TME :: Volume #17

#1623: Seizes sleepily

Works as lang bang, the big stick and Dragon who Jiaojin the mace thick ice concentrates hits maliciously in the same place, the water and fire dazzles up to scatter in all directions, below mountain explodes loudly, on the mountain the innumerable birds change into the broken flesh and blood to scatter in all directions instantaneously. ‘当啷’巨响,玄冰凝成的大棒和龙角金锏狠狠撞在一起,水火炫光四散,下方一座大山轰然爆开,山上无数鸟兽瞬间化为残破血肉四散。 The big stick and Dragon Jiaojin the mace rapid friction, splashes the big flame, after not having the nape of the neck of praying , the sudden thick furry arm fled, to catching fire Yuan the head is under a fist bang. 大棒和龙角金锏急骤摩擦,溅起大片火光,无支祈的脖颈后突然一条粗大的毛茸茸手臂窜了出来,对着火元的脑袋就是一拳轰下。 Fire Yuan bellows, his lower part changes into the qilin Qilin shape, the long tail swings a flame, pulls out maliciously, in did not have on the arm that prays to brave towering. Does not have Qi Tongheng one, after the brain , the arm that gives birth to breaks voluntarily, changes into the big piece wave baseless extreme twist, congealed in a flash a water jar size sea mine, exploded in a fire Yuan side. 火元一声大吼,他下半身化为麒形态,长长的尾巴荡起一道火光,狠狠抽在了无支祈突兀冒出来的手臂上。无支祈痛哼一声,脑后生出的手臂自行断裂,化为大片水波凭空急速旋转,弹指间就凝成了一颗水缸大小的水雷,就在火元身边爆开。 Layer on layer the black wave tumbles, a actually irresistible thunder energy bang on a fire Yuan rib, fire Yuan big piece scales had been exploded outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted crushes, the thick muscle blasted out, several ribs break, drilled from another side of body. 重重黑浪翻滚,一波波阴柔却势不可挡的雷劲轰在了火元的肋骨上,火元身上大片鳞甲被炸得粉碎,厚厚的肌肉被炸开,几根肋骨断裂,从身体的另一侧钻了出来。 Does not have to pray!” A fire Yuan pain must shake the head to bellow: Your cultivating to have progress, but you cannot escape today!” “无支祈!”火元痛得摇头大吼:“你的修为有长进,可是今日你逃不掉的!” Another several person's shadows simultaneously to not having prayed , the sword and spear sword halberd assorted weapon spout the big flame, chopped maliciously in did not have to pray the body. Does not have to pray silver blue growing hair all over the body to sway fiercely, just liked steel needles punctures maliciously on these weapons. Only listened to an intermittent clear impact noise to be lingering on faintly, does not have to pray are many dozens deeply to be possible immediately and wound of bone. 另外十几条人影同时向无支祈冲了上来,刀枪剑戟各色兵器喷涌着大片火光,狠狠砍在了无支祈身上。无支祈遍体银蓝色的长毛剧烈摇晃,犹如一根根钢针狠狠刺在了这些兵器上。只听一阵阵清脆的撞击声不绝于耳,无支祈身上立刻多了数十条深可及骨的伤口。 Fire Yuan...... You may suffice to lose face.” Does not have to pray furry wool face to be cloudy exceptionally, the body changes into the water glare to run out of the encirclement ring to run away to Pu Ban in a flash together rapidly. He currently indeed has to look is not on fire the Yuan qualifications, one of the solemn Zhu Rong god clan high-ranking court officials, had been controlled the state of mind by Yu Huo unexpectedly, ratio this loses face? “火元……你们可真够丢脸。”无支祈毛茸茸的毛脸阴沉异常,身体一晃化为一道水光冲出包围圈急速向蒲阪逃窜。他现在的确有看不起火元的资格,堂堂祝融神族的重臣之一,居然被虞惑控制了神魂,还有比这更丢脸的么? However does not have prays exit / to speak satire fire Yuan at the same time, he also intermittent fear. 但是无支祈出口讽刺火元的同时,他心里也一阵阵的后怕。 If not these years he has the fortuitous encounter, the magical skill broke through several big levels continuously, the innate monster soul already and formidable monster body merges into one organic whole, has the greatly strengthened immunity to the soul attack, perhaps he is also same as the fire Yuan, degenerates into other people's lackey. 如果不是这些年他颇有奇遇,道行连续突破了好几个大层次,先天妖魂已经和强大的妖身融为一体,对灵魂攻击有着极强的免疫力的话,或许他也和火元一样,沦为他人的爪牙。 Exhausts fully, does not have to pray to change into the cold brightness to run away to Pu Ban together fully. No matter what, the matter that Liangzhu has must officially inform one to Human Race...... Does not have Qi Anzi to curse, the control that if Yu Huo is quietly Human Race, that Pangu world has been possible to have the pleasure. 用尽全力,无支祈化为一道寒光向蒲阪全力逃窜。不管怎样,良渚发生的事情总要给人族知会一声……无支祈暗自咒骂着,若是虞惑悄无声息的操控了人族,那盘古世界可就有得乐子了。 Consecutively dozens contained the qilin Qilin really hot hot thunder to overtake did not have to pray, the number of people size hot thunder in not having carrying on the back of praying exploded loudly, bunch of flames howled are sweeping across the surrounding area thousand li(500 km) the region, the place visited mountain peak break off, vegetation to become Hui, mountain peaks just liked in the wind the fallen leaf are eradicated and departed generally with the wind far away. 连续数十颗蕴藏了麒真火的火雷追上了无支祈,人头大小的火雷在无支祈的背上轰然爆开,一团团火光呼啸着席卷方圆千里的地域,所过之处山峰折断、草木成灰,一座座山峰犹如风中落叶一般被连根拔起、随风飞出老远。 Does not have to pray the bone of back to exude a series of reports, the five main internal organs (entrails) by the fearful burning invasion, was been painful his hissing to be miserable, the mouth spouts the fire unceasingly. 无支祈后背的骨头发出一连串的爆裂声,五脏六腑都被可怕的火毒侵入,痛得他嘶声惨嚎,嘴里不断喷出火来。 This is the Zhu Rong god clan immemorial poisonous flame essence that refines from the Southern Wastelands biggest volcano, fused has submitted Zhu Rong god clan the life of hot qilin Qilin clan to be really hot, boiled down the qilin Qilin hot thunder that the millenniums became in the Southern Wastelands underground immemorial hot lung. 这是祝融神族从南荒最大的火山中提炼的太古毒焰精华,融合了归附祝融神族的火麒一族的本命真火,在南荒地下的太古火肺中熬炼千年而成的麒火雷。 This hot thunder might is huge, is the strategic weapon that is used to attack a city, but the fire Yuan is actually used to attack not to pray. A hot thunder can destroy all within thousand li(500 km) range, dozens hot thunder continuous eruptions, do not have to pray the mountain ridge in body Zhou Wanli to change into the powder powder, does not have to pray also to be exploded the bone to break the muscle crack, the five main internal organs (entrails) quickly burns. 这种火雷威力巨大,原本是用来攻城的战略兵器,可是火元却用来攻击无支祈。一颗火雷就能摧毁千里范围内的一切,数十颗火雷连绵爆发,无支祈身周万里内的山岭化为齑粉,无支祈也被炸得骨断筋裂,五脏六腑都快燃烧起来。 Fire Yuan! Were you insane?” Does not have to pray the scream of hysteria, each of his whole body grows hair is burning, during short several breath he was fired one smoothly does not have the wool hedgehog hydnum! “火元!你们疯了?”无支祈歇斯底里的尖叫着,他浑身的每一根长毛都在燃烧,短短几个呼吸间他就被烧成了一头光溜溜的没毛猴头! Dad, dad, this is the moon mystique, under your fast shorthand!” Non- of height hundred zhang (333m) prays waist to entangle an animal skin brocade sack, carries the severe wound, about 50% bodies were burnt ripe Yi Di and Yuan Li worn out lying down struggle in the brocade sack. “阿爹,阿爹,这是太阴秘法,你速速记下!”身高百丈的无支祈腰间缠着一个兽皮锦囊,身负重伤,五成左右的肢体被烧熟的羿地袁力有气无力的躺在锦囊中挣扎。 They were really been hot to injure by qilin Qilin of fire Yuan putting out, the bonus is their vitality is extremely tenacious, resiliency to be extremely intrepid, they are unable to scatter qilin Qilin in within the body to be really hot, can only , whatever the burning wreaks havoc in within the body. 他们是被火元吐出的麒真火所伤,饶是他们生命力极其坚韧、恢复力极其强悍,他们也无法驱散体内的麒真火,只能任凭火毒在体内肆虐。 Hears not to have Qi Tongche the heart miserable howling sound, Yuan Li cannot give a thought to the master gate taboo, sent greetings with the soul the moon mystique of Ji Hao instruction hurriedly sends in did not have in the mind of praying. 听到无支祈痛彻心扉的惨嚎声,袁力顾不得师门禁忌,急忙将姬昊传授的太阴秘法用灵魂传音送入了无支祈的脑海中。 Non- that is running away rapidly prayed obtains the moon to ban the law fiercely, his body startled spirit has fought a shiver, silver blue Monster Qi turned toward the pure silver transformation all over the body suddenly. His personal appearance becomes dimly just likes the big piece moonlight quiet shade, the speed of forward running away is getting more and more fast, has pulled suddenly out a long long string remnant shade. 正在急速逃窜的无支祈猛地得到了太阴禁法,他身体激灵灵的打了个寒战,通体银蓝色的妖气骤然向着纯粹的银色转化。他的身形变得朦朦胧胧犹如大片月华幽影,向前逃窜的速度越来越快,眨眼间就拉出了长长的一长串残影。 Born in immemorial Prehistoric, as the first water ape of Pangu world, did not have to pray heartily, had practiced in immeasurable brilliance playing of moon star. The when advantage of his deep awareness moon star strength to monster clan, how Prehistoric non- to pray the inauguration spirit wisdom, he is inferior to be now intelligent, does not have the magical skill that now is as deep as a well, he infiltrates in the moon star strength, is actually not able to understand the moon star the mystery. 生于太古洪荒,作为盘古世界的第一头水猿,无支祈曾经在太阴星的无量光辉尽情的嬉戏、修炼过。他深深的知道太阴星力对妖族的好处,奈何洪荒时的无支祈初开灵智,他远不如现在聪慧,更没有如今高深莫测的道行,他浸润在太阴星力中,却无法明白太阴星的奥妙。 Has resulted in moon mystique of Yuan Li instruction, does not have to pray a invisible barrier in state of mind to be rumbled to put on suddenly, his Magic Power does not have the least bit amplification, but the magical skill boundary rose dramatically suddenly a big truncation. 得了袁力传授的太阴秘法,无支祈神魂中的一层无形屏障突然被轰穿,他的法力没有半点增幅,但是道行境界突然飙升了一大截。 Hey, hey, hey!” Does not have to pray runs away, while in a shrill voice long smiles loudly: Fire Yuan, waits for meeting father to break your head! thing that your this crowds do not make every effort to succeed, being willing is the idiot who the foreign race malicious ghost works oneself to death!” “嘿嘿,嘿嘿,嘿嘿嘿嘿!”无支祈一边逃窜,一边尖声尖气的放声长笑:“火元,等会老子就打破你的脑袋!你们这群不争气的混账东西,心甘情愿为异族恶鬼卖命的蠢货!” Does not have to pray, later I reduce your hedgehog hydnum!” The fire Yuan also uses fully works oneself to death to pursue, his mouth spitting blood in gulps, he in order to overtakes speed quicker and quicker non- to pray in unceasing combustion Blood Essence. “无支祈,稍后我就砍掉你的猴头!”火元也倾尽全力的卖命追赶,他嘴里大口大口的吐着血,他在不断的燃烧精血以求追上速度越来越快的无支祈。 A sky bang, the golden god light drops from the clouds suddenly together, a fontanel emerges out of thin air in the extremely high vault of heaven, wore a sun soldier in Jinjia quack keenly blowing to throw from the sky innumerably fiercely. Sun soldiers from ground also hundreds of thousands of li (0.5km) distances, innumerable golden flying sword already chaotic mixed just likes storm of extreme twist, having the extremely grating incisive sound to cut from out of the blue. 骤然间天空一声巨响,一道金色神光从天而降,一座天门凭空出现在极高的天穹中,无数身披金甲的金乌道兵‘嘎嘎’尖啸着从天空猛地扑了下来。金乌道兵们距离地面还有数十万里远近,无数的金色飞剑已经乱杂杂的犹如一场急速旋转的暴风雨,带着极其刺耳的尖锐破空声斩了下来。 I...... Damn!” Does not have to pray to shout abuse, the golden flying sword that the sky drops randomly mixed no doubt and the others had treated as the essential target the fire Yuan, but who some acts like a madman not a reasonable sun soldier not to see clearly the person is, several hundred flying swords will not have to pray to treat as the enemy illness to puncture under. “我……操!”无支祈破口大骂,天空乱杂杂落下的金色飞剑固然是将火元等人当做了主要目标,但是还是有一些疯疯癫癫不靠谱的金乌道兵没看清来人是谁,数百支飞剑将无支祈当做了敌人疾刺而下。 Does not have to pray breathless being foul-mouthed, in his waist brocade sack, Yuan Li finds out a head, is groaning toward the troop acquaintance of sky worn out: Help! Help! Ripe, was ripe, arm leg, my lifeblood, entire was ripe! Uncle Ji Xia, Uncle Ji Xia, the Ji Xia ancestor, you a bit faster saves a life!” 无支祈气急败坏的骂骂咧咧,他腰间锦囊中,袁力探出一个脑袋来,朝着天空的一大群熟人有气无力的哼哼着:“救命啊!救命!熟了,熟了,胳膊腿儿,还有我的命根子,全熟了!姬夏大叔,姬夏大爷,姬夏祖宗,您快点救命啊!” The fire Yuan and the others had a scare by the The heaven army who presents towering, their hissing roared is haunching each article defense most precious object, everywhere golden color sword rain has howled to fall, listened to the grating report to be continuous, their treasures of defense also collapsed. 火元等人被突兀出现的天庭大军吓了一跳,他们嘶声怒吼着撑起了一件件防御至宝,漫天金色剑雨呼啸落下,就听刺耳的爆裂声绵绵不绝,他们的防御之宝同时崩溃。 A fire Yuan body was pierced by several hundred handle flying swords, the huge body by the formidable penetrating power asking the price with no intention of buying ground, was poured in the dust stiffly cannot move.( To be continued.) 火元的身体被数百柄飞剑洞穿,庞大的身躯被强大的穿透力硬生生打落地面,倒在尘埃中动弹不得。(未完待续。)
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