TME :: Volume #17

#1635: The soldiers encircle the yao mountain

When Gongsun Yang leads troops to subjugate Gao Tao, Gongsun Xu another uncle Gongsun wolf similar governance army, rushes to Yao Mountain City enormously and powerful. 公孙羊带兵征讨皋陶时,公孙勖的另一位叔父公孙狼同样统辖大军,浩浩荡荡赶赴垚山领 Is ordinary with Gongsun sheep, Gongsun wolf is similarly good - color addicted to drink, is the Gongsun direct descendant descendant many rotten wood and mud most typical one. Gongsun Yang is two months ago , because accepts bribes the company fund, was eliminated in the clan all lines of business, but Gongsun Lang is 20 years ago, because gangs up in the clan the elder concubine, was performed the heavy fine by elder assembly, was nearly removed by the genealogy. 和公孙羊一般,公孙狼同样好-色贪酒,是公孙氏嫡系后裔诸多‘朽木’、‘烂泥’中最典型的一位。公孙羊是两个月前因为贪墨商号款项,被剥夺了族中一切职司,而公孙狼则是早在20年前,就因为勾搭族中长老小妾,被长老会加以重罚,险些被族谱除名。 Without any line of business, without any income, Gongsun Lang strolled in Gongsun dissolutely for 20 years, every day in grand instructs earnestly to Gongsun, how teaches him to make one rice insect and waste. 没有任何职司,没有任何进项,公孙狼在公孙氏浪荡闲逛了20年,每日里就对公孙勖耳提面命,教他如何做一个‘米虫’、‘废物’。 The heaven does not have the eye, this time Gongsun grand bewildered has won the Human Emperor throne, has the Gongsun wolf of common hobby to obtain with the Gongsun grand sentiment deeply and immediately has promoted to entrust with heavy responsibility. He was conferred by Gongsun grand is the Human Emperor imperial guard commands, the governance army, subjugates Yao Mountain. 苍天无眼,这一次公孙勖莫名其妙的登上了人皇宝座,和公孙勖感情深厚、更有着共同爱好的公孙狼立刻得到了提拔重用。他被公孙勖册封为人皇禁军统领,统辖大军,征讨垚山 The world person all knows, Marquis Yao Ji Hao just as the today's within only God, because of immeasurable merit, but the world bestows to seal. Yao Mountain City is the place of Marquis Yao Ji Hao building up, dispatches troops to attack Yao Mountain City, attacks Marquis Yao Ji Hao, attacks the God, attacks The heaven! 天下人皆知,垚侯姬昊乃如今天地间唯一天帝,因无量功德而得天地赐封。垚山领垚侯姬昊起家之地,派兵攻打垚山领,就是攻打垚侯姬昊,就是攻击天帝,就是攻打天庭 God how?” In a foreign race floating air fight fort, Gongsun Langtang in thick animal skin mattress, strokes the side smooth young girl, while in gulps is filling the good wine. “天帝又如何?”一座异族的浮空战堡上,公孙狼躺在厚厚的兽皮褥子里,一边抚摸身边光溜溜的少女,一边大口大口的灌着美酒。 Liquor - color - charming, Gongsun Langshuang cheek red looks to sit in nearby adjoining arrow nu, self-satisfied saying with a smile: We do not raise his God the status, yes? After all attacks the God, I also thought that a little fearful and apprehensive, this saying said that was too scarier.” 酒-色-迷人,公孙狼双颊通红的看着坐在一旁的毗矢伮,志得意满的笑道:“咱不提他天帝的身份,是吧?毕竟攻打天帝,俺也觉得有点心惊胆战的,这话说出去太吓人了一些。” Has hit Bao Ge, hugs kissed, Gongsun Langxiao secret that young girl has made an effort to adjoining arrow nu said: We are not attack God, we are crusade against to Marquis Yao Ji Hao that Human Emperor disrespects! Hey, we crusade against Marquis Yao, is not attacks the God.” 打了个饱嗝,搂过身边的少女用力的亲了个嘴儿,公孙狼小秘密的向毗矢伮说道:“咱们不是去攻打天帝,我们是去讨伐对人皇不敬的垚侯姬昊!嘿,我们只是讨伐垚侯啊,可不是去攻打天帝。” Effort has fished out blindly two on the young girl, Gongsun Langmi focuses hee hee says with a smile: „The Marquis Yao Ji Hao treason and heresy, Human Emperor turns over the throne to another grand ceremony, he has not appeared, this does not revere to Human Emperor, disrespects to Human Emperor, this is disloyal to entire Human Race! So the Human Race official of the disloyal non- righteousness and treason and heresy, must teach him well is!” 用力的在少女身上乱掏了两把,公孙狼眯着眼‘嘻嘻’笑道:“垚侯姬昊大逆不道,人皇禅让大典,他都没有出现,这就是对人皇不尊,对人皇不敬,这就是对整个人族不忠!如此不忠不义、大逆不道的人族臣子,一定要好好的教训他才是!” Adjoins arrow nu three eye pupil jet black one pieces, his vision looks at Gongsun Lang profoundly, the corners of the mouth brings sneering that was ridiculing jeers. 毗矢伮三只眼眸漆黑一片,他目光幽深的看着公孙狼,嘴角带着一丝讥嘲的冷笑。 „The great Yu Huo sage said right, conquers a race with the military force, this is the most inferior method. We do not need to conquer a race the human body, we only need to conquer their souls, puts to death their spirits, destruction their civilizations, twists their wills...... When we can subvert their cultures and spiritual inheritance, this race again did not have any threat.” “伟大的虞惑圣人说得对,用武力去征服一个种族,这是最下等的手段。我们不需要征服一个种族的肉体,我们只需要征服他们的灵魂,诛杀他们的精神,覆灭他们的文明,扭曲他们的意志……当我们能够颠覆他们的文化和精神传承的时候,这个种族就再也没有了任何威胁。” Gongsun is grand, Gongsun Yang, Gongsun Lang, these benefits of Gongsun smoke the elder of heart, the head of the clan and elders of these big clans...... These person of better and betters!” Adjoins heartfelt feeling of arrow nu in the heart: We do not need to spend too many strengths, we do not need to make Warrior of this Clan bring death, so long as we promote with the little plot, Human Race on insufficient is the worry.” “公孙勖、公孙羊、公孙狼,还有公孙氏的那些利益熏心的长老,那些大氏族的族长和长老们……这些人多多益善!”毗矢伮在心中由衷的感慨:“我们根本不需要花费太多力气,我们根本不需要让本族的战士去送死,我们只要用一点点的阴谋推动,人族就不足为虑。” Ridicules sneering that jeered to turn into the bright smiling face rapidly, adjoined arrow nu stereotypical smiling, thought highly to say to Gongsun wolf: You said correctly, we crusaded against was not God Ji Hao, we crusaded against did not revere Human Emperor Marquis Yao Ji Hao. Um, here three drinking parties that is helpful the sentiment using, do you come again?” 讥嘲的冷笑迅速变成了灿烂的笑容,毗矢伮呆板的笑着,向公孙狼恭维道:“您说得再正确不过了,我们讨伐的不是天帝姬昊,我们讨伐的是不尊人皇垚侯姬昊。嗯,我这里有助情用的三花酒,您再来一点?” Adjoined arrow nu to pull out all over the body pink, decorated with three types of the wine pots of strange flowers and plants traces. 毗矢伮掏出了一个通体粉红色,装饰以三种奇异花草纹路的酒壶。 Gongsun Lang nodded with a smile, has grasped the wine pot hurriedly, impatient pot in viscous, smell fluttering flags, but dim daylight - dark liquor fluid tosses down. His face shazam ruddily, in the eyeball also faintly has shown very much a pink aura. 公孙狼笑着点了点头,急忙抓过酒壶,迫不及待的将壶中粘稠的、气味旖旎而暧-昧的酒液一饮而尽。他的面孔很快变得更加红润,眼珠里也隐隐透出了一丝粉红色的气息。 He pushed over side several young girls on the ground, ripped open own clothes to throw. 他一把将身边的几个少女按倒在了地上,撕开自己的衣服就扑了上去。 Adjoins sitting that arrow nu is entirely still in one side, static looks just likes spring the night tomcat same carelessly movement Gongsun wolf, has sighed with emotion spookily: If the Human Race leader, is Gongsun Lang this...... The sediment, we do not need a blade sword, we can trample flat the entire Pangu world.” 毗矢伮纹丝不动的坐在一旁,静静的看着犹如春天夜里的公猫一样胡乱动作的公孙狼,幽幽的感慨了起来:“如果人族的领袖,都是公孙狼这样的……渣滓,我们根本不需要一刀一剑,我们就能踏平整个盘古世界。” In the respite of Gongsun wolf with roared in a low voice, can rush to the Yao Mountain City punitive expedition army for half a month, elongated one month the distance stiffly. When huge regiment leisure rushes to Yao Mountain City, the Yao Mountain city has strengthened the defenses and cleared the fields, all territory subjects entered the Yao Mountain city, in the paddies outside city, grain has not stayed behind. 在公孙狼的喘息和低声咆哮中,原本半个月就能赶到垚山领的讨伐大军,硬生生将路程拉长到了一个月。当庞大的军团慢悠悠的赶到垚山领的时候,垚山城已经坚壁清野,所有的领地子民都已经进驻了垚山城,城外的田地中,一颗粮食都没留下。 World large formation of Yao Mountain city started, invisible Restriction covers the world. 垚山城的天地大阵已经发动,无形的禁制笼罩天地。 Gongsun Lang has not sent out any to scout, has not made any reconnaissance to the Yao Mountain city peripheral geography topography, the enormous and powerful punitive expedition army such recklessly fired into the city wall in Yao Mountain city, the city wall that the distance towered high also had the entire thousand li(500 km) to be far, in the air the piece by piece purple thunder glittering, the innumerable thunder light just liked the wave are suddenly same, very peaceful falling on the body of vanguard army. 公孙狼没有派出任何斥候,更没有对垚山城周边的地理地势做任何的侦察,浩浩荡荡的讨伐大军就这么横冲直撞的冲向了垚山城的城墙,距离高高耸立的城墙还有整整一千里远,空气中突然有一片片紫色的雷光闪烁出来,无数条雷光犹如水波一样,很安静的落在了前锋大军的身上。 Adjoined the arrow nu governance foreign race elite to tow in the rear of army, what charged in the forefront was the private armed forces of other Gongsun and several big clan jointly reassignments. Arm thick or thin purple thunder light silent windings on the bodies of several thousand vanguard armies, these thunder light fast in wearing the Warrior intercourse of iron armor interlocks, the silent enough hundreds of thousands soldiers Thunder light by the big net that composes are covered rapidly. 毗矢伮统辖的异族精锐拖在了大军的最后面,冲锋在最前面的是公孙氏和其他十几个大氏族联合调动的私军。一条条手臂粗细的紫色雷光无声无息的缠绕在了数万名前锋大军的身上,这些雷光快速的在身披铁甲的战士们之间往来交错,无声无息中足足十几万士兵迅速被雷光组成的大网覆盖。 Afterward is void a gigantic purple god mark to reappear quietly, this represented the god mark of meaning of thunder source to explode loudly, in the world has resounded a deafening thunderous sound suddenly, crusaded against army 180,000 vanguard Warrior to crush in Thunder light loudly, their mail-armor and helmets and weapons simultaneously have become by fearful Thunder Guangrong the molten iron. 随后虚空中一枚硕大的紫色神纹悄然浮现,这枚代表了雷霆本源之意的神纹轰然爆开,天地间骤然响起了一声震耳欲聋的雷鸣声,讨伐大军180000前锋战士在雷光中轰然粉碎,他们的甲胄、兵器同时被可怕的雷光融成了铁水。 The innumerable scarlet red molten iron to splash in all directions, the vanguard armed forces rear troop soldiers of were sprinkled the whole body by the molten iron are, many Warrior hissing pains shouted are backing up backward again and again, the high-temperature molten iron burnt them to be bruised and lacerated, many people of arms and thighs instantaneously were melted by the molten iron. 无数赤红色的铁水向四面八方飞溅,前锋军后方的大群士卒被铁水洒了满身都是,好些战士嘶声痛呼着向后连连倒退,高温铁水烧得他们皮开肉绽,好些人的手臂、大腿都被铁水瞬间融化。 Is floating in the air fight fort to enjoy a Yu Clan young girl youth - meat - Gongsun of body wolf fierce not Ding heard that fearful thunderous, his body startles spirit has fought a shiver, is suddenly flowing, a heart is beating fiercely, had almost not spat blood. 正在浮空战堡中享用一名虞族少女青春-肉-体的公孙狼猛不丁的听到了那一声可怕的雷鸣,他身体激灵灵的打了个寒战,骤然间一泻千里,一颗心剧烈的跳动着,差点没吐出血来。 How? How? What happened? Was the Yao Mountain city broken through by us? Was we breaks the city?” May be called the through waste, except for the skill on the woman is quite deep, the Gongsun wolf vacant loudness that in addition anything knows nothing about roared to closely examine. “怎么了?怎么了?发生什么事了?垚山城被我们攻破了么?是我们破城了么?”堪称彻头彻尾的废物,除了在女人身上功力颇深,除此之外任何事情都一窍不通的公孙狼茫然的大声咆哮追问。 Height hundred zhang (333m) great Stonemlin silent slid from the place, he grasps a gigantic flagpole, numerous inserted the flagpole in the ground. 一头身高百丈的巨石怪无声的从地下滑了出来,他手持一根硕大的旗杆,重重的将旗杆插在了地上。 He looks at the punitive expedition army in great confusion, saying of jar sound jar air/Qi: Here is the Yao Mountain City domain, our brothers said that who dares him to go a step further, must die! Snort, Brother Ji Hao are not at home, we must help him look that the family property is good!” 他看着乱成一团的讨伐大军,瓮声瓮气的说道:“这里是垚山领的地盘,俺们大哥说了,谁敢他进一步,全都得死!哼,姬昊兄弟不在家,咱们得帮他看着家业才行!” Has swayed the head, great Stonemlin touches the buttocks, in big strides retreats to the Yao Mountain city.( To be continued.) 摇晃了一下脑袋,巨石怪摸摸屁股,大踏步的向垚山城撤退。(未完待续。)
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