TO :: Volume #5

#401: Cabri

great silence barrier was closed, noise of starry sky will not transmit instantaneously. 大静默结界被关闭,星空的喧闹并不会瞬间传递过来。 It covers the range is the radius 8 billion kilometers, when the generator shuts down, entire barrier vanishes from inside to outside. 其笼罩范围乃是半径八十亿公里,当发生器关闭时,整个结界从内到外地消失。 This shatter speed is the speed of light, because it was too big, therefore it vanishes thoroughly, takes seven -and-a-half hours. 这个破碎的速度是光速,但因为它太大了,所以等它彻底消失,都需要七个半小时。 But merely after five hours, sees beside the Kuiper belt of Solar System edge, the jet black heavenly body surface that does not reflect light suddenly experiences a seven color fluctuation. 而仅仅五个小时后,就见太阳系边缘的柯伊伯带之外,一颗不反光的漆黑的天体表面突然出现一阵七彩的波动。 This jet black heavenly body is very small, wants small half compared with Moon, however the huge repulsion field is affecting the heavenly body of Solar System edge. 这颗漆黑天体很小,比月球还要小一半,但是庞大的斥力场影响着太阳系边缘的天体。 This repulsion field in the vacuum, is equivalent to the reverse gravitational field. 这种斥力场在真空中,相当于反向的引力场。 If there is a material to approach, it by the repulsion acceleration, will go round or is shot reverse finally to walk. 若有物质靠近,它会受到反向的斥力加速度,最终绕开或被弹走。 If close to the big quality heavenly body, just like falls into the vortex, unceasing extra dip. Then close to the wormhole, seems is crossing the mountain, carries a heavy load strenuously, even the slightest misstep will accelerate to roll. 如果说靠近大质量天体,犹如陷入旋涡,不断加速坠落。那么靠近虫洞,就好似在翻山,吃力而负重,稍有不慎就会加速滚下来。 That seven color spectra spray outward, was stretched like the chewing gum, finally spreads together Rainbow Bridge. 那七彩光谱向外喷射,如同口香糖被拉伸,最终蔓延成一道彩虹桥。 How long naturally this phenomenon has not continued, Rainbow Bridge is getting more and more pale, finally vanishes into thin air. 当然这个现象并没有持续多久,彩虹桥就越来越淡,最后化为乌有。 But departs following Rainbow Bridge, a freight transportation fleet. 而顺着彩虹桥飞出的,还有一支货运船队。 Nine merchants one after another, are head the Lord ship of Omarzo. 九艘商船鱼贯而出,为首的一艘正是奥玛佐的主舰。 Otis...... Otis!” 帝斯……帝斯啊!” Why haven't you met the communication?” “你为什么还不接通讯?” Omarzo walks back and forth in the main control room, is very anxious. 奥玛佐在主控室走来走去,十分焦急。 Originally he is very long-drawn-out, even free time accompanies Hawking to play noisily. 本来他是很悠哉的,甚至还有闲工夫陪霍金玩闹。 May at the return trip on the way, he unexpectedly received higher authority's reprimanding, the lunar base had problems. 可在返程的途中,他突然接到了上级的斥责,月球基地出了问题。 The illegal resident has not authenticated the spaceship, controlled the system of lunar base, at this moment has lost contact with the outside world completely. 有一艘黑户未认证飞船,控制了月球基地的系统,此刻已经与外界完全失联。 The Star Alliance person warned that Anunnaki Corporation, the company cannot relate Moon and Otis, naturally must look for him. 星盟的人警告到了阿努纳奇公司,公司联系不上月球和帝斯,自然就得找他。 But he on the road, has not known that completely had anything, can only say the matter of nature perturbation. 可他还在路上啊,完全不知道发生了什么,只能将自然扰动者的事说了出来。 Right now can explode the pot, why the higher authority scolded him not to report early? 这下子可炸了锅,上级骂他为何早不汇报? Omarzo is speechless, Otis makes him first do not report, he is thinking should be all right, had not said, the result is booing, not only Otis losing contact, even Moon also lost contact, matter surpassed the control completely. 奥玛佐无话可说,帝斯让他先不要上报,他想着应该没事,就没说,结果倒好,不光帝斯失联,连月球也失联了,事情完全超出了掌控。 The main influence of Anunnaki Corporation in Orion, is the ginseng/partake sleeps the 7-Star (Big Dipper) department, from the Earth 863 light years. 阿努纳奇公司的主要势力在猎户座,也就是参宿七星系,距离地球八百六十三光年。 Even if there is a wormhole, comes back one also one month, because wormhole, although reduces two places enormously the distances, but that must navigate the time. 哪怕有虫洞,回来一趟也得一个月,因为虫洞虽然极大缩短两地的距离,但那也是要航行时间的。 This depends on the power of speed, quality and negative pressure propeller spaceship. The high-quality negative pressure propeller, can make the spaceship pass through the wormhole instantaneously, but Omarzo will not clearly have this type of high-quality goods. 这取决于飞船的速度、质量以及负压推进器的功率。高级的负压推进器,可以让飞船瞬间穿越虫洞,但显然奥玛佐不会有这种高级货。 Omarzo this batch of freighters, to increase the freight capacity, sacrificed the speed, that was slower. 奥玛佐这批货船,为了增大载货量,是牺牲了速度的,那就更慢了。 Therefore he spent for a month to return to Earth. 所以他足足花了一个月才回到地球。 „...... Sir Cabri, yes, I have arrived.” “啊……卡布里大人,是,我已经到了。” Relax, Sir Cabri! Otis will not be definitely harebrained, should have the enemy to go into the lunar base, but also blocked his communication, he is possibly still persevering, I clarify this matter immediately!” “放心吧,卡布里大人!帝斯肯定不会那么冒失,应该是有敌人闯入了月球基地,还封锁了他的通讯,他可能还在坚守,我马上就去弄清楚此事!” People in the Kuiper belt, just next wormhole, but also without returning to Moon, he received higher authority's inquiry, in the spoken language is extremely discontented with Otis. 人在柯伊伯带,刚下虫洞,还没返回月球呢,他就接到了上级的询问,言语之中对帝斯非常不满。 After all Otis remains, what news has not passed on, loses contact inexplicably is so long, can hardly absolve. 毕竟帝斯留守,什么消息都没传出来,就莫名失联这么久,难辞其咎。 Regarding this, Omarzo can only be Otis covers up with every effort. 对此,奥玛佐只能尽力为帝斯遮掩。 However communication that side person, will not easily be deceived. 然而通讯器那边的人,可不会轻易被糊弄过去。 Emotions run high, just like sings the sound saying: Perhaps dares Star Alliance the inspection station to the enemy who starts, the no small matter, the scene to be a piece in confusion...... inspects the outbound record of wormhole immediately.” 一个情绪高涨,犹如咏叹般的声音说道:“敢对星盟的监测站下手的敌人,非同小可,现场恐怕已经是一片狼藉……立刻检查虫洞的出境记录。” Omarzo said anxiously: Sir Cabri, I...... do not have money.” 奥玛佐紧张道:“卡布里大人,我……没钱。” Cabri said loudly and clearly: Do not make me speak the idle talk.” 卡布里洪亮地说道:“不要让我说废话。” Omarzo is startled, submits the inquiry to apply to the wormhole hastily directly, sure enough, in his account were many a sum of money. 奥玛佐一怔,连忙直接向虫洞提交查询申请,果不其然,他的账户上多了一笔钱。 Since Cabri makes him check, naturally can give him a handling charge. 卡布里既然让他查,就自然会给他一笔手续费。 „...... Has not left country, when I leave, no one leaves the Solar System through the wormhole! Enemies possibly also in!” Omarzo said. “没……没有出境,在我离开期间,没有人通过虫洞离开太阳系!敌人可能还在!”奥玛佐说道。 Cabri demeanor elusive say/way: Tampers? So is unexpectedly rancid? Hasn't walked?” 卡布里声色空灵道:“夯?竟然这么馊?还不走?” The rancidness is the interstellar proverb, is about rampant and arrogant, the meaning of show air/Qi. 馊是星际俗语,大约是嚣张、傲慢、骚气的意思。 Omarzo said anxiously: I understood your meaning, since the enemy has not left through the wormhole, explained that he has not served the purpose, this means that Moon has not possibly fallen to the enemy thoroughly, Otis is still persevering.” 奥玛佐紧张道:“我明白您的意思了,敌人既然没有通过虫洞离开,说明他还没有达到目的,这意味着月球可能没有彻底沦陷,帝斯还在坚守。” I will support the scene immediately! Does not make Moon have to lose......” “我马上就会支援到现场!绝不让月球有失……” He finishes speaking, when the gravity wave detector prompt of spaceship, navigated to the Neptune orbit, examines the emergency signal. 他话音刚落,飞船的引力波探测器一阵提示,原来是航行到海王星轨道时,检测到紧急信号。 Omarzo great happiness: Had the news! Sir Cabri! Moon has the gravity wave signal to pass on!” 奥玛佐大喜道:“有消息了!卡布里大人!月球有引力波信号传出来!” But later, Omarzo complexion drastic change. 可随后,奥玛佐脸色剧变。 He analyzes the signal content, almost frightens to faint. 他解析完信号内容,差点吓晕过去。 „......!” Omarzo does not talk clearly a few words. “啊……啊啊!”奥玛佐都说不清楚一句话。 Cabri does not detect right, interrogated: What happened?” 卡布里察觉不对,质问道:“发生什么事了?” Omarzo puts on a long face saying: great silence barrier, was closed!” 奥玛佐哭丧着脸道:“大静默结界,被关闭了!” A Cabri that first deathly stillness, the violent anger said later: This was you says didn't lose? Your sticks the color!” 卡布里那头一片死寂,随后暴怒道:“这就是你说的绝不有失?你个糊色!” The Omarzo also heart said was finished, great silence barrier, this was the Moon most precious thing, was expensive. 奥玛佐也心说完蛋了,大静默结界,这是月球最珍贵的东西,非常昂贵。 Initially the Nome clan will be hit to collapse by a podcast , because their all communications were discarded by this technology. 当初诺母族会被一个播客打崩,就是因为他们所有的通讯都被这个技术废掉了。 Now barrier vanishes, in eight -and-a-half hours, the ordered electromagnetic wave from Solar System and gravity wave, will pass to Earth to go. 如今结界消失,再过八个半小时,来自太阳系外的有序电磁波、引力波,就会传到地球去。 Human has various types of radio telescopes to the starry sky, once receives these complex information, the entire society decided however exploded the pot. 人类可是有各种射电望远镜对着星空的,一旦接收到那些复杂的资讯,整个社会定然炸了锅。 If some brains just launched in the Earth direction remnantly sent regards, the radio station on Earth possibly received the extraterrestrial to whisper! 若是有脑残刚好朝地球方向发射了一些问候,地球上的无线电台都可能收到外星低语! Protects earthling is not polluted, is the Star Alliance bottom line. 保护地球人不被污染,是星盟的底线。 Their Anunnaki contracted this assignment, does well, is punished by Star Alliance. 他们阿努纳奇承包了这个差事,干不好,会被星盟责罚的。 Although is insufficient to have a fracture, but will definitely not outsource to them again, this series of losses are hard to estimate. 虽然不至于伤筋动骨,但肯定不会再外包给他们了,这一连串的损失难以预计。 Not only Omarzo must compensate with the life, specifically is responsible for Cabri of this benefit chain, will pay the serious price, to subside the anger of company. 不光奥玛佐要用生命来赔偿,专门负责这条利益链的卡布里,都会付出惨重的代价,以平息公司的怒火。 Hateful! I rush over!” Cabri no longer rubbish, he must run personally one. “可恶!我马上赶到!”卡布里不再废话,他必须亲自跑一趟了。 Moreover he must look for the relations immediately, buys a great silence barrier meter, installs. 而且他还得立刻去找关系,买到一台大静默结界仪,装回去。 Although he himself cannot afford, but the company can afford. 虽然他自己买不起,但是公司买得起。 He has the right to recall the loss with the money of company, minimizes the evil consequence, perhaps but under the hand such big matter, the bonus over the next 60 years will not have. 他有权用公司的钱挽回损失,把恶果降到最低,只不过手底下出这么大的事,未来60年的奖金恐怕都没了。 Cabri that side violent anger, Omarzo here trembling. 卡布里那边暴怒不已,奥玛佐这里战战兢兢。 He extremely possibly vented anger to kill, must hurry to render meritorious service while this time is good. 他极可能被迁怒杀死,必须趁这时间赶紧立功才行。 Transmits the radio interference, making Earth all tracking telescopes crash!” “发送射电干扰,让地球所有天文望远镜出故障!” Omarzo knows, he must do that because his spaceship not possible to be quicker than the speed of light. 奥玛佐知道,他必须这么做,因为他的飞船不可能比光速快。 When he rushes to Earth, that all, the complex information from Solar System, he one step will first arrive at Earth late, at the appointed time on Earth the major tracking telescopes, will observe the strange phenomenon. 等他赶到地球,那就一切都晚了,来自太阳系外的复杂资讯,会先他一步到达地球,届时地球上各大天文望远镜,都会观测到奇异现象。 For example the Perseus Arm direction, should have massive Buddha is the broadcast of culture transmits. 比如英仙臂方向,应该会有大量的佛系文化的广播传来。 Moreover from Earth only 6 light years Bannes Jupiter, 6 years ago just conducted the element refinement, the burst time continued for ten months, Earth should be able to receive the strong explosion ray that Bannes Jupiter transmitted now, a lot of heavy elements that as well as in the spectrum demonstrated. This very unreasonable, non- nature, is absolutely artificial. 另外距离地球仅六光年的巴纳德星,六年前刚好进行了元素提炼,爆发时间持续十个月,地球现在应该能接收到巴纳德星传来的强烈爆炸光芒,以及光谱中显示的大量重元素。这非常不合理、不自然,绝对是人为的。 In addition, Xuanyuan of Leo 14, broadcasts year to year, pushes various types of advertisements, except for gravity wave, releases a X-ray. Human receives, even if cannot decode, should still discover ordered result. 除此之外,狮子座的轩辕十四,也是常年广播,推送各种广告,除了引力波,也释放一种X射线。人类接收到,就算不能破解,也会发现其中的有序结果。 But the Ursa Minor North Star direction, is releasing an intense microwave beam continuously, that is actually a music, the Taiweihua race, will feel delightful. 小熊座的北极星方向,则在持续不断地释放一种强烈微波射线,那其实是一种音乐,太微华型的种族,都会觉得悦耳。 Various this all sorts, human will discover the starry sky that deathly stillness lives it up all of a sudden. 诸此种种,人类会发现死寂的星空一下子热闹起来。 Regarding this Omarzo only has while the starry sky information also behind him, immediately also the electromagnetism attack of transmission speed of light, making the satellites and telescopes of various Earth great nations and various graduate schools turn into blind person and deaf person, redeploys great silence barrier to win the time to Cabri. 对此奥玛佐唯有趁着星空资讯还在他后面,立刻也发送光速的电磁打击,让地球各大国、各大学院的卫星、望远镜变成‘瞎子’、‘聋子’,给卡布里重新部署大静默结界争取时间。 Completes this matter, he contacts the ark, making Illuminati wash immediately, covers the collective breakdown of radio telescope. 做完这事,他又联络约柜,让光明会立即洗地,掩盖射电望远镜的集体故障。 Ark that head, is new association president Amu. 约柜那一头,正是新任会长阿姆 He very efficient supplying ideas that and sympathizes , indicating that this is minor matter one. Isn't all astronomical observatory collectives has problems? Covers it is not simultaneous on the line. 他非常得力且体贴的出谋划策,表示这是小事一桩。不就是所有天文台集体出问题吗?把它掩盖成不是同时的就行。 Amu expressed that Illuminati will send people to acknowledge guilt directly, said that spoiled such and such astronomic stations. Cover that can cover, could not cover to push to the sunspot. 阿姆表示光明会将派人直接认罪,说弄坏了某某天文站。能掩盖的就掩盖,掩盖不了就推给太阳黑子。 In the sign surface staggers the time of all breakdowns, some great nations ask them to talk directly, this matter will not cause any mighty waves. 牌面上错开所有故障的时间,一些大国就直接找他们谈话,这件事将不会引起任何波澜。 Good! Does well! Nochira!” Omarzo over the following two hours, report that is listening to Amu wave after wave, this time washes the terrestrial pole to him and Illuminati is satisfaction. “好!干得好!诺奇拉!”奥玛佐接下来两个小时,一波接着一波听着阿姆的汇报,对他和光明会这次洗地极为满意。 Amu said: Sir Omarzo, I am not Nochira, Sir Otis descend to earth to rout the layered pupil faction, has brought order out of chaos, Nochira has left office. I called Amu, was one gives loyalty to the Lord ordinary soldier, at present temporarily substituting for Illuminati leader......” 阿姆说道:“奥玛佐大人,我不是诺奇拉,帝斯大人下凡击溃重瞳派系,已然拨乱反正,诺奇拉早就下台了。我叫阿姆,是一名效忠于主的普通战士,眼下暂代光明会长……” Omarzo said with a smile: Did not use temporarily substituting, you were Illuminati leader!” 奥玛佐笑道:“不用暂代了,你就是光明会长!” The Earth nearly polluted matter, completely solves, Omarzo is at heart happy, feels Illuminati this wave of doing good, but then a word secret art ordered by the emperor personally Amu is the legitimate association president. 地球险些被污染的事,就此圆满解决,奥玛佐心里开心,感觉光明会这波做的不错,便一言而诀钦定阿姆就是合法的会长。 Amu, what Illuminati rebel army was I also heard, did Otis conquer by killing them to remould Illuminati?” Omarzo asked. 阿姆,光明会叛军的是我也听说了,帝斯血洗他们重塑光明会了是吗?”奥玛佐问道。 Yes.” “是的。” What powerful enemy then he does have to run into?” Omarzo also asked. “那么他有遇到什么强敌吗?”奥玛佐又问道。 Powerful enemy?...... Sir Otis the invincible might is not invincible, kills Nochira one group of rebel rivers of blood, wails to beg for mercy, I have the monitoring video recording on -the-spot, do you want to look?” Amu said. “强敌?没有……帝斯大人神威无敌,杀得诺奇拉一伙叛逆血流成河,哀嚎求饶,我这有现场的监控录像,您要看吗?”阿姆说道。 Omarzo said: Issues me.” 奥玛佐说道:“发给我。” On early morning of July 7, Omarzo rushed to Moon. 七月 7 日凌晨,奥玛佐赶到了月球。 Also looked that Otis conquered by killing the base, kills Nochira and the others not to have the video recording of strength to hit back. 同时也看完了帝斯血洗基地,杀得诺奇拉等人无还手之力的录像。 And in video recording end, Otis connects the own call, said the matter of nature perturbation to oneself. 其中在录像的末尾,还有帝斯接通自己的电话,跟自己说有个自然扰动者的事。 „, Was at that time.” Omarzo thinks that is he and Otis last time telephone conversation, originally at that time Otis had been slaughtering the rebel army crazily. “哦,原来是那个时候。”奥玛佐想起来,那是他与帝斯最后一次通话,原来当时帝斯已经在疯狂杀戮叛军了。 But in the video most end, the Otis flying saucer obviously flies toward Moon, obviously listens to the own words, returned to Moon to persevere. 而在视频最末尾,帝斯的飞碟明显朝着月球飞去,显然是听自己的话,返回月球坚守了。 In the Omarzo heart had a general frame, this matter has no relations with human, Otis in the lunar base, was attacked. 奥玛佐心中有了一个大概框架,此事跟人类没有任何关系,帝斯是在月球基地里,被人攻击了。 Does not blame his instinct to think, after all he has not really expected, Otis that wave returns to Moon, keeps the last words, later descended to earth to go to Great Northwest. 不怪他本能地就这么想,毕竟他实在也没料到,帝斯那波返回月球,乃是留遗言的,之后又下凡去大西北了。 This acts secretly is hiding the truth from him. 这私自行动是瞒着他的。 Otis Otis...... do not die.” 帝斯帝斯……你可别死了啊。” Omarzo arrives at the back of Moon, is vigilant, he dispatches the unmanned aerial vehicle to enter the detection cautiously. 奥玛佐来到月球背面,非常警惕,他小心翼翼派遣无人机进入侦查。 But quick, he cannot bear be sad. 可很快,他就忍不住悲伤起来。 Otis......” a Omarzo pair of big eye trembles, the peripheral pouch obviously wrinkled. 帝斯啊……”奥玛佐一对大眼睛发颤,周边的眼袋明显地皱了起来。 He saw the head of Otis in the lowest level, Otis is not killed dies the entire corpse. 他在最底层看到了帝斯的头颅,帝斯被人杀得死无全尸。 Hateful! Was who killed you!” “可恶!是谁杀了你!” Omarzo enters the base to search angrily everywhere, sees no one to attack him, immediately first takes over control of the system, opened the regulatory condition. 奥玛佐愤怒地进入基地四处搜查,见没有人袭击他,立刻先接管系统,重新开启了监管状态。 So, the entire Solar System, covers in the monitoring of Moon again. 如此,整个太阳系,再次笼罩在月球的监控中。 He inquired to record, discovered that has not intruded base all data of that illegal resident spaceship, obviously was cancelled. 他查询了一下记录,发现没有闯入基地的那艘黑户飞船的一切数据,显然被人抹去了。 Un?” “嗯?” Suddenly, he discovered three dimensional image message that Otis leaves behind. 突然,他发现了帝斯留下的三维影像留言。 When you see this image, explained that I have died. Kills me, nature perturbation!” “当你们看到这影像时,说明我已经死了。杀我者,自然扰动者!” He known in human visible region, is the entire luminophor. Will fly, knowing Anunnaki Corporation is Orion Arm in a big way breaks France Group, extremely possibly is also on the say/way.” “他已知在人类可见光波段,是全发光体。会飞行,知晓阿努纳奇公司是猎户臂最大破法集团,极可能也是道上的。” Human thinks that he is a ghoul, because he to human said that looks for the planet climate control machine that dragon race left behind in the past.” “人类认为他是盗墓者,因为他向人类自称来找龙族当年留下的行星气候掌控机。” Sorry, I could not provide more information, when I left a message, has not seen him, all information originated from human...... by their inferior fields of vision, the credibility was not high, Omarzo, you needed the own judgment.” “对不起,我提供不了更多的情报了,因为我留言时,还没有见过他,所有情报都来源于人类……以他们低劣的视野,可信度并不高,奥玛佐,你需要自己的判断。” The Otis last words are very brief, basically introduced a own traveling schedule, as well as information obtained from Brando there, then has not provided any useful thing. 帝斯的遗言很简短,基本就介绍了一下自己的行程,以及从布兰度那里获得的情报,便没提供什么有用的东西。 After all when he keeps the last words, has only gone to Hangzhou and Illuminati station. 毕竟他留遗言时,只去过杭州和光明会驻地。 However the Omarzo flight computer along, actually transmits the prompt: Receives the private letter from Otis! 不过奥玛佐的随身飞行电脑,却传来提示:接到来自帝斯的私信! The private letter unlocking condition is he and a Omarzo private affair, only then their two know. 私信解锁条件是他与奥玛佐的一件私事,只有他们两个知道。 Sees this, Omarzo understands, Otis this lets his time opens looks. 看到这个,奥玛佐就明白,帝斯这是让他独自一人的时候打开看。 Obviously, Otis was divided into two types the last words, one type can openly say that another type must not exposed to up. 显然,帝斯把遗言分为了两种,一种是可以公开说的,另一种则见不得光。 Otis feared that Omarzo is not a person comes back, the side also has the higher authority and so on, therefore makes this private letter the second last words, so long as Omarzo comes back to trigger the last words, its personal computer will receive. 帝斯奥玛佐不是一个人回来的,身边还有上级之类的,所以将第二封遗言做成这种私信,只要奥玛佐回来触发遗言,其私人电脑就会收到。 This moment Omarzo is only a person, he opens the private letter directly, immediately the Otis three dimensional image appears again: Omarzo, I have a huge secret......” 此刻奥玛佐只是一个人,他直接打开私信,顿时帝斯的三维影像再次出现:“奥玛佐,我有一个天大的秘密……” „Sorry conceals you is so long, I and human had two children, that person you also knows, he is Fez......” “很抱歉隐瞒你这么久,我和人类生了两个孩子,那个人你也知道,他就是菲斯……” Otis the own actions, tells quickly, how oneself will discover the Fez special gene, then used him born the heir to say. 帝斯很快将自己的所作所为,娓娓道来,将自己怎么发现菲斯的特殊基因,然后利用他诞生子嗣都说了。 He is sincere in words, says the lowest level room that two children live, entreating Omarzo to protect them. 他言辞恳切,说出两个孩子所居住的最底层房间,哀求奥玛佐保护他们。 Otis, you court death!” Omarzo look complex say/way. 帝斯,你找死啊!”奥玛佐神色复杂道。 But says that now anything was also useless, Otis had died, but also kept the children of two taboo! 可现在说什么也没用了,帝斯已经死了,还留了两个禁忌之子! Otis said sincerely: Asked you, I only then your friend, please conceal existence of Famuli and Vishio, making them healthily grow up. This is my only last wish.” 帝斯恳切道:“求你了,我只有你一个朋友,请隐瞒法穆利维士欧的存在,让他们健康地长大。这是我唯一的遗愿。” They are my extension, my hope, my entirety, is the child of all Zeta person, do not make them be killed by the master.” “他们是我的延续,我的希望,我的全部,也是全体泽塔人的孩子,不要让他们被主人杀死。” Asked you.” “求你了。” The Omarzo complexion transforms frequently, hesitates extremely. 奥玛佐脸色频繁变换,极度犹豫。 ...... ……
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