TME :: Volume #17

#1621: Grand ceremony

Pu Ban, everybody turning out, the stream of people are turbulent. 蒲阪,万人空巷,人流汹涌。 Actually the subjects passionate discussion of Human Race new Human Emperor is being what person, Gongsun Xuxu this name, is very strange to over 99% Human Race subjects, they have never heard Gongsun Xuxu. 人族的子民们热情洋溢的讨论着新人皇究竟是一个什么样的人,公孙溆溆这个名字,对99以上的人族子民而言很陌生,他们从未听说过公孙溆溆。 In Pu Ban and in entire Human Race, by having the words of popularity, Si Wenming fame at least is Gongsun Xuxu over 100,000 times. 蒲阪、在整个人族,论起知名度的话,姒文命的名望起码是公孙溆溆的100000倍以上。 The Human Race subjects harbor simplest and most primitive enthusiasm and expectation, was discussing and Gongsun Xuxu related all. They hope can have one well new Human Emperor, leading the Human Race subjects to have the auspicious day. 人族的子民们怀着最朴素、最原始的热情和憧憬,讨论着和公孙溆溆有关的一切。他们希望能有一个‘好’的新人皇,带领人族的子民过上好日子。 In many Human Race child popular sentiments wonders, new shouldn't Human Emperor, be Si Wenming? 有很多人族子民心中纳闷,新的人皇,不应该是姒文命么? However Gongsun Xuxu comes Gongsun, this gave him very high awarded marks, the posterity of shaft Saint sovereign has taken the post of new Human Emperor, this should not have what issue?, Prestige of Emperor Shun in Human Race child popular sentiment was extremely also high, he must turn over the throne to another Human Emperor throne to Gongsun Xuxu, wants to come in the ordinary Human Race subjects, this decides however has thought. 但是公孙溆溆出身公孙氏,这就给了他很高的加分,轩辕圣皇的后人出任新人皇,这应该是没有什么问题的吧?再说了,帝舜人族子民心中的威望极高,他要将人皇宝座禅让给公孙溆溆,在普通的人族子民想来,这定然是深思熟虑过的。 Gongsun Xuxu, is definitely more suitable than into Si Wenming new Human Emperor, otherwise, why can Emperor Shun designate him? 公孙溆溆,肯定比姒文命更适合成为新的人皇,不然的话,为什么帝舜要选定他呢? Outside the Pu Ban city, a giant incomparable altar has completed at the same night. Piles of sacrificial offering bonfire flaming combustion, Magi palace Shaman slaughter the sacrificial offering by the bonfire, offers sacrifices to the world Spiritual God, the hope good crop weather, implored the Human Race luck to transport prolonged. 蒲阪城外,一座巨大无比的祭坛已经连夜建成。一堆堆祭祀篝火熊熊燃烧,巫殿巫祭们在篝火旁宰杀祭品,向天地神灵献祭,祈求风调雨顺、祈求人族福运绵长。 The innumerable Human Race subjects surround the altar, composed one dense vast ocean one not to look at the boundary. 无数人族子民环绕祭坛,组成了一片黑压压的汪洋大海一眼望不到边际。 Their great shout is standing the Emperor Shun given name top altar, in the Tsunami shout, often combines is shouting loudly the sound of Gongsun Xuxu given name., Gongsun Xuxu name also has made gradually a sound in the crowd, many people are looking left and right, want first to see Gongsun Xuxu. 他们大声呼喊着站在祭坛顶部的帝舜名号,海啸般的呼喊声中,不时混杂着高呼公孙溆溆名号的声音。渐渐地,公孙溆溆的名字也在人群中响了起来,好些人在左右顾盼,想要第一时间见到公孙溆溆。 The elders and core clansmen's of numerous Gongsun intercourse in the crowd shuttle back and forth, they have one to be anxious and anxious jubilantly and simultaneously, unceasing and leader exchange ideas of major clans. 众多公孙氏的长老和核心族人在人群中往来穿梭,他们喜气洋洋、同时又带着一丝焦虑、焦急,不断的和各大氏族的首领交流意见。 They are well aware Gongsun Xuxu should not become Human Emperor, but for the benefit idea of Gongsun, since Emperor Shun proposed Gongsun Xuxu is the next Human Emperor candidate, then Gongsun naturally is glad the up and down slope to put the donkey. 他们心知肚明公孙溆溆根本不应该成为人皇,但是为了公孙氏的利益计,既然帝舜提出了公孙溆溆是下一任人皇人选,那么公孙氏自然乐得顺坡放驴。 But because just the candidate is Gongsun Xuxu, he prestige in Human Race is too low, basically does not have any prestige to say, therefore Gongsun must carry on enough benefit exchange, make various promises with the major clans to the major clans, this can guarantee the Gongsun Xuxu safe superior. 但正因为人选是公孙溆溆,他在人族中的威望太低,基本上没有任何威望可言,所以公孙氏必须和各大氏族进行足够的利益交换、对各大氏族许下各种诺言,这样才能确保公孙溆溆平安上位。 If changed into Si Wenming, if he takes over the Human Emperor throne, does not need such to use energy. 如果换成了姒文命,他若是接掌人皇宝座,是根本不需要这么费劲的。 In the limitless tide of people, these and Si Wenming is on good terms, a strength supports Si Wenming to take over the emperor's children face darkens of clan and tribe leaders and major clans of Human Emperor throne, possibly erupts the thunder anger at any time. 无边无际的人潮中,那些和姒文命交好,一力支持姒文命接掌人皇宝座的部族首领和各大氏族的帝子们脸色阴沉,随时可能爆发出雷霆怒火。 Emperor Shun gave up Si Wenming unexpectedly, unexpectedly must give Gongsun xu xu that the non- virtue incapacity and moral character cannot withstand profligately the Human Emperor throne. Emperor's children filled with fury of these clan and tribe leader and big clan, so long as there is a little external stimulation, they immediately erupt. 帝舜居然放弃了姒文命,居然要将人皇宝座交给无德无才、品格放荡不堪的公孙溆溆。这些部族首领和大氏族的帝子们满腔怒火,只要有一点点外来的刺激,他们就会立刻爆发。 However they have anger (Fire Qi) of full belly spatially, how is actually not able to erupt. 但是他们空有满肚皮的火气,却怎么都无法爆发出来。 Si Wenming? 文命呢? Si Wenming where? 文命在哪里? If Si Wenming, has not been in charge of The heaven now, Ji Hao of position high weight also sufficiently manages the situation. 如果姒文命不在的话,如今已经入主天庭,位高权重的姬昊也足以主持局势。 But Ji Hao not in! Where Si Wenming did not know, Ji Hao not in Pu Ban, even side Si Wenming and Ji Hao these important military officers and retainers, did not know the whereabouts. 可是姬昊也不在!姒文命不知道去了哪里,姬昊也不在蒲阪,甚至姒文命姬昊身边的那些重要将领、家臣,也都不知道去向。 A group of people without a leader, these support Si Wenming clan and tribe leader and emperor's children feel helpless at a loss, does not know how should deal with the present situation. They are well aware, Gongsun in the strategic maneuvering, time each past quarter, the bolster support that Gongsun drew is being bigger. 群龙无首,这些支持姒文命的部族首领和帝子茫然不知所措,不知道该如何应付眼前的局势。他们心知肚明,公孙氏正在合纵连横,时间每过去一刻钟,公孙氏拉到的支持力度就越大。 Si Wenming has enemy in Human Race, just the opposite is governing the later period of big flood, Si Wenming and Ji Hao offended too many too many people, the innumerable big clans and big clans and tribes have become their enemies. 文命人族内部不是没有敌人,恰恰相反在治理大洪水的后期,姒文命姬昊得罪了太多太多的人,无数大氏族、大部族都成了他们的敌人。 Initially had the shaft Saint sovereign, Shennong and others generation of Human Emperor to appear first, suppressed these to oppose Si Wenming clan and tribe influence forcefully. 当初是有轩辕圣皇、神农氏等先代人皇出现,强行镇压了这些反对姒文命的部族势力。 But now shaft Saint sovereign, Shennong and the others disappeared without a trace, Emperor Shun openly stated that he wants the imperial sacrifices position to Gongsun Xuxu, these opposed that Si Wenming, opposes the Ji Hao person, so long as gives them the little benefit, they definitely are happy. 可是现在轩辕圣皇、神农氏等人不知去向,帝舜已经公开声明他要禅位给公孙溆溆,那些反对姒文命、反对姬昊的人,只要给他们一点点利益,他们肯定乐见其成。 If Gongsun Xuxu sat the Human Emperor throne...... Even if Si Wenming and Ji Hao did come back to be also useful? 如果公孙溆溆坐上了人皇宝座……就算姒文命姬昊回来了又有什么用? Si Wenming these years are Human Race go through rain and wind, leading the innumerable brothers friends to be Human Race throw the head to sprinkle warm-blooded, have these merit all wasted inadequately? He for these many meritorious services that Human Race performs, all has become white paper? Innumerable sacrifice Human Race Warrior and Human Race hero, their death also such Ping Bai vanishing into thin air? 文命这些年来为人族风里来雨里去,带着无数兄弟友人为人族抛头颅洒热血,这些功劳全都白费了不成?他为人族建立的这么多功勋,全都成了白纸一张么?无数牺牲的人族战士人族豪杰,他们的死也都这么平白的烟消云散了么? „Is this is up to mischief?” Huaxu Lie and Lie Mountain Xu high and other emperor's children angry repetitive stamping the feet, they are anxious with many allies about look around: Wenming big brother Wenming big brother, you when such awfully suddenly leaves the basket? Did Ji Hao your this boy, where go to? Actually did you and Wenming big brother go to where?” “这是搞什么鬼?”华胥烈烈山亢等几个帝子恼怒的连连跺脚,他们和许多盟友焦急得左右张望:“文命大兄啊文命大兄,你怎么在这么要命的时候突然出篓子?姬昊你这小子,去了哪里?你和文命大兄究竟去了哪里?” Does not have Si Wenming and Ji Hao acts, Huaxu Lie they simply have not given a pretext and had no reason and not to have enough authority to break to turn over the throne to another grand ceremony. 没有姒文命姬昊出面,华胥烈他们根本没有借口、没有理由、更没有足够的权力去打断禅让大典。 The clan and tribe leaders and Human Race who many and Si Wenming is on good terms wait to suppress the face to be purplish red, chest one group of Yu Qi, almost suppresses them to spit blood. 好些和姒文命交好的部族首领、人族伯候憋得面孔紫红,胸口一团郁气,憋得他们差点想要吐血。 Fierce Ding, does not have Chong Bu the elder to shout to clear the way in a low voice: Dispatches the manpower, hurries The heaven to find the person. Sir Wenming is not , the Ji Hao Great Emperor is not, in The heaven definitely has the trusted friend trusted subordinate who Sir Ji Hao leaves behind. In the name of The heaven, interruption turns over the throne to another grand ceremony forcefully!” 猛不丁的,一名有崇部的长老低声喝道:“派遣人手,赶紧去天庭找人。文命大人不在,姬昊大帝不在,天庭中肯定有姬昊大人留下的心腹亲信。用天庭的名义,强行打断禅让大典!” People eyes suddenly one bright, immediately dozens person's shadows escape the crowd. 众人眼睛骤然一亮,立刻有数十条人影遁出了人群。 Had Chong Bu the elder to say right, The heaven was the world is legitimate, wields the Pangu world world lawful right, harassed the Human Race turning over the throne to another grand ceremony somewhat to be no doubt improper with the The heaven authority, but was passable from the truth. 有崇部的长老说得没错,天庭乃天地正统,执掌盘古世界天地权柄,用天庭的权威来扰乱人族的禅让大典固然有些不妥,但是从道理上是说得过去的。 So long as The heaven acts to question that Gongsun Xuxu inherits the qualifications of Human Emperor throne, the manner that so long as The heaven expressed was stronger, Gongsun Xuxu wanted to receive Human Emperor throne that is the matter that the countless sufferings and hardships, wants not to think. 只要天庭出面质疑公孙溆溆继承人皇宝座的资格,只要天庭表示的态度强硬一些,公孙溆溆想要接过人皇宝座那就是千难万难、想都别想的事情。 Emperor Shun stands top the altar, received Wulong Yao to hand over the past volume of pray documents. 帝舜站在祭坛顶部,接过了五龙垚递过去的一卷祈祷文卷。 He spreads out the reel loudly and clearly, the sound of talking read aloud to offer sacrifice to heaven to pray the article, the hope world Spiritual God sheltered Human Race, blessed the Human Race person to be luxuriant, good crop weather, blessed Human Race all clans and tribes to be able having ample food and clothing, to enjoy a good and prosperous life. 他摊开卷轴,语声洪亮的念诵起了祭天祈祷文,祈求天地神灵庇护人族,保佑人族人丁繁茂、风调雨顺,保佑人族所有部族都能丰衣足食、安居乐业。 Such pray article before is turning over the throne to another grand ceremony officially must talk over many times, this turns over the throne to another grand ceremony at least to continue of half a month. 这样的祈祷文在正式禅让大典前还要念叨许多次,这个禅让大典起码要持续半个月之久。 Pu Ban north, is away from Pu Ban 1 million li (0.5km) remote, does not have to pray the hissing to roar is wielding the thick ice big stick, Yuan and under besieging of several person's shadows slaughters in the fire crazily. The blood prays within the body to spray unceasingly from cut and bruised non-, in the ground does not have the iceberg that completely prays the blood coagulation to form. 蒲阪的北面,距离蒲阪1000000里之遥,无支祈嘶声怒吼着挥动玄冰大棒,在火元和十几条人影的围攻下疯狂厮杀。鲜血不断从遍体鳞伤的无支祈体内喷洒出来,地面上满是无支祈鲜血凝固形成的冰山。 In a fire Yuan pupil is glittering the treacherous dim light, his light saying: Does not have to pray, cannot think that your monster soul has merged into one organic whole with your monster body...... However, you want Pu Ban to notify, cannot.” 火元的眸子里闪烁着诡谲的幽光,他淡淡的说道:“无支祈,想不到你的妖魂已经和你妖身融为一体……不过,你想要回去蒲阪报信,可是不能的。” The response fire Yuan, does not have a stick that prays to use to rumble fully.( To be continued.) 回应火元的,是无支祈倾尽全力轰出的一棒。(未完待续。)
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