TME :: Volume #17

#1624: Interruption

Bah, bah!” “呸,呸!” Falls dustfall Egypt spitting blood of fire Yuan big mouth, he has swayed the head maliciously, has spurted the silt of mouth maliciously. One group of roaring flame along with the silt blowout, the sand dust of mouth also declined turned into the tiny rock magma. 摔落尘埃的火元大口的吐着血,他狠狠的摇晃了一下脑袋,将嘴里的泥沙狠狠的喷了出来。一团烈焰随着泥沙喷出,嘴里的沙尘还没落地就变成了细小的岩浆。 Gained ground, fire Yuan a little vacant looks that does not have to pray. The finger in dozens penetrated on the tiny sword cut of body to wipe, the place of tentacle was blazing, by the body of fire Yuan hot qilin Qilin, is unable to withstand the fearful firepower in wound, his scales were roasted weakly. 抬起头来,火元有点茫然的看着无支祈。手指在身上数十个穿透了身体的细小剑伤上抹了一下,触手之处炽热难当,以火元的火麒之躯,都无法承受伤口内的可怕火力,他身上的鳞甲都被烤得酥软了。 This is one type is really hotter than qilin Qilin also wants the overbearing terrifying flame, the flame of this level is few, the fire Yuan clenches teeth heavy saying: „Is sun really hot? No, is Sun that sun really hot evolution becomes is really hot, has the Sun star to positive strength, has sun really hot one overbearing arbitrary. Hey!” 这是一种比麒真火还要霸道许多的恐怖火焰,这种层次的火焰屈指可数,火元咬着牙沉沉说道:“金乌真火?不,是金乌真火进化而成的太阳真火,有太阳星的至阳力量,更有金乌真火的一丝霸道蛮横。嘿!” Standing up of looking fierce, the fire Yuan has thrown down two dragon corner/horn [gold/metal] Jian, high has raised both hands: Sir Ji Xia, calling your family's flock of crows to shut up, for the time being do not begin, I awoke, damn, I was puzzled unexpectedly chaotically the intelligence, damn!” 龇牙咧嘴的站起身来,火元丢下了两条龙角金锏,高高的举起了双手:“姬夏大人,叫你家的这群乌鸦闭嘴吧,暂且不要动手,俺醒了,该死的,俺居然被人惑乱了神智,该死!” Fire Yuan effort sways head, the flying sword of sun soldier is penetrating his body, pure yang Sun has the greatly strengthened broken evil strength really hot, gets angry again crazy struggling of Yuan own state of mind, falls that flash of dustfall Egypt, fire Yuan already in confusing that since Yu is puzzled regains consciousness. He restored this me to realize, was only brain fluid is a little chaos, in the brain was much more painful. 火元用力的摇晃着脑袋,金乌道兵的飞剑穿透他的身体,纯阳太阳真火拥有极强的破邪之力,再加上火元自身神魂的疯狂挣扎,摔落尘埃的那一瞬间,火元就已经从虞惑的迷惑中苏醒。他恢复了本我意识,只是脑浆子还有点混混沌沌的,脑子里痛得厉害。 Does not have Qi Yince to look to catch fire sadly the Yuan, the palm makes an effort has patted the racket in the wounds of several flaming combustion: „The Ji Xia young child, do not listen to talking nonsense of this old fogy, he definitely in the evil idea, directly ordered, killed him is!” 无支祈阴恻恻的看着火元,手掌用力的在身上几处熊熊燃烧的伤口上拍了拍:“姬夏小儿,别听这老家伙的胡说八道,他肯定在动歪主意,直接下令,弄死他就是!” The hot vitality resulted in the nose to be crooked, he pointed in a rage is shouting abuse ignorantly: Does not have to pray, your I have the personal grudge not to be fake, now moment awfully, do not use one's office to redress personal grievances! When you know that Yu Huo terroristly, if makes him accomplish, you can fall good?” 火元气得鼻子都歪了,他暴跳如雷的指着无知破口大骂:“无支祈,你我有私仇不假,如今要命的关头,你可别公报私仇!你当知道那虞惑有多恐怖,若是让他成了事,你能落一个好?” Did not have to pray looked at fire Yuan one deeply, resentful speaking no longer however. 无支祈深沉的看了火元一眼,悻悻然的不再吭声。 Ji Xia nodded, is pointing at these similarly by the Zhu Rong official cold sound track of asking the price with no intention of buying dust: „A fire Yuan Sir, can you wake them? If cannot, here have five lines that The heaven is in sole possession to lock, good that they were locked.” 姬夏点了点头,指着那些同样被打落尘埃的祝融氏臣子冷声道:“火元大人,你能弄醒他们么?若是不能,我这里有天庭独有的五行加锁,他们还是被锁起来的好。” The officials of several Zhu Rong, including three rush of blood to the head Yuan clansmen to be penetrated the body by the innumerable flying swords similarly, their cultivating to have missed one compared with the fire Yuan, they by the degree that Yu Huo controlled deeply, in including several person eyes revealed one to be ignorant and vacant, in the remaining person pupils was flooding the dim light of pollution as before. 十几名祝融氏的臣子,其中包括了三头火元的族人同样被无数飞剑穿透了身体,他们的修为比火元差了一线,他们被虞惑控制的程度更深一些,其中有几个人眼睛里流露出了一丝懵懂和茫然,剩下的人眸子里依旧充斥着浑浊的幽光。 Very obviously, they cannot under the control that since Yu is puzzled struggles. The fire Yuan clenches teeth angry looked at these companions, stamping the feet of maliciously: Bundles on...... The bastards, this matter, has not ended!” 很显然,他们没能从虞惑的控制下挣扎出来。火元咬着牙恼怒的看了一眼这些同伴,狠狠的跺了跺脚:“捆上吧……混蛋,这件事情,没完!” Does not have Qi stands in the one side, the ample capacity suppresses flame on the wound, while chilly saying: Right, this matter has not ended...... odd|surplus Nie who you want to chase down Gonggong, finds other people are, why to look for the father? The father runs luckily quickly, otherwise was besieged by your this crowd of old bastard one, the bone made into the dregs.” 无支祈站在一旁,一边运力将自己伤口上的火光扑灭,一边冷飕飕的说道:“没错,这事没完……你们想要追杀共工氏的余孽,找其他人就是,干嘛找上老子?幸好老子跑得快,否则被你们这群老混蛋一通围攻,骨头都被打成渣了。” Has sneered, does not have to pray saying maliciously: This matter, has not ended. Zhu Rong, we waits and sees.” 冷笑了一声,无支祈狠狠的说道:“这事,没完。祝融氏,咱们走着瞧。” Fire Yuan cold snort|hum several, have blown to not having Qi Xieni who the nose stares, he has turned upwards the nose, shaking the head of disdains. 火元冷哼了几声,吹鼻子瞪眼的向无支祈斜睨了一眼,他翘起了鼻子,不屑的摇了摇头。 Gonggong is yesterday's Chrysanthemum, was already hit by the storm on the wane broken, eight big high-ranking court officials who Gonggong overawes the world, now also dares to make an appearance before the person, only then does not have to pray one person. To look for the Zhu Rong trouble? The fire Yuan picks up two dragon corner/horn [gold/metal] Jian who oneself had just thrown down, maliciously mutual has hit. 共工氏已经是昨日黄花,早就被暴风骤雨打得凋零残破,共工氏威震天下的八大重臣,如今还敢在人前露面的,也就只有无支祈一人。想要找祝融氏的麻烦?火元捡起了自己刚刚丢下的两条龙角金锏,狠狠的相互撞击了一下。 The troop The heaven god, god soldier will swarm, they grasp the cold air Ling person thick ice shackles, neatly and quickly bundles solid a fire Yuan companion. Five lines of shackles are the The heaven heavy treasures, receives five lines of Grand Dao to live, is the magical things of The heaven production, as long as places the lives in five lines, is absolutely impossible to escape the imprisonment of five lines of shackles. 大群天庭神将、神兵蜂拥而下,他们手持寒气泠人的‘玄冰枷锁’,三下五除二的将火元的一众同伴捆得结结实实。五行枷锁是天庭重宝,秉承五行大道而生,是天庭生成的灵物,但凡身处五行之中的生灵,就绝无可能逃脱五行枷锁的禁锢。 The powerhouse whole body important joints of several Zhu Rong by the white transparent thick ice cangue lock catch solid, extremely thin thick ice long needles were punctured from the shackles, gripped their bodies maliciously. The fearful cold air invades their five main internal organs (entrails), the flame source of their within the body by frozen, quick one line on tied the thick ice layer forcefully. 十几名祝融氏的强者浑身重要关节被白色透明的玄冰枷锁扣得结结实实,一根根极细的玄冰长针从枷锁中刺了出来,狠狠扎进了他们的身体。可怕的寒气侵入他们的五脏六腑,他们体内的火焰本源被强行冰封,很快一行人身上就结上了厚厚的冰层。 Does not have to pray in the one side looks is filled with happily, he said with a smile loudly: „Do you have today?” 无支祈在一旁看得满心舒畅,他大声笑道:“你们也有今天?” Fire Yuan a little angry toward not having prayed to bellow: Does not have to pray, if not for we were just puzzled chaotically the intelligence, magical powers can only display 30%, are we so how can there be easy to be overthrown?” 火元有点恼怒的朝着无支祈大吼了一声:“无支祈,若不是我们刚刚被人惑乱了神智,一身神通只能发挥出三成不到,我们岂有这么容易被打倒?” Ji Xia hey has smiled several in one side, was crooked the head to look to the fire Yuan. 姬夏在一旁‘嘿嘿’笑了几声,歪着脑袋向火元看了过来。 A fire Yuan expression stagnates, he stayed, ill-humored saying: Good, Sir Ji Xia, I acknowledged the The heaven god the god soldier elite extraordinary...... Did your this sun invincible forces just refine? If we......” 火元的语气一滞,他呆了呆,没好气的说道:“好吧,姬夏大人,我承认天庭的神将神兵精锐非凡……只是你们这一支金乌天兵刚刚炼成吧?若是我们……” Ji Xia shakes behind is throwing over the scarlet cloak to turn around to walk, does not have prays intentionally the strange voice and strange manner is laughing, follows close on Ji Xia to leave. 姬夏一抖身后披着的大红披风转身就走,无支祈故意怪声怪气的大笑着,紧跟着姬夏离开。 Hot satisfactory full surface red pursuing in Ji Xia behind, loud was talking over: Hello, hello, Ji Xia, you are our Southern Wastelands family background person, I and your Fire Crow Clan...... No, I and ancestors of your sun unit, but the old friend, your boy listens clearly to me, the father by you are knocked down today matter, who dares to leak half a word, the father and you get angry!” 火元满面通红的追在了姬夏身后,大声的念叨着:“喂,喂,姬夏,你可是咱们南荒出身的人,我和你们火鸦部……不,我和你们金乌部的先祖可是老朋友,你小子给我听清楚,老子今天被你们打翻在地的事情,谁敢漏出去半句,老子和你们翻脸!” An enormous and powerful sun soldier is combining the The heaven gods of brigade, the god soldier, is controlling the assorted mount, changes into the big flame to soar, rapid flies to the Pu Ban direction. In the middle of brigade The heaven Warrior, the audiences Dongyi archers and several thousand Jia Clan strong bowman cut and bruised lying down of windproof on the hot cloud, on everyone are tying up heavy thick earth shackles. 浩浩荡荡的金乌道兵混杂着大队的天庭神将、神兵,驾驭着各色坐骑,化为大片火光腾空而起,迅速的向蒲阪方向飞去。在大队天庭战士当中,防风氏的一众东夷箭手、数万伽族强弓手遍体鳞伤的躺在火云上,每个人身上都绑着一具沉甸甸的厚土枷锁。 Pu Ban, the whole face has smiled to sit Yu Huo complexion under altar suddenly slightly changes. 蒲阪,一直满脸是笑坐在祭坛下方的虞惑脸色突然微微一变。 He gained ground, muttered in a low voice: This world is the strength of making a false counter-accusation so formidable? That most formidable hot qilin has Qilin, worked loose my control unexpectedly? Damn Emperor Shun, will he have such formidable world merit to protect the body? The brain of 93% Panyu strength that in order to control Emperor Shun, I can control now has placed on him.” 他抬起头来,低声咕哝道:“这个世界的反噬之力如此强大?那头最强大的火麒,居然已经挣脱了我的掌控?该死的帝舜,他怎么会有这么强大的天地功德护体?为了控制帝舜,我现在能够掌控的盘虞之脑93分的力量都放在了他身上。” Deeply inspired, Yu Huo clenches teeth saying: I absorb some souls, this clone strength is stronger, the strength of brain of Panyu I can activate can more formidable...... When the time comes, by person who I control, do not want to escape again!” 深吸了一口气,虞惑咬着牙说道:“等我多吸收一些灵魂,这具分身的力量再强大一些,我能激活的盘虞之脑的力量就能更加强大……到时候,被我掌控的人,一个都别想再逃掉!” In the altar, Emperor Shun grasps the reel that Golden Light four shoot, loud was reciting the offering sacrifice to heaven prayer. 祭坛上,帝舜手持金光四射的卷轴,大声的吟唱着祭天祷文。 Several the elders of Gongsun are accompanying Gongsun Xuxu, one side of stair following altar gradually on. Gongsun Xuxu whole face is looks at Emperor Shun that smiles, until now, can't he believe the Emperor Shun real dotard? Will give him the Human Emperor throne? 几个公孙氏的长老陪伴着公孙溆溆,顺着祭坛一侧的台阶缓步而上。公孙溆溆满脸是笑的看着帝舜,直到现在,他都不敢相信帝舜真的老糊涂了?会把人皇宝座让给他? Is walking, a horizon piece of hot cloud tumbling. 正行走间,天边一片火云翻滚而来。 Ji Xia lifts the hand together hot thunder in the midair crack, he shouted to clear the way fierce: High-rising that boy, rolling down altar, your where has the qualifications to come up?”( To be continued.) 姬夏抬手一道火雷在半空中炸响,他厉声喝道:“兀那小子,滚下祭坛,你哪有资格上去?”(未完待续。)
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