TME :: Volume #17

#1646: Clan and tribe migration

Hassan stands in the village, knits the brows to look before the village, river that winds to go through. 阿桑站在村口,皱着眉看着村前蜿蜒流过的大河。 Hassan is the Warrior leader of Bailu Department, has Bailu Department most formidable Warrior about 500,000 people, he is away from the condensation book to assign Magus Star, only then half remote, gives him again several years, he can certainly condense the book to assign Magus Star, becomes Divine Magi, becomes in the tribe history most formidable Warrior. 阿桑是白鹿部的战士首领,是拥有近500000人丁的白鹿部最强大的战士,他距离凝聚本命巫星只有半步之遥,再给他几年时间,他一定能凝聚本命巫星,成为巫帝,成为部落历史上最强大的战士 Dozens years ago, the Bailu Department is a small and weak vagrant clan and tribe, their tribe stations originally in the remote west, after the bitter enemy tribe defeats, the remaining clansmen of Bailu Department are compelled the migration to roam about, jolt wanderingly Pu Ban. 数十年前,白鹿部还是一个弱小的流浪部族,他们原本的部落驻地在遥远的西方,被世仇部落击败后,白鹿部的残余族人被逼迁徙流浪,颠簸流离中到了蒲阪 The Emperor Shun kindness, divided a water plant lush territory to herd to perch for them into the Bailu Department, dozens years of multiplication, the Bailu Department gradually recovered, but also obtained a bigger development. 帝舜恩德,为白鹿部划分了一块水草丰美的领地供他们放牧栖息,数十年的繁衍,白鹿部逐渐恢复了元气,还得到了更大的发展。 Perhaps is Pu Ban is really a valuable land with a good geomantic omen, in young one generation of Bailu Department, has emerged the talent of many Hassan's same person of extraordinary ability, formidable Warrior continuously appears, Warrior responded the summons of Human Race tribe alliance to go to the north to battle repeatedly, some Warrior died in the Chi Ban Mountain defense line, some Warrior were having the glory and meritorious military service returns. 或许是蒲阪真的是一块风水宝地,白鹿部的年青一代中,涌现了不少阿桑一样的俊彦之才,强大的战士不断出现,战士们多次响应人族部落联盟的号召去北方作战,有些战士赤坂山防线陨落,有些战士则是带着荣耀和战功返回。 The meritorious military service makes the territory of Bailu Department expand unceasingly, the formidable Bailu Department also gradually attracted joining of many scattering small clan and tribe. Was passing post-disaster of flood, the Bailu Department returned to oneself territory, restores the pasture, to restore the strong domestic animal group, sees the auspicious day at present. 战功让白鹿部的领地不断扩大,强大的白鹿部也逐渐吸引了更多的流散小部族的加入。在度过了洪水之灾后,白鹿部重返自家领地,恢复草场、恢复壮大牲畜群,眼看好日子就在眼前。 How emperor is grand can the pasture of our Bailu Department, divided half to give these foreign race malicious ghosts stiffly?” “帝勖怎么能把我们白鹿部的草场,硬生生分了一半给这些异族恶鬼呢?” Hassan both hands hold the chest, knits the brows to look at the river opposite that together green and glossy lawn. That is in the territory of Bailu Department a lushest pasture, in Bailu Department more than ten million domestic animal groups, there are depends upon this pasture to earn a living most probably. 阿桑双手抱胸,皱着眉看着大河对面的那一块绿油油的草地。那是白鹿部的领地中最肥美的一块草场,白鹿部上千万的牲畜群中,有大半都依靠这片草场过活。 However couple days ago, was very inexplicable, one group of foreign race malicious ghosts were leading the emperor grand commanded arrives at the Bailu Department, sheared this lush pasture forcefully. Has Warrior of Bailu Department unable to swallow this tone and they disputes, finally made into the severe wound by the foreign race malicious ghost. 但是前几天,很莫名的,一群异族恶鬼带着帝勖的谕令来到白鹿部,强行割走了这块肥美的草场。有白鹿部的战士咽不下这口气和他们争执,结果被异族恶鬼打成重伤。 Hassan does not ravel, this clearly is Emperor Shun divides to the pasture of Bailu Department, the peripheral big pasture is the Warrior dependence and foreign race in malicious ghost clan the meritorious military service exchange that is bathed in blood to slaughter to obtain. This is the industry of Bailu Department, the emperor can grand stiffly gives the foreign race malicious ghost this lushest pasture? 阿桑真是弄不明白,这分明是帝舜划分给白鹿部的草场,周边好大一块的牧场更是族中的战士依靠和异族恶鬼浴血厮杀得到的战功兑换而来。这是白鹿部的产业,帝勖怎么能硬生生的将这块最肥美的草场送给异族恶鬼呢? Was the Bailu Department affronts the emperor to be grand? Does the emperor punish the Bailu Department grand intentionally? 是白鹿部冒犯了帝勖么?帝勖故意惩罚白鹿部么? Makes an effort to grasp the head, shaking the head of Hassan confuses very much, the Bailu Department is a small tribe of 500,000 person, as the Warrior leader of tribe, Hassan never has also stepped into the Human Race discussing politics main hall, does he want to affront the emperor not to have this opportunity grand? 用力抓了抓脑袋,阿桑很迷惑的摇了摇头,白鹿部不过是一个500000人丁的小部落,作为部落的战士首领,阿桑还从未踏入过人族的议政大殿,他想要冒犯帝勖也没有这个机会啊? Sends for inquiring the inquiry, was our Bailu Department has run into this matter, has everybody bumped into this trouble?” Hassan knits the brows, urged to several brothers in a low voice. “去派人打探打探,是我们白鹿部碰到了这种事情,还是大家都碰到了这种麻烦?”阿桑皱着眉,向身边的几个兄弟低声叮嘱道。 Warrior of several Bailu Departments did not have with enough time, the sad hoofbeat resounds, foreign race Warrior of brigade is riding facial features fierce Contract Beast, whistled was passing the front river, approached the Bailu Department rapidly. 几个白鹿部的战士还没来得及出发,沉闷的蹄声响起,大队的异族战士骑着面容狰狞的战兽,唿哨着度过了前方的大河,迅速逼近白鹿部。 Not is only the opposite river opposite shore has the foreign race cavalry soldier to arrive, the other three directions of Bailu Department, have foreign race Warrior of brigade to approach similarly fast. The foreign race cavalry soldier in groups, unexpectedly also floated the air fight fort near-earth float to depend slowly. 不仅仅是对面大河对岸有异族骑兵到来,白鹿部的其他三个方向,同样有大队的异族战士快速逼近。成群结队的异族骑兵也就罢了,居然还有一座浮空战堡近地悬浮着缓缓靠了过来。 Floats in the air fight fort several Yu Zushen to sparkle the eye-catching ray, top the god tower the scarlet vertical stroke eye is opening slightly, the cold and gloomy god has only locked Hassan and his companion. Instinct Hassan felt a greatest danger, he hurried in a low voice shouted shouts to clear the way: Makes the clansmen not probably move heedlessly, is more careful, these malicious ghosts, are not good to cope!” 浮空战堡上十几座虞族神塔闪耀着夺目的光芒,神塔顶部猩红的竖目微微张开,森冷的神光锁定了阿桑和他身边的同伴。本能的阿桑感觉到了一股莫大的危险,他急忙低声的呼喝道:“让族人们不许乱动,小心一些,这些恶鬼,不好对付!” The voice has not fallen, big, was higher than Jia Clan Warrior of 50% height to move sideways in front of Hassan compared with Hassan. 话音未落,一条高大的,比阿桑高出了一半身高的伽族战士已经闪身到了阿桑面前。 The strength achieved the Jia Clan Warrior ferocious sound of high level Divine Magi standard to smile, he held Hassan's head, the right knee to previous, the right hand has pressed downward maliciously, Hassan's head collision maliciously on his knee. 实力达到了高阶巫帝水准的伽族战士狞声笑着,他一把抓住了阿桑的脑袋,右膝向上一顶,右手向下狠狠一按,阿桑的脑袋狠狠的撞在了他的膝盖上。 Jia Clan Warrior wears heavy armor, on his shinguard knee -and-a-half foot incisive bulge pierced Hassan's head stuffily, Hassan snort|hum, the brain fluid cracking tragic death at the scene. 伽族战士身披重甲,他的护腿膝盖上一根半尺长的尖锐凸起洞穿了阿桑的头颅,阿桑闷哼一声,脑浆崩裂惨死当场。 Bailu Department, Warrior leader Hassan? Have you performed many merit in Chi Ban Mountain? Hey, has Human Race Warrior of merit, damn!” The Jia Clan Warrior ferocious sound smiles, threw Hassan's corpse conveniently on the ground. “白鹿部,战士首领阿桑?你在赤坂山立下了不少功劳?嘿,有功劳的人族战士,都该死!”伽族战士狞声笑着,随手将阿桑的尸体丢在了地上。 Also does not delete the blood on palm, Jia Clan Warrior both hands make an effort to strike to exude the sad applause, he looks that in the village the Bailu Clan and tribe people in great confusion said with a smile loudly: „The subjects of Bailu Department, I have brought emperor's grand order. Your Bailu Department had the luck, we in Chi Ban Mountain north, in the Yu Dynasty territory, have encircled one for you compared with your present pasture big ten times of fertile lands!” 也不擦去手掌上的鲜血,伽族战士双手用力拍击发出沉闷的掌声,他看着村子里乱成一团的白鹿部族人放声笑道:“白鹿部的子民们,我带来了帝勖的命令。你们白鹿部有福了,我们在赤坂山的北面,在虞朝的领地上,为你们圈了一块比你们现在的牧场大十倍的肥沃土地!” You had the luck, emperor grand and our Emperor Shi Yama your majesty reached the agreement, with pasture that you have now, exchanged in our territory ten times of pastures! Now, I order, all of you, immediately!” “你们有福了,帝勖和我们帝释阎罗陛下达成了协议,用你们现在拥有的牧场,兑换我们领地上十倍的牧场!现在,我命令,你们所有人,立刻出发!” Jia Clan Warrior has referred to one finger to the north, the false smile ferocious sound said: Auspicious day, is waiting for you!” 伽族战士向北方指了一指,皮笑肉不笑的狞声说道:“好日子,等着你们哩!” The senior head of the clan of Bailu Department were mad to result in the whole body tremble to walk, his hissing got angry: „Do you want us to move to go to the north? Why then can kill Hassan?” 白鹿部的老族长气得浑身哆嗦的走了出来,他嘶声怒道:“你们是要我们迁徙去北方?那么为什么要杀死阿桑?” Jia Clan Warrior stayed, he frowns to think that then nodded: Bailu Department head of the clan, deer nine? Um, haven't I remembered incorrectly the material? The deer nine old men, I want to say that this is I and Hassan's personal gratitude and grudges...... But why do I want to lie to the ants?” 伽族战士呆了呆,他皱着眉头想了想,然后点了点头:“白鹿部族长,鹿九?嗯,我没记错资料吧?鹿九老头儿,我想说,这是我和阿桑的私人恩怨……可是我为什么要对蝼蚁说谎呢?” Spreads out both hands, Jia Clan Warrior says with a smile ferociously: Hassan has performed many merit in Chi Ban Mountain, he has killed our clansmen, therefore I have killed him, is such simple...... Do you have any question?” 摊开双手,伽族战士狞笑道:“阿桑在赤坂山立下了很多功劳,他杀死了很多我们的族人,所以我就杀了他,就是这么简单……你还有任何疑问么?” Does not wait for the deer nine apertures, Jia Clan Warrior to draw out the waist to wear a sword, an overhead blade nine has deducted two pieces the deer. 不等鹿九开口,伽族战士拔出腰间佩刀,当头一刀将鹿九劈成了两片。 In the weeping and wailing sound of innumerable Bailu Clan and tribe person, Jia Clan Warrior laughs loudly: Aha, the head of the clan deer of Bailu Department nine defies the emperor to order grand, heinous crime, I very benevolent granted him a neat death...... All people, hurry to leave, quick, quick, quick!” 在无数白鹿部族人的哭喊声中,伽族战士放声大笑起来:“啊哈,白鹿部的族长鹿九违抗帝勖命令,罪该万死,我很仁慈的赐予他一次干净利落的死亡……所有人,赶紧动身,快,快,快!” Troop foreign race Warrior intruded the village of Bailu Department, they whip all Bailu Clan and tribe people crazily, kills all Bailu Department Warrior that dares to revolt against. The Bailu Department subjects of troop troop wail bitterly have thrown down all properties, formed the brigade to go forward to the north. 大群异族战士闯入了白鹿部的村落,他们疯狂的鞭挞所有的白鹿部族人,杀死所有敢于反抗的白鹿部战士。大群大群的白鹿部子民哭天喊地的丢下了一切财产,编成了大队向北方前进。 Not is only the Bailu Department, in the Human Race tribe of massive Pu Ban city peripheral zone had the same matter. 不仅仅是白鹿部,大量位于蒲阪边缘地带的人族部落中发生了同样的事情。 Troop foreign race Warrior intrudes these clans and tribes, forcing the Human Race subjects of battalion to move to north unceasingly. 大群异族战士闯入这些部族,逼迫大队大队的人族子民不断向北迁徙。 Except that Pu Ban peripheral, the innumerable foreign race armies sweep away the four directions with the coordination of major clan private armed forces, middle-and-small clans and tribes were moved forcefully, but their territories originally, quite had carving up of tacit understanding by the major clans completely. 除了蒲阪周边,还有无数的异族军队在各大氏族私军的配合下横扫四方,一个个中小型部族被强行迁徙,而他们原本的领地,则被各大氏族颇有默契的瓜分殆尽。 Short one month, was moved to go to the northern Human Race clan and tribe to achieve an extremely astonishing figure forcefully! 短短一个月的时间,被强行迁徙去北方的人族部族已经达到了一个极其惊人的数字! The Human Race internal rumor rises from all directions, was actually collaborated to suppress by the major clans.( To be continued.) 人族内部流言四起,却都被各大氏族联手压制了下去。(未完待续。)
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