TME :: Volume #17

#1632: Separating from each other

Around the altar Human Race subjects, have been immediately divided into several majorities. 祭坛四周的人族子民,当即就分成了好几个大部分。 The population are most, is the Pu Ban general publics, drifting with the current that they feel helpless, the intercourse near the altar runs. 人数最多的,是蒲阪的普通民众,他们不知所措的随波逐流,在祭坛附近往来奔走。 Often they ran out in a direction several steps, one team of choroids guard the imperial palace to brave suddenly, brandishes the sword and spear to shout out several, therefore they withdraw to another direction. However another direction also had the black clothed to guard the imperial palace, their helpless continued to choose a direction to leave. 往往他们往一个方向冲出了几步,就有一队黑衣禁卫突然冒出来,挥舞着刀枪呼喝几声,于是他们就向另外一个方向撤走。但是另外一个方向也有黑衣禁卫冲了出来,他们无奈的就继续选个方向离开。 These general publics are clear, do not say Magus King and war of Divine Magi rank, even if 2-3 Great Magus slaughters in the same place, the fight complementary waves can rip the smashing their bodies. Now the altar peripheral has become the place in society most bad risk, if not leave as early as possible, everybody has the fatal disaster. 这些普通民众心里清楚,不要说巫王巫帝级别的大战,就算是两三个大巫厮杀在一起,战斗余波都能将他们的身体撕成粉碎。如今祭坛周边已经成了世间最凶险之地,若是不趁早离开,人人都有杀身之祸。 Therefore the innumerable people go all around, the black clothed that bountiful just Emperor Shun adjusted guards the imperial palace the quantity to be numerous, actually is also only these general publics extremely one is less than the quantity, they are unable to stop these people gradually, many people have fanned into the wilderness rapidly. 所以无数民众四处奔走,饶是刚刚帝舜调来的黑衣禁卫数量众多,却也只是这些普通民众的万分之一不到的数量,渐渐地他们也就无法阻拦这些民众,好些人迅速的散入了旷野。 Except the general publics, the quantity is listed at second, is the head of the clan and elders of these medium clan and tribe and small clan and tribe. 除开普通民众,数量排在第二位的,是那些中型部族、小型部族的族长和长老。 Because of the relations of clan and tribe strength, the high level many ambitions of these clans and tribes, they have not had the interest to mix the matter of Human Emperor turning over the throne to another. They come here, but makes the later generation juniors gain the experience, everybody joined in the fun, waits for old also the subject to the young people boast in clan. 因为部族实力的关系,这些部族的高层并没有多少野心,他们也没有兴趣掺和人皇禅让之事。他们来到这里,只是让后辈子弟增长见识,大家都凑凑热闹,等老了也有一番谈资向族中的年轻人吹嘘。 After all Human Emperor turns over the throne to another grand ceremony, this matter average person rarely saw for a lifetime a time Human Emperor strength is powerful, life is prolonged, the years that Human Emperor reigns, are often equal to the ordinary subjects several generations of life. 毕竟人皇禅让大典,这种事情普通人一辈子都难得见到一次人皇的实力强悍、寿命绵长,一位人皇在位的岁月,往往相当于普通子民好几代人的寿命。 Because does not have the ambition, therefore saw that the Human Race major clans are ready to make trouble, the head of the clan and elders of these small clans and tribes immediately the long sound the sentry post, leading the subordinates elite clansman to turn around to walk. 正因为没有野心,所以一看到人族各大氏族蠢蠢欲动,这些小部族的族长、长老立刻长声唿哨,带着麾下精英族人转身就走。 Although the clan and tribe influence is not strong, can clan and tribe head of the clan and elders who comes Pu Ban to watch the fun, their guards, all are the elites of various clans, Magus King has many, master also 1-2 of Divine Magi level bring up the rear. Magus King and Divine Magi of quantity each clan and tribe are not many, but the quantities of these small clans and tribes were too many. 虽然部族势力不强,能够来蒲阪看热闹的部族族长、长老,还有他们身边的护卫,全都是各族的精英,其中巫王有不少,巫帝级的高手也有一两个压阵。每个部族的巫王巫帝数量不多,但是这些小部族的数量太多了。 Because the clan and tribe strength is small and weak, therefore these small clans and tribes many by way enhancement aggregation force of marrying. They were dozens and over a hundred clans and tribes have frequently coiled one group, all around had the master to assume personal command, composes has slaughtered the charge armed forces to puncture forward suddenly, very relaxed avoided the interception that the black clothed has guarded the imperial palace, loud was whistling swaggering away. 因为部族实力弱小,所以这些小部族多以联姻的方式增强聚合力。他们动辄就是数十个、上百个部族卷成了一团,四周都有高手坐镇,组成了厮杀冲锋的军阵向前突刺,很轻松的就避开了黑衣禁卫的拦截,大声唿哨着扬长而去。 By far, but can also hear the laughing wildly sound Gongsun grand so waste of many small clan and tribe head of the clan, is so incompetent, later various every year clans and tribes must to the commodity that Pu Ban presents tribute, can embezzle part? 远远地,还能听到好些小部族族长的狂笑声公孙勖如此废物,如此无能,以后每年各部族都要向蒲阪进贡的物资,是不是可以克扣一部分? Gongsun wins the Human Emperor throne grand first day, his prestige starts to collapse. He did not have what prestige, the after head of the clan loud clamoring sounds of these small clans and tribes was heard by all around people, his prestige directly turns toward the abyss to fall. 公孙勖登上人皇宝座的第一天,他的威望就开始垮台。他本来就没有什么威望,这些小部族的族长们大声的喧哗声被四周民众听到后,他的威望直接向着深渊滑落。 Except that the general publics and heads of small clan and tribe, the major clans and major clans and tribes, these Human Race top influences have designated the camp respectively, has formed three major parts of distinguishing right from wrong. 除了普通民众和中小部族的首脑们,各大氏族、各大部族,这些人族顶级势力所属纷纷选定了阵营,形成了泾渭分明的三大部分。 In these three major parts, more big clans and big clans and tribes have chosen the neutrality. 在这三大部分中,更多的大氏族、大部族选择了中立。 And includes from the western Desolate and eastern wild big influence, the majority of western Desolate, the eastern wild big clan and big clan and tribe tie a self-preservation, they connect air/Qi, formed sincere large formation two not to help in the north of altar, clarified me is the stance of watching the fun. 其中就包括来自西荒、东荒的大势力,大部分西荒、东荒的大氏族、大部族结阵自保,他们串联一气,在祭坛的北方结成了厚重的大阵两不相帮,摆明了一副我就是看热闹的架势。 Part of big clans, initially mixed the big clans of nine Dragon Gate incident particularly, such as Gao Yang shi, Yunyang, Suirenshi, a ghost car(riage) clan, beginning witch lineage/vein and other big influences, they stood in the side of Gongsun resolutely. 一部分大氏族,尤其是当初掺合进了九大龙门一事的大氏族,诸如高阳氏、云阳氏、燧人氏、鬼车一族、初巫一脉等大势力,他们毅然决然的站在了公孙氏的身边。 They are well aware Emperor Shun not to suit, Emperor Shun was affected by the external force, this passed to not reasonable Gongsun to be grand the Human Emperor throne. 他们心知肚明帝舜不对劲,帝舜受到外力影响,这才将人皇宝座传给了不靠谱的公孙勖。 However Emperor Shun suits or not, what relations has with them? 但是帝舜对劲与否,和他们有什么关系? Gongsun Xu Human Emperor throne background is not positive, this is the big good deed, this will be the eternity the good opportunity that will be difficult to meet. 公孙勖的人皇宝座来路不正,这可是大好事,这可是千古难逢的好机会。 The Human Emperor throne background of Gongsun is not positive, must come through the dishonest ways, no matter this dishonest ways come from where, the heads of these big clans do not care about this point. This matter will create big damaging to Human Race, they do not care! 你公孙氏的人皇宝座来路不正,是通过歪门邪道得来的,不管这歪门邪道从何而来,这些大氏族的首脑不关心这一点。这件事情会对人族造成多大的为害,他们更是一点儿都不放在心上! The benefit, how many benefits does your Gongsun prepare to pay? 利益,你公孙氏准备付出多少利益? The benefit, how many benefits your Gongsun does Xu prepare to give? 利益,你公孙勖准备给出多少利益? Your Gongsun Xu wants to hold onto the Human Emperor seat, your Gongsun wants to manage the Human Race lawful right, that uses the benefit to exchange! So long as did not have the big clan of moral integrity bottom line to force-feed these, they are willing to use the strength of entire clan, the strength went against Gongsun Xu to hold onto the Human Emperor seat. 你公孙勖想要坐稳人皇宝座,你公孙氏想要操持人族权柄,那就用利益来交换吧!只要把这些毫无节操底线的大氏族喂饱了,他们就愿意动用阖族之力,力顶公孙勖坐稳人皇宝座。 The remaining part of clans and clans and tribes, they are converged with the The heaven army of Ji Xia governance. 剩下的一部分氏族、部族,他们则是已经和姬夏统辖的天庭大军汇合。 These people are the Si Wenming firm supporters, among them included several thousand Human Race to wait, has included the head of the clan and elders of several thousand clan and clan and tribe, has included several thousand emperor's children elites from dozens super big clans. 这些人都是姒文命的坚定支持者,他们当中包括了数万名人族伯候,包括了数万个氏族、部族的族长和长老,包括了来自数十个超级大氏族的数千名帝子精英。 They led their own soldier guard and The heaven army compose joint armed forces, bearing stern armed forces are covered by Star Light that one continuously dropped from the clouds, countless people tightened the face, ablazing with anger stared at Gongsun on altar to be grand, is staring unceasingly to his side gathering past the head of the clan and elders of major clans. 他们率领自己的亲兵护卫和天庭大军组成了联合军阵,气度森严的军阵被一缕缕从天而降的星光笼罩着,无数人都绷紧了面孔,怒气冲冲的盯着祭坛上的公孙勖,盯着不断向他身边汇聚过去的各大氏族的族长和长老。 Many elder sputtering and these clan head of the clan and elders Gongsun were quarrelling in a low voice, their fingers were changing various hand signals, each hand signal has represented huge digit. 公孙氏的诸多长老口沫横飞的和那些氏族族长、长老低声的争吵着,他们的手指变化着各种手势,每个手势都代表了一个个巨大的数字。 And what is more, they have unfolded in the altar directly a Magus Law sand table, in entire Pangu the topography living map of land world takes in everything at a glance, the elders of Gongsun gesticulate, encircled domains with numerous clan head of the clan and elders on the sand table. 更有甚者,他们直接在祭坛上铺开了一座巫法沙盘,整个盘古中陆世界的地势地理图一览无遗,公孙氏的长老们比比划划的,就和众多的氏族族长和长老在沙盘上圈下了一块块地盘。 Gongsun Xu just superior, they already impatient start division domain. 公孙勖刚刚上位,他们已经迫不及待的开始划分地盘。 Gongsun Xu surrounded by numerous guard, stands in the altar edge bellows toward flame flaming Ji Xia all over the body fierce: Comes the person, will dare to take with Ji Xia that I oppose! What The heaven god? In my Gongsun Xuyan, was inferior including the cow dung! Takes him, I must quite concocts him personally!” 公孙勖则是在众多护卫的簇拥下,站在祭坛边缘朝着通体火光熊熊的姬夏厉声大吼:“来人啊,将胆敢与吾作对的姬夏拿下!啊呸,什么天庭正神?在我公孙勖眼里,连牛粪都不如!拿下他,吾要好生的亲手炮制他!” All around order chaos, more and more Human Race subjects start to scatter in all directions to flee, Emperor Shun intends to indulge, these Vitamins from the black clothed guards the imperial palace starts to gather, starts to have Yu Bu troops convergence with the Emperor Shun main family. 四周秩序大乱,越来越多的人族子民开始四散奔逃,帝舜有意放纵,那些维他命是从的黑衣禁卫开始聚集,开始和帝舜本家有虞部的人马汇合。 The private soldiers of Gongsun gush out from Pu Ban rapidly, the battalion rides flying bear the arrogant troops brave warrior of Gongsun to roar loudly, emitted rolling Yun Qi to clash to the direction of altar. 公孙氏的私兵们迅速从蒲阪涌出,大队大队骑着飞熊的公孙氏的骄兵悍将大声的咆哮着,喷吐着滚滚云气向祭坛的方向冲了过来。 The build just likes hill general flying bear kicks the giant wing to swoop to come, several flying bears fired into Ji Xia, the Gongsun knight who the flying bear carried on the back have grasped the specially-made long dagger-axe, flew high to the Ji Xia violent force assassination. 体型犹如小山一般的飞熊扑腾着巨大的翅膀飞扑而来,十几头飞熊冲向了姬夏,飞熊背上的公孙氏骑士手持特制的长戈,凌空向姬夏猛力刺杀。 Ji Xia looked at Gongsun Xu one eyes densely, helpless wields the fist: Gongsun is grand, later we two are irregular, you make your Human Emperor, do not want to transfer our clansman!” 姬夏森森的看了公孙勖一眼,无奈的一挥拳头:“公孙勖,以后我们两不相干,你做你的人皇,可别想调动我们一个族人!” Bang, the The heaven army has not erupted the conflict with Gongsun after all respectively, enormous and powerful returns to The heaven with the quickest speed.( To be continued.) ‘轰隆’一声,天庭大军毕竟没有和公孙氏所属爆发冲突,浩浩荡荡的用最快的速度返回天庭。(未完待续。)
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