TO :: Volume #4

#400: Opens up a mine with the barrier stone

Isis and other Nome opening up wasteland, are after a period of time the ruler of ancient Egyptian shortly. 伊西丝诺母开荒者,短暂地当过一段时间古埃及人的统治者。 Naturally, this is not the matter that multiple-valued must show off, before must know 9000, at that time on Earth was person of one crowd of ignorant Stone Age. 当然,这不是多值得夸耀的事,要知道九千年前,那时候地球上都是一群蒙昧的石器时代的人。 The higher intelligent race is not, only calculates the intelligent pet. 连高等智慧种族都不是,只算聪明的宠物。 The Nome clan encircled a very small place, moreover how long the Nome clan has not ruled to leave Earth. 诺母族只是圈了一片很小的地方,而且诺母族并没有统治多长时间就离开了地球。 Because they go to time, is very late. 因为他们去的时候,已经很晚了。 Earth at that time was mainly the bird man and dragon race world, and does the biological application, encircled the test facility, but this group of Nome opening up wasteland were finds the place to open up a mine to make the room housing multiplication, was incompatible with them, in addition was also small and weak, therefore quick shut out by the bird men. 地球当时主要是鸟人和龙族的天下,且都是搞生物领域的,大片大片地圈试验场,而这批诺母开荒者是找地方开矿造房居住繁衍的,跟他们格格不入,再加上又弱小,所以很快就被鸟人们嫌弃。 At that time among the Solar System alien races cannot kill people, Star Alliance can manage. However among the same clan kills, no matter Star Alliance, this is the matter of Nome Civilization manages, but the Solar System is not the Nome Civilization domain...... 当时太阳系异族之间不能杀人,星盟会管。但是同族之间相杀,星盟不管,这属于诺母文明管的事,但太阳系又不是诺母文明的地盘…… As a rule, the whole family each other kills in international waters, will not give the government the matter noisily. 通常来说,一家人在‘公海’彼此相杀,是不会把事情闹给政府的。 Therefore the Anunnaki bird men deliberately find fault, provoke the civil strife. 所以阿努纳奇的鸟人们刻意找茬,挑动内乱。 From this Nome clan had/left a rebel, Nephthys. 由此诺母族出了一个叛徒,奈芙蒂斯。 She is the Isis younger sister, year to year goes to Anunnaki Corporation to get together, but also uses the equipment of bird man, relates with the bird men well, is assimilated very much finally. 她是伊西丝的妹妹,常年去阿努纳奇公司联谊,还使用鸟人的装备,跟鸟人们关系很好,最终被同化。 Afterward married Osiris younger brother Sert, and instigated him to dismember blood elder brother Osiris. 后来嫁给了奥西里斯的弟弟赛特,并唆使他肢解了亲哥哥奥西里斯 Regarding this Isis not discouraged, she chose bearing patiently. 对此伊西丝没有气馁,她选择了隐忍。 Because she knows that Sert is not a rebel, he not the handling matters way that likes Osiris making concessions, was used. 因为她知道赛特不是叛徒,他只是不喜欢奥西里斯退让的处事方式,被人利用。 Isis the broken body recycling of Osiris, cured him promptly, but Osiris, although lives, actually lost the fertility forever, this obviously is the writing skill of bird man. 伊西丝及时将奥西里斯的残破身体回收,治好了他,但是奥西里斯虽然活下来,却永远的失去了生育能力,这显然又是鸟人的手笔。 Doesn't matter, the brother and sister endured as before, because their technologies can the artificial propagation. 没关系,兄妹俩依旧忍了,因为他们的技术是可以人工繁殖的。 Isis extracted the Osiris gene, plans to provoke the multiplication descendant's heavy responsibility alone. 伊西丝提取了奥西里斯的基因,打算独自挑起繁衍后代的重任。 However after the bird men know, made a show to operate. 但是鸟人们知道后,又做了一个骚操作。 They when Isis trains the descendant, to cultivating the dish attempts to pervert, the one who causes the birth is a Horus of bird first person, this is the bird man and hybrid of Nome Clan. 他们在伊西丝培养后代时,对培育皿做了手脚,导致诞生的是一个鸟首人身的荷鲁斯,这是鸟人与诺母族的混血。 This without doubt is the great shame, but Osiris endured as before, but also approves this publicly is the own child, allowing him to inherit the own seat, and taught him personally. 这无疑是奇耻大辱,但是奥西里斯依旧忍了,还公开认可这是自己的孩子,允许他继承自己的位子,并且亲自教导他。 This wave of operation, looked at the bird men really stupidly. 这波操作,着实把鸟人们看傻了。 What a pity, makes concessions only to encourage others arrogance. 可惜,退让只会助长他人气焰。 The bird men made Sert kill Osiris finally, he bore, Sert instead did not endure. 鸟人们最后还是让赛特害死了奥西里斯,他忍得了,赛特反而忍不了。 But considers Horus to be small, is Isis fosters alone, after growing up, by the bird man culture influence and instigation, chooses to revenge. 而当是荷鲁斯还小,又是伊西丝独自抚养,长大后也被鸟人文化影响和唆使,选择去报仇。 Isis does not make Horus revenge, finally was cut the head by a Horus sword. 伊西丝不让荷鲁斯报仇,结果被荷鲁斯一剑斩下了头颅。 Finally Horus gives full play of power and strength, joins Anunnaki Corporation, represents light, bringing order out of chaos, revenges for the father, killed Sert, Nephthys and followed Sert massively helping a tyrant do evil the Nome clansman. 最后荷鲁斯大发神威,加入阿努纳奇公司,‘代表光明’,‘拨乱反正’,‘为父报仇’,杀了赛特、奈芙蒂斯和大量跟随赛特‘助纣为虐’的诺母族人。 Hence Egypt enters Horus years, until severing the connection between heaven and earth. 至此埃及进入荷鲁斯时代,直到绝地天通 Naturally, Isis has not died, but by a same clan named Tot curing. 当然,伊西丝没死,而是被一个叫透特的同族给治好了。 Tot is in that group of Nome opening up wasteland the most intelligent person, person who also cultivates one's own moral worth only. 透特是那批诺母开荒者中最聪明的人,也是唯一独善其身的人。 He brings Isis, left this sad place, went to sparks/Mars. 他带着伊西丝,离开了这个伤心的地方,去了火星。 After this series of domestic troubles outside chaotic, the Nome clan multiplied for several hundred years, when instead the population were few recently, was only left over Isis and Tot. 经此一系列内忧外乱,诺母族繁衍了几百年,却反而比来时的人数还少,只剩下了伊西丝透特 Two people mine and make the room in sparks/Mars, to breed and graze, are crossing self-sufficiently, lives in seclusion life. 两人在火星挖矿、造房、养殖、牧畜,过着自给自足,隐居般的生活。 They are only the friend relate, at least Isis thinks that therefore two people do not have the multiplication descendant finally. 他们只是朋友关系,至少伊西丝是这么认为的,所以两人最终没有繁衍后代。 Afterward severing the connection between heaven and earth, all space alien must leave. Tot must bring Isis to return to motherstar, but Isis is not willing to return to the metropolis to live again, is not willing to return to that possibly has not been motherstar of family/home. 后来绝地天通,所有外星人必须离开。透特要带伊西丝母星,但是伊西丝不愿意再回到都市中生活,不愿意回到那可能早已不是家的母星 She has been used to countryside living in seclusion, finally chose the suicide. 她已经习惯了田园般的隐居,最终选择了自杀。 Tot follows the last wish, puts in her the crystal sarcophagus, but oneself lonely, and lost returned to motherstar. 透特遵循遗愿,将她放入水晶棺中,而自己孤独且失落地返回了母星 As for Earth on, their legends, although spreads, but had actually been changed to change beyond all recognition by Horus, even their images became the person. 至于地球上,他们的传说虽然流传下去,但是却早已被荷鲁斯改得面目全非,连他们的形象都成了人。 However Horus is also the same, after he by severing the connection between heaven and earth, by afterward Shao Hao family of the deceased, tampered with a wave of myth, did nine column god concepts. 不过荷鲁斯也一样,他被绝地天通后,又被后来的少昊遗族,篡改了一波神话,搞出了九柱神概念。 Bewildered, became does not know sun god great-grandson who where braved. 莫名其妙,成了不知道哪冒出来的太阳神拉的重孙子。 Huang Ji said: Expected words, several thousand years pass, purebred Nome clan not many. Perhaps only then on Star, but also residual.” 黄极说道:“不出所料的话,几千年过去,纯种的诺母族没多少了。恐怕只有恒星上,还残留了一些。” Nome clan really miserable, the history is victor writing, although leaves a good name in our myths, but real they had faded from the memory.” Fez said. 诺母族是真的惨,历史是胜利者书写的,虽然留名于我们的神话,但真实的他们早已被淡忘。”菲斯说道。 Huang Ji shakes the head saying: No, some people on Earth records them.” 黄极摇头道:“不,在地球上还有人记着他们。” One group of Africans inherit the astronomy knowledge that the Nome clan taught, migrates to the west, because afterward did not believe ****, but was compelled on the barren cliff, is still preserving the ancient custom. Even if also stayed in the Stone Age, refused to receive the culture and belief.” “有一批非洲人继承了诺母族传授的天文知识,向西迁移,后来因为不信****,而被逼住在贫瘠悬崖上,至今保留着古老的习俗。哪怕还停留在石器时代,也拒绝接收外界的文化和信仰。” Their writing does not have, through mural, generation an image and origin that is handing down the Nome clan, and present them for the god.” “他们连文字都没有,通过壁画,世代口口相传着诺母族的形象与来历,并奉他们为神。” Fez thinks, he has heard probably. 菲斯想了一下,他好像听说过。 African Dogon people know the sirius to have three Star since the ancient times, but also knows its orbital motion cycles and other knowledge. When this matter exposure, the scientists have not observed sirius B, discovers in the later several years. But until now, the scientist has not discovered sirius C. 非洲多贡人自古以来就知晓天狼星有三颗恒星,还知道其轨道运行周期和其他各种知识。这件事曝光时,科学家都还没观测到天狼星B,是在之后好几年才发现的。而直到现在,科学家也没有发现天狼星C。 Huang Ji said with a smile: Dogon people not really think that the own god is omnipotent, even this belief has not only provided the benefit, but also makes them fall behind the time.” 黄极笑道:“多贡人并非真的认为自己的神无所不能,甚至于这份信仰不仅没有带来好处,还让他们落后于时代。” They are not willing to abandon this beliefs and various traditional customs, because they are scrupulously following the instruction of Nome clan: Insisting the own culture, does not compromise.” “他们之所以不愿意抛弃这种信仰和各种传统习俗,只是因为他们恪守着诺母族的教诲:坚持自己的文化,绝不妥协。” Understood after Nome clan past events, Fez thought that Huang Ji rushes to the interstellar alone, simply is a stupid idea to the end. 了解完诺母族往事之后,菲斯觉得黄极独闯星际,简直是个蠢到头的主意。 Others become the interstellar Civilization Nome clan, blending ghost appearance. 人家成为星际文明诺母族,都混成这个鬼样子。 One group of earnest interstellar citizens, the family far away from the hubbub, open up wasteland to live in seclusion, finally can be harmed becomes extinct. 一群正儿八经的星际公民,全家老小远离尘嚣,开荒隐居,结果都能被人害得绝种。 The danger of Universe, the unpredictability of alien race, where is their human indigenous plays wins? 宇宙之险恶,异族之叵测,哪里是他们这种人类土著玩得赢的? Helps you have a child, then makes the child grow up with extinguishes your entire family...... this matter to have for the name that you revenge . Moreover the reason does not like you living by me...... Huang Ji, I thought that you had/left the Solar System...... not to come back.” Fez said. “帮你生孩子,然后让孩子长大用为你报仇的名义灭你全家……这种事都有,而且原因只是不喜欢你住在我旁边……黄极,我觉得你出了太阳系……就回不来了。”菲斯说道。 Huang Ji shows neither approval nor disapproval, said calmly: The along computer that in crystal sarcophagus obtains, although is not the high-quality goods, but also is the Isis ID card. Had it, I have 100% assurances, leaves the Solar System, metropolis society that infiltrates the sirius.” 黄极不置可否,平静地说道:“水晶棺里得到的这台随身电脑,虽然不是什么好货,但同时也是伊西丝的身份证。有了它,我有百分之百的把握,离开太阳系,混进天狼星的都市社会。” Fez said: You regard me no other, I did not mean issue of going in mixes, but will link the regular meridian citizen to be played, will you go not to lose one's life?” 菲斯说道:“你别无视我啊,我不是说混不混的进去的问题,而是连正经公民都会被人玩死,你去不就是送命?” Huang Ji said with a smile: „Is your meaning...... you goes?” 黄极笑道:“你的意思是……你去?” no no!” Fez beckons with the hand to say hastily: I mean, who goes no matter uses.” 不不不!”菲斯连忙摆手道:“我的意思是,谁去都不管用啊。” Huang Ji shrugs saying: Was effective, goes to say again.” 黄极耸耸肩道:“管不管用,去了再说。” Now, everything is ready, only owes the east wind.” “现在,万事俱备,只欠东风了。” The spaceship had, the status also had, the wormhole position he also knew, all only miss a negative pressure propeller. 飞船有了,身份也有了,就连虫洞的位置他也知道了,一切只差一个负压推进器。 Even the core material of negative pressure propeller had, now only needs and other Omarzo to bring Hawking to come back, making Huang Ji read the elementary knowledge. 甚至连负压推进器的核心材料都有了,如今只需要等奥玛佐带着霍金回来,让黄极读取基础知识。 ...... …… The time passes quickly, merely five days, Huang Ji brings Fez to dig to sparks/Mars mantle deep place, established a 1800 kilometers deep well tunnel. 时间过得很快,仅仅五天,黄极就带着菲斯挖到火星地幔深处,建立了一条一千八百公里的深井隧道。 Later Old Wang and Luo Yan they also lead the person to ride the ba snake number to rush, replace this project, everyone controls the household electrical appliances that Kunlun Yatsui obtains, the construction robot that as well as they make, made the mining base in the mantle. 之后老王罗言他们也带人乘坐巴蛇号赶到,接替这个工程,大家操控昆仑八井得到的家用电器们,以及它们生产出来的工程机器人,在地幔里造了采矿基地。 Besides various workshops of divine Luwu manufacture, the agricultural garden that but also has god li opens, occupies a land area of 100 square kilometers. 除了神陆吾制造的各种车间以外,还有神犂开辟的农业园,占地一百平方公里。 Various types through the ba snake number transporting plant, animal and water, were deployed in inside. 各种通过巴蛇号运送的植物、动物和水,都被部署在了里面。 In addition, the water can also through the oxyhydrogen synthesis, so long as there is an energy on the line. 除此之外,水还可以通过氢氧合成,只要有能量就行。 So 15 days, established the complete ecology circulating ring, enough support 1000 people to live very much comfortably. 如此十五天的时间,就建立了完整的生态循环圈,足够支撑一千人很舒服的居住。 However the major function, is mining. 不过主要功能,还是采矿。 A planet, most mineral resource in the deep place, superficial that are only the diastrophism or the meteorite bring generally. 一颗行星,大部分矿藏一般都在深处,表面那都只是地壳运动或者陨石带来的。 In the mantle level and core, their mineral detectors, examine extremely rich metal resources, besides precious Keng Element, majority is the iron nickel...... sparks/Mars simply is an iron star. 在地幔层和地核里,他们的矿物探测器,检测到极其丰富的金属资源,除了珍贵的铿元素以外,大部分是铁镍……火星简直就是一颗铁星。 The gold also has, the number by 10 billion tons, making Old Wang and other heads feel dizzy. However because also various metals are too many, the rotation is too slow, causing the core not to have Earth to be hot. 黄金也有很多,数以百亿吨,让老王等人头发晕。不过也因为各种金属太多,自转太慢,导致地核没有地球热。 Reaching an agreement was mined for several thousand years by space alien? Actually kept so many ores to us?” Luo Yan also heard the matter of sparks/Mars, says with emotion. “说好的被外星人开采了几千年呢?竟然给我们留了这么多矿?”罗言也听说了火星的事,不禁感慨道。 Huang Ji said with a smile: sparks/Mars is not the planet of high-grade ore, you feel many, but others feel barren, really only has several families that comes this to dig for the opening up wasteland group of unit.” 黄极笑道:“火星并不是富矿的行星,你觉得多,但人家觉得贫瘠,真来这挖的只有几个家庭为单位的开荒团。” Moreover in Universe suits mining truly is not the planet, but is the asteroid belt/bring.” “另外宇宙中真正适合采矿的不是行星,而是小行星带。” Direct swallowed a asteroid, then slowly the decomposition, all material classifications, discarding that does not want, wanted remains......” “直接一口把一颗小行星吞了,然后慢慢分解,将所有物质分类,不要的扔掉,要的留下来……” This efficiency digs on the massive planet is much more convenient than!” “这效率远比在大质量行星上打洞要方便得多!” Higher level Civilization, even this ordinary mineral mining industry, turned into the agriculture directly, obtains in the way of planter. Namely the adjustment maintains the Star structure, pressure and temperature, then in the good time, detonates it!” “更高级的文明,甚至把这种普通的矿物开采业,直接变成了农业,以种植的方式获得。即调整维护恒星的结构、压力与温度,然后在合适的时机,引爆它!” So the resources of one breath collection, arrive at the complete sum totals of Solar System eight major planet all minerals to be many.” “如此一口气收集的资源,抵得过太阳系八大行星所有矿物的全部总和还多。” Detonation method has two types, one type is few spraying, such Star still, can continue to plant , to continue to explode...... until a giant star, exploded the dwarf star......” “引爆方式有两种,一种是少量喷射,这样恒星还在,可以继续种,继续爆……直到把一颗巨星,爆成了矮星……” One type kills the goose that lays the golden eggs, the direct supernova explodes, what element had. They can make all heavy elements spray in a direction, like this helps collect.” “一种是涸泽而渔,直接超新星爆炸,什么元素都有了。他们可以让所有重元素朝着一个方向喷射,这样便于收集。” The people are flabbergasted, good, this mines, treats as the farmland Star directly, the ordinary resources treats as the fragrant-flowered garlic the same as shear to plant...... 众人咋舌,好嘛,这才是采矿,直接把恒星当做农田,普通的稀土资源当做韭菜一样地割种…… Luo Yan is revolving fears extremely, thinks in Milky Way that lots of red dwarf star and white dwarf. 罗言更是细思恐极,想到银河中那大量的红矮星和白矮星。 Especially Solar System peripheral, Sun calculates big, besides the sirius is, in ten light years 90% Star are the red dwarf stars! 尤其是太阳系周边,太阳算大的了,除了天狼星系以外,十光年内百分之九十的恒星都是红矮星! Solar System in a stretch of mining area? If not the Solar System has the life, perhaps Sun so will not be bright. 难道太阳系在一片矿区?若非太阳系有生命,恐怕太阳也不会如此明亮了。 Pitifully does not suit us, the big brother you opens up a mine in sparks/Mars, for confidentiality?” Lin Li asked. “可惜不适合我们,大哥你在火星开矿,是为了隐蔽性吧?”林立问道。 Huang Ji said: This mining site, deep concealed bottom, some I use Candle Dragon the shield meter of mold train construction, you not possible to be discovered.” 黄极说道:“这个采矿点,深藏地底,又有我用烛龙的模组构建的屏蔽仪,你们不可能被发现的。” But transports is very troublesome, this month can deliver the ore toward Earth crazily, if by any chance after Omarzo comes back,...... you can only use meteorite hit law.” “但运输很麻烦,这个月可以疯狂往地球送矿,但等奥玛佐回来后……你们就只能用‘陨石撞击法’。” Namely mixes other precious metal ores Keng Element, compresses the asteroid, then launches toward Earth!” “即把铿元素混合其他贵金属矿,压缩成小行星,然后朝着地球发射!” This method has deceived Moon and little grey person sufficiently, the asteroid crashes anything, every year has several times, but is very small. 这个方法足以骗过月球和小灰人,小行星坠落什么的,每年都有几次,只不过特别小而已。 Several tons and dozens tons meteorite, pounds casually, so long as is not around the human residential area, a news does not calculate. 几吨、几十吨重的陨石,随便砸,只要不在人类居住区附近,连个新闻都不算。 Only needs the accurate computation and ensure the meteorite falls to the unpopulated area, receives by their people on the line again. 只需要精准的计算,确保陨石落到无人区,再由他们的人接收就行。 But this model they have, the computation strength also has. After all Earth and sparks/Mars are away from are not quite far, and track stabilization, to go sparks/Mars to throw the satellite, basically also partly pounds. 而这个模型他们有,计算力也有。毕竟地球和火星距离不太远,且轨道稳定,以前往火星扔卫星,基本也是半砸上去的。 Naturally, now does not need is so troublesome, two ba snake numbers transport alternately, Keng Element number by hundred tons transports/fortunes toward Earth. 当然,现在不必如此麻烦,两艘巴蛇号交替运输,铿元素数以百吨的往地球运。 The Moon system turns a blind eye, a record does not have. 月球系统对此视若无睹,连个记录都没有。 Short 30 days later, the Kunlun base piles up the clang spindle that 4000 tons fining crossed, in addition in the future every year at least 1000 tons meteorite express...... 短短三十天下来,昆仑基地堆积了四千吨精炼过的铿锭,再加上未来每年至少一千吨的‘陨石快递’…… This enough human will change the world over the next dozens years, how should plan specifically, how to trade to give various countries, Huang Ji gives Amu and Luo Yan they to process. 这足够人类未来几十年改天换地了,具体该如何规划,如何交易给各国,黄极交给了阿姆罗言他们去处理。 So, Huang Ji removed extra worries, then the responsible great nation, should try hard to suppress the development one by one. 如此,黄极算是排除了后顾之忧,接下来各个有责任的大国,就该努力憋发展了。 At least various countries can grow normally, because of not living in distress Earth lacks the resources. 至少各国能够正常发育,不会因为困居地球而缺少稀土资源。 Is equivalent to human not to step into the outer space, because of existence of Kunlun ruins organization, but objectively obtained the resources feedback of space undertaking. 相当于人类还没有踏入太空,就因为昆仑墟这个组织的存在,而客观上得到了航天事业的资源回馈。 On July 6, remained behind sparks/Mars except for Nochira and Bobo, others returned to Earth. 七月 6 日,除了诺奇拉波波留守火星,其他人都回到了地球。 All spaceships, hid in the Kunlun mountain range. 所有飞船,也都藏在了昆仑山脉中。 Huang Ji all alone, arrived at moon/month of heart deep place. He prepared the password ten minutes ahead of schedule, established the alarm clock of Kunlun automatic transmission, precisely to femtosecond level. 黄极孤身一人,来到了月心深处。他提前十分钟准备好了密码,设定好了昆仑号自动传输的闹钟,精确到了飞秒级。 Loses password matter, did not need his response to achieve the femtosecond, the computer can achieve on the line. But he only needs to know, in this femtosecond, the password is many...... 输密码这事,不需要他的反应达到飞秒,电脑能达到就行了。而他只需要知道,在这一飞秒,密码是多少…… „!” The moon/month heart vast strange atom said that suddenly contraction! Just likes the supernova explosion to put upside down. “噌!”月心浩瀚的奇异原子云,骤然收缩!犹如超新星爆炸倒放。 The entire Moon is vibrating, a gravity wave biography swings, Huang Ji knows that this gravity wave, will transmit the remote Star Alliance branch through the wormhole. 整个月球都在震动,一股引力波传荡而出,黄极知道这道引力波,将通过虫洞传输到遥远的星盟分部。 However was too late, because the speed of gravity wave is only the speed of light, arrives at the wormhole from here the position, takes six hours. 不过太晚了,因为引力波的速度只是光速,从这里到达虫洞的位置,需要六个小时。 Huang Ji opens eyes, puts out a hand, a lunar white crystal ball falls on, naturally is not the crystal does, but it is glittering and translucent carving, can see inside dense sparkle such as the galaxy circles the squeezed state strange atom clouds. 黄极睁开眼,一伸手,一颗月白色的水晶球落到手上,当然并不是水晶做的,但是它晶莹剔透,可以看到里面氤氲闪耀如星河盘旋般的压缩态奇异原子云。 Tall and pleasing to the eye, wonderful. 美轮美奂,妙不可言。 „!” Huang Ji squeezes in it the abdomen directly. “嗷呜!”黄极直接将其塞入腹中。 ...... ……
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