TME :: Volume #17

#1652: Destruction body of the emperor

Also my [say / way]!” “还我的道!” Yu Manzhen was enchanted! 虞蛮真个疯魔了! That is destroys the main road, the plate Yu Shijie destruction main road, but the destruction, is the plate Yu Shijie basis. 那是毁灭大道,盘虞世界的毁灭大道,而毁灭,是盘虞世界的根本。 Destroys the main road may be called plate Yu Shijie to high main road, when Yu Man from the world opens, after the innumerable falling from the sky disaster disaster, the expenditure not measures the disaster years, barely escaping are innumerable, in slaughters in the fight innumerably, finally condensed has destroyed the main road, and own state of mind coincided it, achieved to the high boundary that all generations did not extinguish, had the strength of inexhaustible destruction. 毁灭大道堪称盘虞世界的至高大道,虞蛮从天地开辟时起,历经无数陨落灾劫,花费无量量劫岁月,险死还生无数次,于无数厮杀战斗中,终于凝聚了毁灭大道,将其与自身神魂相合,借此达到了万劫不灭的至高境界,更拥有了无穷无尽的毁灭之力。 God knows the Ji Hao Pangu sword is the what kind monstrous fetus, a sword broke out Yu Man head not to raise, Yu Man Within the body, has cut with his destruction main road of state of mind thorough fusion stiffly. 天知道姬昊盘古剑是何等怪胎,一剑劈开了虞蛮的脑袋不提,更硬生生将虞蛮体内,已经和他的神魂彻底融合的毁灭大道斩了出来。 A Ji Hao sword integrated the state of mind the destruction main road to cut him unexpectedly! 姬昊居然一剑将他已经融入神魂的毁灭大道斩了出来! Yu Man magical skill cultivates to fall suddenly at the scene over 70%, the state of mind is seriously battered, the strength of state of mind is damaged 90%, the body of powerful all generations going bad is not the vitality collapse, the big piece mortal body deads to decay rapidly dry. If not in his state of mind also has his these year of comprehensions battle and slaughter and grabbing and other meanings of main road are supporting, he was already cut the broken state of mind to fall from the sky by Ji Hao this thoroughly. 虞蛮的道行修为当场暴跌七成以上,神魂遭受重创,神魂之力受损九成,强悍的万劫不坏之躯更是气血崩坏,大片肉身急速枯槁枯朽。若非他神魂中还有他这些年领悟的‘厮杀’、‘屠杀’、‘劫掠’等大道之意强撑着,他早就被姬昊这一件斩破神魂彻底陨落。 Also my [say / way]! Your this group of robbers!” The head that Yu Huo bursts spells to crowd together rapidly, the wound heals rapidly, in his big eyes the tears spout, just likes is pointing at the Yu handyman in buddhist temple hissing wail that the insulted girl same shouts oneself hoarse. “还我的道啊!你们这群强盗!”虞惑破裂的头颅急速拼凑在一起,伤口急速愈合,他大眼里泪水喷涌,犹如被欺辱的小姑娘一样声嘶力竭的指着禹馀道人嘶声哀鸣。 The big equator person and clear slightly handyman in buddhist temple smile with one voice long, their palms tie seal to shake to the flag gate, sword light such as the water falls in torrents, Yu Huozhan cut and bruised, hit his having one misfortune after another injury more serious instantaneously several tenths. 大赤道人、清微道人齐声长笑,他们手掌结印向旗门一震,一道道剑光如水倾泻而下,瞬间将虞惑斩得遍体鳞伤,打得他雪上加霜伤势更加惨重了几成。 Under a sword suppression, Yu Huo body cannot move, he can only look helplessly the Yu handymen in buddhist temple have attained the Ji Hao side the basic main road that the life junction cultivated, blended the profound light of infinite main road deep meaning to pat the body of Ji Hao that. 在剑阵的压制下,虞惑身体丝毫动弹不得,他只能眼睁睁看着禹馀道人将自己性命交修的根本大道拿到了姬昊的身边,一手将那条融汇了无穷大道奥义的玄光拍进了姬昊的身体。 My [say / way]!” Yu Huo ‚’ cries, giant, black wool the body of all over the body fierce is shivering. “我的道!”虞惑‘嗷嗷’大哭,巨大的、遍体黑毛的身躯剧烈的颤抖着。 The Ji Hao whole body cold sweat spouts from the pore unceasingly, his body also fierce is shivering, in each pore has hung gradually up a tiny blood bead. A blood just liked the person with a pockmarked face has hung all over the body of Ji Hao jet black, the blood like black ink, coagulated in outside body rapidly, then rustle had the sound fell following the skin. 姬昊浑身冷汗不断从毛孔中喷出,他的身体也剧烈的颤抖着,渐渐地每个毛孔上都挂上了一颗细小的血珠。点点鲜血犹如麻子挂满了姬昊的身体,鲜血漆黑如墨,在体外迅速凝固,然后‘簌簌’有声的顺着皮肤滑落。 Destroys the main road to enter the body, the blood of Ji Hao within the body receives the strength of destruction to corrode unceasingly, the massive blood lose the activeness rapidly, changes into the decayed death thing to be discharged outside body by the formidable body forcefully. Ji Hao only thinks that the whole body just likes the blade chops to burn down the same discomfort, the pain that type places the mountain of sword hell and sea of fire hell makes him almost weep and wail. 毁灭大道入体,姬昊体内的鲜血不断受到毁灭之力侵蚀,大量鲜血急速丧失活性,化为腐朽的死物被强大的身体强行排出体外。姬昊只觉浑身犹如刀砍火烧一样的难受,那种身处刀山地狱、火海地狱的痛苦让他差点就哭喊起来。 Gathering air/Qi , helping your helping hand for master with rapt attention!” Yu handyman in buddhist temple both hands place about Ji Hao on the temples, rapid clear light gush out from his palm unceasingly, injects into Ji Hao within the body in abundance. “凝神聚气,为师助你一臂之力!”禹馀道人双手放在姬昊左右太阳穴上,一道道湍急的清光从他掌心不断涌出,纷纷注入姬昊的体内。 Each wisp of clear light contained certainly big Magic Power, each wisp of clear light needs Abao such natural talent outstanding great antiquity to be able greatly the self-torture ten thousand years. At this moment in Yu Yu Daoren hand, this continuously clear light just likes in the mountains and plains not the valuable mountain stream, billowing such as tide has injected into Ji Hao within the body, helping him suppress, analyze and absorbs the destruction main road in Yu Huo Within the body. 每一缕清光都蕴藏了绝大的法力,每一缕清光都需要阿宝这样天资卓绝的洪荒大能苦修万年。此刻在禹馀道人手中,这一缕缕清光就犹如山野间不值钱的溪水,滚滚如潮的注入了姬昊体内,帮他镇压、剖析、吸收虞惑体内的毁灭大道。 Ji Hao only thinks that own body and Dao Embryo in inflation rapidly, want the quick over ten thousand hundred million times of speeds to inflate compared with the light speed with one type in all directions. His body in short one in a flash, became huge incomparable, holds dozens and several thousand and several million complete macrocosms sufficiently. 姬昊只觉自己的身体和道胎在急速的膨胀,用一种比光的速度还要快上万亿倍的速度向四面八方膨胀。他的身躯在短短一弹指间,就已经变得庞大无比,足以容纳数十个、数千个、数百万个完整的大世界。 Just like mighty current the meaning of destruction pours into Ji Hao Dao Embryo unceasingly, in his Dao Embryo kills intent to fill the air, strong, exceeds the Ji Hao imagination limit a destruction rhyme to support Ji Hao Dao Embryo to show the whites of the eyes, Dao Embryo emits the innumerable black dim light to all around unceasingly. 一道道犹如洪流的毁灭之意不断注入姬昊道胎,他的道胎内杀意弥漫,浓烈的、超出姬昊想象极限的毁灭道韵撑得姬昊道胎直翻白眼,道胎不断向四周放射出无数条黑色的幽光。 Ji Hao Dao Embryo and a body probably three -year-old child, so long as every day three small bowl of thin rice gruel add the hash to cross very much moisten, is very strong. But the Yu handymen in buddhist temple pour into the destruction main road in his within the body forcefully, is a length of body 300 million li (0.5km) Kunpeng primary form, supported Ji Hao to the brink of collapse instantaneously. 姬昊道胎和身体就好像一个三岁的孩童,每天只要三小碗稀粥加肉糜就能过得很滋润,很强壮。而禹馀道人强行注入他体内的毁灭大道,则是一条体长300000000里的鲲鹏原形,瞬间撑得姬昊到了崩溃的边缘。 In the body of three -year-old child fills a 300 million li (0.5km) length Kunpeng, pure Magic Power that the Yu handyman in buddhist temple palms pour into unceasingly, was the Yu handymen in buddhist temple holds the Kunpeng primary form northern deep Tianchi to rinse the body of Ji Hao one forcefully sufficiently. 三岁孩童的身体内强塞进去一条300000000里长短的鲲鹏也就罢了,禹馀道人掌心不断注入的精纯法力,则是禹馀道人强行将一座足以容纳鲲鹏原形的北冥天池灌进了姬昊的身体。 Ji Hao lost all foreign sensations, he can only swallow and absorb this destruction main road with the help of Yu handyman in buddhist temple forcefully. Once fuses successfully, he can reach the sky in a single bound, has even also wants the tyrannical main road boundary compared with Abao. 姬昊已经失去了一切对外的感知,他只能强行在禹馀道人的帮助下吞噬、吸收这条毁灭大道。一旦融合成功,他就能一步登天,拥有甚至比阿宝还要强横的大道境界。 If were defeated, Ji Hao likely must maintain this type vegetable the condition did not know many years. Only if he can this main road thorough fusion absorption, otherwise he forever is unable to regain consciousness, can only immerse in an inexhaustible destruction rhyme eternal. 若是失败了么,姬昊很可能就要维持这种‘植物人’的状态不知道多少年。除非他能将这条大道彻底的融合吸收,否则他永远都无法苏醒,只能永恒沉浸在无穷无尽的毁灭道韵中。 The Yu handymen in buddhist temple recited the true words, broad sounds reverberated in Ji Hao Spiritual Space, the green lotus flower bloomed quietly, continuously the blue light unceasingly integrated Ji Hao Dao Embryo, helping him understand, the fusion destruction main road fast. 禹馀道人口诵真言,一道道恢弘的声音在姬昊神魂空间中回荡,朵朵青色莲花悄然绽放,缕缕青光不断融入姬昊道胎,帮助他快速理解、融合毁灭大道。 In Ji Hao Dao Embryo the dim light twinkle, the innumerable black tally seals reappear quietly fast are hidden, his Dao Embryo starts the slow growth, a faint trace, little, one thousandth one thousandth growth. Dao Embryo became the coagulation the congealing reality, the Ji Hao aura also started the slow transformation gradually. 姬昊道胎内幽光闪烁,无数条黑色的符印悄然浮现又快速隐没,他的道胎开始缓慢的生长,一丝丝、一点点、一厘一厘的生长。道胎逐渐变得凝固而凝实,姬昊的气息也开始了缓慢的转变。 The empty shade reappears quietly, he looked at green lotus flower in the Ji Hao Spiritual Space, shaking the head of gently. 虚影悄然浮现,他看了一眼姬昊神魂空间中的青色莲花,轻轻的摇了摇头。 „, Plate Yu Shijie destruction main road? Good thing, if can have this treasure in the past a short time, Ji Hao where can withstand such together to the high main road? The Yu this boys, doting parent is very good custom, this calf can bear is good!” “啧,盘虞世界的毁灭大道?好东西,若是当年能有这宝贝一时半会的,姬昊哪里能承受这么一道至高大道?禹馀这小子,护犊子是很好的习惯,也得这犊子受得了才行!” Both hands tie seal, empty shade silent singing read aloud an incantation. 双手结印,虚影无声的唱诵了一声咒语。 Pangu clock bang an acoustic shock cry, changed into hundred zhang (333m) high great Zhong Xuanfu in the Ji Hao top of the head. Air/Qi of the chaos rewind, supported into the Ji Hao body rapidly. The air/Qi of chaos washes out the Yu handymen in buddhist temple to send in that group of profound light of Ji Hao within the body crazily, strips a destruction rhyme that in the profound light contains unceasingly, will destroy a rhyme to change into strange Symbol to integrate the body of Ji Hao. 盘古钟‘轰’的一声震鸣,化为百丈高的巨钟悬浮在了姬昊头顶。一道道混沌之气倒卷而下,迅速拥入了姬昊身体。混沌之气疯狂的冲刷着禹馀道人送入姬昊体内的那一团玄光,不断剥离玄光中蕴藏的毁灭道韵,将毁灭道韵化为一枚枚奇异的符文融入姬昊的身体。 On the skin of Ji Hao has a complex and gorgeous black mark gradually reappears, his body just likes a handle peerless ominous soldier, starts destruction aura that sends out the selling person to be alarmed. The great quantity chaos air/Qi combines a destruction rhyme to integrate the Ji Hao body unceasingly, his body gradually becomes even more intrepidly and even more solid, in each cell starts to flood the rich destruction energy. 姬昊的皮肤上逐渐有复杂而华美的黑色道纹浮现,他的身体犹如一柄绝世凶兵,开始散发出让人惊怖的毁灭气息。巨量的混沌之气混杂着毁灭道韵不断融入姬昊身体,他的身体逐渐变得越发的强悍、越发的结实,每一个细胞中都开始充斥着浓郁的毁灭能量。 „The body of true Pangu, when may hold the innumerable main road principles, graces has the infinite great strength to send as one desires, this is with strength card [say / way] true feature.” The empty shade muttered said: Is only a destruction main road, was frailer, was sufficient temporarily.” “真正的盘古之躯,当可容纳无数大道法则,举手投足之间有无穷巨力随心而发,这才是‘以力证道’的真正面目。”虚影喃喃说道:“只是一条毁灭大道,单薄了一些,暂时却也够用了。” Ji Hao opens both eyes suddenly, two black gods only spout over a thousand li (0.5km) far from his eyes, his both hands rub, black Lei Guang takes shape together suddenly, wields the black thunder light to break conveniently instantaneously arrives in front of Yu Man void, hit maliciously on Yu Man left shoulder. 姬昊突然睁开双眼,两道黑色神光从他眼里喷出上千里远,他双手一搓,一道黑色雷光骤然成型,随手一挥黑色雷光瞬间震碎虚空来到虞蛮面前,狠狠撞在了虞蛮的左肩上。 A bang, Yu Man left shoulder was exploded by lighting-flame crushes, is unable to heal again. 一声巨响,虞蛮的左肩被雷火炸得粉碎,再也无法愈合。 My [say / way]!” Yu Man sheds bitter tears, shouting oneself hoarse was weeping and wailing.( To be continued.) “我的道啊!”虞蛮痛哭流涕,声嘶力竭的哭喊着。(未完待续。)
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