TME :: Volume #17

#1625: Debate of qualifications

If in the Prehistoric time, Human Race has not lived becomes the big tribe the time, before a The heaven status lowliest god government official comes to the person, can make the Human Race ancestor lie prostrate in worship, knees down full of admiration does not dare to send out the word. 若是在洪荒时代,人族还没有聚居而成大部落的时候,一名天庭地位最卑贱的神吏现身人前,都能让人族先祖顶礼膜拜,五体投地跪倒在地不敢发出只言片语。 Even if the Fuxi Saint sovereign time, when Human Race from living the primitive tribe of in Tree Cave, cave, develops the big tribe that the construction village, is neighbors gradually, once The heaven god audiences presently before the person, even if various Human Emperor and even leaders, are as before respectful to the The heaven gods, does not dare to have the place of slight disobeying. 就算是伏羲圣皇时代,人族从聚居于树洞、山洞的原始部落,逐渐发展到修建村落、比邻而居的大部落时,天庭神众一旦现于人前,就算人皇乃至各部首领,依旧对天庭众神毕恭毕敬,不敢有丝毫违逆之处。 When has waited till the shaft Saint sovereign, the shaft Saint sovereign is firm bravely, fierce, own strength is also formidable astonishingly, the Human Race strength progresses by leaps and bounds, The heaven actually gradually on the wane deteriorates, finally The heaven presents the shaft Saint sovereign for unexpectedly - Yang God, for shaft Yellow Emperor. 等到了轩辕圣皇之时,轩辕圣皇性格刚强、勇烈,自身实力又强大惊人,人族实力突飞猛进,天庭却逐渐凋零衰败,最终天庭居然奉轩辕圣皇为中-央天帝,是为轩辕黄帝。 Afterward The heaven all Shen prestigious one year is inferior for one year, one generation is inferior to one generation, waited till emperor Yao, Emperor Shun time, The heaven remaining big cat cat 35, the Spiritual God descendants has only depended upon is Human Race constructs the palace pavilion to mix blood food good wine, heart of Human Race the awe to The heaven was nothing left, even there is Human Race subjects of new student, had already forgotten The heaven once magnificent and kept aloof. 随后天庭诸神的威望就一年不如一年,一代不如一代,等到了帝尧、帝舜时期,天庭只剩下大猫小猫35只,神灵后裔们依靠为人族兴建宫殿楼阁而混一口血食美酒,人族天庭的敬畏之心荡然无存,甚至有新生的人族子民,早已遗忘了天庭曾经的辉煌和高高在上。 Ji Xia commands troop gods the god soldier's large formation under the sky row, an innumerable sun soldier quack was yelling circles to dance in the air in the upper air, the faint cloth got down pure yang to execute certainly sword, killed intent to cover entire Pu Ban densely. 姬夏统领大群神将神兵在天空列下大阵,无数金乌道兵‘嘎嘎’大叫着在高空盘旋飞舞,隐隐布下了纯阳诛绝剑阵,森森杀意笼罩整个蒲阪 In the upper air fontanel is partly visible, faintly visible fontanel rear extremely grand tall tower stands lofty, in tall tower emits the innumerable ray shuttles void and as if the entire world merges into one organic whole, a fearful pressure aura overhead falls, compelling Pu Ban all subjects not to gasp for breath. 高空中更有一座天门若隐若现,隐隐可见天门后方一座极其雄伟的高塔巍然矗立,高塔中放出无数条光线穿梭虚空、似乎和整个天地融为一体,一股可怕的威压气息当头落下,逼得蒲阪所有子民都喘不过气来。 Innumerable years later, before The heaven suppresses three world large formation present the person again, the huge world pressure just likes a mountain presses in the top of the heads of all people, many strength mean Human Race subjects bodies are shivering slightly, almost must knee down lies prostrate in worship. 无数年后,天庭镇压三界的天地大阵再次出现人前,庞大的天地威压犹如一座大山压在所有人的头顶,好些实力低微的人族子民身体微微颤抖着,差一点就要跪倒在地顶礼膜拜。 Thump a bang, giant ancient clock phantom appears from Pu Ban baseless, the billowing sound wave changes into Purple gold two color promiscuous light fog tides to spread to all around, has counter-balanced 70-80% the huge pressure that The heaven big Military Camp of Ji Xia governance made stiffly. ‘咚’的一声巨响,一口巨大的古钟虚影蒲阪上空凭空浮现,滚滚声波化为一道道紫金二色混杂的光雾浪潮向四周扩散开来,硬生生将姬夏统辖的天庭军营造出的庞大威压抵消了七八成。 Several hundred aura tyrannical unusual Magi palace Great Magus shoot up to the sky, Wulong Yao and Candle Dragon sundial, windproof wicked and other Magi palace elder whole bodies lend the fearful aura, the mist lingers, faintly visible huge phantom in mist partly visible. These huge phantom seem with Wulong Yao and the others the bodies mixes as one, making their body seem also becomes just likes palatial mountains. 数百名气息强横异常的巫殿大巫冲天而起,五龙垚烛龙晷、防风惡等巫殿长老周身散发出可怕的气息,身后雾气萦绕,隐隐可见庞大的虚影在雾气中若隐若现。这些巨大的虚影好似和五龙垚等人的身体混为一体,令得他们的身躯看上去也变得犹如一座座巍峨的大山。 Ji Xia, this is my Human Race offers sacrifice to heaven heavily, retreat!” The Candle Dragon sundial behind huge incomparable Candle Dragon phantom appears intermittently, Candle Dragon each breath that both eyes press hard on, swung rapid hurricane side the Candle Dragon sundial. The hurricane howls revolving, will be faintly void has ripped open careful black fissures. 姬夏,这是我人族祭天重地,退去!”烛龙晷身后一条巨大无比的烛龙虚影隐现,双眼紧逼的烛龙每一次呼吸,都在烛龙晷身边荡起了一道湍急的飓风。飓风呼啸旋转,隐隐将虚空都撕开了一条条细细的黑色裂痕。 I am also Human Race!” Ji Xia carries on the back to jump down from the mount sun, treads one group of hot clouds to fall from the upper air rapidly, during several twinkles arrived in front of the Candle Dragon sundial. Great distance less than three zhang (3.33 m) place, Ji Xia vision dense looks at a pupil piece of opacitas Candle Dragon sundial: Some, is Human Race, but, some have held some The heaven lawful rights temporarily.” “我也是人族!”姬夏从坐骑金乌背上跳下,踏着一团火云从高空急速落下,几个闪烁间就到了烛龙晷面前。相隔不到三丈地,姬夏目光森森的看着瞳孔一片浑浊的烛龙晷:“某,也是人族,只不过,某暂掌了一些天庭权柄而已。” Since you have wielded the The heaven lawful right, should not meddle the matter of Human Race.” Wulong Yao shouted to clear the way fierce: Retreat, otherwise, your commander army threatens to come, can fight one with my Human Race?” “既然你执掌了天庭权柄,就不该插手人族之事。”五龙垚厉声喝道:“退去,否则,你统帅大军气势汹汹而来,是要和我人族大战一场?” The heaven is The heaven of world all living things, some are The heaven fights a Lord, when the supervisory world, rectifies three, as long as some people have the tour of disaster world, some from, when stops fully.” Ji Xia unambiguous saying: Human Race is also world all living things one, when by my The heaven supervision.” 天庭是天地众生的天庭,某身为天庭战部之主,当监察天地、匡正三界,但凡有人有祸乱天下之行,某自当全力制止。”姬夏毫不含糊的说道:“人族也是天地芸芸众生一员,当受我天庭监督。” The heaven cannot manage the matter of my Human Race.” Windproof wicked long and loud cry in a shrill voice: Many years, The heaven, could not manage my Human Race!” 天庭管不到我人族之事。”防风惡尖声尖气的长啸道:“多少年了,天庭,管不到我人族哩!” „The matter of Human Race , if not want The heaven to meddle, you do offer sacrifice to heaven to do really?” Ji Xia laughs loudly, he stretches out the arms, shouted to clear the way to the innumerable Human Race subjects in all directions fierce: If Human Race does not want the The heaven supervision, what your sacrificial offering world does make?” 人族之事若是不要天庭插手,你们祭天作甚?”姬夏放声大笑,他张开双臂,向四面八方无数的人族子民厉声喝道:“若是人族不要天庭监督,你们祭祀天地做什么?” In innumerable Human Race subjects brain a confusion, the Ji Xia words are very as if reasonable. 无数人族子民脑子里一片混乱,姬夏的话似乎很有道理。 The views of how many Magi palace elders if according , the Human Race internal affairs does not need The heaven to meddle, what then the Human Race sacrificial offering world does make? 如果按照几位巫殿长老的说法,人族内务不需要天庭插手,那么人族祭祀天地做什么? In the Emperor Shun pupil the cold brightness twinkle, his gaining ground clear and resonant voice of shouted to clear the way: Ji Xia, what my Human Race sacrificial offering is heaven Mother Earth, but is not your The heaven!” 帝舜眸子里寒光闪烁,他抬起头来朗声喝道:“姬夏,我人族祭祀的是苍天后土,而不是你天庭!” The Ji Xia body in a flash, one group of flames tumble, he flickered to transfer to front of Emperor Shun directly, looks that Emperor Shun shouted to clear the way fierce: My The heaven has represented heaven Mother Earth! My The heaven is the world will the person of execution! Since your Human Race also wants sacrificial offering world, then your matters, my The heaven must meddle!” 姬夏身体一晃,一团火光翻滚,他直接瞬移到了帝舜面前,看着帝舜厉声喝道:“我天庭就代表了苍天后土!我天庭就是这天地意志的执行之人!你们人族既然还要祭祀天地,那么你们的事情,我天庭就必须插手!” Does not wait for the Emperor Shun start to talk, Ji Xia to turn around, from the sleeve pulled out dozens auspicious signs to linger and send out the formidable pressure all over the body the reel: If your Human Race does not need my The heaven to meddle the internal affairs, why your Human Race has numerous subjects to implore the heaven, wants my The heaven to prevent Gongsun Xuxu to win the Human Emperor throne? Um? Has a look at these to pray the day archives, is not my Ji Xia forge!” 不等帝舜开口,姬夏转过身来,从袖子里一把掏出了数十份通体紫气萦绕、散发出强大威压的卷轴:“若是你们人族不需要我天庭插手内务,为何你们人族有众多子民祈求上天,要我天庭阻止公孙溆溆登上人皇宝座?嗯?看看这些祈天公文,可不是我姬夏伪造的!” In the middle of The heaven has the Spirit Treasure cauldron communication world, as long as Pangu world full of wisdom life, so long as prayed to the world, the reading strength that so long as they prayed was formidable enough, can the congealing mature archery target pray the day archives, delivered God your presence directly. 天庭当中有通灵宝鼎沟通天地,但凡盘古世界有智慧的生灵,只要对天地祈祷,只要他们祈祷的念力足够强大,就能凝成实质的祈天公文,直接送达天帝座前。 Ji Hao for various goose bumps the troublesome matter of continuously, was the waving the arms about storekeeper to flee The heaven. 姬昊就是为了源源不绝的各种各样鸡毛蒜皮的麻烦事情,做了甩手掌柜逃离天庭 Now Ji Xia has put out these archives, had proven immediately has Human Race subjects no longer Gongsun Xuxu to win the Human Emperor throne, this prayed to the world that the request world prevents Gongsun Xuxu to mount the throne. 如今姬夏拿出了这些公文,立刻就证明了是有人族子民不复公孙溆溆登上人皇宝座,这才向天地祈祷,要求天地阻止公孙溆溆登上皇位。 In the crowd, Huaxu Lie and Lie Mountain Xu high and the others also relaxed, they looked at one mutually, the corners of the mouth have taken a happy expression. 人群中,华胥烈烈山亢等人同时松了一口气,他们相互望了一眼,嘴角带上了一丝笑意。 They sent the trusted friend official under the emperor to rush to The heaven, but they were also afraid some halfway people to intercept, therefore dispatched the trusted friend to pray to the world that has delivered to their wishes The heaven directly. 他们派遣了心腹臣属赶赴天庭,但是他们也害怕半路有人拦截,所以又调遣心腹向天地祈祷,直接将他们的心愿送到了天庭之中。 Ji Xia fulfils expectations, he really promptly rushed. 姬夏不负所望,他果然及时赶到了。 The The heaven authority no doubt is not as before, but the The heaven strength is highly regarded now, moreover Ji Xia has occupied the principle of righteousness status after all, has the Human Race high level that these and Si Wenming is on good terms to assist again, perhaps cannot change the mind of Emperor Shun as before, actually sufficiently destroys this time turning over the throne to another grand ceremony! 天庭权威固然大不如前,但是如今天庭的实力不可小觑,而且姬夏毕竟占了大义名分,再有这些和姒文命交好的人族高层鼎力相助,或许依旧不能改变帝舜的主意,却足以破坏这次的禅让大典! Emperor Shun dull looks in the Ji Xia hand the archives of auspicious sign ascension, as Human Emperor, he knows certainly that this is any thing. 帝舜呆呆的看着姬夏手中紫气升腾的公文,作为人皇,他当然知道这是什么东西。 The hesitation moment, Emperor Shun looks that Ji Xia said slowly: Ji Xia, actually do you care for what Wei?” 沉吟片刻,帝舜看着姬夏缓缓说道:“姬夏,你究竟意欲何为?” In the Ji Xia pupil the cold brightness dodges, he points at Gongsun Xuxu to sneer saying: He does not match is Human Emperor!” 姬夏眸子里寒光一闪,他指着公孙溆溆冷笑道:“他不配成为人皇!” The Emperor Shun brow selects, his sinking sound track: Person who I choose personally, why can't become Human Emperor?” 帝舜眉头一挑,他沉声道:“吾亲自挑选的人,为何不能成为人皇?” A Ji Xia eye pupil revolution, he decided that is not concerned about face, he points at Gongsun Xuxu to sneer saying: He involved dozens - deceitful - killed - person threw - corpse - case, The heaven was just about to arrest him and his lackey, so the person of personal character ruining, what Dehe can become Human Emperor?” 姬夏眼眸一转,他决定不要脸了,他指着公孙溆溆冷笑道:“他牵扯进了数十桩强-奸-杀-人抛-尸-案,天庭正要缉拿他和他的爪牙,如此品德败坏之人,何德何能成为人皇呢?” A Ji Xia words exit / to speak, full house deathly stillness, nobody could say the words.( To be continued.) 姬夏话一出口,满场死寂,没人说得出话来。(未完待续。)
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