TO :: Volume #4

#399: Isis

Civilization compared with barbaric ordered brutality, because the reality is brutal.” 文明只是比野蛮更加有序的残酷,因为现实就是残酷的。” Huang Ji twittering, Fez is sneering. 黄极呢喃着,菲斯则是冷笑。 He mixed so many years in Illuminati, accepted such interstellar society quickly. 他在光明会混了这么多年,自是很快接受了这样的星际社会。 Even, instead in the heart quite disdains. 甚至于,反而心中颇为不屑。 Once when geometry he to higher Civilization, held many awes with the daydream, as the understanding was even more thorough, he discovered that extraterrestrial Civilization is not special, was the same at least in the human nature. 几何时他对高等文明,抱有诸多敬畏与遐想,但随着了解越发深入,他发现外星文明也没有多么特殊,至少在人性上是一样的。 Nothing but is a wiser point seeks fame and fortune. 无非是更加高明一点地追名逐利。 Fez both hands surround said: False of higher Civilization, no more than so, holds strongly bullies the weak and harms others to benefit oneself, the morals and order are only the fig leaf.” 菲斯双手环抱道:“高等文明的虚伪,也不过如此,持强凌弱、损人利己,道德与秩序只是遮羞布而已。” Huang Ji laughs saying: Haha! Fez, when you point at others criticize, at least three fingers face themselves.” 黄极哈哈一笑道:“哈哈!菲斯啊,当你手指他人批判时,至少有三根指头朝向自己。” Fez one stiff, truly, he does not walk, steps the position of Sword Hand. 菲斯一僵,确实,他不也是这么一路走来,踏上掌剑之位的嘛。 Huang Ji tranquil say/way: We did not want the full mouth pompous word, all for and interests of ethnic group, were myriad Civilization Ancient invariable truth. When in disorder, that seeks the self-interest, definitely will infringe the interests of another. Therefore existence of Star Alliance, is eventually positive, is win-win. Without it restrains all as far as possible in the controllable and ordered category, Milky Way only bad.” 黄极平静道:“咱们也不要满口冠冕堂皇之词了吧,一切为了自身与族群的利益,是万千文明亘古不变的道理。若无秩序,那谋求自身利益时,就必然会损害他人利益。所以星盟的存在,终究是积极的,是双赢的。没有它将一切尽可能地约束在可控与有序的范畴中,银河只会更加的糟糕。” Prosperous times are not good, compared with tumultuous times.” “盛世再不好,也比乱世强。” Fez looking pensive, indeed, existence of Star Alliance, lets the powerhouse when recklessly the unseemly behavior, needs to pay the price. 菲斯若有所思,的确,星盟的存在,让强者在肆意妄为时,需要付出代价。 Regardless of price false, at least in the surface maintained the peace, this is very valuable. 无论代价有多虚伪,至少表面上维持住了和平,这已经很可贵了。 Fez continues to glance over this Nome clansman diary. 菲斯继续浏览这名诺母族人的‘日记’。 That was not counted the war of war, the enemy is only a podcast, is actually the original broadcast author between interstellar. 那场不被算作战争的战争,敌人只是一名播客,其实就是星际间的原创播放作者。 But cannot support shacha Civilization that he to be extremely powerful, is the lead goat of hunting household council, the Orion Arm biggest faction is this council, has 144 member nations, 90 Civilization, 91 races. 但架不住他所在的沙茶文明极其强盛,乃是猎户理事会的领头羊,猎户旋臂最大的派系就是这个理事会,拥有144个成员国,90种文明,91个种族。 Therefore shacha Civilization also has existence of given name in the entire Milky Way. 所以沙茶文明在整个银河系也是有名号的存在。 With is Orion Arm Civilization, Nome Civilization does not mix with others unexpectedly, instead joined all members to be located in the faction of Perseus Arm, didn't this under hit? 同为猎户臂文明,诺母文明竟然不跟人家混,反而加入了一个所有成员都位于英仙臂的派系,这不是欠打吗? Under this is located in the US eye to hide the Cuba probably, does not follow the US to mix, must the following Soviet. 这就好像位于米国眼皮子底下的古巴,不跟着米国混,非要跟着苏维埃。 Only can say that Nome Civilization has the dream, chose restrained, help slightly most, a relational best faction, but this was when really the hunting household overlord shacha Civilization temperament was good? 只能说诺母文明有梦想,选择了约束最小、帮助最多、关系最好的一个派系,但这是真当人家猎户霸主沙茶文明脾气好啊? Hooligan net fights red, destroys others property, intentionally pollution of the environment the event, teaches Nome Civilization to cultivate the behavior directly. 一场‘流氓网红斗殴,毁坏他人财物,故意污染环境’的事件,直接教诺母文明做人。 In this period this podcast used great silence barrier, blocking the sirius is all communications, the outer space defense system and fleet of sirius department became the headless fly, a confusion in the vast outer space, is unable to lock the enemy. 期间这名播客使用了大静默结界,封锁了天狼星系所有的通讯,天狼星系的太空防御系统以及舰队成了无头苍蝇,在浩渺的太空中一片混乱,无法锁定敌人。 Afterward he breaks into the opposite party flagship, controls its fleet to land motherstar completely. 随后他入侵对方旗舰,操控其舰队全部迫降母星 Then this podcast released the Level 4 nano storm, these only then two nanometers terrifying machine insect does not harm any life, but actually gnawed badly all ships, factories and metal construction. 接着这名播客释放了四级纳米风暴,这些只有两纳米大小的恐怖机器虫不伤害任何生命,但是却啃坏了所有舰船、工厂、金属建筑。 After the nano storm swallows a lot of man-made alloy, meets the self-disunion, ultimately forms the terrifying nano locust group wreaking havoc world, gave others motherstar to cause the extremely serious economic loss. 纳米风暴吞噬大量的人造合金后会自我分裂,最终形成恐怖的纳米蝗虫群肆虐全球,给人家母星造成了极其惨重的经济损失。 The Nome Civilization capital galaxy, almost backed up primitive age. 诺母文明的首都星系,几乎倒退回了原始时代 Finally this podcast just before leaving, only took away the insect queen, actually during all storms, splits vice- insect self-destruction that duplicates, and after making special degaussing processing, kept on others motherstar completely. 最后这播客临走时,只收走了母虫,却把所有风暴期间分裂复制出来的副虫自毁,并做了特殊的消磁处理后,全部留在了人家的母星上。 This is equal to polluting others motherstar environment intentionally, because of this nano insect corpse, the nature is unable to degrade. 这等于是故意污染人家母星的环境,因为这种纳米虫的‘尸体’,大自然无法降解。 That type of alloy, compared with plastic also notorious thing, after special handling, the physical property is extremely stable, is unable the electromagnetic scanning, but also is harmful to the lifeform. 那种合金,是比塑料还臭名昭著的东西,特殊处理后,物理性质极其稳定,也无法电磁扫描到,还对生物有害。 This is called the ultra entropy trash in the interstellar. 这在星际里被称为超熵垃圾。 Huang Ji said: On Earth of human, has the innumerable plastics, these plastics in the soil and sea, are unable to vanish, was actually ground to the scrap and fine dust, even is the naked eye not obvious slightly plastic.” 黄极说道:“人类的地球上,就有无数的塑料,这些塑料在土壤和大海中,无法消失,却被磨成小块、细粉,甚至是肉眼不可见的微塑料。” It floods the nature, as the biological chain circulation enters within the body of various animals, including human.” “其充斥大自然,随着生物链循环而进入各种动物的体内,包括人类。” In the fish meat that because eats every day will have the slightly plastic, many a little makes a mickle, will bring the disease and disability to human, for example the cancer and genetic defect and so on, finally even are the sterilizations, the proportion of oaf or still birth will enter the accumulation quantity of human body to rise with the slightly plastic.” “因为每天吃的鱼肉中就会有微塑料,积少成多,会给人类带来疾病与残疾,比如癌症、基因缺陷之类的,最后甚至是绝育,畸形儿或死胎的比例将随着微塑料进入人体的积累量而上升。” Every year has massive species becomes endangered because of the plastic, even exterminates. The fertility of human also boils the frog form to drop in the by lukewarm water.” “每年都有大量的物种因为塑料而成为濒危,甚至灭绝。人类的生育能力也在以温水煮青蛙地形式下降。” However ultra entropy trash that the Level 4 nano storm synthesizes, is more abnormal, only if the hand cleaning or the transformation adapt, otherwise can only wait till ten million years later, the ecological environment adapts to it automatically.” “而四级纳米风暴所合成的超熵垃圾,更变态,除非人工清理或者改造适应,否则只能等到千万年后,生态环境自动适应它。” The Fez complexion is pale, twittering said: But Nome Civilization, is unable to clean up. They were too young, only two nanometers, but also made special degaussing processing.” 菲斯脸色铁青,呢喃道:“但是诺母文明,无法自己清理。它们太小了,仅有两纳米,还做了特殊的消磁处理。” This type of thing is everywhere, floats in the air, doping in the soil, immersion in the sea water, enters all lifeform following the ecological cycle within the body.” “这种东西无处不在,漂浮在空气上、掺杂在土壤里、浸泡在海水中,顺着生态循环进入所有生物的体内。” a little bit are not related, even one generation have not obstructed greatly, but it meets generations to accumulate to the hindrance of physiological health.” 一点点没关系,甚至一代人也没大碍,可它对生理健康的妨碍会代代积累下去。” Nome Civilization is unable to clean up, the cost that rather they clean up is too high, without the one breath suction all ultra entropy trash, purifies a big technology instantaneously. But can only through the microscope, a grain of grain of place excision...... the cost big might as well gives up motherstar. 诺母文明与其说无法清理,不如说他们清理的成本太高,没有一口气将所有超熵垃圾吸走,瞬间净化一大片的技术。而只能通过显微镜,一粒一粒地摘除……成本大的还不如放弃母星 Fez continues saying: What is most disgusting, Nome Civilization does not know that what ultra entropy processing the enemy used. In order to solves this problem alone, finally paid attention to others channel, then imitated a sum of money, looks the charge video that the enemy patted to know......” 菲斯继续道:“最恶心的是,诺母文明都不知道敌人用了什么样的超熵处理。为了能独自解决这个问题,最后还是关注了人家的频道,然后又充了笔钱,看了敌人拍的收费视频才知道……” Huang Ji added: „After result knows, is unable to solve.” 黄极补充道:“结果知道之后,还是无法解决。” Weak, really very despairs.” Fez to this Nome Civilization, is really more looks is more miserable. “弱,真的就很绝望。”菲斯对这个诺母文明,真是越看越惨。 Indeed, that podcast was grasped, the star net channel was blocked, and was condemned by the entire net, and finally compensated massive indemnities. 诚然,那个播客被抓了,星网频道被封杀,且被全网谴责,并且最后赔偿了大量的赔款。 However that indemnity too late, has no helped. At a loss to the ultra entropy trash, in addition the economy collapses, Nome Civilization was forced to choose the opening capital, asking the silver vortex rescue of Star Alliance to help. 但是那赔款来得太晚,已经于事无补。对超熵垃圾束手无策,再加上经济崩溃,诺母文明被迫选择了开放首都,请星盟的银旋涡救助会帮忙。 After all the close national territory does not turn over to the Star Alliance manages, wants them to provide relief, must open, lets this galaxy to entire Star Alliance, follows the Star Alliance public peace and order. 毕竟封闭的国土是不归星盟管的,要他们救济,就得开放,让这星系面向全星盟,遵循星盟的公共秩序。 Therefore under the threat of a series, they can only give up motherstar. 所以在一系列明里暗里的威胁下,他们只能放弃母星 The entire process gets down, shacha Civilization and Star Alliance gained the advantage. 整个过程下来,沙茶文明星盟都获得了好处。 Even that abuser, not necessarily has the penalty. That indemnity is really he himself gives? Won't the entire event have relations with shacha Civilization? 甚至就连那施暴者,也未必有惩罚。那赔款真是他自己给的吗?整个事件跟沙茶文明会没有一点关系? Perhaps others scolded him are the domestic animal, he also laughed at others is the poor devil...... 也许人家骂他是畜生,他还笑人家是穷鬼呢…… Finally only has the victim, is the victim. 最后只有受害者,还是受害者。 However, although the humiliation opened the capital, but Nome Civilization has not compromised. 不过,虽然屈辱地开放了首都,但是诺母文明也没有就此妥协。 They established the final reservation on Star, lots of Civilization elites will move into. 他们在恒星上建立了最后的保留地,将大量的文明精英迁入。 That is nearly in the thing of Dyson ball, but has not surrounded Star completely, is equivalent to the islands on Star. 那是近乎于戴森球的东西,但并没有完全包围恒星,相当于恒星上的岛屿。 The energy does not lack actually, but all environment obviously in indoor. 能源倒是不缺,但所有环境显然都在室内。 So life in the Star stand, although anything has, but does not have the nature to be good eventually. Therefore as the population grows, many Nome people choose to leave the Star reserved area, scatters to Universe each open star. 如此生活在恒星站中,虽然什么都有,但终究没有大自然好。于是随着人口增长,很多诺母人选择离开恒星保留区,散落到宇宙各个开放星球。 Some like the nature, then goes to specially each is also in wild countryside galaxy. 还有一些就喜欢大自然,便专门去往各个还处于蛮荒的乡下星系。 The Solar System is the countryside galaxy, because there is a life, therefore Star Alliance does not allow any Civilization to have it, theoretically belongs to Star Alliance, in fact develops together. 太阳系就是个乡下星系,因为有生命,所以星盟不允许任何文明拥有它,理论上属于星盟,实际上就是共同开发。 When peak has more than dozens influences in the Solar System, on Earth, sparks/Mars, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter all have...... 巅峰时有数十多股势力在太阳系,地球、火星、金星、土星、木星上全都有…… In Universe, because of the enormous progress of productive forces, often has to take the individual or the family as the opening up wasteland group of unit, far away from the social hubbub, looks for a desolated place multiplication to live. 宇宙中,因为生产力的极大进步,经常有以个体或家庭为单位的开荒团,远离社会尘嚣,找一处荒芜的地方繁衍生息。 Earth had many opening up wasteland groups to arrive initially. But the whole family's Nome clansman from sirius department, descends in Earth at first. 地球当初就有很多开荒团到来。而一家子来自天狼星系的诺母族人,起初就是降落在地球的。 They affected some earthling of northern Africa, is the ancestor in ancient Egypt. 他们影响了非洲北部的一些地球人,也就是古埃及的祖先。 Isis and Osiris in ancient Egyptian myth, are the Nome clans. Benben stone in pyramid is they make, life growth equipment is also they leaves behind. 古埃及神话中的伊西丝与欧西里斯,便是诺母族。金字塔上的奔奔石就是他们造的,生命殖装也是他们遗留的。 But at present this sparks/Mars corpse, is Isis in legend! 而眼前这具火星尸体,就是传说中的伊西丝 Hiss, is she Isis? The god of ancient Egyptian birth?” Fez knows certainly this goddess, he has not thought of goddess in a legend on the lying down corpse before him...... “嘶,她就是伊西丝?古埃及生育之神?”菲斯当然知道这女神,他没想到一位传说中的女神就躺尸在他面前…… Legend Isis is the protector of nature and magic, the slave, criminal, the handicraftsman and by oppressor the friend. With deep god Osiris is the brother and sister, is the couple. 传说伊西丝是自然与魔法的守护者,奴隶、罪人、手工业者和受压迫者的朋友。与冥神欧西里斯是兄妹,也是夫妻。 This point and Sumerian myth look like very much, the Sumerian's birth Shenning of Ma and wisdom god of is not only brother and sister, is the couple. 这一点和苏美尔神话很像,苏美尔的生育之神宁玛与智慧之神恩基既是兄妹,也是夫妻。 „Can this merpeople also be Sumerian's god, they are the brother and sister are on intimate terms......” Fez to say. “这人鱼会不会也是苏美尔的神,他们都是兄妹相亲……”菲斯说道。 Huang Ji said with a smile: Is the brother and sister is on intimate terms does not represent them is with the gang, the race is different. How don't you pass on Hera and Zeus of Greece are also sister and brother?” 黄极笑道:“都是兄妹相亲不代表他们就是同一伙人,种族都不一样。你怎么不说古希腊的赫拉与宙斯也是姐弟呢?” In Universe, any race that has the sex, then is not only the brother and sister is couple's phenomenon is also very common, because the technology development certain level, this will not have any hidden danger.” “在宇宙中,凡是有性别的种族,那么既是兄妹又是夫妻的现象很普遍,因为技术发展到一定层次,这不会有任何隐患。” You feel absurd , because you do not adapt. Told the ancient like you, the modern age can the homosexuality marriage, the ancient not feel reasonably.” “你觉得荒谬,是因为你不适应。如同你告诉古人,现代可以同性恋结婚,古人也会觉得不合理。” „A matter of does not have any evil consequence, some people will certainly do, but the person who is were many, will certainly form the common phenomenon.” “一件没有任何恶果的事情,一定会有人做,而做的人多了,就一定会形成普遍现象。” Fez nods, the modern society has the future trouble and moral pressure, some people will face universal condemnation, let alone? 菲斯点点头,现代社会有后患以及道德压力,一些人都会冒天下之大不韪,更何况没有? The development of science and technology gradually will also erase many taboos, really do not think that the pure morals can restrain the intelligent lifeform, the person who something were many, the society also became becomes accustomed. 科技的发展也会逐渐抹除很多禁忌,不要真以为单纯的道德可以约束智慧生物,有些事做的人多了,社会也就变得习以为常了。 The great strength of life sciences, enabling the interstellar Civilization almost anything people to get married, even if not a race. 生命科学的强大,让星际文明几乎什么人都可以结婚,哪怕不是一个种族的也可以。 Fez sighs with emotion: No wonder various group of myths, relations are so chaotic......” 菲斯感慨道:“难怪各路神话,一个个关系那么乱……” ...... ……
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