TME :: Volume #17

#1642: The group demon dances

In the battlefield, the allied armies officers randomly have become one group. 战场上,联军将士乱成了一团。 Under the influence of world large formation, in the middle of the allied armies Divine Magi powerhouses also can only depend upon two thighs to dash about wildly in the ground, have mysterious and surreptitious Magus Law Shaman , is unable to use the witchcraft to escape to the battlefield. 在天地大阵的影响下,联军当中的巫帝强者也只能依靠两条大腿在地面上狂奔,拥有神奇而诡秘巫法巫祭们,也无法施展巫术遁离战场。 Is the soldier who sun unit tags along after to chase down, billowing roaring flame incarnadine half sky. 身后是金乌部尾随追杀的士兵,滚滚烈焰染红了半边天空。 The front is forcefully foreign race Warrior of interception, wore heavy armor, to grasp Jia Clan Warrior of specially-made long blade just likes the impregnable bastion keeps off in front of allied armies Warrior, as long as approached their people severed completely completely. 前方是强行拦截的异族战士,身披重甲、手持特制长刀的伽族战士犹如铜墙铁壁挡在了联军战士面前,但凡靠近他们的人全部被一刀两断。 In the battlefield of be continuous near thousand li(500 km), can see allied armies Warrior that wails bitterly everywhere, body perfect allied armies Warrior or is busy fleeing in all directions, or is busy in the nest instead mutually holding the blade, Warrior that receiving the severe wound is unable to walk is outstretch both hands of shouting oneself hoarse, will weep and wail the plea clansman to take away this damn place fierce. 绵延近千里的战场上,到处都能看到哭天喊地的联军战士,身体完好无损的联军战士或者忙着四处奔逃,或者忙着窝里反相互捅刀,受到重伤无法行走的战士则是声嘶力竭的伸出双手,厉声哭喊着恳求族人将自己带离这个该死的地方。 Chaotic footsteps acoustic shock results in ground humming sound to make noise, blood being contaminated soil, in the ground congealed to reach the ruler scarlet mud thick. Innumerable Warrior are whooshing, is sobbing, was railing, was entreating, in angry bellowed to yell that the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures mood tumbled in their heart, changes into the gloomy aura that the common person could not see to flutter slowly from their top of the head. 乱糟糟的脚步声震得地面‘嗡嗡’作响,鲜血浸染土壤,在地上凝成了厚达尺许的血色泥浆。无数战士在嘶吼,在哭泣,在谩骂,在哀求,在愤怒的大吼大叫,七情六欲的情绪在他们心头翻滚,化为寻常人看不到的灰暗气息从他们头顶冉冉飘出。 Really is beautiful delicious food.” From battlefield edge not far small hillside on, tall, surface such as White Jade general clear favor, the high Grand Dao person of king style stands lofty faintly, his height about three zhang (3.33 m), the body majestic such as the dragon shape, both hands poked one heavily exceptionally, to mount the diamond pestle of massive pearl precious jade, with a laugh looks at the chaotic battlefield. “真是美丽可口的食物。”距离战场边缘不远的小山坡上,一名身材高大、面如白玉一般晶莹润泽,举手投足间隐隐有一股帝王风范的高大道人巍然矗立,他身高三丈开外,身躯雄壮如龙象,双手杵着一根沉重异常、镶嵌了大量珍珠宝玉的金刚杵,笑呵呵的看着乱糟糟的战场。 The air/Qi of seven emotions and six sensory pleasures on millions allied armies soldiers scatters unceasing flies to this Daoist, a Daoist skin surface favor fluorescence glitters slightly, all seven emotions and six sensory pleasures instantaneously bought by him, wipes strange light Symbol just likes under his skin the clever fish same flees to flee, his aura in unceasing promotion. 数以百万计的联军士兵身上飘散出的七情六欲之气不断的向这道人飞来,道人的皮肤表面一层润泽的荧光微微闪烁,所有的七情六欲都被他瞬间吸纳,一抹抹奇异的光影符文在他皮肤下犹如灵巧的鱼儿一样窜来窜起,他的气息在不断的提升。 Several hundred wear Daoist of gorgeous long gown to crowd around this overwhelming power unusual Daoist, in the pupil is glittering seven color dim light, similarly smiles is looking allied armies Warrior that everywhere in scurries about. 数百名身穿华美长袍的道人簇拥着这个威猛异常的道人,眸子里闪烁着七彩幽光,同样微笑着看着满地里乱窜的联军战士 Angry, sorrowful, panic-stricken, dreads, is the deep despair!” Overwhelming power Daoist repetitive nod with a laugh: Desperate strength, do you feel the pleasant and tasty taste that in the souls of these distortions sends out? This is my clan tastiest tonic.” “愤怒,悲哀,惊恐,畏惧,进而是深深的绝望!”威猛道人笑呵呵的连连点头:“绝望的力量,你们感受到这些扭曲的灵魂中散发出的甘美滋味么?这是我族最鲜美的补品。” Audiences Daoist has simultaneously smiled, they do not smile, once smiles to make noise, their bodies become just like the pearl precious jade equally are immediately glittering and translucent carving, has the light multi-colored sunlight to proliferate from their skins, light strange fragrance regarding their bodies, they behind are correct a multi-colored sunlight to linger, in the multi-colored sunlight has innumerably graceful such as the picture of fairyland to be partly visible. 一众道人同时笑了起来,他们不笑也就罢了,一旦笑出声来,他们身体立刻变得犹如珍珠宝玉一样晶莹剔透,更有淡淡的霞光从他们皮肤下扩散开来,一股淡淡的奇异馨香围绕着他们的身体,他们身后有道道霞光萦绕,霞光中有无数曼妙如仙境的景象若隐若现。 If Ji Hao here, he can see these people surely is outside the territory Heavenly Demon, moreover each is greatly comfortably and greatly rambles the demon of that progression Venerable the big energy. But is the height about three zhang (3.33 m) of head, dignifiedly solemnly and respectfully just likes Daoist of king, his strength, status and status, surpassed the demons in these Heavenly Demon tribal groups Venerable obviously. 若是姬昊在此,他定能看出这些人全都是域外天魔,而且每一尊都是大自在、大逍遥那种级数的魔尊大能。而为首的这尊身高三丈开外,威严肃穆犹如帝王的道人,他的实力、身份、地位,显然超过了这些天魔族群中的魔尊。 Really is the strange race, such complex human nature.” Overwhelming power Daoist full of enthusiasm swallows in air the rich seven emotions and six sensory pleasures energy, while said with a smile: Just likes Human Race within the body that in these small livestock same runs carelessly, I can feel to be extremely bright, be extremely staunch and am extremely brave, one side the extremely dignified soul...... However in their souls, is flooding gloomy, spiritless, timid and selfish side similarly.” “真是奇怪的种族,这么复杂的‘人性’。”威猛道人兴致勃勃的一边吞噬空气中浓郁的七情六欲能量,一边笑着说道:“在这些犹如小畜一样胡乱奔跑的人族体内,我能感受到极其光明、极其刚烈、极其勇武、极其威严的灵魂一面……但是在他们的灵魂中,同样充斥着阴暗、懦弱、胆怯、自私的一面。” Their souls, momentarily struggle to pace back and forth in the bright and dark edge, they momentarily are in the good and evil the border meeting point, they can read the Saint, can read the demon!” “他们的灵魂,随时在光明和黑暗的边缘上挣扎徘徊,他们随时处于善与恶的交界点,他们可以一念成圣,也能一念成魔!” Overwhelming power Daoist more said that is excited, in his pupil spout seven color gods light, the full of enthusiasm loudness said: Really is a good place, was whose first has discovered this world? Is, among our clansmen, is whose first has discovered the Pangu world? I must praise him, I will promote his strength and authority, I will give him to the high glory!” 威猛道人越说越是兴奋,他眸子里喷涌着七彩神光,兴致勃勃的大声说道:“真是一个好地方,是谁第一个发现了这个世界?是谁,我们的族人当中,是谁第一个发现了盘古世界?我要嘉奖他,我会提升他的力量和权力,我会给他至高的荣耀!” A side had the demon that innumerable Cailian circled to dance in the air Venerable faintly a little awkwardly smiles: Venerable main...... The first group of clansmen who we invade this world, all vanished into thin air. We have not clarified to the present, actually they were eliminated by whom, by any method elimination......” 一名身边隐隐有无数彩莲盘旋飞舞的魔尊有点尴尬的笑了:“尊主……我们侵入这个世界的第一批族人,全都烟消云散了。我们到现在还没弄清,他们究竟是被谁消灭,被什么方法消灭……” Overwhelming power Daoist stayed, he he has smiled several, his vision profound looks allied armies soldier who in the battlefield everywhere scurries about, low and deep saying: My interest to Pangu world was even more rich...... These humanity, in their souls are flooding light and dark strength inborn, this showed that the pioneer of Pangu world, in the middle of his soul, has the opposition similarly the strength.” 威猛道人呆了呆,‘呵呵’的笑了几声,他目光深邃的看着战场上满地乱窜的联军士兵,低沉的说道:“我对盘古世界的兴趣越发浓郁了……这些人类,他们的灵魂中天生充斥着光和暗的力量,这就证明,盘古世界的开辟者,他的灵魂当中,同样存在着对立的力量。” Both hands loosen the heavy diamond pestle, overwhelming power Daoist both hands tie seal, said spookily: Pangu? I had the interest to this world more and more. Goes, goes, to seize their bodies, corrodes their souls...... You do not need to make the too big movement, you only need to guide, the guidance they fall into the demented and chaotic mood carefully, twists their souls, is chaotic their spirit wisdom, among them, will transform naturally our new clansman.” 双手松开沉重的金刚杵,威猛道人双手结印,幽幽说道:“盘古?我对这个世界越来越有兴趣了。去吧,去吧,去占领他们的身体,侵蚀他们的灵魂……你们不需要做太大的动作,你们只需要引导,小心的引导他们陷入癫狂和混乱的情绪,扭曲他们的灵魂,混乱他们的灵智,他们当中,自然而然就会转化出我们的新族人。” Waves gently, overwhelming power Daoist said with a smile: Goes, eagerly anticipates them, manufacture confusion. More chaotic, is better.” 轻轻一挥手,威猛道人笑道:“去吧,引领他们,制造混乱。越混乱,越好。” He gained ground, static looks in sky that invisible, is skilled in the soul strength few has the soul vortex that can feel formidable: „Were some people harvesting these dead in battle the Human Race soul? Oh, no, these souls belong my. Who no matter you are, nobody can rob the game that I have a liking.” 他抬起头来,静静的看着天空中那个无形的,只有极少数精通灵魂力量的强大存在才能感受到的灵魂漩涡:“有人在收割这些战死人族的灵魂?噢,不,这些灵魂是属于我的。不管你是谁,没有人可以抢走我看上的猎物。” „Are you, actually who? Is the Human Race present chaotic situation, related with you? Oh, oh, you cannot certainly think that you did stare by me? You certainly become my game, you cannot escape.” “你,究竟是谁呢?人族现在的乱局,和你有关么?噢,噢,你一定想不到,你已经被我盯上了吧?你一定会成为我的猎物,你逃不掉的。” Side overwhelming power Daoist several hundred Daoist simultaneously laughed heartily is wielding the sleeve, departed continuously cool breeze from their sleeve unceasingly fragrant, together Dodge, wonderful sounds and bunch of strange light...... A each strange omen is outside a territory Heavenly Demon, outside some territories Heavenly Demon does not have the shade not to have the trace, a little cool breeze and strange Xiang and so on indication does not have. 威猛道人身边的数百道人同时欢笑着挥动袖子,从他们袖子里不断飞出一缕缕清风、一道道奇香、一声声妙音、一团团奇光……每一种异兆都是一尊域外天魔,更有一些域外天魔来无影去无踪,就连一点儿清风、奇香之类的征兆都没有。 The innumerableness had outside many territories Heavenly Demon to invade the battlefield, a look confusion of innumerable Human Race Warrior, then their hissing was roaring slightly, exhausted fully ran away to all around crazily, in their pupils had the strange ray to glitter faintly. 数不清有多少域外天魔侵入了战场,无数人族战士的眼神微微一个错乱,然后他们嘶声怒吼着,用尽全力的向四周疯狂逃窜,他们的瞳孔中隐隐有奇异的光芒闪烁出来。 Many in all directions Jia Clan Warrior of interception are also the body slightly in a flash, their battle formations suddenly become confused, originally already by the allied armies soldiers who they surround stubbornly very relaxed has highlit the encirclement ring. 好些在四处拦截的伽族战士也是身体微微一晃,他们的阵势骤然变得错乱,本来已经被他们死死困住的联军士兵很轻松的就突出了包围圈。 Innumerable allied armies Warrior exude the wild animal is common joyously the laughter, chaotic mixed escaping into the Yao Mountain City boundless wooded mountain, vanished on the boundless earth rapidly.( To be continued.) 无数联军战士发出野兽一般‘欢悦’的笑声,乱杂杂的遁入了垚山领的茫茫山林,迅速消失在了无边的大地上。(未完待续。)
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