TPW :: Volume #11

#1053: Framework

In thousand zhang (3.33 m) Giant Ape six eyes glittering golden glow, an arm is grabbing Heaven Shattering Staff, another five arms are void simultaneously grasp. 千丈巨猿六只眼睛之中闪烁金芒,一只手臂抓着翻天棍,另外五只手臂同时虚空一握。 In five palms appears five groups of dazzling profound yellow light glow, rays of light collects, condenses five great hammers, the great axe, the great mace were seemingly heavy over ten thousand jin (0.5 kg) heavy weapon. 五只手掌中浮现出五团耀眼之极的玄黄光芒,光芒一敛,凝聚成五柄巨锤,巨斧,巨锏等看似重逾万斤的重武器。 Shi Mu feels the strength that within the body is surging, in the heart raises a nondescript strange feeling. 石牧感受着体内激荡的力量,心中升起一股无以名状的古怪感觉。 After changing the body, the strength of his within the body as if then awakens thoroughly, emerges one after another, under simply the difference between Heaven and Earth with the previous human form condition. 变身之后,他体内的力量似乎这才彻底觉醒,一波一波涌现而出,和先前人形状态下简直天差地别 Roar!” “吼!” He raises the day to exude one to bellow. 他扬天发出一声大吼。 A huge fearsome pressure erupts from Giant Ape, along with the fearsome sound wave, takes away as many things as possible toward all around. 一股庞大可怖的威压从巨猿身上爆发,伴随着可怖的音波,朝着四周席卷而去。 The surrounding area in several hundred li (0.5 km), shivers void all the distortion, Su Sheng and Yan Luo of distant place is also flown by this strength volume. 方圆数百里内,虚空尽数颤抖扭曲,远处的栗升烟罗也被这股力量卷飞。 Although has not changed into the past ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Giant Ape, the power and influence that but this moment these thousand zhang (3.33 m) yellow and black Giant Ape send out in the past, as if the implication inexhaustible strength, can by far destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth. 虽然没有化为往常的万丈巨猿,不过此刻这千丈玄黄巨猿散发出的威势远胜往常,仿佛蕴含无穷无尽的力量,能够毁天灭地 Di Qun feels the yellow and black Giant Ape aura, complexion changes, but then returns to immediately normal, in the eye passed over gently and swiftly to smile craftily, said: 帝夋感受到玄黄巨猿的气息,脸色微变,不过立刻便恢复了平静,眼中掠过一丝诡笑,道: Snort! Then does not know that is who must escape!” “哼!接下来不知道是谁要逃!” His both hands lifted, turn around to wield toward the distant place, made a movement of summon. 他双手抬起,转身朝着远处一挥,做了一个召唤的动作。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Around the Heavenly Court four fontanels, bloom to soar to the heavens rays of light suddenly. 天庭周围的四座天门,陡然绽放出一股冲天光芒 Four thick incomparable light beams shoot up to the sky, submerge the clouds. 四道粗大无比的光柱冲天而起,没入云端。 Shi Mu sees with own eyes this scenery, the brow slightly wrinkle, although does not know that had anything, but definitely is not the good deed. 石牧眼见此景,眉头微皱,虽然不知道发生了什么,不过肯定不是什么好事。 His figure in a flash, flies to shoot, flushes away toward Di Qun. 他身形一晃,飞射而出,朝着帝夋冲去。 However at this moment, Shi Mu's mind suddenly appeared a feeling that smoked to be drunk, the body swayed. 但是就在此刻,石牧脑海中忽的浮现出一股熏熏欲醉的感觉,身躯摇晃了一下。 In meridians appears the silk threads green filament, turbulent yellow and black True Qi starts to dissipate unexpectedly. 经脉之中浮现出丝丝缕缕的绿色细丝,汹涌的玄黄真气竟然开始消散开来。 What's the matter?” Shi Mu in great surprise, stops the figure. “怎么回事?”石牧大惊,停下身形。 However he responds immediately, the vision looked that flutters to the surroundings, green mist that almost already cannot see. 不过他立刻反应了过来,目光看向周围飘荡的,几乎已经看不到的绿色雾气。 Mist has the strangeness!” He drinks to make noise lowly, immediately revolution Cultivation Technique, compels the green filament in within the body. “雾气有古怪!”他低喝出声,立刻运转功法,逼出体内的绿色细丝。 Good, drunk immortal Bi Luoxiang who I spend several thousand years of pains refinement, True Immortal Body is unable the immunity. This fragrance must play the effect on require some time, how otherwise I will accompany you to play the game of cat catch mouse. However game hence, should finish!” Di Qun laughs, before the figure presents the Shi Mu body suddenly, 12 arms make a fist, ruthlessly under bang. “不错,正是我花费数千年苦心炼制的醉仙薜萝香,真仙之体也无法免疫。此香要发挥功效需要一定的时间,否则我岂会陪你玩猫捉老鼠的游戏。不过游戏至此,也该结束了!”帝夋哈哈大笑,身形陡然出现石牧身前,十二只手臂握拳,狠狠轰下。 On each fist sends out strength of the principle, toward Shi Mu in one volume, but. 每只拳头上都散发出一股法则之力,朝石牧所在一卷而至。 The Shi Mu body is impractical, but is six arm simultaneous/uniform Dong, is waving six weapons, moves forward to meet somebody. 石牧身体虚浮,不过还是六只手臂齐动,挥舞着六柄武器,迎了上去。 A startled day loud sound! 一声惊天巨响! The Shi Mu body big quake, tread the tread tread to draw back continually far away, this coming to a stop body. 石牧身躯大震,蹬蹬蹬连退了老远,这才站稳身体。 However the Di Qun body is also in a flash, was shaken drew back two steps. 不过帝夋身躯也是一晃,被震退了两步。 In his eye flashes through one with amazement, in the Shi Mu already body drunk immortal Bi Luoxiang, ten tenths strength perhaps could not have displayed 30%, unexpectedly is so fierce. 他眼中闪过一丝骇然,石牧已经身中醉仙薜萝香,十成力量恐怕还发挥不出30%,竟然还是这般厉害。 If the opposite party be at the completely safe condition, just that struck, he is what consequence, perhaps is unknown. 若是对方处于万全状态,刚刚那一击,他是什么后果,恐怕不得而知。 Di Qun drinks one lowly, 12 multi-colored sunlight hold, in each multi-colored sunlight emerges principle rune simultaneously greatly, gathers on the fist. 帝夋低喝一声,身上十二层霞光同时大盛,每一层霞光中都涌现出一种法则符文,汇聚到拳头上。 His 12 arms move, immediately becomes fuzzy. 他十二只手臂一动,随即变得模糊。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The innumerable assorted fist shades appear suddenly, dense and numerous goes toward the Shi Mu bombardment. 无数各色拳影陡然出现,密密麻麻朝着石牧轰击而去。 The Shi Mu within the body True Qi crazy revolution, compels within the body green to be fragrant full power, six arms brandish, transform stick shadow hammer glow, defends strictly the gateway. 石牧体内真气疯狂运转,全力逼出体内绿色香毒,六只手臂挥舞,幻化出一道道棍影锤芒,紧守门户。 The most fist shadow was crushed by him, even some omission fist shadow breakthrough defense, shell on him, still makes his body leave one step toward retreat, and is not affected much. 大半拳影被他击碎,即便有一些遗漏拳影突破防守,轰击在他身上,也不过让他身体往后退出一步,并无大碍。 The Southern Sky Gate place, the giant fontanel draws out from the ground slowly, on the two props and crossbeams of fontanel appear suddenly the innumerable spirit marks, blooms to soar to the heavens the brilliance. 南天门处,巨大天门缓缓从地上拔出,天门的两根支柱和横梁上陡然浮现出无数灵纹,绽放出冲天光辉。 A loud sound, the giant fontanel draws out from the ground impressively, the crossbeams and two props separate suddenly, change into three great sticks. 一声巨响,巨大天门赫然从地面拔出,横梁和两根支柱陡然分离,化为三根巨棍。 The fearsome pressure sends out from three great sticks, each is as good Heaven Shattering Staff. 可怖的威压从三根巨棍上散发而出,每一根都丝毫不逊于翻天棍 Three long sticks dodge to fly to shoot, flies to shoot to go toward Di Qun. 三根长棍一闪飞射而出,朝着帝夋飞射而去。 Other three fontanel situations are also exactly the same, three giant fontanels change into three great sticks respectively, flies toward Di Qun. 其他三座天门此刻情形也是一模一样,三座巨大天门各自化为三根巨棍,朝着帝夋飞去。 12 giant long stick colors vary, change into 12 to delimit the day, but rays of light, the ear-piercing sonic boom sound reverberates in midair, has a scare everyone. 十二根巨大长棍颜色各异,化为十二道划天而过的光芒,刺耳的爆音声在半空回荡,将所有人吓了一跳。 Suddenly, 12 great sticks fly to shoot, but. 眨眼之间,十二根巨棍飞射而至。 The Di Qun 12 palms grasp, grasps 12 long sticks in the hand. 帝夋十二只手掌一抓而出,将十二根长棍抓在手中。 Buzz! 嗡! 12 long stick rays of light hold, enhance one another's beauty with the strength of Di Qun principle suddenly greatly, enormously and powerful toward the Shi Mu oppression. 十二根长棍陡然光芒大盛,和帝夋身上的法则之力交相辉映,浩浩荡荡朝着石牧压迫而来。 Shi Mu complexion changes, an under foot point, the body shoots, falls on the distant place. 石牧脸色一变,脚下一点,身体倒射而出,落在远处。 His vision closely stares is looking at 12 long sticks, these 12 sticks seem like with Heaven Shattering Staff are almost exactly the same, is also quite similar including the above spirit mark, although slightly has the surprise, differs not in a big way. 他目光紧紧盯着看着十二根长棍,这十二根棍子看起来和翻天棍几乎一模一样,连上面的灵纹也极为相似,虽然略有诧异,也相差不大。 Moreover, his vision concentrates, falls in a golden long stick. 而且,他目光一凝,落在其中一根金色长棍上。 This stick and Heaven Shattering Staff are impressively exactly the same, the contour and above spirit mark are not bad, the pressure that even sends out is completely also same. 此棍和翻天棍赫然一模一样,外形和上面的灵纹一丝不差,甚至散发出的威压也完全一样。 So that's how it is, these 12 sticks seem like your true Magical Treasure.” The Shi Mu eye pupil moves slightly, said slowly. 原来如此,这十二根棍子看起来才是你真正的法宝。”石牧眼眸微动,缓缓说道。 Right, this is my Magical Treasure, supports this piece of Heavenly Court framework! In the past was stolen Heaven Shattering Staff by White Ape that boy, when thousand years ago wars this treasure in the hand, how the main body will be injured by him.” Di Qun grasps the stick in the hand, laughs, as if already is sure of success. “没错,这便是我的法宝,支撑这片天庭的四梁八柱!当年被白猿那厮偷去一根翻天棍,若千年前大战时此宝在手,本尊岂会被他打伤。”帝夋握棍在手,哈哈大笑,似乎已经稳操胜券。 Snort! boast shamelessly, in the past you, if not used the clever trick, how White Ape Old Ancestor will defeat in your hand.” Shi Mu despises coldly said. “哼!大言不惭,当年你若非使用了诡计,白猿老祖又岂会败在你的手上。”石牧鄙夷的冷冷说道。 Gave up any idea of that delays the time with the language, today delivers you to see that white hair monkey!” Di Qun ridicule smiles, body surface assorted rays of light puts greatly, changes into the illusory image to plunge Shi Mu together, approaches instantaneously. “休想用语言来拖延时间,今日就送你去见那只白毛猴子!”帝夋讥讽的一笑,体表各色光芒大放,化为一道幻影扑向石牧,瞬间靠近。 His 12 arm simultaneous/uniform Dong, 12 great sticks exude one buzz the cry, erupts a crowded principle ripple respectively, strikes ruthlessly. 他十二个手臂齐动,十二根巨棍发出一声嗡鸣,各自爆发出一片密集的法则波纹,狠狠击下。 12 stick shades interweave, bang a loud sound, the sky as if one caves , a terrifying strength drops from the clouds, making one suffocate. 十二道棍影交织而下,轰隆一声巨响,天空仿佛一下塌陷,一股恐怖之极的力量从天而降,让人为之窒息。 The Shi Mu look sinks, he truly wants to delay next time, with compel within the body to be fragrant. 石牧眼神一沉,他确实想要拖延一下时间,用以逼出体内香毒。 This moment within the body fragrant poisonous only compels little, strength restores less than 50%, but Di Qun actually 12 Heaven Shattering Staff same level Magical Treasure in the hand, strength increase again. 此刻体内香毒只逼出少许,实力恢复不到50%,而帝夋却十二根翻天棍同级的法宝在手,实力再度大增。 However this moment already cannot allow him to think. 不过此刻已经容不得他多想。 In the Shi Mu mouth mumbled fast, six large armies bloomed to soar to the heavens the profound yellow light glow, met the approaching enemy on. 石牧口中飞快念念有词,六件重兵绽放出冲天玄黄光芒,迎击而上。 Meanwhile, he is covered with big mouth one of the fang, red flame spraying, sends out the intense Fire Attribute principle to fluctuate together. 同时,他长满獠牙的大口一张,一道赤色火光喷射而出,散发出强烈的火属性法则波动。 Another two head also big mouth, respectively blowout together dazzling dazzling golden light and together heavy/thick incomparable yellow light. 另外两个头颅也大口一张,分别喷出一道刺目耀眼的金光和一道厚重无比的黄光 At present Shi Mu comprehends, only then the strength of these three principles. 石牧目前领悟的只有这三种法则之力。 Three rays of light and six large army same places, bump into with the Di Qun 12 stick shades loudly. 三道光芒和六件重兵一起,和帝夋的十二根棍影轰然相撞。 Bang a loud sound of earth-shattering! “轰”的一声天崩地裂的巨响! A Shi Mu giant body as if meteorite, drops from the clouds, smashes the ground ruthlessly, in a twinkling giant stone four flying curl, the mist and dust is billowing. 石牧的巨大身躯仿佛一颗陨石,从天而降,狠狠砸进地面,霎时间巨石四下飞卷,烟尘滚滚。 By the smog, in the ground presents a diameter several thousand zhang (3.33 m) endocrater. 透过烟雾,地面上出现一个直径数千丈的巨坑。 In midair, the Di Qun body in a flash, retreat a step then coming to a stop body, the brow wrinkled. 半空之中,帝夋的身躯一晃,后退了一步这才站稳身体,眉头皱起。 His cold snort/hum, a coming to a stop body, pursues to go toward under immediately. 他冷哼一声,一站稳身体,立刻朝着下方追赶而去。 However at this moment, the Di Qun body side flashes void, a black form emerges out of thin air suddenly, the whole body by the big piece black mist package, could not be seen clearly the appearance, but in the hand takes a blood-color big sword, sends out viscous bloody glow, an ominous severe feeling. 不过就在此刻,帝夋身侧虚空一闪,一个黑色身影突然凭空出现,全身被大片黑色雾气包裹,看不清容貌,不过手中拿着一柄血色大剑,散发出粘稠的血光,给人一种凶厉的感觉。 Black person's shadow whole body black light flashes, rises to the hundred zhang (333 m) about instantaneously in a big way, the blood-color big sword also increases. 黑色人影全身黑光一闪,瞬间涨大到百丈左右,血色大剑也随之变大。 Under the God Realm Late Stage huge aura, does not send out from the black person's shadow. 一股不下于神境后期的庞大气息,从黑色人影身上散发开来。 The black person's shadow remains silent to drink lowly, under blood-color big sword bloody glow hold, Sword Light flashes suddenly greatly, sees only the innumerable blood threads big nets to explode to shoot, one most body that covered Di Qun. 黑色人影闷声低喝,血色大剑陡然血光大盛,剑光一闪之下,只见无数血丝大网般爆射而出,一下笼罩住了帝夋的大半个身体。 The blood threads winding in the Di Qun body, makes the sound immediately, the blood threads restrains on the body of Di Qun to reappear bloodstains, but is very shallow, emits the intermittent black smog. 血丝缠绕在帝夋身躯上,立刻发出嗤嗤的声音,血丝勒住帝夋的身体上浮现出一道道血痕,不过都很浅,冒出阵阵黑色烟雾。 The blood threads has the strength of extremely strong corrosion impressively, even Di Qun True Immortal Body is unable to resist completely. 血丝赫然具有极强的腐蚀之力,即便帝夋真仙之体也无法完全抵挡。 Courts death “找死” Di Qun angrily roars, in the huge body assorted rays of light puts greatly, the skin surface appears the big piece assorted spirit mark, immediately resists blood-color sword silk the strength of corrosion, the body rises suddenly again in a big way. 帝夋怒吼一声,巨大身躯上各色光芒大放,皮肤表面浮现出大片各色灵纹,立刻抵挡住血色剑丝的腐蚀之力,身躯猛然再次涨大。 Meanwhile, his big mouth, silver light flies to shoot together, is actually a silver light glittering small sword, sends out astonishing Sword Qi. 同时,他大口一张,一道银光飞射而出,却是一柄银光闪烁的小剑,散发出惊人的剑气 Silver small sword light flashed, vanishes suddenly, changes into together the silver bolt of white silk, rapid incomparable revolves around the body. 银色小剑光芒一闪,陡然消失,化为一道银色匹练,迅疾无比的绕着身体旋转。 Chī a sharp sound, these blood-color sword silk cut off all. “嗤嗤嗤”一阵锐响,那些血色剑丝被尽数斩断。 In the Di Qun eye severe glow glittering, the six arms of one side body wield suddenly. 帝夋眼中厉芒闪烁,一侧身体的六只手臂猛然一挥。 Six huge stick shades are smuggling the intermittent hurricane, goes toward that black person's shadow bombardment. 六道巨大棍影夹带着阵阵飓风,朝着那黑色人影轰击而去。 However when that black person's shadow in the blood threads was broken, already changes into together the black escaping light immediately, escapes rapidly toward the distant place, evaded this struck. 不过那黑色人影在血丝被破之际,已经立刻化为一道黑色遁光,朝着远处急速逃去,躲过了这一击。 Di Qun extremely unwilling looks that the black person's shadow escapes, has not gone to pursue, but continues to throw toward following Shi Mu. 帝夋极不甘心的看着黑色人影逃开,没有去追赶,而是继续朝着下面的石牧扑去。 However does not wait for him to fall to the ground, since a huge form soars to the heavens from under flies, is Shi Mu. 不过不等他落地,一道巨大身影从下方冲天飞起,正是石牧 The six large armies in his moment hand, except for Heaven Shattering Staff, other five disrupt all. 他此刻手中的六件重兵,除了翻天棍,其他五件尽数碎裂。 However Shi Mu seems like is too greatly injured, on the skin has several white scratches, a wound does not have. 不过石牧看起来并没有受到太大伤害,皮肤上有几道白色划痕,连个伤口也没有。 Di Qun witnesses this scenery, complexion sinks, is somewhat unbelievable. 帝夋目睹此景,脸色一沉,有些难以置信。 He just that struck already to have the full power, even/including injury cannot injure to Shi Mu unexpectedly. 他刚刚那一击已经出了全力,竟然连伤也没能伤到石牧 Shi Mu drinks one lowly, in the hand profound yellow light glow glittering, unifies five large armies again. 石牧低喝一声,手中玄黄光闪烁,再次凝聚成五件重兵。 He does not have to stop, profound yellow light glow one thick, one flashes to reappear two yellow and black wings in behind, but is one light and one dark, as if twin Yin-Yang is common. 他没有在停顿,玄黄光芒一浓,在背后一闪浮现出两只玄黄羽翼,不过一明一暗,仿佛双生阴阳一般。 His whole person changes into together yellow glow, flies to shoot to go toward the distant place, the speed was extremely still fast, suddenly then flies to escape several li (0.5 km) from. 他整个人化为一道黄芒,朝着远处飞射而去,速度仍然极快,眨眼间便飞遁出数里距离。 At this moment his strength greatly was limited, previous similar teleport divine ability already is unable to display. 此刻他实力大受限制,先前的类似瞬移神通已经无法施展。 ............ ………… Fellow brothers and sisters of Daoism, I and «Profound World Gate» official cartoon of Caesar culture cooperation must make a dazzling entrance on June 26 in the Tencent animation( to this edition of cartoon quality Wang Yu is really satisfaction)!!! First round first Sunday, including 7 days! Will prepare various types of rich drawing presents for Fellow Daoist , asking Fellow Daoist to support to support much, thank! 玄门的各位兄弟姐妹,我和凯撒文化合作的《玄界之门》官方漫画6月26日就要在腾讯动漫闪亮登场啦(对这一版的漫画品质忘语甚为满意)!!!首发首周日更,连更七天!更会为各位道友准备各种丰富的抽奖礼品,请各位道友多多捧场支持,感谢! Browsing reading address: 浏览阅读地址:
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