TO :: Volume #2

#162: The life-saving does not need to begin

Huang Ji really rests very comfortably. 黄极真的睡得很舒服。 From 9 : 00 pm, rests to 6 : 00 am, a sleep/felt wakes up, the team fled from New York, but also cleaned up the last rebel. 从晚上 9 点,睡到第二天早上六点,一觉醒来,队伍逃离了纽约,还清理了最后一个叛徒。 Does well, Nochira.” “干得不错,诺奇拉。” Huang Ji and Nochira, seek for the medical kit in the manor, suddenly praised Nochira one. 黄极诺奇拉,在庄园里寻找医疗箱,突然夸奖了诺奇拉一声。 Nochira looked about, the smile said: „If no this rainstorm, we must sacrifice many people.” 诺奇拉看了看左右,微笑道:“若无这场暴雨,我们一定要牺牲不少人的。” No, matter that I mean Bob.” Huang Ji said. “不,我是说鲍勃的事。”黄极说道。 Nochira is startled, the heart said that the big shot is really well aware. 诺奇拉一怔,心说大佬果然心知肚明。 He said hastily: This person of undecided, but also knows my status, later must the bad important matter.” 他连忙说道:“此人首鼠两端,还知晓我的身份,以后必坏大事。” You also very astute, I waited is so long, you know removed finally him.” Huang Ji said. “你还挺精明的嘛,我等了这么久,你终于知道把他除掉了。”黄极说道。 Nochira thinks on first hearing Huang Ji is praising him, but careful ponders over, does not discover right. 诺奇拉乍一听认为黄极在夸他,可仔细一琢磨,发现不对。 Huang Ji this was shuts out him to move the slow in work! 黄极这是嫌弃他动手慢了! Big shot has known Bob's existence, but never raises, actually I processed own to be troublesome.” “大佬早就知晓鲍勃的存在,但是从来不提,其实就是在等我自己处理自己的麻烦。” Stupid, I should think that early, non- waits till Bob to think oneself clever to the big shot starts, responded that kills the heart, was really slow.” “笨啊,我早该想到的,非等到鲍勃都要自作聪明对大佬下手时,才反应过来起杀心,真是太迟钝了。” In the Nochira heart flashes through the multiple thoughts. 诺奇拉心中闪过多重念头。 Senior official, later has the matter that anything does not facilitate to do, gives me.” Nochira said hastily. “长官,以后有什么不方便做的事,都交给我吧。”诺奇拉连忙说道。 Huang Ji visits him saying: „The remaining people I am useful.” 黄极看着他说道:“剩下人我都有用。” The Nochira look moves slightly, said that Carlo they did not need him to find the way to remove. 诺奇拉神色微动,这么说卡罗他们并不需要他想办法除掉了。 Huang Ji continues saying: Arranges you to reconstruct the Messiah person is Zoe?” 黄极继续说道:“安排你重建弥赛亚的人是柔伊吧?” Yes.” Nochira nods. “是的。”诺奇拉点头。 She is the Luo Yan person......” the Huang Ji words does not have meaning completely. “她是罗言的人……”黄极的话有未尽之意。 The Nochira thinking said: This does Luo Yan, have the issue?” 诺奇拉思索道:“这个罗言,有问题?” Huang Ji said: To be honest, I do not trust most from the beginning your. Therefore chooses by the appearance of rookie joins Messiah, I even plan to be you.” 黄极说道:“说实话,最一开始我是不信任你的。所以才选择以新人的面目加入弥赛亚,我甚至打算做掉你。” Nochira terrified one startled, said hastily: I, although is Zoe arranges, but I am only a small mixed fish, I do not calculate that their people, really do not know they made anything in the upper layer.” 诺奇拉悚然一惊,连忙说道:“我虽然是柔伊安排进来的,但我只是个小杂鱼,我不算他们的人,真的不知道他们在上层做了些什么啊。” Huang Ji said with a smile: I know, I exploringly found an excuse, after you have Level 3, Luo Yan and Zoe have no response, the mentality have not fluctuated, I know that you at all are not they deploy one point.” 黄极笑道:“我知道,我试探性地找了个理由,对你连降三级后,罗言柔伊没有任何反应,心态也没有丝毫波动,我就知道你根本不是他们部署中的一环。” You merely are only, they stand in the angle of Illuminati overall benefit, undercover who the routine business sends.” “你仅仅只是,他们站在光明会整体利益的角度,例行公事所派遣的卧底。” Nochira relaxes, originally has Level 3 him, this meaning. 诺奇拉松了口气,原来把他连降三级,还有这层意思。 Huang Ji continues saying: This time matter, you when bringing up the rear, intentionally the acknowledgment are the Messiah behavior.” 黄极继续说道:“这次的事,你是不是在断后时,故意承认是弥赛亚所为。” Was...... you did not say, making Messiah work as this sharp sword, the attraction hatred? Shouldn't I do that? I will certainly first strive for your agreement next time.” Nochira said. “是……您不是说,让弥赛亚来当这把利剑,吸引仇恨吗?是不是我不应该这么做?我下回一定先争取您的同意。”诺奇拉说道。 The Huang Ji nod said: Uh-huh, no matter, did you acknowledge, to my influence. But this, you harmed yourself, as expected, some quick people will contact you.” 黄极点头道:“嗯哼,无所谓,你承不承认,对我没有影响。只不过这样,你就把自己害了而已,不出所料,很快就会有人联络你了。” Nochira said startled: Right, we cause havoc the x13 base, I have not reported to Zoe, when they realized when this is really the Messiah behavior, will interrogate me.” 诺奇拉愕然道:“对啊,我们大闹x13基地,我没有向柔伊汇报,当他们意识到这真的是弥赛亚所为时,就会质问我。” He sighed, if were others acknowledged, he could also be said as himself not reporting promptly, was similar superconductor event is the same, was Evil Dragon hides the truth from him to do. 他叹了口气,如果是其他人承认,他还可以说是自己汇报不及时,是类似超导体事件一样,乃是恶龙瞒着他做的。 However this student rebels and flees, he is beams with joy to declare that personally this matter is the Messiah behavior. 但是这次学员叛逃,他乃是亲自露脸宣称此事乃弥赛亚所为。 This means his Nochira, had betrayed Illuminati. 这意味着他诺奇拉,已经背叛了光明会 How should I deal?” Nochira said. “我该怎么应对?”诺奇拉说道。 Huang Ji shrugs the shoulders saying: If this Luo Yan does not have the issue, is Zoe by the normal procedure asked that you why the Messiah such big action you do not report, then asked that who your in detail plan is deploys, the entire process is anything.” 黄极耸耸肩膀道:“如果这个罗言没有问题,那么就是柔伊以正常程序问你‘为什么弥赛亚这么大的行动你不汇报’,然后问你详细的计划是谁部署的,整个过程是什么。” Nochira understands clearly, indeed, this is the normal asking law. 诺奇拉了然,的确,这是正常的问法。 Even if he is a rebel, should still investigate clearly what's the matter, why can make Messiah have such big change. 就算他是叛徒,也会调查清楚怎么回事,为什么能让弥赛亚有这么大的变化。 Otherwise...... 反之…… Huang Ji also said: Otherwise, if Luo Yan has the issue, will choose asked personally you...... he will not ask these branch details, he will only make you tell him directly, your present position.” 黄极又说道:“反之,如果罗言有问题,就会选择亲自问你……他不会问那些旁枝末节,他只会直接让你告诉他,你现在的位置。” Nochira holds breath cold air, said: „Will he choose to be me directly?” 诺奇拉倒吸一口凉气,说道:“他会选择直接做掉我?” Huang Ji said: If he does that means that Luo Yan from this student insurgency, saw the clue, because died is their people. Subsequently guessed correctly, your Nochira possibly bypassed him, received the high-level order, cleans up the rebel specially.” 黄极说道:“如果他这么做,意味着罗言从此次学员叛乱事件中,看出了端倪,因为死掉的都是他们的人。继而猜到了,你诺奇拉可能绕过了他,接到了更高层的命令,专门清理叛徒。” He wants this suspicions, he will kill you. Checked is clearer, instead jumps over is protecting you, because you are my person, but I take orders from President in directly.” “他只要有这份怀疑,他就会干掉你。查的越清楚,反而越在保护你,因为你是我的人,而我直接听命于会长。” Therefore Luo Yan will not ask that east asked the west, treated as the rebel you directly, cleaned up.” “所以罗言不会问东问西,直接把你当做叛徒,清理掉。” Nochira said: Even if I did not tell him the position, he will still turn into the rebel my file, later when encircled Messiah, openly was me.” 诺奇拉说道:“就算我不告诉他位置,他也会把我的档案变成叛徒,以后围剿弥赛亚时,堂而皇之地把我做掉。” The Huang Ji nod said: Not is only you, if my also expose, finally is also so, the association president could not guarantee me.” 黄极点头道:“不光是你,如果我也暴·露了,结果也是如此,会长也保不了我。” We can only by ourselves, I have such consciousness.” “我们只能靠自己,我早已有这样的觉悟。” Nochira understands clearly, this joins the Fire Resurrection plan, consequence that necessity causes. 诺奇拉了然,这是加入浴火重生计划,所必然导致的后果。 Others can openly process their dark army by the regular reason: Are you an undercover? Who knows! 人家可以堂而皇之以正规理由把他们这种暗军处理掉:你是卧底?谁知道! He criticizes himself stupid, actually beams with joy directly the acknowledgment is the Messiah behavior, although conforms to the Fire Resurrection plan, but he also had no reason to look again. 他暗骂自己蠢,竟然直接露脸承认是弥赛亚所为,虽然符合浴火重生计划,但他再也没有任何理由可以找了。 Doesn't matter, the undercover is this, boiling raised one's head is good. The Hua Xu big shot strength is strong, the strategy startled day, makes quickly decent Messiah. 没关系,卧底就是这样,熬出头就好了。华墟大佬实力强劲,智谋惊天,这么快就把弥赛亚弄得像模像样。 Waits for Messiah to be powerful, his leader Emperor, is not the enemy can clean up at will! 弥赛亚强大起来,他这个首领帝王,就也不是敌人可以随意清理的了! When the rebel was cleaned in secret cleanly, he also meets when production costs rise, prices rise too, one day, will reveal the truth. 待叛徒被暗中清洗干净,他也会水涨船高,总有一天,会真相大白的。 I have the consciousness, Senior official.” Nochira firm say/way. “我也早已有觉悟了,长官。”诺奇拉坚定道。 ...... …… Huang Ji looks for conveniently from the bathroom the medical kit, making Yarm transfuse blood to give Evil Dragon. 黄极随手就把医疗箱从卫生间里找出来,让亚姆输血给恶龙 Is busy at work, Alan lies in the garret in opposite church, said with communication: Some two people ran over, a man and a woman, they probably are this master.” 正忙活着,阿兰趴在对面教堂的阁楼里,用通讯器说道:“有两人跑过来了,一男一女,他们好像就是这家的主人。” Old Wang, Pabloso and the others are startled, did the host family come back at this time? 老王巴布洛索等人一怔,主人家这个时候回来了? They hide immediately, and looks secretly outward. 他们立刻躲藏起来,并偷偷向外望。 And Pabloso, squats in the haystack of courtyard child behind. 其中巴布洛索,更是蹲在院子的草垛子后面。 Seeing only a man and a woman is chatty the manor. 只见一男一女正腻歪着进了庄园。 Their whole body dripped wet by the rain, the male correct use coat is obstructing the rain, escorts female to downstairs. 他们浑身都被雨淋湿,男的正用外套遮着雨,护送女的到了楼下。 Two people kissed before the gate, said anything, then went upstairs together. 两人在门前亲吻了一下,说了些什么,便一起上楼了。 second floor, they took the affectionate couple bath in the bathroom. 二楼,他们在浴室里洗起了鸳鸯浴。 Pabloso hides in one pile of haystacks child behind, sees them after taking a bath, said to the intercom: This person came back unexpectedly, but went to the second floor master bedroom directly, everyone seized the chance to remove.” 巴布洛索躲在一堆草垛子后面,见他们在洗澡后,冲着对讲机说道:“这家人竟然回来了,不过直接去二楼主卧了,大家趁机撤了吧。” In the second floor master bedroom hi a man and a woman of skin, are not knowing in this manor, the cave or backyard haystack, or under the living room sofa, in the closet in room, is hiding the person. 正在二楼主卧嗨皮的一男一女,不知道这庄园内,无论是地窖还是后院草垛子,亦或者客厅沙发下,房间内的衣柜中,都藏着人。 The as light as a swallow sentries, take the lead to evacuate, they turn from the window, an under foot tread leaps up more than ten meters, went into opposite church. 身轻如燕的哨兵们,率先撤离,他们从窗户翻出去,脚下一蹬就蹿出十几米,跑到了对面的教堂。 Everyone evacuates in turn, does not alarm this person as far as possible. 大家分批撤离,尽量不惊动这家人。 However the people have not withdrawn, when is left over several people, the car(riage) advanced the courtyard. 不过众人还没撤完,还剩下几个人时,有一辆车开进了院子。 That is a robust man, wears the suspenders trousers, is driving a jeep, the body also has the sludge, as if just came back from the paddies. 那是一名壮汉,穿着吊带裤,开着一辆吉普,身上还有污泥,似乎刚从田地里回来。 He presses the loudspeaker to shout to second floor: Dear, the cornfield was complete, this damn hail, Fuck.” 他按着喇叭冲二楼喊道:“亲爱的,玉米地全完了,这该死的冰雹,发克。” Said, while opened the garage, prepares to stop the jeep. 一边说,一边打开了车库,准备把吉普停进去。 Room Old Wang and the others in gawked: What? She is you dear, who on that bed that is? 屋内的老王等人愣了:啥?她是你亲爱的,那床上那个是谁? Waits for, he opened the garage, is not good.” Pabloso urgently said in communication, because thinks of the automobile of 3D printer and arc furnace, stops in this garage. “等一下,他开了车库,不好。”巴布洛索在通讯器里急道,因为装着3d打印机和电弧炉的汽车,就停在这家车库里。 It seems like can only knock down him, immediately evacuates.” Old Wang said. “看来只能把他打晕,立刻撤离了。”老王说道。 Pabloso nods, prepares to act. 巴布洛索点头,准备出手。 How to expect, the robust man looks at the automobile in garage, and in strange instrument, stupidly was shocked. 怎料,那壮汉看着车库里的汽车,以及里面的古怪仪器,傻愣住了。 This his mother's whose car(riage)? Stops in my family garage?” “这他妈谁的车?停我家车库里?” Robust man eyes one red, realized that the second floor lamp is starting, actually quite a while no one accordingly. 壮汉眼睛一红,意识到二楼灯开着,却半天没人应声。 He extracts a hunting rifle from the driver seat directly, overshoots toward the building. 他直接从驾驶座抽出一把猎枪,就往楼上冲。 Who is in my family! Dear you, you are all right!” “是谁在我家!亲爱你,你没事吧!” The second floor men and women were also ignorant, the female heart said: Does he come back today? 二楼的男女也懵了,女的心说:他怎么今天就回来? Male compels ignorant: I have not driven! 男的则懵逼:我没开车来啊! Saw only that year the light man, jumped from second floor directly. 只见那年轻男子,直接从二楼跳了下去。 Bang!” The robust men see him to jump from an upper story, pulls out the hunting rifle fire directly. “嘭!”壮汉看到他跳楼,直接掏出猎枪射击。 Bang bang!” “嘭嘭!” The first even/including three spears/guns have not hit, the young man binds a blanket to flee in panic. 一连三枪都没有打准,年轻男子裹着条毯子就仓皇逃窜。 Afterward, the complexion of robust man is not right, he thought is a gangster, but looks at the situation does not seem like, where has the gangster only to bind a blanket? 随后,壮汉的脸色不对了,他本以为是匪徒,但看情况好像不是,哪有匪徒只裹着一条毯子的? Sees only him to wallop the master bedroom, sees inside scene, had a fit of bad temper at the scene. 只见他猛冲到主卧,看到里面的情景,当场炸毛了。 Denver, why you open randomly snatch, he is giving us the family/home Xiushui manages.” “丹佛,你干什么乱开抢,他在给我们家修水管。” In the building broadcasts the voice of woman, as well as angry roaring of robust man Denver. 楼上传来女人的声音,以及壮汉丹佛的怒吼。 Old Wang walks from the living room sofa, Bieber after to window curtains signals with the eyes. 老王从客厅沙发里走出来,给窗帘后的比伯使了个眼色。 Their in addition cave four, with the haystack child following Pabloso convergence, looked at a garage secretly, looked at second floor already two people who hit, their face is speechless. 他们两个外加地窖四个,偷偷与草垛子后面的巴布洛索汇合,看了眼车库,又看了眼二楼已经打起来的两人,他们一脸无语。 This robust man, looked was wild with rage, must kill people. 这个壮汉,一看就是气疯了,要杀人。 Drives directly?” “直接开车走?” „It is not good, felt that must kill.” “不行,感觉要出人命。” Old Wang is saying, he by the shadow of second floor master bedroom, can see that robust man is pinching the neck of female. 老王说着,他透过二楼主卧的影子,也能看出,那个壮汉正在掐着女子的脖子。 It seems like we expose whereabouts.” Old Wang said. “看来我们得暴·露行踪了。”老王说道。 He is preparing to return to the life-saving again, the divulging whereabouts on the divulging whereabouts. 他正准备再返回去救人,泄露行踪就泄露行踪吧。 How to expect, at this moment, Huang Ji in the church, took up the wooden stake to ring three clocks ruthlessly. 怎料,就在这时,黄极在教堂里,拿起木桩狠狠地敲了三下钟。 Bang! Bang! Bang!” The ding is stirring. “梆!梆!梆!”钟声震撼人心。 Afterward Huang Ji goes down the building, enters the broadcasting studio in church, played one to the Lord song of praise. 随后黄极走下楼,走进教堂的广播室,播放了一曲对主的赞歌。 In a twinkling, the murky small town, resounded Halleluyah's voice. 霎时间,昏沉的小镇,响起了哈利路亚的声音。 Is agitated, Denver that the wife chokes to death, suddenly was shocked. 情绪激动,正要把老婆掐死的丹佛,突然愣住了。 He looks at the facial features to be fierce, the complexion becomes flushed the lover who turns purple, did not control self lets go. 他看着已经五官狰狞,脸色涨红发紫的爱人,不自禁地松手了。 Denver looks to out of the window, originally Yin sad weather, as rise of even more Sun, had the shining sunlight to puncture the dark cloud, sprinkled in the land. 丹佛怔怔地看向窗外,原本阴恻恻的天气,随着太阳的越发高升,有金灿灿的阳光刺破了乌云,洒在大地上。 Lord, why such to me.” “主啊,为什么这么对我。” The sudden hail and rainstorm, destroyed he one year of crop. In goes home, the woman who he most loves also betrayed him. 突如其来的冰雹与暴雨,摧毁了他一年的收成。回到家里,他最爱的女人也背叛了他。 Owes he also to think that has the scoundrel, takes the spear/gun to go all out to come up to save her. 亏他还以为是有歹徒,拿着枪拼了命地想上去救她。 Opening fire time, he recognizes the man who escapes, is he best the brothers in the small town. 开枪的时候,他认出来逃跑的男子,是他在小镇上最好的兄弟。 It can be said that, his life was in a flash gloomy. 可以说,一瞬之间,他的人生就灰暗了。 He is one scrupulously follows the serious Puritan, when will soon choke to death the lover personally, the ding of church pulls back him. 他是一名恪守本分的清教徒,在即将亲手掐死爱人的时候,教堂的钟声把他拉了回来。 „......” Female returns comes durably, looks that kneels before Denver that the window is in a daze, the startled sound screamed that crawled to run away. “啊啊啊……”女子回过劲来,看着跪在窗前发呆的丹佛,惊声尖叫地爬起来跑掉了。 Denver pays no attention to her, is looking up to shatter sky that the light and interweaves secretly, the look is vacant. 丹佛理都不理她,仰望着光与暗交织的破碎天空,眼神茫然。 His life such as this day is spatial, thorough was stave. 他的人生已经如这天空一样,彻底破碎了。 Lord, are all these your arrangement?” Denver is interrogating, has not obtained any impel. “主,这一切都是你的安排吗?”丹佛质问着,却没有得到任何感召。 He stands at a loss, goes down the building. 他茫然地站起来,走下楼。 Moves one barrel of gasolines from the automobile, sprinkles toward the house. 从汽车上搬下来一桶汽油,朝着房子泼去。 Afterward throws the petroleum cigarette lighter, selected the house directly. 随后扔出煤油打火机,直接把房子点了。 The flaming fire burnt, because the night ago rainstorm, therefore the house semblance is wet, the fire intensity is very slow, what are more is the billowing thick smoke. 熊熊大火燃烧了起来,因为夜前的暴雨,所以房子外表湿漉漉的,火势很慢,更多的是滚滚浓烟。 Old Wang and the others do who hide from, a face compel, to play a song not to kill people ignorant? 躲起来的老王等人,一脸懵逼,放个歌就不杀人了? Who would have thought sometimes they planning of Huang Ji, the life-saving does not need to begin, sang in a loud voice on the line. 他们哪知黄极的算计,救人有时候不需要动手,放歌就行了。 Moreover, Huang Ji rescues is actually not that woman...... 另外,黄极救得其实也不是那个女人…… The fire burns the house, Denver is driving to leave, Old Wang and the others saw that immediately crashes at the scene of fire, shifts their freight vehicles. 大火燃烧着房子,丹佛开着车离开,老王等人见状,立刻冲进火场,转移他们的货车。 Denver does not know these completely, he totally gave up in all of this small town, wants to leave forever. 丹佛完全不知道这些,他彻底放弃了在这小镇的一切,想要永远地离开。 However before, him entered opposite church just before leaving. 不过在临走前,他走进了对面的教堂。 He seats the confessionary silently, is in a daze in the small log cabin. 他默默地坐进忏悔室,在小木屋里面发呆。 But suddenly, in nearby small log cabin, broadcasts a strange sound: Child, what do you have to need to pour out?” 可突然之间,旁边的小木屋里,传来一个陌生的声音:“孩子,你有什么需要倾诉吗?” Denver gawked, never expected that the next door has the person, he is low and deep: I lost all, Father.” 丹佛楞了一下,没想到隔壁有人,他低沉道:“我失去了所有,神父。” You have a car(riage).” The strange sound said. “你还有一辆车。”陌生的声音说道。 Denver is stunned, this is what ghost consoles. 丹佛愕然,这是什么鬼劝慰。 Generally the father should not say child, you have, you have a good heart and so on. 一般神父不是应该说‘孩子,你还拥有很多,你还有一颗善良的心’之类的嘛。 Said that what ghost his also car(riage) is, satirized him not to have a thing in the world except for the car(riage)? 说他还有一辆车是什么鬼啊,讽刺他除了车一无所有吗? What do you mean?” Denver asked. “什么意思?”丹佛问道。 You have not met, the man who your car(riage) also cheats. Only then, you do not have a thing in the world, Sun that simultaneously you such as will also rise newly, fearless.” The strangers said. “你还没有遇到,会把你的车也骗走的男人。直到那之后,你才是一无所有,同时你也将如新升的太阳,无所畏惧。”陌生人说道。 Denver is bewildered, exclaims: You are not a father, who are you?” 丹佛莫名其妙,吼道:“你不是神父,你是谁?” That man, will make your life completely change.” The strangers said, is stirless. “那个男人,会让你的人生彻底地改变。”陌生人说完,再无动静。 Denver runs out of the confessionary directly, opens the door of next door, actually in discovery no one. 丹佛直接冲出忏悔室,打开隔壁的门,却发现里面没人。 What!” Denver fears, this short time, the opposite party is impossible to run up. “什么!”丹佛惊住,这短暂的功夫,对方根本不可能跑到掉的。 Is the auditory hallucination, did that person disappear instantaneously? 是幻听,还是那个人瞬间消失了? Is Lord?” Denver turns around to look to the church end giant cross. “难道是主?”丹佛转身看向教堂尽头的巨大十字架。 After delay several minutes, Denver goes out of the church at a loss, sees his car(riage) fortunately well in the roadside, relaxes. 呆滞了几分钟后,丹佛茫然地走出教堂,看到他的车还好好地在路边,松了口气。 He shook the head, looked at the eye billowing smoky house, then not yearns for drives to leave the small town. 他晃了晃脑袋,又看了眼浓烟滚滚的自家房子,便毫无留恋地开车离开小镇。 Which goes?” Denver does not have the hometown, he looked at the Eastern morning sun. “去哪呢?”丹佛没有家乡,他看了看东方的朝阳。 Remembers, such as newly rises Sun that the strange sound said to be the same, fearless, Denver then expunges toward the east side directly. 想起了陌生的声音所说的,如新升太阳一般,无所畏惧,丹佛便径直地朝着东边开去。 He is the adaptive faculty very strong person. 他是个适应力很强的人。 The spousal friend enterprise did not have, that all gives up, the gravity head starts. 爱人朋友事业都没了,那就全都放弃,重头开始。 A person, a car(riage), arrives does not have the oil, is the place that he starts. 一个人,一辆车,开到没油,就是他重新开始的地方。 He thinks like this, after a half hour, he met Adams. 他是这样想的,直到半个小时后,他遇到了亚当斯 ...... ……
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