TME :: Volume #17

#1645: The will of the people are separate

In Pu Ban, lonesome and quiet small Valley. 蒲阪境内,一处幽静的小山谷 The innumerable sweet-scented osmanthuses spit the pistil, in delicate fragrance fluctuation, several silver-white rills wind to wind through Valley, several hundred exquisite log cabin embellishments by the brook, there are maidservant to fetch water in the brook with the earthenware jar, dozens body huge war tigers roll up by the brook under the giant stone, just likes cat is having the snoring generally. 无数金桂吐蕊,幽香浮动中,几条银白色的小溪蜿蜒流过山谷,数百座精巧的木屋点缀在溪流旁,有侍女用陶罐在溪流中取水,数十头身躯庞大的战虎蜷缩在溪流旁巨石下,犹如猫儿一般打着呼噜。 This is Chinese Xu in the Pu Ban headquarters, because Saint sovereign Fuxi stems from the reason of Chinese Xu, Chinese Xu is extremely honored in the Human Race status, this deep valley naturally also becomes especially different, does not have the bystander to come and go out certainly. 这是华胥氏在蒲阪的总部,因为圣皇伏羲出自华胥氏的缘故,华胥氏在人族地位极尊贵,这条幽谷自然也就变得格外不同,四下里绝无外人出入。 Just retreated intrusion Valley that from Chi Ban Mountain magnificence Xu Tian who ablazed with anger, following track that the azure flagstone spread, arrived at outside a Valley end wooden ceiling. His foot trampled on the thick wooden door, intruded the wooden ceiling in big strides. 刚刚从赤坂山撤退的华胥瑱怒气冲冲的闯入山谷,顺着青石板铺成的小道,一路来到了山谷尽头的一座木楼外。他一脚踹在了厚厚的木门上,大踏步闯入了木楼。 In the building by the fiery pit, two were boiling the middle-aged man who the tea tea to look up magnificence Xu Tian one eyes, simultaneously shook the head to sigh. 楼中火坑旁,两个正在煮茶饮茶的中年男子抬头看了华胥瑱一眼,同时摇头叹了一口气。 Huaxu Lie that boy?” Chinese Xu tian has Chinese Xu elder status to two, usually in relates the recent male cousin to shout out with him loudly: Simply is absurd, Si Wenming? Ji Hao? Huaxu Lie that group of boys, doesn't a news have?” 华胥烈那小子呢?”华胥瑱冲着两个有着华胥氏长老身份,平日里和他关系最近的堂兄大声呼喝着:“简直是岂有此理,姒文命呢?姬昊呢?华胥烈那群小子,就一点消息都没有么?” Sits!” A middle-aged man smiles bitterly waves to Chinese Xu Tian. “坐!”一个中年男子苦笑的向华胥瑱招了招手。 Sits! Like you, sits fills the large intestine here, what doesn't do?” Chinese Xu tian stamps the feet maliciously, thump a bang, on lignin floor innumerable green Symbol rapid twinkle, the faint trace electricity glow scurries about, defense Restriction of wooden ceiling starts fully, was stepped on one a depth of half foot footprint by a Chinese Xu Tian foot on the floor as before. “坐个屁!和你们一样,坐在这里灌大肠,什么都不做?”华胥瑱狠狠一跺脚,‘咚’的一声巨响,木质地板上无数条青色符文急骤的闪烁着,丝丝电芒乱窜,木楼的防御禁制全力发动,依旧是被华胥瑱一脚在地板上踩了一个深达半尺的脚印。 The wooden ceiling sends out ‚’ resounding, the pillar outside building was broken one by Chinese Xu Tianzhen stiffly. 木楼发出‘咔嚓’脆响,楼外的支柱硬生生被华胥瑱震断了一根。 You make, is useful?” Chinese Xu rou ( rou ) a little headache magnificence Xu Tian who looks at the short temper, smiles bitterly was saying: This is emperor's grand order...... I know you to be annoyed, is......” “你闹,有什么用?”华胥楺(rou)有点头痛的看着脾气暴躁的华胥瑱,苦笑着说道:“这是帝勖的命令……我知道你恼火,可是……” But what? Your what does not do, here **?” Chinese Xu Tian has gathered by the fiery pit, carried the boiling hot earthenware jar, seethed with excitement tea soup that to drink cleanly inside. Layer on layer has spat steam, threw the earthenware jar in the fiery pit, magnificence Xu Tian clenches teeth to transfer two around the fiery pit, this layer on layer sat. “可是什么?你们什么都不做,就在这里**子?”华胥瑱凑到了火坑旁,拎起了滚烫的陶罐,将里面沸腾的茶汤一口喝得干干净净。重重的吐了一口热气,将陶罐丢在了火坑里,华胥瑱咬着牙绕着火坑转了两圈,这才一屁股重重的坐了下来。 What can we make? Killed the emperor to be grand?” Sits sighed in Chinese Xu rou opposite magnificence Xu Yangqing: We know that Emperor Shun had problems...... However the major clans support the emperor grand superior, our when one's position is lowly one's words carry no weight, useless.” “我们能做什么?去杀了帝勖?”坐在华胥楺对面的华胥央轻叹了一口气:“我们都知道帝舜出了问题……但是各大氏族都支持帝勖上位,我们人微言轻,没用。” Emperor Shun had problems, this......” magnificence Xu Tian opened mouth, has bellowed, then he opened mouth, could not say a character. 帝舜出了问题,就该……”华胥瑱张开嘴,大吼了一声,然后他张了张嘴,却说不出一个字来。 Emperor Shun had problems, can be what kind of? Before did not have such matter to occur, everybody knows that Emperor Shun had improper, but actually on Emperor Shun what happened? Is the psychology gloomier guess, on Emperor Shun has the issue really? 帝舜出了问题,能怎样呢?以前从没有这样的事情发生过,大家都知道帝舜有所不妥,但是帝舜身上究竟发生了什么事情?或者,心理更加阴暗一些的揣测一下,帝舜身上真的有问题么? Chinese Xu tian startled hits to tremble spirit. 华胥瑱激灵灵打了个寒颤。 Chinese Xu Rou, magnificence Xu Yang simultaneously looked at magnificence Xu Tian, they also sighed, magnificence Xu Roupai clapping, a maidservant walked, has placed by one can of clear water the fiery pit. They separate the tea brick, breaks up by rubbing the tea leaves to throw into the earthenware jar, pours into the clear water to place in the fiery pit to cook, after a while, the thick tea fragrance rolls in the room. 华胥楺、华胥央同时看了一眼华胥瑱,两人同时叹了一口气,华胥楺拍了拍手,一名侍女走了进来,将一罐清水放在了火坑旁。两人分开茶饼,揉碎茶叶丢进陶罐中,注入清水放在火坑上烹煮,过了一会儿,就有一股浓浓的茶香在屋子里滚荡。 We support Si Wenming, but the important matter occurred at present, he is not, what can we make?” Chinese Xu rou heavy saying: flatter tian, now the biggest problem is, the young people of our clans, as long as a little prospect, supports Si Wenming, is the head of the clan and elders of these big clans, old and renowned scholars of various clans, what they support is the emperor is grand!” “我们都支持姒文命,但是眼下大事发生,他不在,我们能做什么?”华胥楺沉沉的说道:“阿瑱,现在最大的问题是,我们各族的年轻人,但凡有点出息的,都支持姒文命,可是那些大氏族的族长、长老,各族的耆宿,他们支持的是帝勖!” Chinese Xu Tian opened mouth, he wanted to say anything, but has thought for quite a while, he could not say a few words. 华胥瑱张了张嘴,他想要说点什么,但是想了半天,他说不出一句话。 Emperor had promised grand the major clan enormous advantage, Suirenshi and Fuxi, has Xiong and Shennong...... The head of the clan and elders of major clans are very grand satisfied to the emperor.” Chinese Xu Yang helpless saying: Has them to support, even if Emperor Shun had problems, the emperor also passed through the turning over the throne to another grand ceremony superior formally grand, then emperor grand...... Is Human Emperor.” “帝勖许诺了各大氏族极大的好处,燧人氏伏羲氏、有熊氏、神农氏……各大氏族的族长、长老们对帝勖很满意。”华胥央无奈的说道:“有他们支持,就算帝舜出了问题,帝勖也是经过了正儿八经的禅让大典上位的,那么帝勖……就是人皇。” But the emperor runs amuck grand, he is betraying entire Human Race simply!” Chinese Xu tian had finally found thread of conversation. “可是帝勖胡作非为,他简直是在出卖整个人族!”华胥瑱终于找到了话头。 He is Human Emperor, to rub the Sun hole that he has the authority to be him to want all matters that handles......” magnificence Xu Rou both hands to make an effort, a little helpless saying: „Is he betraying Human Race? He gave the world person saying that Human Race and Yu Dynasty should form the nation of brothers, he was Human Race seeks ten thousand th to be peaceful.” “他是人皇,他有权力做他想要做的一切事情……”华胥楺双手用力的揉搓太阳穴,有点无奈的说道:“他在出卖人族?他给天下人说,人族虞朝应该结成兄弟之邦,他是在为人族谋取万世太平。” We indeed know that the emperor grand these days act, he was betraying Human Race, however the world Human Race subjects do not know.” Chinese Xu Yang smiles bitterly was saying: „The head of the clan and elders of major clans will not say that the emperor is grand is betraying Human Race, they will only applaud to applaud to the emperor grand order.” “我们的确知道,帝勖这几天的行径,他是在出卖人族,但是天下的人族子民不知道。”华胥央苦笑着说道:“各大氏族的族长、长老们不会说帝勖在出卖人族,他们只会对帝勖的命令鼓掌叫好。” Applauds to applaud?” Chinese Xu Tian looks at magnificence Xu Yang with amazement: He gives foreign race the Human Race base industry, do the heads of major clans also applaud for him?” “鼓掌叫好?”华胥瑱骇然看着华胥央:“他把人族的基业交给异族,各大氏族的首脑还为他叫好?” You think that these base industry, these mines, these pastures and these fertile earth, solely have given foreign race?” Chinese Xu Yang stretched out two fingers: Inquired for these days on us, the base industry that foreign race occupies has 20%...... Other 80%, have all turned over to the major clans.” “你以为,那些基业,那些矿场、那些牧场、那些肥沃之土,单单是交给了异族?”华胥央伸出了两根手指:“就我们这几天打听到的,异族占下的基业只有两成……其他八成,全归了各大氏族所有。” Emperor grand some family belongings that Human Race tribe alliance these years save with hardship, divided shares benefit to foreign race and major clans.” Chinese Xu Rou smiles bitterly saying: Therefore, the major clans will only say that he is good. But the heads of major clans said him to be good, the world person definitely said that he is good! The emperor is grand, is very good very good Human Emperor!” “帝勖将人族部落联盟这些年苦苦积攒起来的一些家当,划分给了异族和各大氏族分润。”华胥楺苦笑道:“所以,各大氏族只会说他好。而各大氏族的首脑说他好,天下人就肯定说他好!帝勖,是一个很好很好的人皇!” If there is an accident, these foreign race have moved into the Pu Ban intimate place, once there are changes......” magnificence Xu Tian drinks fierce greatly. “如果一旦有变故,那些异族可是已经入驻了蒲阪腹心之地,一旦有变……”华胥瑱厉声大喝。 Once changes, in my major clans lossless...... Once changes, organizing the clansmen of these small clans and tribes to work oneself to death the resistance is...... Those who obtain the actual advantage is our major clans, so long as the benefits of major clans are not affected...... Casualty many Human Race subjects......” magnificence Xu Rou, magnificence Xu Yang at the same time shaking the head mirthless smile, smiling face incomparable fierceness and frigidity. “一旦有变,于我各大氏族无损……一旦有变,组织那些小部族的族人卖命抵抗就是……得到实际好处的是我们各大氏族,只要各大氏族的利益不受损……死伤多少人族子民……”华胥楺、华胥央的同时摇头惨笑,笑容无比的狰狞、惨烈。 Does not hesitate to damage entire Human Race, considers only the major clan personal gains!” Chinese Xu Tian clenches teeth, is pointing at the northern Chi Ban Mountain direction: Many years, many good soldier dead in battle in Chi Ban Mountain, now......” “不惜祸害整个人族,只顾各大氏族私利!”华胥瑱咬着牙,指着北方赤坂山的方向:“多少年来,多少好儿郎战死在赤坂山,现在……” Chinese Xu Tian words cannot say that his blood fierce spurting on the ground. 华胥瑱的话没能说完,他一口血猛的喷在了地上。 Similar scene, similar dialog, occurred in Pu Ban and in land world many clan and tribe many places, is innumerably same as magnificence Xu Tian, the Human Race soldier who worries the Human Race future spits blood to curse angrily, but the leaders and elders of innumerable big clan, is the raising glass joyful banquet, celebrated itself to gnaw thick bulk fat from Human Race self-satisfiedly. 类似的场景,类似的对话,在蒲阪、在中陆世界的很多部族很多地方发生,无数和华胥瑱一样,忧心人族前途的人族儿郎吐血怒骂,而无数大氏族的首领、长老,则是举杯欢宴,志得意满的庆祝自家又从人族身上啃下了厚厚的一大块肥肉。 Invisible , the Human Race internal resentment ascends, congealed a will of the people of rope becomes is split up suddenly.( To be continued.) 无形之中,人族内部怨气升腾,原本凝结成一股绳的人心骤然变得四分五裂。(未完待续。)
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