TME :: Volume #17

#1637: yao Shan Zhanqi

The toe that Ji Xia explodes is healing rapidly, he looked at cruentation city wall pile, muttered scolded one: Is really solid enough.” 姬夏爆掉的脚趾在急速愈合,他看了看染血的城墙垛儿,喃喃的骂了一句:“真够结实的。” In the sky all colors class cloud twinkle, the naked eye can see that huge seven pattern of overlapping rhombuses in fast are contracting to the Yao Mountain city, with the low and deep thunderous sound, sincere knot changes into seven color light beams that is indomitable spirit together gradually, covers the Yao Mountain city exactly. 天空中五彩流云闪烁,肉眼可以看到一个巨大的七彩结界正在快速向垚山城收缩,伴随着低沉的雷鸣声,厚重的结界逐渐化为一道顶天立地的七彩光柱,恰恰将垚山城笼罩在内。 The range that world large formation covers compresses, Gongsun Lang presides the army to set out to the Yao Mountain city immediately complacently. 天地大阵覆盖的范围压缩,公孙狼立刻洋洋得意的统辖着大军向垚山城进发。 Only has to adjoin the foreign race army who arrow nu leads to be entirely still, he sits on the high war Baocheng wall, ridicules looks at Gongsun Lang who jeered: Wants me to approach this damn city? No, I will not place under my life the butcher knife cutting edge of enemy!” 唯有毗矢伮率领的异族大军纹丝不动,他坐在高高的战堡城墙上,讥嘲的看着公孙狼:“要我靠近这座该死的城池?不,我才不会将自己的性命放在敌人的屠刀刀口下!” Adjoins arrow nu unable to understand that Gongsun Lang thought that how many thick mouths such scolded, the Yao Mountain city has contracted city garrison large formation, does he dare to lead the innumerable soldiers to fire into the Yao Mountain city unexpectedly? Damn, if the Yao Mountain city suddenly restarts large formation now, the army who Gongsun Lang presides all intruded just large formation coverage scope, so long as several time of breath, all officers metropolis casualties of his subordinates completely. 毗矢伮无法理解公孙狼的思维,就这么骂了几句粗口,垚山城收缩了城防大阵,他居然就敢带着无数士兵冲向垚山城?该死的,如果现在垚山城突然重启大阵,公孙狼统辖的大军已经全部闯入了刚刚的大阵覆盖范围,只要几个呼吸的时间,他麾下的所有将士都会死伤殆尽。 In the Yao Mountain city, Ji Xia drew out the sacrifice blade that handle hot jade has made, the cutting edge has aimed at own forehead, maliciously has pulled out a deep blood-stained mouth in the face acclivity slantingly. All sun unit Warrior of his side have made the similar movement completely, their silent pulling weapons, have chopped a blade on their face maliciously. 垚山城上,姬夏拔出了一柄火玉制成的祭刀,刀口对准了自己的眉心,狠狠的在脸上斜斜拉出了一道深深的血口。他身边的所有金乌部战士全部做出了同样的动作,他们无声的拔出兵器,在自己的脸上狠狠的剁了一刀。 Gongsun Lang insulted the ancestor of sun unit, this is the extremely serious matter. 公孙狼侮辱了金乌部的先祖,这是极其严肃的事情。 In Southern Wastelands, the clansmen of different clan and tribe meet mutually, if you insulted the opposite party, natural disposition brave fierce, even can be said as the barbaric Southern Wastelands person immediately erupts an intense conflict. 南荒,不同部族的族人相互见面,如果你侮辱了对方,生性勇悍、甚至可以说是野蛮的南荒蛮人会立刻爆发一场激烈的冲突。 If your mouth does not select the word, insults world Spiritual God that the totem and ancestor of opposite party, have prostrated oneself and so on mysterious existence, this is not the matter that conflicts between 35 people can solve. This will spread out inevitably turns into a war, one two tribes, even is the bloody battle that the relations by marriage tribe and ally tribe of both sides involve completely. 如果你口不择言,侮辱了对方的图腾、先祖、膜拜的天地神灵之类玄而又玄的存在,这就不是35个人之间的冲突能够解决的事情。这势必衍变成一场战争,一场将两个部落,甚至是双方的姻亲部落和盟友部落全部牵扯进去的血战。 Ji Hao is not, Ji Xia is the person of present sun unit highest being in power. 姬昊不在,姬夏就是如今金乌部最高掌权之人。 Some people were in front of Ji Xia to send regards to the ancestor of sun unit, if Ji Xia did not lead subordinates Warrior to utterly destroy the enemy, then he will be despised and abandoned by the clansman immediately. Regardless of Ji Xia has the strong strength now, the honored status, this whole life forever do not want to be on the rise before the clansman. 有人当着姬夏的面问候了金乌部的祖先,姬夏如果不带领麾下战士将敌人斩尽杀绝,那么他立刻会被族人鄙视、遗弃。无论姬夏如今拥有多强的实力、多尊贵的地位,他这辈子永远别想在族人面前抬起头来。 The face is red, on the forehead blue vein bulge, in the nostril spout the white steam unceasingly, just likes Ji Xia of bull same eyeball hyperemia goes crazy throws down to offer a sacrifice to the blade, the tip of tongue licks the blood that the licking lips corner/horn has flowed off, low and deep saying: Kills independently, kills off them! Has the blood, can wash off our shames!” 面孔赤红,额头上一根根青筋凸起,鼻孔里不断喷出白色的热气,犹如发狂的公牛一样眼珠充血的姬夏丢下祭刀,舌尖舔了舔嘴角流下的鲜血,低沉的说道:“放手杀,杀光他们!只有血,才能洗刷我们的耻辱!” Warrior of innumerable sun unit low and deep is panting for breath, these hoary-headed elders look enemy who outside the city that is red in the face, the whole body muscle to inflate continually wells up. 无数金乌部的战士低沉的喘息着,就连那些白发苍苍的长老都一个个面红耳赤、浑身肌肉膨胀的看着城外不断涌来的敌人。 Only the blood can scrub Gongsun Lang to the huge shame that they create, must break out the body of enemy with the sword, making the blood sprinkle the earth, with the blood and head sacrificial offering of world enemy, can comfort because of being insulted to move restlessly the restless ancestor to work. 只有鲜血才能洗刷公孙狼对他们造成的巨大耻辱,必须用刀剑劈开敌人的身体,让鲜血洒落大地,用敌人的鲜血和头颅祭祀天地,才能抚慰因为受辱而躁动不安的祖灵。 With world large formation crush enemy? 用天地大阵碾压敌人? Insult that Southern Wastelands Warrior receives, must is clean with own sword and blood scrubbing, annihilates the enemy with world large formation...... Later the entire sun unit regards as by the Southern Wastelands size clan and tribe coward, a true Southern Wastelands brave warrior, may unable to endure this humiliation. 南荒战士受到的侮辱,必须用自己的刀剑和鲜血洗刷干净,用天地大阵歼灭敌人……以后整个金乌部都会被南荒大小部族视为‘懦夫’,一个真正的南荒勇士,可忍受不了这种屈辱。 The sky of Yao Mountain city, changed into the human form Three-legged Golden Crow to raise in the hand innumerably similarly the weapon, maliciously has chopped a blade on own face, whatever the blazing blood just liked the raindrop same spurts the earth. 垚山城的上空,无数化为人形的三足金乌同样举起了手中兵器,狠狠的在自己的脸上砍了一刀,任凭炽热的鲜血犹如雨点一样飞洒大地。 Gongsun Lang and the others not only insulted the ancestor of sun unit, scolded a stream of abuse an antiquity Three-legged Golden Crow clan, various vulgar language make these sun soldiers fly into a rage, eyeballs quickly jumped from the eye socket. 公孙狼等人不仅辱骂了金乌部的先祖,更是将上古三足金乌一族骂了个狗血淋头,各种污言秽语让这些金乌道兵暴跳如雷,一个个眼珠都快从眼眶里跳了出来。 Has co-existed innumerable years with the sun unit, the rule similarly deep brand mark between Southern Wastelands clans and tribes in a bone of sun clan. These Three-legged Golden Crow have made with the Ji Xia same movement, their clenching teeth maliciously, quack is kyoodling, pledged that must use Gongsun wolf head sacrificial offering own ancestor, washes off the shame that oneself ancestor receives with the blood and lives of Gongsun wolf subordinates innumerable Warrior. 和金乌部共生了无数年,南荒部族之间的规则同样深深的烙印在了金乌一族的骨子里。这些三足金乌做出了和姬夏一样的动作,他们狠狠的咬着牙,‘嘎嘎’的乱叫着,发誓一定要用公孙狼的脑袋祭祀自己的先祖,用公孙狼麾下无数战士的鲜血和性命洗刷自己祖先受到的耻辱。 Near, was near, was near. 近了,近了,又近了。 The army who Gongsun Lang presides dispelled be continuous 300 li (0.5km) Pang Dajun in the Ji Xia dead ahead, the enormous and powerful army arranged neat ten thousand people of square formations, on one row of armed forces all Warrior in front line carried the heavy tower shield, on sincere tower shield black Symbol dim light twinkle, over a million tower shields combined in together, congealed sincere black light screen in their top of the head. 公孙狼统辖的大军在姬夏的正前方排开了绵延300里的庞大军阵,浩浩荡荡的大军排成了一个个整齐的万人方阵,最前方的一列军阵所有战士手上都扛着沉重的塔盾,厚重的塔盾上黑色的符文幽光闪烁,上百万块塔盾组合在一起,在他们头顶凝成了一道厚重的黑色光幕。 In the light screen faintly visible weird looking dragon turtle phantom twinkle is uncertain, he hissing in the black light screen roared, the sincere black light screen gave people an indestructible feeling. 光幕中隐隐可见一头奇形龙龟虚影闪烁不定,他在黑色光幕中嘶声咆哮,厚重的黑色光幕给人一种坚不可摧的感觉。 Broken!” Ten li (0.5km) enemy of Ji Xia to approaching outside less than to the city makes an effort a finger. “破!”姬夏向逼近到城外不到十里的敌人用力一指。 Several thousand body huge Stonemlin, several thousand build huge Treeman simultaneously have braved from the city wall in Yao Mountain city, they have raised in the hand the giant stone and thick stump, exhausted to throw these heavy everybody fully. 数千头身躯巨大的石怪,数万头体型巨大的树妖同时从垚山城的城墙上冒了出来,他们举起了手中巨大的石块和粗大的树桩子,用尽全力将这些沉重的大家伙投掷了出去。 Shaman of innumerable sun unit simultaneously read aloud the incantation, they grasped to hold the wooden stick that Sangmu built, in the incantation sound flames adhered to stick cohere in these giant stones and stump child above, the giant stone and stump immediately become the red piece, just liked meteor swift and violent unusual pounding sky over enemy armed forces. 无数金乌部的巫祭同时念诵咒语,他们手持扶桑木打造的木杖,咒语声中一道道火光附着在了这些巨石和树桩子上面,巨石和树桩立刻变得通红一片,犹如一颗颗流星迅猛异常的砸在了敌人军阵上空。 The black light screen is shaking fiercely, the weird looking dragon turtle in light screen exudes the low and deep long howl. The giant stone and dresses and applies makeup the violent explosion, the roaring flame of bunch of diameter number hundreds of zhang (333m) soars, the black light screen was exploded torn to pieces, the tower shield on innumerable soldier hand was shaken to disrupt, the shield fragment scatters in all directions to jump shoots, hits many soldier brain fluid rupturing tragic deaths at the scene. 黑色的光幕剧烈的震荡着,光幕中的奇形龙龟发出低沉的长啸声。巨石和梳妆猛烈的爆炸开来,一团团直径数百丈的烈焰腾空而起,黑色的光幕被炸得支离破碎,无数士兵手上的塔盾被震得碎裂开来,盾牌碎片四散迸射,打得好些士兵脑浆爆裂惨死当场。 Had the thousands soldiers to be broken the arm and thigh, has punctured the chest belly and intestines, pains resulted in the hissing miserably howling to twitch to struggle on the ground, in the ground left the bright red bloodstain immediately. 更有数以万计的士卒被打断了胳膊、大腿,打穿了胸膛肚肠,一个个痛得嘶声惨嚎在地上抽搐挣扎,地面上立刻多出了大片大片鲜红的血迹。 Good tattered shield, this is...... This is the heavy shield that just freshly drew a charge!” Gongsun wolf that behind supervises combat from afar dumbfounded. “好破烂的盾牌,这是……这还是刚刚新鲜出炉的重盾啊!”后面远远督战的公孙狼呆住了。 This was just the high-quality heavy shield that produces from the Pu Ban Human Race workshop, properly speaking, should not collapse at the first encounter. This type becomes defends by the scattered shield combination nesting the large formation forging mystique, just snatched from the foreign race hand, so to be how weak? 这是刚刚从蒲阪人族作坊里出产的精品重盾啊,按道理说,不应该一触即溃啊。这种由分散的盾牌组合嵌套而成防御大阵的锻造秘法,还是刚刚从异族手中抢来的呢,怎么会这么弱? Wolf Sir......” a senior deacon of Gongsun in a low voice muttered: „The emperor grand father, your elder brother, Sir Xiong he, just had few days ago taken over control of Pu Ban all workshop workshops. These forging excellent weapons, were moved their storehouse by Sir Xiong. To these that you send, is Sir Xiong makes the artisans rush a job to forge.” “狼大人……”一名公孙氏的高级执事低声的咕哝道:“帝勖的父亲,您的兄长,熊大人他,前些日子刚刚接管了蒲阪的所有工场作坊。那些锻造精良的军械,都被熊大人搬去了自家的库房。给您送来的这些,是熊大人让工匠们赶工锻造出来的。” The hollow laugh several, the deacon of Gongsun has lowered the sound once more: Sir Xiong...... Pays great attention to the cost control very much...... Moreover, this shield what, goes to war, must dare to hit to dare to spell by the soldiers, doesn't weapon mail-armor and helmet what, have what to use actually greatly is not?” 干笑了几声,公孙氏的执事再次压低了声音:“熊大人……很注重控制成本……而且,这盾牌什么的,打仗,还是要靠儿郎们敢打敢拼,军械甲胄什么的,其实也没啥大用不是?” Gongsun Langdai dull, nod of effort. 公孙狼呆了呆,用力的点了点头。 A finger of Yao Mountain city, Gongsun Lang shouted to clear the way maliciously fierce: Attack, attack, quick!”( To be continued.) 狠狠一指垚山城,公孙狼厉声喝道:“进攻,进攻,快!”(未完待续。)
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