TME :: Volume #17

#1644: Seizing another country's territory

In the main hall of pure gold casting, the Yu Huo soul evil strength just likes the Tsunami, has covered the entire main hall one after another, then has swallowed the entire botanical garden outside main hall. In the terror evil strength that all lives in the brain of Panyu releases trembles, the body just likes the duckweed leaf in vortex same cannot help but is swaying. 纯金铸造的大殿中,虞惑的灵魂邪力犹如海啸,一波又一波的覆盖了整个大殿,进而吞噬了大殿外的整个园林。所有生灵都在盘虞之脑释放出的恐怖邪力中瑟瑟发抖,身体犹如漩涡中的萍叶一样不由自主的摇晃着。 Really, formidable!” The emperor stared in a big way the eye grand, looks at Yu Huo who both eyes shone. The so formidable evil strength, never has contacted grand in the emperor not long life, in his opinion, Yu Huo strength exceeds all that he knew to exist. “真是,强大!”帝勖瞪大了眼睛,双眼放光的看着虞惑。如此强大的邪力,在帝勖并不长的生命中从未接触过,在他看来,虞惑的力量胜过了他所知道的一切存在。 Incomparable great strength.” The Yemo luo coconut tree approached the emperor to be grand, in her profound black pupil was glittering the strange dim light, dyed black nail blowing gently to move the emperor grand earlobe, similarly dyed the black lip to gather near his ear, saying in a low voice: You know quickly that he has the how formidable strength.” “无比的强大。”耶摩椤椰靠近了帝勖,她深邃的黑色眸子里闪烁着奇异的幽光,染成黑色的指甲轻轻的刮动帝勖的耳垂,同样染成了黑色的嘴唇凑到他的耳朵边,低声的说道:“您很快就会知道,他到底拥有多么强大的力量。” The rose rich fragrance submerged the emperor to be grand, he smelled one thick fragrance that transmitted greedily from the Yemo luo coconut tree, only thinks that this woman just liked black raging fire in one group of dark night, momentarily possibly swallowed his reason. 玫瑰浓香淹没了帝勖,他贪婪的嗅了一口从耶摩椤椰身上传来的浓浓香气,只觉这女人犹如一团黑夜中的黑色烈火,随时可能吞噬他的理智。 Naturally, the emperor did not have many reason to say grand, he held the arm of Yemo luo coconut tree, Ha Ha laughs saying: „The Yemo luo coconut tree your majesty, you are I have seen the most beautiful miss, are you willing to become the Human Race mistress?” 当然,帝勖本来就没有多少理智可言,他一把抓住了耶摩椤椰的手臂,‘哈哈’大笑道:“耶摩椤椰陛下,您是我见过的最美丽的姑娘,你愿意成为人族的主母么?” In Yemo luo coconut tree pupil the dim light has glittered, incomparably looks what in consternation the emperor grand this idiot was saying? His wish lets a foreign race female unexpectedly, becomes Pangu world the mistress of barbaric Human Race? Has such stupid race leader, the Human Race future is really gloomy, Yu Huozhen has chosen a too excellent Human Emperor candidate. 耶摩椤椰眸子里幽光闪烁了一阵,无比愕然的看着帝勖这蠢货在说什么?他居然想要让一个异族的女子,成为盘古世界的土著人族的主母?拥有这样愚蠢的种族领袖,人族的前途真是黯淡无光,虞惑真的是挑选了一个太绝妙的人皇人选。 I, am not certainly good, I am honored Sir Yu Huo the most reverent servant.” Yemo luo coconut tree smiling gently, the lip gathered the emperor grand ear in a soft voice saying: But my younger sister Yemo cedar coconut tree, she compared with my more beautiful ten times and hundred times, she is Dark Sun lineage/vein tenderest most and beautiful flowers, I can make her your woman.” “我,当然不行,我是尊贵的虞惑大人最虔诚的奴仆。”耶摩椤椰轻轻的笑着,嘴唇凑到了帝勖的耳朵边轻声说道:“但是我有一个妹妹耶摩杉椰,她比我更加美丽十倍、百倍,她是闇日一脉最娇艳的花朵,我可以让她成为你的女人。” Smiles, the nail of Yemo luo coconut tree gently has delimited the emperor grand tip of the nose, said in a soft voice: Naturally, wants to obtain the Yemo cedar coconut tree, you must pay the little not worthy of mentioning price......” 轻轻一笑,耶摩椤椰的指甲轻轻的划过帝勖的鼻头,轻声说道:“当然,想要得到耶摩杉椰,您必须付出一点点微不足道的代价……” Yu Huo fully and outside territory Heavenly Demon Venerable the main competition, he controls Yemo luo coconut tree and the others temporarily weak every action and every movement, had been controlled the Yemo luo coconut tree of intelligence by him, naturally deferred to her natural disposition to decide own decision-making. 虞惑正在全力和域外天魔的尊主竞争,他暂时无力操控耶摩椤椰等人的一举一动,已经被他掌控了神智的耶摩椤椰,自然而然的就按照她的本性决定了自己的决策。 Emperor grand both eyes shine, he wanted to see impatiently Yemo luo coconut tree so-called is more beautiful than ten times her and hundred times of Yemo cedar coconut trees, under the induction of Yemo luo coconut tree, does not know completely ‚the Human Race principle of righteousness is the emperor of any concept is grand, one after another issued has made Pu Ban all clan and tribe leaders shock order one after another. 帝勖双眼放光,他已经迫不及待的想要见到耶摩椤椰所谓的比她美丽十倍、百倍的耶摩杉椰,在耶摩椤椰的诱导下,完全不知道‘人族大义’是什么概念的帝勖,接二连三的下达了一条又一条让蒲阪所有部族首领震惊不已的命令。 Chi Ban Mountain, because of emperor grand order, the Human Race Chi Ban Mountain defense line comprehensively opened, the foreign race army early pushed directly into to enter Pu Ban. Only some extremely important strategic points, may be called in the forts of Chi Ban Mountain defense line pillar, has been stationed in great quantity Human Race as before elite. 赤坂山,因为帝勖的命令,人族赤坂山防线已经全面开放,异族大军早已经长驱直入进入了蒲阪。唯有一些极其重要的战略要点,堪称赤坂山防线支柱的要塞中,依旧驻扎了巨量的人族精锐。 Dozens Jia Clan Warrior treadon to send out the spooky electric light unceasingly the metal round small dish, having the grating sound from out of the blue to fly to a Chi Ban Mountain construction top the high cliff, scale extremely huge Human Race fights sky over the fort. 数十名伽族战士脚踏着不断散发出幽幽电光的金属圆碟,带着刺耳的破空声飞抵赤坂山一处修建在高崖顶部,规模极其巨大的人族战堡上空。 Unemotionally Jia Clan Warrior arrived at Human Race to fight the fort to command in big strides, from emperor's children magnificence Xu tian of Chinese Xu, has given magnificence Xu Tian a dragon skin reel: magnificence does Xu command? This is the order of your Human Emperor, later Human Race and we are the blood brother, the Chi Ban Mountain defense line, does not need to exist, this fights the fort, you transmit to us immediately.” 面无表情的伽族战士大踏步的来到了人族战堡统领,来自华胥氏的帝子华胥瑱面前,将一份龙皮卷轴递给了华胥瑱:“华胥统领?这是你们人皇的命令,以后人族和我们就是亲兄弟,赤坂山防线,没有必要存在了,这座战堡,你们立刻转交给我们。” Jia Clan Warrior looks at face shocking and vacant magnificence Xu Tian, has smiled very much carefree: The words that I have not remembered incorrectly, the past 300 years, I once that led the clansman seven times to attack you to assume fought the fort, I failed, seven times, I was all defeated. However this time, is your Human Emperor makes you retreat, moreover cannot carry off this inside every bit of property!” 伽族战士看着一脸震惊和茫然的华胥瑱,很畅快的笑了起来:“我没记错的话,过去的300年时间内,我曾经带领族人七次攻打您坐镇的这处战堡,我失败了,七次,我全失败了。但是这一次,是你们的人皇让你们撤退,而且不许带走这里面的一草一木!” You...... I!” Chinese Xu tian received dragon skin reel, looked at an above order, has a look at the unique Wu Li (magus power) fluctuation that clear Human Emperor imperial seal sends out again, he looks at front old match helplessly. “你……我!”华胥瑱接过龙皮卷轴,看了一眼上面的命令,再看看那清晰的人皇印玺散发出的独特巫力波动,他不知所措的看着面前的老对手。 „Do you want the disobey orders?” Jia Clan Warrior he he has smiled, from him behind, stood several to wear the black clothed and waist to grip the Human Race punishment health/guard of scarlet waistband suddenly, their careless smiling, were vibrating gently the shackle and punishment stick in hand. “你想要违抗命令?”伽族战士‘呵呵’的笑了起来,从他身后,突然站出了十几名身穿黑衣、腰间扎着血色腰带的人族刑卫,他们吊儿郎当的笑着,轻轻的抖动着手中的铁链和刑棒。 Does not retreat, then you because will defy the Human Emperor orders the grave offense, was arrested.” In the Jia Clan Warrior pupil flashes through wipes the strange ray: You are one match who is worth respecting, if has not fallen on the battlefield, because this reason drops down, I will also think very regrettable. Therefore, but also asked you to retreat!” “不撤退,那么你就会因为违抗人皇命令的重罪,被逮捕。”伽族战士眸子里闪过一抹奇异的光芒:“您是一位值得尊重的对手,如果没有倒在战场上,而是因为这种原因倒下,我也会觉得非常遗憾。所以,还请您撤退吧!” Chinese Xu Tian and his behind audiences Human Race military officer body tighten, the palm has gripped the weapon stubbornly. 华胥瑱和他身后的一众人族将领身体绷紧,手掌死死的握住了兵器。 After long time silence, magnificence Xu unit Warrior that magnificence Xu tian silent waving, in the castle guards just liked the running water same withdrew from the castle. According to the emperor grand order, they have not carried off every bit of property in castle, the grain and fodder of piling up, hill general Magic Crystals, when various lethality hugeness and manufactures consumed the astonishing city garrison instrument to leave the foreign race army in control castle. 良久的沉默后,华胥瑱无声的一挥手,城堡中驻守的华胥部战士犹如流水一样撤出了城堡。按照帝勖的命令,他们没有带走城堡内的一草一木,堆积如山的粮草,小山一般的巫晶,各种杀伤力巨大、制造时耗费惊人的城防器械全部留给了接管城堡的异族大军。 The Chi Ban Mountain critical locality took over control of by foreign race one after another, the quick entire Chi Ban Mountain defense line falls into the hand of foreign race thoroughly. 一座又一座赤坂山的重要据点被异族接管,很快整条赤坂山防线彻底落入异族之手。 Pu Ban and between the foreign race armies, does not have any hindrance again, even if Human Race can eliminate has moved in the Pu Ban foreign race army, the Yu Dynasty army can also push directly into from the north, without any resistance direct link Human Race center. 蒲阪异族的大军之间,再无任何阻碍,就算人族能够消灭已经入住蒲阪异族大军,虞朝的军队也能从北方长驱直入,没有任何阻力的直达人族腹地。 Southwest Pu Ban, an extremely important pasture, is the Human Race army provides the pastures of various force mounts specially, because of the emperor grand order, by Gongsun's clansman control, rapidly was then transmitted to foreign race. 蒲阪西南,一处极其重要的牧场,专门为人族军队提供各种强力坐骑的牧场,因为帝勖的命令,被公孙氏的族人接管,然后迅速转交给了异族 Southeast Pu Ban, a giant Magic Crystals mineral lode, here is Magic Crystals that Pu Ban city garrison Restriction and city garrison large formation provide to need, the Magic Crystals quality that here produces is extremely specially pure . Moreover the reserves is extremely huge, enough Pu Ban several thousand years of consumption. Similarly because emperor grand paper archives, one group of clansmen of Gongsun have taken over control of here, then the entire mine turned over foreign race. 蒲阪东南,一座巨型的巫晶矿脉,这里专为蒲阪的城防禁制、城防大阵提供所需的巫晶,此处出产的巫晶品质极其纯净,而且储量极其巨大,足够蒲阪数万年的耗费。同样因为帝勖一纸公文,公孙氏的一群族人接管了这里,然后整个矿场移交给了异族 South Pu Ban, is away from the Pu Ban long distance, a fertile draw old name of length and breadth said extremely the wildness of Shennong, here year to year is Pu Ban provides various grain crops, Pu Ban and even the Pu Ban peripheral several thousand size clans and tribes depend upon Shennong wildly produces to maintain the current consumption. The clansman of Gongsun collection the wildness of Shennong, then has given forcefully foreign race this fertile length and breadth land. 蒲阪南方,距离蒲阪十万八千里,一片极其广袤的肥沃平原名曰神农之野,这里常年为蒲阪提供各种粮食作物,蒲阪乃至蒲阪周边数千个大小部族都依靠神农之野的出产维持日常消耗。公孙氏的族人强行‘征收’了神农之野,然后将这片肥沃至极的广袤土地交给了异族 Pu Ban peripheral everywhere strategic point was invaded by foreign race, a everywhere critical facility took over control of by foreign race. 蒲阪周边一处处战略要地被异族侵占,一处处重要设施被异族接管。 Even Magi palace some important palaces, was bribed by the clansman of Gongsun, afterward troops splendid entering Magi palace of foreign race.( To be continued.) 甚至就连巫殿的一些重要殿堂,也都被公孙氏的族人染指,随后异族的人马堂而皇之的进驻巫殿。(未完待续。)
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