TME :: Volume #17

#1650: The beginning of demon

In the ancestral temple of Fuxi, the Saint sovereign Fuxi statue stands erect in the high altar, bird's eye view of occupying a commanding position facial color such as the Fuxi present age head of the clan of earth. 伏羲氏的宗庙中,圣皇伏羲的雕像矗立在高高的祭坛上,居高临下的俯瞰着面色如土的伏羲氏当代族长。 The facial features just like Fuxi head of the clan within the body that the evil spirit constantly changes generally, hears the low and deep hoarse laughing wildly sound unceasingly: Yes, I am the primitive demon plant. I no doubt have not hatched, but when I am born, you are unable how me again.” 面容犹如厉鬼一般不断变化的伏羲氏族长体内,不断传来低沉沙哑的狂笑声:“是的,我就是原始魔种。我固然尚未孵化,但当我诞生起,尔等再无法奈何我。” Fuxi head of the clan body shook shaking fiercely, his both hands direct, side black white two color clear light swing suddenly, has composed a huge Fuxi innate Eight Diagrams chart in his side. The strength of formidable seal to his within the body crush in the past, he was whooshing low and deep, wants in within the body that beyond control devil thorough seal. 伏羲氏族长身体剧烈的晃了晃,他双手一引,身边突然有一黑一白两色清光荡起,在他身边组成了一座巨大的伏羲先天八卦图。强大的封印之力向他体内碾压过去,他低沉的嘶吼着,想要将体内那无法控制的恶魔彻底封印。 What is the demon?” The voice of Fuxi head of the clan within the body laughs wildly in the hissing: „The Pangu world, has the person, has the dragon, has the phoenix, has Dapeng, has qilin Qilin, has white tiger, has the monster, has strange, has the essence, has mystical powers, has evil spirits all sort of lives...... You, may once hear demon existence?” “什么是魔?”伏羲氏族长体内的声音在嘶声狂笑:“盘古世界,有人,有龙,有凤凰,有大鹏,有麒,有白虎,有妖,有怪,有精,有灵,有魑魅魍魉诸般生灵……尔等,可曾听闻‘魔’的存在?” An old blood blowout far away, the both eyes of Fuxi head of the clan suddenly become evil different and swift and fierce, the Fuxi innate Eight Diagrams chart that side taken shape crushes loudly, his slowly is straight the body, face upwards laughing wildly sound that exudes to shout oneself hoarse. 一口老血喷出老远,伏羲氏族长的双眼骤然变得邪异而凌厉,身边已经成型的伏羲先天八卦图轰然粉碎,他慢慢的直起身体,仰天发出声嘶力竭的狂笑声。 In the Shennong ancestral temple, dozens Shennong status are highest, the authority is biggest, was tople days rolling up that coordinated the emperor most positive elder whole body to twitch grand in the place, desperate was actually wild with joy looks to stand under the Shennong statue, head of the clan Shennong of some top of the head unceasingly massive black air/Qi blowout. 神农氏的宗庙里,数十名神农氏地位最高,权力最大,也是这些日子配合帝勖最积极的长老浑身抽搐的蜷缩在地,绝望却又欣喜若狂的看着站在神农氏雕像下,头顶不断有大量黑气喷出的神农氏族长。 So-called demon, is other in life hearts epitomizing of evil thought that gathers the Pangu world since Pangu Sky Opening the innate extremely wicked strength that develops to ferment. Invisible does not have the shade, does not have the mark without the trace, along with reading to live, along with reading to extinguish, the neither living, does not extinguish not fresh. Cannot keep off, against can not, bonus be the highest sage to the sage of virtue, if cannot break off a love affair certainly the nature, when the heart has the demon to read.” “所谓魔,是尔等一切生灵心中邪念之集大成者,汇聚盘古世界自盘古开天辟地以来酝酿的先天极恶之力而成。无形无影,无踪无迹,随念而生,随念而灭,不生不灭,不灭不生。挡不得,防不得,饶是至圣至贤之圣人,若不能断情绝性,心头当有魔念。” When head of the clan Shennong holds up Shennong in the past spread tastes all various grassy plants uses a handle that cuts the spatula, trembling wants to jab into own chest, on the cutting spatula that the jasper made the dim light twinkle, a broad great healthy tendency was ready. 神农氏族长举起了神农氏当年遍尝百草时使用的一柄斩药刀,哆哆嗦嗦的想要刺进自己的胸膛,碧玉制成的斩药刀上幽光闪烁,一股恢宏博大的正气蓄势待发。 You, since melted the demon to plant, how can actually go to the demon?” “尔等既然已经化了魔种,却又如何能够去得了魔?” Head of the clan Shennong in the seven orifices flows out murmur the blood unceasingly, in his hand cuts the spatula to fall down, his body in a flash, both eyes thoroughly become the jet black piece, wipes the fierce and evil different smiling face blooms on his face, his gentle voice said with a smile: Comes the person, prepares the liquor, plays music, dances, when I have a good time together with elder!” 神农氏族长七窍中不断流出潺潺鲜血,他手中斩药刀坠地,他身体一晃,双眼彻底变得漆黑一片,一抹狰狞而邪异的笑容在他脸上绽放开来,他柔声笑道:“来人,备酒,奏乐,起舞,吾当与诸位长老同乐!” The Suirenshi ancestor, reaches to the sky all over the body under the log of flame winding, the Suirenshi present age head of the clan whole body streaming with sweat, he sits cross-legged under the big tree, panic-stricken extremely looks gentle and charming young girl who front two faint do not awake. 燧人氏祖地中,一株高耸入云通体火光缠绕的巨木下,燧人氏当代族长浑身汗如雨下,他盘坐在大树下,惊恐万分的看着面前两名昏厥不醒、一丝不着的娇柔少女。 Suirenshi all previous dynasties ancestor...... head of the clan Suirenshi muttered on” is reading aloud the sacrificial offering ancestor's pray article, emitted the scarlet red flame all over the body unceasingly. Faint trace black air/Qi promiscuous in flame, unceasing spreads from his within the body, just liked a big net has covered the Suirenshi ancestor place rapidly. 燧人氏历代先祖在上……”燧人氏族长喃喃念诵着祭祀祖先的祈祷文,通体不断放出赤红色火光。一丝丝黑气混杂在火光中,不断的从他体内扩散开来,犹如一张大网迅速笼罩了燧人氏的祖地。 You and other lives, as long as there is a desire - read, had the laughter , anger , sorrow and happiness and vicissitudes of life all sort of emotions. The sentiment to the deep place, one such as extreme yin creates yang and extreme yang creates yin, all mood decides however changes into the demon to read.” “尔等生灵,但凡有欲-念,定有喜怒哀乐、悲欢离合诸般情感。情到至深处,一如阴极阳生阳极阴生,一切情绪定然化为魔念。” When head of the clan Suirenshi muttered talked over the ancestor worship pray article, his within the body similarly has a hoarse sound in loud recitation. 燧人氏族长喃喃念叨祭祖祈祷文时,他体内同样有一个沙哑的声音在大声的吟唱。 Had an abundant harvest, you decide however want the next abundant harvest, this is the beginning of demon reading.” “有了一次丰收,你就定然想要下一次丰收,这就是魔念之始。” In family|home Old Ox has gotten down a calf, you decide however are thinking next calf, this is the beginning of demon reading.” “家中老牛下了一头牛犊,你定然想着下一头牛犊,这就是魔念之始。” You married a pretty wife, actually kept thinking about the woman of next door clansman more beautiful three points, this was the beginning of demon reading.” “你娶了一个娇俏娘子,却惦记着隔壁族人的女人更美了三分,这就是魔念之始。” All mood just like the sky floating clouds, you and other minds just like a lake, the floating clouds passing over gently and swiftly lake, had the shadow to invest the heart lake, this was the beginning of demon reading. Only if the heart lake dries up, or does not have the slight mood, otherwise all thought changes, this is the beginning of demon reading.” “一切情绪犹如天空浮云,尔等心灵犹如一眼湖泊,浮云掠过湖泊,定有阴影投入心湖,这就是魔念之始。除非心湖枯竭,或者没有丝毫情绪,否则一切念头变化,这就是魔念之始。” Head of the clan Suirenshi forehead one group of flame blowout, his hissing bellows, the forehead flame actually rapidly turned pitch dark, faint trace black flame just likes the spider web equally in the body within the body shuttle proliferation of head of the clan Suirenshi rapidly, his entire body was covered by the black flame gradually, under his body, black 36 lotus thrones takes shape quietly. 燧人氏族长眉心一团火光喷出,他嘶声大吼,眉心火光却迅速变成了一团漆黑,一丝丝黑色火焰犹如蜘蛛丝一样在燧人氏族长的身体内急速的穿梭扩散,渐渐地他整个身体都被黑色火光笼罩,在他的身体下方,一座黑色36品莲台悄然成型。 All previous ancestor......” head of the clan Suirenshi the corner of the eye two tears gush out, has not waited for the tears to fall the cheek, the black flame evaporated two tears instantaneously, head of the clan Suirenshi the corners of the mouth bring back slightly, hee hee has smiled: Comes the person, prepares mount, when I rush to Pu Ban personally, asks for an explanation with the emperor grand...... He complies with 1 billion heavy armor of my clan, actually when to send?” “历代先祖啊……”燧人氏族长眼角两颗热泪涌出,还不等泪水滑落面颊,黑色火光已经将两颗泪水瞬间蒸发,燧人氏族长嘴角微微勾起,‘嘻嘻’的笑了起来:“来人啊,备坐骑,吾当亲自赶往蒲阪,和帝勖讨一个说法……他答应我族的1000000000件重甲,究竟什么时候送来?” Initially in a top-secret restricted area of witch lineage/vein, initially a witch lineage/vein present age Wu Zhuwu Bi acts like a madman is jumping around aquamarine bonfire, in the hand is brandishing a miserable white bone stick, the mouth carelessly was reading aloud all sort of the incantations of expelling evil spirits. 初巫一脉的绝密禁地中,初巫一脉当代巫主巫弼疯疯癫癫的绕着一座碧绿色的篝火蹦跳着,手中挥舞着一根惨白色的骨杖,嘴里胡乱的念诵着诸般驱鬼的咒语。 On restricted area all around wall, shadows of distortions crazy is waving, a hoarse sound floods the entire restricted area. 在禁地四周的墙壁上,一条条扭曲的黑影疯狂的舞动着,一个沙哑的声音充斥整个禁地。 Expels evil spirits Magus Curse? What this demon have you regarded? These weak and incompetent, wants the sediment compared with ants the waste? I am the demon, but the demon, is you...... You are the demon, the demon is you...... Only if you can cut itself, how otherwise did you possibly extinguish have killed this demon?” “驱鬼巫咒?你将本魔当成了什么?那些虚弱、无能、比蝼蚁还要渣滓的废物么?我是魔,而魔,就是你……你就是魔,魔就是你……除非你能斩了自己,否则你怎么可能灭杀了本魔?” This demon is your conscience, your conscience is an demon, the demon is the heart, the heart is the demon!” “本魔就是你的本心,你的本心就是本魔,魔即是心,心即是魔!” Only if you can dig out your heart, only if you can extinguish your soul, otherwise you read 10,000, 100 million to expel evil spirits Magus Curse, was useful?” “除非你能挖出自己的心,除非你能灭了自己的魂,否则你念10000遍、100000000遍驱鬼巫咒,又有什么用?” Wu Bi Yangtian cried loud and long, his mouth spouted the green flame unceasingly, the billowing flame has covered the entire restricted area, is actually not able to scatter on the wall the shadows of these distortions. 巫弼仰天长啸,他嘴里不断喷出绿色的火焰,滚滚火光覆盖了整个禁地,却无法驱散墙壁上那些扭曲的黑影。 Suddenly, Wu Bi Tingxia has expelled evil spirits Magus Law, he chī chī said with a smile: „The demon, this Wu Zhu does not care...... What can you bring to this witch Lord? So long as there is an enough advantage, this Wu Zhuhua demon how?” 突然间,巫弼停下了驱鬼巫法,他‘嗤嗤’笑道:“魔不魔的,本巫主不在乎……你能给本巫主带来什么?只要有足够的好处,本巫主化魔又如何?” That hoarse sound has smiled immediately loudly: You and other Human Race are the Pangu descendants, but other witchcraft, only have actually resulted in the Pangu Grand Dao superficial knowledge...... No, does not calculate the superficial knowledge. On my here whether there is Pangu Grand Dao, calms the mind to perceive through meditation, is pregnant the demon to plant, you work as the unsurpassed Demonic Path.” 那沙哑的声音顿时放声笑了起来:“尔等人族盘古后裔,但尔等巫术,却只得了盘古大道的皮毛……不,连皮毛都不算。吾这里有无上盘古大道,静心参悟,孕化魔种,你当得无上魔道。” In Wu Bi Diuxia hand bone stick, deep inspiration. 巫弼丢下手中骨杖,深深的吸了一口气。 Innumerable black Symbol emerge on witch Bi Mianpang suddenly, big group big group viscous such as the black of paint ** the air/Qi gushes out from his within the body, the number of people size black lotus flowers constantly emerge in his side. 无数黑色符文骤然在巫弼面庞上涌现,大团大团粘稠如漆的黑**气从他体内涌出,一朵朵人头大小的黑色莲花在他身边不断涌现。 This is...... True strength! Beginning me witch lineage/vein, when permanent has this strength!” Wu Bi Fangsheng laughs wildly, his each laughs changes into a black lotus flower from his mouth blowout. “这是……真正的力量!我初巫一脉,当永久拥有这种力量!”巫弼放声狂笑,他的每一声大笑都化为一朵黑色莲花从他的嘴里喷出。 The laughter that in the restricted area of Human Race super big clan, the primitive demon plants shoots up to the sky. 一个个人族超级大氏族的禁地中,原始魔种的笑声冲天而起。 This demon, when feels grateful outside these territories Heavenly Demon, when feels grateful Priest Hua and Daoist Wood, when thanks that foreign race malicious ghost.” “本魔当感激那些域外天魔,当感激花道人木道人,当感激那异族恶鬼。” If not they collaborate the joint effort, when this demon can the eternal life was suppressed in the Human Race heart, how also be born to see the person?” “若非他们联手合力,本魔当永生被镇压在人族心头,又如何能出世见人?” Hee hee, Pangu world trillion tribal groups, starting today, when takes me demon as Venerable!”( To be continued.) “嘻嘻,盘古世界亿万族群,从今日起,当以我‘魔’为尊!”(未完待续。)
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