 四人先后以迅雷不及掩耳之势消失在原地,令远处激烈交手的天庭和联盟大军神情有些懵然。 The leader left, for a while what to do they do not know should. 首领都离开了,他们一时不知道该怎么办。 In Heavenly Court distant place mountain range, great yellow escaping light rapid incomparable flying shoots to come, to keep together changing the direction, the movement is extremely quick, carries over say/way afterimage, lets dazzling that the person looks. 天庭远处一处山脉之中,一道宏大黄色遁光迅疾无比的飞射而来,不停改变方向,动作极快,带出道道残影,让人看的眼花缭乱。 Flies to escape, Shi Mu looks toward behind, the facial expression is startled. 飞遁中,石牧朝着身后望去,神情微怔。 His behind does not see the Di Qun form impressively, is it possible that did he throw off? 他的身后赫然不见帝夋的身影,莫非他甩掉了? This thought side presents then by its denial, simultaneously in the heart was vigilant the heart increases. 这一念头方一出现便被其否定,同时心中警惕之心大增。 At this moment, his top of the head thunderous sound sound, the thick white thunder and lightning emerges out of thin air together, sparkles is roasting the white light glow, chops ruthlessly, the rapidness of speed, even Shi Mu had discovered immediately, still moves aside radically without enough time. 就在此刻,他头顶雷鸣之声一响,一道粗大白色雷电凭空出现,闪耀着炙白光芒,狠狠劈下,速度之快,即便石牧已在第一时间发现,也根本来不及躲闪。 In Shi Mu heart one cold, the white thunder and lightning is seemingly common, but he felt the strength of extremely fearsome destruction in inside. 石牧心中一凛,白色雷电看似寻常,不过他在里面感受到了极为可怖的破坏之力。 At a crucial moment, his shouts out, three heads lift simultaneously. 千钧一发之际,他大喝一声,三个头颅同时一抬。 One red, a gold/metal, yellow three rays of light spray simultaneously, fused in one, changed into a thick tricolor light shield, kept off in the top of the head. 一红,一金,一黄三道光芒同时喷射而出,融合在了一起,化为一层厚实的三色光盾,挡在头顶。 Scoffs! 嗤啦! The tricolor light shields just like the slip of paper easily to be defeated, half suddenly time cannot insist. 三色光盾犹如纸片般被轻易击破,半个眨眼的时间也没能坚持。 Shi Mu complexion again startled, body only with enough time fiercely one side. 石牧脸色再惊,身体只来得及猛地一侧。 The white lightning, submerged the body of Shi Mu loudly, white electric arcs spread on him, easily his protecting body profound yellow light glow tearing. 白色闪电轰然而下,淹没了石牧的身体,一道道白色电弧在他身上蔓延,轻易将他的护体玄黄光芒撕裂。 Bang! 轰! The Shi Mu huge body was shot down from midair again, throws down layer on layer/heavily on the ground. 石牧巨大身躯再次被从半空击落,重重摔倒在地上。 midair flashes, the Di Qun form emerges out of thin air. 半空一闪,帝夋身影凭空出现。 At this moment above his forehead does not know when appeared a vertical eye, on him 12 principle rays of light went toward the vertical eye gathering rolling, was in one friendly, the transformation was one type roasts in the white rays of light vertical eye glittering. 此刻他额头之上不知何时浮现出了一个竖眼,他身上的十二种法则光芒滚滚朝着竖眼汇聚而去,融合为一体,转化为一种炙白的光芒竖眼中闪烁 white light sends out extremely intense principle fluctuation, one type can disappear all aura, is somewhat similar to Gao Ming the eye of disappearing, but the powerful force did not know many times. 白光散发出极为强烈的法则波动,给人一种能泯灭一切的气息,和高明的泯灭之眼有些相似,不过威力强大了不知多少倍。 However just that struck the white lightning as if to consume big, some Di Qun complexion faint blanches, white light in vertical eye also abates to weaken fast. 不过刚刚那一击白色闪电似乎消耗不小,帝夋脸色隐隐有些发白,竖眼中的白光也飞快消退减弱。 This time, looked where you can also toward run!” “这一次,看你还能往哪里跑!” In the Di Qun eye full is cold piercing killing intent, the figure such as the electricity throws toward Shi Mu, gathers round 12 great sticks that its figure circles to wind high above to depart in abundance, each stick surface spirit mark rays of light put greatly. 帝夋眼中满是寒冷刺骨的杀意,身形如电的朝石牧扑去,围着其身形盘旋飞绕的十二根巨棍纷纷飞出,每一根棍子表面灵纹一圈圈光芒大放。 12 sticks like 12 startled rainbows, shell to go toward below. 十二根棍子如同十二道惊虹,一齐朝着下面轰击而去。 At this moment, the Di Qun body leans black light to flash, before that black form appeared again, in the hand blood-color big sword hold, as if one round of dazzling blood day, divided to cut toward him greatly. 就在此刻,帝夋身侧黑光一闪,之前那个黑色身影再次出现,手中血色大剑大盛,仿佛一轮刺目血日,朝着他劈斩而来。 The blood-color sword glow place visited, was cut together the neat incomparable slit void. 血色剑芒所过之处,虚空被切出一道整齐无比的缝隙。 Snort, waited for you to be very long!” “哼,等你很久了!” The great stick that Di Qun rapid incomparable turning around, 12 just departed suddenly has transferred the direction fiercely, pounds toward the black person's shadow, the movement is smooth, not slightly sluggish. 帝夋陡然迅疾无比的转身,十二根刚刚飞出的巨棍猛地转过方向,朝着黑色人影砸去,动作流畅之极,没有丝毫迟滞。 In the black air/Qi the fuzzy face lifts fiercely, immediately bellows, the opens the mouth blowout paints the black light glow to submerge in the blood sword together. 黑气中模糊的脸猛地一抬,随即大吼一声,张口喷出一道漆黑光芒没入血剑中。 Blood sword sword glow hold, the sword blade turns immediately again greatly, changes into number hundred zhang (333 m) long Blood Dragon impressively, in the body sends out viscous bloody glow, as if the liquid is common. 血剑剑芒立刻再次大盛,剑身一扭,赫然化为一条数百丈长的血龙,身躯上散发出粘稠的血光,仿佛液体一般。 The Blood Dragon huge body keeps off before the black form, is pleased as punch fiercely, dragon claw grabs thoughtlessly, one connected that 12 great stick to tie down 12 arms of Di Qun impressively all, making the Di Qun movement slow flicker. 血龙巨大身躯挡在黑色身影之前,猛地一个摇头摆尾,龙爪乱抓,赫然一下将帝夋的十二只手臂连通那十二根巨棍尽数缠住,使得帝夋的动作慢了一瞬。 The black person's shadow huge body reduces suddenly, changes into together the tiny incomparable shadow, sticks to blood-color big dragon behind, fuzzy flies to escape from the Di Qun rib, immediately rapid incomparable disappearance in distant place. 黑色人影巨大身躯骤然缩小,化为一道细小无比的黑影,紧贴在血色巨龙身后,一个模糊从帝夋肋下飞遁而过,随即迅疾无比的消失在了远处。 In the Di Qun mouth sends out extremely bellowing of anger, 12 great stick rays of light greatly hold, fiercely a brace. 帝夋口中发出极怒的大吼,十二根巨棍光芒大盛,猛地一撑。 The Blood Dragon huge body was torn impressively, changes into several sections, the endless blood breaks the body to have spraying from it. 血龙巨大身躯赫然被撕裂开来,化为数截,无尽的鲜血从其断躯出喷射而出。 The these blood color suddenly changes, in the blood-color appears a blackness, has glittering of innumerable Black Rune indistinctly in the blood. 这些鲜血颜色陡然一变,血色中浮现出一层漆黑,隐约有无数黑色符文在血液中闪烁 The black red blood is explodes to shoot, as if blood rain, covering the range was extremely broad, a nearby more than ten li (0.5 km) range was one of them all, Di Qun naturally bore the brunt, immediately was drenched a whole body by the innumerable blood rain. 黑红血液是爆射而出,仿佛下了一场血雨,笼罩范围极广,附近十几里范围尽数在其中,帝夋自然首当其冲,当即被无数血雨淋了个全身。 Scoffs! 嗤嗤嗤! His whole body armor was corroded impressively tattered and torn, above the cheeks the most body also vanishes, reveals inside dense white bones, an eye also burnt out. 他周身盔甲赫然被腐蚀得千疮百孔,脸颊之上大半皮肉也消失,露出里面森森白骨,一只眼睛也被烧坏。 Above the ground, Shi Mu lies down on the ground, the body still the fuzzy white electric arcs jumped at this moment, body not independent tremor slightly. 地面之上,石牧躺在地上,身上此刻仍然有一道道模糊的白色电弧跳跃,身体不自主的微微颤动。 On his left arm has a huge wound, almost passed through the arm, the blood swarmed, was just the result by the white lightning direct hit. 他左臂上有一个巨大伤口,几乎贯穿了手臂,鲜血蜂拥而出,是刚刚被白色闪电直接命中所致。 Shi Mu has not paid attention to own injury, sees with own eyes Di Qun situation at this moment, on the face reveals the color of great happiness. 石牧没有理会自己的伤势,眼见帝夋此刻的情形,脸上露出大喜之色。 That black person's shadow is not other, naturally is his External Body Incarnation. 那黑色人影不是别的,自然是他的身外化身 In the beforehand war, he has taken back this incarnation. 之前的大战中,他早已将此化身收回。 However also so does luckily, previously experienced innumerable body rupturing to transform in the eye, External Body Incarnation also experienced these similarly. 不过也幸亏这般做,先前在阵眼中经历无数次身体爆裂蜕变,身外化身也同样经历了这些 Later he comprehends the profound mystery that the Nine Revolution Profound Law tenth revolution of ten thousand methods return to the birth family, strength enters greatly, External Body Incarnation takes his Clone, strength also progresses by leaps and bounds, enters God Realm Late Stage. 之后他领悟九转玄功第十转万法归宗的玄奥,实力大进,身外化身作为他的分身,实力也是突飞猛进,进入神境后期 Moreover that blood sword strength of blood say/way, because fused the blood of Shi Mu, the might increases, achieved the blood to say the cultivation pinnacle faintly, the hearsay strength of plasma. 而且那柄血剑中的血道之力,因为融合了石牧的鲜血,威力更是大增,隐隐达到了血道修炼的极致,传闻中的血源之力。 Even by Di Qun True Immortal Body, cannot withstand, is seriously injured. 即便以帝夋真仙之体,也承受不住,受了重伤。 On the Shi Mu face the happy expression disappears, this moment situation is fast changing, he does not dare to be negligent. 石牧脸上喜色转瞬即逝,此刻形势瞬息万变,他丝毫不敢大意。 During the consideration, his whole body profound yellow light glow hold, these residual white electric arcs abate greatly immediately fast. 思量间,其全身玄黄光芒大盛,那些残留的白色电弧顿时飞快消退。 Another side, the Di Qun corner of the eye twitches, hands and feet because of severe pain, but convulsion. 另一边,帝夋眼角抽搐,手脚因为剧痛而痉挛。 However he deeply inspires, depresses the body pain, in the mouth mumbles, the whole body appears big piece clear green light, covers the entire body. 不过他深吸一口气,压下身体痛楚,口中念念有词,全身浮现出大片晶莹的绿光,笼罩住整个身躯。 12 long stick Magical Treasure in his hand, is the green all over the body, this moment this stick sends out big piece green rays of light, flows on his body fast 他手中的十二根长棍法宝,有一根通体呈绿色,此刻此棍散发出大片绿色光芒,在他身体上飞快流动 The body corroded place non-stop wriggling, grows the new meat fast, after several breath, then fully recovers. 身体被腐蚀的地方不停蠕动,飞快长出新肉,几个呼吸之后,身体便完全恢复。 Di Qun turns around suddenly, vision hatred incomparable looks toward Shi Mu, 12 long sticks simultaneously one bright. 帝夋豁然转身,目光怨毒无比的朝着石牧望去,十二根长棍同时一亮。 However at this moment, Shi Mu also jumps from the ground exactly simultaneously, looked toward Di Qun. 不过此刻,石牧也恰好同时从地面上跃起,也朝着帝夋看了过来。 The wound of left arm was covered by profound yellow light glow at this moment, fast restoration. 左臂的伤口此刻被一层玄黄光芒笼罩,飞快恢复。 His facial expression is tranquil, even is somewhat joyful. 他神情平静,甚至有些欣喜。 That white lightning might is enormous, penetrated his arm unexpectedly, but the white lightning also help indirectly. 那道白色闪电威力极大,竟然击穿了他的手臂,不过白色闪电也间接帮了他一个忙。 The white lightning as if there is strength of extremely powerful purification, when his within the body spreads, fragrant poisonous forced these greens all. 白色闪电似乎具有极为强大的净化之力,在他体内蔓延的时候,将那些绿色香毒尽数逼迫了出来。 Di Qun looks at the Shi Mu left arm, on the face reveals one with amazement. 帝夋看着石牧的左臂,脸上露出一丝骇然。 The say/way falls the thunder extremely the might in a big way, he clearest, can say that this myriad things under this thunder, will be nothing left, will not leave behind the slightest the ashes, finally this, actually only injured the arm of Shi Mu. 极道落雷的威力有多大,他最清楚,可以说这一界的万物在此雷之下,都会荡然无存,甚至连灰烬都不会留下分毫,结果这一下,却只打伤了石牧的手臂而已。 Shi Mu body at this moment strong! 石牧此刻的身体到底有多强! In the Di Qun heart appears for the first time not a good premonition. 帝夋心中首次浮现出一丝不好的预感。 Two people looked at each other flickered, the fight was ready to be set off again. 两人对视了一瞬,战斗再次一触即发。 A Shi Mu back pair of wings show/unfolds, teleport appears before the Di Qun body, six large armies wield, immediately carries the sound of endless wind and thunder to pound down ruthlessly. 石牧背后双翼一展,瞬移般出现在帝夋身前,六件重兵一挥,顿时携带无尽风雷之声狠狠砸下。 Di Qun shouted angrily, arm simultaneous/uniform Dong, 12 stick shades rumbled suddenly toward Shi Mu. 帝夋怒喝一声,手臂齐动,十二道棍影朝着石牧猛然轰出。 A loud sound of earth-shattering! 一声天崩地裂的巨响! Two people surrounding surrounding areas in dozens li (0.5 km), all disrupt all. 两人周围方圆数十里内,所有的一切尽数碎裂。 The mountain peak ground vanishes completely, changes into the smallest pellet, the endless strong winds take away as many things as possible toward the surroundings. 山峰地面全部消失,化为最微小的颗粒,无尽的狂风朝着周围席卷而去。 The Di Qun body was shaken flew the number hundred zhang (333 m), this stands firm the body. 帝夋身躯被震飞了数百丈,这才稳住身体。 Opposite Shi Mu is also same, tread the tread tread to draw back more than ten steps to stand firm the figure continually. 对面的石牧也是一样,蹬蹬蹬连退了十几步才稳住身形。 Two people unexpectedly are evenly matched! 两人竟是势均力敌! In Di Qun heart startled and anger, by Magical Treasure, 12 long stick Magical Treasure in his hand is fierce, these that used True Qi to condense becomes did not know many times compared with the Shi Mu hand, under so the advantage , can only fight to a draw with the opposite party unexpectedly. 帝夋心中又惊又怒,论法宝,他手中的十二根长棍法宝何等厉害,比石牧手中那些用真气凝聚而成的强了不知多少倍,在如此优势下,竟然还只能和对方打个平手。 „The Shi Mu True Immortal Body obvious imbalance strength, I actually stress the principle, near body confrontation is disadvantageous to me!” In the Di Qun heart the secretly thought, the figure in a flash, pours to project beyond several li (0.5 km), in a flash, flies to escape to go toward the distant place again, tries to spread out two people. 石牧真仙之体明显偏重力量,我却偏重法则,近身交锋对我不利!”帝夋心中暗道,身形一晃,倒射出数里之外,再一晃,朝着远处飞遁而去,试图拉开二人的距离。
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