TME :: Volume #17

#1631: Tears Human Race

In the crowd, Yu Huo is smiling, he smiles is calm and graceful, has a world universe to perform in honored and natural of palm. 人群中,虞惑在笑,他笑得从容而雍容,颇有一种天地宇宙尽在掌心的尊贵和潇洒。 In the crowd, Emperor Shun is smiling, his smiling face delay is stiff, in the black eye pupil is flooding the vacant dim light. Occasionally in his pupil deep place, a little intelligent flame shines extremely suddenly, actually rapidly extinguishes in the limitless black. 人群中,帝舜在笑,他的笑容呆滞僵硬,黑色的眼眸中充斥着茫然的幽光。偶尔在他的瞳孔极深处,有一点智慧的火光骤然亮起,却在无边无际的黑色中迅速熄灭。 In the crowd, the several big high-ranking court officials of Emperor Shun subordinates are smiling, their smiling faces are stereotypical and stiff, just like good-for-nothings. Distant Huaxu Lie and the others saw their smiling faces so, only the sleep feels like a knife twisting in the heart general uncomfortable. 人群中,帝舜麾下的几大重臣在笑,他们的笑容呆板而僵硬,犹如一具具行尸走肉。远远的华胥烈等人看到他们这般的笑容,只觉心如刀绞一般难受。 Gongsun Xuzhan is at top the altar, the hissing of dancing with joy was screaming: Grasps, grasps completely, they dare to collude with the The heaven Spiritual God to meddle my Human Race internal affairs, is the rebel, the rebel damn! Grasps, simultaneously grasps including their relatives family members...... Also, Si Wenming? Si Wenming where? Grasps, grasps entirely!” 公孙勖站在祭坛顶部,手舞足蹈的嘶声尖叫着:“抓起来,全部抓起来,他们敢勾结天庭神灵插手我人族内务,全都是叛徒,叛徒就该死!抓起来,连他们的亲眷家属一起抓起来……还有,姒文命呢?姒文命在哪里?抓起来,通通抓起来!” Bellowed to yell the period of time, Gongsun Xu behind an elder of Gongsun in a low voice muttered several, Gongsun Xu gained ground fiercely, looks to the direction of Sun star: „, Gao Tao, he in Sun on-board casting weapon mail-armor and helmet? Ha, certainly is he helps Si Wenming collude with The heaven, harasses my Human Race internal affairs! Comes the person, comes the person, goes to several people to go to Sun, captures alive Gao Tao!” 大吼大叫了一阵子,公孙勖身后一名公孙氏的长老低声咕哝了几句,公孙勖猛地抬起头来,看向了太阳星的方向:“啊,还有皋陶,他在太阳星上铸造兵器甲胄?哈,一定是他帮助姒文命勾结天庭,扰乱我人族内务!来人啊,来人啊,去几个人去太阳界,生擒皋陶!” Held up just Emperor Shun to transmit to his Human Emperor imperial seal high, Gongsun Xu shouts to clear the way fierce: Goes, goes quickly, goes to enough person, captures alive to capture alive Gao Tao, person who these help his casting weapon mail-armor and helmet, is the Human Race rebel, grasps completely.” 高高举起刚刚帝舜转交给他的人皇印玺,公孙勖厉声喝道:“去,快去,去足够的人,把皋陶生擒活捉,还有那些帮他铸造兵器甲胄的人,全都是人族叛徒,全部抓起来。” The issue of hysteria a series of orders, Gongsun Xu more insolent calling out: „, Assembles the army, having to honor the unit to encircle thoroughly to me, has Chong Bu all clansmen, is Si Wenming lackeys, they attempt to subvert Human Race, grasps, grasps! All adult males feed in the mine tunnel to be the slave, all women...... Young pretty, sends to my imperial palace!” 歇斯底里的发布了一连串的命令,公孙勖更加张狂的叫道:“还有,调集大军,把有崇部彻底给我圈起来,有崇部的所有族人,都是姒文命的爪牙,他们妄图颠覆人族,抓起来,抓起来!所有男丁送进矿洞做奴隶,所有女人……年轻貌美的,都送去我的寝宫去!” The innumerable Human Race subjects are in a tumult in all directions, has Chong Bu, that is Si Wenming main family, Si Wenming this has head of the clan Chong Bu. Si Wenming father Si Xi, has Chong Bu the previous head of the clan. 四面八方无数的人族子民骚动起来,有崇部,那是姒文命的本家,姒文命正是这一任的有崇部族长。姒文命的父亲姒熙,正是有崇部的上一任族长。 Gongsun Xu issued that the order seizes these many Human Race high levels, he must be ruthless Si Wenming main family...... If Si Wenming is a guilty of the most heinous crime person , a person commits a crime and implicates the matter of entire clan, is very common in this time. 公孙勖发布命令抓捕这么多的人族高层,他还要将姒文命的本家赶尽杀绝……如果姒文命是一个罪大恶极的人也就罢了,一人犯事、连累全族的事情,在这个时代很常见。 Si Wenming has great merit to Human Race, he has performed the innumerable merit, he saved the immeasurable merit! 偏偏姒文命人族有大功,他立下了无数功劳,他更积攒了无量功德! Performs the merit with Si Wenming Ji Hao, obtained the world to bestow to seal, became the innumerable years another God \; Ex analogia, Si Wenming should take over the Human Emperor throne absolutely, Gongsun occupies unjustly the Human Emperor imperial throne grand, but must be ruthless to Si Wenming family background family, this has initiated the popular anger! 和姒文命一起立下功劳的姬昊,已经得到了天地赐封,成为了无数年来的又一位天帝\;以此类推,姒文命绝对应该接掌人皇宝座,公孙勖窃据人皇大位,还要对姒文命出身的家族赶尽杀绝,这已经引发了众怒! Gongsun is grand, you run amuck!” In the crowd, a hoary-headed old person shouted loudly fierce. “公孙勖,你胡作非为!”人群中,一名白发苍苍的老人厉声高呼。 A black clothed guards the imperial palace cries loud and long, a handle javelin has thrown conveniently, the heavy Triangular javelin is shooting to old person's heart. The cold brightness dodges, saw that the javelin must pierce old person's chest, the old person behind young people fiercely gets rid, grasped the javelin. 一名黑衣禁卫长啸一声,随手一柄标枪投掷了出去,沉重的三棱标枪正冲着老人的心脏射去。寒光一闪,眼看标枪就要洞穿老人的胸膛,老人身后一名年轻人猛地出手,一把握住了标枪。 This young people grab the javelin, has the impulsion that the javelin old route throws very much, but he has a look at that to guard the imperial palace black clothed black armor, angry maliciously was affecting everyone in the ground Emperor Shun authority javelin pounding as before, nobody dares to guard the imperial palace to these Human Race gets rid. 这年轻人抓着标枪,很有将标枪原路投掷回去的冲动,但是他看看那禁卫身上的黑衣黑甲,恼怒的将标枪狠狠的砸在了地上帝舜的权威依旧在影响每个人,没人敢对这些人族禁卫出手。 Gongsun is grand, shameless villain! What qualifications do you have become Human Emperor?” The middle-aged robust man of another whole face full beard jumped from the crowd, he points at Gongsun on altar to shout wildly grand fierce. “公孙勖,无耻小人!你有什么资格成为人皇?”又一名满脸大胡子的中年壮汉从人群中跳了出来,他指着祭坛上的公孙勖厉声狂呼。 Two choroids guard the imperial palace to bellow, the foot pedal water cloud rushed to the middle-aged robust man top of the head, in the hand the long blade maliciously to the head of guy chop. 两名黑衣禁卫大吼一声,脚踏水云冲到了中年壮汉头顶,手中长刀狠狠的向大汉的脑袋劈下。 In the crowd two bronze long spears howl to puncture, clang clang several bangs, the bronze long dagger-axe and long blade hit fiercely, two choroids guard the imperial palace bellow cut down again and again crazily, is unable to break through the obstruction of bronze long dagger-axe to cut to kill that middle-aged guy! 人群中两根青铜长戈呼啸着刺出,‘铛铛’几声巨响,青铜长戈和长刀剧烈撞击,两名黑衣禁卫大吼连连疯狂劈杀,却怎么也无法突破青铜长戈的阻挠斩杀那中年大汉! Some, Southern Wastelands bones of the dead gorge fire hole in the clouds fire clay valley king!” Middle-aged robust man whole face full beard turned into a redness suddenly, has the hot cloud to spout from the beard unceasingly, he points at Gongsun Xu to exclaim fierce: Father comes Pu Ban to watch the fun, is not gives you this shameless villain to make the cow to make the horse! You, if makes Human Emperor, father fire hole in the clouds refuses to accept!” “某,南荒白骨涧火云洞火土谷大王是也!”中年壮汉满脸大胡子骤然变成了根根赤红,不断有火云从胡须中喷出,他指着公孙勖厉声吼道:“老子来蒲阪看热闹,可不是来给你这种无耻小人做牛做马的!啊呸,你若是做人皇,老子火云洞不服!” The fire clay valley bellows, having several to wear the robust man of animal skin to treadon the hot cloud to soar, fast flies to the Ji Xia direction. 火土谷大吼一声,带着十几名身披兽皮的壮汉脚踏火云腾空而起,飞快的向姬夏的方向飞来。 Ha Ha, bones of the dead gorge? Fire hole in the clouds?” Ji Xia stared in a big way the eye to say with a smile: Is 100,000 savage mountains bones of the dead gorges? Fire hole in the clouds? Has heard so much about you! Fire clay Brother Gu, come, come, come, the father must look actually that who can injure you!” “哈哈,白骨涧?火云洞?”姬夏瞪大了眼睛笑道:“是100000野人山的白骨涧?火云洞?啧啧,久闻大名!火土谷兄弟,来,来,来,老子倒是要看,谁能伤你!” Several choroids guard the imperial palace soar, has intercepted to the fire clay valley. 十几名黑衣禁卫腾空而起,向火土谷拦截了过来。 Several hundred suns quack kyoodle, they change into the crow main body, the wing wield the innumerable golden feathers to fly high to fly to shoot, golden flame tearing are void, chaotic mixed hitting has guarded the imperial palace the body in the black clothed, hit them in an extremely difficult situation, whole body to ignite the flaming fire. 数百头金乌‘嘎嘎’乱叫,他们化为乌鸦本体,翅膀挥动间无数条金色羽毛凌空飞射,一条条金色火光撕裂虚空,乱杂杂的打在了黑衣禁卫身上,打得他们狼狈不堪、浑身燃起了熊熊大火。 In the Gongsun clansman, several hundred fully-armed excellent armed soldiers soar, unemotionally has outflanked to the fire clay valley. 公孙氏族人中,数百名全副武装的精良甲士腾空而出,面无表情的向火土谷包抄了上来。 Among these armed soldiers, many people look to the Gongsun grand vision are very bad, why they refuse to accept Gongsun to become grand the new Human Emperor however big clan have this, for the overall benefit of clan, even if they cannot get used to seeing the Gongsun grand this waste again, they will get rid for the benefit of clan as before outrageously! 这些甲士当中,有好些人看向公孙勖的目光都很是不善,他们非常不服为什么公孙勖能够成为新的人皇但是大氏族就是有这点好,为了氏族的整体利益,哪怕他们再看不惯公孙勖这个废物,他们依旧会为了氏族的利益悍然出手! Regardless to wrong, the clan benefit is higher than all! 无论对错,氏族利益高于一切啊! Fire clay Brother Gu said right!” Another air/Qi of greatly Sheng whole body withering, the height about two zhang (3.33 m) robust man jumped from the crowd: Gongsun is grand, you is a straw bag waste, do you make Human Emperor? father refuses to accept! The father western Desolate hits sword furnace Hakken-zan tiger Bai Ya, the father also refuses to accept you, had to plant you to nip my bird to go?” “火土谷兄弟说得没错!”又一名浑身肃杀之气大盛,身高两丈左右的壮汉从人群中跳了起来:“公孙勖,你就是一草包废物,你做人皇?老子不服!老子西荒打剑炉八剑山虎白牙,老子也不服你,有种你来咬了我的鸟去?” Tiger Bai Ya takes the tiger as surname, looks at his young tiger fierce rare physique again, knows that he definitely has certain white tiger bloodlines. But a white tiger clan in the west Desolate, that is the great big influence. 虎白牙以虎为姓,再看他彪猛超乎寻常的体格,就知道他肯定拥有一定的白虎血脉。而白虎一族在西荒,那可是一等一的大势力。 Tiger Bai Ya shouted loudly and shouts abuse fierce, immediately in the crowd had numerously in rags, but aura swift and fierce robust man full mouth vulgar language cursed loudly. They soar in abundance, crosses crowd to fly rapidly to the The heaven camp, has the black clothed to guard the imperial palace all the way unceasingly sticks out suddenly the interception, all was actually overthrown by their violence. 虎白牙厉声高呼、破口大骂,当即人群中就有众多衣衫褴褛、但是气息凌厉的壮汉满口粗话的大声咒骂起来。他们纷纷腾空而起,迅速越过人群向天庭阵营飞来,一路上不断有黑衣禁卫暴起拦截,却全都被他们暴力打倒。 Huaxu Lie and other human eyes looked that the scene situation is getting more and more chaotic, they bellow suddenly with one voice, numerous and Si Wenming is on good terms, wholeheartedly Human Race who supports his superior waits, the clan heads to bellow with one voice: Refuses to accept, refuses to accept! Gongsun Xu, gets the hell out, gets the hell out!” 华胥烈等人眼看现场局势越来越乱,他们突然齐声大吼,众多和姒文命交好,一心力挺他上位的人族伯候、氏族首脑齐声大吼起来:“不服,不服!公孙勖,滚蛋,滚蛋!” With landslide Tsunami big roar, over 50% Human Race high level on the scene sticks out suddenly, they lead numerous guards to soar, sends to arrest their guarding the imperial palace to hit Gongsun Xu spits blood to fly to fall, the large military forces trod the class cloud to enter in the The heaven camp. 伴随着山崩海啸般的大吼声,在场超过一半的人族高层暴起,他们带着众多护卫腾空而起,将公孙勖派来抓捕他们的禁卫打得吐血飞坠,大队人马踏着流云窜进了天庭阵营中。 In ground the head complexion sudden changes of innumerable big clan, they hesitant, deploys troops, approaches to the altar that Gongsun is at grand.( To be continued.) 地面上无数大氏族的首脑脸色骤变,他们犹豫了一阵,纷纷调兵遣将,向公孙勖所在的祭坛靠近。(未完待续。)
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