TME :: Volume #17

#1634: Subjugates the non- feudal official

Pangu mainland, a piece of boundless mountain. 盘古大陆,一片茫茫大山。 Several hundred Kuafu clansmen promote body vigorously, reaches as high as in the big and tall body of number hundred zhang (333m) muscles winds like the dragon, the air/Qi of Blood Essence dashes in within the body tumbling just likes the crazy dragon, top of the head white clouds clash several thousand high, every step treads on the ground shakes everything may become vulnerable. 数百位夸父族人极力伸张身躯,高达数百丈的魁伟身躯上一条条筋肉盘结如龙,精血之气在体内翻滚冲撞犹如狂龙,头顶一道道白气冲起来数千张高,每一步踏在地上都震得地动山摇。 Kuafu clansman human body intelligence is advantageous, although is inferior to Luneberg people, is may be called god demon general existence in the middle of Human Race. 夸父族人肉体资质得天独厚,虽然不如龙伯国人,在人族当中也是堪称神魔一般的存在。 These Kuafu clansman oneself cultivate for is the Magus King boundaries, but depends upon the huge body and terror strength, they contend with 12 with ordinary Human Race Divine Magi sufficiently. But them three leaders, break through the Divine Magi boundary, sufficiently resistance ordinary peak Divine Magi. 这些夸父族人自身修为不过是巫王境界,但是依靠庞大的身躯、恐怖的力量,他们足以和普通的人族巫帝抗衡12。而他们当中的三位首领,更是突破到了巫帝境界,足以对抗普通的巅峰巫帝 They are gripping tightly specially-made giant shovel and iron shovel, roared loudly 2-3 is hitting mountains crushes, the giant stone was put aside by far, has revealed under the thick mineral lode. In the metalliferous vein that strange light sparkles air/Qi of faint trace pure Seventh Metal clashes dozens li (0.5km) high, the air/Qi of Seventh Metal the innumerable years in the mineral lode saves just likes the knife point is common, attacks sonorous straight sound on the skin of Kuafu clansman. 他们紧握着特制的巨型铁锹、铁铲,大声咆哮着将一座座大山三两下打得粉碎,巨石被远远丢开,露出了下面厚厚的矿脉。奇光闪耀的金属矿脉内一丝丝精纯的庚金之气冲起来数十里高,无数年来矿脉中积蓄的庚金之气犹如刀锋一般,冲击在夸父族人的皮肤上‘铿锵’直响。 Several thousand Shaman stand in the distant place, they simultaneously praised sing the incantation, huge Wu Li (magus power) congealed a body, stimulated to movement a gigantic White Jade bottle gourd float sky over the mineral lode, these in the mineral lode do not know that saved many years the air/Qi of Seventh Metal one continuously to be attracted by the White Jade bottle gourd, the White Jade bottle gourd surface gradually was also flooding a dazzling metal brilliance. 数千名巫祭站在远处,他们同时颂唱咒语,庞大的巫力凝成一体,催动一个硕大的白玉葫芦悬浮在矿脉上空,这些在矿脉中不知道积蓄了多少年的庚金之气就被白玉葫芦一缕缕的吸了进去,渐渐的白玉葫芦表面也充斥着一层刺目的金属光华。 The air/Qi of Seventh Metal in the mineral lode spouts was scarce gradually, has the number to laugh heartily by the Human Race robust men of 100,000 ideas loudly, intrusion mineral lode in big strides, dingdong mining ore, unceasing sends to the rear rough sizing furnace the ore. 等得矿脉中喷出的庚金之气逐渐稀少了,就有数以100000计的人族壮汉大声欢笑着,大踏步的闯入矿脉,‘叮叮当当’的开采矿石,不断的将矿石送去后方的粗选熔炉。 In this piece of boundless mountain, such mine are thousands, has the piling up ore to be shouldered by the body huge Luneberg people every time on the shoulder, the foot pedal thick cloud soars, through erecting floats transmission in spatial mountain peak to send to Sun in the upper air. 在这一片茫茫大山中,这样的矿场数以千计,每时每刻都有堆积如山的矿石被身躯庞大的龙伯国人担负在肩膀上,脚踏浓云腾空而起,通过架设在高空中浮空山峰内的传送阵送去太阳界。 The casting army of Gao Tao governance is forging the massive weapon mail-armor and helmets in Sun, prepares for the Warrior renewal equipment of entire Human Race. 皋陶统辖的铸造大军正在太阳界中锻造大量的兵器甲胄,准备为整个人族战士更新装备。 In the core place of Sun, Si Wenming is drawing support from ten thousand spirit good fortune cauldron forging nine tripods, in ore that these pile up, over 90% essence will integrate the nine tripods. 太阳界的核心处,姒文命正借助万灵造化鼎锻造九鼎,这些堆积如山的矿石中,九成以上的精华都将融入九鼎。 Thump battle drum sound transmits from afar, practical training turning the head of Kuafu clansmen surprise was looking to the distant place diligently. They saw that 100 foreign race metals fight fort character to dispel, the metal of be continuous thousand li(500 km) fights behind the fort the dark cloud to be billowing, innumerable Human Race Warrior tread the cloud top to come in waves. ‘咚咚’战鼓声远远传来,正在努力劳作的夸父族人们诧异的转过头向远处望了过去。他们看到有100座异族的金属战堡一字儿排开,绵延千里的金属战堡后方乌云滚滚,无数人族战士踏着云头滚滚而来。 Fights the front of fort in these metals, several hundred body grandiose giant flying bears carry the gigantic dragon skin battle drum to speed along fast, reveal the grandiose man of upper part to carry the drum hammer that Dragon Bone is making, uses the full striking battle drum, has the sad bang unceasingly. 在这些金属战堡的前方,数百头身躯壮硕的巨型飞熊扛着硕大的龙皮战鼓快速飞驰,袒露上半身的壮硕汉子拎着龙骨制成的鼓锤,倾尽全力的敲打战鼓,不断发出沉闷的巨响。 How, how? Is this does do? How to come these many people?” At a loss the Kuafu clansmen feel helpless mutual was inquiring, the entire 100 metals fought the fort, fought the fort at least to hold several thousand elite Warrior according to each place, this nearly surely crack troops brave warriors. “咋了,咋了?这是干什么?怎么来了这么多人?”夸父族人们茫然不知所措的相互询问着,整整100座金属战堡,按照每座战堡起码能容纳数万精锐战士,这就有近千万精兵悍将。 In the surface billowing cloud cluster, the dense and numerous ten thousand people of square formations one shortly side, the brain of Kuafu clansmen generally is not then easy-to-use, they make an effort is rubbing the eye, is unable to clarify as before came many people. 而后面的滚滚云团上,密密麻麻的万人方阵一眼看不到边,夸父族人们的脑子一般都不怎么好用,他们用力的揉搓着眼睛,依旧无法弄清到底来了多少人。 Wears the vermilion long gown, waist is gripping the black python skin waistband, the middle-aged man who grasps the jade book changes into the flowing light to speed away to come together, instantaneously to the sky of mine. 一名身穿朱红色长袍,腰间扎着黑色蟒皮腰带,手持玉册的中年男子化为一道流光疾驰而来,瞬间到了矿场的上空。 The surface such as the jade pendant adorning a hat middle-aged man looked at dumbfounded Kuafu clansmen proudly, opened the jade book slowly: Presents the emperor to command grand, you colluded with the rebel, provides the resources to the rebel, the secret stores up the weapon mail-armor and helmet, attempts to plot a rebellion. Therefore...... Congratulates, you now were the slaves!” 面如冠玉的中年男子傲然看了一眼目瞪口呆的夸父族人们,缓缓的打开了玉册:“奉帝勖谕令,尔等勾结叛逆,向叛逆提供资源,秘密囤积军械甲胄,妄图谋反。故……恭喜诸位,你们现在都是奴隶了!” This middle-aged man named Gongsun Yang, is the Gongsun Xu biological uncle, so-called if the leaders are not virtuous , the people cannot expected to virtuous, Gongsun can turn into through sediment grand, cannot separate the relations with his these blood relatives' uncle and uncle. 这位中年男子名为公孙羊,是公孙勖的亲叔父,所谓上梁不正下梁歪,公孙勖能变成一个彻头彻尾的渣滓,和他的这些嫡亲的伯父、叔父分不开关系。 Gongsun Yang is also a through voluptuary, when turns over the throne to another grand ceremony beforehand two months, because he corrupt - has smeared government money of oneself responsible Gongsun company, was just ordered to beat severely 300 big stick by Gongsun elder assembly, has eliminated him all lines of business in clan, has become a through person at ease and others. 公孙羊也是一个彻头彻尾的酒色之徒,就在禅让大典之前两个月的时候,他因为贪-污了自己负责的公孙氏一家商号的公款,刚刚被公孙氏长老会责令重打了300大棒,剥夺了他在族中的一切职司,成了一个彻头彻尾的闲散人等。 Gongsun Xu comes to power, Gongsun Yang obtained entrusting with heavy responsibility immediately, now Gongsun Yang has taken over control of the Gao Tao line of business, the sole responsibility Human Race supervision and criminal law matter. 公孙勖一上台,公孙羊立刻得到了重用,如今公孙羊接管了皋陶的职司,专责人族监察、刑法事。 How did we become the slave?” The leaders of several Kuafu clansmen look at Gongsun Yang dull: We follow orders to handle affairs, we for serveral days laborious opens the mine, we are active, how did we become the slave?” “俺们怎么就成奴隶了呢?”几个夸父族人的首领呆呆的看着公孙羊:“我们可是奉命行事,我们这些天辛辛苦苦的开辟矿场,我们是有功的,我们怎么就成奴隶了呢?” Few idle talk, said that you are the slaves, that was a slave!” Gongsun Yang both eyes shine looks at the Kuafu clansmen tall figure, delicious calculates these statures to be grandiose, the strength greatly infinite slave can bring many benefits for him. “少废话,说你们是奴隶,那就是奴隶了!”公孙羊双眼放光的看着夸父族人们魁梧的身材,美滋滋的盘算着这些身躯壮硕、力大无穷的奴隶能够为他带来多少利益。 Dry - you - mother!” A Kuafu clansman sticks out suddenly the outbreak, brandished in the hand the iron shovel to give Gongsun Yang maliciously. “干-你-娘啊!”一名夸父族人暴起发作,抡起手中铁铲狠狠的给了公孙羊一下。 Repair to inferior, will arrived at Gongsun Yangcan howling one of the Magus King boundary, had been destroyed the half body by an iron shovel fellow, the big mouth spat blood to depart dozens li (0.5km), on mountain that hit in falling down. 修为低劣,堪堪到了巫王境的公孙羊惨嚎一声,被铁铲一家伙打碎了半边身躯,大口吐血飞出了数十里地,一头撞在了一座倾塌的大山上。 Kills them, kills off them...... No, no, the severe wound they, capture alive to capture alive completely, these damn rebels, they are the slave, the slave, money, they are the jade coins! Captures alive to capture alive, cannot kill!” Gongsun Yang lies crooked on the hillside, Magus Medicine that under the clothing/taking saves a life, while was screaming hoarsely. “干掉他们,杀光他们……不,不,重伤他们,全部生擒活捉,这些该死的叛逆,他们都是奴隶,奴隶,钱啊,他们都是玉币啊!生擒活捉,一个都不能杀死!”公孙羊斜躺在山坡上,一边服下救命的巫药,一边声嘶力竭的尖叫着。 Gongsun of battalion elite flushed, coordinating the massive foreign race crack troops to launch the attack to the mine. 大队大队的公孙氏精锐冲了上来,配合着大量的异族精兵向矿场发动了进攻。 Is frank, ingenuous and straightforward and violent such as the Kuafu clansmen of fire to rise spiritedly to counter-attack, killed one group with these people rapidly. However they are overwhelmed by sheer numbers, when are not many have the most Kuafu clansman to be knocked down, the remaining Kuafu clansmen get angry the sound to drink to scold, disperses the big longleg to turn around to run away, rapidly to upper air floats the spatial mountain peak to run. 性格直爽、憨直、暴烈如火的夸父族人们奋起反击,和这些人迅速杀成了一团。但是他们寡不敌众,不多时就有大半夸父族人被打倒在地,剩下的夸父族人怒声喝骂着,撒开大长腿转身就逃,迅速向高空的浮空山峰跑去。 The transmission in many Kuafu clansmen's through floating spatial mountain peak ran away Sun, Gongsun Yang controlled asked for counter army enormously and powerful on arrived floated on the spatial mountain peak, they controlled transmission large formation that above has erected, armies unceasing has chased down through transmission. 好些夸父族人通过浮空山峰中的传送阵逃去了太阳界,紧接着公孙羊掌控的‘讨逆大军’就浩浩荡荡的开到了浮空山峰上,他们掌控了上面架设的传送大阵,一支又一支的大军不断的通过传送阵追杀了过去。 The flame is dreadful, outside thermal energy Sun, the innumerable Kuafu clansmen and ordinary Human Race miners ran away from transmission, their waist scarlet red spirit symbol are sparkling the flame, escorted them to escape rapidly into Sun. 火光滔天、热力袭人的太阳界外,无数夸父族人和普通人族矿工从传送阵中逃了出来,他们腰间一枚枚赤红色的灵闪耀着火光,护送着他们迅速遁入了太阳界中。 In them behind, the private soldiers and foreign race of innumerable Gongsun elite were crying out loudly pursued, their overjoyed comes to the Sun rush, finally in Sun several prominences howl to clash, millions crack troops brave warriors are only the time of a twinkling change into a wisp of flying ash. 在他们身后,无数公孙氏的私兵和异族精锐大声呐喊着追了出来,他们欢天喜地的向太阳界冲杀而来,结果太阳界中几条‘日珥’呼啸着冲起,数以百万计的精兵悍将只是一眨眼的功夫就化为一缕飞灰。 I...... Dry!” Gongsun Yang tremble stands in floating transmission on spatial mountain peak, the army who looks at the instantaneous destruction, the lower abdomen pulls out, urinated directly.( To be continued.) “我……干!”公孙羊哆哆嗦嗦的站在浮空山峰上的传送阵中,看着瞬间覆灭的大军,小腹一抽,直接尿了出来。(未完待续。)
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