TME :: Volume #17

#1628: Being at wit's end

The sharp voice sound shoots up to the sky, a Emperor Shun sword delimits, the continuous Bo Bo sword glow is together heavy and vigorous, such as the peak on top of peak store front crush, compelling the Ji Xia long hair suddenly to swing backward, in the mouth ear nose the fresh breeze surges, the body is subconscious slides backward. 裂帛声冲天而起,帝舜一剑划出,一道绵绵泊泊的剑芒沉重、浑厚,如层峦叠嶂铺面碾压,逼得姬夏长发向后骤然荡起,口耳鼻中劲风激荡,身体更是下意识的向后滑去。 The Emperor Shun sword, is extremely fearful, Ji Xia dares to pledge with sun unit the heads of all ancestors that he has never seen so fearful sword intent. 帝舜的剑,极其可怕,姬夏敢用金乌部的所有先祖的脑袋发誓,他从未见过如此可怕的剑意。 The sole sword delimits, Ji Xia seemed saw all mountains of entire Pangu mainland line up to pound to his head, should swift and fierce sharp sword intent, be evolved by Emperor Shun stiffly exceptionally heavily. 单单一剑划出,姬夏好似看到了整个盘古姆大陆的所有高山排着队向他的脑袋砸了下来,本来应该凌厉锋利的剑意,硬生生被帝舜衍变得异常沉重。 Ji Xia and many foreign race elite have fought, when regulating waterways also has slaughtered with many mountain spirit water monsters, does not have one person to Emperor Shun to be the same certainly, but a sword delimits, compels Ji Xia to stem from instinct backing up of backward. 姬夏和很多异族精锐战斗过,治水时也和很多山精水怪厮杀过,绝无一人能够向帝舜一样,只是一剑划出,就逼得姬夏出自于本能的向后倒退。 Has not fought, Ji Xia acknowledged that he was a little timid. 未战,姬夏承认,他已经有点胆怯。 Has not fought, Ji Xia is angry, he discovered that he to Emperor Shun could not propose least bit fights intent! 未战,姬夏恼怒,他发现自己对帝舜根本提不出半点儿战意! The Emperor Shun prestige was too high, he did too many for Human Race was too many, even if he were at this moment chaotic the life to turn over the throne to another Human Emperor throne to some not reasonable person, that was not the Emperor Shun mistake. Facing Emperor Shun, Ji Xia is unable to get rid, is incapable of getting rid, does not dare to get rid. 帝舜的威望太高了,他为人族做了太多太多,哪怕他此刻乱命将人皇宝座禅让给一些不靠谱的人,那也不是帝舜的错。面对帝舜,姬夏无法出手,无力出手,更不敢出手。 Even if cuts a Emperor Shun oil skin, Ji Xia thought own crime may not the amnesty and facing retribution for a life of crime. Do not say that Emperor Shun own strength is really much stronger, clearly is the Divine Magi peak boundary, but his sword delimits the strength that stimulates not to be weak in the big energy of Magus God level. 哪怕划破帝舜一丝儿油皮,姬夏都觉得自己罪不可赦、恶贯满盈。更不要说,帝舜自身实力实在是强得吓人,分明是巫帝巅峰的境界,但是他一剑划出激发出的力量丝毫不弱于巫神级的大能。 Ji Xia draws back backward anxiously, Emperor Shun sword intent already remote spatial bang in his chest. Half-length armor that Ji Xia scarlet red flame lingers swung the numerous gods light, a facial features fierce fire dragon head picture ran out from Ji Xia half-length armor, whooshed loudly has been spouting a long flame to the Emperor Shun sword glow. 姬夏向后急退,帝舜的剑意已经遥空轰在了他胸膛。姬夏身上赤红色火光萦绕的半身甲荡起了重重神光,一个面容狰狞的火龙头像从姬夏的半身甲上冲出,大声嘶吼着向帝舜的剑芒喷出了一条长长的火光。 ‚’ In sound, the fire dragon head picture was cut broken by a sword, the Emperor Shun sword intent falls on Ji Xia half-length armor solid, in this The heaven treasure house the collection magical instrument mail-armor and helmet sends out sad and shrill calling out in grief, had been broken a long fissure by sword intent stiffly. ‘咔嚓’声中,火龙头像被一剑斩碎,帝舜的剑意结结实实落在姬夏的半身甲上,这件天庭宝库中珍藏的神器甲胄发出一声凄厉的悲鸣,硬生生被剑意破开了一条长长的裂痕。 Ji Xia wants to cry but have no tears looks to be cut god armor that discussed the defensive power, Emperor Shun sword glow was fierce, was impossible so relaxed cutting this with god armor that immemorial fire dragon scale forging became. But Emperor Shun has the immeasurable merit, every action and every movement have the world situation to echo, his sword intent has not bumped into the Ji Xia mail-armor and helmet, the world situation has destroyed in god armor all has defended Restriction. 姬夏欲哭无泪的看着被斩开的神甲,真个论起防御力来,帝舜的一道剑芒再厉害,也不可能如此轻松的斩开这件用太古火龙鳞片锻造而成的神甲。可是帝舜身怀无量功德,一举一动都有天地大势附和,他剑意还没碰到姬夏的甲胄,天地大势已经摧毁了神甲中的所有防御禁制 By the Emperor Shun strength, a sword breaks out pure fire dragon scales, that naturally is not the difficult matter. 帝舜的实力,一剑劈开一层纯粹的火龙鳞甲,那自然不是什么困难的事情。 Emperor Shun has sneered low and deep, his whole body has the faint trace black air/Qi to linger, lifted the hand is a sword has divided to Ji Xia. Ji Xia angrily rebukes, he draws out the waist saber, a sword swings a flame to move forward to meet somebody to the Emperor Shun sword. 帝舜低沉的冷笑了一声,他周身有丝丝黑气萦绕,抬手又是一剑向姬夏劈了下来。姬夏怒斥一声,他拔出腰间佩剑,一剑荡起一道火光向帝舜的剑迎了上去。 Suddenly, on Emperor Shun Jianfeng the air/Qi of yellow and black flashes through together, on Ji Xia Jianfeng the flame vanishes into thin air, sword solid dividing of Emperor Shun on his saber, has cut two his saber conveniently. The sword glow takes advantage of opportunity falls downward, on Ji Xia chest armor split a fissure, the sword glow has ripped open Ji Xia by the fissure **** the muscle, has left behind three cuns (2.5cm) deep sword mark on his chest. 骤然间,帝舜的剑锋上一道玄黄之气闪过,姬夏的剑锋上火光烟消云散,帝舜的剑结结实实的劈在了他的佩剑上,随手将他的佩剑斩成了两段。剑芒顺势向下滑落,姬夏的胸甲上又裂开了一条裂痕,剑芒透过裂痕撕开了姬夏****的肌肉,在他胸膛上留下了三寸深的剑痕。 The massive blood spray, Ji Xia deeply inspires, scalding hot, brings the blood of faint trace flame to flow backwards to return to within the body. Ji Xia face distortion looks at Emperor Shun, has almost not face upwarded to call out in grief to make noise: God, you enlarge ones vision, Emperor Shun had been controlled the intelligence by outside demon, how do you also help him with the world situation?” 大量鲜血喷洒出来,姬夏深吸一口气,灼热的、还带着丝丝火光的鲜血倒流回体内。姬夏面孔扭曲的看着帝舜,差点没仰天悲鸣出声:“老天爷,你开开眼吧,帝舜都被外魔控制了神智,你怎么还用天地大势来帮他?” The Ji Xia saber, similarly is in the The heaven treasure house great my goodness, the foot of immemorial qilin Qilin uses mixed Mt. Suyang copper, Wu River alum and other most precious object forging, sharp wisp of qilin Qilin is really exceptionally and hotter hidden, is the top The heaven magical instrument. 姬夏的佩剑,同样是天庭宝库中一等一的好家伙,用的太古的脚混合了首阳山铜、乌江白矾等至宝锻造而成,锋利异常、更有一缕麒真火暗藏在内,是顶尖的天庭神器。 So the most precious object, for decorative or ornamental purpos with ease cut off with a purely etiquette saber by Emperor Shun, does this have the natural justice? 如此至宝,被帝舜用一件纯粹装饰用的礼仪佩剑给轻松斩断,这还有天理么? Emperor Shun is Human Emperor, his Ji Xia is The heaven fights a god, will preside The heaven the bright soldier god, to be responsible for three going on a punitive expedition against and suppressing the The heaven gods in all demon outlets! 帝舜人皇,他姬夏才是天庭战部正神,统辖天庭所有神兵神将、负责三界征伐、镇压一切邪魔外道的天庭尊神啊! The Emperor Shun third sword has divided, his sword potential is extremely serious, but the sword incurs quickly exceptionally, just likes wisp of cool breeze must unable to see clearly him simply equally quickly to leave the path of sword. 帝舜第三剑劈了下来,他剑势极其沉重,但是剑招快捷异常,简直犹如一缕清风一样快得让人看不清他出剑的轨迹。 Ji Xia dodges without enough time, draws out the weapon to resist without enough time, he can only both hands heavy blows rumble to the chest of Emperor Shun in the past. He does not want to injure Emperor Shun, but the crucial moment, he only strove for being able to compel to draw back Emperor Shun on the line. 姬夏来不及闪躲,也来不及拔出兵器抵挡,他只能双手重拳向帝舜的胸膛轰了过去。他不想伤害帝舜,但是生死关头,他只求能够逼退帝舜就行。 Emperor Shun sticks out chest, arbitrary unusual flushed to the fist of Ji Xia. 帝舜挺起胸膛,蛮横异常的向姬夏的拳头冲了上来。 Ji Xia is suddenly lenient, he received the fist subconsciously, distressed backing up backward. The sword color break-up, a Emperor Shun sword has divided Ji Xia half-length armor crushes, heavy such as the sword intent bang of mountain on Ji Xia, listens to a dull thumping sound, Ji Xia scarlet red battle dress smashing, the muscle on his chest just likes by the innumerable knives is cut crazily generally, the chaotic flesh and blood splash, a heavy unusual sword intent crush gets down, all flesh and blood completely become the smashing. 姬夏骤然手软,他下意识的收起了拳头,狼狈的向后倒退。剑光闪过,帝舜一剑将姬夏的半身甲劈得粉碎,沉重如山的剑意轰在姬夏身上,就听一声闷响,姬夏身上赤红色的战袍粉碎,他胸膛上的肌肉犹如被无数小刀疯狂切割过一般,乱糟糟的血肉飞溅,一股沉重异常的剑意碾压下来,所有血肉尽成粉碎。 The rib exposition of Ji Xia outside, in the shining pure transparent rib the innumerable scarlet red flame god winch spins the dance, on each bone spout the dazzling flame. ‚’ Several sounds, all ribs of Ji Xia break suddenly, crowded such as the fissure of spider web spread the past to the skeleton of his whole body following his rib, the Ji Xia whole body skeleton completely is suddenly broken! 姬夏的肋骨暴露在外,金灿灿纯透明的肋骨中无数赤红色的火焰神纹盘旋飞舞,每一根骨头上都喷涌着刺目的火光。‘咔嚓’几声响,姬夏的所有肋骨骤然断裂,密集如蜘蛛网的裂痕顺着他的肋骨向他全身的骨骼蔓延了过去,眨眼间姬夏全身骨骼尽碎! Deep inspiration, Ji Xia is much more painful shouts out, but he actually does not dare to say the malicious talk to Emperor Shun, can only the helpless loud pain shout. 深深的吸了一口气,姬夏痛得厉声呼喝,但是他却不敢对帝舜口出恶言,只能无奈的高声痛呼。 The billowing flame spouts from Ji Xia within the body, the fissure of whole body skeleton repairs rapidly, flesh and blood fast rebirth of chest smashing, his in big strides backs up backward continuously, during several twinkles has fallen back on the The heaven army array. 滚滚火光从姬夏体内喷出,浑身骨骼的裂痕急速修复,胸口粉碎的血肉快速重生,他大踏步的向后连续倒退,几个闪烁间就退到了天庭的大军阵列中。 Emperor Shun, awakes! Do not be controlled by outside demon! When you really I, when really I don't dare to start to you?” The Ji Xia quite a little outwardly fierce but inwardly faint-hearted loudness was roaring: Awakes quickly, my weapon, does not want to catch your blood!” 帝舜,醒醒吧!不要被外魔所控!你真当我,真当我不敢对你下手么?”姬夏颇有点色厉内荏的大声咆哮着:“快醒醒吧,我的兵器,不想染上你的血!” Emperor Shun gained ground, shakes the head and shows a faint smile gently: I, how want to take a look at your weapon to catch my blood very much!” 帝舜抬起头来,轻轻摇头、微微一笑:“吾,很想看看你的兵器是如何染上我的血的!” Laughed, Emperor Shun has drawn a sword, treadonned a tea cloud to soar on, all alone overran to the The heaven army. 大笑了一声,帝舜拔剑而起,脚踏一团黄云腾空而上,孤身一人向天庭大军冲了过去。 Ji Xia received the long halberd that a handle flame four shoot from the subordinate hand, he has shaken the long halberd stubbornly is staring at Emperor Shun, saw that Emperor Shun clashes more and more nearly, Ji Xia has no alternative yelled old - mother also, helpless turning around walks. 姬夏从下属手中接过一柄火光四射的长戟,他抖了抖长戟死死的盯着帝舜,眼看着帝舜冲得越来越近,姬夏没奈何的大叫了一声‘老-娘也’,无奈的转身就走。 The Ji Xia distressed backlash, Warrior of his troop sun unit looked at one mutually, dares to get rid to Emperor Shun without one person, distressed dragging entrains the weapon to turn around to walk one by one. 姬夏狼狈后退,他身边的大群金乌部的战士相互望了一眼,没有一人敢对帝舜出手,一个比一个狼狈的拖拽着兵器转身就走。 They walk, these gods did not have the direction the god soldier, neat forms the neat line to follow closely Ji Xia to retrocede. 他们一走,那些神将神兵没有了指挥,干脆利落的排着整齐的队伍紧随着姬夏后退。 An innumerable sun soldier quack was screaming, looked at an all alone to start the charge at a loss Emperor Shun, chaotic mixed threw down everywhere crow wool same, the urgent matter was pursuing Ji Xia backward stampede. 紧接着,无数的金乌道兵‘嘎嘎’尖叫着,茫然的看了一眼孤身一人发动冲锋的帝舜,乱杂杂的丢下了漫天鸦毛,火烧屁股一样追着姬夏向后狼狈逃窜。 Emperor Shun chased down dozens li (0.5km) to stop, he stood in airborne, shouted to clear the way fierce: All Human Race subjects, fast return at once returns to observing and emulating to turn over the throne to another grand ceremony. Anybody dares to the field, all regards as my Human Race rebel, the calamity and family member!” 帝舜追杀了数十里地就停了下来,他站在空中,厉声喝道:“所有人族子民,速速返回观摩禅让大典。任何人胆敢离场,皆视为我人族叛徒,祸及家人!” Ji Xia distant looks at awe-inspiring Emperor Shun, the face is twitching, long time could not speak.( To be continued.) 姬夏远远的看着威风八面的帝舜,面孔抽搐着,半晌说不出话来。(未完待续。)
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