TME :: Volume #17

#1633: The absurd emperor is grand

Pu Ban became bleak. 蒲阪变得萧条了许多。 The major clans and major clans and tribes in the foothold and county fair that Pu Ban builds, feeds specially clan and tribe people to travel between the camp that Pu Ban supposes wait / etc., overnight has 60%-70% becomes empty. 各大氏族、各大部族在蒲阪建立的据点和市集,还有专供部族中人往返蒲阪而设的营地等等,一夜之间就有六七成变得空荡荡的。 Besides the external clan and clan and tribe, the Pu Ban local subjects also about 30%-40% at the same night move out, or seeks refuge with relatives and friends, either fans into the wilderness, either went for shelter directly evacuated the Pu Ban clan and tribe team. 除了外来的氏族、部族之外,蒲阪的本地子民也有三四成左右连夜搬走,或者投靠亲友,或者散入荒野,或者直接投奔了撤离蒲阪的部族队伍。 Next morning time, the smoke from kitchen chimneys that various Pu Ban places raise has been short of more than 50%, every morning chicken continuously calls the dog's bark sound also becomes sparse, some looks at the watchdog to squat in own entrance, sends out just liked the sob hum wail. 第二天清早的时候,蒲阪各处升起的炊烟少了一半以上,每天清早此起彼伏的鸡鸣犬吠声也变得稀稀拉拉,更有一些看家犬蹲在自家门口,发出了犹如哭泣的‘呜呜’哀鸣。 These poultry domestic animals, feels in the Pu Ban air has been reverberating cold air, as if saw the Pu Ban deterioration indication. 就连这些家禽家畜,也都感受到了蒲阪空气中回荡着的一丝凉气,似乎看到了蒲阪的衰败征兆。 Thump and thump clock whining noise spread over the four directions, in the discussing politics main hall rushes to several hundred the messengers of transmitting orders fast. After the emperor came to power the first order formally to appear to take office grand Human Emperor Emperor Shun, was conferred rank and title by the emperor for clan elder grand meets big clan elder, the specialty supervises one should the Human Race official, had the taking action first and explaining later power! ‘咚、咚’钟鸣声传遍四方,议政大殿内快速奔出了数百名传令的使者。帝勖上台后的第一条正儿八经的命令出台了上任人皇帝舜,被帝勖册封为‘宗老会’大宗老,专职监督一应人族臣子,有先斩后奏大权! Many also keep the Pu Ban clan head cannot help but to scoff at the nose to smile, Gongsun grand this boy not as stupid as the extreme, he knows that his seat is not steady, is not only various Human Race heads, even Gongsun not necessarily meeting everybody comply with his order. This boy lifted Emperor Shun, when the pretence, threatened the Human Race official with Emperor Shun, actually a move of skilled artist. 好些还留在蒲阪的氏族首脑不由得嗤鼻一笑,公孙勖这小子没蠢到极点嘛,他知道自己的位子不稳,不仅仅是人族各部首脑,甚至就连公孙氏内部都不见得会人人都遵从他的命令。这小子抬出了帝舜当幌子,用帝舜来威吓人族臣子,倒是一招妙手。 Just, Emperor Shun after is abdication Human Emperor, according to the Human Race custom, Emperor Shun should be far away from Pu Ban now, the preparation promotes all sort of matters concerned of Magus God boundary officially, he should not meddle the Human Race business again. 只不过,帝舜毕竟是退位的人皇,按照人族的规矩,帝舜现在应该远离蒲阪,准备正式晋升巫神境的诸般事宜,他根本就不应该再插手人族事务。 Your Gongsun Xu meets big clan elder for clan elder Emperor Shun, Human Race does not have clan elder to meet this organization, big clan elder this position is also unprecedented. Taking office Human Emperor that make abdicated supervises the Human Race official, this flavor always feels grotesquely. 你公孙勖把帝舜封为‘宗老会’大宗老,人族从无‘宗老会’这个机构,‘大宗老’这个职位也是前所未有。让已经退位的上任人皇监督人族臣子,这味道总感觉怪模怪样的。 But the Emperor Shun prestige places there, many people secretly spit the trough to the Gongsun grand order, on outwardly everybody has not had any question to this order. 只不过帝舜的威望放在那里,好些人对公孙勖的这一条命令只是暗地里吐槽不已,明面上大家没有对这条命令有任何的质疑。 Emperor Shun fills a position of the big clan elder, he will have Yu Bu elite force to call in Pu Ban, the Human Race black clothed guards the imperial palace also completely turns over to him to command, in addition Gongsun for part of private soldiers who Gongsun mixes grand, Gongsun Xu under immediately has the army that has been possible to endure the use. 帝舜充任大宗老,他将有虞部的精兵强将调入蒲阪,人族的黑衣禁卫也尽归他统领,加上公孙氏为公孙勖调配的一部分私兵,公孙勖手下顿时有了一支可堪使用的军队。 The Gongsun Xu second order rapidly has spread over entire Human Race, but this order lets Human Race high and low in an uproar, making many Human Race clans and tribes strengthen evacuated Pu Ban, to be far away from Commander Gongsun who Xu thoughts Gongsun Xufeng foreign race person of extraordinary ability Yu Huowei, presided one completely the huge army that elite comprised of foreign race, specifically was responsible for subjugating the non- feudal official! 紧接着,公孙勖的第二条命令又迅速传遍了整个人族,而这条命令让人族上下一片哗然,让更多的人族部族坚定了撤离蒲阪、远离公孙勖的心思公孙勖封异族俊彦虞惑为帅,统辖一支完全由异族精锐组成的庞大军队,专门负责征讨不臣! This order to the world person announced that do not think my Gongsun Xu is newly-arrived good to bully, the leaders of various big size small departments, numerous Human Race waited to listen to me, if were not obedient, I made the Yemo day lead the army to hit you! 这条命令就是向天下人宣告不要以为我公孙勖初来乍到就好欺负,大大小小各部的首领们、众多人族伯候都给我听好了,若是不听话,我就让耶摩天带领大军来打你们! As this confers the order simultaneously to come, a Gongsun Xu paper transfer order. 随着这条册封命令同时而来的,还有公孙勖的一纸调令。 He ordered remove the Chi Ban Mountain defense line, has not changed the half minute the Chi Ban Mountain defense line to be ordered to remove by him during the big flood, all officers returned to Pu Ban to accept to reorganize. 他下令撤掉了赤坂山防线,就连在大洪水期间都没有松动半分的赤坂山防线被他下令撤除,所有将士返回蒲阪接受整编。 Along with the evacuation of Chi Ban Mountain defense line, a Yu Huo subordinates scale extremely huge army pushes directly into, without any resistance direct link Pu Ban. The innumerable years, the Yu Dynasty all previous dynasties rule Great Emperor consumes the Chi Ban Mountain defense line that many strengths have not been able to break through, stiffly by Gongsun grand from abandoning martial arts. 随着赤坂山防线的撤离,虞惑麾下一支规模极其庞大的军队长驱直入,没有任何阻力的直达蒲阪。无数年来,虞朝历代执政大帝耗费了不少力气都没能突破的赤坂山防线,硬生生被公孙勖自废武功。 The foreign race army arrives at Pu Ban, enters Pu Ban, has moved into Pu Ban. 异族大军来到蒲阪,进入蒲阪,入驻了蒲阪 These evacuate the house and camp that the Pu Ban clan and tribe strength has left behind, happen to have become Military Camp of foreign race army. Innumerable foreign race officers arrogant main street and small alley appearing and disappearing in groups in Pu Ban, the foreign race floating air fight forts and floated the spatial mountain peak to howl the passing over gently and swiftly top of the head, in the sky is finding at everywhere Jia Clan Warrior to treadon the metal round small dish fast has flown. 那些撤离了蒲阪的部族力量留下的屋舍、营地,正好成了异族大军的军营。无数异族将士趾高气扬的在蒲阪的大街小巷成群结队的出没,一座座异族的浮空战堡和浮空山峰呼啸着掠过头顶,天空中随处可见伽族战士脚踏金属圆碟快速的飞过。 What is more discomforting, repaired the artisans of clan to travele across Pu Ban each inch land, their unscrupulous research Pu Ban city garrison Restriction, Pu Ban defended Wu Zhen to look at an insight. They even start to construct Yu Zushen in Pu Ban various commanding points, Yu Zushen rising straight from the ground fast, various cold and gloomy vertical stroke eye of occupying a commanding position bird's eye view Pu Ban places, send out the dense cold brightness day and night. 更让人不安的是,脩族的工匠们踏遍了蒲阪的每一寸土地,他们肆无忌惮的研究蒲阪的城防禁制,将蒲阪的防御巫阵看了一个通透。他们甚至开始在蒲阪的各处制高点上建造虞族神塔,一座座虞族神塔飞快的拔地而起,森冷的竖目居高临下俯瞰蒲阪各处,日夜散发出森森寒光。 After the foreign race army enters Pu Ban, the Pu Ban subjects wanted to come and go out Pu Ban to be possible so not to be easy freely. 异族大军进驻蒲阪后,蒲阪的子民想要自由出入蒲阪可就没这么容易了。 The black clothed of Emperor Shun subordinates guarded the imperial palace coordinates the foreign race army to close off the Pu Ban turnover important highway, wanted to enter Pu Ban to be very simple, the words that but wanted to leave, did not have Tablet that Emperor Shun issued, only if you can the strong rush, otherwise do not want to leave the Pu Ban half step. 帝舜麾下的黑衣禁卫配合异族大军封锁了蒲阪的进出要道,想要进入蒲阪很简单,但是想要离开的话,没有帝舜颁发的令牌,除非你能强硬的冲杀出去,否则你别想离开蒲阪半步。 Has not waited for the Pu Ban subjects startled that brings from the foreign race army to restore, the Gongsun Xu third order has spread over entire Human Race. 还不等蒲阪的子民从异族大军带来的惊慌中恢复,公孙勖的第三条命令传遍了整个人族 But this order made Human Race randomly become thoroughly pot gruel, shouting abuse that the innumerable old and renowned scholar elders flew into a rage, the heads of innumerable clan and tribe opened the ancestral temple of ancestor worship to pray to the world ancestor spirit sacrificial offering that prayed world ancestor spirit hurrying made Gongsun die a violent death grand, otherwise Human Race really did not have the future! 而这条命令彻底让人族乱成了一锅粥,无数耆宿长老暴跳如雷的破口大骂,无数部族的首脑打开了祭祖的宗庙向天地祖灵祭祀祈祷,祈祷天地祖灵赶紧让公孙勖暴毙吧,否则人族就真没前途了! The Gongsun Xu third order impressively is, in Pu Ban peripheral ordered by the emperor personally 36 natural scenery excellent places, he ordered to in these 36 places construct 36 temporary palace botanical gardens, each temporary palace botanical garden occupying land area over hundred li (0.5km), in each botanical garden must have palace 36, had reaches as high as hundred zhang (333m) above tower 108. 公孙勖的第三条命令赫然是,在蒲阪周边钦定了36处自然风景绝佳之地,他下令要在这36个地方修建36座行宫园林,每一处行宫园林占地都在百里以上,每一处园林中必须有宫殿36座,有高达百丈以上的楼台108座。 In Gongsun Xu order said clearly, all palace pavilions must use the most precious material casting, gold, beautiful jade, coral, hawk's-bill turtle, pearl, amber, agate and emerald...... To complete these temporary palace botanical gardens according to the Gongsun grand wish, the rare and precious material that needs to consume is astronomical figures. 公孙勖的命令中说得明明白白,所有的宫殿楼阁必须用最珍贵的材料铸造而成,黄金、美玉、珊瑚、玳瑁、珍珠、琥珀、玛瑙、翡翠……想要按照公孙勖的意愿建成这些行宫园林,需要耗费的珍稀材料是一个天文数字。 Solely is temporary palace botanical garden, Gongsun Xugeng is orders in each temporary palace botanical garden, must store up the beautiful woman 30,000 to enjoy for him. 单单是行宫园林也就罢了,公孙勖更是下令每一座行宫园林中,必须储备美人30000供他享用。 He also explicit stipulation, 30,000 beautiful women in each temporary palace, must of the noble birth be least if also the blood relative descendant of clan and tribe head of the clan and clan and tribe elder, the young girls of these family background common people families, even if lives peony, does not have the qualifications to include beautiful woman. 他还明确的规定,每一座行宫中的30000美人,必须出身高贵最少也要是部族族长、部族长老的嫡亲后裔,那些出身平民家庭的少女,就算生得天香国色,也没有资格列入美人之列。 Naturally, Gongsun Xu as Human Emperor, his absolutely impossible careless and wasteful use of nature's products, making these peony common people young girls lose the folk he to stipulate that each beautiful women need certain to live the pretty adorable maidservant to take care, the beautiful appearance young girl who these maidservants can choose these common people family births holds the post! 当然喽,公孙勖作为人皇,他绝对不可能暴殄天物,让那些天香国色的平民少女遗落民间他规定,每个美人都需要有若干个生得俏丽可爱的侍女服侍,这些侍女就可以选择那些平民家庭出生的美貌少女担任! Gongsun Xugeng ordered to the world Human Race clan and tribe, to be full the storehouses in these temporary palace botanical gardens, each clan and tribe must contribute the massive rare and precious furs, presented tribute the massive treasure rare treasure, contributed various strange flowers and grass, various rare and precious fruit trees, various types of expensive liquor water wait / etc.. 公孙勖更是向天下人族部族下令,为了充盈这些行宫园林的库房,每一个部族都要贡献大量珍稀的毛皮,进贡大量的奇珍异宝,贡献各种奇花异草,各种珍稀果木,各种昂贵的酒水等等。 Gongsun Xu a few words said very well: I for Human Emperor, for the father of world Human Race, Thou and other common people, when provides for me one such as to provide for the father, you and other children and wealth, Chinese angelica all my.” 公孙勖一句话说得很好:“吾为人皇,是为天下人族之父,汝等黎民,当供养吾一如供养父亲,尔等子女、财富,当归吾所有。” Gongsun Xu was a series of orders has issued. 紧接着,公孙勖又是一连串命令颁发了下来。 In this, most remarkable is: 这里面,最引人注意的就是: First, is Gao Tao provides the ore the mineral lode, complete work suspension. 其一,所有为皋陶提供矿石的矿脉,全部停工。 Second, the Human Race army crusades against the Yao Mountain city!( To be continued.) 其二,人族大军讨伐垚山城!(未完待续。)
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