TO :: Volume #2

#160: A person is an army

On Anton Niitti mountain, the strong winds howl, at night including a moonlight not to have, is only left over the lightning to bring the weak ray. 安东尼迪山上,狂风呼啸,黑夜中连一点月光都没有,仅剩下闪电带来微弱的光芒。 Brando stands upright the giant stone that breaks out on the halfway up the mountainside together, the golden hair flies to swing after the brain wet. 布兰度挺立在半山腰一块突起的巨石上,金发在脑后湿漉漉地飞荡。 In deep dark wilderness before him, the flares, were detonated in the midair. 在他面前深沉黑暗的旷野中,一颗又一颗的照明弹,在半空中被引爆。 The white glare blooms in the heavy rain, the shining land, each can an illumination surrounding area 200 meters situation. 白色的强光在大雨中绽放,照耀大地,每一颗都能照明方圆两百米的情况。 Facing the sudden storm, Illuminati also has many countermeasures. Although the flare can only continue for several minutes, may be unable to support the quantity to be many. 面对突然的暴风雨,光明会同样有诸多对策。尽管照明弹只能持续几分钟,可架不住数量多。 Toot toot toot toot!” whie light seem the fireworks to be the same, from east to west, such as a line progresses generally layer upon layer. “嘟嘟嘟嘟!”一颗颗白光就好像烟花一样,自东向西,如一条线一般层层递进。 Air effort was eliminated completely, elk mercenary corps losing contact that the north surrounds, should be exterminated silently.” In his body side, a brown curly hair man falls to the giant stone on, voice congealing said. “空中力量被全部消灭,北部包围过来的驼鹿佣兵团失联,应该是被无声无息地剿灭了。”在他身侧,一名褐色卷发男子唰得一下落到巨石上,凝声道。 Brando tranquil say/way: Bayland, I called you to take the radar from the beginning.” 布兰度平静道:“白兰迪,我从一开始就叫你们带上雷达。” The curly hair man regret said: Naturally, but this thunderstorm weather, is too big to the radar jamming, but the goal is not a large-scale body, merely is some vehicles.” 卷发男子遗憾道:“当然,但是这片雷暴天气,对雷达干扰太大,而目标并非大型机体,仅仅是一些车辆。” What's the big deal?” Brando said. “那又怎样?”布兰度说道。 Bayland said with amazement: Such bad weather, is the situation of force majeure, our luck is not quite good.” 白兰迪惊讶道:“这么恶劣的天气,是不可抗力的情况,我们运气不太好。” Brando lowers the head suddenly, a head withstand/top on the Bayland forehead! 布兰度突然低头,一脑袋顶在白兰迪的额头上! Two people forehead collides, Brandi right hand index finger inserts on the temples of Bayland, drills to say crazily: Uses your brain! Bayland.” 两人额头碰撞,布兰迪右手食指插在白兰迪的太阳穴上,疯狂钻动道:“动动你的脑子!白兰迪。” Thunderstorm cloud disturbs our duties, gets rid of the thunderstorm cloud!” “雷暴云干扰我们的任务,就把雷暴云干掉!” Bayland said suddenly: Was is...... understands!” 白兰迪恍然道:“是是是……明白了!” He runs off fast, jumps directly from the mountain, sees only his two ribs to blow up the membrane wing, such as the bird hovers generally in the rain. 他飞快地跑开,直接从山上跳下去,只见他两肋鼓起膜翼,如鸟儿一般翱翔在雨中。 Bayland is like Carter, is being able to plunge to death Ascendant, at this moment carries out immediately so-called gets rid of thunderstorm cloud. 白兰迪与卡特一样,也是摔不死型升腾者,此刻立马去执行所谓的‘干掉雷暴云’。 After twenty minutes, Illuminati mobilized three guided missile trucks, in addition a missile ship situated in east coast of New York, fires the missile at the thunderstorm cloud continuously. 二十几分钟后,光明会调动了三辆导弹车,外加位于纽约东海岸的一艘导弹舰,向雷暴云连绵不断地发射导弹。 Naturally, what in the warhead loads is the strong effect refrigerant and hygroscopic particle, the goal is to catalyze the thunderstorm cloud the warm level. 当然,弹头中装填的是强效制冷剂以及吸湿性粒子,目的在于催化雷暴云的暖层。 In a twinkling the lightning crazy twinkle of becomes the wilder, innumerable dazzling electricity snake in the dark clouds. 霎时间闪电变得更加狂暴,无数耀眼的电蛇在黑云中疯狂闪烁。 The rainstorm such as the column is mixing with a lot of hail, makes the weather instantaneously worse. 暴雨如柱夹杂着大量的冰雹,瞬间让天气变得更加恶劣。 The village and building in metropolis circle suburb suffered the serious destruction, even there is a hail of soccer size, pounds the vehicle roof of roadside directly shrivelled. 大都市圈郊外的农庄、建筑遭受了严重的破坏,甚至有足球般大小的冰雹,直接把路边的车顶砸瘪。 Illuminati scatter each operational squad in night, by the barrage rain column and hail, rumbles cannot see clearly the path. 就连光明会自己散落在黑夜中的各个作战小队,也被弹幕般的雨柱和冰雹,轰得看不清道路。 Is only ordinary rainstorm, suddenly became the disaster. 原本只是一场普通的暴雨,一时间成了灾难。 „!” “啊啊!” On this day the air/Qi was also too bad!” “这天气也太恶劣了吧!” Is the missile, Illuminati in pours into the catalyst toward the cloud layer.” “是导弹,光明会在朝云层中注入催化剂。” Messiah motorcade, in an extremely difficult situation. 弥赛亚的车队,狼狈不堪。 As can be seen, all car windows were broken, vehicles bumpy such as in sea general, the Messiah people swayingly, hold to guard are not knowing hail when pounds suddenly. 可以看到,所有的车窗玻璃都被砸碎了,车辆颠簸地如在大海上一般,弥赛亚众人晃晃悠悠,抱着头提防着不知何时就突然砸进来的冰雹。 „!” “啪!” Hail in the front disintegration, ices the dregs sputtering on the face of Nochira. 一颗冰雹在车头崩碎,冰渣溅射在诺奇拉的脸上。 Nochira narrows the eyes to focus saying: This way, this rainstorm most continues for one hour.” 诺奇拉眯着眼说道:“这样下去,这场暴雨最多持续一个小时。” Illuminati does not hesitate to make the natural disaster, must quickly finish the rainstorm, said, they brought the radar of high accuracy, perhaps after clear weather, will also deploy the spy satellite.” 光明会不惜制造自然灾害,也要尽快结束暴雨,这么说,他们带了高精度的雷达,说不定天气晴朗后,还会动用间谍卫星。” Car(riage) cannot want......” “车不能要了……” Abandons the car(riage)?” Evil Dragon partly squats in the vehicle roof, lifts the shield to show the way for everyone, after all to prevent to be discovered, they turned off all headlights. Even if has not closed, now the headlight is still broken. “弃车吗?”恶龙半蹲在车顶,举着盾牌为大家指路,毕竟为了防止被发现,他们关闭了所有的车灯。就算没关,现在车灯也都被砸碎了。 Nochira said: „It is not now.” 诺奇拉说道:“不是现在。” Now abandons the car(riage), the opposite party does not detect, perhaps the car(riage) will also be broken to come to anchor by the hail.” “现在弃车,对方也侦测不到,说不定车还会被冰雹砸坏抛锚。” We protect the good vehicles now, when the wind stops the rain to rest, with the thing fixed accelerator, lets the motorcade's automatic advance in the wilderness.” “我们现在保护好车辆,待风停雨歇,拿东西固定油门,让车队在旷野中自动前进。” Radar can only sweep the automobile, so can direct the enemy.” “雷达只能扫到汽车,如此能把敌人引走。” The means is a good way, Sophia to propose that the objection said: 3D printer and arc furnace what to do?” 办法是个好办法,索菲亚提出异议道:“3d打印机和电弧炉怎么办?” These two sets of machines are precise, first not suitable heavy rain. Next heavy, even if the sentries strength is greatly infinite, can conduct the shoulder with joint forces, the speed will not be fast. 这两套机器非常精密,首先就不宜淋雨。其次沉重,就算哨兵们力大无穷,能合力扛着走,速度也不会太快。 But what is essential, too easy noticeable. This wilderness is good, later has conducted the shoulder? 而关键的是,太容易引人注目。这荒郊野外还好,难道之后都一直扛着吗? Nochira said with a smile: Without saying gave up all car(riage)s, our altogether 20 car(riage)s, leaving behind an attire machine were good.” 诺奇拉笑道:“没有说放弃所有车啊,我们一共二十辆车,留下一辆装机器就好了。” „Isn't this is discovered by the radar?” Sophia said. “这不是还是会被雷达发现吗?”索菲亚说道。 Nochira shakes the head saying: Words of car(riage), are very not conspicuous. If you are the Illuminati person, saw that on the radar has a motorcade, with an independent automobile, which you will surround?” 诺奇拉摇头道:“一辆车的话,就很不显眼了。如果你是光明会的人,看到雷达上有一支车队,与一辆单独的汽车,你会包围哪一个?” I did not mean that this means that will not be found by Illuminati completely, but is the main force of enemy, definitely will choose to surround the big target.” “我并不是说这个办法,完全不会被光明会发现,而是敌人的主力,必然会选择包围大目标。” Our independent car(riage), may be the passer-by who rushes home, may be the village receive the police of warning telephone......” “我们单独一辆车,有可能是赶着回家的路人,有可能是乡间接到报警电话的警察……” Main force, because guessed that surrounds us is not possible, we can encounter at most is a minimum division.” “主力因为一丝猜测就包围我们是不可能的,我们能遭遇到的顶多是一个极小的分队。” Sophia suddenly, taps the head saying: „The mentality that before my, that type does not dare to be discovered completely...... actually our present strength today we are no longer as we have been, does not need to hide perfectly, only needed to avoid the enemy main force to be good!” 索菲亚恍然,拍脑袋道:“我还是以前那种完全不敢被发现的心态……其实我们现在实力今非昔比,并不需要完美躲藏,只需要避开敌人主力就好了!” Their present strengths are good, the small fish small shrimp is impossible to block them. 他们现在战力不俗,小鱼小虾根本不可能拦得住他们。 Messiah was not that is expelled the mouse of running by one group of mercenaries, more than 80 sentries, Illuminati did not send out elite, do not want to take them. 弥赛亚再也不是那个会被一群雇佣兵撵着跑的老鼠了,八十多个哨兵,光明会不出动精锐,根本别想拿下他们。 One hour passes by. 一个小时过去。 After an extremely fierce thunder and violent storm, the thunderstorm cloud was in the dissipation stage. 在一阵极其剧烈的电闪雷鸣、狂风暴雨之后,雷暴云就进入了消散阶段。 cloud body gradually collapses, some cloud Qi tear, rises to over two kilometers upper air. 云体逐渐崩溃,一部分云气从中撕裂出来,上升至两千米以上高空。 The sky is still very depressing, but is only left over the bottom some fracto cumulus clouds, seems innumerable shatter ice pieces that in the North Pole sea level float, hangs all over the sky. 天空依旧很压抑,但仅剩下底部的一些碎积云,好似北极海面上漂浮的无数破碎冰块,挂满天空。 At this time the horizon also shines the dawn, shines in the fracto cumulus clouds level, looked like the light beam to be covered with the white scale together, scrap remnant cloud Dianzhui who the pitch dark belt/bring flashed in an corner/horn, the whole looked to look like wyvern in the day. 此时天边也亮起曙光,照耀在碎积云层中,就像是一道光柱长满了白色鳞片,一团乌黑带闪的小块残云点缀在一角,整体看去就像是飞龙在天。 Brando, we discovered that the motorcade of rebel army, their southwestern North Korea went, I have deployed the surrounding network.” Bayland said. 布兰度,我们发现叛军的车队,他们朝西南方向去了,我已经部署了包围网。”白兰迪说道。 Brando arrives at him behind, looks at the radar saying: What is the point of this movement?” 布兰度走到他身后,看着雷达说道:“这个移动的点是什么?” This is an independent compact car, from the motorcade ten kilometers, should be the civilians in village.” Bayland said. “这是单独的一辆小汽车,距离车队十公里,应该是乡间的平民。”白兰迪说道。 Should? If this is the rebel army?” Brando narrows the eye to say. “应该?如果这偏偏就是叛军呢?”布兰度眯眼道。 Bayland said with a smile: I know that you are worried about anything, after all radar sounding person, but the accident is hasty, we only have three S squads, six A level squads, ten mercenary corps.” 白兰迪笑道:“我知道你在担心什么,毕竟雷达探测不到人,但事发仓促,我们就只有三支s小队,六支a级小队,十支佣兵团。” This strength, coping with the rebel army is reluctantly, may be unable to wrap up the enemy. We cannot because of a suspicion, divide forces.” “这股力量,对付叛军已是勉强,都有可能包不住敌人。我们总不能因为一点怀疑,就分兵吧。” A Brando finger pokes on the Bayland temples, drills saying: Uses your brain!” 布兰度一指头戳在白兰迪太阳穴上,钻动道:“动动你的脑子!” At least should also some people confirm is good, what to do if let escape!” “至少也应该有人去确认才行,万一放跑了怎么办!” Aiya......” Bayland holds saying: Okay good, I send red fox mercenary corps to bring death.” “哎呀呀呀……”白兰迪抱头说道:“好好好,那我就派赤狐佣兵团去送死。” Brando puts out an umbrella, said: Does not need, you to continue your deployment, this car(riage), I alone examine.” 布兰度拿出一把伞,说道:“不必了,你继续你的部署,这辆车,我一个人去查看。” Your one person?” Bayland startled say/way. “你一个人?”白兰迪惊道。 Brando puts out an umbrella, said: I alone am an army.” 布兰度拿出一把伞,说道:“我一个人就是一支军队。” Bayland curls the lip saying: Mursa died, careful black magic wand.” 白兰迪撇嘴道:“缪撒可是都死掉了啊,小心黑魔杖。” That was he stupid......” Brando said for all that but also had to dread, after all Mursa died, died well miserably. “那是他蠢……”布兰度虽然如此说,但也是心生忌惮,毕竟缪撒都死了,死得好惨。 Does not know the Mursa that strong man, how was hit...... is it possible that secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator does have the means to improve the black magic wand? 都不知道缪撒那么强的男人,到底是怎么被打中的……莫非幕后黑手有办法改进黑魔杖? Do not be negligent! The situation is not wonderful removes! When your magic wand delivers.” The Bayland reminder said. “不要大意!情况不妙就撤!等你的魔杖送到。”白兰迪提醒道。 Brando said with a smile: Knew, but may also not meet, you are also careful.” 布兰度笑道:“知道了,还不一定能遇到呢,你也小心一点。” Then, he disappears in the curtain of rain quickly. 说罢,他快步消失在雨幕中。 ...... …… Thunderstorm cloud although dissipates, but sky not sunny, has the continuous fine rain to flutter as before. 雷暴云虽然消散,但天空并没有晴朗,依旧有着绵绵的雨丝在飘荡。 Under the drizzle, the group walk in the rain, only the car(riage) leads the way. 细雨绵绵之下,一行人在雨中步行,仅有一辆车开路。 Last raincoat, you put on.” Lin Li shoulders Huang Ji to walk in the rain, in the hand dispatches a raincoat to give Alan. “最后一件雨衣,你穿吧。”林立背负着黄极在雨中行走,手上递出一件雨衣给阿兰 Alan packages the bosom his sniper's rifle, said with a smile: So many people, you prepared the raincoat, is really careful.” 阿兰将他的狙击枪包裹怀里,笑道:“这么多人,就你准备了雨衣,真细心啊。” But, I reject.” “但是,我拒绝。” Lin Li curls the lip, saw that nearby Sophia heavy rain, visits him eagerly, then asked: Visits me to do? Has the matter?” 林立撇撇嘴,见到旁边索菲亚淋着雨,眼巴巴地看着他,便问道:“看着我干嘛?有事吗?” „......” Sophia wiped the rainwater on face. “……”索菲亚抹了抹脸上的雨水。 „Don't you give her the raincoat?” Alan said with a smile lightly. “你不把雨衣给她吗?”阿兰轻笑道。 Lin Li then suddenly, gives Sophia the last raincoat hastily: Right, puts on quickly.” 林立这才恍然,连忙把最后一件雨衣递给索菲亚:“哦对对,快穿上吧。” The Sophia lip blanch, said stiffly: I do not want.” 索菲亚嘴唇发白,生硬道:“我也不要。” Lin Li said with amazement: But you were exposed.” 林立惊讶道:“但是你走光了啊。” Sophia is startled, lowers the head to see that the own clothes soak, the underwear takes in everything at a glance. 索菲亚一怔,低头看到自己的衣服湿透,内衣一览无遗。 „!” She grasps the raincoat to throw over hastily on the body. “嘁!”她连忙抓过雨衣披在身上。 The people under the direction of Nochira, walk toward the mountainous area. 众人在诺奇拉的指引下,朝着山区走去。 Walked for about two hours, has not run into an enemy completely. 走了大约两个小时,完全没有遇到一个敌人。 Very good, it seems like that the enemy discovered the motorcade, has deployed the encirclement ring, therefore our directions, the scattered enemies have not met continually.” “很好,看来敌人发现了车队,已经部署包围圈,所以我们这个方向,连零散的敌人都没遇到。” Nochira is saying, suddenly footsteps. 诺奇拉说着,突然脚步一顿。 They are walking in a Shanshulin, sees only the front tall Pine, is standing and waiting for a long time a person. 他们正行走在一片杉树林中,只见前方高大的杉树,伫立着一人。 That person is opening an umbrella, stands on the branch, is overlooking them. 那人打着伞,站在树枝上,正俯瞰着他们。 Be careful! Has the enemy!” Evil Dragon also discovered, and has shouted makes noise. “小心!有敌人!”恶龙也发现了,并已经喊出声。 Bang!” Alan opens fire decisively. “嘭!”阿兰果断开枪。 Does to that person to respond that shook before the body with the umbrella extremely rapidly, ambushing bullet keeping off. 奈何那人反应极为迅速地用伞在身前晃了一下,就把狙击子弹给挡掉了。 Then is the alloy material quality casts the umbrella, the sniper's rifle hits, only leaves behind a white seal unexpectedly. 那把伞乃是合金材质铸就,狙击枪打上去,竟然只留下一个白印子。 Found you.” Brando on tree, he shows the satisfied smile, jumps down from the tree. “找到你们啦。”树上的正是布兰度,他露出满足的笑容,从树上一跃而下。 Ha!” Evil Dragon rushes, a shield pounds. “哈!”恶龙冲上去,一盾牌砸上去。 Brando just fell to the ground, the figure passed over gently and swiftly from Evil Dragon like lightning, then does not return crashes in the crowd. 布兰度刚落地,身形如闪电般从恶龙身边掠过,便头也不回地冲进人群。 Evil Dragon looks deathly pale , the shield falls on the ground, puts out a big blood, knocks down. 恶龙脸色惨白,吧嗒一声,盾牌掉在地上,吐出一大口血,扑倒在地。 Run! He is s4!” Evil Dragon hiss exclaimed, shivers is covering the abdomen, there a fist, spleen breakage! “快跑!他是s4!”恶龙嘶吼道,颤抖着捂住腹部,那里中了一拳,脾脏破裂! He felt that the vitality drains rapidly, lies on the ground share that only then spits blood. 他感觉生命力迅速地流失,趴在地上只有吐血的份。 Nochira in great surprise, this thinks escapes with the aid of the weather is very easy, never expected that in pursuing troops, s4 super expert. 诺奇拉大惊,本以为借助天气逃跑很容易,没想到追兵之中,还有s4的超级高手。 His plan can avoid the main force, but encounters small fish small shrimp at most. 他的计划可以避开主力,而顶多遭遇‘小鱼小虾’。 Yes, right, really only has a person to come the examination. 是,没错,真的只有一个人过来查看。 However this so-called small fish small shrimp, is a person can roll to extinguish their monsters. 但是这所谓的‘小鱼小虾’,是一个人就能团灭他们的怪物。 Drinks!” Seti loudly shouts, the flying goes forward, was actually transferred an umbrella to give the racket to fly by Brando. “喝啊!”瑟提大喝一声,飞身上前,却被布兰度转了一下伞就给拍飞。 Brando under dozens sentry surrounding, a person of umbrella, meets no resistance. 布兰度在数十名哨兵包围下,一人一伞,如入无人之境。 „...... Too was too strong!” Pabloso panic-stricken say/way. “太……太强了!”巴布洛索惊恐道。 Many Messiah members, the first time are saw such strong existence. 很多弥赛亚成员,是第一次见到这么强的存在。 In continuous drizzle, but also is filling the blood fog. Brando strikes conveniently, can hit the s1 sentry student spurts blood flying upside down. 连绵细雨之中,还弥漫着血雾。布兰度随手一击,就能把s1的哨兵学员打得喷血倒飞。 His speed is fast like disregarding the air drag, when brandishes the iron umbrella, the raindrop that splashes punctures the face to be painful! 他的速度快得就像无视空气阻力一样,挥舞铁伞时,飞溅开的雨珠都刺得人脸生疼! Saw that Brando rushes ahead to oneself in front, takes an umbrella to stab to death Pabloso. 眼看着布兰度冲杀到自己面前,就要一伞戳死巴布洛索 Nearby Nochira fiercely astringent sound said: During the daytime can see the meteor shower?” 一旁的诺奇拉猛地涩声道:“白天看得到流星雨吗?” The Brando wine red eye pupil concentrates, deeply looked at Nochira, opens the umbrella fiercely. 布兰度酒红色的眼眸一凝,深深地看了眼诺奇拉,猛地把伞撑开。 Bang!” Pabloso was flown by the umbrella leaf direct racket, actually not by too heavy wound. “嘭!”巴布洛索被伞叶直接拍飞,却没受太重的伤。 This is the dark pile code, which unit is he?” In the Brando heart mused, then could not bear show mercy. “这是暗桩密语,他是哪个单位的?”布兰度心中暗想,便忍不住手下留情了。 May respond later, is not right, these people are the rebel armies . Moreover the back faction is intriguing. 可随后反应过来,不对啊,这些人是叛军,而且背后派系错综复杂。 High-quality dark pile code that at present this person says Illuminati, nothing but misleads the public, takes the opportunity to maintain life. 眼前这人说出光明会的高级暗桩密语,无非是混淆视听,借机保命。 This instead explained, behind this rebellion, there is a senior member to plan secretly! 这反而更加说明,这次叛乱背后,有高级成员在幕后谋划! Disgusting insect, you spoke this saying, damn!” Brando transfers the spearhead, suddenly charges into Nochira. “恶心的虫子,你说这话,更该死!”布兰度调转矛头,突然冲向诺奇拉 In his look, reveals is pondering taunts. 他眼神之中,流露着玩味地嘲讽。 Rebelled, but also the use once was the convenience of Illuminati person on one's own side, simply was the parasite! Revolting! 都叛乱了,还利用曾经是光明会自己人的便利,简直就是寄生虫!令人作呕! Nochira in great surprise, he said the code, properly speaking this/should turned on the water to keep his life intentionally, how instead wants to kill him? 诺奇拉大惊,他说出密语,按理来说该故意放水留他一命的,怎么会反而更想杀他了? In his heart secretly thought: So that's how it is, is the ambition faction! Really, the Hua Xu big shot this time makes a big row the x13 base, cleaned up a rebel in wave of hidden, merely is only the tip of the iceberg.” 他心中暗道:“原来如此,是野心派系!果然,华墟大佬这次大闹x13基地,清理了一波隐藏的叛徒,仅仅只是冰山一角而已啊。” At present this pursuing troops, is the silverfish in Illuminati!” “眼下这追兵,也是光明会内的蠹虫!” Nochira understood at present the Brando ingredient instantaneously. 诺奇拉瞬间明白了眼前布兰度的成分。 He turns around to tumble, does not attend to the mud rolling the full whole body, escaped side Lin Li. 他转身翻滚,不顾泥浆滚满全身,逃到了林立身旁。 Lin Li conducts the back Huang Ji, looks like in Nochira, now only then 32 levels of big shot can save the scene, when side Hua Xu, he can feel the security sense. 林立背上有黄极,在诺奇拉看来,现在只有32级的大佬可以救场了,待在华墟身边,他才能感受到安全感。 Snort......” Brando moves sideways to leap. “哼……”布兰度一个闪身就飞跃过来。 In Lin Li Sophia stared wide-eyed, frightened did not move. 林立身旁的索菲亚瞪大眼睛,惊吓的动不了。 „!” At this moment, Lin Li goes forward suddenly one step, blocks before her body. “飒!”就在这时,林立突然上前一步,拦在她身前。 I and others you for a long time.” Lin Li low and deep say/way. “我等你好久了。”林立低沉道。 The strong gale sways the Lin Li raincoat, the hat brim is dropping the water drop. 烈风吹拂着林立的雨衣,帽檐滴落着水珠。 The weather was murky, under the blocking of raincoat, Brando can only see the Lin Li half face. 天色本就昏沉,在雨衣的遮挡下,布兰度只能看到林立半张脸。 In the hand of Lin Li, is grasping a black short club. 林立的手中,握着一根黑色的短棍。 ...... ……
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