TME :: Volume #17

#1626: Rascal Ji Xia

Countless person flashing eyes looks at Ji Xia, countless people sigh with emotion in the heart, Ji Xia this saying is not really concerned about face. 无数人目光炯炯的看着姬夏,无数人都在心中感慨,姬夏这话实实在在是不要脸了。 Once this charge buckles, Gongsun Xuxu reputation thoroughly has destroyed, ok...... Even if he purely like snow, because of Ji Xia these words one, because Ji Xia is the Ji Hao father, so long as Human Race, as long as must care about the The heaven dignity and honor, Gongsun Xuxu was difficult in Human Race the date of raising one's head. 这个罪名一旦扣上去,公孙溆溆的名声就算是彻底毁了,就算……就算他清白如雪,因为姬夏的这番话一出,因为姬夏姬昊的亲生父亲,只要人族但凡还要顾及天庭的尊严和脸面,公孙溆溆在人族再难有出头之日。 Do not say that Gongsun Xuxu is not pure, this fellow may really not be the good thing. 更不要说,公孙溆溆可不怎么清白,这家伙可实实在在不是什么好东西。 Emperor Shun vision extremely deep looks at Ji Xia: „Does Gongsun xu xu welldoing owe? Doesn't match to take the post of the position of Human Emperor?” 帝舜目光极深沉的看着姬夏:“公孙溆溆德行有亏?不配出任人皇之位?” Ji Xia serious looks at Emperor Shun: Gongsun xu xu welldoing owes, if he has become Human Emperor, my other does not dare saying that Human Race domestic three years flood disasters and three years by droughts and three years a locust plague, this is the assured matter! This , because Gongsun Xuxu this person was really too bad, seemed one group of dwarf Luo Shou excrement throws into pot soup, this pot soup met with a disaster ironclad bad luck!” 姬夏一本正经的看着帝舜:“公孙溆溆德行有亏,若是他成了人皇,吾别的不敢说,人族境内三年一洪灾、三年以旱灾、三年一蝗灾,这是笃定的事情!这,都是因为公孙溆溆这人实在是太坏了,就好似一团侏罗兽的粪丢进一锅汤里,这锅汤铁定倒霉遭殃!” Huaxu Lie and other emperor's children lowered the head, silent smiling. 华胥烈等帝子纷纷低下头,无声的笑着。 The Ji Xia method is too shameless, his these words to Emperor Shun, you can be said as to the evaluation of Gongsun xu xu, can be said as some threat of Ji Xia. By the strength of The heaven, wants to create the Gonggong such extinguishing world flood disaster is not easy, but chooses several Human Race territories to have several big floods every year, choosing several places to make a drought and locust plague and so on, should not be too relaxed. 姬夏的手段太无耻,他对帝舜的这番话,你可以说是对公孙溆溆的评定,也可以说是姬夏的某种威胁。以天庭之力,想要造成共工氏那样的灭世洪灾是不容易的,但是每年选几块人族领地发几场大洪水,选几块地方弄点旱灾、蝗灾之类,可不要太轻松。 In front of innumerable Human Race high-level, is in front of innumerable Human Race subjects, Ji Xia spoke clearly the words and understands thoroughly Gongsun Xuxu is one group of smelly excrement, if he has worked as Human Emperor, if Human Race suffered a natural disaster...... This was Ji Xia had already warned everybody! 当着无数人族高层的面,当着无数人族子民的面,姬夏已经把话说得清清楚楚、透彻明白公孙溆溆就是一团臭粪,他若是当了人皇,人族若是遭灾了……这可是姬夏早就警告过大家的哦! Emperor Shun is cloudy the face long time not to speak, nearby Gongsun xu xu has been mad results in the cheek to turn green. 帝舜阴沉着脸半晌没吭声,一旁的公孙溆溆已经气得面皮发青。 Ji Xia these words, his fame may thoroughly destroy. Although he indeed is not a good thing, but Ji Xia had said these indictments, he dares to the heaven to pledge that he has not done. Ji Xia this is buckle carelessly is unjustly discredited, planting charge carelessly, this ruins his Gongsun Xuxu personal character intentionally! 姬夏的这番话一出,他的名望可就彻底毁了。虽然他的确不是一个好东西,但是姬夏说过的那些罪状,他敢对着老天发誓他真没做过。姬夏这是胡乱的扣黑锅,胡乱的栽罪名,这是故意的败坏他公孙溆溆的品德啊! The Human Emperor throne is beckoning to Gongsun xu xu, the infinite sight and unsurpassed lawful right is extremely easy to obtain, in this moment awfully, Ji Xia comes out to disturb suddenly, this ratio killed Gongsun Xuxu biological father also to make him uncomfortable simply. 人皇宝座正在向公孙溆溆招手,无限风光、无上权柄唾手可得,在这要命的关头,姬夏突然出来捣乱,这简直比杀了公孙溆溆的亲爹还让他难受。 An incisive roaring sound transmits from Gongsun xu xu body deep place extremely, Gongsun Xuxu has curled up the ceremonial garments sleeve of spacious burden, draws out the waist Golden Light shining saber, the hissing roars was rushing to Ji Xia: thing, how dare do you destroy my fame?” 一声尖锐的怒吼声从公孙溆溆身体极深处传来,公孙溆溆卷起了宽大累赘的冕服袖子,拔出腰间金光灿灿的佩剑,嘶声怒吼着向姬夏冲了上去:“混账东西,你焉敢毁我名望?” Has a clansman of bear clan Gongsun, each one inherited Dao of Sword of shaft Saint sovereign, Gongsun Xuxu was once emperor's children, Dao of Sword cultivate to after all extremely high. On the shining treasured sword is the sword air/Qi of hundred zhang (333m) gushes out, ruthless spicy incomparable punctures to go to the Ji Xia Chest illness. 有熊一族公孙氏的族人,个个都传承了轩辕圣皇的剑道,公孙溆溆毕竟是曾经的帝子,剑道修为极高。金灿灿的宝剑上一道长达百丈的剑气喷薄而出,狠辣无比的向姬夏的心口疾刺而去。 Ji Xia has smiled, he said with a smile spookily: „, Look, is not I randomly says speaks irresponsibly. This male servant becomes angry out of shame, wants to silence a witness of crime! Hey, is the Human Race subjects, actually attempts to assassinate the The heaven high-ranking court official, how many have this offended daily the gauge discipline?” 姬夏笑了,他幽幽笑道:“诸位,看呵,可不是吾乱讲乱说。这厮恼羞成怒,想要杀人灭口哩!嘿嘿,身为人族子民,却妄图刺杀天庭重臣,这触犯了多少天天规戒律哪?” Emperor Shun has not spoken, Magi palace several big elders have not said a word, the elders of several Gongsun are breathless rushing, they drew a sword to keep off before Gongsun Xuxu. 帝舜没吭声,巫殿的几大长老也没做声,几名公孙氏的长老则是气急败坏的冲了上去,他们拔剑挡在了公孙溆溆面前。 The sword air/Qi able to move unhindered, sword glittering, the elders of 78 Gongsun collaborate to compose a sword net, suppressed Gongsun Xuxu sword glow stiffly. When lang a resounding transmits, cultivates for the deepest Gongsun long expert in the sharp sword wields, Gongsun Xuxu saber was cut two, several handle sharp swords have resisted Gongsun Xuxu whole body strategic point immediately, compelling him not to dare again to move. 剑气纵横、剑光闪烁,78名公孙氏的长老联手组成一张剑网,硬生生将公孙溆溆的剑芒压制了下去。‘当啷’一声脆响传来,一名修为最深的公孙氏长老手中利剑一挥,公孙溆溆的佩剑被斩成两段,几柄利剑立刻抵住了公孙溆溆周身要害,逼得他不敢再动弹。 A [gold/metal] iron impact noise transmits, dozens The heaven gods hand one, one set of five lines of shackles are circling crash, dozens torture instruments are connecting with thin extremely all colors chains, five lines of shackles rapid buckles on Gongsun Xuxu body, the innumerable all colors pintles jabbed into his body, five lines of Restriction seals his five main internal organs (entrails) whole body Wu Li (magus power), having made him also be again hard to move. 一阵金铁撞击声传来,数十名天庭神将手一张,一套五行枷锁盘旋着坠落,数十件刑具相互之间用极细的五彩锁链串联着,五行枷锁迅速扣在了公孙溆溆的身上,无数五彩细针刺进他的身体,五行禁制封印了他的五脏六腑全身巫力,让他再也难以动弹。 Several gods will have worked on Gongsun Xuxu, has flown into The heaven large formation rapidly. 几名神将抓起了公孙溆溆,迅速飞进了天庭大阵中。 In the pupil of Emperor Shun the cold brightness has glittered, he looked at all around altar innumerable Human Race subjects, has a look at look distressed several Gongsun elders again, suddenly has smiled leisurely: I made a mistake. Also was several elders makes a mistake. I few days ago said that must turn over the throne to another of Human Emperor candidate is Gongsun xu ( xu ), how did several elders lead Gongsun Xuxu this degenerate?” 帝舜的眸子里寒光闪烁了一阵,他看了看四周祭坛边的无数人族子民,再看看神色狼狈的几名公孙氏长老,突然慢悠悠的笑了起来:“吾错了。也是几位长老错了。吾前些日子所说的,要禅让人皇之位的人选是公孙顼(xu),几位长老怎么将公孙溆溆这败类带了过来?” A Emperor Shun finger, Golden Light is mixing the auspicious sign together from his fingertip blowout, happen to fell in the Gongsun clansman team on a martial-looking extraordinary youth: Gongsun xu, on the altar, turns over the throne to another grand ceremony after today, you are new Human Emperor!” 帝舜手一指,一道金光混着紫气从他指尖喷出,正好落在了公孙氏族人队伍中一个英武非凡的青年身上:“公孙顼,上祭坛来,今日禅让大典后,你就是新的人皇!” The emperor's children is not, can only be Gongsun xu of Gongsun quite elite youth person of extraordinary ability vacant looks at Emperor Shun. 连帝子都不是,只能算是公孙氏比较精锐的青年俊彦的公孙顼茫然的看着帝舜 His anything not, he in Gongsun clan, but multitude of people of common thousand people of team are long, by huge resources that Gongsun has, the Gongsun Xu present strength is also only ordinary high level Magus King, has not traced including the Divine Magi threshold. 他什么都不是啊,他在公孙氏族中,只是一名不起眼的千人队的千夫长,以公孙氏拥有的庞大资源,公孙顼如今的实力也只是普通的高阶巫王,连巫帝的门槛都没摸到。 Because his name pronunciation and Gongsun Xuxu is the same, therefore Emperor Shun does assign him to become the Human Emperor candidate? 就因为他的名字读音和公孙溆溆相同,所以帝舜指定他成为人皇人选? Gongsun xu scalp intermittent tingling with numbness, he does not feel excited, does not feel pleasantly surprised, sees Gongsun Xuxu fate, his whole body fine hair raise up, extremely terrifying absolutely terrified has controlled his body, his whole body is stiff, a few words could not say. 公孙顼头皮一阵阵的发麻,他一点儿都不感到激动,一点儿都不感到惊喜,看到公孙溆溆的下场,他浑身汗毛一根根竖起,一种极度恐怖的毛骨悚然控制了他的身体,他浑身僵硬,一句话都说不出来。 Sees this child is extremely in mellow sincere friendly, was happy that will not say the words.” Emperor Shun smiles is looking at Gongsun Xu, temperate saying: „When I from him young, has paid attention to this child. In recent years, this child handles matters extremely appropriately, has also performed numerous meritorious services when regulating waterways, saved the innumerable merits, his moral character is furthermore generous, benevolent and has virtue, therefore takes over the position of Human Emperor by him, I am feel relieved!” “看这孩子就是太过于醇厚敦善,高兴得连话都不会说了。”帝舜微笑着看着公孙顼,温和的说道:“吾从他年幼时,就一直关注这娃娃。这些年来,这娃娃处事极其得当,在治水之时也立下了众多功勋,积攒了无数的功德,更兼他品性宽厚、仁和有德,所以由他接掌人皇之位,吾是放心的!” In the Emperor Shun pupil the cold brightness twinkle, he has turned the head to look at Ji Xia, asking character by character: „The Ji Xia big god, what deficiency Gongsun Xuke does have?” 帝舜眸子里寒光闪烁,他转过头看着姬夏,一个字一个字的问道:“姬夏大神,公孙顼可有什么不妥之处?” Gongsun Xu is only an unimportant person, in Gongsun countless youth juniors slightly common, Emperor Shun wants to know very much that Ji Xia can xu fasten any charge to Gongsun. 公孙顼只是一个小人物,在公孙氏无数青年子弟中丝毫不起眼,帝舜很想知道,姬夏能给公孙顼扣上什么罪名。 He, does not revere the world, the disrespecting ancestor spirits!” Ji Xia sneers, looks that Gongsun Xu sneers saying: Some day , some month , some year, he had once overturned the offering sacrifice to heaven altar, has trampled the sacrificial offering of offering sacrifice to heaven, to the word of world Spiritual God speaking impertinently, so extremely arrogant person, when infiltrates the day to be firm, imprisons the millenniums, to redeem its crime.” “他,不尊天地,不敬祖灵!”姬夏冷笑一声,看着公孙顼冷笑道:“某年某月某日,他曾经打翻了祭天的祭坛,践踏了祭天的祭品,对天地神灵口出不逊之言,如此狂妄之人,当打入天牢,囚禁千年,以赎其罪。” Gongsun Xu frightens the whole body to tremble, his hissing screamed: No, I do not have, I have not overturned the altar, I have not disrespected to the world Spiritual God!” 公孙顼吓得浑身都在哆嗦,他嘶声尖叫道:“不,我没有,我没有打翻祭坛,我没有对天地神灵不敬!” Ji Xia grinned to smile immediately, he pointed at Gongsun Xu to say with a smile: You looked that everybody looked, who made mistakes will confess honestly? This male servant arrived at this time, has not forgotten to shirk the responsibility for an offense, the so deceitful dishonest person, does he have the qualifications to take the post of Human Emperor?” 姬夏顿时咧嘴笑了起来,他指着公孙顼笑道:“你们看,大家看,谁犯了错会老实坦白的?这厮到了这个时候,还不忘推卸罪责,如此奸诈不诚实的人,他也有资格出任人皇?” The full house continues the deathly stillness, all people look at the smiling face of Ji Xia, is really cannot speak.( To be continued.) 满场继续死寂,所有人看着姬夏的笑脸,实在是说不出话来。(未完待续。)
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