TME :: Volume #17

#1648: Extremely cold fear

Chinese Xu back side of the mountain, in cold wind hole. 华胥氏后山,阴风窟中。 Crowded such as in the mountain hole of honey-comb the cold wind howls, because the piercing cold wind the special topography congealed a handle handle knife, maliciously has delimited the pitch-dark rock, splashed one after another long sparks. 密集如蜂巢的山窟中阴风呼啸,刺骨的寒风因为特殊的地势凝成了一柄柄小刀,狠狠的划过黑漆漆的山石,溅起一条一条长长的火星 Huaxu Lie and magnificence Xu Tian sits cross-legged in small cavern that separately, in only may take shelter, continuously the cold wind is surrounding their bodies, slowly corroded their flesh and blood, the bonus is their mortal body is formidable, under the cold wind uninterrupted corrosion, their skins also turned into the azure purple, the body stiff and lacking in vigilance, has been hard to move. 华胥烈和华胥瑱分别盘坐在一个仅可容身的小小洞窟中,缕缕阴风环绕着他们的身体,缓慢的侵蚀他们的血肉,饶是他们肉身强大无比,在阴风不间断的侵蚀下,他们的皮肤也变成了青紫色,身体僵硬、麻痹、难以动弹。 Here is Chinese Xu is used to punish in clan the jail of criminal, the cold wind quenches the body and cold wind to refine the soul, if cultivates for the insufficient person wants the short 35 months here, the marrow will be blown by the cold wind vanishes in puff of smoke. 这里是华胥氏用来惩罚族中罪人的监牢,阴风淬体、阴风炼魂,若是修为不够的人在这里只要短短35个月,就连骨髓都会被阴风吹得灰飞烟灭。 Is suppressing the severe pain in human body and soul, magnificence Xu tian voice is bringing shivering muttered in a low voice: „It is not a little right, head of the clan and elder......” 强忍着肉体和灵魂上的剧痛,华胥瑱嗓音带着点颤抖的低声咕哝道:“有点不对,族长和诸位长老……” The Huaxu Lie nature like the raging fire, his hissing roared: What has not to be right? This crowd of old things, they forever are thinking what is the clan, is the clan, is the benefit of clan! They only know that maintains Chinese Xu, except for Chinese Xu, other world Human Race subjects, even if died, they will not care!” 华胥烈性如烈火,他嘶声咆哮道:“有什么不对?这群老东西,他们心里永远想着的是氏族,是氏族,是氏族的利益!他们只知道维护华胥氏,除了华胥氏,天下其他的人族子民哪怕死光了,他们也绝不会在乎!” ‚’, Wisp of cold wind passed over gently and swiftly from Chinese Xu Tian forehead, his strip body was ripped open by the cold wind, has not waited for the blood class to come out, the piercing cold wind froze the careful ice dregs his wound. ‘哧溜’一声,一缕阴风从华胥瑱的额头掠过,他的一小条皮肉被阴风撕开,还不等鲜血流出来,刺骨的阴风就将他的伤口冻出了细细的冰渣。 No, flatter is fierce, perhaps some elders are this.” Chinese Xu Tian knits the brows, very earnest looks at Huaxu Lie saying: I acknowledged when our magnificent Xu, other clans, some elders, they are clinging to tenaciously the immemorial custom, maintains the interests of oneself clan wholeheartedly, no matter since the life and death of other clans. However the leafiness head of the clan is not such person.” “不,阿烈,或许有一部分长老是这样。”华胥瑱皱着眉,很认真的看着华胥烈说道:“我承认,我们华胥氏,还有其他氏族,有一部分长老,他们死守着太古时的规矩,一心维护自家氏族的利益,从不管其他氏族的生死。但是青叶族长不是这样的人。” Gains ground, magnificence Xu Tian said slowly: Remembers? 300 years ago, deep moon/month lineage/vein and scarlet date lineage/vein collaborated to attack Chi Ban Mountain, first sent out the reinforcements, from must die hopeless situation in without doubt to rescue us, was the leafiness head of the clan.” 抬起头,华胥瑱缓缓说道:“记得么?300年前,冥月一脉、赤日一脉联手攻打赤坂山,第一时间派出援兵,将我们从必死无疑的绝境中救出来的,是青叶族长。” 130 years ago, supports Emperor Shun vigorously, reassigns the elite force from the major clans, strengthens the Human Race tribe alliance to subordinate the military force, is the leafiness team leader. In order to promote this matter, the leafiness head of the clan visits the major clans one by one, how many supercilious looks has suffered, how many idle word rumors received?” “130年前,极力支持帝舜,从各大氏族抽调精兵强将,加强人族部落联盟直属军力的,也是青叶组长。为了推动这件事情,青叶族长挨个拜访各大氏族,挨了多少白眼,受了多少闲言蜚语?” Even 20 years ago, Si Wenming wants to strengthen Magi palace foundation, is the leafiness head of the clan opens the mouth, Chinese Xu all secret ancient books, duplicated to give Magi palace. For this matter, leafiness head of the clan was impeached by several remote antiquity elders, was almost compelled to abdicate.” “甚至20年前,姒文命想要加强巫殿底蕴,也是青叶族长开口,将华胥氏所有的秘传典籍,都复制了一份送给了巫殿。为了这件事情,青叶族长被几位太上长老弹劾,差点被逼退位。” Being in a towering rage Huaxu Lie is tranquil gradually, he reviews these years to come to China all sort of achievement of Xu leafiness, the complexion gradually becomes extremely ugly. 怒气冲天的华胥烈逐渐平静下来,他一件一件的回顾这些年来华胥青叶的诸般作为,脸色逐渐变得极其的难看。 Particularly, leafiness head of the clan , since old dies, he has never bumped the woman.” Chinese Xu Tian complexion becomes extremely strange: But we are in the main hall to see, the side of leafiness head of the clan has these many to dance Ji, on his face, has the woman hickey unexpectedly!” “尤其是,青叶族长自从老姆死后,他从未碰过女人。”华胥瑱的脸色变得极其的怪异:“但是我们在大殿中所见,青叶族长的身边有这么多舞姬,他脸上,居然还有女人唇印!” Which, the veteran germinates!” Huaxu Lie has licked the lip, said one dry. “哪,老树发芽呗!”华胥烈舔了舔嘴唇,干巴巴的说了一句。 „Do you think the possibility?” Chinese Xu Tian frowns, looks Huaxu Lie that in the Duimianshan hole sits cross-legged: These many years, many women collect toward him in front, he has never moved, even the head of the clan of several other big clans want to marry the head of the clan oneself sisters, he has not relented. Will he dance Ji to move to these suddenly?” “你觉得可能么?”华胥瑱皱着眉头,看着对面山窟中盘坐的华胥烈:“这么多年,多少女人往他面前凑,他从未动心过,甚至其他几大氏族的族长想将自家姐妹嫁给族长,他也没有松口。他会对那些舞姬突然动心?” Huaxu Lie silent, he looks up magnificence Xu Tian, asked him very much earnestly: What did you want to say?” 华胥烈沉默了一阵,他抬起头看着华胥瑱,很认真的问他:“你想要说什么?” Chinese Xu Tian frowns to ponder over for a long time, this character by character saying slowly: Was too irritable, we were too irritable. Since Emperor Shun possibly had problems...... Si Wenming and Ji Hao are not, we should inquire the cause and effect of clear matter to Sir Ji Xia.” 华胥瑱皱着眉头思忖了许久,这才一个字一个字缓缓的说道:“太急躁了,我们太急躁了。既然帝舜可能出了问题……姒文命姬昊不在,我们应该向姬夏大人询问清楚事情的前因后果。” Sir Ji Xia can lead the The heaven army to appear at turning over the throne to another grand ceremony, he perhaps knows anything.” Chinese Xu Tian said slowly: Our strengths are not weak, we have the good brothers who these many have a common goal, we are grasping the extremely formidable strength, even can say like this that supports Si Wenming brothers to collaborate, we have almost controlled the Human Race most strength.” 姬夏大人能够带领天庭大军出现在禅让大典上,他或许知道一些什么。”华胥瑱缓缓说道:“我们的实力并不弱,我们有这么多志同道合的好兄弟,我们掌握着极其强大的力量,甚至可以这样说,支持姒文命的兄弟们联手,我们几乎掌控了人族大半的实力。” But have we discussed? Has planned? Have the brothers who in your day for peace other these are on good terms contacted? No, our nobody handles this matter! Si Wenming, us did not turn into one group of loose sands, we do not have any consideration, hasty, alone going forth to battle.” “但是我们有商量过么?有计划过么?你和平日里其他那些交好的兄弟有联络过么?没有,我们没有一个人做这件事情!姒文命不在了,我们就变成了一团散沙,我们没有任何考虑,仓促的、孤零零的上阵。” Chinese Xu Tian smiles bitterly saying: You think to look, if intrudes the discussing official business main hall is not we two alone idiots, but the brothers of troop other clans declared support for outside, we such relaxed was detained into here?” 华胥瑱苦笑道:“你想想看,如果闯入议事大殿的不是我们两个孤零零的蠢货,而是有一大群其他氏族的兄弟在外声援,我们会这么轻松的被押入这里么?” The face of Huaxu Lie becomes red, saying of his jar sound jar air/Qi: Little said that these words, said magnificence Xu leafiness...... No, the matter of leafiness head of the clan.” 华胥烈的脸变得通红,他瓮声瓮气的说道:“少说这些事后的话,说华胥青叶……不,青叶族长的事情。” Chinese Xu Tian nodded, he has gesticulated a hand signal, the sinking sound track: Still remembers nine Dragon Gate incident? The major clans send out elite private soldier to rob Si Wenming merit the matter. Various head of the clan who the initial support such are old, can account for 30% in clan?” 华胥瑱点了点头,他比划了一个手势,沉声道:“还记得九大龙门一事么?各大氏族派出精锐私兵抢夺姒文命功劳的事情。最初支持这么做的各族长老,能占了族中的三成么?” Huaxu Lie has narrowed the eye, his sinking sound track: Other I do not know, elder but who our magnificent Xu, persists in sending for robbing the merit, only then about 20%, the leafiness head of the clan forbids them so to handle affairs, finally sends Kuimen, is the troops of these elder secretly reassignments, is not the meaning of my magnificent Xu. But these elders, were reproven afterward also many days by the head of the clan.” 华胥烈眯了眯眼睛,他沉声道:“别家我不知道,但是我们华胥氏,坚持派人抢夺功劳的长老,只有两成左右,青叶族长禁止他们如此行事,最终派去夔门的,是那些长老私自调动的人马,并非我华胥氏的意思。而那些长老,事后也被族长训斥了好些日子。” Chinese Xu Tianchen sound track: This was right, the matters of nine Dragon Gate have time, the leafiness head of the clan also has the majority of elders, they not demented of hysteria like the present.” 华胥瑱沉声道:“这就对了,九大龙门之事发生的时候,青叶族长还有大部分长老,他们并没有像现在这样歇斯底里的癫狂。” Narrowed the eye, magnificence Xu Tian has sneered saying: Moves these small clans and tribes? Robs their territories? Invades their wealth? If our magnificent Xu wants to do, many years ago did! Needs to wait till today? Needs to wait till now? foundation of our magnificent Xu how, you are well aware, if we are short of their wealth, our starting, these small clans and tribes already thoroughly were annexed really by them, remain less than today!” 眯了眯眼,华胥瑱冷笑道:“迁徙那些小部族?抢夺他们的领地?侵占他们的财富?如果我们华胥氏想要这么干,多少年前就这么干了!需要等到今天么?需要等到现在么?我们华胥氏的底蕴如何,你心知肚明,如果我们欠缺他们那些财富,我们真个下手的话,那些小部族早就被他们彻底吞并,留不到今天!” This time, the leafiness head of the clan also has all elders, cannot close up many years of remote antiquities including these, they were insane were the same, seems all advantage that the hungry ghost same robbed them to see......” “今时今日,青叶族长还有所有的长老,包括那些闭关不出多年的太上们,他们都疯了一样的,好似饿鬼一样抢夺他们能见到的一切好处……” Chinese Xu tian startles spirit has fought a shiver, he clenches teeth, having an alarmed and afraid expression to ask Huaxu Lie: You did not think that they are the same with Emperor Shun, aren't they they?” 华胥瑱激灵灵的打了个寒战,他咬着牙,带着一丝惊惧的表情问华胥烈:“你不觉得,他们和帝舜一样,他们已经不是他们了么?” Perhaps leafiness head of the clan and majority of elders change...... These live in seclusion to close up the innumerable year of elders , the heart such as the stagnant water only strive for breaking through the remote antiquities of Magus God boundary, why they also appear in the discussing official business main hall, they why also and did these dance Ji Jiaocheng one group?” “或许青叶族长和大部分的长老都会变……那些隐居闭关无数年的长老,心如死水只求突破巫神境的太上们,他们为何也出现在议事大殿,他们为什么也和那些舞姬搅成了一团?” „Did the discussing official business main hall of our magnificent Xu, when link these lowly musicians and dances Ji to come and go out at will?” “我们华胥氏的议事大殿,什么时候连那些卑贱的乐师和舞姬都能随意出入了?” „Can the discussing official business main hall of our magnificent Xu, when to one's heart's content banquet?” “我们华胥氏的议事大殿,什么时候可以纵情饮宴了?” Innumerable years, who dares to drink before the memorial tablet of ancestor? Who dares and woman gangs up there?” “无数年来,谁敢在先祖的牌位前喝酒?谁敢在那里和女人勾勾搭搭?” Chinese Xu tian unceasing asked issues, he was the same with Huaxu Lie, their whole body cold sweat like rain, heart ice-cold. 华胥瑱不断的提出一个个问题,他和华胥烈一样,两人浑身冷汗如雨,心头一片冰冷。 The greatest fear, has covered their hearts.( To be continued.) 莫大的恐惧,笼罩了他们的心。(未完待续。)
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