TME :: Volume #17

#1630: Chaotic life

The Ji Xia corner of the eye beats, stubbornly stares on Emperor Shun to reveal the air/Qi of yellow and black unceasingly. 姬夏眼角跳动,死死的盯着帝舜身上不断泄露的玄黄之气。 This is the strength of merit, Emperor Shun within the body the strength of merit is scattering unceasingly, was this? Is assigns the Human Emperor candidate who he acts recklessly recklessly, turned over the throne to another Human Emperor imperial throne to not reasonable Gongsun was grand, causing the world to have the feeling, has carried on the penalty to him? 这是功德之力,帝舜体内的功德之力正在不断流散,这是怎么了?是他肆意胡为的指定人皇人选,将人皇大位禅让给了不靠谱的公孙勖,导致天地有感,对他进行了惩罚? Wears armor for me!” Ji Xia has shouted out low and deep, immediately the military officers of several sun departments lifted a scarlet red metal box to walk, they turned on the sincere metal box, took out one set of all over the body flame flaming entire feeling of heaviness in the limbs armor. “为我披甲!”姬夏低沉的呼喝了一声,当即就有几个金乌部的将领抬着一口赤红色的金属箱子走了上来,他们打开厚重的金属箱子,从中取出了一套通体火焰熊熊的全身重甲。 The Ji Xia body in a flash, the scarlet red whole body mail-armor and helmet just likes the living creature same flies, the hard helmet, protects the neck, shoulder pad and arm protector, to protect the palm and chest armor, to protect the heart mirror, abdomen armor, the war skirt, shinguard and war boots, each article mail-armor and helmet forceful mutual piecing together, dressed voluntarily on the body of Ji Xia. 姬夏身体一晃,赤红色的全身甲胄犹如活物一样飞起,头盔、护颈、护肩、护臂、护掌、胸甲、护心镜、腹甲、战裙、护腿、战靴,一件件甲胄铿锵有声的相互拼凑,自行穿戴在了姬夏的身上。 This is The heaven fights god armor that a god lives specially, on after the clothing this set of mail-armor and helmet, Ji Xia whole body does not see slightly the slit, a body has not revealed that the sincere unusual mail-armor and helmet, was makes his height increase one foot. 这是专为天庭战部正神而生的神甲,穿戴上这套甲胄后,姬夏全身上下不见丝毫缝隙,一丝儿皮肉都没显露出来,厚重异常的甲胄,更是让他的身高增加了一尺有余。 Moved the body, Ji Xia has worked on the long halberd, in big strides approached to Emperor Shun. 活动了一下身体,姬夏抓起长戟,大踏步的向帝舜逼近。 Big brother is careful......” clansmen of numerous sun unit to look at the Ji Xia loud urging, just the Emperor Shun at will three swords hit Ji Xia scene in an extremely difficult situation, they witness. Even if Ji Xia exchanged this set to slaughter the preparation for the battlefield specially complete set heavy armor, everybody was with trepidation, after all Emperor Shun that three swords were too just astounding. “大兄当心……”一众金乌部的族人看着姬夏大声叮嘱,刚刚帝舜随意三剑就打得姬夏狼狈不堪的场景,他们可是亲眼目睹的。就算姬夏换上了这套专为战场厮杀准备的全套重甲,大家还是提心吊胆,毕竟帝舜刚刚那三剑太让人惊艳。 Might as well, at the worst suffers several swords again!” Ji Xia very has the long halberd, approaches to the altar fast. “无妨,大不了再挨几剑!”姬夏挺起长戟,快速向祭坛逼近。 In the upper air in partly visible Tianmen seven color gods light rewind, world large formation started, held world mighty force in addition on Ji Xia. In the upper air the innumerable stars spout innumerable radiant Star Light suddenly, tonight stars compared with ordinary day in minimum bright hundred times. 高空中若隐若现的天门中一道道七彩神光倒卷而下,天地大阵已经发动,将一道道天地伟力加持在了姬夏身上。高空中无数星辰骤然喷出无数条璀璨星光,今夜的星辰比平日里起码灿烂了百倍。 Pure formidable energy of the starlight inject into Ji Xia within the body low and deep, Ji Xia is shouting out, his body raises slowly, heavy armor also changes, suddenly he raised three zhang (3.33 m) high and low, was covered by eye-catching seven color light screens all over the body. 一道道精纯强大的星辰之力注入姬夏体内,姬夏低沉的呼喝着,他的身体缓缓拔高,身上的重甲也随之变化,眨眼间他就拔高到了三丈上下,通体都被一层夺目的七彩光幕笼罩。 Emperor Shun, I cannot keep you in Pu Ban, you, Gongsun Xu, walk one along with me!” Ji Xia pondered over for a long time, finally makes had decided: You, the uncle exerts, Zhong to endure, uncle to offer, Ji Zhong, the uncle tiger, Zhong bear, the uncle leopard and Ji Li, you are the Human Race high-ranking court officials, noble character and high prestige, I do not want to get rid to you, goes to The heaven to stay a while several day along with me.” 帝舜呵,我不能留你在蒲阪,你,还有公孙勖,都随我走一趟吧!”姬夏思忖许久,终于还是做出了决定:“还有你们,伯奋、仲堪、叔献、季仲、伯虎、仲熊、叔豹、季狸,你们都是人族重臣,德高望重,我不想对你们出手,都随我去天庭小住几日。” The uncle exerts and the others, shares the honor with Gao Tao, is under the Emperor Shun place the most important official, the Human Race business many handles by their one. Emperor Shun was controlled by Yu Huo, these Emperor Shun most are intimate with, the most important official naturally also one and is confronted by danger. 伯奋等人,和皋陶齐名,是帝舜座下最重要的臣子,人族事务多由他们一手打理。帝舜被虞惑控制,这些帝舜最亲近、最重要的臣子自然也一并蒙难。 Ji Xia wants to bring back to The heaven Emperor Shun and the others completely, so long as makes them leave Pu Ban, leaves the Human Race power center, regardless of Yu Huo has any conspiratorial means that so long as Emperor Shun and the others no longer Pu Ban, Yu Huo can be what kind of? 姬夏想要将帝舜等人全部带回天庭,只要让他们离开蒲阪,离开人族权力中心,无论虞惑有任何阴谋手段,只要帝舜等人不再蒲阪,虞惑能怎么样? He promotes new Human Emperor again, then Ji Xia takes away him again forcefully The heaven is. 他再推出一个新的人皇,那么姬夏再把他强行带去天庭就是。 Furthermore, Emperor Shun and Gongsun Xu are not, turn over the throne to another grand ceremony unable to hold, Ji Xia is actually very curious, Yu Huo can also have any method. 再者,帝舜和公孙勖都不在,禅让大典根本无法举行,姬夏倒是很好奇,虞惑还能有什么手段。 Ji Xia, you are the The heaven god, should not meddle my Human Race internal affairs!” Emperor Shun faint smile has turned around, grasps the sword hilt to shake the head to Ji Xia: Just you, if like this leads troops to retreat, then natural all well, but you, since provokes once more...... My Human Race soldier where?” 姬夏,你身为天庭正神,可不应该插手我人族内务!”帝舜似笑非笑的转过身来,手持剑柄向姬夏摇了摇头:“刚刚你若是就这样带兵退去,那么自然一切安好,但是你既然再次挑衅……我人族儿郎何在?” The Emperor Shun words have not said that the one side had just exchanged Gongsun of Human Emperor ceremonial garments grand already angry has bellowed toward Emperor Shun: Shun! Now I am Human Emperor, I am Emperor Human Emperor am grand! How should handle this matter, is decided by me! You, you can get the hell out!” 帝舜一番话还没说完,一旁刚刚换上了人皇冕服的公孙勖已经恼怒的朝着帝舜大吼了起来:“舜!现在我才是人皇,我是人皇帝勖!该怎么处理这件事情,由我说了算!你老了,你可以滚蛋了!” Ji Xia looks at Gongsun Xu in consternation, he has seen the innumerable bastards, but without a doubt, the Gongsun grand this bastard is Ji Xia this whole life has seen in all bastards one of the most bastard! 姬夏愕然看着公孙勖,他见过无数混蛋,但是毫无疑问,公孙勖这个混蛋是姬夏这辈子见过的所有混蛋中最混蛋的一个! Hadn't this boy been controlled the intelligence by Yu Huo? Present he is completely sober? 这小子还没被虞惑掌控神智吧?现在的他是完全清醒的吧? Emperor Shun just turned over the throne to another Human Emperor imperial throne from the ceremony to him, does this boy immediately get angry does not recognize people? Does he dare so to open the mouth to Emperor Shun that just abdicated? Heaven on, in Human Race history innumerable turning over the throne to another grand ceremony, never Human Emperor of new Human Emperor to abdication said the malicious talk! 帝舜刚刚从仪式上将人皇大位禅让给他,这小子就立刻翻脸不认人?他就敢对刚刚退位的帝舜这般开口?苍天在上,人族历史上无数次的禅让大典,从未有一个新任人皇对退位的人皇口出恶言的! What scoundrel gadget is this? If he has held onto the Human Emperor seat, this Human Race also promising? 这都是什么混账玩意儿?他若是真的坐稳了人皇宝座,这人族还有前途么? An elder of Gongsun surrounds grand in Gongsun side, on their faces is bringing very distressedly, vision twinkle is extremely uncertain. 公孙氏的一众长老环绕在公孙勖身边,他们脸上都带着十分的狼狈,目光极其的闪烁不定。 Gongsun Xu, he he, this Gongsun is grand, the elders of Gongsun are well aware this boy are the bastards of what kind scoundrel, is no matter what, this boy now was Human Emperor, was Human Emperor of Gongsun! Gongsun Xuzai bastard, on him is also flowing purely has bloodlines of bear clan Gongsun, then Gongsun must fully uphold his authority. 公孙勖,呵呵,这个公孙勖,公孙氏的长老们心知肚明这小子是个何等混账的混蛋,可是不管怎样,这小子现在是人皇了,是公孙氏的人皇了!公孙勖再混蛋,他身上也流着最纯正的有熊一族公孙氏的血脉,那么公孙氏就必须全力维护他的权威。 No matter Emperor Shun fascinated or has come under a spell, the position of Human Emperor has succeeded in obtaining in any case, no one want to win! 不管帝舜是入魔还是中邪了,反正人皇之位到手了,谁也别想夺走! An elder of Gongsun clenches teeth, going forward in big strides, to Emperor Shun sinking sound track: Also please greatly Shun withdraw, the matter, relates Human Race and The heaven relations, when there is Human Emperor to act to handle, does not need Shun Zaiao to spend the painstaking care greatly!” 一名公孙氏的长老咬咬牙,大踏步的上前,向帝舜沉声道:“还请大舜退后,此间事情,关系人族天庭关系,当有人皇出面处置,不需要大舜再熬费心血哩!” In the Emperor Shun pupil wipes the strange dim light to flash through, he shows a faint smile, grand as well as the numerous Gongsun elder of his side nodded to Gongsun slowly: So, good, excellent! So, all gave the emperor to be grand!” 帝舜眸子里一抹奇异的幽光闪过,他微微一笑,向公孙勖以及他身边的众多公孙氏长老缓缓点了点头:“如此,甚好,绝妙!如此,一切都交给帝勖了!” Had the surreptitious smiling face, the Emperor Shun body in a flash, to draw back the altar rapidly, his side encloses troop heavy armor own health/guard these heavy armor own health/guard immediately is Emperor Shun has the Yu Bu elite brave warrior completely, was Emperor Shun own private soldier, guarded the imperial palace with Human Race does not have the least bit relations certainly. 带着诡秘的笑容,帝舜身体一晃,迅速退下了祭坛,他身边立刻围上了大群重甲亲卫这些重甲亲卫全部是帝舜有虞部的精锐悍将,是帝舜自家的私兵,和人族禁卫绝无半点关系。 Yu Huo under innumerable foreign race elite surrounding and protecting, is very bright smiling. 虞惑在无数异族精锐的拱卫下,很是灿烂的笑着。 Is the bastard emperor grand? He wants is this effect, such a bastard of being selective has become Human Race Human Emperor, is Human Race doomed to be split up? He does not need to consume any strength, can make the Human Race weapons day after day, bloody battle continue. The innumerable Human Race souls, become his game, this feeling is really good. 混蛋帝勖?他要的就是这种效果,这么一个精挑细选的混蛋成了人族人皇,人族注定四分五裂吧?他不需要耗费什么力气,就能让人族兵戈连天、血战不止。无数的人族灵魂,就将成为他的猎物,这种感觉真好。 It seems first time puts on the monkey of human clothing, Gongsun Xu is swaying the shoulder, is swaying from side to side the big hip, brings wild smiling face that is unable to conceal, each muscle of whole face seems the mad dog of alcoholic intoxication same carelessly is beating, moved toward Ji Xia arrogantly and self-satisfiedly. 好似一头第一次穿上人类衣衫的猴子,公孙勖摇晃着肩膀,扭动着大胯,带着无法掩饰的猖狂笑容,满脸的每一条肌肉都好似醉酒的疯狗一样胡乱跳动着,趾高气扬、志得意满的走向了姬夏 The strength of this male servant including the Magus King boundary is reluctantly, therefore he flies high the ability of flight not to have, will has arrived at the edge in altar, turned toward Ji Xia to smile: Ji Xia? Do you want to oppose with me? Do you have this qualifications?” 这厮的实力连巫王境都是勉强,所以他连凌空飞行的能力都没有,堪堪走到了祭坛的边缘,就向着姬夏笑了起来:“姬夏是吧?你想要和我作对?你有这个资格么?” Deeply inspired, Gongsun Xu has turned around, points at position that below numerous clan and tribe high-level is, shouting oneself hoarse called big pile of names. 深吸了一口气,公孙勖转过身来,指着下方众多部族高层所在的位置,声嘶力竭的喊出了一大堆名字。 These names, in the ordinary day in Si Wenming with these Human Race heads who is on good terms most important one group of people will catch the whole lot in a dragnet. 这些名字,将平日里和姒文命交好的那些人族首脑中最为重要的一群人一网打尽。 Comes the person, colludes with the The heaven Human Race rebel to grasp, to torture to me these completely!” “来人啊,将这些勾结天庭人族叛徒全部给我抓起来、严刑拷打!” He - mother -, dares to look for my emperor's grand trouble? You suffice the balls really! Do you also match?”( To be continued.) “他-娘-的,敢找我帝勖的麻烦?你们真够胆!你们也配?”(未完待续。)
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