TME :: Volume #17

#1649: The primitive demon plants

Chinese Xu discussing official business main hall, similarly is also the sacrificial offering grand ceremony of Chinese Xu sacrificial offering all previous dynasties ancestor. 华胥氏议事大殿,同样也是华胥氏祭祀历代先祖的祭祀大典。 Dignified sacred and solemn solemn and respectful main hall China , Uganda smoke Miasma, in confusion one group, everywhere in the wine pot randomly rolled, the fine unusual liquor nobility and liquor dispersion four directions, the liquor air/Qi and meat air/Qi smoke the human desire to be drunk, are combining the aura of various types of vomitus and inexplicable thing in confusion, the entire main hall is simply more ill-smelling than the cultivation dwarf Luo Shou domestic animal circle. 原本威严神圣、端庄肃穆的大殿中乌烟瘴气、狼藉一团,满地里酒坛乱滚,精美异常的酒爵、酒盏散布四方,酒气、肉气熏人欲醉,混杂着各种呕吐物和莫名狼藉之物的气息,整个大殿简直比养殖侏罗兽的牲畜圈还要难闻。 The remote antiquities and elder of several thousand Chinese Xu, the heads of household of Chinese Xu major branch points of convergence of the vital energy passages smoothly just like with the branch elder dead fish same lying down on confusion a piece of floor, their side is spreading the massive snow white careful human bodies carelessly, performing is some appearance tender and beautiful subdebutantes. 数千名华胥氏的太上、长老,华胥氏各大分支宗脉的家主和分支长老光溜溜犹如死鱼一样的躺在狼藉一片的地板上,他们身边胡乱散布着大量雪白细致的肉体,尽是一些容貌娇艳的妙龄少女。 Even if in the sleep, the faces of many elder and on branch head of household is hanging the evil different smiling face as before, their corners of the mouth have brought back the enormous curve, the outline on face becomes extremely profound, just likes the trace that the blade axe carves makes their faces become seems the mask is not generally real. 哪怕是在睡梦中,诸多长老和分支家主的脸上依旧挂着邪异的笑容,他们的嘴角勾起了极大的弧度,面孔上的轮廓变得极其的深邃,犹如刀斧雕刻出的纹路令他们的面孔变得好似面具一般不真实。 Wields the Chinese Xu several hundred years, dignified fair and wide Houren, by lying down that the magnificence Xu leafiness of clansman respect and awe is sprawled under the ancestor memorial tablet of Chinese Xu, young girl who the body is twining several one. 执掌华胥氏数百年,威严公正、宽厚仁和,备受族人尊敬、敬畏的华胥青叶四仰八叉的躺在华胥氏的先祖牌位下,身上缠绕着十几个一丝不着的少女。 Outside the main hall has suddenly resounded the stuffy thunderclap, billowing thunderclap wave after wave has rolled from the sky, the giant thunder acoustic shock results in the main hall to shiver slightly, irrigation of torrential downpour not slightly indication, strong winds crazy is swaying the earth, has curled up rain whip nearly hysterias is brushing the main hall. 大殿外突然响起了闷雷声,滚滚雷声一波接着一波的从天空滚过,巨大的雷声震得大殿微微颤抖,倾盆大雨没有丝毫征兆的浇了下来,狂风疯狂的吹拂着大地,卷起了一条条雨鞭近乎歇斯底里的抽打着大殿。 The black stone build, was wrapped the solid main hall slightly to shiver by innumerable Magus Law Restriction, seems momentarily possibly falls down. 黑石搭建而成,被无数巫法禁制包裹得结结实实的大殿微微颤抖着,好似随时可能倾塌。 On the ancestor memorial tablet of Chinese Xu the dazzling auspicious sign flashes through suddenly together, the thunder light spouts from the side Shi of roof together, the bang has approached the forehead of magnificence Xu leafiness maliciously. 骤然间华胥氏的祖先牌位上一道刺目的紫气闪过,一道雷光从最高处的一面石牌上喷出,狠狠轰向了华胥青叶的眉心。 Hey sneers from magnificence the Xu leafiness mouth of alcoholic intoxication deep sleep transmits, his forehead were many a small circular small dish shape symbol seal, a tiny black floral axis grows quietly from the small dish shape symbol India , China, palm of the hand size black 36 lotus flowers silent bloom. ‘嘿嘿’一声冷笑从醉酒沉睡的华胥青叶嘴里传来,他眉心多了一枚小小的圆形碟状印,一支细小的黑色花茎从碟状印中悄然生长出来,一朵巴掌大小的黑色36品莲花无声绽放。 The floral axis growth and lotus flower bloom, all these speeds are extremely slow, the purple thunder speed in Shi spouting is much faster. 花茎生长、莲花绽放,这一切的速度都极其缓慢,石牌中喷出的紫雷速度却是快得惊人。 Rapidly spout lightning-flame is unable to approach magnificence Xu leafiness, blooms slowly after that black 36 lotus flowers, purple thunder lithe falling on black lotus. 偏偏急速喷涌的雷火迟迟无法靠近华胥青叶,直到那朵黑色36品莲花冉冉绽放开后,紫雷才轻盈的落在了黑莲上。 chī chī electric current sound is lingering on faintly, the purple thunder has covered the entire black lotus, a broad great strength impact that staunch upright, is full of the healthy tendency the black lotus, the volume of black lotus is reducing unceasingly, gradually was compressed takes back the forehead of magnificence Xu leafiness, purple thunder volume also in unceasing reduction, that awe-inspiring great strength also in unceasing reduction. 嗤嗤’电流声不绝于耳,紫雷覆盖了整朵黑莲,一股刚烈刚正、充满正气的恢弘巨力一波波的冲击着黑莲,黑莲的体积不断缩小,逐渐被压缩收回华胥青叶的眉心,紫雷的体积也在不断的缩小,那股正气凛然的巨力也在不断的缩小。 Finally only then extremely dim purple Thunder light submerged magnificence Xu leafiness forehead, the body of magnificence Xu leafiness twitched fiercely, the massive viscous pale black cold sweat spout from his pore unceasingly, he opens the eye fiercely, exudes a panic-stricken big roar to rise with a spring. 最终只有一丝极其黯淡的紫色雷光没入了华胥青叶眉心,华胥青叶的身体剧烈抽搐了一下,大量粘稠的淡黑色冷汗不断从他毛孔中喷出,他猛地睁开眼睛,发出一声惊恐的大吼声一跃而起。 I...... This is...... Heaven...... Ancestors...... My this is......” “我……这是……苍天……先祖……我这是……” Chinese Xu leafiness panic-stricken looks at a main hall in confusion, then turns head to look that has represented the memorial tablet of Chinese Xu all previous dynasties ancestor fiercely to behind that. Outside the room strong winds lightning howls, the sad thunderclap and noise of the rain have substituted for all sounds between world, magnificence Xu leafiness panic-stricken desire rotation body certainly looked to all around, the cold sweat such as the water infiltrated unceasingly. 华胥青叶惊恐的看着一片狼藉的大殿,然后猛地回头看向了身后那一面面代表了华胥氏历代先祖的牌位。屋外狂风闪电呼啸而过,沉闷的雷声、雨声取代了天地间的一切响动,华胥青叶惊恐欲绝的转动身体看向四周,冷汗如水不断的渗了出来。 Heaven Mother Earth, all previous ancestor...... This is...... My this is...... When does remote antiquity go out? Elder this is......” “苍天后土,历代先祖……这是……我这是……诸位太上何时出关?诸位长老这是……” In the eye of Chinese Xu leafiness has covered entirely the scarlet red blood thread, is roaring, sends out not to feel helpless the distressed roar of any significance he just likes goes crazy the wild animal that same shouts oneself hoarse. 华胥青叶的眼睛里布满了赤红色的血丝,他犹如发狂的野兽一样声嘶力竭的吼叫着,发出不知所措没有任何意义的狼狈吼声。 Here is the Chinese Xu most sacred restricted area, does not arrive at the important matter that is related to the clan life and death, the common elders do not have the place that the qualifications step into. 这里是华胥氏最神圣的禁地,不到事关氏族生死存亡的大事,就连寻常长老都没有资格踏入的地方。 However today, here actually turned into the location of wine and meat joyful banquet, the high level of numerous Chinese Xu to one's heart's content banquets here, not only that they also here to one's heart's content - obscene - happy, the sacred restricted area will turn into the happy place of dirty lower reaches. 但是今日,这里却变成了酒肉欢宴的场地,众多华胥氏的高层在这里纵情饮宴,不仅如此,他们还在这里纵情-淫-乐,将神圣的禁地变成了龌龊下流的欢乐之地。 Thump, magnificence Xu leafiness numerous knees down, he lifts both hands fiercely, shouting oneself hoarse was roaring: Actually?” ‘咚’的一声,华胥青叶重重的跪倒在地,他猛地抬起双手,声嘶力竭的吼叫着:“究竟这是怎么回事?” Hey, together the low and deep and hoarse laughter resounds in the mind of Chinese Xu leafiness: What's all this about? Don't you remember very clearly? Thinks carefully that each matter you remember clearly, each matter is you personally participates, many matters, after you ordered, obtained Chinese Xu to carry out fully, these matters, you remembered!” ‘嘿嘿’,一道低沉而沙哑的笑声在华胥青叶的脑海中响起:“这是怎么回事?难道你不是记得很清楚么?仔细想想,每件事你都记得清清楚楚,每件事都是你亲自参与的,好些事情,还是你下令后才得到华胥氏全力执行的,这些事情,你都记得呀!” Was wields a Chinese Xu several hundred years of senior head of the clan worthily, magnificence Xu leafiness quickly returned to normal, his calm asking: Who are you? All because of your reason?” 不愧是执掌华胥氏数百年的老族长,华胥青叶迅速的恢复了平静,他冷静的问道:“你是谁?一切都是因为你的缘故?” Do not push own responsibility for an offense to others, aren't these matters, your personally behaviors?” That sound is smiling: You look, each matter, from considering only the interests of Chinese Xu, does not dispatch troops to participate in regulating waterways to start, to the elder to the clan assigns the soldiers and horses to fight for Si Wenming the matter of merit to look but not see secretly, arrives to collude with the Gongsun thrust Gongsun grand superior again, arrives again fully coordinates various emperor grand chaotic lives......” “不要把自己的罪责推给别人,这些事情,难道不是你亲自所为么?”那个声音微笑着:“你看,每一件事情,从只顾华胥氏的利益,不远派兵参加治水开始,到对族中长老私自调派兵马争抢姒文命的功劳的事情视而不见,再到勾结公孙氏力推公孙勖上位,再到全力配合帝勖的各项乱命……” Hee hee, in consecrating the main hall of sacrificial offering ancestor to one's heart's content happy, with these charming small spirit full war, this is the matters that you handle personally.” That sound said with a smile in a soft voice: Each matter, you remember clearly, including with each contacts of these small spirits, their each movement, each breathes heavily - breath, you remember clearly...... Very wonderful taste, not?” “嘻嘻,还有在供奉祭祀先祖的大殿中纵情欢乐,和这些迷人的小妖精酣畅淋漓的大战一场,这都是你亲自做的事情。”那个声音轻声笑道:“每一件事情,你都记得清清楚楚,包括和这些小妖精的每一次接触,她们的每一个动作,每一声喘-息,你都记得清清楚楚……很美妙的滋味,难道不是么?” This is your magnificence Xu leafiness own desire - looks, this is the matter that your magnificence Xu leafiness handle...... Not?” “这就是你华胥青叶自身的欲-望,这就是你华胥青叶自己做出来的事情……不是么?” Chinese Xu Qingye silent a while, afterward his saying character by character: Right, these matters, indeed proceed from my moral nature desire - looks, including damaging in other small clan and tribe, annexes their territories, invades their wealth, these are my moral nature most deep place most shameful thoughts. However I have enough mental to suppress these not good thought that I have thought that will not actually make these matters!” 华胥青叶沉默了一会儿,随后他一个字一个字的说道:“没错,这些事情,的确发自我心底的欲-望,包括祸害其他中小部族,吞并他们的领地,侵占他们的财富,这些都是我心底最深处最见不得人的念头。但是我有足够的心智压制这些不好的念头,我想过,却不会做出这些事情!” You whether to tell me, why amn't I able to consider the thought of person to put into practice my heart most secret some really?” “你能否告诉我,为什么我会真的将我心头最隐秘的一些无法告人的念头付诸实施?” The matter that even some I will not handle absolutely, the matters of some treason and heresy, I also did...... Not only I have done, Chinese Xu these many elders, these most brilliant remote antiquity elders did not have any objection, coordinating me to do?” “甚至有些我绝对不会去做的事情,一些大逆不道的事情,我也做了……不仅我做了,还有华胥氏这么多的长老,就连那些最睿智的太上长老都没有任何异议的,配合我做了?” That sound hee hee has smiled a while. 那个声音‘嘻嘻’的笑了一会儿。 In a while, he spooky saying: Who am I? What am I? Before Pangu world, never has me, therefore, I have not known that really should call is in itself anything.” 过了一阵子,他才幽幽的说道:“我是谁?或者,我是什么?盘古世界以前从未有我,所以,我还真不知道应该称呼自己是什么。” If insists to give me a name...... You can call me, primitive......’, primitive demon plants......”( to be continued.) “若是硬要给我一个名字……你可以称我为,‘原始……’,‘原始魔种’……”(未完待续。)
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