TME :: Volume #17

#1647: Eliminates the lawful right

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Great river enormous and powerful Ben Yong, the turbid wave has been torrential, has such as the thunder bang billowingly. 一条大江浩浩荡荡奔涌而过,浊浪滔滔,发出滚滚如雷的巨响。 On a waterfront precipitous mountain peak, magnificence Xu Tian, Huaxu Lie are bringing several hundred own logistics depots in the summit, being red in the face looks that under the mountain wails bitterly the troop Human Race subjects that moves enormously and powerful to north. 江边一座险峻的山峰上,华胥瑱、华胥烈带着数百亲兵站在山巅,面红耳赤的看着山下浩浩荡荡哭天喊地向北迁徙的大群人族子民。 The Human Race subjects of battalion one boundary, they are forming the long line shortly, turning to look back repeatedly at every step sets out to the north gradually. In the team often has the body weak old person to drop down, the weeping and wailing sound of some massive children's and woman transmits unceasingly. 大队大队的人族子民一眼看不到边际,他们排着长长的队伍,一步一回头的向北方缓步进发。队伍中不时有身体虚弱的老人倒下,更有大量儿童、妇人的哭喊声不断传来。 Innumerable foreign race Warrior and Human Race Warrior ride to dash about wildly, is carrying the long whip maliciously toward all not pleasing to the eyes Human Race subjects pull out randomly hit randomly. They are shouting out loudly, ordering all people to pick up the speed to go forward to north, often some people were hit the bone to break the muscle crack to fall down by their heavy whips, the mouth spat struggling of blood to whin. 无数异族战士人族战士策骑狂奔,拎着长长的鞭子狠狠的朝着一切不顺眼的人族子民乱抽乱打。他们大声的呼喝着,勒令所有人加快速度向北前进,不时有人被他们沉重的鞭子打得骨断筋裂摔倒在地,口吐鲜血的挣扎哀嚎。 The mist and dust is billowing, the weeping sound is shocking, Contract Beast that intercourse runs quickly unscrupulous is shuttling back and forth in the team. These strength used up the old person who fell to the ground to be stepped on the meat sauce by a Contract Beast foot gently, was knocked down the Human Race subjects were also stepped on covered with blood by Contract Beast, quick did not have the least bit sound. 烟尘滚滚,哭声震天,往来奔驰的战兽肆无忌惮的在队伍中穿梭着。那些力竭倒地的老人被战兽轻轻一脚就踩成了肉酱,被打倒在地的人族子民也被战兽踩得血肉模糊,很快就没有了半点儿动静。 These foreign race Warrior and Human Race Warrior just like the malicious ghost common hissing smile, they are whipping them all people who heartily wants to whip, unscrupulous, does not pity. In this moment, foreign race or Human Race, their faces are the general fierceness, the general distortion just likes a malicious ghost. 那些异族战士人族战士一个个犹如恶鬼一般嘶声笑着,他们尽情的鞭挞着他们想要鞭挞的一切人,肆无忌惮、毫无怜悯。在这一刻,无论是异族还是人族,他们的面孔都是一般的狰狞,一般的扭曲犹如恶鬼。 Emperor grand this mixed - plants!” Huaxu Lie both hands closely make a fist, the corner of the eye splits open spouts the massive bloody water unceasingly: „Does he want to do?” “帝勖这个杂-种!”华胥烈双手紧紧握拳,眼角迸裂不断喷出大量的血水:“他到底想要干什么?” Emperor grand is mixed - plants, these head of the clan and elders, similarly are also!” Chinese Xu Tian shouted to clear the way fierce: But I am not clear, they......” “帝勖是个杂-种,那些族长、长老,同样也是!”华胥瑱厉声喝道:“可是我不明白,他们……” Chinese Xu tian has referred to maliciously these in Human Race Warrior that in the migration team rides to dash about wildly: They are also Human Race, they and we are flowing the same blood, how can they treat our clansmen like this?” 华胥瑱狠狠的指了一下那些在迁徙队伍中策骑狂奔的人族战士:“他们也是人族,他们和我们流着同样的血,他们怎么就能这样对待我们的族人?” Huaxu Lie could not speak, his both hands closely made a fist, he made an effort excessively fiercely, the fearful strength disintegration his phalanx and meridians, his fist has cracked, the massive blood dropped unceasingly. He was roaring low and deep, the opening of corner of the eye was getting bigger and bigger, the eyeball almost jumped from the eye socket. 华胥烈说不出话来,他双手紧紧握拳,他用力过猛,可怕的力量崩碎了他的指骨、经络,他的拳头崩裂开来,大量的鲜血不断滴落。他低沉的咆哮着,眼角的裂口越来越大,眼珠都差点从眼眶里跳了出来。 Some people, must make a view for these matters!” Chinese Xu Tian has turned around, looks at the whole body is the Huaxu Lie sinking sound track of blood: Goes together?” “有些人,必须为这些事情做一个说法!”华胥瑱转过身来,看着浑身是血的华胥烈沉声道:“一起去?” Goes together!” Huaxu Lie deep nod, he looked under one limitless migration team, the body changed into an intense ray to shoot up to the sky, full speed sped along to go to the ancestor of Chinese Xu. “一起去!”华胥烈深深的点了点头,他看了一眼下方无边无际的迁徙队伍,身体化为一道强烈的光芒冲天而起,全速向华胥氏的祖地飞驰而去。 Transmission large formation that sets up with the aid of Chinese Xu, after two double-hour, magnificence Xu Tian, Huaxu Lie this old, few two generations of emperor's children returned to south ancestor status Pu Ban city of Chinese Xu greatly near Ze, giant mountain city comprised of several hundred precipitous mountains. 借助华胥氏设立的传送大阵,两个时辰后,华胥瑱、华胥烈这一老、一少两代帝子返回了华胥氏的祖地位于蒲阪南方大泽边,由数百座险峻大山组成的巨型山城。 Huge totem poles stand erect in the giant square, is flooding in the formidable Wu Li (magus power) totem pole group, a giant black stone palace stands lofty. Chinese Xu who several thousand wear heavy armor elite is surrounding and protecting the palace, when they saw magnificence Xu Tian, the Huaxu Lie who big mark time ablazed with anger, dozens elite armed soldier subconscious keeping off of before them. 一根根巨大的图腾柱矗立在巨大的广场上,充斥着强大巫力的图腾柱群中,一座巨大的黑石殿堂巍然矗立。数万名身披重甲的华胥氏精锐拱卫着殿堂,当他们看到怒气冲冲的华胥瑱、华胥烈大踏步走了过来,数十名精锐甲士下意识的挡在了两人面前。 Go away!” Chinese Xu Tian glowers, gets angry the sound to roar toward the armed soldier who these block the way. “滚开!”华胥瑱怒目而视,朝着这些拦路的甲士怒声咆哮。 Numerous armed soldier bodies shake slightly, their subconscious looked at one to behind the main hall, moved sideways to make way the path. Before Chinese Xu Tian, Huaxu Lie pushed directly into the big palace gate, they simultaneously left the fist numerous bang in sincere palace gate that in the bronze has made. 众多甲士身体微微一抖,他们下意识的向身后大殿望了一眼,闪身让开了道路。华胥瑱、华胥烈长驱直入到了大殿门前,两人同时出拳重重的轰在了青铜制成的厚重殿门上。 The heavy palace gate opens loudly, the sad impact noise has alarmed in the main hall in the numerous Chinese Xu high level of joyful banquet, they looked askance to look to the entrance, in the main hall the cheerful music also stopped suddenly, numerous musicians looked alarmed and afraid to them. 沉重的殿门轰然开启,沉闷的撞击声惊动了大殿中正在欢宴的众多华胥氏高层,他们纷纷侧目向大门口望了过来,大殿中欢快的乐曲也戛然而止,众多乐师惊惧的看向了两人。 Chinese Xu present age head of the clan magnificence Xu leafiness has raised in the hand with a smile the decorative carving fine bronze liquor nobility, said with a smile to Chinese Xu Tian, Huaxu Lie: My clan people with outstanding ability come, flatter tian and flatter are fierce, take a seat happy drink! Ha, you come just right, I am having the good news to numerous clansmen announce.” 华胥氏当代族长华胥青叶笑着举起了手中雕饰精美的青铜酒爵,向华胥瑱、华胥烈笑道:“吾族英才来也,阿瑱、阿烈,入座欢饮!哈哈哈,你们来得正好,吾正有好消息要对众多族人宣布。” The Chinese Xu elders on the scene have smiled, they smile are pleased, over the face red light their is extremely good, is happy good in the extreme. 在场的华胥氏长老们纷纷笑了起来,他们笑得很是快慰,满面红光的他们心情极好,好得无以复加的好。 The emperor promised grand to the advantage of Chinese Xu, they have taken, everyone harvests many. 帝勖许诺给华胥氏的好处,他们已经拿到手,每个人都收获颇丰。 The emperor does not have the promise to give their advantage grand, they recently had attained also much, one month, numerous Human Race clans and tribes were compelled to move after the north, no matter they move goes to the north can encounter anything, the subordinate territory of Chinese Xu expanded three times in any case stiffly, the innumerable mines, pastures, tree farm and fishery belong to Chinese Xu all, each elder the individual wealth of subordinate relatives' increased dozens times. 帝勖没有许诺给他们的好处,他们这些日子也拿到了不少,一个多月来,众多人族部族被逼向北方迁徙不管他们迁徙去北方后会遭遇什么,反正华胥氏的直属领地硬生生扩大了三倍,无数的矿场、牧场、林场、渔场归属华胥氏所有,每个长老的直属亲眷的个人财富都增加了数十倍。 A bigger territory, more wealth, Chinese Xu can multiply more clansmen, armed more armies. 更大的领地,更多的财富,华胥氏就能繁衍更多的族人,武装更多的军队。 More armies, more masters, the fist of Chinese Xu is getting bigger and bigger, can have bigger right to speak in Human Race! This Gongsun profited, has resulted in the position of Human Emperor, next time, but who not necessarily was! 更多的军队,更多的高手,华胥氏的拳头越来越大,在人族内部就能有更大的话语权!这一次公孙氏占了便宜,得了人皇之位,下一次么,可就不一定是谁了! Must discuss honored of bloodlines, Human Race first Human Emperor Fuxi, but stems from Chinese Xu, this is compared with having Xiong more honored Saint sovereign direct descendant, so long as Chinese Xu has enough strength, all have the possibility! 要论起血脉的尊贵,人族的第一位人皇伏羲,可是出自华胥氏,这是比有熊氏更加尊贵的圣皇嫡系,只要华胥氏有足够的实力,一切都是有可能的! All magnificence Xu leafiness very joyfully smiles to Chinese Xu Tian, Huaxu Lie, after all magnificence Xu Tian and Huaxu Lie are the emperor's children status of Chinese Xu, but emperor's children, any super big clan, such as Chinese Xu like this super clan, same generation of emperor's children largest ten. 所有华胥青叶很欣然的向华胥瑱、华胥烈笑着,毕竟华胥瑱和华胥烈都是华胥氏的帝子身份,而帝子么,任何一个超级大氏族,诸如华胥氏这样的超级氏族,同一代的帝子数量最多十来人而已。 By the strength of entire clan, in one generation of also can only train most several emperor's children, it can be imagined magnificence Xu Tian and Huaxu Lie in the status of Chinese Xu important. 以阖族之力,一代人中也只能培养出最多十几位帝子,可想而知华胥瑱和华胥烈在华胥氏的身份有多重要。 Chinese Xu Tian, Huaxu Lie have arrived in front of magnificence Xu leafiness, magnificence Xu leafiness works on two clean liquor, filled the good wine to carry in front of them personally: flatter tian, flatter is fierce, come, happy drinks together, recently, our magnificent Xu harvested many!” 华胥瑱、华胥烈走到了华胥青叶面前,华胥青叶抓起两个干净的酒盏,亲自斟满美酒端到了两人面前:“阿瑱,阿烈,来,共同欢饮,这些日子,我们华胥氏可是收获颇丰!” Huaxu Lie hits to fly liquor in magnificence Xu leafiness hand, the wound of his corner of the eye cracks once more, his hissing of blood stream over the face exclaimed: You did not fear that leaves a stink for ten thousand years?” 华胥烈一把将华胥青叶手中的酒盏打飞,他眼角的伤口再次崩裂,血流满面的他嘶声吼道:“尔等不怕遗臭万年乎?” Chinese Xu elder smiling face that full Dian laughed heartily also froze, their vision like blade, maliciously in magnificence Xu Tian, Huaxu Lie body. 满殿欢笑的华胥氏长老笑容同时冻结,他们目光如刀,狠狠的扎在了华胥瑱、华胥烈的身上。 Chinese Xu leafiness puts down the hand, smiles gradually becomes the iceberg equally ice-cold heartless: We, are seeking ten thousand years of base industry for my magnificent Xu. Do your juniors, what understand?” 华胥青叶放下手,满脸笑容逐渐变得冰山一样冰冷无情:“吾等,正为我华胥氏博取万年基业。你们这些小辈,懂什么?” Chinese Xu Tian goes forward fiercely one step, he is just about to open the mouth, magnificence Xu leafiness has scolded fierce: Thing of not knowing good from bad, comes person, passes on me to order, to eliminate magnificence Xu Tian, Huaxu Lie emperor's children title, deposes them in the clan all lawful rights...... Infiltrates the back side of the mountain cold wind hole them, faces the wall to think of faults for hundred years!” 华胥瑱猛地上前一步,他正要开口,华胥青叶已经厉声呵斥:“不知好歹的东西,来人,传我命令,剥夺华胥瑱、华胥烈帝子称号,废黜他们族中一切权柄……将他们打入后山阴风窟,面壁思过百年!” The troop cruel magnificent Xu armed soldier intrudes the main hall, has encircled magnificence Xu Tian, Huaxu Lie. 大群如狼似虎的华胥氏甲士闯入大殿,团团围住了华胥瑱、华胥烈 Similar matter, almost performs in other major clans similarly. 类似的事情,在其他各大氏族几乎同样上演。 Fuxi, Shennong, Suirenshi...... 伏羲氏、神农氏燧人氏…… With these emperor's children who Si Wenming is on good terms, these filled with warm-blooded young people, were eliminated the authority, most people were imprisoned by oneself.( To be continued.) 和姒文命交好的那些帝子,那些满腔热血的年轻人,纷纷被剥夺权位,大部分人被自家囚禁。(未完待续。)
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