TME :: Volume #17

#1629: The new emperor ascends the throne

Numerous foreign race elite surround and protect, Yu Huo self-satisfied smiling. 众多异族精锐拱卫中,虞惑得意的笑着。 One such as he expects, once Emperor Shun starts to act perversely, Ji Xia really how him not to. The immeasurable merit, showed that Emperor Shun is good Human Emperor, but deeply by the good leader who the clansman supports, only if certain crazed lunatics, other person of where dare to draw a sword to quarrel to him. 一如他所料,一旦帝舜开始耍无赖,姬夏果然奈何他不得。无量功德,证明帝舜是一个好人皇,而一个深受族人拥戴的好领袖,除非是某些丧心病狂的疯子,其他人哪里敢对他拔刀相向。 The immeasurable merit protects Emperor Shun of body, no doubt controlled other party to Yu Huo has become the enormous trouble, has taken the brain of majority of prestige energy Panyu, however was worth. Yu Huo smiles very happily, has the immeasurable merit to protect Emperor Shun of body, this is a trump card, who dares to disrespect to him? 无量功德护体的帝舜,固然对虞惑控制他造成了极大的麻烦,占用了盘虞之脑大部分的威能,但是值得。虞惑笑得很开心,有无量功德护体的帝舜,这可是一张王牌,谁敢对他有所不敬? In the midair the Emperor Shun form glitters in all directions, dense sword intent roller compactions are void, compel the troop god soldier god stampede, under scolding of Ji Xia, nobody dares to fight with Emperor Shun. Similarly was controlled by Yu Huo, resolutely carries out the Emperor Shun order Human Race to guard the imperial palace is forming the neat line, from all wanted to evacuate the Human Race subjects that to compel in all directions. 半空中帝舜的身影四处闪烁,一道道森森剑意碾压虚空,逼得大群神兵神将狼狈逃窜,在姬夏的呵斥下,无人敢和帝舜真个交手。同样被虞惑操控,坚定执行帝舜命令的人族禁卫排着整齐的队伍,从四面八方将所有想要撤离的人族子民又逼了回来。 The Human Race subjects feel helpless frightened, their startled anger occurring together looks at Emperor Shun. 人族子民惶惶然不知所措,他们惊怒交集的看着帝舜 Emperor Shun had really been controlled, controls his person, unexpectedly also wants to bribe the Human Emperor throne. What to do however now should? Rallies together to attack to take Emperor Shun? Who dares to take the lead? Who dares to get rid? Who is willing to take the lead? Who is willing to get rid? 帝舜果然是被人控制了,控制他的人,居然还想要染指人皇宝座。但是现在该怎么办?群起而攻拿下帝舜?谁敢带头?谁敢出手?谁愿意带头?谁愿意出手? Many and various Si Wenming intimate clan and tribe heads and emperor's children are swallowing the spit difficultly, in their vision complete works has wished one could to shout to yell in Ji Xia many people of distant place that Ji Xia, you do begin actually? What do you fear? Are womanishly fussy you a man? 好些和姒文命亲近的部族首脑、各部帝子艰难的吞咽着吐沫,他们的目光全集中在了远处的姬夏身上好些人恨不得扯着嗓子大叫,‘姬夏,你倒是动手啊?你怕什么?婆婆妈妈的你还是一个男人么’? But these people also know, even if they shouted that broke the throat, Ji Xia has not dared to begin to go all out with Emperor Shun. Because they are well aware, they do not dare to begin, their where can demand Ji Xia to get rid? 可是这些人也都知道,就算他们喊破了嗓子,姬夏也不敢真个动手和帝舜拼命。因为他们心知肚明,他们自己不敢动手,他们哪里又能强求姬夏出手? Loathsome step sound just likes stuffy thunder, the Human Race subjects of innumerable scattering in all directions were cloudy the face to be compelled. Hears the scolding sound that the black clothed guards the imperial palace in all directions everywhere, they are duplicating the order of Emperor Shun loudly, who dares to leave turns over the throne to another grand ceremony, is the Human Race rebel, wants the calamity and family member, family must be investigated severely. 拖泥带水的步伐声犹如闷雷,无数四散的人族子民阴沉着脸被逼了回来。四面八方到处传来黑衣禁卫的呵斥声,他们大声重复着帝舜的命令,谁敢擅离禅让大典,就是人族叛逆,就要祸及家人,全家都要受到严厉追究。 Gradually, around altar crowd becomes crowded, looks, the dense number of people cannot see the boundary, the innumerable vision look at fixedly on Emperor Shun, in the crowd many people were talking in whispers, whispered phonochemical is a piece humming sound the voice, shook the ground in shaking slightly. 渐渐地,祭坛四周的人群又变得密集起来,一眼望去,黑压压的人头看不到边际,无数目光凝注在帝舜身上,人群中好些人在窃窃私语,低语声化为一片‘嗡嗡’的声浪,震得地面都在微微的晃悠。 The people, were too many, entire Pu Ban all subjects gather here, in addition these tribe leaders who catches up in all directions from the Human Race clan and tribe, here person were too many. 人,太多了,整个蒲阪的所有子民都聚集在此,加上那些从四面八方人族部族中赶来的部落首领们,这里的人太多了。 Ji Xia makes an effort has gotten hold of the fist, just he talked at random, forcefully fastened some bright charge to detain them Gongsun Xuxu and Gongsun Xu, because here person were too many. Even if he has the thoughts and Emperor Shun gets angry, suppresses Emperor Shun with the aid of world large formation, once begins, the Human Race subjects on the scene affirm the casualty in confusion. 姬夏用力的握紧了拳头,刚刚他东拉西扯,强行将公孙溆溆和公孙顼扣上了某明的罪名将他们扣押,正是因为这里的人太多了。就算他有心思和帝舜翻脸,借助天地大阵镇压帝舜,一旦动手的话,在场的人族子民肯定死伤狼藉。 Billions the Human Race subjects that records to gather here, once makes war, the strength of Magus God rank relaxed writes off all lives of this side region sufficiently. Ji Xia makes the subjects that these gather scatter in all directions with great difficulty the evacuation, but they had been compelled by the Emperor Shun person. 数以十亿记的人族子民聚集在此,一旦开战,巫神级别的战力足以轻松将这一方地域的所有生灵抹杀。姬夏好容易让这些聚集起来的子民四散撤离,可是他们又被帝舜的人逼了回来。 This, did not have means. 这一下,更没办法了。 Hits, he does not have the energy really and Emperor Shun fights. 打,他没底气真的和帝舜交手。 Does not hit, words Emperor Shun that does not hit may really give an inexplicable person the Human Emperor throne. 不打,不打的话帝舜可就真把人皇宝座交给一个莫名的人。 Hits, presents these many people, whom once begins to know how many innocent subjects casualties will have? 打,在场这么多人,一旦动手谁知道会有多少无辜子民死伤? Does not hit, that was pushed up the person of Human Emperor throne by Emperor Shun...... What matter god knows will he handle? 不打,那个被帝舜推上人皇宝座的人……天知道他会做什么事情? Hits, does not hit, hits, does not hit...... Ji Xia Chest one group of fires suppress uncomfortably, he grasps the long halberd, distant looks at float Emperor Shun in midair, his opens mouth bloody water blowout that suddenly the anger launches a psychological attack far away, the blood changes into the big piece roaring flame to spray together on the ground, crash-bang had the hill top of hundred zhang (333m) to be fired the ashes by a Ji Xia painstaking care high, same place was also burnt a diameter several li (0.5km) big hole, the pit bottom full was the rock magma tumbles. 打,不打,打,不打……姬夏心口一团火憋得难受,他手持长戟,远远的看着悬浮在半空中的帝舜,突然怒火攻心的他张口一道血水喷出老远,鲜血化为大片烈焰喷洒在地上,‘哗啦’一声一座高有百丈的小山头被姬夏一口心血烧成了灰烬,原地还被烧出了一个直径数里的大坑,坑底满是岩浆翻滚。 The body that Ji Xia deep inspiration, shivers unceasingly is suddenly tranquil. 姬夏深深的吸了一口气,不断颤抖的身体骤然平静下来。 Is certainly calm, calm, is calm. Destruction that after having a look a blood spouts, creates, present, were not the Southern Wastelands small Fire Crow Clan Warrior leader, at that time had made the mistake the decision-making, but was the matters of casualty 3500 clansmen. 一定要冷静,冷静,再冷静。看看自己一口血喷出后造成的破坏吧,现在的自己,可不是南荒小小火鸦部战士首领了,那时候做错了决策,不过是死伤3500个族人的事情。 Present are The heaven fights a god, will preside The heaven the bright soldier god to command, once has made the decision-making, that will be the world color deteriorations and common people Tu Tan tragedy. Must calm the mind, careful careful thinking, has a look to have any means. 现在的自己是天庭战部正神,统辖天庭所有神兵神将的统帅,一旦做出了决策,那就是天地变色、黎民涂炭的惨剧。一定要静下心来,小心再小心的想想,看看到底有什么办法。 Everybody helps me think that has any means to prevent Emperor Shun.” Ji Xia turned head, to behind numerous sun unit elder, Ji Hao subdues, various clan ancestor spirits from Pan Xi world and Holy Ghost opens the mouth to ask. “大家帮我想想,有什么办法阻止帝舜。”姬夏回过头来,向身后的众多金乌部长老,还有姬昊收服的,来自盘羲世界的各族祖灵、圣灵们开口问道。 People and others simultaneously shook the head speechless, a Pan Xi Holy Ghost muttered said: If secret elder, his wisdom unparalleled, could some means that but his was borrowed not to know where, we are not good at these scheme plates delimiting.” 一众人等同时摇头无语,一名盘羲圣灵喃喃说道:“若是天机长老在,他老人家智慧无双,或许能有一些办法,但是他老人家被人借走不知道去了哪里,我们可不擅长这些计谋盘划。” The eyeball of Ji Xia is about to rouse, he did not excel at the schemes and tricks similarly, must say that brandished the fist to pound the person, this was the matter that he most excelled. But facing Emperor Shun this situation, he can use force? Does he dare to use force? 姬夏的眼珠都快鼓了出来,他同样不擅长阴谋诡计呵,要说抡拳头砸人,这是他最擅长的事情。可是面对帝舜这种情况,他能动用武力么?他敢动用武力么? Emperor Shun treadons Huang Yun, fell in the altar, was in the glare of the public eye, he showed a faint smile, has selected to the clansman of Gongsun once more, the air/Qi of yellow and black fell together, in a cheek was fair, on appearance outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted good-looking youth: Gongsun grand ( xu ), actually you are the Human Emperor best successor, come, comes to power, making the world Spiritual God make a testimony, today I turn over the throne to another position of Human Emperor to you, later you are my Human Race Human Emperor!” 帝舜脚踏黄云,落回了祭坛上,众目睽睽中,他微微一笑,再次向公孙氏的族人点了一下,一道玄黄之气落在了一名面皮白皙、长相阴柔的俊俏少年身上:“公孙勖(xu),其实你才是人皇最好的继承人,来,上台来,让天地神灵做个见证,今日吾将人皇之位禅让给你,以后你就是我人族人皇!” Gongsun Xu looks at Emperor Shun dull, on his forehead the innumerable cold sweat infiltrated, afterward he laughs wild with joy, dances with joy overran to the altar that and tumbles: Ha Ha, am I Human Emperor? Does Emperor Shun select me to make Human Emperor? Ha Ha, he - milk - milk -, your this crowds mixed - planted to remember, when the grandfather I have made Human Emperor, the father tormented to death you! Ha Ha, to me does not deliver to apologize these maidservants who you most like, I torment to death you!” 公孙勖呆呆的看着帝舜,他额头上无数冷汗渗了出来,随后他狂喜大笑,手舞足蹈、连滚带爬的向祭坛冲了过去:“哈哈,我是人皇帝舜点我做人皇?哈哈,他-奶-奶-的,你们这群杂-种记住了,等爷爷我做了人皇,老子一个个整死你们!哈哈,不把你们最喜欢的那些侍女给我送过来赔礼道歉,我整死你们!” The innumerable intelligence are complete, but also retains the Human Race subjects that this I am realizing to hear Gongsun Xu words, air/Qi result in the nostril to live the smoke. 无数神智完好,还保留着本我意识的人族子民听得公孙勖的话,一个个气得鼻孔生烟。 Who this is! 这都是什么人啊! What person who Emperor Shun this selects? 帝舜这都挑的什么人啊? Listens to Gongsun Xu words, this together cannot hold the mud of wall! 听公孙勖的话,这就是一块扶不上墙的烂泥啊! Can Emperor Shun choose such person to inherit the Human Emperor imperial throne? Emperor Shun Emperor Shun, knows that you had been violated by outside demon, you hurry to wake actually! 帝舜怎么能挑选这样的人继承人皇大位?帝舜帝舜,知道你是被外魔侵害了,你倒是赶紧醒过来啊! Side a Emperor Shun high-ranking court official and a Magi palace elder is on the altar, the turning over the throne to another grand ceremony of Human Race inheritance since according to permanent, having coordinated Emperor Shun to complete the ceremony. 帝舜身边的一众重臣、巫殿的一众长老纷纷登上祭坛,按照恒古以来人族传承的禅让大典,配合着帝舜完成了仪式。 Listens to Zhong Ming, Gongsun Xu cheek to be full by an auspicious sign baseless suddenly, in the upper air represented the Prehistoric stars of position of Human Race Human Emperor to be suddenly splendid, emits a faint trace auspicious sign to pour Gongsun grand within the body. 就听凭空一声钟鸣,公孙勖的面皮突然被一层紫气充盈,高空中一颗代表了人族人皇之位的洪荒星辰突然熠熠生辉,放出一丝丝紫气注公孙勖体内。 The body of Emperor Shun in a flash, air/Qi of faint trace yellow and black gushes out from his within the body slightly unceasingly, returns to the world rapidly.( To be continued.) 帝舜的身体微微一晃,一丝丝玄黄之气不断从他体内涌出,迅速回归天地。(未完待续。)
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