TME :: Volume #17

#1640: This is the murder

The human ladder that Duke Sun Liang suggested that really played not the minor role. 公孙良建议的人梯,果然起了不小的作用。 Made the ladder with the body of fellow officer, troop allied armies Warrior stands and the Yao Mountain top contour position, slaughtered independently. 用同袍的身体做梯,大群联军战士站在了和垚山城头等高的位置,放手厮杀起来。 Sun unit Warrior on top, the allied armies soldier in human ladder, everybody has formed neat armed forces, just likes two impregnable bastion, hit maliciously in one. Long-barrelled gun great halberd mutual puncture, broadsword heavy sword chops to chop mutually, heavy axe flail maliciously hits in together, the heavy tower shield extrudes to expel the grinding mutually, bursts out dazzling sparks unceasingly. 城头上的金乌部战士,人梯上的联军士兵,大家都结成了整齐的军阵,犹如两座铜墙铁壁,狠狠的撞击在了一起。长枪大戟相互穿刺,大刀重剑相互劈砍,重斧连枷狠狠的撞击在一起,沉重的塔盾相互挤压撵磨,不断迸发出刺目的火星 Weapon thorn maliciously on the shield, on the mail-armor and helmet, the shield and mail-armor and helmet surface defends Symbol to shine, the body of each Warrior was covered by light light screen. On the weapon shone the dazzling ray similarly, attached various destructive Symbol weapons to hit the defense to tie, made the grating sound unceasingly. 兵器狠狠的刺在盾牌上,甲胄上,盾牌和甲胄表面一道道防御符文亮起,每个战士的身体都被一层淡淡的光幕笼罩。兵器上同样亮起了刺目的光芒,附加了各种杀伤性符文的兵器撞击着防御结界,不断发出刺耳的声响。 The Warrior elite degree of both sides quite, the strength cultivates to the phase difference also be similar, but the quick all people had discovered place that does not suit! 双方的战士精锐程度相当,实力修为也相差彷佛,但是很快所有人都发现了不对劲的地方! Weapon dividing of allied armies soldier maliciously chops on the body of sun unit Warrior, the sun unit Warrior shield and mail-armor and helmet consolidates like the mountain, whatever the allied armies soldiers chop to chop fully, they most, because the serious impulse body rocks slightly several, shield in mail-armor and helmet and hand is intact. 联军士兵的兵器狠狠的劈砍在金乌部战士的身上,金乌部战士的盾牌和甲胄稳固如山,任凭联军士兵全力劈砍,他们最多因为沉重的冲击力身体微微晃动几下,身上的甲胄、手中的盾牌丝毫无损。 The weapon in sun unit Warrior hand chops to chop , on allied armies soldiers, the sound that the flame that splashes, makes may be bigger, flames jump shoot, sees the shield on allied armies to crack massively, the body mail-armor and helmet splits unceasingly, both sides Warrior just engaged in hand-to-hand combat, has the troop allied armies soldier shield smashing and mail-armor and helmet to pierce, by the Warrior mass casualties of sun unit. 金乌部战士手中的兵器劈砍在联军士兵身上的时候,溅起的火光、发出的声响可就大了许多,一道道火光迸射,眼看着联军手上的盾牌大量开裂,身上甲胄不断裂开,双方战士刚刚短兵相接,就有大群联军士兵盾牌粉碎、甲胄洞穿,被金乌部的战士大量杀伤。 Broken statures crash from the tall ladder, many allied armies military officers have exuded the startled angry occurring together roaring sound. 一具具残破的身躯从天梯顶部坠落,好些联军将领发出了惊怒交集的咆哮声。 Very obviously, on the allied armies soldiers the shield and mail-armor and helmet of clothing, have missed more than one rank compared with sun unit Warrior weapon. Compared with sun unit Warrior weapon, on allied armies soldiers simply against has, weapon seems the plank makes general frail. 很显然,联军士兵身上穿戴的盾牌和甲胄,比起金乌部战士身上的军械差了不止一个等级。和金乌部战士身上的军械相比,联军士兵身上的防具、兵器简直就好似木板制成的一般脆弱。 Some Shaman of being sharp-eyed discovered that the allied armies soldiers equip against has Symbol that weapon above glitters not to be right. For example one set of most basic defense Symbol should comprised of Symbol Restriction of 36 series nestings, when the allied armies soldier mail-armor and helmet was attacked, the defense Symbol quantity of shining is obviously insufficient! 更有眼尖的巫祭发现,联军士兵装备的防具、兵器上面闪烁的符文不对。比如说一套最基本的防御符文应该由36道连环嵌套的符文禁制组成,联军士兵身上的甲胄受到攻击时,亮起的防御符文数量显然不够数! Defends the Symbol Restriction quantity not to be right, is unable to form the complete Symbol nesting, is unable to compose effective Symbol method, the mail-armor and helmet defensive power decides however by enormous weakening. 防御符文禁制的数量不对,根本无法形成完整的符文嵌套,无法组成有效的符文法阵,甲胄的防御力定然会被极大的削弱。 Defends the Symbol Restriction quantity insufficiently, what making Shaman scared is, they in the allied armies soldier weapon, have discovered many gravity Symbol traces, but these gravity Symbol only uses, increases the weight of weapon! 防御符文禁制的数量不够也就罢了,让巫祭们傻眼的是,他们在联军士兵身上的军械中,发现了好些重力符文的痕迹而这些重力符文唯一的用处,就是增加军械的重量! In other words, originally one set of mail-armor and helmet, be only 300 jin (0.5 kg), after attaching gravity Symbol, can make the mail-armor and helmet the weight turn into 1000 jin (0.5 kg)! 也就是说,原本一套甲胄只有300斤重,附加上重力符文后,可以让甲胄的重量变成1000斤! Nobody will be stupid to increases gravity Symbol on the Warrior mail-armor and helmet, has, that also certainly is antigravity Symbol, helping the mail-armor and helmet reduce the weight, letting the soldier can a clothing sincerer mail-armor and helmet, provide more formidable defensive power! 没有人会蠢到在战士们的甲胄上增加重力符文,就算有,那也一定是反重力符文,帮助甲胄减轻重量,让士兵能够穿戴更加厚重的甲胄,提供更强大的防御力! An ordinary soldier can only dress depth one inch heavy armor, in addition after antigravity Symbol, his mail-armor and helmet certain important defense spots on the possible accumulation to over half foot, the defensive power of so heavy armor at least to promote dozens times! 原本一个普通士兵只能穿戴起厚一寸的重甲,加上反重力符文后,他身上甲胄某些重要的防御部位就可能增厚到半尺以上,如此重甲的防御力起码能提升数十倍! Nobody to exerts gravity Symbol on the mail-armor and helmet stupid, making the mail-armor and helmet heavier, this to Warrior any advantage, only will not have let their slow-moving, lets their battle efficiencies by enormously weakening! 没有人蠢到在甲胄上施加重力符文,让甲胄变得更加沉重,这对战士没有任何好处,只会让他们行动缓慢,让他们的战斗力受到极大的削弱! What's all this about?” A Gao Yang shi military officer works on clansman suddenly, has opened his mail-armor and helmet. Works on sincerest chest armor, the Gaoyang military officer carries the saber to cut maliciously, hears ‚’ one, reaches five cuns (2.5cm) chest armor to be broken out thick with ease, this looks like sincere unusual chest armor, middle emptied four cuns (2.5cm) unexpectedly! “这是怎么回事?”一名高阳氏的将领突然抓起身边一个族人,一把将他身上的甲胄拆了下来。抓起最为厚重的胸甲,高阳氏将领拎起佩剑狠狠斩下,就听得‘咔嚓’一声,厚达五寸的胸甲被轻松劈开,这看起来厚重异常的胸甲,当中居然空了四寸! It seems like five cuns (2.5cm) chest armor, the regulations thickness is only one inch! 看似五寸的胸甲,实则厚度只有一寸! So frivolous chest armor, defense Symbol that coordinates to cheat on labor and materials, where does this mail-armor and helmet have what defensive power? 如此轻薄的胸甲,配合上偷工减料的防御符文,这甲胄哪里有什么防御力可言? Existences of these gravity Symbol, are promote the mail-armor and helmet the weight, the soldier who lets clothing these mail-armor and helmets thought that this is one set true with heavy armor that pure alloy forging becomes! Being insufficient makes the person discover that these mail-armor and helmets unexpectedly completely are the midheavens! 那些重力符文的存在,就是提升甲胄的重量,让穿戴这些甲胄的士兵觉得,这是一套真正的用纯粹的合金锻造而成的重甲!不至于让人发现,这些甲胄居然全部是中空的! I do - you - kisses - mother!” Saw that this set of midheaven chest armor, the military officers of various clan allied armies were all shocked. “我干-你-亲-娘咧!”眼看着这套中空的胸甲,各族联军的将领们全震惊了。 They gained ground fiercely, looks at top the above human ladder in sun unit Warrior with the clan that fights the soldier, the weapons in their hand are unable to break the sun unit Warrior mail-armor and helmet, but in the sun unit Warrior hand a long gun|spear stamp, frequently can pass through 56 the bodies of allied armies Warrior gently! 他们猛地抬起头来,看着上空人梯顶部正在和金乌部战士交手的族中儿郎,他们手中的兵器无法破开金乌部战士的甲胄,而金乌部战士手中长枪轻轻一戳,动辄就能贯穿56个联军战士的身体! This he - mother - what's the matter?” Various clan military officers are furious exceptionally, they snatch the next method mail-armor and helmet from their clansman, breaks out with the weapon at the scene, as expected, these semblance attractive mail-armor and helmets, the interior completely is the midheaven! “这他-妈-的是怎么回事?”各族将领震怒异常,他们纷纷从自己族人身上抢下一套套甲胄,当场用兵器劈开,不出所料,这些外表光鲜的甲胄,内部全部是中空的! Midheaven, midheaven! 中空的,中空的! Reached five cuns (2.5cm) chest armor to empty four cuns (2.5cm) thick, this was quite conscientious. 厚达五寸的胸甲空了四寸,这还是比较有良心的。 These not important shoulder pad, arm protector, kneepad, the war boots wait / etc., simply is a metal shell of body pour molding, inside and outside two light iron sheet, simply do not have any defensive power. 那些不怎么重要的护肩、护臂、护膝、战靴等等,干脆就是一体浇铸成型的金属壳子,里外两层薄薄的铁皮,根本没有任何防御力可言。 These mail-armor and helmets, let our clansmen, puts in such mail-armor and helmet the battlefield?” Various clan military officers were crazy, they roared loudly. “这些甲胄,让我们的族人,穿着这样的甲胄上战场?”各族将领疯狂了,他们纷纷大声的咆哮起来。 These mail-armor and helmets, may be just the superior emperor grand high-quality goods that’ mixes from the Human Race storehouse, are the so-called high-quality goods, unexpectedly this goods? 这些甲胄,可都是刚刚上位的帝勖从人族库房中调配出来的‘精品’,所谓的精品,居然就是这种货色? The emperor grand superior, cannot leave the support of major clans, therefore Gongsun promised that by the emperor from the public treasury of Human Race tribe alliance proposed grand weapon military baggage, to support the emperor grand major tribes of arms the private soldier! 帝勖上位,离不开各大氏族的支持,所以公孙氏许诺,由帝勖从人族部落联盟的公库中提出一笔军械辎重,为支持帝勖的各大部落武装私兵! This time expedites the Yao Mountain City clan and tribe allied armies, all weapons are provided by the emperor completely grand, completely the high-quality goods that proposed from the public treasury of Human Race tribe alliance! However the so-called high-quality goods, unexpectedly completely are the hollow shell! 这次远征垚山领的部族联军,所有的军械全部由帝勖提供,全部是从人族部落联盟的公库中提出的精品!但是所谓的精品,居然全部是空心壳子! Emperor Shun will not handle such matter...... Before had never presented such matter...... These weapons......” various clan military officer vision torching looks to Gongsun wolf that rear area supervised combat. 帝舜不会做这样的事情……以前从未出现过这样的事情……这些军械……”各族将领目光喷火的看向了后方督战的公孙狼。 Gongsun Langzheng extremely distressed grabs Duke Sun Liang: My brother, you have killed me, Gongsun Xiong, he - mother -, he is not my elder brother, he is my personal enemy! Where do these mail-armor and helmets come? How to come?” 公孙狼正极其狼狈的抓着公孙良:“我的哥哥啊,你害死了我,公孙熊,他-娘-的,他不是我兄长,他是我仇人啊!这些甲胄是哪里来的?怎么来的?” Duke Sun Liang looks at Gongsun Lang fiercely: „Before expediting Yao Mountain, Sir Xiong ordered the Human Race major workshops and workshops to rush a job at the same night...... Because is the hollow goods, therefore, forges to be very simple, a day two nights of times on all Qi Huo!” 公孙良龇牙咧嘴的看着公孙狼:“远征垚山之前,熊大人勒令人族各大工场、作坊连夜赶工的……因为是空心货色,所以,锻造起来很简单,一天两夜的功夫就全齐活了!” Thump dull thumping sound transmits, the troop clan and tribe military officers rushed to side Gongsun wolf in big strides, has encircled him all round. ‘咚咚’闷响传来,大群部族将领大踏步的冲到了公孙狼身边,将他团团围了起来。 Gongsun wolf, these mail-armor and helmets and shields what's the matter?” “公孙狼,这些甲胄、盾牌是怎么回事?” „Do you deceive us with these tattered goods?” “你就用这些破烂货色糊弄咱们?” You are the murder, do you want to kill all our clansmen?” “你这是谋杀,你想要害死我们所有的族人么?” You must transfer to us, you must transfer to us!” “你得给我们一个交待,你要给我们交待!” Gongsun Lang eyeball turns, he is suddenly miserable howling, the big mouth spurted the blood to fall down.( To be continued.) 公孙狼眼珠一翻,他突然惨嚎一声,大口喷血倒在了地上。(未完待续。)
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