TME :: Volume #17

#1627: The chart poor dagger sees

‚’, The thick ice shackles covered Gongsun Xu together stubbornly, several gods will intrude in the clansman team of Gongsun, grasping that Gongsun Xu forces sky. ‘咔嚓’一声,一道玄冰枷锁死死扣住了公孙顼,几名神将闯入公孙氏的族人队伍中,将公孙顼生拉硬扯的抓上了天空。 Ji Xia has turned around, back to Emperor Shun, surface toward altar dead ahead innumerable Human Race subjects, light saying: Elder, wants to come not to be willing to make one not revere the world and extremely arrogant rebelling person, holds the post of Human Emperor?” 姬夏转过身,背对着帝舜,面朝着祭坛正前方的无数人族子民,淡淡的说道:“诸位父老,想来是不愿意让一个不尊天地、狂妄悖逆之人,担任人皇的吧?” Nobody spoke, even if were the ordinary day most dull-witted person, at this moment had discovered the matter did not have greatly wonderfully. 没人吭声,就算是平日最愚钝的人,此刻都发现了事情大有不妙。 Before had never had such matter, turned over the throne to another grand ceremony, this was from the Fuxi Saint sovereign time on the old rule of handing down from generation to generation, Human Emperor from generation to generation, chose the welldoing in the innumerable Human Race juniors high, the ability strongest elite, passed to him the position of Human Emperor. 以前从未发生过这样的事情,禅让大典,这是从伏羲圣皇时代就传下来的老规矩,一代又一代的人皇,在无数人族子弟中挑选德行最高、能力最强的精英,将人皇之位传给他。 All living things, countless people are having the eye, who is good, who is bad, who is virtuous, who does not have the morality, the world person watches, bears in mind. Therefore all previous Human Emperor turns over the throne to another imperial throne, who takes over the person of Human Emperor throne is, everybody was prepared beforehand. 芸芸众生,无数人都长着眼睛,谁好,谁坏,谁有德行,谁无德操,天下人看在眼里,记在心里。所以历代人皇禅让大位,接掌人皇宝座的人是谁,大家心里事先都有了准备。 This Emperor Shun must pass on to give Gongsun Xuxu suddenly, who is Gongsun Xuxu? Over 1089% people do not know that who Gongsun Xuxu is. Everybody thinks that Emperor Shun will pass on to Si Wenming, everybody was anticipating after Si Wenming superior, can lead Human Race went fearlessly ahead, making Human Race gain better living environment, lets Human Race strength, prosperous. 这一次帝舜突然要传位给公孙溆溆,谁是公孙溆溆?1089以上的人不知道公孙溆溆是谁。大家都以为帝舜会传位给姒文命,大家都期待着姒文命上位之后,能够带领人族勇猛精进,让人族获取更好的生存环境,让人族更加的壮大、繁盛。 The prestige that because Emperor Shun for many years accumulated, believing of innumerable Human Race subjects hypnosis, this not well-known Gongsun xu xu can be a good Human Emperor candidate voluntarily, everybody is suppressing the restlessness of heart, comes to participate to turn over the throne to another grand ceremony. 因为帝舜多年来积累的威望,无数人族子民自行催眠的认为,这个不知名的公孙溆溆会是一个好的人皇人选,大家强忍着心头的不安,前来参加禅让大典。 Then Ji Xia appeared, he identified Gongsun Xuxu to commit the unforgivable grave offense, and makes the The heaven god arrest him. 然后姬夏出现了,他指证公孙溆溆犯下了不可饶恕的重罪,并且让天庭神将把他擒拿归案。 Emperor Shun proposed makes Gongsun xu take over the position of Human Emperor, but Ji Xia had pointed out immediately Gongsun Xu charge, captures to detain him similarly. Everybody knows immediately that the matter is not right, Emperor Shun does not suit, extremely does not suit! 紧接着帝舜就提出了让公孙顼接掌人皇之位,而姬夏立刻指出了公孙顼的罪名,同样将他也擒拿扣押。大家顿时知道,事情不对了,帝舜不对劲,极其的不对劲! By the Emperor Shun Xianming, does he possibly make such absurd matter? Is the Human Emperor candidate in cabbage? Did go bad has selected one? Without any preparation, without any foreknowledge, you directs a person at will is the Human Emperor candidate? 帝舜的贤明,他怎么可能做出这么荒唐的事情来?人皇人选是地里的大白菜么?一颗坏了就重新挑一颗?没有任何准备,没有任何预知的,你随意指点一个人就是人皇人选? Even if Fuxi Saint sovereign, when the shaft Saint sovereign, they turns over the throne to another imperial throne, takes over the person of Human Emperor throne, which isn't selective? Which didn't undergo many years of inspection? Which didn't establish the innumerable merit for Human Race, the world Human Race subjects at least had 70-80% people to hear his prestige? 哪怕伏羲圣皇,哪怕轩辕圣皇,他们禅让大位时,接掌人皇宝座的人,哪一个不是精挑细选的?哪一个不是经过了多年考察的?哪一个不是为人族建立了无数功劳,天下人族子民起码有七八成人听说过他的威名的? You direct the young people of two Gongsun at will, dares to turn over the throne to another Human Emperor imperial throne to them? 你随意指点两个公孙氏的年轻人,就敢将人皇大位禅让给他们? First Gongsun xu xu, you can also say that you have trained many years secretly, you observed his many years secretly, Gongsun Xuxu in secretly was Human Race has established many merit and so on, because you were Emperor Shun, therefore everybody can also convince itself, to believe your words reluctantly. 第一个公孙溆溆,你还可以说你秘密培养了多少年,你偷偷观察了他多少年,公孙溆溆又在暗地里为人族建立了多少功劳云云,因为你是帝舜,所以大家还能勉强说服自己、相信你的话。 But second Gongsun xu, your is Emperor Shun is cracking a joke? Such conveniently a finger, does not know person who where braves, do you dare to give him the Human Emperor imperial throne inheritance? This matter, your does Emperor Shun dare to say? Do you dare such to do? 可是第二个公孙顼,你帝舜是在开玩笑么?这么随手一指,不知道从哪里冒出来的人,你就敢将人皇大位传承给他?这种事情,你帝舜怎么敢说出口?你怎么敢这么做? The crowd is quiet, but on many old people's faces reappeared the spunk. 人群默然无声,但是好些老人的脸上已经浮现出了怒意。 However beyond anger, many people puzzled looks at Emperor Shun by the Emperor Shun Xianming and virtuous behavior, does he possibly make such absurd matter? He such careless decision Human Emperor candidate? 但是在怒气之外,好些人更是大惑不解的看着帝舜帝舜的贤明、贤德,他怎么可能做出这么荒唐的事情?他怎么会这么草率的决定人皇的人选? Dispersed!” Ji Xia smiles very much kindly to altar Human Race subjects deep bows to salute, he bows, while said with a smile loudly: Elder, dispersed...... The Emperor Shun recent brain has a fever, the decision that makes somewhat is quite bad, actually in the future new Human Emperor can be, but also allows us to discuss much is.” “散了吧!”姬夏笑得很和蔼的向祭坛四周的人族子民深深的鞠躬行礼,他一边鞠躬,一边大声笑道:“诸位父老,散了吧……帝舜最近脑子发烧,作出的决定颇有些不善,未来新的人皇究竟会是谁,还容吾等多多商量就是。” Ji Xia deeply inspired, shouted to clear the way loudly: Today, but also asked everybody fast to go home...... If beside Pu Ban, there are relatives old friends, everybody might as well seeks visits friends, quite lives in the relatives and friends home for several days.” 姬夏深吸了一口气,大声喝道:“今日,还请大家速速归家……若是在蒲阪之外,有亲眷故旧的,大家不妨寻亲访友,好生的在亲友家多住几天。” This saying, many experienced steady, experienced the innumerable wind and rain Human Race old and renowned scholar complexions suddenly changed, they kept silent to Ji Xia on altar deep held the fist in the other hand a ritual, without hesitation drew the sleeve of descendant to turn around to walk. 这话一出,好些老成稳重,经历了无数风雨的人族耆宿脸色骤然一变,他们默不作声的向祭坛上的姬夏深深的抱拳一礼,毫不犹豫的拉着自家儿孙的袖子转身就走。 The limitless tide of people moved suddenly, over 60% Pu Ban subjects in rapid departure altar. Among these subjects many Great Magus strengths elite, skilled person of many Junior Magus level, they display the complete strength separately, carries the relatives full speed to leave to turn over the throne to another altar. 无边无际的人潮骤然动了起来,有超过六成的蒲阪子民在迅速的离开祭坛。这些子民当中不乏大巫实力的精锐、也不乏小巫级的好手,他们分别施展全部的力量,携带着自家亲眷全速离开禅让祭坛。 Emperor Shun look dreary looks at the Human Race subjects to field, he sighed spookily, icy shouting to clear the way: All Human Race subjects, stop to me. What you did fluster? Chaotic what? Stops, turns over the throne to another grand ceremony, must continue! All people stop completely, if there is a violator, to collude the name of foreign race malicious ghost, cuts to kill completely at the scene!” 帝舜神色阴郁的看着离场的人族子民,他幽幽叹了一口气,冷冰冰的喝道:“所有人族子民,给吾停下。尔等慌什么?乱什么?停下,禅让大典,必须继续!所有人全部停下,若有违反者,以勾结异族恶鬼之名,全部斩杀当场!” Bang, the Emperor Shun words make all people thorough chaotic. ‘轰’的一声,帝舜的话让所有人彻底的乱了起来。 The Human Race subjects that many have not set firm resolve look with amazement the face distortion and top of the head have Emperor Shun that faint trace black air/Qi seeps out faintly. All people are well aware, Emperor Shun does not suit, usually in Emperor Shun is such benevolence is kind, did he possibly say such words? 好些还没下定决心的人族子民骇然看着面孔扭曲、头顶隐隐有一丝丝黑气渗出的帝舜。所有人心知肚明,帝舜是真的不对劲了,平日里的帝舜是那么的仁德和蔼,他怎么可能说出这样的话来? Many Human Race subjects start the fast evacuation, fortunately when this time Human Race subjects much physique are vigorous and healthy, runs the quick over speeding horse, some numerous Great Magus and Magus King promiscuous in, they display Magus Law, drags to dash with the female lift-off, sees around the altar Human Race subjects in reduction rapidly. 更多的人族子民开始快速的撤离,所幸此时的人族子民多筋骨健壮,奔走时快逾奔马,更有众多大巫巫王混杂其中,他们施展巫法,拖儿携女的离地飞奔,眼看着祭坛四周的人族子民在急速的减少。 Only the leaders of some major clans and tribes stayed at the scene together with the massive elite clansmen, these clan and tribe leader look cold severe looks that Emperor Shun, looks at the clansman of Gongsun. Did many clan and tribe leaders intertwine just like fire general Emperor Shun come under a spell? Did Gongsun attempt to pervert? do other big clans mix? 唯有各大部族的首领连同大量的精锐族人留在了现场,这些部族首领神色冷厉的看着帝舜、看着公孙氏的族人。好些部族首领心里纠结犹如着火一般帝舜中邪了?还是公孙氏做了手脚?或者,还有其他的大氏族掺合在内? Carelessly the matter that they assign the Human Emperor candidate can be done, what do they have not to dare to do? 他们连胡乱指定人皇人选的事情都做得出来,他们还有什么不敢做的? Silent birth of a fissure among all clan and tribe leaders, everybody looks to the mutual look, has been full of the suspicion and suspicion. 一丝裂痕在所有部族首领之间无声的诞生,大家看向互相的眼神中,已经充满了猜忌和怀疑。 Emperor Shun stamps the feet suddenly maliciously, he shouted to clear the way fierce: Listens to me to order, anybody dares to leave the place of grand ceremony, all cuts to kill!” 帝舜突然狠狠一跺脚,他厉声喝道:“听我命令,任何人胆敢离开大典之地,一律斩杀!” Shouted to bellow transmits from afar, wore the Human Race imperial guard of heavy armor and hand-held long gun|spear great halberd from appear innumerably in all directions, distant to leaving the grand ceremony Human Race subjects has surrounded. ‘呼哈’一声大吼远远传来,无数身披重甲、手持长枪大戟的人族禁军从四面八方出现,远远的向离开大典现场的人族子民包围了过来。 Ji Xia lifts the hand to shout to clear the way immediately fierce: All The heaven listen to me to order respectively, who dares to obstruct the elders to leave, all utterly destroys, does not need to keep the hand!” 姬夏立刻一抬手厉声喝道:“所有天庭所属听吾命令,谁敢阻挠父老们离开,一律斩尽杀绝,不用留手!” Has turned around, Ji Xia look cold severe looks that Emperor Shun shouted to clear the way fierce: „Hasn't Emperor Shun, waked up in a big hurry? You are Human Race Human Emperor, how can so with ease be made by outside demon? Fast wakes up!” 转过身,姬夏神色冷厉的看着帝舜厉声喝道:“帝舜,还不快快醒来?你可是人族人皇,怎能如此轻松被外魔所制?速速醒来!” The pupil of Emperor Shun turned into the paint black suddenly, he indifferent heartless looked at Emperor Shun one, has drawn out the waist saber slowly.( To be continued.) 帝舜的眸子骤然变成了漆黑色,他冷漠无情的看了帝舜一眼,缓缓拔出了腰间佩剑。(未完待续。)
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