TO :: Volume #2

#159: Allowing nature to take its course

Late at night, Old Wang is driving a car(riage) of prison, thinks of the 3D printer and arc furnace, first walks one step. 深夜,老王开着一辆监狱的车,装着3d打印机和电弧炉,先走一步。 However, the Illuminati blockade effort, compared with strong that they imagine. 然而,光明会的封锁力度,远比他们想象的更强。 Not only in the name of official, in all outgoing road sections, supposes card questioning. 不光以官方名义,在所有出城路段,设卡盘查。 Even common alley, so long as can through the vehicles, have the Illuminati dark sentry post to stare. 即便是不起眼的小路,只要是能通过车辆的,都有光明会的暗哨盯着。 Old Wang makes Severn first drive from an alley to leave, shortly after Severn replied the message: I was checked by one group of gangsters. 老王赛文先开车从一条小路离开,不久后赛文就回复了短信:我被一群帮派分子查了。 You is a police vehicle, do they also dare to block you?” Old Wang asked. “你是警车,他们也敢拦你?”老王问道。 Photo blocks does not harm!” Severn said. “照拦不误!”赛文说道。 Old Wang reports quickly this situation: „It is not good, the person can go out, but brings this thing, do not want to walk.” 老王很快把这情况汇报回去:“不行啊,人可以出去,但是带着这东西,别想走啊。” Evil Dragon said in telephone: That kills, according to situation that you said that the small road section is only one group of gangsters intercepts, at best, inside has several three Level 4 and 78 levels of Illuminati members.” 恶龙在电话里说道:“那就杀出去,根据你说的情况,小路段只是一群帮派分子拦截,充其量,里面有几个三四级、七八级的光明会成员。” We focus on simply, since the alley breaks through, eliminating a potential informant that will block the way, then to the speed enter the countryside most quickly.” “干脆我们集中力量,从小路突破,将拦路的灭口,然后以最快地速度进入乡下。” Although this will alarm Illuminati to trace directly, but we, so long as moves from the alley unceasingly, they want to find us is not simple.” “虽然这样会直接惊动光明会追查,但我们只要不断地从小路移动,他们想找到我们也没那么简单。” He said, many people reconsider, then looks to Nochira. 他说完,不少人复议,便一齐看向诺奇拉 Nochira wants to ask the meaning of Huang Ji, but Huang Ji sleeps unexpectedly directly, making them decide. 诺奇拉很想问问黄极的意思,但是黄极竟然直接睡大觉,让他们自行决定。 The decision words, that leaves certainly immediately, the quicker the better. Even if kills, compared with dragging to rush to Illuminati more strengths is better. 自行决定的话,那当然就是立刻离开,越快越好。哪怕是杀出去,也比拖到光明会更多力量赶到要好。 By him the understanding Illuminati, this unmanned warehouse will be searched quickly, if they have stayed behind, cannot see tomorrow's Sun. 以他对光明会的了解,这无人仓库很快就会被搜查,他们如果一直留下,都见不到明天的太阳。 Moreover the meaning of Huang Ji, as if also walks, after all he confessed Lin Li, the words that must walk, carry him to walk directly. 而且黄极的意思,似乎也是走,毕竟他交代了林立,要走的话,直接背着他走。 Does that everyone leaves immediately.” “就这么做,所有人立刻动身。” Evil Dragon you in the forefront, I bring Hua Xu, this can bring up the rear by that group of sentries.” Nochira said. 恶龙你在最前面,我带着华墟,这样可以由那群哨兵断后。”诺奇拉说道。 Approximately about 3 : 00 am, their about 100 people, has gone through the streets the lane taking advantage of the dim light of night, shifted a stretch of sparsely inhabited region, then stole 20 car(riage)s directly, fled to the north. 大约在凌晨 3 点左右,他们将近一百来人,借着夜色穿街过巷,转移到了一片人烟稀少的地带,然后直接偷来二十辆车,向北逃离。 They have not taken the main road, selects the alley specially, converges with Old Wang quickly. 他们没有走大路,专挑小路,很快与老王汇合。 Facing more than ten gangsters of blocking the way, Evil Dragon pushes to the front, jumps down from the vehicle, a shield brandished three. 面对拦路的十几名帮派分子,恶龙一马当先,从车上跳下来,一个盾牌就抡死了三个。 Trough!” Blocking the way draws a pistol immediately. “槽!”拦路者当即拔枪。 Moreover, in nearby building, the sniper fires unexpectedly. 不仅如此,附近的楼上,竟然还有狙击手射击。 A war breaks out, is good because of Messiah already today we are no longer as we have been, sentry one after another jumps outward. 一场大战爆发,好在弥赛亚已经今非昔比,一车一车的哨兵往外跳。 Although they do not listen to the Messiah person's order, but hits, they must certainly make a move. 他们虽然不听弥赛亚人的命令,但打起来,他们肯定还是要出手的。 Several average people, there is the Blazing Sentinel opponent, was then cleaned up neatly and quickly, the opportunity of even speaking did not have. 十几个普通人,那里是炽诚哨兵的对手,三下五除二便被清理,连说话的机会都没有。 Bang!” Alan strikes accurate, plays the position of enemy sniper. “嘭!”阿兰精准一击,打中敌方狙击手的位置。 Afterward said: His position is too high, this spear/gun has not killed him.” 随后说道:“他的位置太高,这枪没打死他。” How this sniper and do you compare?” Evil Dragon asked. “这狙击手和你比起来如何?”恶龙问道。 Is worse, is the master class.” Alan said. “差一些,属于一流高手吧。”阿兰说道。 Evil Dragon clenches teeth saying: Casual alley, has the first-class sniper, this means the entire metropolis, all can the foreign general place, be deployed the sniper!” 恶龙咬牙道:“随便一条小路,都有一流狙击手,这意味着整个大都会,所有可以对外通行的地方,都被部署了狙击手!” Although Illuminati cannot block the entire city, but posts a reward some gangsters to be responsible for the alley, makes the police defend the main road again. Is based on this, deployed over several hundred snipers, each sniper, can control a big range. 光明会虽然不能把整座城市封锁,但悬赏一些帮派分子负责小路,再让警察守住大路。以此为基础,又部署了超过几百个狙击手,每一个狙击手,都可以掌控一大片范围。 Gathers the observation scopes of these snipers, Illuminati was equivalent in New York drew a circle. 把这些狙击手的观察范围合起来,光明会相当于在纽约画了一个圈。 So, the violence flees, blocking the way will eliminate a potential informant this way, did not have the significance. 如此,暴力逃离,将拦路者灭口这种方式,就没有意义了。 Even if strikes to kill these people of ground instantaneously, making them disclose secret information without enough time, but the sniper did not have the means in secret, before opposite party expose, the situation, the report had perhaps given the Illuminati higher level fight squad. 就算把地上的这些人瞬间击杀,让他们来不及通风报信,可暗中狙击手就没办法了,早在对方暴·露之前,恐怕就已经将情况,汇报给了光明会更高级的战斗小队。 Walks quickly walks quickly! A level and even S level fight squad, quick!” Evil Dragon is shouting boarding immediately. “快走快走!a级乃至s级的战斗小队,很快就会到!”恶龙立刻大喊着上车。 The people board rapidly, prepare to set out toward the countryside, plan to select the habitation rare direction to run specially. 众人迅速上车,准备朝乡下进发,打算专挑人烟罕见的方向跑。 The US is not London, dreading of Illuminati little, runs toward person many places, Illuminati dares to come a war with them in the same old way. 米国可不是伦敦,光明会的忌惮会少很多,往人多的地方跑,光明会照样敢跟他们来一场大战。 Bob, you drive this car(riage)!” Nochira is pointing at the team final that car(riage). “鲍勃,你开这辆车!”诺奇拉指着队伍最后的那辆车。 Bob nods, immediately runs, finally discovers Lin Li and Hua Xu also. 鲍勃点头,立刻跑过去,结果发现林立华墟也在。 But on the copilot, Sophia is launching the map, keeps inquiring anything. 而在副驾驶上,索菲亚正展开着地图,不停地查询着什么。 Emperor......” Bob boards calmly. 帝王……”鲍勃不动声色地上车。 Nochira and Bob brushed past, said: Bob, this gives you to defend self, if behind has the pursuing troops, you explode them!” 诺奇拉与鲍勃擦肩而过,说道:“鲍勃,这个给你防身,后面若有追兵,你就炸他们!” Then, the stopper an grenade to Bob hand, then patted Bob's coat, on another car(riage). 说罢,塞了一颗手雷到鲍勃手中,然后拍了拍鲍勃的外套,上了另一辆车。 Bob eyes one bright, secretly thought: This is must seize the chance to make Hua Xu!” 鲍勃眼睛一亮,暗道:“这是要趁机做掉华墟啊!” He said: I understand, I know how should do.” 他说道:“我懂,我知道该怎么做。” If behind has the pursuing troops, killed them! 后面若有追兵,就炸死‘他们’! Nochira suggested that was so obvious, how can he? 诺奇拉暗示这么明显了,他怎会不懂呢? Bob loads into the pocket the grenade, on the Sophia car(riage), started rapidly follows the motorcade. 鲍勃将手雷装进口袋,上了索菲亚的车,迅速发动跟上车队。 Sees only Nochira to go with him abreast in row, frequently two car(riage)s depend is very near! But nearby copilot place is spatial. 只见诺奇拉与他并排行驶,经常两车靠的很近!而旁边的副驾驶座是空的。 Bob understands clearly immediately, understands the meaning of Nochira. 鲍勃顿时了然,明白诺奇拉的意思。 Got it, that spatial seat prepared to me, the pursuing troops arrived, I opened the grenade to hide ahead of time, then pretends that the car(riage) went bad, jumped to the Nochira vehicle on directly.” “明白了,那空座位是给我准备的,追兵一到,我提前拉开手雷藏好,然后假装车坏了,直接跳到诺奇拉的车上。” They, if were deceived by me also jumped off, then must die without doubt, even if Sophia received the steering wheel, in a hurry, the speed will still fall rear.” “他们若被我骗了也跳车,则必死无疑,就算索菲亚接过方向盘,仓促之间,速度也会落到最后面。” Was killed by the pursuing troops, was killed by me, everyone thinks that is the pursuing troops hits to explode.” “无论是被追兵杀死,还是被我炸死,大家都会认为是追兵打爆的。” He looked at copilot wholly-absorbed map Sophia, the heart said: This woman after I jumps off, definitely flurriedly. Nochira arranges her in the copilot place, forcing Lin Li to sit in the back seat, is really good to plan! 他看了眼副驾驶专心查地图的索菲亚,心说:这个女人在我跳车后,肯定慌乱不已。诺奇拉把她安排在副驾驶座上,逼迫林立坐在后座,真是好算计! Bob knows, Lin Li is an extremely expert. 鲍勃知道,林立是个绝顶高手。 The marksmanship wrestle is all skilled, wants to drive is also very fierce. 枪法格斗皆是精通,想来驾驶也很厉害。 If Lin Li in the copilot place, oneself jumps off when the time comes, he must be able to receive no matter what greatly, even discovered oneself throw the grenade, when the time comes this car(riage) person likely could not die. 若是林立在副驾驶座,到时候自己跳车,他必能接过大任,甚至发现自己扔手雷,到时候这车人很可能死不掉了。 This moment Sophia sits in the copilot, but Lin Li sits in behind, Hua Xu, although is fierce, but is actually sleeping. 此刻索菲亚坐在副驾驶,而林立坐在后面,还有一个华墟虽然厉害,可却在睡大觉。 Best time! 正是绝好的时机! Bob is driving, through the rear view mirror, looks to the back seat. 鲍勃开着车,通过后视镜,看向后座。 The Lin Li old god, Hua Xu is closing one's eyes to sleep. 林立老神在在,华墟闭眼睡觉。 Does not have to think, does not doubt, the whole body relaxes! 根本一无所觉,毫不怀疑,浑身放松! Bob sneers secretly: Sudden, even the peerless expert, you still rescues does not bring a game to a conclusion.” 鲍勃暗自冷笑:“事发突然,就算是绝世高手,你也救不了局。” He did not worry, the motorcade will be caught up with by the pursuing troops finally. 他并不担心,车队最后会被追兵追上。 Because he knows, Nochira is the Illuminati person, but oneself are the Nochira person. 因为他知道,诺奇拉光明会的人,而自己是诺奇拉的人。 With Nochira on the same vehicle, Bob is very relieved, does not fear Illuminati. 诺奇拉在同一辆车上,鲍勃很安心,根本不怕光明会 To come Nochira to contact with Illuminati, when the time comes will turn on the water, asking them to leave. 想来诺奇拉早已跟光明会联络过了,到时候会放水,让他们走的。 Everyone possibly dies, but Nochira, will not die with the Nochira person. 谁都可能死,但是诺奇拉,和诺奇拉的人不会死。 This matter has had one time , after is that time, Bob decides to hold the thigh of Nochira. 这种事已经发生过一次了,也就是那次之后,鲍勃决定抱上诺奇拉的大腿。 Well?” “咦?” After several minutes, Bob hand one tight, sees rear has two helicopters. 几分钟后,鲍勃手一紧,看到后方有两架直升飞机。 From is very far, but this speed, quick will catch up. 距离还很远,但这个速度,很快就会追上。 Bob exclaimed: Pursuing troops came!” 鲍勃吼道:“追兵来了!” Sure enough, Nochira the car(riage) one, approaches oneself slightly. 果不其然,诺奇拉将车微微一偏,凑近自己。 Immediately two car(riage)s go abreast in row, and distance is extremely near. 顿时两车并排行驶,且距离极近。 Quickly! Opens a bit faster! Full speed advance!” Nochira shouts greatly. “快!开快点!全速前进!”诺奇拉大喊道。 Bob extends a hand, opens the grenade, then forces under the seat. 鲍勃伸出一只手,拉开手雷,然后塞进座位底下。 Afterward opens the vehicle door to shout directly: This broken car(riage) shattered!” 随后直接打开车门喊道:“这破车坏掉了!” Saying, has been jumping to leap, plunges the Nochira right vehicle door. 说着,已经纵身一跃,扑向诺奇拉的右车门。 How to expect, his throws at the same time, Nochira sudden acceleration, and toward a left side swayed, spreads out instantaneously. 怎料,他这一扑的同时,诺奇拉突然一个加速,并且往左侧一摆,瞬间拉开一个距离。 What!” Bob in great surprise, he has not caught the vehicle door. “什么!”鲍勃大惊,他没抓到车门。 Tittered!” He falls down directly, was driven to roll dozens by the powerful inertia continually, falls covered with blood. “噗嗤!”他直接摔倒在地,被强大的惯性带动得连滚数十圈,摔得血肉模糊。 Sophia on vehicle was silly ? How did he jump off? 车上的索菲亚都傻了,啊?他怎么跳车了? Drives quickly! Sophia!” Nochira exclaimed. “快开车!索菲亚!”诺奇拉吼道。 Sophia cross sits to Lord driving immediately, steps the accelerator, dependable steering wheel. 索菲亚立刻跨坐到主驾驶,踩住油门,把稳方向盘。 Bob too despised Sophia, thinks that her doctor, the driving skills was definitely not much. 鲍勃太轻视索菲亚了,认为她一个女博士,车技肯定不怎么样。 In fact, Sophia driving skills first-class , the conduct is capable. This critical time, she, although will not deal is very good, but will not be panic. 事实上,索菲亚的车技一流,又行事干练。这危急时刻,她虽然不会应对地特别好,但也不会惊慌失措。 Bob looks at the motorcade to swagger away, but oneself whole body severe pain lies on the ground, the sound of back propeller is getting more and more near. 鲍勃看着车队扬长而去,而自己浑身剧痛地趴在地上,背后螺旋桨的声音越来越近。 Immediately, the whole person compelled ignorant. 顿时,整个人都懵逼了。 Emperor! I have not boarded!” Bob bellows, flash scared with is incredible, making his head be about to explode. 帝王!我还没上车呢!”鲍勃大吼,一瞬间的恐慌与不可置信,让他的脑袋都快炸了。 However, two car(riage)s already open far . Moreover the grenade that...... discard, has not exploded! 但是,两辆车已经开远了,而且……自己扔掉的手雷,没有炸! This, Bob all understood. 这一下,鲍勃全都明白了。 The grenade is Nochira gives, at this moment has not exploded, can only explain oneself are the Nochira elimination goal. 手雷是诺奇拉给的,此刻没有炸,只能说明自己才是诺奇拉的清除目标。 Why! Hua Xu grasps a sentry is not right, is so big to his threat. This time simply is the excellent opportunity, why can he instead remove me?” “为什么!华墟都掌握一支哨兵不对了,对他的威胁那么大。这次简直是大好的机会,为什么他反而要除掉我?” Bob is puzzling, but at this moment does not think these times. 鲍勃百思不得其解,而此刻也不是想这些的时候。 He crawls, then looks at to approaching the helicopter, waves to shout immediately: Do not open fire! I am also Illuminati!” 他爬起来,回头看向靠近的直升机,立刻挥手大喊:“不要开枪!我也是光明会的!” Without Nochira, Bob anything is not, he can only shout at this moment crazily oneself are Illuminati, places hopes is killed. 没有诺奇拉,鲍勃什么都不是,他此刻只能疯狂地喊自己是光明会,寄希望于不被杀死。 Hateful, they do not know my......” “可恶,他们不认识我的……” Bob waves to shout loudly desperately, shouts rendingly, but at heart, does not hold the hope. 鲍勃绝望地挥手高喊,喊得撕心裂肺,但是心里,却并不抱有希望。 But, not as he expected, both helicopter muzzles are pointing at him, actually gave up suddenly, crosses from his top of the head. 可是,出乎他的意料,两架直升飞机枪口都指着他了,却突然放弃了,从他的头顶越过。 „?” Bob great happiness, realized later, this is Illuminati must grasp lives! “诶?”鲍勃大喜,随后意识到,这是光明会要抓活的! Was, he is impossible to run fell, fell from the vehicle, falls covered with blood. 是了,他已经不可能跑得掉了,从车上掉下来,摔得血肉模糊。 Depending on two legs, but, runs with lamely? 光凭两条腿,还一瘸一拐地,拿头跑? Saw that he does not have the weapon, but also lifts up high the appearance that both hands must surrender, Illuminati wants certainly to capture him. 眼看他没有武器,还高举双手要投降的样子,光明会当然想俘虏他。 Now although only sees the helicopter, but wants to come to have the Illuminati vehicles to follow a while. 现在虽然只看到直升飞机,但想来等会儿就有光明会的车辆跟上。 Good! Good!” When Bob pleasant surprise, suddenly the ear hears the drop. “太好了!太好了!”鲍勃惊喜之余,突然耳边听到滴得一声。 What?” “什么?” He lowers the head, from his coat, fishes out native manufacture viscoelastic. 他低下头,从他的外套内侧,摸出一颗土制的黏弹。 This makes him think, Nochira gives his grenade at the same time, was attracted while his attention, patted several on his coat. 这让他想到,诺奇拉递给他手雷的同时,趁着他注意力被吸引,在他的外套上拍了几下。 I do your entire family! Nochira!” “我干你全家!诺奇拉!” Bang!” Bob explodes instantaneously. “轰!”鲍勃瞬间爆炸。 Nochira drives, while returns the pocket the remote control. 诺奇拉一边开车,一边将遥控器放回口袋。 Sophia shouts on another vehicle: „It is not right! The car(riage) has not gone bad!” 索菲亚在另一辆车上喊道:“不对劲!车没有坏啊!” Moreover Bob was waving to the helicopter a moment ago probably, why doesn't Illuminati kill him?” “而且鲍勃刚才好像在向直升机挥手,光明会为什么不杀他?” Her position, can see to wave before, but could not have seen Bob to explode now. 她这个位置,之前能看到挥手,但现在已经看不到鲍勃爆炸了。 Nochira knits the brows to shout: „Before he jumps off, what made?” 诺奇拉皱眉喊道:“他跳车前做了什么?” I have not paid attention to......” Sophia saying that lowers the head to look. “我没注意啊……”索菲亚说着,低头望了望。 She has not seen exceptionally, but actually smelled the niter smoke. 她并没有看到异常,但是却嗅到了硝烟味。 Puts out a hand to touch, fished out the grenade under the seat. 伸手一摸,在座位底下摸出了手雷。 Has...... has the grenade! The insurance had been opened!” Sophia in great surprise, throws out of the window the grenade immediately. “有……有手雷!保险已经被开了!”索菲亚大惊,立刻将手雷扔出窗外。 This is dud, we have good luck ever after fortunately!” Nochira startled say/way. “这是哑弹,还好我们命大!”诺奇拉惊道。 Sophia does not understand saying: Why! Bob's lover dies in the Illuminati hand, why does he also want to betray us?” 索菲亚不理解道:“为什么啊!鲍勃的爱人死在光明会手中,他为什么还要背叛我们?” Nochira said: „Isn't La Cour same?” 诺奇拉说道:“拉库尔不也一样吗?” Mentioned La Cour, the Sophia corners of the mouth were bitter and astringent, they have not thought initially completely La Cour was spy. 提到拉库尔,索菲亚嘴角苦涩,他们当初也是完全没想到拉库尔内鬼 Now does not think these times, Alan! Can the helicopter hit to obtain?” Nochira puts out to saying said. “现在不是想这些的时候,阿兰!直升飞机能不能打得到?”诺奇拉拿出对讲器说道。 Again about one point......” Alan has been looking, although Alan vibrates in the animal-drawn cart unceasingly, however his body is very steady. “再近一点……”阿兰早就在瞄着了,虽然阿兰所在地车不断抖动,但是他的身体很稳。 Both hands with the rhythm that the automobile vibrates, fluctuate. 双手正在随着汽车抖动的韵律,起起伏伏。 Bang!” “嘭!” A round of accurate attack, from they also one kilometer helicopterist, dies a violent death at the scene. 一发精准打击,距离他们还有一千米的直升飞机驾驶员,当场暴毙。 Another airplane, pulls immediately, even returns the deceleration, does not dare to depend is too near, is only staring at them from afar. 另一架飞机,顿时拉高,甚至还减速,不太敢靠的太近,只远远地盯着他们。 From is too far, another did not hit.” Alan said. “距离太远,另一个打不中了。”阿兰说道。 Evil Dragon exclaimed in channel: We have been staring by this airplane, can never throw off the pursuing troops.” 恶龙在频道里吼道:“我们被这架飞机一直盯着,永远甩不掉追兵的。” Moreover must replace the direction unceasingly, otherwise Illuminati can adjust the person from other places, deploys the interception in our front!” “而且还必须不断地更换方向,否则光明会能从其他地方调人,在我们的前面部署拦截!” Nochira is silent, in fact, he has means. 诺奇拉沉默,事实上,他有一个办法。 That is the division, leaves behind some people to work as the cannon fodder. 那就是分队,留下一些人当炮灰。 The helicopter only remains one, is impossible to pursue two directions. 直升飞机只剩一架,不可能追击两个方向。 So long as threw away this airplane, they want to hide to be simpler again. 只要甩脱了这一架飞机,他们再想藏匿起来就简单多了。 Before trading does, he will not raise, looks forward to everyone to lose seriously. 换做以前,他不会提的,巴不得大家损失惨重。 But the strategy is now different, the team that the big shot draws, he must preserve as far as possible is good. 但现在战略不同了,大佬拉出来的这支队伍,他得尽可能地保住才行。 Why does the big shot want this sleeping? Allow nature to take its course? Is impossible, crucial can such time, without him supplies ideas, how get rid of Illuminati?” “为何大佬偏偏要这个睡觉?顺其自然吗?不可能,这么关键的时刻,没有他出谋划策,怎么能摆脱光明会?” Is it possible that is testing my ability?” “莫非是在考验我的能力?” The Nochira thinking moment, must say works as the cannon fodder, at this time without doubt should make Evil Dragon and other original Messiah personnel die. 诺奇拉思索片刻,要说当炮灰,这时候无疑该让恶龙等原有的弥赛亚人员去死。 So, entire Messiah, controlled thoroughly in him and Hua Xu hand. 如此,整个弥赛亚,就彻底掌控在他和华墟手中了。 Nochira said: Evil Dragon...... needs some people to remain to bring up the rear, catches the opportunity to everyone.” 诺奇拉说道:“恶龙……需要有人留下来断后,给大家争取机会。” Moreover the person cannot be few, at least 45 car(riage)s are good.” “而且人不能少,起码得四五辆车才行。” These sentries, pull strings...... only to be our these old people motionless, escapes with them separatedly.” “那些哨兵,指使不动……只能是我们这些老人,与他们分开逃跑。” Evil Dragon stares, understood the meaning of Nochira. 恶龙一愣,明白了诺奇拉的意思。 Didn't have other means?” Evil Dragon knits the brows, as the matter stands, in two teams, would one team with the Illuminati miserable war. “没有别的办法了吗?”恶龙皱眉,这样一来,两队之中,总会有一队与光明会惨战。 Nochira said: This airplane is staring at us, not division, dies together.” 诺奇拉说道:“这架飞机盯着我们,不分队,就是一起死。” Now the airplane draws that high, Alan cannot project on, what to do can?” “现在飞机拉得那么高,阿兰也打不到,能怎么办?” Bang!” At this moment, the distant place transmits thunderous. “轰隆!”就在这时,远方传来一声雷鸣。 Nochira is stunned, the leaning head looks at toward right outside the side scuttle, sees only distant dense dark clouds, was blown by the strong winds. 诺奇拉错愕,偏头看向右侧窗外,只见远方黑压压一片乌云,被狂风吹来。 „?” “诶诶?” Evil Dragon is also astonished, immediately great happiness: Clouded over! The east side had the storm to come toward here! Good! We can flee with the aid of the weather shield!” 恶龙也惊愕一声,随即大喜道:“变天了!东边有暴风雨朝这边过来了!太好了!我们可以借助天气掩护逃离!” This......” Nochira is speechless, naturally, he is not depressed cannot seize the chance to clean up Evil Dragon. “这……”诺奇拉无语,当然,他并不是郁闷不能趁机清理恶龙 Actually cleans up Evil Dragon, he does not matter. 其实清不清理恶龙,他无所谓。 What Nochira is depressed, the one who changes the situation to save everyone is the weather! Has not related with him. 诺奇拉郁闷的是,改变局势挽救大家的是天气!跟他没有关系了。 If this is the big shot pretends to be sleeping intentionally, must test his ability, even if everyone escapes finally, cannot manifest his value. 如果这是大佬故意装睡,要考验他的能力,那就算最后大家逃掉,也体现不出他的价值来。 The storm is sudden, their group of people, so long as is not the fool, knows how should run! 暴风雨突如其来,他们这群人,只要不是傻子,都知道该怎么跑了! Thunder, gloomy, first that helicopter does not dare to fly is too high, subsequently or with losing, either was killed by the Alan long-distance range. 电闪雷鸣,天昏地暗之下,首先那架直升飞机就不敢飞太高,继而要么跟丢,要么被阿兰远距离狙杀。 Did not have the in the air direction, the pursuing troops of ground, without doubt the difficulty increases! 没了空中指引,地上的追兵,无疑难度加大! Moreover the rainstorm can clean the wheel rut trace and so on, this regarding the pursuit side, is extremely disadvantageous. 而且暴雨会清洗车辙痕迹之类的,这对于追击方,是极为不利的。 May too be advantageous regarding the escaping side, they do not have the destination in any case, runs casually. 可对于逃跑方就太有利了,反正他们没有目的地,随便跑。 Then, runs upon fortunately the small enemy force of interception at most, but this meeting engagement, the sentry in the hand, do not fear now on the dozens th! 如此一来,就顶多撞上凑巧拦截的小股敌人,而这种遭遇战,他们现在几十号哨兵在手,根本不怕! Messiah that they cannot only run, direct ate the small enemy force who encounters hardly and that's the end! 他们早已不是只能跑的弥赛亚了,直接硬吃掉遭遇的小股敌人就是了! The storm coverage scope is very big, so long as continues for several hours, makes them throw away sufficiently Illuminati, making the enemy not know where they escape to go. 暴风雨覆盖范围很大,只要持续几个小时,足以让他们甩脱光明会,让敌人不知道他们逃去哪里。 Nochira shot a look at a Sophia car(riage), saw that Huang Ji still sleeps in the back seat tranquilly, sighed. 诺奇拉瞥了一眼索菲亚的车,看到黄极还在后座恬静地睡觉,不禁叹气。 Thundered, such big sound , can fall asleep? Really is the attire after...... hears the thunderclap, he knows that I can certainly lead everyone to leave, did not need to wake up.” “都打雷了,这么大的动静,也能睡得着?果然是装的啊……听到雷声后,他知道我一定可以带大家离开,就更不用醒来了。” Nochira calms down, takes up the intercom saying: Destiny in us, Evil Dragon!” 诺奇拉定了定神,拿起对讲机说道:“天命在我们啊,恶龙!” Did not use the division, everyone listened to me to direct, went forward in the direction of storm!” “不用分队了,所有人听我指挥,朝着暴风雨的方向前进!” I ensure everyone can live, if encounters the enemy, Evil Dragon, gave you.” “我保证大家都能活下来,如果遭遇敌人,恶龙,就交给你了。” Evil Dragon said with a smile: Does not have the issue!” 恶龙笑道:“没问题!” Lin Li looks to out of the window, has not thought that really has the storm. 林立看向窗外,没想到真的有暴风雨。 Saw only him to put out has prepared the good raincoat, threw over on Huang Ji, later oneself also put on one set. 只见他拿出早就准备好的雨衣,披在黄极身上,随后自己也穿了一套。 This is Huang Ji exhorts his, if rains, does that. 这是黄极嘱咐他的,如果下雨,就这么做。 The reason is the person in sleeping, the resistivity drops, if heavy rain, the strong person will also fall ill. 理由是人在睡觉的时候,抵抗力下降,如果淋了雨,再强壮的人也会生病。 ...... ……
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