TME :: Volume #17

#1651: Destroys the main road

The primordial chaos is void, inobservable place. 鸿蒙虚空,不可测处。 Puts to death to fall the sword four color sword light to open a combative length and breadth space certainly, in azure lofty void the myriad things do not save, only has to kill the intent strong sword intent intercourse to shuttle back and forth. Changes into the sword glow of mountains rivers and mountains, the birds beasts, the flower-and-bird insect fish and Sun stars all sort of matters to fly high to dance in the air, solemn complete infinite universe. 诛戮陷绝剑阵四色剑光开辟出一个杀气腾腾的广袤空间,青巍巍的虚空中万物不存,唯有杀意浓重之极的剑意往来穿梭。化为山川河岳、飞禽走兽、花鸟虫鱼、太阳星辰诸般物事的剑芒凌空飞舞,俨然一个完整的大千世界。 By having the sword glow of meaning of infinite slaughtering, concentrates a infinite universe! 以拥有无穷杀戮之意的剑芒,凝成一个大千世界! Ji Hao sits cross-legged under Jianmen, both hands tie seal, shakes the flag gate unceasingly, erupts unceasingly from his side terror sword intent, having the grating howl to strangle to death to the front void. 姬昊盘坐在剑门下,双手结印,不断震荡旗门,从他身边不断有一道道恐怖至极的剑意爆发开来,带着刺耳的啸声向前方虚空绞杀而出。 A continuously thin extremely sword intent floods his body, just likes the blood stream has delimited in his within the body generally rapidly. Initial Ji Hao just managed Jianmen time, each wisp of sword intent has delimited the body, his human body and soul can feel a faint trace incisive stabbing pain, the body also will often have sparks of faint trace to spatter in all directions. 一缕缕极细的剑意充斥他的身体,犹如血流一般在他体内急速划过。最初姬昊刚刚主持剑门的时候,每一缕剑意划过身体,他的肉体和灵魂都能感受到一丝丝尖锐的刺痛,身上不时还会有一丝丝的火星迸溅出来。 Along with the time little past, the body of Ji Hao adapted to sword intent that in sword able to move unhindered danced in the air, is swift and fierce sword intent that and withers again to delimit from his within the body, just likes the cool breeze blows general, except for leaves behind a wisp of light sword mark in his within the body, does not have any injury in him again. 随着时间一点点的过去,姬昊的身体已经适应了剑阵中纵横飞舞的剑意,再凌厉、再肃杀的剑意从他体内划过,都犹如清风拂面一般,除了在他体内留下一缕淡淡的剑痕,于他再无任何伤害。 The light sword mark unusual conditions, just like the snowy area great wild goose claw, clear nimble and resourceful is also having the inexplicable mysterious flavor. 淡淡的剑痕浑然天成,犹如雪地鸿爪,清晰灵动又带着莫名的玄妙韵味。 A continuously light sword mark interlocks to organize in together, to change into a giant sword mark picture roll gradually, an earthshaking swordsmanship, or Dao of Sword that makes the person be alarmed, along with a continuously sword intent has delimited the direct brand mark unceasingly on the body of Ji Hao. 一缕缕淡淡的剑痕交错组织在一起,渐渐化为一副巨大的剑痕图卷,一门惊天动地的剑法,或者说一门让人惊怖的剑道,就随着一缕缕剑意的不断划过直接烙印在了姬昊的身上。 Ji Hao just likes essence Divine Sense closely binds the whole body, he perceives through meditation the sword mark that is leaving behind silently, his comprehension to Yu Yu Dao of Sword in promotion rapidly, the meaning of slaughtering sword China , Italy contain, the strength of slaughtering in the sword glow contains, and even the sword spirit, the sword soul and sword air/Qi and so on all with the sword related comprehension, he marched into a brand-new world gradually. 姬昊犹如实质的神识紧紧裹住全身,他默默的参悟着身上留下的剑痕,他对禹馀剑道的领悟在急速的提升,无论是剑意中蕴藏的杀戮之意,还是剑芒中蕴藏的杀戮之力,乃至剑灵、剑魂、剑气之类一切和剑有关的领悟,他都逐渐步入了一个崭新的天地。 If before the management puts to death falls certainly sword, Ji Hao Dao of Sword is a shiwuliu-year-old youth grasps the iron sword carelessly to brandish, this moment Ji Hao Dao of Sword already was a swordsman of having fought many battles, grasps sharp sword that a handle was repeatedly tempered, can cut to kill thousand people and ten thousand people in the battlefield with ease. 如果说在主持诛戮陷绝剑阵之前,姬昊剑道是一个十五六岁的少年手持铁剑胡乱挥舞,此刻姬昊剑道已然是一名身经百战的剑客,手持一柄千锤百炼的利剑,能在战场上轻松斩杀千人、万人。 chī chī sound is lingering on faintly, Ji Hao each breath, in his nostril is two shining sword air/Qi contractions is uncertain, the white shining sword air/Qi spurts outward is several thousand zhang (3.33 m) far, the cold brightness four kills intent Ling person \; The sword air/Qi that vigorous such as dragon malignant influences soar to the heavens receives on inward invisible does not have the mark, such as the dragon restrains the lackey in the deep pool. 嗤嗤’声不绝于耳,姬昊每一次呼吸,他的鼻孔内都是两条明晃晃的剑气收缩不定,白茫茫明晃晃的剑气向外一喷就是数千丈远,寒光四射杀意泠人\;矫健如龙煞气冲天的剑气向内一收就无形无迹,如龙在渊收敛爪牙。 During each breath, the sword mark of Ji Hao within the body even more were many several, his Dao of Sword steady increases upwardly several steps, sword air/Qi might even more formidable several points that Jianmen that he manages erupts. 每一次呼吸之间,姬昊体内的剑痕就越发多了几道,他的剑道就稳稳的向上攀升几步,他主持的剑门喷发出的剑气威力就越发的强大几分。 The Ji Hao indifferent smile, he understood Yu Yu Daoist makes him manage pains of Jianmen. This was equal to that Yu Yu Daoist with the aid of putting to death falls certainly sword, is filled with wisdom for him directly, the unsurpassed Dao of Sword brand mark, in the body of Ji Hao, inscribes in his Dao Embryo. 姬昊淡然微笑,他明白了禹馀道人让他主持一座剑门的苦心。这等于是禹馀道人借助诛戮陷绝剑阵,直接为他醍醐灌顶,将无上剑道生生烙印在姬昊的身上、铭刻在他的道胎中。 Pangu sword float in front of Ji Hao, kills the intent ice breath however along with Ji Hao long, the Pangu sword changes into a black sword glow beat rapidly to sound gradually. The sword glow at first only then six chi (0.33 m) section, increases along with Ji Hao Dao of Sword unceasingly, the black sword glow elongated above ten zhang (3.33 m) length and hundred zhang (333m) gradually...... 盘古剑悬浮在姬昊面前,随着姬昊悠长而杀意凌然的呼吸,盘古剑逐渐化为一条黑色的剑芒急速的跳动鸣叫。剑芒起初只有六尺长段,随着姬昊剑道不断攀升,黑色剑芒逐渐拉长到了十丈长短、百丈以上…… Ji Hao forehead sword air/Qi blowout, the chaos sword lotus that is congealed by sword intent blooms suddenly together purely slowly on the sword air/Qi, his comprehension to the Yu Yu Dao of Sword arrived at Little to become boundary, Pangu sword black sword glow sonorous one phonochemical is ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) length, the black sword glow flying high lasing, mixes in the sword light that sprays in Jianmen to cut maliciously, in has struggled on Yu Man who roars. 骤然间姬昊眉心一道剑气喷出,一朵纯粹由剑意凝成的混沌剑莲在剑气上冉冉绽放开来,他对禹馀剑道的领悟已经到了小成境界,盘古剑所化的黑色剑芒‘铿锵’一声化为万丈长短,黑色剑芒凌空激射,混在剑门喷射出的剑光中狠狠斩在了挣扎怒吼的虞蛮身上。 Yu Man was stranded is putting to death falls certainly the sword core place, the heavenly bodies that the innumerable sword glow concentrate revolve him, the wind and rain thunder that the innumerable sword glow concentrate is washing out him, the birds beast that the innumerable sword glow change from is attacking him. 虞蛮被困在诛戮陷绝剑阵的核心处,无数剑芒凝成的日月星辰围绕着他,无数剑芒凝成的风雨雷霆冲刷着他,无数剑芒化形的飞禽走兽攻击着他。 Yu Man body has the massive wounds to appear unceasingly, in the careful wound the sword glittering, the bulk lots black blood plasma soars to the heavens to fly, all blood plasmas wrote off all vitality vitalities that spouted from the wound instantaneously immediately. 虞蛮的身上不断有大量的伤口出现,细细的伤口中剑光闪烁,大盘黑色的血浆冲天飞起,所有血浆从伤口中喷出的瞬间立刻被抹杀了一切生机生气。 Giggle in mirthless smile sound, Yu Man unceasing cursed, crazy curse greatly scarlet Daoist, Qing Wei Daoist and Yu Yu Daoist loudly, he exhausted the glossary of all contamination and lower reaches to send regards that the brothers three people, can curse the evil incantation of person soul to use all that he knew completely. ‘咯咯’惨笑声中,虞蛮不断的放声咒骂、疯狂的诅咒大赤道人清微道人禹馀道人,他用尽一切污秽、下流的词汇问候兄弟三人,将他所知道的一切能够诅咒人灵魂的邪恶咒语全部使用了出来。 Puts to death falls sword to be entirely still certainly, whatever Yu Man obloquied loudly, how whatever he cursed, the sword glow of blotting out the sky covered all, on him had the new wound to appear unceasingly, each wound cut to kill his wisp of vitality, obliterated his source slowly, slowly cancelled the brand mark that he had. 诛戮陷绝剑阵纹丝不动,任凭虞蛮放声大骂,任凭他如何诅咒,铺天盖地的剑芒笼罩一切,他身上不断有新的伤口出现,每一条伤口都斩杀他的一缕生机,缓缓磨灭他的本源,慢慢的抹去他存在的烙印。 The Yu Man Heng Xing innumerable world, conquer and destroys the innumerable innate most precious object and innate Spirit Treasure that unceasing departure the innumerable world must come, is resisting a sword attack with hardship. However puts to death falls sword is Yu Yu Daoist suppresses the sect destiny, to refine the demon to protect the basis of god certainly, big of might is shocking, is the Pangu world most formidable murders the heavy treasure. 虞蛮横行无数世界,征服、摧毁无数世界得来的无数先天至宝、先天灵宝不断的飞出,苦苦抵挡着剑阵的侵袭。但是诛戮陷绝剑阵乃禹馀道人镇压教门气运、炼魔护神的根本,威力之大耸人听闻,乃盘古世界最强大的杀伐重宝。 Facing sword strangling to death, the innumerable innate most precious objects and innate Spirit Treasure were cut by the sword glow broken, the most precious object and Spirit Treasure innate source just likes the rainstorm same spurts void, changes into innumerable grotesque and gaudy unusual brightness good luck everywhere to fly randomly. 面对剑阵的绞杀,无数先天至宝、先天灵宝纷纷被剑芒斩破,至宝、灵宝的先天本源犹如暴雨一样飞洒虚空,化为无数光怪陆离的宝光瑞气漫天乱飞。 Greatly scarlet Daoist, Qing Wei Daoist and Yu Yu Daoist are with smile on the face, the top of the head Purple gold bottle gourd spouts the big piece white clouds separately, extracts these most precious object and Spirit Treasure innate source. 大赤道人清微道人禹馀道人面带微笑,头顶分别有一个紫金葫芦喷出大片白气,将这些至宝、灵宝的先天本源纷纷抽取进去。 But these innate sources the good thing, to have the strength of infinite good fortune, contains all sort of ready-made Grand Dao principles. If can have the embryo of most precious object and Spirit Treasure, injects in which these innate sources, naturally can obtain the new most precious object and Spirit Treasure \; Even if no ready-made most precious object and Spirit Treasure embryo, if injects in these innate sources the ready-made most precious object and Spirit Treasure, can promote these most precious object and Spirit Treasure prestige energy enormously. 这些先天本源可是好东西,拥有无穷造化之力,更蕴藏诸般现成的大道法则。若是能有至宝、灵宝的胚胎,将这些先天本源注入其中,自然就能得到新的至宝、灵宝\;就算没有现成的至宝、灵宝胚胎,若是将这些先天本源注入现成的至宝、灵宝中,也能极大的提升这些至宝、灵宝的威能。 All when revolution routinely, Pangu sword ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) sword band of light terror kills intent to howl to raid strongly, behind the pitch-dark sword glow is be continuous hundreds of thousands li (0.5km) radiant sword light, the Pangu sword leads one-fourth sword, since has erupted Ji Hao management sword the might biggest strikes. 一切都在按部就班的运转时,盘古剑所化的万丈剑光带着恐怖至极的浓烈杀意呼啸袭来,黑漆漆的剑芒后方是绵延十几万里的一片璀璨剑光,盘古剑带动1的剑阵,爆发出了姬昊主持剑阵以来威力最大的一击。 Yu Man complete attention has placed Yu Yu Brother Daoist on three, he has a dream has not thought Ji Hao can have so swiftly and fiercely strikes. 虞蛮的全部注意力都放在了禹馀道人兄弟三个身上,他做梦都没想到姬昊能有如此凌厉的一击。 Does not wait for Yu Man to recover, the Pangu sword tittering has swept his head, separates from the middle his head stiffly. Yu Man Within the body transmits earthshakingly whooshed the miserable howling, big piece black blood plasma binds the profound light that one group of malignant influences were soaring to the heavens to clash from his head. 不等虞蛮回过神来,盘古剑‘噗嗤’一声扫过他的头颅,将他的头颅硬生生从中间分开。虞蛮体内传来惊天动地的嘶吼惨嚎,大片黑色血浆裹着一团煞气冲天的玄光从他头颅中冲了出来。 Greatly scarlet Daoist, Qing Wei Daoist and Yu Yu Daoist have simultaneously called out in alarm one, three people of eyes one looked suddenly brightly to that group of profound light. 大赤道人清微道人禹馀道人同时惊呼了一声,三人眼睛骤然一亮看向了那一团玄光。 Yu Yu Daoist laughs suddenly: Big brother and Second Brother, this is the treasure that Ji Hao captures personally.” 禹馀道人突然大笑:“大兄、二哥,这可是姬昊亲手斩获的宝贝。” Greatly scarlet Daoist and god in Qing Wei Daoist pupil light suddenly dim, shaking the head of non- how. 大赤道人清微道人眸子里的神光骤然黯淡,无奈何的摇了摇头。 Yu Yu Daoist laughs is beckoning, the big piece sword light was binding that group profound light, forcing his front. Divine Sense sweeps this group of profound light, Yu Yu Daoist changes countenance terrified, he leaves Jianmen hurriedly, was holding the profound light to Ji Hao in front of personally, has sent in the Ji Hao forehead the profound light personally. 禹馀道人大笑着一招手,大片剑光裹着那团玄光,生拉硬扯的拉到了他的面前。神识一扫这团玄光,禹馀道人悚然动容,他急忙离开剑门,亲手托着玄光到了姬昊面前,将玄光亲自送入了姬昊眉心。 Protects buddhist law for the master, fast refining up...... This unexpectedly is together, complete source Grand Dao from Panyu world!” “为师护法,速速炼化……这居然是一道,来自盘虞世界的完整本源大道!” Moreover is the lethality to strong Destruction Grand Dao!”( To be continued.) “而且是杀伤力至强的毁灭大道!”(未完待续。)
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