TO :: Volume #2

#161: He is really sleeping!

Based on to the confusion of death of Mursa, with his inherent discretion, Brando, although the one person alone investigates here, actually throughout on the alert unknown danger. 基于对缪撒之死的困惑,和他与生俱来的谨慎,布兰度虽然孤身探查这里,却始终在警惕着未知的危险。 He notices from the beginning, on the scene, only then three people wear the raincoat, and has not moved from beginning to end, situated in final of team! 他从一开始就注意到,在场只有三个人穿着雨衣,并且从头到尾都没有动过,处于队伍的最后! Two are standing motionless, a man and a woman, male also carries the third person. 两个站着不动,一男一女,其中男的还背着第三个人。 This is very strange, these three people were too mystical. 这就很奇怪,这三个人太神秘了。 , The person, are most critically more than material. 更关键的是,现场的人,比资料中要多。 The investigation showed that 82 sentry students, he has taken inventory . 调查显示有八十二名哨兵学员,他已经清点过了,都在。 And yet, but also had/left more than 20 individuals, three are throwing over the raincoat, looks unusual. 可眼下,还多出了二十多个人,其中三名披着雨衣,一看就与众不同。 Is away from the raincoat, the muscle distribution of his opposite party cannot see clearly. 隔着雨衣,他连对方的肌肉分布都看不清。 Imposing manner restraining, the average person seems to be same. 气势收敛,仿佛普通人一样。 But where has the average person, was approached by him has not run. If the fool is blocking himself generally? 但哪有普通人,被他逼近还不跑。如傻子一般拦着自己? This certainly is the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator, the top powerhouse who the arrangement aids. 这一定是幕后黑手,安排接应的顶级强者。 Brando has been at the alert posture, seems like that slaughters with the people, actually only gave 30% strength, momentarily on the alert the place of non- nature, the black magic wands comes and other. 布兰度一直处于警戒状态,看似与众人厮杀,其实只出了30%力,随时警惕着不自然之处,就是在等黑魔杖现身。 Really, black magic wand in a raincoat male hand, he treads the previous step, at this moment lifted. 果然,黑魔杖在其中一名雨衣男手中,他踏前一步,此刻抬了起来。 I for a long time?” “等我好久了?” „It is not good! Has the ambush!” “不好!有埋伏!” Brando stops the body instantaneously, is startled generally such as bullet suddenly/violently to retreat. 布兰度瞬间刹住身体,惊得如子弹一般暴退。 He forever remembers teammate's reminder: Do not be negligent, the situation is not wonderful removes! 他始终牢记着队友的提醒:不要大意,情况不妙就撤! At his speed, pulled open dozens meters away instantaneously, and about drifts, grazes the direction to drift from place to place. 以他速度,瞬间拉开了数十米远,并且左右漂移,飞掠方向飘忽不定。 Brando has not assaulted, Mursa was obviously killed by the short distance bang, moreover can make Mursa unable to move aside, conceivable, uses the person strength of magic wand is very strong. 布兰度并没有抢攻,缪撒明显是被近距离轰杀的,另外能让缪撒躲闪不开,可以想象,使用魔杖的人本身实力也很强。 Mursa was killed by the plasma bang, from the trace, almost touches cheeks dies, this is completely unreasonable.” 缪撒被电浆轰杀,从痕迹来看,几乎贴脸死的,这完全不合理。” Means the enemy, grasped some short distance, the knacks of percentage hundred hits.” “意味着敌人,掌握了某种近距离,百分百命中的诀窍。” This raincoat male, waited for me to approach a moment ago intentionally, and even pretends the average person the same as want to be close to me......” “刚才这雨衣男,故意等我靠近,乃至还装作普通人一样想接近我……” Snort...... the death of Mursa, still at present!” “哼……缪撒之死,犹在眼前啊!” Brando decisive does not give the opposite party close to the own opportunity, therefore he treads previous when the raincoat male, has spread out, lifts the magic wand, ran more than 70 meters! 布兰度果断不给对方靠近自己的机会,所以他在雨衣男踏前一步时,就已经拉开距离,抬起魔杖时,都跑出了七十多米! Lin Li!” Messiah other see Lin Li to lift the hand, on startled drew back the terrifying s4 powerhouse, calls out in alarm. 林立!”弥赛亚其他见林立一抬手,就惊退了恐怖的s4强者,不禁惊呼。 Brando has turned head, sees only Lin Li to put down the black magic wand in hand, calmly stands as before has not been moving. 布兰度回过头,只见林立放下了手中的黑魔杖,依旧静静地站着没动。 Really, from is too far, gave up directly? After all the energy of black magic wand is limited.” Brando secretly thought. “果然,距离太远,就直接放弃了吗?毕竟黑魔杖的能量有限。”布兰度暗道。 Lin Li and Brando are confronting, simultaneously remembered the Huang Ji injunction. 林立布兰度对峙着,同时想起了黄极的嘱咐。 Hesitant one second, Lin Li gave nearby Sophia the magic wand merely. 仅仅犹豫了一秒钟,林立就把魔杖递给了旁边的索菲亚 Hey! We do not use the weapon, only hits one with the fist.” Lin Li shouts, he even also from conducting the back to put Huang Ji. “嘿!我们都不用兵器,只用拳头打一场吧。”林立喊道,他甚至还把黄极从背上放下来了。 Huang Ji lies down on the ground, the aura is steady, whistling rests greatly. 黄极就这么躺在地上,气息平稳,呼呼大睡。 The Brando pupil shrinks, looks at Lin Li that towards oneself walks, and following pestle in that with the woman of telephone pole, knows once oneself hit with Lin Li, by its entanglement, that woman will be used the black magic wand to sneak attack itself. 布兰度瞳孔一缩,看着朝自己走来的林立,以及后面杵在那跟电线杆子似的女人,知道自己一旦跟林立打,被其纠缠,那个女人就会使用黑魔杖偷袭自己。 Not...... most dangerous, is the person of sleeping!” “不……最危险的,是睡觉的这个人!” He is really sleeping!” “他真的在睡觉!” Presents no one, can like Brando, be able the heartfelt feeling, Huang Ji really to sleep. 在场没有任何人,能像布兰度一样,能真切感受到,黄极真的在睡觉。 Does not pretend to be sleeping! The people when sleeping, the brain wave are different. 不是装睡!人在睡觉时,脑电波是不一样的。 Brando has the ability of some type of receive electromagnetic wave, although cannot the concrete analysis, but he can be clear about the feeling to leave, ground that person rests very deadly. 布兰度有某种接收电磁波的能力,虽然不能具体的解析,但他能明确感受出,地上那人睡得很死。 This is not possible! The thundering lightning, the violent storm quarrelled does not awake he even if, I came to play intensely, he didn't awake?” “这是不可能的!打雷闪电,狂风暴雨吵不醒他也就算了,我都进来打得这么激烈了,他也不醒吗?” „Is he a deaf person? Even the deaf person, is impossible not to have the sense of touch!” “他是聋子吗?就算是聋子,也不可能没有触觉吧!” Waits for! His hair is moving!” “等一下!他的头发在动!” The Brando eye narrows the eyes, although Huang Ji rests very deadly, but lies down in of ground, the hair instinct touches, extends from the hat brim, brandished several. 布兰度眼睛一眯,黄极虽然睡得很死,但是躺在地上的这一下,头发本能地触动起来,从帽檐延伸出来,挥舞了几下。 It seems like blown by the wind, but Brando looks is very clear, is hair moves, is going against the wind, such as dull hair Banli rocks. 看起来就像是被风吹的,可布兰度看的很清楚,是头发自己动的,逆着风,如呆毛般立起来晃动。 Was almost swindled, this fellow, has in the sleep, superpower that can fight as before!” “差点上当了,这家伙,有着睡梦中,依旧能战斗的超能力!” Brando showed a faint smile, turn around the rebound the treetop! 布兰度微微一笑,反身又跳回了树梢! Unknown, unknown were too many! 未知,未知太多了! He had confidence that the solution presents almost all people, only to that three fellow who is hoodwinking the raincoat has not grasped. 他有把握解决在场几乎所有人,唯独对那三个蒙着雨衣的家伙没有把握。 Is stiff motionless, with being scared, but takes the black magic wand! 一个僵着不动,跟吓傻了一样,但拿着黑魔杖! Has not lent any dangerous aura, but actually incomparable brave towards oneself walks, must select with oneself only, some type of blind energy, almost melted in the bone! 一个没有散发出任何危险气息,可是却无比的勇敢朝自己走来,要跟自己单挑,某种盲目的底气,几乎融进了骨头里! Most essential, is third...... he is really sleeping! This point, strange to tingling with numbness. 最关键的,是第三个……他真的在睡觉!这一点本身,就诡异到发麻。 The Brando one person alone comes, only wants to probe 12, does not want dead to knock. 布兰度孤身前来,只想试探一二,并不想跟人死磕。 Even, he prepared the escaping way. 甚至于,他都准备好了逃跑方式。 „, Goes back to investigate all the undercover material of dark pile code, who that fellow is. This is Lin Li, the real name? Goes back also......” “也罢,回去调查一下所有懂暗桩密语的卧底资料,查查那个家伙是谁。还有这个林立,是真名吗?回去也查查……” Brando has strong control desire, he is very rampant, but liked investigating to be clear rampantly again all. 布兰度有很强的掌控欲,他很嚣张,但喜欢等把一切都调查清楚了再嚣张。 The Mursa death, gives his impact too big, this time he has full authority and responsibility investigates this matter, fully realizes cannot blindly acting cool. 缪撒的死,给他的冲击太大,这次他全权负责调查此事,深知不能盲目地装逼 Brando stands on the treetop, held up the iron umbrella, said: Does not use the weapon, only hits with the fist? Ha, you called Lin Li, was too weak, I had no interest.” 布兰度站在树梢上,举起了铁伞,说道:“都不用兵器,只用拳头打一场?哈哈哈,你叫林立是吧,太幼稚了,我没兴趣。” Remembers my name, Brando.” “记住我的名字,布兰度。” Today knows everyone, quite makes you know, who finally is, brings to perish to you.” “今天只是认识一下大家,好让你们知道,最后是谁,给你们带来灭亡。” Lin Li in great surprise, shouted: „Can you run?” 林立大惊,喝道:“你要跑吗?” The Brando smile said: My goal had achieved, thank you to provide many information to me. Gets rid of you, is not my today's duty.” 布兰度微笑道:“我的目标已经达成了,感谢你们给我提供了很多情报。干掉你们,并不是我今天的任务。” Bye! That falling asleep brothers, I anticipate to fight with you very much next time.” “再见!那位睡着的兄弟,我很期待下次和你交手。” Then, his left hand two fingers like the sword, selected selected the own temples, made a bye-bye posture. 说罢,他左手两指如剑,点了点自己的太阳穴,做了个拜拜的姿势。 Lin Li sees that also recaptures the black magic wand from the Sophia hand, pursues toward him. 林立见状,又从索菲亚手中夺回黑魔杖,朝他追来。 Ha! Useless! I have prepared to escape!” Brando is laughing, does not fight him. “哈哈哈!没用的!我早就准备好逃跑了!”布兰度大笑着,才不跟他打呢。 Sees only him to jump in the midair, suddenly received the umbrella. 只见他跳在半空中,突然收起了伞。 Bang!” “轰!” His umbrella point, erupts fiercely the flame class/flow, such as the rocket flies to leap up to walk generally. 他的伞尖,猛地喷发出焰流,如火箭一般飞蹿而走。 Brando hangs on the umbrella, must run upon the tree trunk shortly, ahead of time kicks, immediately the iron umbrella rocket traded the direction. 布兰度挂在伞上,眼看要撞上树干,提前一脚踢出,顿时铁伞火箭换了方向。 Then, he steps on the woods back and forth, taking advantage of rocket the potential of impact, ran speedily does not have the shadow. 就这样,他在树林里来回踩踏,借着火箭的冲击之势,一溜烟就跑得没影了。 The Brando one breath, flew about two kilometers! 布兰度一口气,飞到了两公里开外! Bayland, your side is the bait.” Brando puts out communication to say. 白兰迪,你那边是诱饵。”布兰度拿出通讯器说道。 You how?” Bayland asked. “你怎么样?”白兰迪问道。 The Brando smile said: Encounters the ambush, but I have gotten rid.” 布兰度微笑道:“遭遇埋伏,不过我已经摆脱了。” Most people are the trash, but three experts, I only know named Lin Li, he will use the black magic wand, I thought that he grasped the posture to understand.” “大部分人都是垃圾,不过有三个高手,我只知道其中一个叫林立,他会用黑魔杖,我看他握姿就懂了。” Another two are not simple, I have expected fortunately, without move, escaped instantaneously beyond two kilometers.” “另外两个也不简单,还好我早已料到,没有中招,瞬间就逃到了两公里之外。” Bayland said: Expert uses the black magic wand, was too dangerous.” 白兰迪说道:“高手使用黑魔杖,就太危险了。” You follow they, I lead the person to support you immediately.” “你跟着他们,我马上带人支援你。” Brando said: Separated two kilometers, could not catch up, my fuel used up.” 布兰度说道:“隔了两公里,追不上了,我的燃料用完了。” This......” Bayland is stunned. “这……”白兰迪愕然。 Brando said: In order to insurance, this group of people and other equipment, encircled again.” 布兰度说道:“保险起见,这群人等我的装备到了,再围剿吧。” „? When your equipment, which they do not have long known!” Bayland said. “诶?等你的装备到,他们早就不知道去哪了啊!”白兰迪说道。 Brando shouted: Uses your brain!” 布兰度喝道:“动动你的脑子!” I formulated from the beginning escaped the plan, only planned to probe, when fought with them, I planted the tracing spore on 14 people, they could not run away.” “我从一开始就制定了逃跑计划,只打算试探一下,所以与他们战斗时,我在十四个人身上种了追踪孢子,他们跑不掉的。” Bayland understands clearly, traces the spore, although is a biomass, but has like the signal projector same function, can send out the radio long wave. 白兰迪了然,追踪孢子,虽然是一种生物质,但却有着如同信号发射器一样的作用,可以发出无线电长波。 Although the signal is very weak, but Brando can the sensation obtain, from this it can know the direction of enemy forever. 虽然信号很微弱,但布兰度可以感知得到,由此它永远能知晓敌人的方向。 Moreover, because is the radio, they can also make the special detector. 不仅如此,因为是无线电,他们也可以制造专门的探测器。 Because is a parasite, hidden in the human body, therefore is almost impossible to be discovered. 又因为是一种寄生物,隐藏在人体内,所以几乎不可能被发现。 Bayland understands clearly, originally Brando has the arrangement early, after all their investigation group, truly what must check is the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator, the present rebel army is the clue. 白兰迪了然,原来布兰度早有安排,毕竟他们调查小组,真正要查的乃是幕后黑手,眼下的叛军不过是线索而已。 Really must kill off the clue, is not good. 真要把线索杀光了,也不好。 Right, a matter must tell you.” Bayland said. “对了,还有一件事要告诉你。”白兰迪说道。 What matter?” Brando tilts the head. “什么事?”布兰度歪头。 Bayland said: „When one group of suspects, while we capture the rebel army, from the city escapes.” 白兰迪说道:“有一伙儿可疑人,趁着我们追捕叛军时,也从城里逃出来了。” „The opposite party is talented, we have two A level soldiers, was killed not making a sound.” “对方实力不俗,我们有两个a级战士,被不声不响地干掉了。” Brando knits the brows: One group? Is Adams and Harris?” 布兰度皱眉道:“还有一伙儿?哦,是亚当斯海里希吧?” „Before Mursa dies, last order, is exterminates them and Mark.” 缪撒死前最后一段命令,就是剿灭他们两个和马可。” Words said, the Mark transfer order, who is sends, checked?” “话说,马可的调令,到底是谁发的,查到了没有?” Bayland said: Checked...... the Luo Yan round.” 白兰迪说道:“查到了……罗言发的。” Moreover Luo Yan also came to New York, he wants to interrogate in the base these people, I made one block.” “另外罗言也来纽约了,他想盘问基地里那些人,我让人拦住了。” Brando hehe said: I have not checked him, sharply is jumping.” 布兰度呵呵道:“我还没查他呢,就这么急着跳出来。” Findings keep secret to him, he must ask, told him is Messiah does.” “调查结果对他保密,他要问,就告诉他是弥赛亚干的。” Bayland said: Luo Yan does not believe that he wants to see you.” 白兰迪说道:“罗言坚决不信,他想见你。” Doesn't believe? Why he does not believe.” Brando sneers saying: Does not see, I want to take a look but actually, he wants to make anything.” “不信?他凭什么不信。”布兰度冷笑道:“不见,我倒想看看,他想做什么。” ...... …… fuck! Scary!” 卧槽!吓死人了!” By a expert interception of s4, the Messiah people were frightened miserably, but also thinks that this tribulation could not hide. 被一名s4的高手拦截,弥赛亚众人都吓惨了,还以为这一劫躲不过去了。 After all, they had not been encircled by the Illuminati first-rate strength. 毕竟,他们从来没有被光明会顶尖战力围剿过。 Who would have guessed that is shocking but not dangerous, the opposite party was startled to draw back by Lin Li unexpectedly. 哪知道,有惊无险,对方竟然被林立惊退了。 Then as if dreaded them very much, from the beginning has not planned to exterminate, after one fights, oneself removed. 然后似乎本来就很忌惮他们,从一开始也没打算剿灭,一番交手后就自己撤了。 In the Alan eye the extraordinary splendor, is staring at Lin Li, grips the fist stubbornly: Hateful, when Brando to/clashes, I do not dare to open fire unexpectedly.” 阿兰眼中异彩,盯着林立,死死攥拳:“可恶,布兰度冲过来时,我竟然不敢开枪。” Lin Li actually dares to take a stick to move forward to meet somebody, winning opposite party who he is obviously impossible to hit.” 林立却敢拿着根棍子就迎上去,明明他也不可能打的赢对方的。” Alan incomparable remorse, he was really a moment ago timid. 阿兰无比的自责,他刚才真的胆怯了。 Lin Li at best is also A, but the enemy is s4, among this missed five ranks! He actually shows the astonishing courage. 林立充其量也就是a,而敌人是s4,这之间差了五个级别!他却展现出惊人的勇气。 In the courage, I compares Lin Li also to fall far short.” Alan remembers own be insufficient immediately, even delimited on the arm with the blade. “在勇气上,我比林立还差得远。”阿兰立刻记住自己的不足,甚至用刀在手臂上划了一下。 Sophia deeply looks at Lin Li, her entire journey was pressed by the imposing manner does not dare to move, but Lin Li actually keeps off before own. 索菲亚深深地看着林立,她全程被气势压得不敢动,而林立却挡在自己身前。 Lifts that moment of stick, imitates in the finger citron to grasp an unparalleled divine sword. 抬起棍子的那一刻,就仿佛手中握着一把盖世神剑。 Nochira shouts: Do not gawk, takes the wounded person, walks quickly.” 诺奇拉喊道:“不要愣着了,带上伤员,快走。” He calls everyone to shift immediately, simultaneously looked at Lin Li one. 他招呼着大家立刻转移,同时看了林立一眼。 Specifically, looks at the black stick on his hand. 准确地说,是看他手上的黑棍子。 Sees only Lin Li, inserted the Huang Ji waist the stick. 只见林立,又把棍子插回了黄极腰间。 During everyone brings the wounded person is evacuating fast, Nochira falls to the team behind, asked: Lin Li, what is that stick?” 大家带着伤员快速撤离期间,诺奇拉落到队伍后面,问道:“林立,那根棍子是什么?” This is a big brother, seeming like same as the magic wand.” Lin Li is saying, shoulders again Huang Ji. “这是大哥的,看起来和魔杖一样。”林立说着,重新把黄极背负起来。 In the Nochira heart understands clearly , the big shot leaves leeway the subsequent hand. 诺奇拉心中了然,果然,大佬留有后手。 Saw that Huang Ji is still sleeping, the hood of raincoat covered the most face, the Nochira thinking moment, as to understand anything. 看到黄极还在睡觉,雨衣的帽兜遮住了大半的脸,诺奇拉思索片刻,似乎想明白了什么。 So that's how it is, a moment ago that Brando, was the top powerhouse, but the big shot was also the Illuminati top powerhouse, two people should know!” “原来如此,刚才那个布兰度,乃是顶级强者,而大佬也是光明会的顶级强者,两人应该认识!” Therefore the big shot pretends to be sleeping intentionally, does not want to make an appearance, in order to avoid the expose Fire Resurrection plan!” “所以大佬故意装睡,不想露面,以免暴·露浴火重生计划!” Waits for, magic wand?” “等一下,魔杖?” Nochira is staring at the stick of Huang Ji waist, discovered that above has the strange pattern. 诺奇拉盯着黄极腰间的棍子,发现上面有奇异的花纹。 This reminds him of the rumor immediately, Illuminati had from the weapon that the Celestial grants, in the ancient times was thing in the legend, inside contains the powerful energy, some images were a stick, the nickname was the black magic wand. 这立刻让他想起了传言,光明会拥有来自天人赐予的兵器,在古代就是神话传说中的东西,里面蕴含着强大的能量,有的形象就是一根棍子,昵称为黑魔杖。 That the top Nirvana powerhouse, the s4 level is permitted the weapon of use. 那是只有顶级的涅槃者强者,s4级才被允许使用的兵器。 However because the energy is limited, but usually cannot use, therefore the expert of s4 level almost does not bring. 不过因为能量有限,而平时也用不上,所以s4级的高手几乎都不会带着。 Nochira has not seen, but heard, before only considered the blind biography, now suspected that doesn't fear real? 诺奇拉从来没见过,只是有所耳闻,以前只当是瞎传的,现在怀疑怕不是真的? This, is the magic wand of big shot, no, before did not have, therefore took from the base.” “这根,就是大佬的魔杖吗,不,之前没有,所以是从基地里拿出来的嘛。” But the big shot will definitely use, but the enemy, startled was actually drawn back by this magic wand!” “但是大佬肯定会用,而敌人,其实是被这根魔杖给惊退的!” Nochira is thinking , to continue to direct the people, flees the scene. 诺奇拉思索着,继续指挥众人,逃离现场。 They walked for a half hour, arrives at a ravine small town, here is very far from New York. 他们又走了半个小时,来到一处山间小镇,这里已经离纽约很远了。 All the way, they cleaned up the trace, this moment plan takes a break in this small town. 一路上,他们清理了痕迹,此刻打算在这个小镇休息片刻。 Because, Evil Dragon is not good. 因为,恶龙不行了。 Spleen bursts, the massive hemorrhage, we need the operating room and medicine.” Chu Shaojun slightly passes the a little bit medical skill, judged rapidly said. “脾脏破裂,大出血,我们需要手术室和药物。”楚少君略通一点点医术,迅速判断出来道。 Changed into the average man, the spleen bursts is basically cool. However Evil Dragon is Blazing Sentinel, shoulders the present actually, quite had the spirit! 换成常人,脾脏破裂基本已经凉了。但是恶龙乃是炽诚哨兵,倒是扛到了现在,都还颇有精神! They being loaded with the car(riage) of the arc furnace and printer, advanced in a garage of farm main family. 他们把装有电弧炉和打印机的车,开进了一名农场主家的车库里。 Then more than 100 people, on conceals in the basement of this person. 然后一百多号人,就藏在这家人的地下室中。 Evil Dragon lies down on the ground, the cold sweat is dense, looks deathly pale. 恶龙躺在地上,冷汗森森,脸色惨白。 „It is not good, this surgery I could not do, can only be......” Chu Shaojun is saying. “不行了,这手术我做不了,只能是……”楚少君说着。 Suddenly in the field has a person of connection saying: Only can be I undergoes this surgery...... Yarm, the medicine brings.” 突然场中有一人接口道:“只能是我来做这个手术……亚姆,药拿来。” Yarm stares, looked at the past, discovered that Huang Ji awoke, was stretching oneself. 亚姆一愣,看过去,发现黄极醒了,正伸个懒腰。 The Nochira pleasant surprise, complained simultaneously at heart: ‚When is really pretends to be sleeping, really to need you, happen to awoke......’ 诺奇拉惊喜,同时心里吐槽:‘果然是装睡,真的需要你时,正好醒了……’ Teacher, medicine!” Yarm hands over along the medicinal ointment of his belt/bring. “教官,药!”亚姆将他随身带的药膏递过去。 Huang Ji arrives at side Evil Dragon, pulls out the saber of Evil Dragon along belt/bring directly. 黄极走到恶龙身边,直接抽出恶龙随身带的军刀。 Crash-bang!” The hand of Huang Ji is quick and steady, cut open the belly Evil Dragon directly, a blade meets a blade, each blade delimits on the beforehand cutting edge, consecutively after four blades, large share extravasated blood splatters. “哗啦!”黄极的手又快又稳,直接把恶龙剖腹了,一刀接一刀,每一刀都划在之前的刀口上,连续四刀后,一大股淤血喷溅出来。 Saved too much blood in the abdomen of Evil Dragon, at this moment puts, Evil Dragon instead feels comfortably many. 恶龙的腹中积蓄了太多的血液,此刻放出来,恶龙反而感觉舒服不少。 Huang Ji received the medicinal ointment from Yarm hand conveniently, this is the Illuminati medicinal ointment, is good at stopping bleeding extremely. 随手黄极又从亚姆手中接过药膏,这是光明会的药膏,极擅长止血。 After helping Evil Dragon stops bleeding, Huang Ji extracts own golds needle, pulled out four hair, puts in the needle, first with the medicinal ointment sterilization, then sutures the spleen to Evil Dragon. 恶龙止血之后,黄极抽出自己的针,拔了四根头发,穿在针上,先用药膏杀菌,然后给恶龙缝合脾脏。 „Is hair also good?” The people are astonished. “头发也行嘛?”众人惊愕。 Huang Ji said: My hair, Ok.” 黄极说道:“我的头发,可以。” Saying, the head raises up bunch of dull wool, but also swayed. 说着,头上竖起一簇呆毛,还摇晃了一下。 His quick technique completes the surgery to Evil Dragon exquisitely, sutures again its wound. 他很快手法细腻地给恶龙完成手术,再将其的伤口缝合好。 The entire journey, only used for 12 minutes. 全程,只用了十二分钟。 Huang Ji receives gold/metal needle, stretches oneself, the heart said that this sleep/felt rests really comfortably. 黄极收好金针,伸了个懒腰,心说这一觉睡得真舒服。 physique, was stronger, he before squeezed the limit oneself after all, but according to the excess compensation, now various muscle aspect strengths and intensities promoted much. 体魄,都比之前更强了一些,毕竟他把自己压榨到了极限,而根据超量补偿,现在肌肉各方面力量和强度都提升了不少。 Then gave him to transfuse blood was OK, Yarm, your blood-group was like him.” “接下来给他输血就可以了,亚姆,你的血型跟他一样。” Huang Ji said, looked at Lin Li, the body of Lin Li was also about to break down. 黄极说完,看了眼林立,林立的身体也快垮了。 ...... ……
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