TME :: Volume #17

#1643: Double demon

Pu Ban, uses the golden casting all over the body, luxuriously to the pinnacle huge palace, just and emperor drinks wine to make music and appreciate the troop beautiful young girl dance in grand together Yu Huo pupil the dim light twinkle. 蒲阪,一座通体用黄金铸造而成,奢华到极致的庞大宫殿中,正和帝勖一起饮酒作乐、欣赏大群美丽少女歌舞的虞惑眸子里幽光闪烁。 He gained ground, by remote distance, saw the battlefield outside Yao Mountain city. 他抬起头来,透过遥远的距离,看到了垚山城外的战场。 He noticed that became in his net the clan allied armies of fish was separated unexpectedly safely, over 90% Warrior had not died in battle, but submerged the boundless wilderness. What makes his angry is, had been controlled by him mental, every action and every movement by troop Jia Clan Warrior that he affects, they are confused by the strength that not measured, have been separated from his palm. 他看到原本已经成为他网中鱼儿的氏族联军居然平安脱离,超过九成的战士并没有战死,而是没入了茫茫荒野。更让他恼怒的是,原本被他掌控了心智,一举一动都受他影响的大群伽族战士,他们已经被一股莫测的力量迷惑,脱离了他的手掌。 Damn, if not the strength of Emperor Shun merit, has counter-balanced the strength of brain of too many Panyu......” beautiful jade liquor in Yu Huo hand one phonochemical is a wisp of azure smoke, he stands up slowly, the strange strength that makes the person state of mind ripple spreads from his forehead vertical, the brain of Panyu the dim light four shoot all over the body drilled from his forehead vertical difficultly. “该死,如果不是帝舜身上的功德之力,抵消了太多盘虞之脑的力量……”虞惑手中的美玉酒盏‘噗’的一声化为一缕青烟,他缓缓站起身来,一股让人神魂荡漾的诡异力量从他眉心竖目中扩散开来,通体幽光四射的盘虞之脑从他的眉心竖目中艰难的钻了出来。 Is sitting in emperor grand Emperor Shun body in a flash, he stared in a big way the eye with amazement, the faint fell to the ground suddenly. His state of mind by the seal, a short time was hard to regain consciousness, Yu Huo will control Emperor Shun strength withdrawing of brain of Panyu immediately most, tore to throw to the battlefield outside Yao Mountain city void. 正坐在帝勖身边的帝舜身体一晃,他骇然瞪大了眼睛,骤然昏厥倒地。他的神魂被封印,一时半会难以苏醒,虞惑立刻将控制帝舜盘虞之脑的力量抽回大半,撕裂了虚空向垚山城外的战场投了过去。 Overwhelming power Daoist both hands according, in the giant diamond pokes on, being all smiles looks to scatter in all directions to flee allied armies Warrior that. 威猛道人双手按在巨大的金刚杵上,笑容满面的看着四散奔逃的联军战士 Runs away, leaves, the distant proliferation, you are the seed of my clan, the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures and all sort of evil thoughts are your manures. Proliferation heartily, takes root in the Human Race moral nature, makes the parent substance with their souls, breeding, the hatching, then shocks this world.” “逃走吧,离开吧,远远的扩散吧,你们就是我族的种子,七情六欲、诸般邪念就是你们的肥料。尽情的扩散吧,在人族的心底扎根,用他们的灵魂做母体,孕育吧,孵化吧,然后震惊这个世界。” Side overwhelming power Daoist has strange fragrance to proliferate, his ruler allow tall tender grass cover exotic fragrance has smoked, the deep green tender grass changed into the Purple gold color rapidly, the Golden Light shining tender grass drags the physique to be long under zhang (3.33 m) allow tall, with puff the careful sound, the leave of grass and grass stalk of tender grass had the strange change. 威猛道人身边有奇异的馨香扩散开来,他脚下尺许高的嫩草被异香熏过,碧绿的嫩草迅速化为紫金色,金光灿灿的嫩草摇曳身姿长到了丈许高下,伴随着‘噗噗’的细细响声,嫩草的草叶、草茎都发生了奇异的变化。 Careful White Jade floral axes drag to grow from the grass heart of tender grass, on the floral axis point Golden Light glitters, the golden flowers of number of people size bloom baseless. 一条条细细的白玉般的花茎从嫩草的草心中摇曳长出,花茎上点点金光闪烁,一朵朵人头大小的金色花朵凭空绽放开来。 These golden flowers are beautiful exceptionally, the flower petal just likes pure gold forging, during is tender and beautiful is passing a thick tenacious meaning, one such as the old camel thorn in Gobi Desert, in each flower petal is passing a stubborn tenacious vitality. 这些金色的花朵美丽异常,花瓣犹如纯金锻造而成,娇艳之中透着一股浓浓的坚韧之意,一如戈壁滩上的老骆驼刺,每一片花瓣中都透着一股倔强的顽强生命力。 Overwhelming power Daoist both hands tie seal, gently sang one, heard the upper air to have trillion Spiritual God to sing the graceful ode with one voice, one continuously descended from the sky just like the essence platinum colored light glow, gentle sprinkling on these golden flowers. Center stamen and pistil that golden flowers growth vigorously, Golden Light ripples, manner dignified Jinjia Daoist immortals have emitted slowly. 威猛道人双手结印,轻轻的呵唱了一声,就听得高空有亿万神灵齐声唱起了曼妙的颂歌,一缕缕宛如实质的白金色光芒从天空降落,温柔的洒落在这些金色的花朵上。金色的花朵极力的生长开来,金光荡漾的花蕊正中,一尊尊神态威严的金甲神人冉冉冒出了头来。 Venerable main!” Trillion Jinjia Daoist immortals grasp golden roaring flame winding thunderously the exorcize demons treasured sword, the sound such as salutes to prostrate oneself to overwhelming power Daoist simultaneously. “尊主!”亿万金甲神人手持金色烈焰缠绕的降魔宝剑,声如雷鸣的向威猛道人齐齐行礼膜拜。 Overwhelming power Daoist shows a faint smile, gained ground that invisible soul vortex to upper air says with a smile: fellow Daoist , can my magical powers magnificent otherwise?” 威猛道人微微一笑,抬起头来向高空中那个无形的灵魂漩涡笑道:“道友,吾之神通可壮观否?” In the soul vortex a strange and tyrannical soul fluctuation shows slowly, a translucent Yu Huo form descends from the upper air slowly. Many wear heavy armor Jia Clan Warrior just likes the insanity same wields the weapon to divide to chop to the body that Yu is puzzled, their weapons have not been able to bump into Yu Huo body, their heads resemble the giant stone crush the egg same to explode. 灵魂漩涡中一股诡异而强横的灵魂波动冉冉透出,一尊半透明的虞惑身影缓缓从高空降落。好些身披重甲的伽族战士犹如疯魔一样挥动着兵器向虞惑的身体劈砍过去,他们的兵器还没能碰到虞惑的身体,他们的脑袋就好像巨石碾压的鸡蛋一样爆开。 The blood and brain fluid sprinkle everywhere are, Yu Huosao in a battlefield in these pupils was passing all colors ray Jia Clan Warrior one faintly, sighed spookily: I have the cleanliness, any by the toy that the bystander has moved, must destroy!” 鲜血、脑浆洒得满地都是,虞惑扫了一眼战场上那些眸子里隐隐透着五彩光芒的伽族战士一眼,幽幽叹道:“我有洁癖,凡是被外人碰触过的玩具,必须销毁!” Pointed at the light shell, in the battlefield all outside Heavenly Demon by the territory is invaded the body, outside Heavenly Demon by the territory was controlled motion Jia Clan Warrior to be with one voice stuffy, their heads exploded one after another, various types of exotic fragrances, cool breezes, multi-colored sunlight and good luck unceasing departed from the bodies of these Jia Clan Warrior, if quickly lightning ran away to the distant place. 手指轻弹,战场上所有被域外天魔侵入了身体,被域外天魔控制了行动的伽族战士齐声闷哼,他们的头颅接连爆开,各种异香、清风、霞光、瑞气不断的从这些伽族战士的身体内飞出,快若闪电的向远处逃窜。 Dares to bribe my toy, you must be frightened out of one's wits, then becomes my part.” Yu Huo has sneered, arrogant looks at overwhelming power Daoist, a finger once more gently ball. “胆敢染指我的玩具,你们必须魂飞魄散,然后成为我的一部分。”虞惑冷笑了一声,倨傲的看着威猛道人,手指再次轻轻一弹。 My subjects, nobody can injure!” Overwhelming power Daoist laughs, his both hands tie seal to make an effort a racket, the Jinjia Deity that in his innumerable golden flowers stands lofty simultaneously ties seal, simultaneously has bellowed an inexplicable incantation. “吾的子民,无人能够伤害!”威猛道人大笑,他双手结印用力一拍,他身边无数金色花朵中巍然矗立的金甲神人同时结印,同时大吼了一声莫名的咒语。 An enormous and powerful overwhelming power firm soul fluctuation howls to spread to all around, a golden multi-colored sunlight good luck sweeps across entire Yao Mountain City, in the world the wonderful sound lingers wonderfully, greets the nostrils fragrant, all lives felt that boiling hot strengths emerge the body, not only makes the body comfortable hits to tremble, the soul was to just like to crash into the heaven wonderland, is unable to describe that type without limits wonderful joyful. 一股浩浩荡荡威猛刚强的灵魂波动呼啸着向四周扩散开去,一波波金色的霞光瑞气席卷整个垚山领,天地间妙音萦绕、奇香扑鼻,所有生灵都感到一股股滚烫的力量涌入身体,不仅仅让身体舒服得直打哆嗦,灵魂更是犹如坠入了天堂妙境,根本无法形容那种无止境的美妙快乐。 Yu Huo is used to attack outside the territory the Heavenly Demon strange strength to be counter-balanced baseless, the billowing Golden Light good luck changes into several hundred high nine heavy golden jeweled flagpoles, overlapped encirclement Yu Huo. 虞惑用来攻击域外天魔的诡异力量被凭空抵消,滚滚金光瑞气化为数百座高九重的金色宝幢,重重叠叠的环绕住了虞惑。 Overwhelming power Daoist smiles was nodding to Yu Huo: fellow Daoist , I said that my subjects, nobody can injure!” 威猛道人微笑着向虞惑点了点头:“道友,吾说了,吾的子民,无人能伤害!” The innumerable Jinjia Daoist immortals soar, they grasp the exorcize demons sword, is having the subtle and arrogant smiling face, from has surrounded to Yu Huo in all directions. Their lineups are scattered and organized, between each Jinjia Daoist immortals and other companions coordinate with each other across a great distance, the faint cloth has become extremely subtle large formation. 无数金甲神人腾空而起,他们手持降魔剑,带着微妙而高傲的笑容,从四面八方向虞惑包围了上去。他们的阵型错落有致,每一尊金甲神人和其他同伴之间都遥相呼应,隐隐布成了一座极其微妙的大阵 Is presiding the army to go out of town to chase down Ji Xia of allied armies deeply to inspire, he dreads looked at body translucent Yu Huo and whole body Golden Light spout overwhelming power Daoist, held up has gotten hold of the fist that fiercely the right hand has made an effort. 正统辖大军出城追杀联军的姬夏深吸了一口气,他忌惮的看了一眼身体半透明的虞惑和周身金光喷涌的威猛道人,猛地举起了右手用力的握紧了拳头。 The Yao Mountain City army who chases down in all directions stopped rapidly, with loud and clear order sounds, numerous Yao Mountain City Warrior dresses ranks in abundance to the city retreats. 四处追杀的垚山领大军迅速停了下来,伴随着一声声洪亮的命令声,众多垚山领战士纷纷整队向城内撤退。 All around has innumerable strange Xiang, cool breeze all sort of phenomenon to approach to Yao Mountain City Warrior fast, numerous Three-legged Golden Crow simultaneously exude the sharp cry, they open mouth the blowout dazzling golden color flame, pure yang to just, had the Sun cremation of unsurpassed broken demon invincible might is a thick wall with flues for heating keeps off in Yao Mountain City Warrior really behind, outside the non- number field that will attack Heavenly Demon has compelled to draw back. 四周有无数的奇香、清风诸般异象向垚山领战士快速逼近,众多三足金乌同时发出尖锐的叫声,他们张嘴喷出刺目的金色火光,纯阳至刚、拥有无上破魔神威的太阳真火化为一道厚厚的火墙挡在了垚山领战士身后,将来袭的无数域外天魔纷纷逼退。 Overwhelming power Daoist and Yu Huo simultaneously look at Yao Mountain City Warrior that retreated fast, they have simultaneously smiled. 威猛道人和虞惑同时看了一眼快速撤退的垚山领战士,两人同时笑了起来。 The smiling faces of two people extremely subtle, resembles them is the hunter, but other all living things are only their game, whatever their life and death gives and takes away. 两个人的笑容都极其的微妙,就好像他们是猎人,而其他芸芸众生都只是他们的猎物任凭他们生死予夺。 I saw you!” Yu Huo smiled to overwhelming power Daoist suddenly. “我看到你了!”虞惑突然向威猛道人笑了笑。 I also saw you!” Overwhelming power Daoist narrows the eyes to focus, may kindly clear said with a smile to Yu Huo: Innumerable years, you in the middle of all my game, have been able to disperse into first three!” “我也看到了你!”威猛道人眯着眼,和蔼可清的向虞惑笑道:“无数年了,你在吾所有的猎物当中,可以排入前三之列!” Yu Huodai, actually desirably is showing with deep veneration the smiling face that ridiculed jeers disdains: Depends on you?” 虞惑带着一丝肃然,却刻意露出了一丝讥嘲不屑的笑容:“就凭你?” They looked at one mutually, suddenly simultaneously changes into wisp of cool breeze to flutter to the opposite party. 两人相互望了一眼,突然同时化为一缕清风向对方飘去。 Two wisps of cool breezes pester in together, quick becomes inseparable, just liked two groups of clear water blendings one group.( To be continued.) 两缕清风纠缠在一起,很快就变得密不可分,犹如两团清水混成了一团。(未完待续。)
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