TME :: Volume #17

#1641: Allied armies collapse

On the tall ladder, the innumerable allied armies soldiers retreat in a panic, they threw down had the weight not to have the shield of defensive power spatially, threw down has been similarly only able to implicate them not to be actually able to provide enough protection the mail-armor and helmet, threw down the heavy burden actually not to be very much able to break the enemy mail-armor and helmet the weapon, ran away to the distant place with the quickest speed. 天梯上,无数联军士兵仓皇撤退,他们丢下了空有重量全无防御力的盾牌,丢下了同样只能拖累他们却无法提供足够防护的甲胄,丢下沉甸甸很累赘却无法破开敌人甲胄的兵器,用最快的速度向远处逃窜。 They heard roaring and roaring of oneself military officer, has the clansman of being on good terms to whoosh below loudly, has spread over the entire battlefield their discoveries. The officers morale falling and breaking zero point of clan allied armies, they do not fight turning around of intent to run away suddenly, exhausted the most virulent language to send regards to the ancestor of Gongsun. 他们听到了自家将领的怒吼和咆哮,更有交好的族人在下面大声嘶吼,将他们的发现传遍了整个战场。氏族联军的将士们士气骤然摔破零点,他们毫无战意的转身逃窜,一个个用尽了最恶毒的语言问候着公孙氏的先祖。 Except that does not dare to blaspheme shaft Saint sovereign, as well as several Human Emperor and worthy people of former times of shaft Saint sovereign direct descendant point of convergence of the vital energy passages, Gongsun other ancestors of various lineage/vein, the emperor grand direct line ancestor of were scolded by innumerable Warrior particularly is a mass of cuts and bruises. 除了不敢亵渎轩辕圣皇,以及轩辕圣皇这一支嫡系宗脉的几位人皇、先贤,其他公孙氏的各支各脉的先祖,尤其是帝勖的直系祖先被无数战士骂得体无完肤。 If these cursed Gongsun ancestor underground has mystical powers, they will rise with a spring absolutely, draw a sword also to have him Gongsun Xu, whatever the crowd astute competent the relatives chop the meat sauce. 若是这些被咒骂的公孙氏先祖地下有灵,他们绝对会一跃而起,拔剑将公孙勖还有他任凭的这群‘精明能干’的亲眷剁成肉酱。 Not is only the allied armies soldier on tall ladder is retreating, they behind limitless armed forces also randomly has become one group, the innumerable soldiers threw the helmet to abandon one's armor, have discarded all weapons, just likes the gadfly that rushed out of the nest same turns toward in all directions stampede. 不仅仅是天梯上的联军士兵在撤退,他们身后无边无际的军阵也乱成了一团,无数士兵丢盔弃甲,丢弃了身上所有的军械,犹如炸窝的马蜂一样向着四面八方狼狈逃窜。 In huge armed forces often hears the sad and shrill painful call, does not know that is intends or injures accidentally, Warrior of many big clans throw down the weapon time, the heavy weapon was used by them has thrown fully far away, having the sad and shrill sound from out of the blue to pound in armed forces of Gongsun. 庞大的军阵中不时传来凄厉的痛呼声,不知道是有意还是误伤,好些大氏族的战士丢下兵器的时候,沉重的兵器被他们倾尽全力投掷了老远,带着凄厉的破空声砸进了公孙氏的军阵中。 Several thousand weapons layer on layer fall, Warrior of over a thousand Gongsun were battered to death, several thousand Warrior were hit the bone to break the muscle crack. The Warrior pain of Gongsun shouted curses angrily, some military officers of some Gongsun were in a towering rage overran to the direction that the weapon flew, wants found these to throw down trash anywhere the chief criminal. 数千件兵器重重落下,上千名公孙氏的战士被砸死,数千名战士被打得骨断筋裂。公孙氏的战士们痛呼怒骂,更有一些公孙氏的将领怒气冲天的向兵器飞来的方向冲了过去,想要找到这些随地乱扔‘垃圾’的罪魁祸首。 Does not know where transmits a call, the sky got dark suddenly. 不知道哪里传来一声呐喊,天空突然黑了下来。 Hundreds of thousands of weapons and hundreds of thousands of tower shields, hundreds of thousands of sets of mail-armor and helmets just like to arrow of string chaotic mixed has flown the sky, had elegant arcs, wicked has pounded to armed forces of Gongsun. 数十万件兵器、数十万件塔盾、数十万套甲胄犹如离弦的箭矢乱杂杂的飞上了天空,带起了一道道优美的弧线,恶狠狠的向公孙氏的军阵砸了下来。 Any allied armies soldier who approaches Gongsun armed forces completely, follows the example on burden, but heavy did not have the weapon of least bit use to lose, they exhausted to throw their weapon fully, simultaneously loud cursed one toward the ancestor of Gongsun. 凡是靠近公孙氏军阵的联军士兵,全部有样学样的将自己身上累赘而沉重却无半点用处的军械丢了出来,他们用尽全力丢出了自己的军械,同时大声的朝着公孙氏的先祖咒骂了一声。 Ten thousand people of square formations of over three Gongsun were almost routed by everywhere weapon instantaneously, over 50% Gongsun Warrior were hit meets a cruel death, other Warrior also break the arm to break the leg to receive the injury that the weight varied. 超过三个公孙氏的万人方阵几乎瞬间被漫天的军械击溃,超过一半公孙氏战士被打得粉身碎骨,其他战士也都断胳膊断腿受了轻重不一的伤势。 The officers of Gongsun rushed out of the nest, depends new Human Emperor is their clansmen of Gongsun, these officers of Gongsun were roaring breathless, wielded weapon retaliatory chopping to approach all around allied armies Warrior. 公孙氏的将士们炸窝了,仗着新任人皇是他们公孙氏的族人,这些公孙氏的将士们气急败坏的咆哮着,挥动着兵器报复性的砍向了四周的联军战士 The blade glittering, the stump residual limb broke arm to sprinkle place is. Ablazes with anger Gongsun officers quantity of retaliation not to be wantonly many, only then the trivial over ten thousand people, an odd change in millions allied armies cannot occupy. However their retaliatory actions have initiated all allied armies Warrior anger immediately, many allied armies soldier treachery quarrel, in hand weapon maliciously thorn to Gongsun clansman. 刀光闪烁,残肢断臂洒了一地都是。怒气冲冲大肆报复的公孙氏将士数量并不多,只有区区上万人而已,在数以百万计的联军当中连个零头都占不到。但是他们的报复行动立刻引发了所有联军战士的怒火,好些联军士兵倒戈相向,手中兵器狠狠刺向了身边的公孙氏族人。 Chaotic, the allied armies randomly have become one group, does not need sun unit Warrior in Yao Mountain city to continue to attack, they randomly have become one group of motley crew, they in fight to slaughter, in huge armed forces the war cries rise from all directions everywhere, blood rapid incarnadine earth. 乱了,联军乱成了一团,不需要垚山城内的金乌部战士继续打击,他们已经乱成了一群乌合之众,他们相互之间内斗厮杀,庞大的军阵中到处杀声四起,鲜血迅速染红了大地。 In the top, Ji Xia and the others look outside the city enemy with amazement in great confusion. 城头上,姬夏等人骇然看着城外乱成一团的敌人。 Be responsible for transferring in the city to prepare the military strength, prepared to reenforce front Shaosi, Man Man and the others to mount the city wall at any time rapidly, they look outside the city in consternation piece of chaotic allied armies, Shaosi slender eyebrow tight was pressed: „Do we need to attack?” 负责调动城内预备兵力,随时准备增援前线的少司蛮蛮等人迅速登上了城墙,她们愕然看着城外一片混乱的联军,少司修长的眉毛紧紧的蹙起:“我们需要进攻么?” Ji Xia grasps the long halberd maliciously has knocked in the city wall, thump a bang, entire Yao Mountain city all subjects heard this sad hit: Attack, opens one side city gate, making this Clan soldiers clash one wave...... Yi Di directs the archer to coordinate , the sun invincible force tags along after to chase down in the upper air. World large formation prepares to start at any time, if outside the city is the trap, starts large formation to strangle to death completely!” 姬夏手持长戟狠狠的在城墙上敲了一下,‘咚’的一声巨响,整个垚山城所有子民都听到了这一声沉闷的撞击:“进攻,开一侧城门,让本族儿郎冲一波……羿地指挥箭手在后策应,金乌天兵在高空尾随追杀。天地大阵随时准备发动,如果城外是陷阱,就发动大阵全部绞杀!” Holds up the long halberd high, Ji Xia shouts to clear the way fierce: „The soldiers of sun unit, kill along with me...... Shaosi and Man Man, your little darlings stay in the city, cannot......” 高高举起长戟,姬夏厉声喝道:“金乌部的儿郎们,随我杀……少司蛮蛮,你们乖乖呆在城里,不许……” Ji Xia a few words have not said that Man Man has carried two handle heavy lotus flower hammers to jump out the city wall overjoyed: „The soldiers of sun unit, clash with Man Man! Shouted...... Man Man is also the subjects of sun unit, kills off them!” 姬夏一句话还没说完,蛮蛮已经拎着两柄沉重的莲花锤欢天喜地的跳出了城墙:“金乌部的儿郎们,跟着蛮蛮冲啊!呀呼……蛮蛮也是金乌部的子民,杀光他们!” Similarly resulted in the god to seal, Man Man flame that strength progressed by leaps and bounds spurted on two handle lotus flower hammers, listened to bang resounded thunderously, two handle lotus flower hammers inflated several feet size suddenly, Man Man both hands were brandishing the big hammer maliciously lost outward, saw that two giant hot groups howled are rushing to the upper air, after drawing an arc, pounding maliciously on the ground. 同样得了神封,实力突飞猛进的蛮蛮一口火焰喷在了两柄莲花锤上,就听‘轰’的一声雷鸣响起,两柄莲花锤骤然膨胀到了十几丈大小,蛮蛮双手抡着大锤子狠狠的往外一丢,就看到两颗巨大的火团呼啸着冲上高空,划出一道弧线后狠狠的砸在了地上。 Two handle sledgehammers happen to fell on the allied armies soldiers most crowded place, listened to two bangs to transmit, two mushroom clouds soared slowly, gathered one giant mushroom clouds to rush to ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) upper air rapidly. A dazzling flame falls in proliferating from the lotus flower hammer, the place visited myriad things completely become the powder powders. 两柄大锤正好落在了联军士卒最密集的地方,就听两声巨响传来,两团蘑菇云冉冉腾空而起,迅速汇聚成了一团巨大的蘑菇云冲上了万丈高空。一波波刺目的火光从莲花锤落地处扩散开来,所过之处万物尽成齑粉。 Shaosi stands in the city wall, she actually to going out of town to slaughter, she recited the incantation, saw that outside the city on the innumerable allied armies soldiers has emitted their strength of destiny slowly. The destiny of several million allied armies soldiers pour into the body of Man Man unceasingly, saw that the body of Man Man just liked Sun of initial rise equally has shone. 少司站在城墙上,她倒是没有冲出城去厮杀,她只是口诵咒语,就看到城外无数联军士兵身上冉冉冒出了他们的气运之力。数百万联军士兵的气运不断注入蛮蛮的身体,眼看着蛮蛮的身体就犹如初升的太阳一样亮了起来。 Man Man jumped by two handle sledgehammers, worked to restore originally size heavy hammer, thump two hits to fly Gongsun senior general who two flushed rapidly. 蛮蛮一个蹦跳到了两柄大锤旁,抓起恢复原本大小重锤,‘咚咚’两声将两尊急速冲上来的公孙氏大将打飞了出去。 The Yao Mountain city opens to an allied armies armed forces city gate slowly, Ji Xia is riding a rush of blood to the head lion, Warrior of troop sun unit rides the fire lion, the hot tiger, the hot leopard, the hot bear and other mounts, is dressing high-quality god armor in The heaven treasure house, enormous and powerful to going out of town beyond. 垚山城面向联军军阵的城门冉冉开启,姬夏骑着一头火狮,身后大群金乌部的战士骑着火狮、火虎、火豹、火熊等诸般坐骑,穿戴着天庭宝库中的精品神甲,浩浩荡荡的冲出了城外。 Innumerable Three-legged Golden Crow restore the sun this, quack was screaming circles in Ji Xia and the others the top of the head, they have composed pure yang to execute certainly large formation, kills intent to sweep away icily void, in ten thousand li (0.5km) are void do not see cloud. 无数三足金乌恢复金乌本相,‘嘎嘎’尖叫着盘旋在姬夏等人头顶,他们已经组成了纯阳诛绝大阵,凌凌杀意横扫虚空,万里虚空内不见一丝云彩。 The rear distant place, adjoins arrow nu to look at the clan allied armies in great confusion extremely, cannot help but spookily sighed. 后方极远处,毗矢伮看着乱成一团的氏族联军,不由得幽幽叹了一口气。 Emperor grand...... Really most ideal Human Emperor candidate. In the past we bumped into, wasn't the emperor is why grand?” “帝勖……真是最理想的人皇人选。当年我们碰到的,为什么不是帝勖?” „The great Yu Huo sage, was too inconceivable, same Human Race, same Warrior, has traded why Human Emperor, these do Human Race become so frail? So incompetent? We once were these fierce brave, fearless and brave resolute and dignified Human Race heroes of bitter experience, with them a race?” “伟大的虞惑圣人,太不可思议了,同样的人族,同样的战士,为什么只是换了一个人皇,这些人族就变得如此的孱弱?如此的无能?我们曾经遭遇的那些悍勇、无畏、勇毅、威严的人族英雄,难道和他们是一个种族么?” These trash!” Adjoins allied armies soldier who arrow nu referred to fleeing carelessly, inconceivable saying: These Human Race heroes who they and we know, is really a race biology?” “这些垃圾!”毗矢伮指了指胡乱奔逃的联军士兵,不可思议的说道:“他们和我们认识的那些人族英雄,真的是一个种族的生物?” Nobody replied that adjoins arrow nu, adjoins arrow nu to shake the head, optional waves: Encircles, is outstanding and outstanding‚the Human Race elite except for Gongsun wolf and his crowd ‚’, other people, kill completely!”( To be continued.) 没人回答毗矢伮,毗矢伮摇了摇头,随意的一挥手:“围起来,除了公孙狼和他的那群‘优秀而杰出’的‘人族精英’,其他人,全部杀死!”(未完待续。)
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