TO :: Volume #2

#158: Cannot go bad the important matter!

In a Brooklyn renting warehouse, a big ticket wounded person, by the Huang Ji urgent treatment. 布鲁克林区一间租用的仓库内,一大票伤员,正在被黄极紧急救治。 Sophia and the others, then goes forward to help, processes some minor wound students. 索菲亚等人,则上前帮忙,处理一些轻伤学员。 Was busy at work for two hours, the Huang Ji physical strength bordered on the limit, sat cross-legged rests on the sofa. 忙活了两个小时,黄极体力濒临极限,盘坐在沙发上休息。 He was too tired, although he can depend upon the information shield, realizes to squeeze the last physical strength, but the limit is the limit, the movement does not get down possibly intemperately. 他太累了,尽管他可以依靠信息屏蔽,来实现压榨自身最后一丝体力,但极限就是极限,不可能无节制地运动下去。 9 : 00 pm, Nochira and Evil Dragon and Alan determination threw away all pursuing troops, catches up to come to here to converge. 晚上 9 点,诺奇拉恶龙阿兰确定甩脱了所有追兵,赶来这里汇合。 Huang Ji looked at Nochira, watched the weather of out of the window, has the east wind sunny dry and clear. 黄极看了看诺奇拉,又看了看窗外的天色,晴朗干爽有东风。 He nods, confessed to Lin Li, then fell asleep directly. 他点点头,对林立交代了一番,便直接睡着了。 So many people, our goals were too big, believes me, although we have done enough vaguely, Illuminati can also find us sooner or later.” “这么多人,我们的目标太大了,相信我,尽管我们已经做得足够隐晦,光明会也迟早能找到我们。” We must decide to receive immediately round trip.” Nochira said. “我们必须立刻决定接下来去哪。”诺奇拉说道。 Everyone is discussing, Evil Dragon wants to call to discuss Huang Ji together. 大家商议着,恶龙想把黄极叫来一块商量。 Now Huang Ji in everyone mind, the speech weight/quantity is getting more and more weighty. 现在黄极在大家心目中,说话分量越来越重。 Produces the machine and unusual strength, suddenly they had, but these are Huang Ji bring. 生产机器、超凡战力,一时间他们拥有了很多,而这些都是黄极带来的。 The placement issues of so many people are an important matter, then what course to follow, they want to listen to the opinion of Huang Ji. 这么多人的安置问题是件大事,接下来何去何从,他们想听听黄极的意见。 However Lin Li blocked Evil Dragon, said: Big brother is resting, do not disturb him.” 然而林立拦住了恶龙,说道:“大哥在休息,不要打扰他。” But we must leave New York as soon as possible.” Evil Dragon said. “可是我们必须尽快离开纽约啊。”恶龙说道。 Lin Li tranquil say/way: Big brother said that you can decide, does not need to strive for his opinion.” 林立平静道:“大哥说了,你们可以自行决定,不用争取他的意见。” If must evacuate, I can walk at the back of him.” “如果要撤离,我可以背着他走。” Evil Dragon looked to close eyes to sit cross-legged, moves also motionless Huang Ji, must get out of the way. 恶龙看了看闭目盘坐,动也不动的黄极,只得走开。 He returns to the crowd, discovered that Nochira were confronting with Seti and the others. 他回到人群中,发现诺奇拉正在和瑟提等人对峙。 The students physical strength does not have the issue, is mainly injured seriously, is wrapping up the bandage very much at this moment, some people can also jump full of vigor everywhere to stumble. 学员们体力是没有问题的,主要是受伤很严重,此刻包扎着绷带,有些人还能精神饱满地四处蹦跶。 Thereupon, Nochira wants to call Seti and the others, comes together the discussion next action. 于是乎,诺奇拉想叫上瑟提等人,也来一起商讨下一步行动。 How to expect Seti to say at a loss: „Who are you?” 怎料瑟提茫然道:“你们是什么人?” The Messiah people gawked, Pabloso said: We are Messiah.” 弥赛亚众人愣了,巴布洛索说道:“我们是弥赛亚。” Seti said suddenly: Oh oh oh, has heard!” 瑟提恍然道:“噢噢噢,听说过!” Hello, we are the rebel armies! I called Seti.” “你好,我们是叛军!我叫瑟提。” After he introduced oneself, depends on the wall, no sound, regarding anything discussed together the following action, absolutely has no interest. 他自我介绍了一番后,就靠着墙,没什么动静了,对于什么一起商讨接下来的行动,完全没兴趣。 You discussed your, did not need to shout me, I and other teachers woke up.” “你们商量你们的,不用喊我,我等教官醒来。” Seti is a very straightforward person, he has not treated as himself Messiah from the start. 瑟提是很直白的一个人,他压根也没把自己当做弥赛亚 They are the rebel armies, purely compelled rebelling, advocates, idea anything, completely no! 他们是叛军啊,纯粹是被逼的反叛的,主张、理念什么的,完全没有! Why Seti does not even know, now and Messiah person stands. 瑟提甚至都不知道为什么,现在和弥赛亚的人站在一起。 Ok, no matter, they only listen to the teacher, as well as obeys the innermost feelings happy wicked. 算了,无所谓,他们只听教官的,以及听从自己内心的喜恶。 The life or death of human, dignity of resistance, how regardless of must step into the dream of stars sea, closes their trifling thing. 人类的存亡,反抗的尊严,无论如何也要踏入星辰大海的梦想,关他们屁事。 If they some so many complex thoughts, which will also comply in Illuminati honestly? 他们若有那么多复杂的心思,哪还会老实遵从于光明会 This...... good.” Nochira shows a faint smile, leading the Messiah people to sit one side. “这……好吧。”诺奇拉微微一笑,带着弥赛亚众人坐到一旁。 The Messiah people understand, these sentry rebel armies, will only be controlled by Huang Ji, they do not rebel and flee because of the idea. 弥赛亚众人明白,这些哨兵叛军,只会被黄极所支配,他们并不是因理念而叛逃的。 The people are helpless, now looks like, having Huang Ji can command them. 众人无奈,现在看来,只有黄极能统帅他们。 This group of people, seeming like the iron are gruff, originally blazing sentry, is this meaning.” “这群人,看起来像铁憨憨啊,原来‘炽诚’哨兵,是这个意思。” Has joined Messiah obviously in fact, but also thinks oneself are the independent rebel army.” “明明已经实质上加入弥赛亚了,还以为自己是独立的叛军呢。” That present what to do? Is our goal too big, what covert method has to leave New York?” “那现在怎么办?我们目标太大,有什么隐蔽的方法能离开纽约?” Old Wang and Pabloso, you two are familiar with the US, what good way has?” 老王巴布洛索,你们两个熟悉米国,有什么好办法?” They discussed, discussed. 他们商量来,商量去。 Finally Old Wang showed an idea: „If only the person, wants to walk is very simple, the transportation of US extends in all directions, the casual large-scale faction, grasps the outgoing channel that official is not knowing, the enemy is almost impossible to set up the card to intercept all alleys.” 最后老王拿出了一个主意:“如果只是人的话,想走还是很简单的,米国的交通四通八达,随便一个大型帮派,都掌握着官方不知道的出城渠道,敌人几乎不可能设卡拦截所有小路。” Actually is most essential, is a machine. These two machines that Lane Hua Xu comes out, the non- vehicle has no way to transport, but the vehicles too will be been big by the possibility of Illuminati investigation.” “其实最关键的,是机器。华墟出来的这两台机器,不用车是没法运的,而车辆会被光明会排查的可能性就太大了。” Only if, we use the police vehicle.” “除非,我们用警车。” Nochira pats the plank road: Good, Old Wang, this matter gave you, you made a police vehicle, we first delivered to go out of town the machine. Others break up the whole into parts again, leaves from the alley in turn.” 诺奇拉拍板道:“那好,老王,这件事交给你了,你弄一辆警车,我们先把机器送出城。其他人再化整为零,分批从小路离开。” How much money do you need? Old Wang.” “你需要多少钱?老王。” Old Wang shakes the head saying: Do not spend money, this will be checked. We will never be richer than Illuminati.” 老王摇头道:“不要用钱,这样会被查到。我们永远不会比光明会更有钱。” I will steal a car(riage) of prison, Severn, you go with me.” “我会去偷一辆监狱的车,赛文,你跟我去吧。” Special troop Severn, looked at Evil Dragon, Evil Dragon nods, immediately Old Wang and Severn made the car(riage). 特种兵赛文,看了眼恶龙,恶龙点头,当即老王赛文去弄车了。 Nochira claps saying: „Others rest, Illuminati could not find us for a short time.” 诺奇拉拍手道:“其他人就休息吧,光明会一时半会还找不到我们。” And other machines go out of town safely, we leave, Lin Li, you are responsible for carrying Hua Xu when the time comes.” “等机器安然出城,我们就离开,林立,到时候你负责背着华墟。” Lin Li gave the ok hand signal , indicating to understand. 林立比了个ok的手势,表示明白。 Trough......” the middle-aged Caucasian in Messiah, the eye hides jumps, is startled terrified. “槽……”弥赛亚中的一名中年白人,眼皮子一跳,悚然一惊。 He looks anxiously to Nochira, however Nochira made everyone disperse. 他焦急地看向诺奇拉,然而诺奇拉却让大家散了。 While Nochira independent one person, the middle-aged Caucasian collects saying: Emperor, the situation is not right.” 趁着诺奇拉单独一人,中年白人凑上去说道:“帝王,情况不对啊。” Nochira looked at this person, said: „Isn't Bob, what having right?” 诺奇拉看了一眼此人,说道:“鲍勃,有什么不对?” Bob, is in Messiah, the heart in Illuminati. 鲍勃这人,身在弥赛亚,心在光明会 Nochira saw this point initially, and won over him, just like La Cour, turned into spy it. 诺奇拉当初看出这一点,并拉拢了他,跟拉库尔一样,将其变成了内鬼 But what is different from La Cour, Bob has not joined Illuminati, does not have including 1 level. 但和拉库尔不同的是,鲍勃并没有加入光明会,连一级都没有。 The will is not it may be said that firm, has not joined the Illuminati channel, is the Nochira lackey purely. 可谓意志不坚定,又没有加入光明会的渠道,纯粹属于诺奇拉的狗腿子。 Bob said: New Hua Xu, the power was getting bigger and bigger.” 鲍勃说道:“新来的华墟,权力越来越大了。” That Alan and Lin Li, they follow Hua Xu to join. Old Wang recommends the person, often praised fierce of Hua Xu with us.” “那个阿兰林立,他们都是跟着华墟加入的。老王是引荐人,经常跟我们夸赞华墟的厉害。” Now 82 sentries rebel and flee, only listens his.” “现在八十二个哨兵叛逃,更是只听他一个人的。” Messiah altogether how many people? He is an rookie, in fact, has actually dominated in you.” 弥赛亚总共才多少人?他不过是个新人,却已经实际上,凌驾于您了啊。” Nochira shot a look at Bob, criticizes: The silly fork, you do not understand. 诺奇拉瞥了眼鲍勃,暗骂:傻叉,你懂个屁。 Nonsense! He has not known that Huang Ji has been in power actually? This was right! 废话!他还不知道黄极已经实际掌权?这就对了啊! Is this rookie? This is 32 levels of big shot. Really thinks that Messiah can such dog shit transporting, pick so ox cross/crotch the rookie? Thinks that the fart eats! 这是新人吗?这是32级大佬。真以为弥赛亚能这么狗屎运,捡到如此牛叉的新人?想屁吃呢! But perhaps others Nirvana, lived over 100 years old, flamboyant is not anything! 人家可是涅槃者,说不定活了一百多岁,多牛逼都不算什么! 32 levels of big shot are out personally, in a short time maps out strategic plans in an army tent, direct one grasps Messiah, his nominal leader withstand/top in the front, it may be said that employs two methods to achieve one goal, controls Messiah firmly. 32级大佬亲自下场,短时间内运筹帷幄,把弥赛亚直接一把抓,他这个名义领袖顶在前排,可谓双管齐下,将弥赛亚牢牢掌控。 Fully tallies expected! This does. 完全符合预期!就该这么干啊。 Now the big shot builds the sharp sword of organization Messiah, everyone unites as one , when the spear/gun causes not to know.” “现在大佬把弥赛亚打造成组织的利剑,所有人团结一致,被当枪使还不自知。” This compared to me to make into strategy in a state of disunity Messiah initially, does not know where wise.” “这比起我当初把弥赛亚弄成一盘散沙的策略,不知道高明到哪里去了。” Nochira is thinking at heart, the surface actually maintains composure. 诺奇拉心里想着,表面却不动声色。 The Fire Resurrection plan, is top-secret, Illuminati many high levels do not know, naturally cannot tell at present this 1 level is not none person. 浴火重生计划,乃是绝密,连光明会很多高层都不知道,自然更不能告诉眼前这个连一级都不是的‘精光人士’了。 Do not think so many, Bob, eventually I am a leader.” Nochira said. “不要想那么多,鲍勃,终究我才是领袖。”诺奇拉说道。 Bob said anxiously: Emperor, his person is overwhelming majorities now, if you do not make anything, he will usurp the leader directly.” 鲍勃焦急道:“帝王,他的人现在占据绝大多数,如果你再不做点什么,他会直接篡夺成首领的。” When the time comes, Illuminati lost the control thoroughly to Messiah.” “到时候,光明会就彻底失去对弥赛亚的控制了。” Emperor, I have an idea, isn't he sleeping? When we evacuate, is the last him, then you disclosed secret information to Illuminati, seized the chance to remove him.” 帝王,我有一个想法,他不是在睡觉吗?我们撤离时,把他留在最后,然后你给光明会通风报信,趁机除掉他。” Such these sentry also a group of people without a leader, you seize the chance to subdue them again.” “这样那些哨兵也群龙无首,你再趁机收服他们。” The Nochira pupil shrinks, said: Un, I think, you first get down.” 诺奇拉瞳孔一缩,说道:“嗯,我想想,你先下去吧。” Bob said: Emperor, missed this opportunity not to have! Waits to be calm and steady, he will certainly usurp power.” 鲍勃说道:“帝王,错过这个机会就没有了!等安稳下来,他一定会篡权的。” Nochira said: Good, I will arrange.” 诺奇拉说道:“好,我会安排的。” Bob nods, must get out of the way. 鲍勃点点头,只得走开。 Nochira looks at Bob's back, reveals the murderous intention. 诺奇拉看着鲍勃的背影,流露出杀机。 This person may remain absolutely not!” “此人断不可留!” „A fellow who holds my thigh, wants to kill Hua Xu? Funny, I am also holding his thigh.” “一个抱我大腿的家伙,也想弄死华墟?搞笑,我也在抱他的大腿啊。” Since captures the superconductor event, some informer expose, were executed by Evil Dragon at the scene. 自从夺取超导体事件,一部分眼线暴·露,被恶龙当场处决。 Later the London joining forces period, La Cour expose works as the sacrificial offering. 之后伦敦会师时期,拉库尔暴·露当祭品。 Bob, was the Nochira last informer. 鲍勃,是诺奇拉最后一个眼线了。 In other words, this is besides Hua Xu, in Messiah last person who knows the Nochira true status. 换句话说,这是除华墟以外,弥赛亚中最后一个知道诺奇拉真正身份的人。 Strategy changed, I have no longer needed to deploy the communications net in secret, knew the Messiah everyone's whereabouts, split up everyone.” “战略变了啊,我已经不再需要暗中部署联络网,掌握弥赛亚所有人的行踪,分化大家。” Under the operation of big shot, I handles affairs to be frank and upright, does not need to practice dirty tricks as before.” “在大佬的运营下,我行事可以光明正大,再也不用像过去一样搞小动作。” Now everyone monolithic bloc, Bob this informer, I do not need.” “现在大家‘铁板一块’,鲍勃这种眼线,我已经不需要啊。” The idea of Nochira is very clear, he is honest, when his eldest child was OK, holds the thigh of steady Hua Xu, later very eliminates revolting, is ready proper like rocket promotion. 诺奇拉的想法很明确,他老老实实当他的老大就可以了,抱稳华墟的大腿,以后把叛贼肃清完,就是妥妥的如火箭般升官。 The present strategy, does not make Messiah weaken, but is the strengthen, because Messiah in fact is the Illuminati peripheral influence. 现在的战略,不是让弥赛亚变弱,而是变强,因为弥赛亚已经实质上是光明会的外围势力。 But the strengthen is in everyone eyes absolutely correct, has no need covertly. 而变强在大家眼里完全正确,用不着偷偷摸摸。 Nochira aware this spy works as, was too comfortable. 诺奇拉自觉这内鬼当的,太舒服了。 In this case, beforehand informer Bob, instead becomes Nochira eye-sore now. 这种情况下,以前的眼线鲍勃,现在反而成了诺奇拉的眼中钉。 The plan, is definitely unable to tell Bob, this person is untrustworthy. 计划,是肯定不能告诉鲍勃的,这种人信不过。 But did not tell Bob the top-secret plan, this idiot very easy misdemeanor! 而不告诉鲍勃绝密计划,这蠢货就很容易坏事! Now the Messiah atmosphere is very good, if this fellow acts unreasonably, instead my expose, to go bad the Hua Xu important matter?” “现在弥赛亚的气氛很好,万一这家伙乱来,反而把我暴·露了,岂不是坏了华墟的大事?” Bob jumps suddenly, wants to remove Hua Xu, immediately lets Nochira such as the fishbone in the throat. 鲍勃突然跳出来,想除掉华墟,顿时让诺奇拉如鲠在喉。 Illuminati can not have Nochira, but cannot do without Hua Xu. 光明会可以没有诺奇拉,但不能没有华墟 It looks like in Nochira, perhaps even without oneself, by the Hua Xu skill, can control Messiah as before, completes the plan. 诺奇拉看来,即便没有自己,以华墟的本事,恐怕依旧可以掌控弥赛亚,完成计划。 Nothing but is few person, shares the merit! 无非是少一个人,分摊功劳而已! Thinks of this, Nochira terrified one startled: Now I depend on early the old qualifications of ambush, can follow Hua Xu to mix the merit. Once my expose, I were useless!” 想到这,诺奇拉悚然一惊:“现在我是靠着早早潜伏的老资历,能跟着华墟混功劳。一旦我暴·露,我就没用了!” This last person who knows my status, is an unstabilizing factor, must remove!” “这最后一个知道我身份的人,是个不稳定因素,一定要除掉!” ...... ……
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