TME :: Volume #17

#1622: Aiding

Sky over Pu Ban, above single layer heavy high cloud, dozens person's shadows work according to ability the shuttle to be void. 蒲阪上空,一重重高云之上,数十条人影各尽所能穿梭虚空。 The single layer density current cloud was broken through, winds in the upper heavens were penetrated, the Yuan magnetic pole light and dark green vault of heaven hot and broken soul ice soul and powder shape give the wind...... All sort of fearful natural defenses were thrown by these person's shadows after behind, they use the quickest speed to go forward to the The heaven direction. 一重重流云被突破,一道道罡风被击穿,元磁极光、苍穹天火、碎魂冰魄、散形畀风……诸般可怕的天险被这些人影丢在了身后,他们用最快的速度向天庭的方向前进。 Buzz a dull thumping sound transmits, one be continuous several billions li (0.5km) and vast soup inexhaustible purple aurora come from the extremely far horizon suddenly, has swept these rapid flights person's shadows instantaneously. Guard magic treasure of dozens person's shadows erupt the dazzling ray, under the lethality astonishing aurora impact, guard magic treasure of several people have exuded crashing of being unable to withstand the load. ‘嗡’的一声闷响传来,一条绵延数亿里、浩浩汤汤无穷无尽的紫色极光突然从极远的天际呼啸而来,瞬间扫过这些疾飞的人影。数十条人影的护身巫宝爆发出刺目的光芒,在杀伤力惊人的极光冲击下,好几个人的护身巫宝发出了不堪重负的碎裂声。 Be careful, can enter to enter, cannot enter , then draws back!” Old sound low and deep shouting to clear the way: To the utmost the energy, rushes to The heaven with the quickest speed. Ji Hao is not, when The heaven has the Yao Mountain City high-ranking court official to stay behind, the elders of sun unit are also good, they received god lu now, is the The heaven Spiritual God, has enough authority interference the matter of my Human Race.” “当心一些,能进能进,不能进则退!”一个苍老的声音低沉的喝道:“极尽所能,用最快速度赶到天庭姬昊不在,天庭当有垚山领的重臣留下,金乌部的长老也行,他们如今受了神箓,是天庭神灵,有足够的权力干涉我人族之事。” Dozens person's shadows simultaneously lightly sighed one. 数十条人影同时轻叹了一声。 Not long , the Human Race ancestor has used the innumerable years, got rid of the effect and shackles of The heaven to Human Race. Until now, they actually must request earnestly The heaven to meddle the Human Race internal affairs on own initiative. Luckily now the The heaven only God is Human Race family background Ji Hao, otherwise, is this grade of matter makes them feel sad really? 曾几何时,人族先祖用了无数年时间,才摆脱了天庭人族的影响和桎梏。时至今日,他们却要主动去恳请天庭插手人族内务。幸好如今天庭唯一的天帝是人族出身的姬昊,否则的话,这等事情真的是让他们情何以堪? Requested earnestly The heaven, interfered the matter of Human Race?” A hoarse coarse sound conveys from afar: He He, you, is the Human Race rebel, as long as my Human Race subjects, each one must kill it!” “恳请天庭,干涉人族之事?”一个沙哑难听的声音远远传来:“呵呵,尔等,皆为人族叛徒,但凡我人族子民,个个都得而杀之!” With the hoarse laughter, dozens are thousand zhang (3.33 m) side rivulet light mixes in the aurora **** however comes, listens to the miserable howling sound to be unceasing, several person's shadows were penetrated the chest strategic point by the arrow light, the blood have spurted crash from the upper air rapidly. 伴随着沙哑的笑声,数十条长达千丈的极细流光混在极光中****而来,就听惨嗥声不断,十几条人影被箭光穿透了胸膛要害,鲜血飞洒中从高空急速坠落。 Several hundred build enormous Tianpeng howl to throw to strike from the sky, the Tianpeng whole bodies of these luster light greenish blues are surrounding the rapid astral wind, the wingspan surpasses three hundreds of zhang (333m) Tianpeng carries on the back entire simultaneously stands the troop to grasp the Dongyi archer of strong bow. 数百头体型极大的天鹏呼啸着从天空扑击下来,这些色泽淡青的天鹏周身环绕着湍急的罡风,翼展超过三百丈的天鹏背上整整齐齐的站着大群手持强弓的东夷箭手。 In all the eye pupils of these Dongyi archers the dim light twinkle, regardless of the sclera or the pupil, is hoodwinking one lightly, unlucky being nervous and troubled. 这些东夷箭手的眼眸中幽光闪烁,无论眼白还是瞳孔,全都蒙着一层淡淡的、不祥的灰气。 In the Tianpeng forehead of front line, one height zhang (3.33 m) five, reveal the upper part, on the skin dense and numerous completely is the strong winds sweeps across clouds remnantly the Tattoo middle-aged man is hanging loose the long hair, grasps a great bow to stand erect proudly. 在最前方的一头天鹏头部,一名身高丈五,袒露上半身,皮肤上密密麻麻尽是狂风席卷残云纹身的中年男子披散着长发,手持一张巨弓傲然矗立。 Has my windproof here, you gave up any idea of that approached The heaven one step.” The middle-aged man rough long face of twitched, is very ugly smiling: „Does wish make The heaven meddle my Human Race internal affairs? Hey, and makes me and others capture alive to capture alive you, offers Gongsun Xuxu...... No, offers in front of Gongsun Great Emperor, behind you these people, must die!” “有吾防风氏在此,尔等休想靠近天庭一步。”中年男子粗犷的马脸抽搐了一下,很是难看的笑着:“想要让天庭插手我人族内务?嘿嘿,且让吾将你等生擒活捉,献去公孙溆溆……不,献去公孙大帝面前,你们背后的那些人,一个个都要死!” With the big laughter of windproof, below astral wind day fire several thousand metal discs shoot up to the sky suddenly. On the diameter zhang (3.33 m) metal disc has stood fully-armed Jia Clan Warrior, they grasp the specially-made strong bow similarly, wear a look of grins fiendishly looks that was surrounded dozens person's shadows that by Tianpeng. 随着防风氏的大笑声,下方的罡风天火中突然有数万枚金属圆盘冲天而起。直径丈许的金属圆盘上站满了全副武装的伽族战士,他们同样手持特制的强弓,面带狞笑的看着被天鹏包围的数十条人影。 You......” by the people of numerous surrounding , a hoary-headed old person shouted to clear the way fierce: Windproof, you do not know that Gongsun Xuxu doesn't have virtue to inherit the position of Human Emperor incompetently? By his welldoing , he if has become Human Emperor, simply is difficult of my Human Race.” “你们……”被重重包围的众人中,一名白发苍苍的老人厉声喝道:“防风氏,你难道不知道,公孙溆溆根本无德无能继承人皇之位?以他的德行,他若是成了人皇,简直就是我人族之难。” Windproof looks fierce to smile, drew out arrow that Thunder light has sparkled to build leisurely on the bowstring: I know that Gongsun Xuxu is not a thing, on road that regulating waterways marches, unexpectedly can mix up with the foreign race woman male servant, this is a through bastard.” 防风氏龇牙咧嘴一笑,慢条斯理的拔出了一枚雷光闪耀的箭矢搭在了弓弦上:“我知道公孙溆溆不是个东西,在治水行军的路上,居然都能和异族女人厮混在一起,这是一个彻头彻尾的混蛋。” But is Human Emperor a bastard, what closes my windproof to relate?” Windproof complacent smiling of: My windproof has the fertile soil 1 billion li (0.5km) in Dongyi, enough all my clansmen enjoy a good and prosperous life, does the Human Race life, close my trifling thing?” “但是人皇是不是个混蛋,关我防风氏什么关系?”防风氏得意洋洋的笑着:“我防风氏在东夷有沃土1000000000里,足够我所有族人安居乐业,人族的死活,关我屁事?” Said again, to let Gongsun xu xu takes over the Human Emperor throne smoothly, several old fogies of Gongsun had promised my many advantage, the territory of my windproof can double, has the massive slave, draft animal, the jade coin, jade, Magic Crystals and weapon mail-armor and helmet wait / etc., why don't I support him?” “再说了,为了让公孙溆溆顺利接掌人皇宝座,公孙氏的几个老家伙许诺了我很多好处,我防风氏的领地能增加一倍有余,更有大量的奴隶、牲口、玉币、玉璧、巫晶、兵器甲胄等等,我干嘛不支持他?” Windproof sneers saying: Emperor Shun has not given me these many advantage...... Si will Wenming, by his temper, how he buy over me for the personal interest? Makes person of the virtuous behavior Human Emperor with it, does not have any advantage, might as well lets a bastard superior, I have enough benefit by all means on the line!” 防风氏冷笑道:“帝舜可没给我这么多好处……姒文命嘛,以他的性子,他岂会为了个人私利而收买我?与其让一位贤德之人成为人皇,却没有任何好处,还不如让一个混蛋上位,我只管自家有足够的利益就行!” The grey head and a companion quite a while make the sound not to, windproof is so red - bare - bare villain countenance, making them really not have the words to say. 白发老人和一众同伴半天作声不得,防风氏如此赤-裸-裸的小人嘴脸,让他们实在是没有话说。 Windproof self-satisfied smiling of, his sinking sound said: Said again, lets Gongsun xu xu superior, is not the meaning of Emperor Shun, but is the meaning of sage...... You attempted the praying mantis arm, when car(riage), hey, afterward has you to feel better.” 防风氏得意的笑了笑,他沉声说道:“再说了,让公孙溆溆上位,可不是帝舜的意思,而是圣人之意……尔等妄图螳臂当车,嘿嘿,事后有你们好受的。” ‚The meaning of sage? ‘圣人之意’? The grey heads and companions look at windproof with amazement. 白发老人和同伴们骇然看着防风氏。 Which sage? Sage who where comes? Human Race sage? Human Race can be honoured as a sage, how many can have? That several, were no matter already Human Race internal affairs. One such as Human Race first Human Emperor Fuxi, does he choose Gongsun Xuxu such person becomes Human Emperor? 哪个圣人?哪里来的圣人?人族的圣人么?人族能够被尊称为圣人的,能有几个?那几位,可是早就不管人族内务的了。一如人族第一位人皇伏羲氏,他怎么选择公孙溆溆这样的人成为人皇 Gives on me!” Windproof pulls open Longbow to shout to clear the way fierce: Grasps lives, this may be the living personal testimony! Hey, colludes with The heaven, interferes the Human Race internal affairs, this charge enough their entire clan high and low were reduced to the slave!” “给我上!”防风氏拉开长弓厉声喝道:“抓活的,这可都是活生生的人证!嘿嘿,勾结天庭,干涉人族内务,这个罪名足够他们阖族上下都被贬为奴隶!” The Dongyi archer who Tianpeng carries on the back, the Jia Clan strong bowman on metal round small dish simultaneously pulls open Longbow, innumerable arrow howled has been covering the grey head and one group of companions, their defense magic treasure emitted the eye-catching ray. 天鹏背上的东夷箭手,金属圆碟上的伽族强弓手同时拉开长弓,无数箭矢呼啸着覆盖了白发老人和一群同伴,他们身上的防御巫宝放出夺目光芒。 Listens to clang clang a bang to be unceasing, grey head their defense magic treasure were penetrated extremely in a short time, arrow penetrated their four limbs, the bodies of some people were shot by arrow, the big piece blood spurts the expansive sky. 就听‘铛铛’一阵巨响不断,白发老人他们身上的防御巫宝在极短时间内被击穿,箭矢穿透了他们的四肢,更有人的肢体被箭矢射断,大片鲜血飞洒长空。 Windproof!” Grey head's two arms simultaneously by together the shoulder interruption, he are looking at windproof gets angry fierce roar. “防风氏!”白发老人的两条手臂同时被齐着肩膀打断,他看着防风氏厉声怒啸。 I.” Windproof complacent smiling of: Shrieking and howling wildly what makes? Obedient being without a fight, you are in brief impossible to approach the The heaven half step. Has me to defend here, The heaven that crowd of idiot rumors do not want to receive.” “我在呢。”防风氏得意洋洋的笑着:“鬼哭狼嚎的做什么?乖乖的束手就擒,总之你们是不可能靠近天庭半步。有我在这里守着,天庭的那群蠢货一点儿风声都别想收到。” The windproof self-satisfied laughter has not stood still, in the upper air suddenly had the big piece roaring flame to clash. 防风氏得意的笑声还没停歇,高空中突然有大片烈焰冲了下来。 Quack keenly blowing sound is deafening, shakes the person five main internal organs (entrails) to shiver, the coarse sun sounds just likes the nightmare same sweeps across to come, to frighten windproof and his all subordinates, frightened these Jia Clan heavy bowmen to cover the ear. ‘嘎嘎’尖啸声震耳欲聋,震得人五脏六腑都在颤抖,难听的金乌鸣叫犹如梦魇一样席卷而来,吓得防风氏和他所有的手下,吓得那些伽族重弓手纷纷捂住了耳朵。 However is useless, the sun cry penetrating power is too strong, throws Three-legged Golden Crow that at least to have tens of millions heads from the upper air, these many suns screamed with one voice that sound penetrates their body bang directly in their souls, shakes their spurting blood in gulps, shakes their soul quickly to disrupt. 但是没有用,金乌的叫声穿透力太强,从高空扑下来的三足金乌起码有数千万头,这么多金乌齐声尖叫,那声音直接穿透他们的身体轰在他们的灵魂上,震得他们大口大口的喷血,震得他们灵魂都快碎裂。 Ji Xia is riding Three-legged Golden Crow, dropping from the clouds of pushing to the front. 姬夏骑着一头三足金乌,一马当先的从天而降。 „Is father an idiot? Hey, windproof, looks at your head!” Ji Xia gives a loud shout, in the hand long halberd cuts to fall to the windproof overhead.( To be continued.) “老子是蠢货?嘿,防风氏,看你的脑袋!”姬夏大喝一声,手中长戟向防风氏当头斩落。(未完待续。)
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