TME :: Volume #17

#1636: Hits

Gongsun Lang was awkward. 公孙狼尴尬了。 Adjoins arrow nu quite to be also awkward. 毗矢伮也颇为尴尬。 Yao Mountain City is the thorn head, is not very good to touch, but they have not thought that the Yao Mountain city is difficult to annoy this degree. From city wall exactly one thousand li(500 km) of Yao Mountain city, they cannot enter again one step. 垚山领是个刺儿头,很不好碰,但是他们没想到,垚山城难惹到这种程度。距离垚山城的城墙恰恰一千里,他们再也进不得一步。 The enormous and powerful army cannot the little advance, naturally not because of the warning of that big Stonemlin, is not because he inserts in the totem war flag that on that flagpole of ground is hanging, is world large formation is too purely misleading. 浩浩荡荡的大军不能寸进,当然不是因为那头大石怪的警告,也不是因为他插在地上的那根旗杆上悬挂的图腾战旗,纯粹是天地大阵太让人误解。 Yao Mountain city control world large formation, has happen to covered the place of Yao Mountain city surrounding area thousand li(500 km). By an outside wall surface of Yao Mountain city most outside city wall starts, a straight distance thousand li(500 km) was covered by world large formation exactly. Is far one inch, will not come under the world large formation influence \; Steps into one inch, immediately comes under the world large formation all-out attack. 垚山城控制天地大阵,正好覆盖了垚山城方圆千里之地。以垚山城最外一道城墙的外墙面开始,直线距离一千里恰恰被天地大阵覆盖。再远一寸,就不会受到天地大阵影响\;踏入一寸,立刻受到天地大阵全力攻击。 Has wasted three days of time, Gongsun wolf subordinates officers casualty are many, actually nobody can intrude world large formation to exceed one zhang (3.33 m). 浪费了三天时间,公孙狼麾下将士死伤不少,却没有一个人能闯入天地大阵超过一丈。 The first wave of 180,000 cutting edge armies were exploded the smashing by the thunder, Gongsun Lang starts to assign thousand people of teams from try invasion world large formation in all directions. World large formation Restriction is changeable, the officers of numerous thousand people of team had by the log are battered to death, have died by explosion by the meteorite, have are flooded dead poisonously, have die by the red sandpile, had the aurora, rainstorms, glaciers and Ruoshui all sort of strange Restriction, hit Gongsun wolf subordinates officers to be miserable beyond description. 第一波180000先锋大军是被雷霆炸成了粉碎,公孙狼就开始调派一个又一个的千人队从四面八方尝试着侵入天地大阵。天地大阵禁制变化多端,众多千人队的将士有被巨木砸死,有被陨石轰死,有被毒水淹死,有被红沙堆死,更有极光、暴雨、冰川、弱水诸般古怪禁制,打得公孙狼麾下将士苦不堪言。 Three days of time, Gongsun Lang the buckle 70,000-80,000 troops, this under adjoining the suggestion of arrow nu stopped this type wasting the probe of manpower in vain. 三天时间,公孙狼又折损了七八万人马,这才在毗矢伮的建议下停止了这种白白浪费人手的试探。 This may, not be easy to do!” Gongsun Langzhan on fighting the Baocheng wall, dull looks at beyond thousand li (0.5km) the Yao Mountain city to stand tall and erect the city wall that. The great distance thousand li(500 km), the Yao Mountain city high city wall seems is heavy line in a horizon, occasionally in the heavy line has the extreme miraculous glow twinkle, this is world large formation in fluctuation strategy Restriction. “这可,不好办啊!”公孙狼站在战堡城墙上,呆呆的看着千里外垚山城高耸的城墙。相隔千里,垚山城高高的城墙看上去就是地平线上的一条黑线,偶尔黑线中有极点灵光闪烁,这是天地大阵在变幻阵法禁制 In the upper air, the innumerable stars daytime visualization, a continuously pure and formidable incomparable Prehistoric star strength rewinds, pours into the Yao Mountain city unceasingly. 高空中,无数星辰白日显形,一缕缕精纯至极、强大无比的洪荒星力倒卷而下,不断注入垚山城。 What is more disgusting, the sky of Yao Mountain city has a fontanel to open wide, world large formation that in The heaven world large formation and ground Yao Mountain city establish coordinates with each other across a great distance. World large formation that the Yao Mountain city constructs because of the material and wright's relations, the might has The heaven original installation large formation about 10% probably. 更加恶心的是,垚山城的上空有一座天门洞开,天庭的天地大阵和地面上垚山城自家建立的天地大阵遥相呼应。垚山城自建的天地大阵因为材料和建造者的关系,威力大概只有天庭原装大阵的一成左右。 But obtained the The heaven world large formation might in addition to hold, the city garrison strategy of Yao Mountain city had The heaven original installation large formation over 70% prestige energy. When this is immemorial Prehistoric, The heaven suppresses three and to threaten going on a punitive expedition against large formation of sidereal revolution trillion lives, is not the present Gongsun wolf leads private soldier of one group of Gongsun to break through. 可是得到了天庭天地大阵的威力加持,垚山城的城防阵法就有了天庭原装大阵的七成以上的威能。这可是太古洪荒之时,天庭镇压三界、威吓周天亿万生灵的征伐大阵,可不是如今的公孙狼带着一群公孙氏的私兵就能攻破的。 This from, is a little disgusting!” Adjoins arrow nu to stand side Gongsun wolf, very helpless shaking the head. “这距离,有点恶心!”毗矢伮站在公孙狼身边,很无奈的摇着头。 Distance of exactly one thousand li(500 km), is skilled in the archery except for Dongyi few Divine Magi, nobody can project arrow such far. A thousand li(500 km) distance, in foreign race attacking a city machinery, these giant slings as well as various types of exquisite energy weapons, does not have one to attack the Yao Mountain city. 恰恰一千里的距离,除了东夷极少数精通箭术的巫帝,没人能把箭矢射出这么远。一千里的距离,异族的攻城机械中,那些巨大的投石器以及各种精妙的能量武器,也没有一件能攻击到垚山城。 By Yu Dynasty foundation, can be away from the thousand li(500 km) remote to attack the Yao Mountain city now, only has the city of catastrophe. 虞朝底蕴,如今能够隔着千里之遥攻击垚山城的,唯有浩劫之城。 However the city of catastrophe firmly controls now in Yu Huo hand, wish makes Yu Huo set out the city of catastrophe to help Gongsun Lang go to war, he he, Yu Huo looks forward to Gongsun Lang to suffer heavy casualties in Yao Mountain City, the more better, does he possibly dispatch troops to help him? 但是浩劫之城现在牢牢掌控在虞惑手中,想要让虞惑出动浩劫之城帮公孙狼打仗,呵呵,虞惑巴不得公孙狼在垚山领损兵折将,死伤人数越多越好,他怎么可能派兵帮他? Stayed three days of time not to get little advance, Gongsun Lang became angry out of shame, immediately has drawn on the subordinates all Divine Magi level masters, ordering them to aim at a world large formation corner/horn, collaborated is a wanton bombing. 停留了三天时间不得寸进,公孙狼恼羞成怒,当即招来了麾下所有的巫帝级高手,勒令他们瞅准了天地大阵的一角,联手就是一通狂轰滥炸。 Over a thousand Divine Magi simultaneously assume an awe-inspiring pose, the Divine Magi level of Gongsun can have more than 600 people greatly, they all finish Dao of Sword, grasps the treasured sword to fly high chops randomly chops randomly, sword glow just like the innumerable thunder fall, fell on world large formation maliciously. 上千巫帝齐齐发威,其中公孙氏的巫帝级大能就有600多人,他们个个精修剑道,手持宝剑凌空乱劈乱砍,一道道剑芒犹如无数条雷霆落下,狠狠落在了天地大阵上。 Humming sound dull thumping sound is continuous, in world large formation a wonderful light extraordinary splendor twinkle, the auspicious light good luck shoots up to the sky, saw that the innumerable light class clouds from gather to come in all directions, congealed rapidly over a thousand Divine Magi frontages in attack a giant shield. ‘嗡嗡’闷响绵绵不绝,天地大阵中奇光异彩一阵闪烁,祥光瑞气冲天而起,就看到无数条淡淡的流云从四面八方汇聚而来,迅速在上千巫帝的攻击正面凝成了一面巨大的盾牌。 White reaches as high as ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) width has the shield surface gigantic ya zi head picture angry glare circles of 3600 hundreds of zhang (333m) to stare, the big mouth innumerable incisive wind blades are howling the blowout, the wind blade of crescent moon shape is about the hundred zhang (333m), turning round everywhere scurries about, cuts on the body of Divine Magi, brings careful blood from the pores of the feet unceasingly. 白茫茫高达万丈宽有3600百丈的盾牌表面一个硕大的睚眦头像怒目圆瞪,大张的嘴里无数条尖锐的风刀呼啸着喷出,月牙状的风刀长达百丈左右,‘滴溜溜’的漫天乱窜,切割在巫帝们的身上,不断带起一道道细细的血箭。 The attack of Divine Magi falls on giant Yun Dun, but the bang results in Yun Dun to shake, swings gigantic Yun Wo unceasingly, in addition cannot cause any substantive damage to Yun Dun. So has refused to compromise for a long time, Yun Dun stands one's ground steadfastly, over a thousand Divine Magi were divided cut and bruised by the wind blade, Blood Essence loses too big them to have no alternative backed up. 巫帝们的攻击落在巨大的云盾上,只是轰得云盾震荡不已,不断荡起一个个硕大的云涡,除此之外对云盾没能造成任何实质性的伤害。如此僵持了许久,云盾岿然不动,上千巫帝被风刀劈得遍体鳞伤,精血损耗太大的他们没奈何的倒退了回来。 A General Divine Magi of Gongsun rushed to front of Gongsun wolf breathless, numerous threw the saber on the ground: Gongsun wolf, I told you, this was world large formation! Do you understand? What Marquis Yao Ji Hao under own den cloth is world large formation, this matter, so long as grew the people of ear to know! In the past Marquis Yao constructed the city, invited the The heaven Kua E brothers, brings the Deity that several thousands were only saving for world large formation that he constructed!” 一名公孙氏的巫帝大将气急败坏的冲到了公孙狼面前,重重的将佩剑丢在了地上:“公孙狼,我告诉你,这是天地大阵!你懂么?垚侯姬昊在自家老巢布下的是天地大阵,这件事情,只要是长了耳朵的人都知道!当年垚侯建城,是请了天庭夸娥氏兄弟,带着数千仅存的神人为他建造的天地大阵!” Stamping the feet of effort, the senior general of Gongsun gets angry: From ancient to present, The heaven world large formation had never been broken through, we are only the mortals, was not the deity of antiquity, world large formation that they could not break, we were impossible to succeed!” 用力的跺着脚,公孙氏的大将怒道:“从古至今,天庭的天地大阵从未被攻破过,我们只是凡人,不是上古的天神,他们都打不破的天地大阵,我们不可能成功的!” The finger quickly poked on Gongsun Lang nose, Gongsun senior general shouted to clear the way fierce: Cannot break through, cannot enter, might as well withdraw troops, do not waste the life of soldiers in vain!” 手指头都快杵到了公孙狼的鼻子上,公孙氏大将厉声喝道:“攻不破,打不进,不如撤兵,不要白白浪费儿郎们的性命了!” Gongsun Langdai long time, on the finger of sudden palm of the hand patted nose, he shouted to clear the way fierce: Shut up, now I am Human Race guard the imperial palace command, you must listen my! Gongsun mo ( mo ), do not think that you are my uncle grandfather can blow the nose to stare to me! You are again ominous to me, goes back me to gang up with your grandson wife!” 公孙狼呆了半晌,突然一巴掌将鼻子上的手指拍开,他厉声喝道:“闭嘴,现在我才是人族禁卫统领,你们都要听我的!公孙貊(mo),不要以为你是我叔祖父就能对着我吹鼻子瞪眼的!啊呸,你再对我凶巴巴的,回去我就去勾搭你的孙儿媳妇!” Gongsun Mo was silent, clenches teeth to withdraw several steps. His corner of the eye fierce is twitching, helpless face up looks at the day. 公孙貊默然,咬着牙退后了几步。他眼角剧烈的抽搐着,无奈的仰面看天。 Heaven that is struck by lightning dead together this bastard, how to make Gongsun work as Human Emperor grand, how to let Gongsun wolf bastard superior? How many good soldiers did Gongsun have, Emperor Shun on blind selecting in Gongsun Xu? 苍天那,一道雷劈死这个畜生吧,怎么就让公孙勖当了人皇,怎么就让公孙狼这种畜生上位了呢?公孙氏有多少好儿郎,帝舜怎么就瞎眼挑中了公孙勖? Has sneered several, Gongsun Lang leisure saying: Goes to 100,000 people, the lining up shape of outside large formation, scolded with me together. Isn't Ji Hao the family background sun unit? Didn't he inherit the position of eastern sovereign too God? Since we too scolded from the eastern sovereign, scolded since the first ancestors of sun unit, with me, scolded together!” 冷笑了几声,公孙狼慢悠悠的说道:“去100000人,在大阵外排好队形,跟着我一起骂。姬昊不是出身金乌部么?他不是继承了东皇太一的天帝之位么?我们从东皇太一骂起,从金乌部的始祖骂起,跟着我,一起骂!” Passed the time of quarter, the dreadful imprecations resound through the earth, Gongsun Langzhan in 100,000 people of front, the vulgar language is incessant, in confusion scolded the stream of abuse, unable to withstand all previous ancestors of sun unit. 过了一刻钟的功夫,滔天咒骂声响彻大地,公孙狼站在100000人的前方,污言秽语滔滔不绝,将金乌部的历代先祖骂得狗血淋头、狼藉不堪。 Exclaiming that in the Yao Mountain City city wall, on the Ji Xia forehead the blue vein bulge, he shouts oneself hoarse suddenly: Compresses large formation, puts these bastards to arrive at the city wall to get down, gives me to hit! Gives me to punch them!” 垚山领的城墙上,姬夏额头上青筋骤然凸起,他声嘶力竭的吼道:“压缩大阵,放这些混蛋到城墙下来,给我往死里打!给我往死里揍他们!” Thump, Ji Xia trampled a foot city wall maliciously, five toes explode at the scene.( To be continued.) ‘咚’的一声,姬夏狠狠的踹了一脚城墙,五根脚趾当场爆开。(未完待续。)
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